TygerBurger Brackenfell 20161221

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Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e­pos: nuus@tygerburger.co.za




Families celebrate gift of life DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke


Beautiful little Gadija Mohamed is completely charmed by Johan “Richboy” Potgieter, aka Santa Claus, who not only attends to all the fund’s printing and branding requirements, but proved to be a most memorable addition to the event. PHOTO: KIEKIEPHOTO

he Giraffe House Wildlife Awareness Centre in Muldersvlei set the scene for festivities when 46 families – all parents of special needs children – celebrated the gift of life at Daniël and Friends Fund’s third annual Christmas party. This non-profit organisation was formed three years ago by three mothers of special needs children, of whom two passed away in 2013. Their vision was to create a platform for a stronger, more intimate special needs community, and in doing so providing personal support to parents and children. The atmosphere was thus filled with companionship and intimacy. “It was in fact no different to that of a small, close-knit family gathering,” says Nicky de Beer, a director of the organisation, about the event. An emotional highlight of the morning was the traditional lighting of candles in memoriam of the children who had passed away during the year. “The group reflected on

the past year with unrestrained emotion when remembering these children, who had earned their angels’ wings.” Some moms and dads who, during the course of the year, stood out in their own unique way, were recognised with special awards. Then it was time for the children to enjoy a visit from Santa Claus. De Beer says the organisation had enjoyed its most rewarding and fulfilling year yet. “With almost 90 registered families now, the fund was able to provide various elements of support to several children by way of donating equipment, sponsoring intervention therapy and providing assistance for day-today needs.” Much was accomplished in 2016. “The fund helped facilitate the Painting It Forward 2016 project at Karl Bremer Hospital’s paediatric unit in September this year, and was once again able to contribute to Sive Nathi Licenced Home in Blackheath with their Santa Shoebox Project earlier this month,” she adds. V To page 2.


2 TYGERBURGER Brackenfell


Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016

FROM PAGE 1 Relying purely on the generosity of the public to sustain the fund, finances were sourced through various events held during the year. Co-director Kate Laurie says the 2017 lineup already boasts a Starry Night themed dance in February, a Ladies’ Tea in May and the second annual Touching the Heart gala evening in June, which this year welcomed guests like Emo Adams and his wife, Michelle Gildenhuys Adams, Dr Darren Green and Olympic swimmer Ryk Neethling. “This year also saw the introduction of the fund’s Different Is Cool awareness campaign, which is an age appropriate pro-

gramme presented to schools to help raise awareness for children with disabilities and the challenges they and their families face,” Laurie says. The campaign was launched in September with the unique Different Is Cool fashion show, a fundraising event which gave the “differently-abled” children an opportunity to strut their stuff on the runway. For further information on the fund, visit their website at www.danielandfriends.com or contact Nicky de Beer at nicky@danielandfriends.com or on 084 589 7807. V What is your opinion on this article? Let us know at briewe@tygerburger.co.za.

From left are Prof Pieter Fourie (founder), Anna-Mart Muller (CEO) and directors Lianie le Roux, Nicky de Beer, Kate Laurie and Nico Walters from the Daniël and Friends Fund. PHOTO: KIEKIEPHOTO

Uitgewer: TygerBurger word uitgegee deur WP Media en is deel van die Media 24-groep Verspreding: TygerBurger Brackenfell word elke Woensdag in die volgende gebiede afgelewer: Arauna, Brackenfell Central, Brackenfell Heights, De Oude Spruit, De Tuin, Welgelee, Eden Park, Ferndale, Hoogstede, Klaradyn Estate, Kleinbron Estate, Kleinbron Park, Morgenster, Morgensterhoogte, Normandie Estate, Protea Village, Proteahoogte, Sonkring, Burgundy, St Michaels, Vredekloof, Vredekloof Heights Totale verspreiding: 19 253 TygerBurger het 14 verskillende uitgawes vir die volgende gebiede: Bellville, Durbanville, Parow, Goodwood, Brackenfell, Kraaifontein, Kuilsrivier, De Grendel, Tyger Valley, Milnerton, Table View, Eersterivier/Blue Downs, Ravensmead/Belhar en Elsiesrivier. Totale verspreiding: 301 119 Vir enige verspreidingsklagtes skakel 021 910 6500 of e-pos: verspreiding@tygerburger.co.za Kontak ons: Redakteur: Marita Meyer 021 910 6500 nuus@tygerburger.co.za Joernalis: Desireé Rorke 021 910 6555 desiree.rorke@tygerburger.co.za Advertensiebestuurder: Garth Hewitt 021 910 6520 ghewitt@tygerburger.co.za Hoofkoerant advertensies: Andre Schreuder 021 910 6525 of 072 735 2504 aschreud@tygerburger.co.za Geklassifiseerd: 087 740 1091 www.tygerburger.co.za Korreksies: Volgens die redaksionele beleid van TygerBurger verwelkom ons voorstelle en kommentaar oor die koerant se inhoud en stel ons beduidende foute so gou as moontlik reg. Stuur asb. inligting oor die regstelling van foute in die koerant aan die ombudsman van Media24 se Gemeenskapspers, George Claassen, by george.claassen@media24.com of skakel 021 851 3232 of 083 543 2471. Lesers kan ook klagtes oor die inhoud by die Persombudsman van SuidAfrika, mnr. Johan Retief, aanhangig maak. Skakel in daardie geval gerus 011 484 3612/8, stuur 'n faks na 011 484 3619 of 'n e-pos na nakhanyim@ombudsman.org.za or johanr@ombudsman.org.za

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Malcolm Loos good-heartedly receives his Little Mr Bounce Award in recognition of the incredible energy with which he cares for his family, meets the demands of his job and still somehow fits in a gruelling cycling regime. With him are (from left) directors Lianie Le Roux, Nicky De Beer and Kate Laurie.

Wetstoepassers stel plan bekend BRENDEN RUITER



erskeie wetstoepassingsagentskappe het onlangs hul gebeurlikheidsplanne vir die feestyd by die vervoerbeheersentrum in Goodwood bekendgestel. Die polisie, die metropolisie, die Stad Kaapstad se spesiale ondersoekeenheid en wetstoepassingseenheid, die brandweer en rampbestuur-afdeling, het almal aangekondig hoe hulle as deel van ’n geïntegreerde mag aan hul feesprogram gaan werk. J.P. Smith, burgemeesterskomiteelid vir veiligheid en sekuriteit, het by die aankondiging van die plan ’n beroep op inwoners van die Stad en die provinsie gedoen om verantwoordelikheid vir hul eie veiligheid te neem. “Ons kan soms nie die onnoselheid van mense glo nie. Die meeste goed gebeur net omdat mense onnosel is, veral waar drank betrokke is. Dit is moeilik om te glo dat ons steeds tot 50 dronk bestuurders in ’n woonbuurt aankeer!” het Smith gesê. Ian Schnetler, brandweerhoof, het ’n beroep op inwoners gedoen om nie na die brandweerstasie se direkte lyn te bel nie, maar eerder die noodnommer, 107, te skakel. “Wanneer jy na die stasie skakel, bestaan die moontlikheid dat daar niemand gaan wees nie. As jy na die noodnommer bel, kan ons dadelik in kennis gestel word waar die

Ons kantore sluit dalk, maar nie ons webwerf Die kantore van WP Media (TygerBurger, People’s Post en City Vision) in Bellville sluit op Vrydag 23 Desember en sal op Donderdag 5 Januarie heropen. Ons webspan bly egter oor die feestyd op bystand. Lesers word versoek om alle webnuus- en nuuswenke aan ons per e-pos te stuur na nuus@tygerburger.co.za, of om lesersbriewe per e-pos na briewe@tygerburger.co.za te stuur. Ons waarborg spoedige terugvoer op alle nuuswenke en navrae in hierdie tyd. Ons lesers en kliënte word ook aangemoedig om hul daaglikse nuus gratis te gaan lees by www.tygerburger.co.za. Lesers kan ook aansluit by ons sosiale media-platforms op Facebook en Twitter.

JP Smith, burgemeesterskomiteelid vir veiligheid en sekuriteit, spreek die hoofde van wetstoepasssingsagentskappe en die polisie toe tydens die aankondiging van die Stad Kaapstad se geïntegreerde veiligheidsprogram vir die feestyd. FOTO: BRENDEN RUITER brand is. Al 30 ons brandweerstasies is op gereedheidsgrondslag. Drie helikopters – een in Stellenbosch en twee by Nuweland – is ook op ’n gereedheidsgrondslag geplaas. “Tydelike brandbestryders is tot Mei gekontrakteer om veral met veldbrande te help,” sê Schnetler. Dan Plato, provinsiale parlementslid vir gemeenskapsveiligheid, het die samewerking tussen die agentskappe verwelkom.

“Nie een agentskap kan sonder die ander funksioneer nie en hoop om suksesvol te wees nie. Samewerking is belangrik om almal veilig te hou in dié tyd,” het hy gesê. Die verskeie eenhede gaan saam én apart in etlike strategiese en deeglik beplande operasies funksioneer om die feestyd veiliger vir inwoners te maak. V Vertel TygerBurger wat jy van hierdie berig dink by briewe@tygerburger.co.za.

Diane eerste Kapenaar om dié titel in te palm DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke

Diane Nel van Brackenfell is met groot opwinding verlede week gekroon as Mev. Mzantsi Afrika – die eerste Kapenaar om dié nasionale skoonheidstitel te wen sedert 2012. “Daarom was dit vir my ’n groot uitdaging – nie net om die Kaap te verteenwoordig nie, maar ook om die kroon huis toe te bring,” sê sy. Nel, wat ook in 2014 die Mev. Kaapstad-kroon gedra het, sê die liefdadigheidswerk wat gepaardgaan met die titel, is vir haar ’n passie. “Ons is tans besig om die Imfundo Educare-skool in Worcester te bou vir die kinders in dié informele nedersetting. Ons wil ten minste ook twee maaltye per dag aan die kinders verskaf. “Elke maand van Januarie af wil ek ’n spesiale projek aanpak om fondse in te samel vir die Imfundo-projek. Ek beoog om twee klaskamers te bou. Dit gaan nie maklik wees nie, maar met die gemeenskap se hulp

Diane Nel is, die nuwe mev. Mzantsi Afrika en bystand glo ek dit kán gedoen word,” sê sy. “Ek sê mos altyd: God het vroue gemaak om mekaar te bemagtig sodat ons ander kan inspireer.” V Vertel TygerBurger wat jy van hierdie berig dink by briewe@tygerburger.co.za.

Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016


TYGERBURGER Brackenfell 3

Seniors vier behoorlik fees

Anna Pienaar (in die rolstoel) is saam met haar dogter, Anne. Anna word op 26 Desember 101 jaar oud.

DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke


p elke ander dag van die jaar gaan dit maar bitter saai met die minderbevoorregte bejaardes van Ruyterwacht, maar Donderdag was ’n uitsondering. Op dié dag het die sowat 300 bejaardes, almal lede van Ruyterwacht se senior sentrum, behoorlik fees gevier. Die kospotte het oorgeloop terwyl oumense lekker heup geswaai het op die ritme van Elvis Presley se musiek. Faux-koning van ruk en rol, James Marais van Kraaifontein, was so oortuigend in sy rol as Elvis-nabootser dat hy ten minste een lid van die verhoor gefop het. “Ek ken sy gesig, maar ek het sy naam vergeet!” het een jolige bejaarde vrou van diep in haar tagtigs beaam toe sy haar vreugde met TygerBurger gedeel het. Die Kerspartyjie is aangebied deur Solidariteit Helpende Hand (SHH) se Wes-Kaapse tak. “Bejaardes is ons groot passie. Daarom het ons voluit gegaan om hulle die beste moontlike Kerspartyjie te gee,” sê Wilinda Ford, streekorganiseerder van Helpende Hand. Volgens Ford voer die bejaardes in Ruyterwacht ’n sukkelbestaan. “Die nood is baie groot hier. Die bejaardes se enigste inkomste is hul regeringspensioen van R1 500 per maand en dis nie ongewoon vir drie of meer bejaardes om saam ’n kamer in ’n huis te deel net om te oorleef nie,” sê sy. Margaret Olivier van die senior sentrum beaam dat daar amper drie keer soveel behoeftiges is as wat die dienssentrum tans kan akkomodeer. “Twee keer ’n week, op Dinsdae en Donderdae, bied ons twee middagetes aan en op die ander drie dae bestuur ons ’n sopkombuis vir almal in die gemeenskap. “Ons bied ook gratis dienste soos bloeddruk en ander toetste aan,” sê sy. Die dienste word tans aangebied in die skoolsaal van Laerskool De Waveren, wat ook die sentrum se grootste uitdaging inhou. “Omdat ons die saal met die skool deel, moet ons elke Dinsdag en Donderdag al die tafels en stoele uitpak en weer terugpak. Die ou houtwerk-klaskamers word gebruik as kantore en waskamers,” sê sy. Synde ’n Badisa-program, word die dienssentrum deur die provinsiale regering befonds, maar dek die befondsing slegs 18% van hul begroting.



Hier is (van links) Riley Heyns (74), Veronica Dreyer (76), James Marais, ook bekend as “Elvis Presley”, Lila Willis (61) en Rose Adams (79). FOTO: JP FORD


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Bejaardes en vrywilligers geniet die musiek van James Marais en Monique Cassells. “Ons maak dus staat op hulp en donasies van die publiek.” Marianda Schlebusch, SHH se projekorganiseerder, sê die hulporganisasie skenk maandeliks R10 000 aan die sentrum om die druk te help verlig.

