Tygerburger Ravensmead & Belhar 3 March 2012

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Woensdag 7 Maart 2012

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Wisemen of the East in harmony The Boland Christmas Band associa­ tion held their union’s second annual competition at the Salberau Sports­ ground in Elsies River on Sunday, and it was a day filled with magical music as well as fun and games for the kids and many families from the commu­ nity who attended the event. The event was a huge success as the eight bands in the union played their hearts out, but the day belonged to locals, Wisemen of the East, who scooped most of the trophies for the day. Here they are seen marching past the podium to win the trophy for the Best Dressed category.

) ‘No similar incidents’ say police

Dog attack one case GARY VAN DYK

Police are calling for calm, after a guard dog attacked a child. While a Belhar toddler is still in intensive care after being mauled by a dog, police have squashed rumours that other children had been attacked. The community is still in shock after three-year-old Lincoln Nimmerhuidt was attacked by a Rottweiler that ran out of the Perseverance Secondary School.

At the time of the attack at about 08:00 on Sunday he was walking to the doctor with his stepfather, Uzent Links. According to the police report Links described how the dog grabbed Lincoln by the neck and would not let him go. Apparently the dog was part of security at the school but dug its way out of its holding area and ran out of the school. Links also described how the dog would not let go of the boy and tried to drag him into the school, even

when he tried to throw himself at the dog to let him leave the toddler. The youngster was taken to Karl Bremer Hospital and underwent surgery for injuries to his head, face and body. Police spokesperson W/O November Filander said the dog was put down by the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). A case of letting a dangerous dog stray was opened against the unnamed security company operating at the school. Police have called for calm in the

area after rumours that dogs from this specific company had escaped before and attacked others surrounding the school. Capt Joe Wilson, media officer for the Delft Cluster which covers Belhar, said that these rumours were not true. “This is the first incident of this nature that we are investigating,” he said. “If there had been other incidents action would most certainly have been taken and the public would have known about it. I am also sure

that if there were any victims they would not have hesitated to report the incident. “We are all aware that the community is concerned for this little boy but we cannot let emotions based on rumours make matters worse. The police will be investigating this incident to the fullest and if there is any criminal wrongdoing the proper punishment will be meted out to the guilty parties.” At the time of going to press, Lincoln was still in a critical condition. . To page 2.

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