Woensdag, 10 Februarie 2021 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos:
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Arts festval on WhatsApp My Body My Space, curated by The Forgotten Angle Theatre Collaborative, and funded by the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture and the National Arts Council, brings over 80 new works to audiences via a dedicated WhatsApp line. Access this free festival by sending the word ‘HI’ to 060 011 0444 and following the menu prompts.
Patrollers deliver baby RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj
hen two neighbourhood watch members recently attended a scene at the Parow train station, they were unaware of the eventful turn that their evening was going to take. Peter Cloete, chair of the Parow Crime Fighters (Pacrif) Neighbourhood Watch, and fellow watch member, Wendy Skorbinski, were attending a scene where a vagrant had passed away as a result of natural causes at the train station earlier the evening on Thursday 4 February. The deceased woman was apparently stay-
ing in one of the make-shift tents at the station in Cloete Street – a site commonly known as Rat City. It was at about 21:00 when the two neighbourhood watch members attended to the call following the middle aged woman’s death. While there, the two were alerted of another matter which required their attention. “One of the ladies at a block of flats came to us and said that a woman is having contractions and that she needed help,” Cloete says. The two made their way to the flat located in the nearby Parow Street. “The mother experienced some difficulty getting her baby out. The umbilical cord was around the baby’s neck and the baby was already
blue. We managed to save the child though,” Cloete says. The mother was assisted by Skorbinski during her birth. Apart from her duties as a member of the neighbourhood watch, Skorbinski is also a law enforcement member, as well as a registered professional nurse, explains Cloete. Skorbinski is also a midwife. The baby arrived at 22:24. “The ambulance arrived about two minutes later. Everything went down fine and even they thanked Skorbinski for saving the child,” says Cloete. The ambulance personnel were very appreciative of what she had done. The baby is a big baby who could be weigh-
ing about four kilograms. Cloete says their evening turned out very different from how it started. “We were called out to the death of a vagrant at the train station, and then the birth of the baby.” He says it would have been worse for the mother had they not gotten there on time. Cloete says both the mother and child were taken to hospital and is currently doing fine. “There were no complications. Obviously she was in a bit of pain, but everything is okay.” The mother and child was transported to hospital by the EMS ambulance service. “All thanks go to our God for giving us this experience,” says Cloete.
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