2010 n i d n o c e s ked n a r s a w a ita k p a c Alas r e p n o i mpt u s n o c y g r e). e g a r e v in en a l a n o nati e h t s e m i t ere w a t i (three p a c r e res p u t i d n e p x e 012 2 n i State 7 0 8 , 8 at $ n o i t a n e h t ge). a r top in e v a l a n o i e nat h t s e m i t o d one e r (tw e d i s n o c s is s a m o i b y d ergy n e Woo f o t s o c high e h t o t n o i eas. r a l a solut r u r n i ially c e p s e , a k s in Ala
Converting from fuel oil to wood boilers in Alaska communities — lessons learned Project scope
Community experience
From 2002 to 2012, over four dozen Alaskan rural communities applied for 61 prefeasibility grants to convert from fuel oil to cordwood, wood chip, driftwood and pellet boilers. The Alaska Center for Energy and Power and University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service looked at resulting data to determine which projects became operational and what technical, economic and social factors lead to success.
Key community members were interviewed to get an idea of what it takes to make a biomass program succeed.
Tok biomass boiler
April 2013 Installed Biomass Boilers Community Coffman Cove Coffman Cove Craig
City center Coffman Cove school (K-12)
Fuel type Cord Cord
Craig municipal pool, elementary school and middle school Delta middle-high school Old school, tribal/city offices, new school and teacher housing, and water plant University classrooms
Galena Gulkana Haines Juneau Kasilof
Elder’s residence project Several Senior housing center Sealaska building Community hall and domestic hot water building
Cord Cord Pellet Pellet Cord
Tongass Discovery Center , Federal building and Ketchikan library Sitka Coast Guard buildings Washeteria, city building and teacher housing and school Tetlin school (K-12) Thorne Bay school (K-12)
AGSD Admin office, Tok school, and multi-purpose facility
Delta Junction Elim Fort Yukon
Sitka Tanana Tetlin Thorne Bay Tok
Installation details Installed Econoburn with problems per creosote Installed 2 GARNS in 2010 and it works great feeding it 2 hours per day (on cold) installed Chiptech in 2008 and is operational
Chips Cord
Installed Messersmith is operational Installed “Garn in a box” protype operating with difficulties
Installed a Tarm system that has been tested, performed nicely; not in use due to bureaucratic problem issues Installed 3 Tarms and operational Installed Tarms operational with some issues Installed in 2012 and working well Installed 2008 and working very well Installed Garn that are operation 4-5 years satisfactorily, yet not run at full capacity due to labor need of loading it Installed but having auger difficulty (at Discovery Center) and 2 ACTs operating fine Installed 3 ACTs, operational but on hold Installed 6 Garns and 4 Econoburns
Pellet Cord Cord Cord
Installed 2 Garns operational Installed 2 “Garn in a box” systems fully operation; not in use due to bureaucratic problem issues Installed 2010 Messersmith is operation
Economic factors for success
A successful project saved the community money or stabilized the cost of heat and utilized wood resources (which are often a local fire danger) at a sustainable rate.
Questions asked: • What was the fuel usage before and after biomass boiler installation? • How much fuel was displaced/how much money was saved? • Was reliability of fuel delivery a problem? • Is wood availability a problem now? • How was the boiler performance before and after biomass boiler installation? Garn boiler in Tetlin • Was/is the boiler reliable? • Have they had labor or human resources issues? • Is the community happy with the installation?
Typical installation in Alaska In a typical situation, a woody biomassfired boiler was installed in a main building, such as a school or a tribal hall. Often, if the installation and implementation are successful, the next step was to extend biomass heating to other community buildings, such as a clinic or laundromat, either via a district heating loop from the first boiler or the installation of additional boilers.
Coil used to circulate water or glycol in biomass boilers, Tetlin School
Typical fuel oil prices in the Alaska villages can range from $5 to $9 per gallon. A typical range of oil usage for a school in mid-sized community of several hundred residents would be about 10,000 to 50,000 gallons per year. A typical community saved $80,000 to $400,000 per year on fuel costs after installing a wood-fired boiler. 2002 - 2012 Prefeasability Study Applicants
Applicants Actual Installations
However, a wood-fired boiler must be actively and consistently used. The community must be motivated either by economic or emotional reasons to use a boiler. This is especially true in the case of cordwood-fired boilers, which are the most labor-intensive and the least routine.