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“Die meeste van die fondse word aangewend om kos te koop en waar moontlik spesifieke behoeftes aan te spreek.” VVertel TygerBurger wat jy van hierdie berig dink by briewe@tygerburger.co.za.






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4 TYGERBURGER Brackenfell


Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016

Bruin Afrikaanses vereer Small met versoeningsboek MICHELLE LINNERT @linnertmb


is nie elke dag dat ’n mens die room m van Afrikaans se bruin vegterskorp ps onder een dak raakloop nie, maar hee eltemal te verstane wanneer ’n mens hoor diis om in boekvorm hulde aan prof. Adam Sma all te bring. Dít was die gebeure wat op Versoening gsdag die afgelope Vrydag by die Kunstekaa ap in Kaapstad afgespeel het. Die 36 skrywers van Ons kom van vêr, ’n ’ samestelling van vertellinge wat huld de bring aan Small – een van dié grootste Afrrikaanse versoeningsgeeste – het saam me et hul gaste die bekendstelling bygewoon. Onder die vernaamstes dalk, tel Kraaifon ntein se eie Elias P. Nel, Christo van der Rheede en drs. Franklin Sonn, Michael le Cordeur en Danny Titus, die kerkleier prof. Ma ary-Anne Plaatjies va an Huffel en die oud dkoerantredakteurs Henry Je effreys en Zeld da Jongbloed, om m maar ’n paar op o te noem. In ontvang gs van Small se postuum-eksemplaar van diié boek, was sy eg ggenote, dr. Rosa alie Small, wa at ook een van diie bydraers tot diie boek was. Elias P. Nel van KraaifonDie pad na On ns tein, een van die 36 kom van vêr is be eskrywers, het ook die gin met die seë ën bekendstelling bygewoon. van haar man to oe hy nog geleef he et. Die redakteurs prof. Wannie Carstens en e Le Cordeur, wat saam dié reuseprojek aan ngepak het om aan die geskrewe geskiedeniis ’n stem te gee wat nie deur ’n koloniale len ns vertel word nie, maar juis uit vertellings va an bruin Afrikaanssprekendes en húl eiesoorttige bydraes tot die bevordering van die taa al, kon beswaarlik hul trots beteuel. En met reg ook. Dié boek se dekkingsveld is wyd en dis geskryf om as navorsingstuk te dien. Die 36 skrywers se onderskeie persoonlike reis deur apartheid en hul belewenisse ten behoud en ontwikkeling van die Afrikaanse taal, is inderdaad prysenswaardig – al is dit ook by tye pynlik en ontstigtend. Godsdiens en die kerk, die politiek, taal, ekonomie, onderrig – daar is geen heilige koeie nie. Die Stigting vir Bemagtiging deur Afrikaans (SBA), met sy kantore in Bellville, het die bekendstelling aangebied as deel van sy

Van die skrywers is (voor van links) Patrick Mettler, Herman Bailey, Fatima Allie, Marlene le Roux, Reggie Nel, en Michael le Cordeur. Tweede ry: Gavin Davids, Basil May, Danny Titus, Wannie Carstens (redakteur) en Henry Jeffreys. Derde ry: Willem Fransman, Charles Beukes, Cornelius Thomas, Raymond van Diemel, Jacques Beukes en Mary-Ann Plaatjies van Huffel. Agter: Elias P. Nel, John Diergaardt, Archie Vergotine, Edwina Goff, Danie van Wyk, Ronel van Oordt en Christo van der Rheede.

Voor (van links) is Marlene le Roux met die SBA-span, (voor van links) Nelmari Kemp, Niel le Roux en Bianca Greeff. Agter staan Jonty Isaacs en Dean Smith, ’n opkomende akteur.

Marlene le Roux van Kunstekaap en voorsitter van die SBA spreek die gehoor toe. Versoeningsdagvieringe. Die boekbekendstelling, wat oorspronkliik op Small se verjaardag op 21 Desember so ou plaasgevind het, is toe ná sy heengaan (o op 25 Junie vanjaar) spesifiek vir Versoening gsdag gereël, aangesien die boek op sigself oo ok die begeerte tot versoening vergestalt. Op dieselfde dag as die bekendstelling is i Small se Joanie Gallant-hulle, wat die storie van ’n Kaapse gesin se ontheemding vertel, in Kunstekaap opgevoer. VVertel TygerBurger wat jy van hierdie historiese boek dink by briewe@tygerburger.co.za.

Só lyk Ons kom van vêr. HIer is (van links) prof. Wannie Carstens (redakteur), dr. Rosalie Small en dr. Michael le Cordeur (redakteur). FOTO’S: CHEVON SAMUEL LS

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Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016


TYGERBURGER Brackenfell 5

Bronwyn makes a difference


ronwyn Stassen from Kraaifontein is a beauty who cares – so much so, that she is using the last of her year’s savings to make a difference to lesser privileged children this Christmas. “Bronwyn has made up 25 Christmas boxes for children aged from one to 14 years and she handed the presents out to them on Sunday [18 December],” says her mom, Sandra. “The children are based at a little rural area just past Wallacedene in Kraaifontein. She has also arranged for ‘Santa Claus’ to be there and hand out the gifts to these wonderful children,” her mom says. Thirteen-year-old Bronwyn herself donned the red and white suit to spread some cheer among the children. “We would once again like to inform the community that girls like Bronwyn, who take part in beauty competitions, are not just about pretty faces, but actually really try very hard to make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate.” V What is your opinion on Bronwyn’s project? Tell us at briewe@tygerburger.co.za.

Wen ’n Volla: Elizabeth Liebenberg van Proteahoogte in Brackenfell het ’n splinternuwe

Volkswagen Up gewen met die onlangse Shoprite/Checkers-kompetisie. Sy het inkopies gedoen en toe ingeskryf by Checkers in Proteahoogte.

Bronwyn Stassen used her own money to buy these gifts and help make a difference.

Cruise competition win a double victory What do you do when you pick up the phone on a Monday morning a week before Christmas and hear you’ve just won a luxury boat cruise along our country’s coast? You scream and cry, of course! None could be more surprised than Dot Ross from Edgemead was on Monday 19 December when Warren Arendse, WP Media’s special projects manager, called her to say she had just won our readers’ competition. “I was crying. I am still very tearful. I was busy cleaning the house and my hands are still stuffy with bleach,” she says. “I am overjoyed!” The competition, held in partnership between TygerBurger and MSC Cruises, ended on Monday at 12:00, with Dot being notified immediately after. She won a trip for two to Mossel Bay, departing from Cape Town Harbour on 20 Jan-

Carol Olivier (left) and Dot Ross putting up Christmas decorations recently.

uary and sailing into Mossel Bay on 21 January, returning on 23 January. Dot is the SMS winner and says she actually forgot to enter her name when she sent through her SMS! “I always read TygerBurger and go through the entire newspaper to look for competitions. I always enter for this and that and the other, and sent an SMS to try and win the cruise. I can’t believe I never even put my name in the SMS!” she laughs. Dot says for her the cruise is a double victory. “I will be turning 66 on 7 January,” meaning the trip is both a Christmas present and an early birthday present, she says. So, who will be accompanying her? “I immediately decided to take my friend Carol Olivier with me. She has been on a cruise before – I think with the Sinfonia – but that was a couple of years ago. “She is my daughter’s partner’s mom,” says Dot of Carol, who lives in Durbanville. Her daughter is Kathleen Scaglia and her partner is Michael Barker, and the couple live in Panorama. Dot says she wants Carol to go with her because Carol can do with a relaxing trip. “She just recently underwent medical treatment, even though she is a picture of health. She was my first choice. I’ve never been on a cruise liner – just an old mail ship in 1975, the SA Oranje – it was nothing as luxurious as the MSC.” . The winner who gets their ticket price back is Tristain Low. V If you were not the lucky winner of a TygerBurger competition this year, watch this space and keep on entering! Write to us at briewe@tygerburger.co.za.

6 TYGERBURGER Brackenfell


Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016

Kersgees­glimlaggies volop ’n Bekende supermarkgroep en ’n entrepreneur van Durbanville het onlangs ’n bietjie Kersgees uitgedeel by die St. Joseph’s Home-tehuis vir kinders. “Ons het ’n inisiatief wat ons elke jaar aanpak om vir ons fantastiese Spar-handelaars te vra om ’n Kersgeskenk te skenk vir ’n seun of meisie en om die ouderdom aan te dui. Meeste bring sommer een vir elke geslag of ’n paar geskenke,” sê Charlene Mekel van SparWes-Kaap, wat dié projek bedryf. Dié geskenkies word ingesamel en dan by St. Joseph’s uitgedeel. “Dit is vir my elke jaar so ’n groot eer om tyd saam met hierdie kinders te spandeer en self die geskenkies te gaan uitdeel. Dit maak my hart so bly en warm, maar terselfdertyd ook hartseer om die kinders só te sien. Dit laat my opnuut besef hoe dankbaar ons moet wees en dat ’n mens die klein dingetjies in die lewe moet waardeer.” Neels Kleynhans van Durbanville, wat professioneel foto’s neem by NK Photography, staan gereeld sy tyd en dienste aan liefdadigheidsprojekte af. Hy het die pragtige meegaande beelde digitaal verewig vir TygerBurger. “Dis nogal erg om met die kinders om te gaan ... hartseer. Mense los hulle net daar en loop. Die een non vertel my dat die een seun in ’n motorongeluk was en daar is vir terapie. Hy stort tot vier keer per dag, want hy ken dit nie – hy geniet dit so baie. “Ons is baie bevoorreg,” sê hy. “Dan is daar ook ’n meisietjie wat erg verbrand is. Ek was laas jaar daar toe sy nog toegedraai in

Megan Fredericks was so opgewonde oor haar nuwe pienk hoëhakskoentjies dat sy nie kon ophou glimlag nie, en sommer vir die fotograaf geposeer het!

Een van die inwonertjies wat erg verbrand het, sit lipstiffie vir haar pop aan. verbande was. Dis nou ’n jaar later en sy is nog steeds daar. Haar ouers het haar net nooit kom haal nie,” vertel hy. “Dis so hartseer. Sy het ’n poppie gekry en dié dadelik styf vasgehou. Syhet lipstiffie uitgehaal en dit vir die poppie aangesit; haar poppie na haar bed toe gevat en daar gaan lê met haar poppie. “My hart het net daar gebreek oor dit so ’n mooi oomblik was.” TygerBurger het toestemming van die tehuis verkry om die meegaande name van die kinders te plaas. Indien ons lesers met die tehuis kontak wil maak, kan hulle 021 934 0352 skakel. V Watter liefdadigheidsprojekte lê u na aan die hart? Vertel ons by briewe@tygerburger.co.za.

Charlene Mekel van Spar sit hier met klein Lithemba Nelani, wat ’n nuwe sagte Dalmasiese hondjie gekry het.

Kihara (11) pak projek aan vir meisies DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke

Sy is net 11 jaar oud, maar het reeds ’n reuse-projek aangepak om geld in te samel om meisies in minderbevoorregte gebiede by te staan. As finalis in 2017 se Mej. Junior Suid-Afrika-kompetisie, het Kihara Visser van die Laerskool Brackenfell kragte saamgesnoer met Mimi, ’n maatskappy wat deur verskeie projekte vroue landswyd wil bemagtig. Mimi, wat in Swahili “ek is” beteken, verskaf bekostigbare higiëniese sanitêre produkte aan meisies om te verhoed dat hulle op skooldae tuisbly. Volgens ’n woordvoerder van Mimi bly sommige skoolgaande meisies tot 60 dae per jaar tuis, omdat hulle nie die produkte kan bekostig nie.

Vir elke R12 wat Kihara insamel, word een pakkie van dié produkte geskenk. “Ek mik daarna om 50 pakkies te verkoop, maar wil soveel meisies as moontlik met die projek help,” sê Kihara. Om fondse aan te vul, sal sy ook sogenaamde desk bags namens Mimi verkoop. “Die sakkie is baie oulik. Jou skoolboeke pas mooi daarin en dit vou ook oop sodat mense dit as ’n hardeblad kan gebruik om op te skryf,” sê sy. Die Mej. Junior Suid-Afrika-eindronde sal van 4 tot 8 April in Pretoria plaasvind. Om Kihara te ondersteun met die projek, of om ’n donasie te maak, kan haar voog, Mariska Visser, gekontak word by 079 587 2473. VVertel TygerBurger wat jy van hierdie berig dink by briewe@tygerburger.co.za.

Wishing you a Blessed Christmas

Kihara Visser van Brackenfell samel geld in vir minderbevoorregte meisies se sanitêre ware.

