TygerBurger Parow - 18 December 2019

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The TygerBurger team is taking a break. Our next edition will find its way to your postbox on 15 January 2020. Also look out for a special early edition on 8 January in selected areas.

We wish all our readers a safe festive season.

Woensdag, 18 Desember 2019 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za



11 tydskrifte + 35 koerante


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Christmas came early for Badisa kids Parow police, together with representatives of the Biomedical Research and Innovation Platform, visited Badisa in Sixth Street, Elsies River, on Thursday 12 December. They donated toys to a few of the young children in the care of the centre. Shoe boxes containing toiletries, clothing, toys and sweets were given to the children as early Christmas presents. “We bought all of the presents,” Lt Col Kobus van Dyk, police spokesperson, says. About 35 children benefitted from the initiative which forms part of the police’s 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children campaign. See more photos on page 13. PHOTO: TARRYN-LEIGH SOLOMONS


‘Gang might return’ RICHARD ROBERTS @richardjohn_rj


community worker in Parow is living in fear after he was nearly attacked by a suspected group of gangsters. Jimi Bertrand, the founder of the non-profit company Spirituality Media Charity, says he is afraid the group of about seven may return and hurt him as they had threatened to do. “I know most street people here in the area and the gangsters too because I help them. “I do not know this group of gangsters though,” he told TygerBurger on Wednes-

day last week. The attempted attack occurred on Sunday 8 December, shortly after his return from church. “That must have been around 16:00 or 17:00. “I went to check on the water pipe outside the house because we had a plumbing problem and the plumber was only going to come out on the Monday. “It was hot, so I decided to stand outside for a bit. “A group of gangsters was sitting on the corner and they started pointing their fingers at me, saying stuff, but I could not make

out what they were saying,” Bertrand says. At the time he was standing at his front gate. “One of them said, ‘You slept with our girl and you did not pay’. I was confused and did not know what they were talking about. That is when they started to get violent.” Bertrand, whose NPO regularly organises public information sessions at the local clinic, headed back inside his house, locking the gates and doors. This, however, did not stop the group who continued to harass him. “Some of them tried to jump over the fence.

“They said they would kill me if I did not give them R100. They had knives. I again told them that they had me confused with someone else, but they said it was not true, that they wanted their money. I stayed inside my flat, hoping they would go away.” Bertrand gave a few of them cash. “I think I gave them about R70.” One of the attackers tried to climb through one of his windows, he says. “The person said he would kill me; that he would shoot me.” Apparently, the group demanded cash from his neighbours as well. V To page 2







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