Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2020 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos:
As thousands of plastic bottles washed ashore on Milnerton beach near the lighthouse, volunteers jumped in to assist with the clean-up. Residents in the area blame the shocking sight on irresponsible beachgoers who constantly litter on the beach.
Plastic wave hits beach KAILIN DANIELS @k10daniels
housands of plastic bottles washed ashore on Milnerton beach near the lighthouse on Friday 21 August. Residents expressed their shock at the sight of what they refer to as a “wave of plastic bottles”, blaming the mess on irresponsible beachgoers. Save A Fishie, who is responsible for most of the clean ups on Milnerton beaches, came to the rescue and held an emergency clean-
up. Zoë Prinsloo from Save A Fishie said more than 140 bags of litter were removed from the beach on Friday 21 August. “Friday was a day I won’t forget in a long time. After seeing a post from a Milnerton resident about a huge plastic washout on the beach, I kept my promise and my mom and I were there at 09:00, bags and gloves in hand. What I saw, shocked me. Never have I ever seen such a sight! “Literally thousands of plastic bottles and tins had washed up on the shore. It was hor-
rific to say the least,” Prinsloo said. Eager volunteers jumped in and assisted with the clean up, removing not only plastic bottles and tins, but nappies and nets as well. A group of ladies from LOK Consulting picked up the litter from 08:00 until 14:30. “I want to thank each and every one for their hard work and lovely attitude and spirit. Carrying 49 garbage bags, some very heavy, over 2km of beach sand is not for the fainthearted. “With the first truck load of over 90 bags having already gone to the recycler, and
these 49 bags, that brings a total of about 140 bags of litter off the beach. And this being done by only between 20 and 25 people is amazing. Thank you so much to those few who did come to help and to those few that came just as we had finished, but who still took bags to go and clean whatever we couldn’t,” she said. The Milnerton Central Residents Association expressed their gratitude to the volunteers for their time and effort. V To page 2