Festive Season Trading hours: SAT 24: 8:00-13:00pm SUN 25 + MON 26: Closed TUES 27: 9:00-15:00pm SAT 31: 8:00-13:00pm SUN 1: Closed MON 2: 9:00-15:00pm


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Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016


Oud­Kraaifonteiners deel hul herinneringe DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke


erskeie bekende oud-Kraaifonteiners het verlede Saterdag herinneringe uit hul grootwordjare gedeel by die bekendstelling van Karen Cronjé-Carstens se Kraaifontein-Stories Boek 2. Dié herinneringe maak dan ook deel uit van die tweede boek in die reeks. Die geleentheid het by die Laerskool Simonsberg plaasgevind, die oudste skool in die dorp en alma mater vir honderde Kraaifonteiners. Die Afrikaanse skrywer Christine Barkhuizen le Roux het in 1968 “in Kraaifontein beland” toe haar pa as motorwerktuigkundige by die padkamp kom werk het. Dié provinsiale padkamp was gelëe waar Bloekombos vandag staan en is bewoon deur families wat vir die destydse departement van paaie gewerk het, en die land vol getrek het om nasionale paaie, insluitende die N1, te bou. Sy onthou haar grootwordjare en veral haar skooljare aan die Laerskool Simonsberg (destyds Laerskool Kraaifontein) met baie heimwee. “Ek was baie rebels as ’n kind en dit was eers toe my punte vir gedrag verbeter het vanaf ’n D tot ’n B+, dat ek tot ander insigte gekom het,” vertel sy. Barkhuizen le Roux vertel dat dié skool se leuse: “Deur volharding sal ons oorwin”, woorde is wat sy haar hele lewe lank saamgedra het. Haar eerste roman, Padmaker, is in 2010 deur Human & Rousseau gepubliseer en is deels geskoei op haar lewe as ’n sogenaamde “padkampkind”. Ook Johan Fourie, eienaar van die Kleine Libertas-teater in Stellenbosch, het in Kraaifontein grootgeword. Fourie en sy gesin het in 1960 uit die Karoo na Kraaifontein getrek. Sy pa sou die nuwe stasiemeester word en

TYGERBURGER Brackenfell 7

City warns about ‘Christmas boxes’ The City of Cape Town has issued an alert over the solicitation of “Christmas box” collections from solid waste management staff. According to a statement by the City’s Mayco member for utility services, Ernest Sonnenberg, the City has a policy in place which prohibits staff from asking for these. He says while residents can give a voluntary donation, solicitation is prohibited. In addition he says residents should also be aware of scam artists posing as solid waste management staff. Sonnenberg says over the past few years they have received reports of residents being asked, sometimes aggressively, for “Christmas boxes” or donations. There have also been reports of threats by these people that refuse will not be collected if the demand for

a Christmas box is not met. “The City will not tolerate such behaviour from our staff and we have accordingly instructed all staff that soliciting for Christmas boxes and donations is prohibited. If residents believe that excellent service has been provided, they are of course at liberty to give a voluntary donation to staff as a gesture of thanks and goodwill, but under no circumstance should they be approached or solicited for money. City staff are appropriately remunerated.” If you experience any incidents of intimidation by City staff, report it by calling 0860 103 089 during office hours. Apart from the date, time and place, a vehicle registration number should be provided so the culprits can be identified.

Y Z A R C Willy Juul is gebore in Kraaifontein en is al amper 83 jaar oud. Hy het sy lewe lank hier gewoon.

sy ma het die stasiekafee bedryf. “Toe die trein hier stop, het ek gewonder waar is die ‘kraai’ en waar is die ‘fontein’? “Oral was net bome, bosse en grondpaaie. Die enigste teerpad was die Ou Paarlpad met net ’n paar geboue: die poskantoortjie, slaghuis, Wapnicks en die polisiekantoor,” vertel hy. “Ek het later baie kraaie gesien, maar nooit ’n fontein nie. Wat wel in oorvloed was, was die baie kleigate waar ons as kinders gereeld gaan swem het.” Fourie, wat later dosent in drama by die Universiteit Stellenbosch geword het, het sy vrou, die radiopersoonlikheid Nita Swanepoel, ook in Kraaifontein ontmoet. Ander plaaslike bekendes wat die geleentheid bygewoon het, was Monty Conradie, ’n oud-stadsklerk, asook Willie Juul, ’n oud-Springbok in duiwewedrenne, en G.J. Swanepoel, ’n oud-skoolhoof van die Hoërskool Eben Dönges. Karen Cronjé-Carstens het aangekondig dat die derde boek in die reeks van Kraaifontein-stories reeds in beplanning is, sowel as ’n amptelike geskiedenisboek wat sal handel oor die dorp Kraaifontein. “Ons biblioteekdienste het bevestig dat ons nie oor so ’n boek beskik nie, wat dit amper onmoontlik maak vir enigiemand om inligting oor die dorp na te slaan,” het sy gesê. Om meer uit te vind oor die reeks boeke, sien Punte Fourie, wat ook ’n “padkampkind” was, ontvang ’n kopie “Kraaifontein-Stories” se van Padmaker van Christine Barkhuizen le Roux. Facebookblad.

8 TYGERBURGER Brackenfell


Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016

‘E. coli is responsible’ DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke


t seems that E. coli bacteria, associated with gastro-intestinal symptoms, were responsible for numerous residents falling ill in the neighbourhood of St Michaels in Brackenfell three weeks ago. The City recently disclosed that E. coli was indeed found in Brackenfell drinking water, but denied that sewage was the source. The City also shrugged liability saying the supply of water does not constitute an undertaking to maintain a specific standard of water quality. “The sample taken from the domestic tap of the original complainant’s household contained high counts of total coliforms and Escherichia coli (E. coli),” the City’s Mayco member for health, Siyabulela Mamkeli, confirmed. “The pipe bursts in the St Michaels area necessitated flow reversals in the system and, as a result of these reversals, poor quality water from stagnant sections of the pipeline was drawn into the supply lines,” he said. Since this bacteria is mostly found in the intestines of people and animals, Mamkeli conceded that the presence of E. coli could point towards sewage contamination, but for the presence of sewage to be confirmed, ammonia should also be present in the samples at levels above 10mg/l. “In this case, ammonia levels were negligible, thus ruling out sewage contamination,” he stated. According to him the presence of E. coli could be attributed to other sources associated with microbial water quality in piped distribution systems other than the municipal water supply, such as contamination introduced into domestic plumbing and exposure of polypropylene pipes to sunlight. “Polypropylene pipes are not recommended for domestic use, as they tend to facilitate bacterial and algal regrowth, espe-

cially when exposed to sunlight,” he said. Mamkeli added that most E. coli are harmless and are actually an important part of a healthy human intestinal tract. “However, some E. coli are pathogenic, meaning they can cause illness. As such, the presence of E. coli does not necessarily guarantee that illness will follow.” After the initial pipe bursts during the last week of November, the City flushed the system and introduced additional chlorine. “A subsequent test of the complainant’s domestic water and at the field testing points showed significant reduction of total coliforms, which do not pose a risk, and no E. coli.” Dozens of people in St Michaels fell ill with diarrhoea-type symptoms directly after the pipe bursts, many of whom demanded from the City disclosure of the results found from the health department. “We want to know the results found from the health department. We need exact bacteria names or whatever it may be as well as the health risks associated with it,” one resident told TygerBurger after the City avoided her questions. Along with several other residents, they posed these questions to the City a few weeks ago but at the time of writing haven’t received any answer.” Another issue many other readers brought up was that of reparation. According to them they had to foot big medical bills of which the City should be held liable for. To this, Mamkela stated: “While the City has a Constitutional obligation to provide potable water and does so to the best of its ability, in terms of section 24 of the City’s Water Bylaw, the supply of water does not constitute an undertaking to maintain a specific standard of water quality.” Residents have been advised to approach the office of the City Ombudsman on the matter. V What is your opinion on this article? Let us know at briewe@tygerburger.co.za.

Jeanette op pad na haar droom Jeanette Kok-Kritzinger, mede-aanbieder van Wiele2Wiele, die radio-motorprogram op Radio Tygerberg 104FM, gaan aan volgende jaar se Dakar-wedren in Suid-Amerika deelneem. “Dit is ’n droom sedert Jeanette se kinderjare om die Dakar-wedren by te woon. “Dit is vir haar ’n groot eer en voorreg om een van die genooides te wees by 2017 se Dakar,” sê Janelie Kruger van die radiostasie. Jeanette is reeds die afgelope ses jaar ’n motorjoernalis en bied die program saam met haar man, Carl, aan vir Tygerberg 104FM en GROOTfm 90.5. Jeanette vertrek op 31 Desember om die opening en ’n paar sneltrajekte van die ren by te woon. Dit vind van 2 tot 14 Januarie deur Paraguay, Bolivië en Argentinië plaas. Sy is op 6 Januarie weer terug in Suid-Afrika.

Jeanette Kok-Kritzinger.

Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016


TYGERBURGER Brackenfell 9

10 TYGERBURGER Brackenfell


A ‘cheers’ to our readers and clients

Dearest readers As our offices close today (Wednesday 21 December) for an extended break, we reflect on the year that has been. There were so many stories that touched our hearts, angered us or caused us to want to throw in the proverbial towel because of its horrid nature – yes, not all of us who cover hard and horrible news are cynics yet. We keep believing in the good of people, even though they often prove us wrong. Then, as always, the stories of our animals in need or just being cute, our municipal matters, our common concerns over safety, the good (and not so good) job done by our police force and our pride in our children and our local heroes and neighbourhood watches, took centre stage in this year’s editions of TygerBurger. The newspaper saw a change in management and extension of its brand by two new editions. We also participated in a number and variety of community The 50 weeks events and shows and offered our until now readers the very of prizes in have simply best our competitions our flown by too through benefactors and quickly from other kind-hearted friends and clients. deadline to The 50 weeks until now have deadline ... simply flown by too quickly from deadline to deadline. There is one thing though, from between the good news and not-so-good news we’ve dealt with this past year, that towers above the rest: The support of you, our loyal readers and clients. Without your encouragement and critique, praise and complaint, or your ad bookings and special deal offerings, we would not have been able to steer the ship quite as smoothly as we have been able to, all things considered. We would not have been able to face the many challenges, such as distribution glitches, language debates and a few mishaps from the drukkersduiwel, as well as a decline in advertising revenue across all media, without your support. This has indeed been a good year for us at WP Media, if our readers’ and clients’ enthusiasm is anything to go by. As such, we look forward to keeping you informed of the news that matters most to you and yours, just as soon as the sun shines on 2017. May you be blessed abundantly and share in joy and prosperity this festive season and next year. Cheers from all of us, and see you on 11 January! – Editor

SMS V Ja, nee. Ná 20 inskrywings sal ’n mens seker ook nie die bootreis wen nie. Sal maar weer inskryf. – Etienne, Brackenfell V Wat bedoel die bloedoortappingsdiens dat hulle nog swart skenkers soek? (TB, 14/12) Is ’n mens se bloed dan nie maar almal dieselfde soort rooi nie? Of is ek naïef? – Carlatjie, Monte Vista V Ons gaan seker weer oral lees en hoor hoe die mense dié vakansie dronk-dronk verdrink en hoe die kinders wegraak. Mense moet regkom! – Vakansieganger V Hannes van Wyk kan enige tyd vir my ook ’n liedjie skryf (TB, 14/12). Ek sal dit vir my ma en sussie speel. – Annatjie, Parow V ’n Mens lees oral dat daar water bespaar moet word en tog sien ek die bure spuit nat asof die opgaardam aan hulle behoort. Sommige mense word dom gebore, en só sal hulle sterwe. – Watergees, Bellville ) SMS’e kos R1,50 elk. Stuur die woord “Tyger”, gevolg deur jou boodskap, na 45527.


Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016


Meeu­uitkykmuur: Meeue sit rustig Vrydagaand in die V&A Waterfront met sonsondergang.


BRIEWE briewe@tygerburger.co.za|Faks: 021 910 6501|Posbus 747, Bellville 7535|Briewe wat nie langer is as 250 woorde nie, sal voorkeur geniet. Verskaf asb. u naam, adres en telefoonnommer by (nie vir publikasie). Spertyd is Vrydag om 12:00

Gautengers moet ‘chill’ Vir jare moes ons Kapenaars by ons Gautengse vriende, familielede en kollegas hoor hoe “agter” ons hier is met als, aan die onderpunt van die salarisskaal en hoe stadig en eweneens “agterlik” ons bestuursvernuf is. Ja, Slaapstad noem hulle ons Moederstad spottend. En dié houding is nie net oor die WP beter rugbyspelers as die Blou Bulle het nie. Sedert so twee, drie jaar gelede merk ek egter op hoe al hoe meer van die GP-motors wat Desember-vakansies hierheen stroom, nog steeds in Februarie hier “met vakansie” is – in só ’n mate dat as jy by ’n verkeerslig stilhou, daar meer GP-motors voor jou staan as motors met plaaslike registrasienommers. Ek omarm die Gautengers wat uiteindelik besef het dat ons ou Kaapstad eintlik maar die bobaasstad is – aan die slaap of nie – en hulle hier kom vestig het. Ons is vriendelike, gulhartige mense hier in die Kaap. Kom deel in ons skatte; verlekker julle in ons puik stad waar daar darem nog bietjie meer water as skuld is; geniet ons spogpaaie sonder gate en lê op ons skoon strande. “Mô” en “Pô”, sit jul kinders in ons puik skole. Maar los tog net jul padvarkmaniere en ongeduld in Gauteng en chill! KAPENAAR Durbanville

And there she was, bucket in hand ... I am continually amazed by how caring and genuine people are. A friend of mine recently organised a fundraiser for a

family in her community, so off I went to support her car wash, expecting that she had people to help her. When I arrived, I found her bucket in hand, washing cars herself. Every now and then you see something that makes you realise just how caring humans can be. I am inspired to do more to help those around me, and I challenge readers to consider the same this festive season. IMPRESSED Durbanville

Bokke is gekwes, maar sal opstaan Ek kry steeds sooibrand as ek dink aan die nagmerrie wat ons as Springbokondersteuners vanjaar beleef het. Gaviscon kon nie eers help nie. So ’n onbeholpe spul het ek lanklaas in my lewe gesien. Die talent is daar, dít is nie die kwessie. Maar daar is ’n totale gebrek aan ’n wedstrydplan, en die manne wat met sulke hangskouertjies op die veld loop, sê mos vir jou iets skort. My bloeddruk skiet sommer weer die hoogte in as ek dink hoe ons balbesit keer op keer in die verdediging se keelgat afskop, net om weer stukkend gehardloop te word. Soos hulle in Engels sê: the kick is only as good as the chase. Ons volg nie ons skoppe op nie! Die hanteerfoute steek my dwars in die krop, basics wat ons op laerskool geleer is. Ons almal maak foute, maar die vet weet daar is te veel van die dekselse goed. Die dae van stampkarrugby is verby. Kyk hoe mooi speel die All Blacks waar hulle in die spasies in speel met hande bo die têkkel. Maar nee, ons hardloop in die eerste beste ou voor ons vas. Die Springbok is gekwes. Maar dié Bok sal weer opstaan; dit is in ons natuur om nie te bly lê nie. We live

to fight another day.

