TygerBurger Kraaifontein - 25 March 2020

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TygerBurger en Media24 het nie ondersoek en vasgestel of enige van die dienste of produkte geadverteer die verlangde resultate of uiteinde sal hê nie. Lesers moet asseblief kennis neem dat sommige van die beloofde resultate in hierdie advertensies buitengewoon is en dalk selfs onmoontlik is om te behaal. Sommige van die prosedures en beloftes geadverteer mag dalk gevaarlik wees indien nie uitgevoer deur 'n gekwalifiseerde mediese praktisyn nie. Lesers word gewa a rs ku d a t h u l l e d i e a d ve r tee rd e r s e geloofwaardigheid en besonderhede deeglik moet ondersoek. TygerBurger en Media24 aanvaar geen aanspreeklikheid vir enige van die geadverteerde dienste of produkte nie. X1U894D6-AL160518

Woensdag, 25 Maart 2020 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za




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Go well...

Joining the fight against the spread of Codvid-19, petrol attendants at Zoo Park Motors Shell on Brighton Road serve customers while wearing trendy see-through face masks. Customers’ hands are also sanitised before and after being served. Pictured here are Xolisani Mavume, Ben Silahla, Patric Lekau, Marshall Luwish, Artwell Charingeno and Siyavuya Sigijimi. PHOTO: THABANG KUAHO


Girl raped, pregnant THABANG KUAHO @thab_journo


raaifontein police are investigating a case of rape after a 12-year-old girl was allegedly attacked while visiting family in Wallacedene a few months ago. The incident came to light when it was discovered that she is preganant. Police spokesperson Capt Hein Hendricks says the revelation came after the child fell ill. “The little girl was taken to hospital on

Monday 16 March and it was discovered that she is pregnant,” Hendricks says. “After interviewing the child, it was discovered that she was raped by someone a few months back while visiting family in Wallacedene.” He says officers in the Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences (FCS) unit are still following up on leads to trace the alleged rapist. Hendricks urges young victims to report incidents as soon as possible. “Victims can report these incidents to

their parents, teachers or even their nearest police station.” Speaking to Tygerburger, Themba Masango of Not In My Name; a social movement advocating for men to protect women condemns this “violent and evil” act and calls for swift action from police. “When found, he should be granted no bail and should receive the harshest sentence,” Masango says. He further says such crimes destroy families and the child’s future. “After the ordeal, the child is left to pick up the pieces and move on with their lives.

We call on the courts that when the perpetrator is arrested and sentenced, there should be no option for parole.” Masango says organisations involved should make sure that the child, as well as her family receive the support they need. “It must be made sure that the child understands that it is not her fault and that she can still have the life that she has always dreamt of.” He calls on men to speak out against gender-based violence. V To page 2

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