Arch20004 M1

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Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2019 Yilin TU (Elena)

964532 Samuel Lalo Studio 29

Week One

Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.

According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols? (100 words Maximum)

Diagrams are presenting the information and ideas that one wants to convert in his design. It is not limited by time, dates or logic, its main concept is about inspiration. Besides, there are two kinds of diagram, one for own self and one for others. However, signs and symbols have specific audience. To understand one sign or symbol, the audience should have relative knowledge or know the basic information. The information from signs and symbols are more direct.


Week One

Precedent Analysis

Fig.2 Plan

Fig.3 Elevation

Fig.4 Top&Bottom Layers

Fig.5 Middle Layers

Fig.1 Reference: The precedent figures analyse the process of my pavilion, Serpentine Summer House. The plan is used to trace the contour line of the main struceture, and the elevations are used for measuring the standard height. The Rhino module is made layer by layer, five layers altogether. The bottom layers and the middle layers are in horizaontal levels, however the top layer is in a special curved way which increases its difficulities during the modeling. Besides, the commands used in modeling are extrude curve and loft.


Week Two

Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture. Herzberger discusses how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use. (100 words Maximum)

Herzberger describes design objects as instruments rather than apparatus. Besides, he belives that extra functions and requirements play important roles in designing objects. In his opinion, extra functions of one object should relate to the gestures and poses of users. The main purpose to is to make design more efficient and appropriate to users. Additionality, the Serpentine Summer House done by Barkow Leibinger also creates an appropriation for users. The seats are combined, which allows children to crawl. On the other hand, it offers adults a place of lying or sitting. The isolated wooden board functioned as both the back of the chair and the walls separated areas.


Week Two


Barkow Leibinger -Serpentine Summer House 2016 The isometric diagram here is taken in south-east view, the reason i choose this view is it could present the whole structure in a clearer way than other views. There are five mian layers in my diagram, the top shelter, middle curved parts, the isolated boards, the fillings of seats and the structure of seats. The top layer was modelled in more detail and took more time. Unlike other layers, the top layer is arranged in different levels, not fully horizontal. When I was modelling the isolated boards, I found out that the position of these three boards were opposite to each other, which reminded me the idea of “privacy“ in threshold diagram. All the way up to the top layer, the whole structure of the pavilion started to become clear. This pavilion does not have a truly entrance, it is in a fully open situation. This special characteristic will form the circulation diagram, as the movement will be more in a circular way. Through futher study from the map, the pavilion is located near the Queen Caroline’s Temple and the Serpentine Gallery. Besides, there is a mian path connecting them together. Thus, the movement and density of people will be influenced by them.


Week Two Diagrams

Shadow Structure

Material Analysis

Density of people


Low Density

Secluded Area

High Density

Exposed Area

Layers of Openness

Circulation paths

Inner Space Transition Space Outer Space

Circulation Diagram

Threshold Diagram

This diagram analyses the circulation of people in terms of the shadow and the main pathway. The area that contains more shadows will have a higher density of people(shadow around 12pm), and the side that closer to the main path will have more movements.

In this diagram, the private space and three layers of openness are analysed as thresholds. Various directions will provide different privacy, which is also higly associated with the main path. The open space is divided into three layers: inner, transition and outer.



Process of modeling

Middle Layer 1

The bottom layer actually consists of two parts, the outer structure of seats and the fillings of seats. Besides, the fillings are a little bit higher than the structure. Although, the middle layer is arranged between the bottom layer and the top layer, it has the highest element than other layers.

Bottom&Middle Layers

The middle layer 2 is almost the same level as the middle layer 1. Comparing to the layer mentioned precedent, this layer contains a more compliacted shape and has enclosure space.

Middle Layer 2

The top layer is the most difficult part to me, as the curves twist in different angles. Thus, the images of elevations do a lot favour to me when I was modling the top part.

Top Layer



Process of circulation Main







Pathw ay

Low Density



High Density

Shadow at 12pm


Map plan from Google Earth 8

The isometric view presents the shadow at 12pm during summer time and the pathway nearby. It is obvious that the back of the pavilion is covered in shadow. Thus, I suggest most of the people will choose to sitting under the shadow due to the hot weather and a few people may stay under the sun. According to these studies and ideas, the density diagram for circulation was created.


Process of Threshold Main Pa thway

Secluded Area Exposed Area

This pavilion is quiet different from others as it is in wide openness and without specific entrance. The structure of its main activity area is placed back to back, then the idea of “privacy“ is created. Depending on the information from map, the pathway becomes the main element that influence the private space. The simple diagram above analyses the direction of passagers. It is obvious that only one curved shape can be treated as the secluded area, as it is opposite to the pathway. In addition to this curve, some areas between the curves also create small privacy for individuals.



Process of Threshold


Layers of Openness Inner Space Image Reference: en/barkow-leibinger-berlin/project/serpentine-summerhouse

Transition Space Outer Space

Basing on the plan image, the idea of different layers of openness is created. The inner space is shaped by the outline of the main structure. Besides, this grass free zone emphasises that the main activities will happen here. The transition space is the combination of the inner and outer. The outer space is intergarting to the surroundings.

By looking at plan image, there are three layers of green field, the inner field without grass, the transition field with short grass and the outer field connecting to surroundings.


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