GERTJIE Brackenfell

Elektrisiteit: Só word ons beroof Deesdae betaal ons verskriklik duur vir elektrisiteit. Toe ek onlangs navraag by Eskom (Bellville) gaan doen het oor die hoë tarief wat ek betaal vir elektrisiteit, was ek geskok om te hoor dat ek nie by Eskom of die Stad Kaapstad krag koop nie, maar by ’n privaat maatskappy met die naam van Citiq Prepaid. Eskom-tariewe is R1,17 per eenheid tot 600 eenhede. Meer as 600 eenhede kos R2,00 per eenheid. Ek het dadelik beswaar aangeteken by die Kaapse burgemeesterskantoor. Vinnige optrede van dié kantoor het my tarief verminder van R2,38 (eerste 200 eenhede en R2,51 bo 200 eenhede) tot R1,87 vir die eerste 600 eenhede. Vir my, ’n pensioenaris, is dít steeds erg, maar ’n groot verbetering. Met ’n besoek aan my 82-jarige suster wat in Bothasig Garden woon, ’n Communicare-kompleks vir meestal bejaardes, ontdek ek toe sy betaal R2,06 per eenheid aan ’n privaat maatskappy, Aktaris. Weet die breë publiek van hierdie vergrype? Ons betaal deur ons nek en hierdie gewetenlose mense kry magtiging om ons te melk. Wie sien om na die belange van die gewone mense? Kan elke slim wolf deesdae die arme mense net “wettig beroof?” JAMES DE WET Kuilsrivier

Hier ry bestuurders die heel slegste Ek het gedink bestuurders op die N1 ry sleg, maar Durbanweg vat die koek. G’n mens

kan op enige middag teen vyfuur by die N1 uitkom nie. Niemand word inkomkans gegee nie; busse wag vir ewig om weer in ’n baan te kom nadat pendelaars opgetel is en niemand wil wag soos die res van ons nie. Genugtig, almal wil kortpad vat om voor in die ry te kom. As almal dit doen, gaan daar groot stryery, of erger, padwoede ontstaan. Ek het nog nooit sulke selfsugtige bestuurders teëgekom nie ... nie eens op die N1 of N2 nie! Wees net ’n bietjie geduldig; jou kans sál kom om by die verkeerslig uit te kom en jy sál jou kinders betyds optel. Jou huis sal nie afbrand as jy tien minute later daar aankom nie. LULU Kraaifontein

TygerBurger is the best newspaper! One of my first memories was when my mother sat me down and told me that the Titanic had sunk that week. I have since read countless newspapers and lived through events such as the Great War and its not-so-great sequel, the Second World War. I read the newspaper when the bomb was dropped, when bikinis caused a stir (well, it did!) and when man first walked on the moon. I’ve seen the language evolve from “hotsy-totsy” and “hipster”, to “groovy” and “getting jiggy”, and over all this time, I have learned two very important lessons: Firstly, it is vital to leave your keys and teeth in one spot so that you can always find it if you happen to be in a rush. Secondly, TygerBurger is the best newspaper in the history of time. Keep up the good work, or, as my greatgreat grandson would say: “Can the force be with you!” BIGGLES VAN JAARSVELD Durbanville

Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016

Battling the blaze is all in a day’s work MONIQUE DUVAL @monique_duval


hile many Capetonians are preparing for the festive season, firefighters across the city are gearing up for what many describe as “fire season”. In this week’s edition of Municipal Matters, TygerBurger chats to the City’s Mayco member for safety and security, JP Smith, as he shares some statistics. Smith says while there is an increase in the number of fires occurring during this time of year, the reasons vary. “There is an increase in substance abuse over the festive season which is unfortunately linked to more negligent behaviour, resulting in an increase in structural fires. Veld fires also increase as a result of unattended fires being left to burn, but also suspected incendiarism.” In December 2015 the City recorded 2 184 fire incidents. During this time, Smith says 550 dwellings were affected, leaving 1 905 people displaced. In January 2016, the City recorded 2 215 fires in which 1 035 dwellings were affected, leaving 3 782 people displaced. During the 2015/2016 festive season the City also recorded 21 fire-related deaths. In December 2015, 13 adults and one child died, while in January 2016 six adults and one child died. Smith says the top three main causes of these fires were negligence related to substance abuse, candles overturning and igniting bedding and heating or cooking devices that were left unattended or tipped over. He says while fires are widespread across the city, in recent years there has been a noticeable increase in fire incidents in the South Peninsula. “Any area is vulnerable to fire, particularly where precautionary measures that can be instituted are not adhered to. This includes not maintaining fire breaks, the construction of structures too close to one another, and also disregard for fire safety practices in the home – in spite of ongoing education and awareness campaigns by both the City’s Fire and Rescue Services and the City’s Disaster Risk Management Centre.” Smith highlights negligence as one of the main challenges faced by firefighters during the festive season. In addition, he says non-adherence to fire safety practices and weather-related challenges – as hot and windy conditions promote the spread of fires – and non-adherence to fire safety legislation are among some of the challenges officials face. Smith says there are between 210 and 250 firefighters on duty at the 30 fire stations per 24-hour period. “The City has an overall complement of 900 professional firefighters who can be called upon for major incidents. During the summer months, Fire and Rescue Services also employs 120 seasonal firefighters.” In the case of wildfires, he explains, Table Mountain National Parks have for instance contracted other firefighting resources, such as firefighting crews from Working on Fire. They also have assistance from the Volunteer Wildfire Services (VWS). He advises residents to use electrical appliances safely by switching off all appliances at night or when leaving the home, to not leave pots unattended on the stove and ensure that electrical connections are professionally installed and properly earthed with the correct circuit breakers installed. He also warns residents to not leave paraffin appliances unattended and to always have a bucket of sand nearby. “Water will not extinguish a paraffin fire and can make matters worse by spreading the flames. Paraffin fires can only be extinguished using sand or a fire extinguisher,” he says. Call the City’s Fire and Rescue Services by dialling 107 from a landline or 021 480 7700 from a cellphone before making any attempt to fight a fire yourself. V What is your opinion on this article? Let us know at briewe@tygerburger.co.za.


TYGERBURGER Brackenfell 11

12 TYGERBURGER Brackenfell


Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016

Lewensvreugde, liefde en wyn ESMÉ ERASMUS

Die wynmaker Riaan Oosthuizen (agter links) is hier saam met Alex Rodseth (agter regs) en nog van die inwoners van die Alta du Toit-nasorgsentrum, (voor van links) Liana Carstens (Kleinbegin-huis), Stefan Linde (Kleinbegin-huis) en Liné Kotzé (Elkana-huis).



ie intellektueel gestremde inwonerss en dagbesoekers van die Alta du Toit-nasorgsentrum in Boston, Bellville,, mag dit nie elke dag maklik hê nie, maar aan n aansteeklike lewensvreugde en liefde iss daar by dié spesiale mense geen tekort nie.. “Tannie, tannie, soek jy iemand?” word ’n n mens vriendelik by die werkswinkel deur ’n n veel ouer persoon as jyself gegroet. ’n Aantreklike jongman roep jou nader en n vertel jou sonder skroom van sy ewige liefde e vir sy vriendin wat reg langs hom sit. Dié é Downsindroom-vriendin lag skaam en blooss – duidelik dolverlief. Eenkant by ’n tafel sit ’n vlytige vrou en n besproeingspypies aanmekaar sit – vermoe-delik die taak wat vir die dag uitgesit is.. Daar lê al ’n hele hoop klaar pypies langss haar. ’n Terloopse verwysing na haar harde e handewerk laat haar behoorlik blom. ’n Kuiertjie by dié nasorgfasiliteit laat ’n n mens nederig jou seëninge tel en besef datt die ware doel van die lewe dalk is om net ge-lukkig en geliefd te wees, ongeag van wat jy y het of nie het nie; wat jy kan doen of nie kan n doen nie; hoe jy lyk of nie lyk nie. Die nasorgsentrum het 170 permanente in-woners en sowat 60 dagbesoekers wat deel-neem aan vaardigheidsprogramme om hull optimale ontwikkeling as volwassenes te e verseker. By Elkana-huis, een van die talle huise op p die perseel waarin permanente inwoners ge-huisves word, wys die 29-jarige Alex Rod-seth trots vir TygerBurger sy uitgebreide e CD-versameling in sy woonstel. Hy wys ook k sy foto’s – opgeplak teen die kombuismuur – waar hy saam met gesinslede is – én vriendinne ... Alex was ’n leerder aan die Alta du Toit-


Thelma van der Walt (links) en Celeste Gouws, albei in Kleinbegin-huis, is groot vriende.

skool in Kuilsrivier nadat hy op 12 jaar ernstige breinbeserings in ’n motorongeluk opgedoen het. Hy is ’n inwoner by die Alta du Toitnasorgsentrum sedert 18-jarige leeftyd.

SUMMER IS DIARRHOEA SEASON Prevent diarrhoea by washing your hands often. Anyone who has diarrhoea must have lots of fluids and should visit their nearest clinic. Find out more at www.capetown.gov.za/childhealth

Die ouers van die inwoners van Elkana a het sowat vyf jaar gelede met ’n projek be-gin om wyn ten bate van die huis te ver-koop. ’n Vriend van die Rodseths het van die e projek te hore gekom en vanjaar gaan die e inwoners van Elkana vir die derde agter-eenvolgende jaar baat by ’n wynprojek k waarin Riaan Oosthuizen, wynmaker by y Nomada Wines, wyn vir dié huis maak. Dit het begin met 1 000 bottels en gegroeii tot 2 000 bottels vanjaar wat Oosthuizen on-der die etiket Midgard Sauvigon Blanc c maak. Die ouers koop die druiwe aan en dra a die onkoste van die bottelering, etiketering g en verpakking. Dit word teen sowat R220 0 per ses bottels verkoop. Oosthuizen maak al 21 jaar wyn. Hy hett sy loopbaan by Nitida Wines begin en daar-na by Durbanville Hills as rooiwynmakerr en by Capaia Wines in Philadelphia ge-werk. Die afgelope agt tot tien jaar maak hy egter wyn vir verskeie kliënte. Hy huur ’n kelder in Stellenbosch en kelderspasie in Durbanville en produseer wyne op enige plek waar hy kelderspasie kry – vandaar die naam Nomada Wines. “Ek hou nie daarvan om gebind te wees tot ’n sekere terroir nie en verkies om die beste druiwe te kies vir die spesifieke wyndoelwit vanaf enige terroir,” vertel hy. Oosthuizen het al verskeie pryse vir sy wyn gewen.. Van die prestasies die afgelope drie jaar wat uitstaan, is ’n top10-sauvignon blanc, ’n top10-rosé en twee Grand D’Or-toe-

Annette Wolfaard wys trots haar breiwerk. kennings by die Michelangelo Awards. In die jongste 2017-Platter-wyngids word sy Midgard Sauvignon Blanc 2016 beskryf as ’n verborge skat. Maar, die grootste skat is waarskynlik die bydrae wat dié wyn maak tot die lewens van die spesiale inwoners van Elkana en die nasorgsentrum. Mense wat van die wyn wil koop, kan Lollos Rodseth by 083 720 7685 kontak. V Vertel TygerBurger wat jy hiervan dink by briewe@tygerburger.co.za.

Helen Higgs (Tosnini-huis) en Japie Wiese (Casa Mia-huis) is erg oor mekaar.

Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016


All you need to know about skin cancer Y

ou can protect yourself black, see a dermatologist or and your loved ones by general practitioner immeknowing what to look diately. When it comes to for, and when to worry. melanoma it is far better to Skin cancer is the most be safe than sorry,” she says. common form of cancer with Now, onto establishing the around 5.4 million people di- factors which put you at risk agnosed every year, accord- of skin cancer: Stay out of the ing to the website Can- sun. cer.org. According to McAdam, In a recent report, the South Africa has the second World Health Organisation highest incidence of skin reports that more than cancer in the world, second 132 000 malignant melano- to sun loving Australia. mas occur globally every “To limit the risk of getting year. The incidence is rising skin cancer you need to apand, what is even more wor- ply sunscreen every time rying, is that it is on the in- you head outdoors, and you crease in children. must reapply it every two to The good news is that you three hours. Stay out of the can protect yourself against sun in the heat of the day – it and early diagnosis can 11am to 3pm – or at least try save your life, says Dr. and minimise time spent Georgina McAdam, one of outdoors, without shade, Cancercare’s oncologists at during this time. Wear a hat their Oncology Centre in at all times, make sure it covCape Town. ers your neck, and wear sunSkin cancer is glasses to prodivided into two tect your eyes. categories: mela“People with noma and non‘To limit the fair skin, freckmelanoma. les, moles, a gerisk of getting netic history of Non-melanoma is broken skin cancer or down into basal skin cancer you who are immucell carcinoma need to apply nosuppressed and squamous are at higher cell carcinoma. risk, and sunscreen Basal cell carcishould pay atnoma is rarely fa- every time you tention to any tal and can be new suspicious found on the head outdoors, lesions or neck and head changes in and you must their and less comskin monly on the up- reapply it every throughout per body and their life,” says limbs. They are two to three McAdam. often nodular She says it is with a pearly apimportant to hours.’ pearance with see a dermatolfine blood vessels on the sur- ogist once a year, just to be face. Others are flat, red le- on the safe side, and protect sions with an ill-defined bor- your skin all the time. der. Squamous cell carcino“Black skin is also at risk ma is found more commonly of melanoma, even though it in older patients. They can filters UV radiation more efpresent as nodules, scaly le- fectively and has better prosions, ulcers or arise in tection against the sun. I recchronic wounds. ommend that everyone “If you find any areas of wears a sunscreen of SPF30 skin which give you con- at all times, or SPF50 for palcern, you should consult er skin, and that children alyour dermatologist or gener- ways wear the right sunal practitioner immediately. screen designed for their They will be able to assess sensitive skin.” any suspicious patches of Check your body from top skin and will give you the to toe every single month. support you need to either Look for moles or changes in fix the problem or move to your skin, and ask your partthe next stage of diagnosis,” ner or a family member to says McAdam. look over your back for you. Melanoma is, of course, The same goes for your partthe big bad cousin of skin ner and children – look over cancer. This is the cancer their backs and bodies reguwhich needs you to pay at- larly to ensure that anything tention to any changes in suspicious is caught immemoles or new moles that ap- diately. No matter the colour pear (60% of melanomas of your skin, melanoma is arise as new moles) on the deadly. Often, black skin skin. Melanomas are often hides a problem until it is too dark, but can be pink, and late so it can be even more of may be raised and have an ir- a risk. But if you check, covregular border and may er, protect and stay aware, bleed. “If you find any mole you can avoid skin cancer, or or patch of skin which looks have the problem dealt with raised, nodular, weepy or before it is too late.

Plaaslike filmliefhebbers sal op Dinsdag 3 Januarie die geleentheid kry om die sterre van die nuwe romantiese tienerkomedie, Jou Romeo, te ontmoet. Ruan Wessels, Elani Dekker en Christopher van der West-

huizen sal van 16:30 tot 20:30 voor Ster-Kinekor in Tygervallei wees om die fliek, wat van Vrydag te sien is, te bemark. V Besoek www.sterkinekor.com of skakel Ticketline by 0861 66 8437 vir meer inligting.

TYGERBURGER Brackenfell 13

Twee honde gered deur Samaritaan SALETTE CLOETE @salettecloete

Twee honde het aan groot ontberings en moontlik die dood ontkom toe hulle deur ’n barmhartige Samaritaan gered is. Mariechen du Toit van Loevenstein vertel haar hart bloei vir die twee honde: ’n pitbull-terriër en ’n kleinerige hondjie waarvan die ras onbekend is. Du Toit sê die twee lyk baie goed versorg, maar sy kon nie die eienaars deur sosiale media opspoor nie. Blykbaar het die tweetjies verdwaal en is in Suikerbossieweg in Blomtuin, Bellville gekry. Sy vertel dis waar ’n gawe man hulle gevind het en saam huis toe geneem het. “Hy het dit goed gedink om hulle na sy huis te neem vir die aand, waar hulle heerlik warm geslaap het.” Die honde het egter weer die pad gevat om verder na hul eienaars te gaan soek, want hul verlange kon blyk-

baar nie gekeer word nie, sê sy. Du Toit sê dié keer is hulle in Brackenfell deur ’n dominee langs die pad gesien en huis toe geneem. Hier kon hulle net oornag omdat die dominee honde van sy eie het, vertel Du Toit. Die twee het by die Tygerberg-dierehospitaal beland, waar Du Toit en haar vriende gaan smeek het om hulle terug te kry, anders kon hulle uitgesit word. “Hulle sou na die DBV geneem word, waar hulle net tien dae aangehou sou word voordat hulle uitgesit word. Die twee verdien dit nie.” Shaun Aylward, die gawe man wat hulle naby Blomtuin opgetel het, wil hulle graag aanneem. “Die twee is onafskeidbaar. Ek het by die huis gestop, en hulle onder ’n bos gekry waar hulle bo-op mekaar gelê het.” Hy sê hy sal hulle graag wil aanneem, maar wil net eers seker maak hul eienaars soek hulle nie. Intussen is die twee hondevriende by Lucky Lucy Foundation in Malmesbury. Kontak Du Toit by 076 297 9054 of Aylward by 082 560 9878.



ALL TRADERS WELCOME Make Brackenfell Hypermarket your one-stop shop for all your bulk buying needs and save stacks. Bring a bakkie or truck, but go big at Brackenfell. Cnr Old Paarl Rd & Jeanette Str, Brackenfell Contact Person: Sedick George Tel: 021 980 5300


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Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016


Last year, fire cost the City of Cape Town R657 million, don’t let it cost you more. AT THE FIRST SIGN OF A FIRE, GET OUT AND DIAL 021 480 7700. @CityofCT


Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016

Lifeguards have their hands full


he number of drownings and near-drownings that have already occurred this festive season is a serious cause for concern. According to a statement by the City of Cape Town, if the current statistics are anything to go by, the City’s lifeguards and their partners are going to have their hands full during this summer season – especially during the upcoming public holidays that are popular beach days. Already, lifeguards have prevented an asthmatic person from drowning at Strand Beach, saved three people at Mnandi Beach from drowning, and rescued a 15-year-old girl at Milnerton Beach. According to Ashley Bess, a senior beach lifeguard based at the Strand Beach, the upcoming long weekend, Day of Goodwill and New Year’s Day are the busiest and scariest times for lifeguards due to the large number of people who visit beaches. “After a drowning occurs, it is a very emotional time for the lifeguard community. I try to encourage my team not to give up on lifesaving after a tragedy has occurred,” Bess says. “It is important that they focus on the number of lives they have saved through their vigilance and also the countless numbers of people they have prevented from getting into trouble by being proactive.” The City has often stressed that safety at its beaches is a shared responsibility between the public and lifeguards. “Most incidents can be prevented if the public take note of basic tips to ensure the safety of their loved ones and themselves. “We also emphasise among our lifeguards that prevention is better than cure. It is important to anticipate trouble and prevent it, rather than react. We proactively direct people to the designated bathing area, keep a watchful eye out for people who may seem to be intoxicated before entering the water, and we encourage parents to keep a close eye on their children when they are in the water,” adds Bess.

City to reduce call centre hours The City’s call centre will reduce its operating hours over the festive season. However, this applies only to Option 1 on the number 0860 103 089. According to a statement, the 24-hour call centres, such as the water and electricity technical operations centres and the Public Emergency Communication Centre, will not be affected and will continue to operate as usual. The following hours will apply to Option 1 until 3 January: . Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 17:30. . On Saturday, Sunday and public holidays the call centre will be closed. Normal operating hours will resume from 4 January as follows: . Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 21:00. . Saturday from 08:00 to 14:00. . Sunday and public holidays from 09:00 to 13:00. Residents who wish to contact the City for accounts and general enquiries may use one of the following alternative methods: . eServices: www.capetown.gov.za . Twitter: @CityofCT . Facebook The all-hours telephone number to report water-related faults is 0860 103 089 (select Option 2). Alternatively, residents may send an SMS to 31373. “The City of Cape Town regrets any inconvenience caused and would like to wish all residents a safe and blessed festive season.”


TYGERBURGER Brackenfell 15

16 TYGERBURGER Brackenfell

What’s On | Wat’s Waar V Zip Zap will be presenting Changes at the Zip Zap Dome in Jan Smuts Street until Friday. Tickets are available from Quicket.co.za. V The Lilliput Children’s Theatre Company will be presenting Cinderella at the Baxter Theatre until Saturday at 10:30. Tickets are available at Computicket.


Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016


available at Computicket.

V Ameera Patel and Jaques de Silva will perform Whistle Stop at the Baxter Theatre until Saturday 7 January. Tickets are available at Computicket.

V Yid-Dish will be at Alma Café in Rosebank tonight (Wednesday) from 18:30. R180. Call 021 685 7377 to book.

V Alan Committie will be at Theatre on the Bay until Saturday 14 January with Laughing

V The Apostle Choristers will be performing a free Christmas show at the V&A Waterfront Amphitheatre tonight (Wednes-

Blues fest: Urban Blues,

Southbound, Bluerocracy, Diamondback, Stone Theory, Slow Boat (pictured), Borderline and Burton Blues will be at Hillcrest Quarry on Saturday 7 January with MC and guest vocalist Tony Shine and special guests Mad Mouth Mike and Craig Cannon for the Little Known Blues Fest. Now in its seventh year, the festival offers lesser-known acts a chance to play to a bigger audience. Gates open at 13:00 and the show starts at 14:00. Tickets cost R100 at the door and children under 13 enter free.

V Lynita Crofford will be at the Alexander Bar until Saturday with Love me Tinder – Vio­ let online Re­booted. Visit shows@alexanderbar.co.za for bookings or more information. V Oh Baby, I’m a Wild One, a new character study by multiple award-winning playwright Louis Viljoen, starring Emma Kotze, will be at the Alexander Bar until Saturday at 21:00. Visit shows@alexanderbar.co.za for tickets or more information. V Murdering Agatha Christie, a murder mystery farce, will be on stage at the Rosebank Theatre until 31 December. Tickets are available at www.webtickets.co.za. V Six of the Best will be on stage at Barnyard Willowbridge until 31 December. Visit www.barnyardtheatre.co.za for bookings or more information.

Matters. Tickets available at Computicket.

day) from 19:00.

V Bad Jews will be at The Fugard Studio until Friday 6 January. Tickets are available at

V District Six­Kanala will be at The Fugard Theatre until Tuesday 31 January. Tickets are

V Vittorio Leonardi (JHB), Mel Jones, Jem Atkins (DBN) and Paul Cowan will be at the Cape Town Comedy Club tonight (Wednesday). Tickets at Computicket. V King Louis and the Lips will be at the Blah Blah Bar in Oranjezicht tonight (Wednesday) from 20:30. R60 at the door. V Matthew Gold will be at Café Roux Cape Town in Shortmarket Street tonight (Wednesday) from 20:30 (dinner will be served from 19:00). R110. Visit www.caferouxsessions.co.za or www.webtickets.co.za to book. V The Rivertones will be at GrandWest’s Jackson Hall every Wednesday in December and January from 21:00. Entry is free. V Comedy on Roll presents an open mic night at Obviously Armchair in Observatory on Wednesdays from 21:30. R30. Follow @ComedyOnARoll on Twitter for more information. V Ray Dylan kuier Donderdag by Die Boer. R130. Bespreek by 021 979 1911 of www.dieboer.com. V Little Giants will be performing a free show at the Artscape Piazza on Thursday from 18:00. V Jonathan Rubain will be performing a free concert at the V&A Waterfront Amphitheatre on Thursday from 19:00 to 20:00. Call 021 408 7600 for more. V Dalin Oliver, Phil de Lange, Kolping Mbumba and Schalk Bezuidenhout hit the Comedy on a River stage at the Slug and Lettuce, Riverclub on Thursday from 20:30. R50. Call 021 448 7906 or email infocomedyonaroll@gmail.com to book.

*Sluit hawebelasting, bagasie ,versekering & diensgeld uit.

V Mthwakazi Xhosa Opera will be on stage at the Blah Blah Bar in Oranjezicht on Thursday from 20:00. R80 at the door. V Faze4 will be at GrandWest’s Jackson Hall every Thursday in December and January from 21:00. Entry is free. V Vittorio Leonardi (JHB), Mel Jones, Jem Atkins (DBN) and Darren Amos will be at the Cape Town Comedy Club on Thursday and Friday. Tickets are available at Computicket. V Watershed will be at Café Roux Cape Town in Shortmarket Street on Thursday and Friday from 20:30 (dinner will be served from 19:00). R170. Visit www.caferouxsessions.co.za or www.webtickets.co.za to book. V Marc Lottering will be at Die Boer on Friday with Hashtag Lottering. R120. Call 021 979 1911 or visit www.dieboer.com to book. V The Cape Town Gospel Choir will be performing a free show at the V&A Waterfront Amphitheatre on Friday from 19:00. V Candice Thornton will be at GrandWest’s Jackson Hall every Friday in December and January from 21:00. Entry is free. V The Perseverance Christmas Band will be performing a free show at the Artscape Piazza on Saturday from 18:00. V The Amaza Ensemble will perform Carols for African Skies , a free show, at the V&A Waterfront Amphitheatre on Saturday from 19:00. V Vittorio Leonardi (JHB), Mel Jones, Gino Fernandez and Jaryd Pillay will be at the Cape Town Comedy Club on Saturday. Tickets are available at Computicket. V Supernova will be at GrandWest’s Jackson Hall every Saturday in December from 21:00. Entry is free. V James Marais, the Deep Purple Tribute Band, Johan Liebenberg, Kiss the Sky, The Rivertones, Ramaine Barreiro-Lloyd, Mark Haze and The Brothers from Hell will be at Hillcrest Quarry on Monday 26 December from 13:00 until late for Tribute Fest. Tickets cost R160 from Computicket. V Jesse Clegg will be at Die Boer on Tuesday 27 December. R120. Call 021 979 1911 or visit www.dieboer.com to book. V Hatchetman will be at Café Roux Cape Town in Shortmarket Street on Tuesday 27 December from 20:30 (dinner will be served from 19:00). R100. Visit www.caferouxsessions.co.za or www.webtickets.co.za to book. V Dani and the Lion will be at the Alexander Bar from Tuesday 27 December until Saturday 7 January at 21:00. Visit shows.alexanderbar.co.za for bookings or more. V Stone Jets will be at Café Roux Cape Town in Shortmarket Street on Wednesday 28 December from 20:30 (dinner will be served from 19:00). R90. Visit www.caferouxsessions.co.za or www.webtickets.co.za to book.

