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Flood Outreach to Galena Residents: Getting them back into the home safely Kahtnu #1 Monday, 3:30 - 4:45 p.m. Presenter: Art Nash Through UAF Cooperative Extension Services and Tanana Chiefs Conference Office of Environmental Health, “The Returning Home After The Flood Workshop” was provided to exiled residents waiting in Fairbanks as well as in Galena to return home. The workshop educated folks on how to begin the drying out process before building materials became more ruined or mold covered.

UAF Cooperative Extension Service

Climate Change and Extreme Events: Risk, vulnerability and adaptation assessment (Part 1 of 2)

Kahtnu #2 Tuesday, 9 – 10:15 a.m. Presenter: Val Barber In the first workshop we will assess vulnerability and risk based on changing climate and extreme events by looking regionally and by type of event. We will look at individual response and possible scenarios, as well as at the community level and appropriate responses. We will explore available resources and how individuals and communities should prepare, and then break out into regional groups and prioritize vulnerabilities by region.

UAF Cooperative Extension Service

Story Telling as a Model for Environmental Education Kahtnu #2 Tuesday, 3:30 – 4:45 p.m. Presenter: Kay Shoemaker Howell What on earth would you say to Alaska youth who will go on to create new knowledge in fields of scientific re­search, public lands policy, and natural resource careers? This session explores reflective storytelling, through an activity that focuses on the salmon life cycle, that each participant enters in: Why do kids from kindergarten through high school respond to this crazy predator/prey tag game that stories the salmon life cycle and challenges salmon face in their diverse habitats, from mountain streams to estuaries to the open ocean? Because acting like a sea lion is fun. Because tagging your peers with a bear or eagle puppet is ridiculous, and brings heaps of laugh­ter to the activity. Because running through the salmon life cycle, avoiding being turned into “sushi” by a dam’s turbines is challenging, to say the least. Because, in Alaska, our families and our future depend on a healthy salmon habitat. It’s relevant to us all.

UAF Cooperative Extension Service

Alaska Renewable Schools — Burning Wood into Education Dollars

Demonstration of the Biomass Fuel Calculator

Forest Health Monitoring in Alaska

Kahtnu #1

Tubughneq’ #3

Kahtnu #2

Wed., 2 – 3:15 p.m.

Tuesday, 9 – 10:15 a.m.

Thursday, 10:30 – 11:45 a.m.

Presenter: Art Nash With the sharp increase of heating oil prices in Alaska this past half decade, and with no substantial tax base for many Alaskan school districts to levy from, many districts have no recourse to recoup lost resources for educational delivery without considering a cheaper fuel source for heating their schools. Nearly a dozen districts in Interior and Southeast Alaska have successfully switched to burning wood, which has resulted in cutting fuel costs dramatically. What community ‘capitals’ or assets did these locations that made the switch, have? This interview-based research looks at the resulting benefits of these biomass efforts in light of the Community Capitals Framework, which looks at a utility/ heat project from the point of view of community development, sustainability, and resiliency.

UAF Cooperative Extension Service

Presenter: Karen Petersen The University of Minnesota in partnership with the Alaska Energy Authority has developed a Wood Fuel Energy Cost Calculator. This free on-line program will help any entity decide if installing wood energy makes financial sense. The program has the ability to print out a simple Payback spreadsheet that can be included in funding requests, and used to demonstrate to boards and organizations what the cost savings might be.

UAF Cooperative Extension Service

Presenter: Jessie Moan Learn how agencies and land managers monitor forest health in Alaska, the current status of some of our major forest pests, and ways you can participate in forest health monitoring.

UAF Cooperative Extension Service

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