Road to Nowhere Process Book

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ROAD TO NOWHERE Tyler Schwab Process Book

SUNY Fredonia November 7th, 2014


02 04 05 07 11 16

Table of Contents Process Essay IP Report Inspiration Progress Final


PROCESS ESSAY For this project, the idea was to take a trip to somehwere I had never been and

of Hideaway Bay and so on. However, when it came down to it, I just didn’t

document my expedition. As well as just visiting a new place, it was important

have enough time to create all of these wonderfully illustrated maps and

to bring back a souvenir or memento to use in the project. The actual project

images that I envisioned when I started working on this project. In all of my

was to create an eight page booklet based on my expedition and found object.

progress shots, it’s shown that I was headed in that direction but ultimately switched to plan B which was the use of black and white photography and

So where did I go? Well, there is a small beach near where I live called

color overlay. I think this is an equally strong idea as the illustrative style

Hideaway Bay. It’s about five minutes down the road from where I live but I

booklet but it is a much more efficient use of my time.

had never been there before. Ususally when I am on my way to school, I pass by a sign that says that there is a restaurant and beach down the road but

The one thing that really made it into the final book that was part of my

I had never gone that way until the prompt for this project. Originally I had

original plan was to devote an entire spread to a studio shot image of the piece

planned to go somewhere farther away to experience something completely

of driftwood that I brought back from the beach with me. I’m actually very

different but due to time restrictions, Hideaway Bay turned out perfect for

pleased with the way that it turned out. The image wasn’t large enough to fit

me. The item that I brought back with me to incorporate into this project was

the entire spread but with the way that I shot and edited the photo, I was able

an interesting piece of driftwood from the beach and it is used in one of the

to extend the photo by letting the left edge go completely white. This way, I

spreads of the booklet as a studio shot piece of photography.

could add an extra couple inches of white space to the photo seemlessly.

When I had first started working on this project, my goal was to make a really

Overall, I am very happy with the way this turned out. I’m actually impressed

flat design and illustrative booklet. I started with a map of the Great Lakes

with my ability to quickly rework the entire project and have it be this

region because this whole Graphic Design III class is about linear progression

successful. I think it shows how far my eye for design has come along where

and I wanted my linear progression to be from large scale to small scale. So

I can put something together in a short amount of time and still have it look

naturally the first pages would be a map of all of the lakes with the next image

great. However, I don’t think the stress that went along with it was worth it. I

or page being a map of one of the lakes and then the next image being a map

will definitely use my time more wisely in future projects.






Dalton Maag Sans Serif

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak


Vernon Adams Script

Havana Hex: DD4A36 RGB: 221,74,54

Golden Dragon Hex: DEC53E RGB: 222, 197, 62

Armenia Hex: F8E9CA RGB: 248,233,202

Peppermint Sigh Hex: 6AA99F RGB: 106,169,159

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak


Eye Color 2 Hex: 3C0E0E RGB: 60,14,14









These progress shots may look odd compared to the finished book and that’s because I decided to completely rework the project. But the original idea was to go with a more flat illustrated look. These three progress shots show where a map illustration of the great lakes region was heading.



This was going to be a depth chart of Lake Erie. Since Hideaway Bay is located on the shore of Lake Erie, the focus would linearly continue to move from larger scale to smaller scale.



Originally, the cover of the booklet was going to be a topographic map of Hideaway Bay. The final cover design actually has this topographic design used in it.



Here is an alternate book cover concept that I worked on.












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