*Kajuit vir maksimum 2 persone X1T5B96E-AL211216

Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016


TYGERBURGER Brackenfell 17

Loads of ‘purr­sonality’ at FAW


isantekraal Animal Welfare has gorgeous kittens and cats with loads of “purr-sonality” looking for forever homes. Jennifer Davies, spokesperson for the FAW, says the organisation has seen an increase in cat adoptions. “Many housing complexes and rentals don’t allow dogs, fewer people have large properties and more live in apartments, so cats become a good option,” she explains. “Cats also don’t need to be walked or taken to training classes, which appeals to busy people. They are generally ‘low maintenance’. The great thing about cats is that, although they’re independent, they’re also very loving, intelligent and affectionate.” Davies says there are thousands of homeless cats in South Africa. “Adopting a cat from an animal welfare is one of the best

chances you will ever have to make a real difference – in your life and theirs,” she urges. “Cats are subject to much abuse and neglect in South Africa. Some get used as bait in dog fighting rings or for muti, and there is even a belief in some areas that throwing boiling water on a cat gets rid of evil spirits,” she says. The FAW is always happy to assist by recommending a suitable feline friend and providing advice if needed. All cats adopted from FAW are prescreened for FeLV and FIV. They receive a vet check, a vaccination and deworming, and are sterilised and microchipped – all of which is included in the adoption fee. Adoptions are subject to a home check and an adoption fee. V Contact FAW at info@faw.za.org or on 084 519 0380 or 062 258 3547 for more information.

Gatsby is a large, confident and friendly male cat of around three years old. He really enjoys people’s company and is good with children.

FAW has several male and female kittens of around nine weeks old, including this playful ginger, Danny.

Two-year-old Melody is a small female with soulful eyes and a gentle, soft nature.

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Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016




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Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016


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Ware dokters bestaan nog

Ek en my gesin het vir Alisa en Sharon gaan spreek. Ons het hulp gaan soek nadat ons vir ’n lang tyd met baie dokters gesukkel het. Ons het baie verloor, maar ons is nou gelukkig. Jou geluk word verseker. Jy hoef nie jou huis te verkoop of jou werk te bedank nie, jy betaal wanneer die werk klaar is. My man het my gelos, maar hy is nou terug; ons het nie kinders gehad nie, maar ons het nou twee. Ons het nie werk gehad nie, maar my man werk nou permanent. Sy geslagsdele was swak, maar nou is dit sterk. My suster het die lotto gewen, my ma het al haar skuld afbetaal. Baie dankie Sharon en Alisa. Bel nou vir Sharon en Alisa, jy sal nooit spyt wees nie! WHATSAPP OF SMS 078 285 8105


20 TYGERBURGER Brackenfell

PROFESSOR MASABA My naam is Catherine, ek wil net hartlike dank gee aan Prof Masaba, hy het my help om al my lewens probleme op te los. Ek het net baie rond beweeg, na verskillende dokters, maar sonder sukses. Ek het net eendag besluit om Prof Masaba te kontak, hulle het my probleem binne minute opgelos sonder dat dit nodig was om hulle te gaan sien. Prof Masaba het my gehelp om alles wat ek gespandeer het ten wat my my teleurgestel het terug gekry. CONSULTATION FEE R100 BELLVILLE Please / CALL 081 054 7572 .






MAMA TYRON Many people take advantage of those who are suffering by promising them heaven and earth but at the end they make their situation worse. The devil come to steal, destroy and to kill. Dont let it win over your life. At Mama Tyron Hope, love, smile, dreams and success is guaranteed. % 062 984 9932 .


Please contact Hanri 083 318 8244 Gideon 084 657 0047






SPITBRAAI KING DURBANVILLE 20 Yrs Exp. Best price & value. Indoors or Outdoors. WINTER SPECIAL NOW ON. Phone Jan 083 457 1060 .


. All Weather Jumping Castles & Waterslides. Free delivery/ collection in Northern Subs. See www.castlemania.co.za for prices/pics. % 083 651 2570 021 911 0595 (a.h.) . JUMPING CASTLES 4 HIRE Tel: 021 935 1773 / 082 457 6807 0R 082 594 1796 . WELGEMOED J/Castles & W/slides. Carin 072 147 4414 .


. AGAPE Driving school learner + driver's lessons code 8+10+14. Patient Instructors Lorraine 082 336 0391/021 917 1935 . ALL CODES: Learners classes, driving lessons code 8. Contact Charmaine 072 210 1774 / 021 591 2575 DRIVE DYNAMICS . DRIVE ALIVE Driving School Learners classes / Driving lessons 021 911 2657 / 074 300 3476 .



* Golden Produkte* Onafhanklike GNLD Verspreider. Tel. 021 553 2343 of 072 173 8763

Michell's Plain, Bellville & Cape Town .

PETER the Healer * Financial problems * Bring back lost lover *Help with Divorce * Win lucky numbers * Magic Wallet * Clear all Debts * I give good luck & fight bad luck * Pay after work is done 078 875 1819 LEGAL . BOEDELS Testamente, egskeidings, voorhuwelikse kontrakte. Bel Gideon 021 948 4872 Meyer Nel Prokureurs

. EGSKEIDINGS, Boedels, ens. Cap van Tonder 021 930 5721


. MASSAGE THERAPIST Reg. AHPCSA - also Travel. %Sharon 083 404 2636 In Durbanville area. .


TATA MARUTI ALL PROBLEMS R250 * Bring back lost love * Get money by using sendawana magic wallet, Hire short boys. * Put money in your account sameday results % 072 659 9112

LOANS 1445


A BRIDGING LOAN Waiting for Pension / Package payouts? SMS or send "please call me" 082 301 7856 Ph: 0860 105 546 . AA PAWN ANY VEHICLE Lowest interest 5%. Tel. 082 058 9735 . AANBOD: Pawn your vehicle 021 975 6166 / 084 247 4726 . AANBOD: Verpand motors by ons! % 021 987 2277 / 082 558 4836 .

Are u waiting on a PENSION /PROVIDENT payout? Lump sum only. Sms/Call: 0768867655

! ! "








SILVERLOT IMPROVEMENTS * Kitchens / bars * Bedroom cupboards * Carports * General woodwork * General bldg work, etc Noel 073 922 4286

Enige huishoudelike items en meubels gesoek vir kontant. Skakel: Liza 078 453 4400 .




AAN ALMAL SPOT CASH There in a flash Ons koop alle 2de Handse meubels en yskaste, stowe. Goodwood 021 591 5708 076 017 0630 .


. A MARRIAGE OFFICER Get married anytime, anywhere. Phone 021 930 5119 / 082 852 4571 .


2de Handse Meubels. % 083 310 1081. WANTED TO BUY 1675



. Ek koop antiekeware,juweliersware , speelgoed, kombuisware, linne, skilderye, ornamente & meubels Skakel Anita 082 963 8877 .



2de handse en nuwe klere, skoene, beddegoed, gordyne, breekgoed, potte, panne, eletriese ware, MEUBELS bv. beddens, sitkamerstelle, yskaste, TV's ens VIR HARDE KONTANT Tel: Johan 074 474 4275 . BEST CASH PAID PER ITEM For: Clothing, Furniture, Appliances. 082 419 1110/ 021 555 3111 . Kontant vir klere, skoene, linne, ens. WhatsApp of SMS Loryn 084 857 7238 .









is dringend opsoek na Maria Jo-Ann van Wyk i.v.m familie sake. Hy was laas woonagtig in Kraaifontein. Kontak S. Drijfhout 021 948 3637




Asook Bruinklip, Rivierklip, Kompos, Topsoil. Klein en Grootmaat. Skakel: 021 930 5411




A Cash Deal on All Goods Cash paid for all your unwanted good quality ladies, mens, kids clothing. Shoes, linen, bric 'n brac etc. Christelle/Christiaan 084 408 1437 .


Moeg van skuld en skuldberading? Begin heeltemal voor! Laat ons u Boedeloorgawe hanteer. E-pos detail van u situasie kortliks na hebsebavdh@gmail.com en laat 'n konsultant u kontak vir 'n afspraak. .

PSYCHIC MIA For accurate answers to all problems, SMS your name, date of birth and a specific question to 38381. R10 per sms


Next to Post office,Parow From R100 Day/Night Time R250 0716203320/021839 5675 . VOLMAAN-vriendskapsklub. (Sedert 1994). Enkel en alleen, op soek na jou sielsgenoot? % Elize, 021 801 0580 / 071 340 2290



AANDAG AAN ALMAL DIRK BETAAL KONTANT Vir alle 2de-handse meubels, kombuisware, ens. Tel. 021 558 9815/ 082 443 2640 .

AANDAG ALMAL Werner soek dringend al julle 2de handse meubels. Betaal kontant. ALLE AREAS 0219824176/0781501702 .

AANDAG: Barend soek dringend 2de Handse Meubels, Beddens, kaste & yskaste om te koop. Betaal kontant en kom haal self. Skakel 082 848 2880

. AANKOOP van meubels vir kontant % 021 982 2401/ 083 383 2505.




ALL APPLIANCES REPAIRED ON SITE We buy broken appliances. Fridges, stoves, washing machines with guarantee and regas from R180. % Cathy/Francois 079 838 1851 All areas .


Carports, Paving, Vibracrete mure en verhogings. Nuwe PVC ceilings and cornish. DIY as well. % Greg 021 908 0012 082 299 9111 BUILDING PLANS .


ALLE BOUPLANNE www.izaksarchitecture.co.za Skakel Izak 021 981 4352 of 082 920 0839 .

BOUPLANNE Billike fooie. Flink, kundige diens. estetiese ontwerpe. SACAP - Reg. Goedkeuring. Alle Ure: 021 903 8063 Mitch 083 601 8476 .

WANTED Old watches, war medals, coins, bank notes, old jewellery. Tel Smit 082 703 3719

. NEED A LOAN URGENTLY All welcome. Tired of scammers, No upfront fees required. Call or Whatsapp Melissa on 061 724 5198

STEVE'S SATELLITE SERVICES DSTV & antennae installation (HD PVR), extra points, home theatre system. CONTACT: 073 161 0655







CARPORTS / PATIO COVERS SEE www. carportscapetown.co.za 083 414 8103 021 492 4076


BELASTING Opgawe en konsultasie Individue en klein besighede Quantum Portefeuljes 082 498 3738 of 021 975 1615


2de handse en nuwe klere, skoene, beddegoed, gordyne, breekgoed, potte, panne, eletriese ware, MEUBELS bv. beddens, sitkamerstelle, yskaste, TV's ens VIR HARDE KONTANT Tel: Johan 074 474 4275

. EK KOOP BOEKE en langspeelplate. 0826708987 .


Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016










HYPNOSIS CENTRE Tel: 021 975 3620 www.hypnotists.co.za Kan help met ophou: Rook, Stres, Dwelms en Gewigverlies Kontak Elsie Britz



. Egskeidings, Strafhof & Boedels Konsulteer tuis. Buks 083 462 9298



DONT LOOSE HOPE A powerful healer, astrologer, psychic, foreteller from Tanzania with 23 years of experience in: Relationship problems, skin lightening creams, Property/family protection, finincial business boost, court cases, stop body pain, sleepless nights,m curses, remove tattoos, bad omen, Quit alcohol/drugs and smoking, Lucky ring, Aura/home cleaning, exorcisms, extc. Payment is done after seeing the results: 073 764 8774 email:

. IN NEED OF AFFORDABLE LEGAL REPRESENTATION whether family law (divorces, maintenance, antenuptial contracts etc), civil litigation,criminal law (bail applications, after hour bail, trials, pleas etc), labour law, contracts, administration of estates (wills, trusts etc) Contact Tiemmie-Duncan Attorneys 078 133 6546

A SPECIAL CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL 3 Bdrms for R450 6 Seater Couches for R450 Beds, Curtains & Cars. Dry in 45 min Contact Rob 078 556 6708 web specialcarpet cleaning.co.za robertfenyes2013 @gmail.com . MATTE - NAT of DROOG. Bekleedsel, meubels, matrasse, ens. nat. Deon 084 564 8225

. CARPETS, COUCHES CLEANED A deep wash at best rates. 021 592 0626/082 428 7163 . Estie Matdroogskoonmakers 90% Droog. 1 Kamer +- R250 2 Kamers +- R360. Meubels 6 x sitplek 70% Droog R480 Nuwe no. 021 592 0487 083 289 6674 .

New Tech Dry Carpet Cleaners Tired of Wet Carperts we offer you sparkling clean Carpets. Rain, cold or wet weather, 90% dry carperts No steam or powder. We use only quality carpet shampoo. Upholstery cleaned will be 70% dry. % 021 592 0487 083 289 6674 Email: info@abd-ind.co.za Tableview, Bothasig, Edgemead Northern suburbs .

QUICK 2 DRY Carpets & Upholstery cleaning. % Kevin 084 780 3201


Teken & ontwerp van nuwe huise & aanbouings. REG. MET SACAP. Skakel Riaan % 082 415 9696 .

Building Plans / Bouplanne Karel 021 981 4788 072 446 5054 www.lifestylearchitecture.co.za .


. HUIS SKOONMAAK DIENSTE Streng persoonlike toesig. Skakel: 074 082 4848 .




24/7 herstel OP PERSEËL.

Yskaste, stowe, wasmasjiene t/droeërs, ens. % 076 062 8674 . #1 AIR-CON & FRIDGE Services , Repairs,Installations,Fridges wanted. 021 945 1376/ 078 901 1594 .

Aircon & Appliances Repair: Fridges, Stoves, washing machines, tumble dryers, Aircons, Dishwasher, ONSITE Repairs Contact Tiaan 021 917 1620 082 776 2393 .

ALERT ELECTRICIANS UPGRADE Special open channel, DStv view We open after hours & weekends. No power? Fault finding for COC, upgrade of D-B board, pre-paid metre, renovations for construction and housing & CCtv cameras. Johan: 072 908 7377 021 592 0002 .

FRIDGES WANTED Dead/Alive & Repair. All makes & models. We'll fetch it & fix it. %072 493 9332 .

AERIAL SATELLITE SERVICES Have DStv/Aerial Problems? * No Signal? * Picture breaking up? * Re-installations? We do: Home Theatre, Extra Points, TOP TV install Call Vincent 082 268 9339 Same day response.



DSTV Installers Call-out from R150 * Extra-view, Triple-view and Explora setup * Extra TVpoints * CCTV * Loss of signal + repairs * TV Repairs. Workmanship Guaranteed Call Now! Garth 072 381 4023 Brad 082 994 4054 .

DSTV OVHD AERIAL REPAIRS & INSTALLATIONS Explorer, extra view installations. CCTV & HomeTheatre. Service call repair charge frm R180.

Call:0724008789 .


ELECTRICAL For fast, efficient, quality personal service Call Coenie at 072 365 3622

. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Registered and Qualified Power Failure, Rewiring, Stove Connections. Issue C.O.C. Patrick 0828368051/0796444087 .

ELECTRICAL WORK For prompt, professional % Theuns 082 899 4807 No job too small 1 Jn 4:18 There is no fear in love. .

ELECTRICIAN Michael 021 939 2543/ 082 479 6083

Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016 . ELECTRICIAN Contractor & all elec. work Qualified & Registered Certificate of Compliance Installation, Fault Finding Alternative Energy, Pre Paid Automation-Intercom-CCTV Cell: 082 953 9175 www.er-tronik.com

. Fridges & Deep Freezers wanted Working or not WILL PAY CASH! Tel: 072 592 2507 .



ONSITE PC REPAIRS Networking, Wifi, CCTV Installations Free Quotes WERNER at 083 788 0876 or 021 982 4951 www.imonet.co.za .



R20 per streepsak. Min. 30 sakke vir aflewering. Ook bakkievragte (1,75m2) beskikbaar vir R600. Skakel 083 650 4502 sandrat@iafrica.com


MD Roll-on Lawns

Landscaping & Roll-on lawns Contact Marchell on 0824982432

. TREE FELLING/PRUNING Clean-ups, irrigation, wellpoints. Phone Kevin: 021 982 5111 or 081 481 7653


GLASS/WINDOWS . ALUMINIUM windows, doors, b.bars, gates & glass repairs. Call: 073 429 7856 .




All repairs done on site by qualified technician.

076 220 8543 .



Eienaar toesig. Free quotes

Willie 073 228 3929

www.centralflooring.co.za .

Painting and Handyman Contractors Tel: 021 981 8919 Riaan 082 760 7060 / claassenriaan3@gmail.com Andre: 071 241 9769 / andredupreez60@gmail.com Follow us on facebook / Riaan Claassen Projects

PAVING . ALL PAVING. Excel ref. Ph 393 2090 or 076 124 4713 .


ACE TREEFELLING Felling of trees & palms, pruning, stump removal, general clean-ups, free quotes Selwyn 083 267 6181 021 903 2022 .

SNOEI VAN BOME Skoonmaak van tuine en verwydering van tuinvullis. %Herman 083 368 1655 .


AAA TREE FELLING Pruning & Felling of Trees & Palms. STUMP REMOVAL

% Deneys Steyn: 083 769 9286 Charl Steyn 071 347 0717 .


TREEFELLERS Afsaag en snoei van bome en palms Hannes 082 082 3116





We beat any Realistic Quote % GLENTON 072 409 5224 .


. VIBRACRETE EXTENSIONS 074 321 9215 / 084 770 1618



. AHA Burglar Bars,Gates&Vibr Tel: 021 933 1647 083 542 1097 of 021 909 1807 .

. TUINVULLIS-VERWYDERING en garage rommel. % 078 923 9479 .


SWEMBAD DIENSTE *Pompe *Filters *Lekke Tel: DJ 072 589 2802

GIDEES PLUMBING SERVICES CC (Registered Licensed plumbers) (24Hours Reliable) • Geyser specialist •Pressure valves • Blocked Drains • Burst Pipes • New installations e.t.c Contact: Gilbert 078 283 4370 or email: gideesps@yahoo.com


Tuinuitleg, algehele skoonmaak, afsaag van bome, snoeiwerk. *PERSOONLIKE TOESIG* Tel: 021 903 1272 Tel: 082 775 0977 .

BLUESCAPE Wellpoints & irrigation. Call: 072 293 8270 . Boomsloop,snoei verwyder 021 930 1258 / 074 789 2176 .

DIE ROMMELMAN Tuinvullis verwydering. Tel 083 458 3416/ 988-0374 .



. MEUBELVERVOER met persoonlike toesig. 021 945 1376 / 083 303 8684 .


Beste Pryse en Diens % 083 610 1211


$ ) , % ) $

% - $ # $ ) % . ) %

. PRICE POOLS For all your pool equipment and servicing needs. Jaco Visser 082 336 9984


. 1.3 Ton Bakkie met Drywer in Bellville area - 079 995 4815 .

A2B Afford-A-Move Owner supervised. Enclosed truck. Pierre 083 255 6148

AA ENGELBRECHT MEUBELVERVOER info@engelvervoer.com 021 - 9813053/ 5920923 083 231 2964 - Stoor .

/)$ %! $) "

..." /)$ %! $)" "0

1+ *1 +' 1+ *1 &+ .


Enige tyd beskikbaar Gratis kwotasie Eienaar bestuur self Anthonie 082 611 5631/021 930 4565


REYNECKE'S REMOVALS No move too small. Storage & packaging available. Tel./fax: 021 591 0375 083 227 4245 083 233 1784 .

. ALL CANOPIES: Sell or Pawn. Instant Cash. Phone 082 058 9735 . GESOEK: Canopies, trailers, cars & bakkies. Pawn as well. 021 987 2277/082 558 4836 vap777@telkomsa.net .


. ALL your motor vehicle repairs if you cant come to me, I will come to you. Call: 082 301 6618 . ALLE DIESEL-ENJINS: Herstelwerk. Billike tariewe. Skakel 073 092 7128 . ALLE HERSTELWERK, dienste aan alle voertuie in alle areas. Billike tariewe. Tel. 083 529 9972 .




AANBOD AAN ALLE EIENAARS Ons koop nie-lopende of beskadigde voertuie vir kontant. Beste pryse. Ons verwyder gratis. Skakel 083 294 8428 of 021 949 9083


AANBOD Ek soek nie-lopende, stukkende of ongelukbeskadigde voertuie. Ek betaal kontant en verwyder u voertuig gratis uit enige gebied Tel 021 949 6066 / 076 211 1620


AMAZING MOVES Billike prys vir meubel vervoer. % 021 931 0328 083 723 0263


DC STEELWORKS Sliding gates, palisade fencing, safety gates, burglar bars, etc. David 079 913 0618






Kits kontant vir u voertuig


. "ALL Bakkies, Cars, Micro Busses and Bikes Wanted." PHONE 082 058 9735

STORE MORE Self-Storage Secure affordable Call 021 556 0600 BUSINESS .


082 767 1953 079 677 0221

. Alle bakkies / motors gesoek. 082 558 4836 /021 987 2277 vap777@telkomsa.net . Alle bakkies / motors gesoek. 021 975 6166 / 084 247 4726 .


. Like to earn extra with AVON Call: M Blom 0833914754 or blommariana@gmail.com %083 302 5559 021 948 9479 k.u. TERTIUS MACFARLANE GRATIS KWOTASIES


EARN EXTRA MONEY By Selling Avon SMS Name/Area Tel: 074 602 7373



L & H Maintenance

Vir alle verfwerk, houtwerk, kleinbou projekte, dakskoonspuit, dak lekke, lê van houtvloere, loodgieterswerk, opsit van droëmuur konstruksies & knottypineplafonne. Teëlwerk. Gratis kwotasie % Louis 0721251288 .

MIKES HANDISERVE Your all round ''make nice'' Handiman Call Mike 083 459 9748 021 949 1285

. 24/7 PLUMBING SERVICE & MAINTENANCE % Quinton 084 564 2451 .

Renovation & Plumbing 078 949 4515 or 074 314 4875


EKSTRA GELD! Benodig 50 Avon Agente Ontvang gratis geskenk. Tel. 082 933 3986




GELEENTHEID VIR LEEFTYD! Ekstra inkomste - Geen Verkope Maak verskil in gemeenskap SMS Naam/Area 084 887 0772


. 1.3-ton bakkie A2Z Transport anything. % 083 783 9458 . BOU-/TUIN-/MOTORHUIS -rommel. Tel 079 025 9221 . BOUROMMEL VERWYDERING MELINDA 021 930 5411

. Like to earn extra with JUSTINE Call: M Blom 0833914754 or blommariana@gmail.com .


. Building - Rubble Garden Refuse, Renovation, Garage junk, treefelling Call Martin 084 907 5513 RUBBLE REMOVAL

. ALL ACCOUNTING, tax, payroll & all Reg. 021 930 5310 .







. ABRIE VERF/PAINT 021 981 6805 / 083 328 3628

. MD PAINTERS - Painting of houses exterior/interior. Painting & cleaning, roofs, waterproofing Contact Mike 073 525 6442



021 982 5644




. GORDONS Bay S/catering holiday accom.6 & 8 sleepers from R1000 p/n 079 522 4309 . Kleinmond self-catering units available from R350. www.wavecrestholidays.co.za or Tel. Erika 082 550 5585


CF Properties t/a Jawitz Tygerberg FOR SALE .


. CASH PAID for licenced running cars, rusty or not. Kevin 073 2698935 .

Ons betaal top pryse vir voertuie in lopende toestand. Skakel Apie 082 491 7455.



Slaapkamer, kombuis, stort, parkering binne, krag & water ingesluit. Onmiddelik beskikbaar vir werkende persoon. R2 600 pm. + dep. Tel. 079 172 5750





GESOEK DRYWER (EC) Vereistes: Tipper/Twinsteer ondervinding. Eie vervoer, Eie selfoon Woonagtig in Brackenfell omgewing Email CV: vandykvervoer@ gmail.com .


. WANTED Domestic Work every day . Ph 084 813 9735 .



Burglar Bars Gates,

KWALITEITSTAALWERKE vir diefwering, Spaanse diefwering, hekke, rolhekke, omheinings, balustrades, afdakke, outomatisering van hekke. Skakel KOBUS DE JONGH 021 988 6547/ 083 962 8437


Contact Carel van Niekerk on 074 771 0273





ALL TILING &PAINTING Do work myself, Mike 076 936 4153/021 9307015

Fencing & Balustrade. Call Alex @ ABBG for a free quote.T:082 496 8760 www.abbg.co.za



. Afsaag/Snoei en vullis ry. Christoffel 082 924 8989 . AM LANDSCAPING Trellises, plants, pots, pavers, water features, stone, bark & roll-on lawn. New & up-grading of irrigation systems. I beat any written quote. Anton 082 729 3811 .

BRACKENFELL (near Cape Gate) AS FROM R630.00 PM 021 982 7426











RUBBLE 8-ton truck CALL 082 845 9998


M.A.N .PROJECTS. For all your Paving needs, new or repair work, Mark 076 302 2468


TYGERBURGER Brackenfell 21









Appel en ‘n Ui Moeg om te werk vir ‘n appel en ‘n ui? Ek het 2 junior poste beskikbaar wat begin met R5 000 plus voordele. Skakel my vir ‘n afspraak om moontlik te begin werk vir goeie geld. Jonathan 081 435 5249 .

EARN EXTRA MONEY Sell Avon Products SMS/Whatsapp Name & Area to: 084 558 5777 .

MATRIEKS/STUDENTE Kerf vir jou ‘n loopbaan uit in bemarking. Raak vinnig gewoond aan ‘n bogemiddelde inkomste. Glo in jouself – JY KAN. Net 4 poste beskikbaar. Uitstekende geleentheid. R5000-00 + voordele 021 949 2929 .


. Mbutuma looking for char work Mon-Sunday. % 073 617 0845

22 TYGERBURGER Brackenfell


Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016


BostonBlinds & wholesalers


We have moved to our new premises!

2 Rooms – R300 3 Rooms – R450 R120 per extra Room 6 Seater Lounge Suite – R450

5 Gladstone Street, Boston

021 949 9127

Mon - Sat 8am - 5pm *Prices subject to change

Email queries: marius@targetcleaning.co.za

www.bostonblinds.co.za .





Call Marius 072 092 3875






NEVER compromise on quality NO NEED to compromise on price Tip-up, Sectional & Roll-up Doors and Motors Gate Automation,

AFTER HOURS SERVICE 021 555 3295/93

* * * * *

Manufacturing of steel gates

. .

WE ALSO: SERVICE & REPAIR ALL TYPES OF DOORS & MOTORS CALL Toll-Free: 0800 22 00 50 or 021 555 3295/93 021 555 3293 A/H Service Number Unit 4, Megawatt Park cnr of Dawn & Stella Road, Montague Gardens. E-mail: dominatormotors@telkomsa.net


For all plumbing problems. Commercial & Domestic The best place to take your leaks to

Member of the Chamber of Commerce PHONE ANDREW: 083 302 3754 info@doormatic.co.za

Cell: 084 756 3079

www.doormatic.co.za .

We're open in December



Toscana Weddings and Function Venues




ROOF SPRAY PAINTING TREE FELLING ROOF & GUTTER CLEANING Sien ons permanente sonkamer by Cape Garden Centre, Joostenbergvlakte.





29 jaar ondervinding

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isi :V




Set on a smallholding in the farmlands of Durbanville lies Toscana - a beautiful venue for weddings, functions and corporate events. For more information, contact 082 707 9262 or e-mail: toscanaweddings@gmail.com www.toscanaweddings.net


Woensdag, 21 Desember 2016


TYGERBURGER Brackenfell 23

Is Joel ons volgende spoedvraat? AVRIL FILLIES


et Seabelo Senatla, die voorste driedrukker in die HSBC-Sewesreeks, wat na afloop van die Kaapstadse sewestoernooi hom by die Stormers vir die Superrugby-kompetisie gaan aansluit, is daar nou ’n “vakature” vir ’n spoedvraat om sy plek by die Blitsbokke in te neem. Een van twee spelers in die SA Akademiespan, wat aan die begin van Desember aan die Dubai-Sewes deelgeneem het, en dalk binnekort opgeroep kan word na die Blitsbokke, is Joel Booysen (21) van Belhar. Die ander een is Selwyn Davids, ook bekend as Appels, wat nie net soos Gio Aplon speel nie, maar ook die kenmerkende skrumpet dra. Joel is egter die speler wat dopgehou moet word. Hy het spoed, kan verdedig, het ’n oog vir ’n gaping en kan van albei voete aftrap – alles vaardighede wat Seabelo so gevaarlik maak en wat Joel dalk voor Selwyn ’n kans by die Blitsbokke sal gee.

Vanwaar is Joel? Maar wie is Joel en vanwaar is hy? “Die Dubai-toernooi was my vierde toernooi waaraan ek as lid van die Akademiespan deelgeneem het. Ek het my buiging verlede jaar gemaak, maar het aan die begin van die jaar tydens die twee toernooie in SuidAmerika eers tot my reg gekom. “Ek was die kamermaat van Tim Agaba, ook ’n Blitsbok, wat na afloop van die twee toernooie sy debuut vir die Blitsbokke in

Australië gemaak het. Eintlik is ons die voederspan vir die Blitsbokke. Ons deel dieselfde woonplek, geriewe en afrigtingsmetodes sodat ons maklik kan inpas indien ons by die Blitsbokke nodig is. Vir my beteken dit baie om skouers te skuur met spelers soos Seabelo, Cecil Afrika, Kyle Brown, Chris Dry en die ander, want ons leer baie by hulle. “Paul Delport en Marius Schoeman, die afrigters van die Akademiespan, is albei voormalige Blitsbokke, en weet wat van elke speler op elke toernooi verwag word, want hulle het self die paadjie gestap. “Eintlik is ek nogal verbaas oor my sukses as rugbyspeler, want ek het eers op hoërskool by Paul Roos Gimnasium begin rugby speel. Ek was by die Laerskool Boston in Bellville en het aan alle sporte deelgeneem, buiten rugby, omdat dit nie by die skool aangebied is nie. “Ek het by Boston geswem, tennis en sokker gespeel,” vertel Joel. Hy het aan al die WP se o.18-toernooie in 15’s en 7’s deelgeneem en het verlede jaar ná die Sewes-interprovinsiale toernooi besluit om hom liewer op 7’s toe te spits, want hy wil ook ’n Blitsbok wees. “My pa, Jerome, is my held en hy was op sy dag self ’n kranige rugbyspeler vir die destydse Tygerberg-rugbyunie. Ongelukkig het ek hom nie sien speel nie, maar ek hoor maar van al sy rugbymanewales by sy tydgenote. Die sportgene van die Booysens in die Tygerberg-streek is legio en ek glo my sportgene kom daarvandaan,” vertel hy laggend.

Hy wil nou eers fokus op sy rugbyloopbaan, want hy is nog jonk en ’n blink toekoms lê voor. “Ek sal intussen kort kursusse doen om my kwalifikasies te verbeter, maar wil oor twee jaar met my graad in sportbemarking of iets in ’n sportrigting begin. Jy as speler weet nooit hoe lank jou rugbyloopbaan is nie, en die kort kursusse sal my help om my passie vir my studies lewend te hou,” se hy.

Skakel oor 7’s toe Volgens hom het baie van die spelers in die Akademiespan voorheen 15’s gespeel en oorgeskakel na 7’s. “Ons almal wat die skuif gemaak het, vaar goed as jy dit in aanmerking neem dat jy verskillende vaardighede vir die twee kodes nodig het. Ons leer van die bestes in die wêreld met die Blitsbokke byderhand en ek glo ons sal ook hul spelpeil kan haal. Tydens afrigtingsessies word jy lekker deur die afrigters uitgeskel as jy iets nie reg doen nie, maar as die harde woorde klaar geval het, is dit oor en verby. Ek sien dit as aansporing en opbouende kritiek om my ’n beter speler te maak,” vertel Joel. Wanneer hy nie rugby eet, slaap of drink nie, kyk hy aksieflieks en is ’n groot aanhanger van Vin Diesel en wyle Paul Walker, van Fast&Furious-faam. Hy hoop om ander talentvolle spelers in Belhar te inspireer om hul drome na te jaag en nie struikelblokke in hul pad te laat staan om hul drome te verwesenlik nie.

Joel Booysen

Locals to play district bowls

Provincial colours: Combat Jiu-Jitsu Academy (CJA) had a successful year with chief instructor Mike Herbig awarding Western Province colours to over 75 students during the year. Of those 42 students were awarded provincial A team colours and 33 earned a well-deserved place with B-team colours. To top that, there were ten students that earned double provincial colours for excelling in more than one category. Four students received national colours. They are Kehan Pretorius (Durbanville), Luandre Nel (Kenridge), Liam Dickson (Durbanville) and Ruan Louw (Table View).

Brackenfell verdedig titel in uitklopkrieket SAREL BURGER Die Hoërskool Brackenfell se eerste krieketspan sal as die kampioen in die Sammy Bloch/Durbell-Apteke-uitklopkrieketkompetisie vir o.19-spanne in die WPNoordelike Stadsgebiede-streekunie (WPNS) sy titel aanstaande maand teen 16 ander skole verdedig. Die volgende skole sal die Brakke na die

kroon probeer steek: HS Bellville, HTS Bellville, Belhar, Curro Durbanville, HS Durbanville, D.F. Malan, De Kuilen, Edgemead, Fairmont, Fairbairn, Milnerton, Parow, President, Stellenberg, The Settlers en HS Tygerberg. Ook in die WPNSuitklopkompetisies vir juniors sal daar aanstaande jaar ’n toename van o.15- sowel as o.14-spanne wees. Altesame 14 spanne sê mekaar die stryd aan in die PNA Cape

Gate-uitklop vir o.15’s, terwyl 13 spanne sake sal uitspook in die Manuel’s Busdiens-uitklop vir o.14-spanne. Inskrywings is ontvang van Durbanville, De Kuilen, Stellenberg, HS Tygerberg, Milnerton, President, HS Bellville, Edgemead, D.F. Malan, Fairmont, The Settlers, Brackenfell, Fairbairn en Curro Durbanville. Die verdedigende kampioene is Fairmont (o.15) en D.F. Malan (o.14).

Brounies reken af met Leeus Die Laerskool Bellville-Noord se Brounies het verlede naweek die span van die ondersteunersklub van die Hoërskool Bellville, die Leeuklub, behoorlik laat rondhardloop. Die Brounies, ’n informele volwasse krieketspan bestaande uit onnies, ouers en oudleerders, het die Leeuklub maklik geklop. Die Brounies het 233/9 in 30 boulbeurte aangeteken en het die Leeuklub vir 129 uitgeknikker. Vir die Brounies-span teken Wayne Kretschmer 75 lopies van 32 balle aan sonder om sy paaltjie te verloor. Jacques Bruwer (48*), Pierre-Henri Vermeulen (18) en Gary Drake (16) het hom goed ondersteun.

Morne Lotriet (4/20 in 3 boulbeurte), Viking Diener (2/5) en Jacques Viviers (1/3) het die beste geboul. Die enigste Leeu wat regtig lopies kon aanteken, was Stiaan Alberts – toevallig ’n oudBellville-Noorder is. Die Brounies se puik veldwerk het die druk van die begin af op die Leeus geplaas. Wayne Kretschmer sê die wedstryd is in ’n baie goeie gees gespeel en dat dit ’n heerlike gesinsdag was. Hy bedank ook die Hoërskool Bellville vir hul gasvryheid en dat die wedstryd op hul veld gespeel kon word, aangesien BellvilleNoord se veld te klein is.

Die Brounies-wenspan.

The WP vs Boland practice match at the Durbanville Bowling Club on Sunday 12 December hosted 128 players – 64 men and 64 women. This is an annual event during which the selectors get a chance to see the players in action before finalising the teams for the prestigious inter-district tournament in Cape Town in March next year. This year an additional two sides have been added to both the women’s and men’s sections to assist with the selection of the inter-district teams. A total of nine players of the Durbanville Bowling Club were invited to attend this practice session. The women were Maggie van Zyl, Lydia Maritz, Margaret Thomas and Joy Normington, and the men Doug Wyatt, Jeffrey Claasen, Kevin Douglas, Adre Barnard and Richard Lang. Two Protea players are in action in the men’s section – Nic Rusling (WP) and Stephan De Jager (Boland) – as well as a masters winner, Rob Pickett. In the women’s section, Trish Young (WP) was unfortunately not available as she was overseas, representing South Africa in the World Singles Champion of Champions in Australia. Boland had two Protea players in action – Anneke Snyman and Ezile Fourie.


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Georgi puts SA on the map STEHAN SCHOEMAN


t was ironic that Bulgarian born Georgi Krastev was the only South African on the winners’ podium at the recent Kyokushin World Union Open Youth World Championship held in Bulgaria earlier this month. The 17-year-old Fairmont High School learner came third in the open weight up to 17 years division. A total of 665 junior karateka from 32 countries competed. “I competed overseas once before and the standard was very high, to say the least, so I knew more or less what to expect. Those guys are strong and well built; you have to bring your A game. Being third best in the world in my division made all the long hard hours of training worth it – it inspired me to train even harder,” says Georgi. “Next year, when I turn 18, I will compete with the seniors. The plan is to work hard for the next four to five years and give it a go in the senior ranks. To jump from junior to senior level is worlds apart, but I look forward to the challenge. I proved to myself that I belong on that level.” Shihan Hennie Bosman, chairman of Africa Kyokushin-kan, says it was a remarkable achievement. “We are all very proud of Georgi. I have been involved in karate for more than 50 years and year by year the standard of karate at international tournaments gets better and better, little by little. This trophy means so much for all of us – especially our Welgemoed Kyokushin-kan dojo. Five of our members that also competed in Bulgaria decided amongst themselves to train during December. It is humbling to see their passion and commitment.

We worked extremely hard during the year, and we even summoned the help of nutritionist and medical personnel to ensure they perform at their peak. The Japanese are very impressed with us and they applauded us for getting more and more competitive on the international scene.” Assistant coach Sydney Veremu is all smiles after the tournament. “I am so happy to be a part of this. As coaches we can only do as much; the guys really committed and executed. Although Georgi was our only guy on the podium, I am still extremely proud of the rest of the team,” he says. Russia and Japan are arguably two of the best countries in the world with vastly different fighting styles. The Russians like to be in your face, with low kicks to the leg and hard punches to the body, and don’t give their opponents much room to move. The Japanese, on the other hand, have a extravagant approach with flying kicks to the head and spinning kicks to the body. “It was a treat for the boys to not only see these two nations in action but to also compete against them. I think our biggest downfall was inexperience. We are not making any excuses but the other countries have a few international tournaments a year, and for most of our team it was their first taste of international competition. They surely learned a lot. I think they are more determined to work hard and make the team again next year. What is also a big plus for next year, is that we have two top Japanese instructors who themselves are former champions and who agreed to come to Cape Town and conduct a very intensive training camp. We are all looking forward to next year and making a big success and grooming more champions,” says Bosman.

Georgi Krastev (middle), made a name for himself in Bulgaria. With him is Sydney Veremu and Shihan Hennie Bosman. PHOTO: STEHAN SCHOEMAN

Datum 21 - 31 Desember


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