Social factors for success Social factors are also necessary for a biomass project to succeed. It is important to have a supportive collective community as well as a local champion who is enthusiastic about biomass. Other factors include: • Community pride • Desire for energy independence from Outside suppliers • A more general wish for selfreliance within the community • Creation of local jobs • Concerns about environmental ethics and stewardship
Logistical factors for success
Logistical factors for success must consider the size and insulation of the building and the cost and availability of biomass fuel. In addition: • Wood sources must be either local or reliably delivered. • Wood must be dry (ideally under 30 percent moisture content). • A chipper, if chips are used, must be reliably available. • Sufficient local labor must be available to maintain the boiler. • There must be adequate training of local operators and maintenance workers.
UAF Cooperative Extension Service 877-520-5211 • www.uaf.edu/ces UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educational institution.
Tok School: only low-pressure steam turbine that produces electricity anywhere in the United States
The woody biomass boilers most commonly used in community and tribal buildings in Alaska are manufactured by Garn, Messersmith, TARM, ATC and Chiptec and burn either chips, pellets or cordwood. Buildings are heated by circulating a heatcarrying fluid (generally either water or glycol) in a closed loop between the boiler and the building; the heat is controlled by the flow rate of the water or the glycol, rather than by the air flow (such as accomplished by wood stoves).
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are s t c e s n i l l ma s r e h t o d n n a a r s c e l t d e n e a b oks o n e Spiders, h t f o an s t h t n e e r d i o s e m r little e r a common d n . a e e d l i i s p n d i o e o d i nies of a w ould they hitch a r ted c a r t t h a s e o s c l n are a s t a nuisa n a r e t use rpen a a c c , n r a e c v e d y an How l p p u s d o wo e r fi r u to o y e g to a m a d ral u t c u r t s s beseriou y e h t d l u sho e m o h r u yo ed. h s i l b a t s e come
Alaska’s Renewable Energy Resource
Managing your wood pile Why Season Wood?
Selecting Firewood Absolutely dry wood (zero moisture), regardless of species, has approximately the same heat value – 8,600 BTU/lb. However, differences in density, resin and moisture content, along with rate and intensity of combustion, account for heat value differences among tree species. In general, the more dense the wood, the more heat it will produce. BTU Output by Tree Species
25,000,000 20,000,000
• The single most important factor in an efficient, clean fire is the moisture content of the firewood. • The heat energy given off by well-seasoned wood (20% MC) is almost double that of freshly cut wood. • When wood burns, any water present must first be evaporated off; this takes a surprising amount of energy. • Green wood is difficult to burn, produces less heat, reduces the efficiency of wood stoves, contributes to air quality concerns and creates a fire hazard in the home.
White Spruce
Quaking Aspen
Black Spruce
Balsam Poplar/Cottonwood
Purchasing Firewood
Storage Tips • Always store wood outside. Bring in only a few days worth at a time to avoid insects from taking up residence inside; handpick or vacuum up any hitchhikers. • Store wood easily accessible to the house, covered or sheltered in a way that allows air circulation but keeps out the rain and snow, and up off the ground at least 4 inches to prevent moisture, rot and insects from getting established. • Do not stack wood against the house or other buildings to keep insects attracted to the woodpile away from structures. • Do not purchase or transport firewood farther than 50 miles away to prevent bringing invasive pests home with you. • Rotate wood regularly, burning the oldest first to cut down on the chances of insect populations getting established in the woodpile.
What is a cord? • Official unit of measure for firewood • If sold as “seasoned” check for dark • 128 cubic feet of wood and air – 4 ft. ends, “checks” (cracks) in the ends, high X 4 ft. wide X 8 ft. long loose or no bark and lighter wood (pieces will “clang” when banged to- • Approximately 80 to 90 cubic feet of gether). solid wood
What to look for:
• Avoid rotten or waterlogged wood, or wood with signs of fungus (conks, mushrooms, etc).
Firewood Hauling Capacities of Pickup Truck Beds 1 Cord = 128 Cubic Feet
Truck Size
CF-1.5 CF Wheel Well
Truckloads to equal a cord
• Be able to identify the wood being sold by species (birch has a much higher heat value than cottonwood).
Full size pickup w/8' box
68.5 CF
Full size pickup w/short box
8.5 CF
Full size pickup w/8' stepside
48.5 CF
• Be sure that a cord is a cord, or whatever unit of measure is used.
Full size pickup w/6.5' stepside
38.5 CF
Small pickup w/6' box
30.5 CF
Small pickup w/7' box
36.5 CF
Small pickup w/8' box
42.5 CF
Seasoning Wood • Cut and split firewood into pieces the length of your stove and no wider than 6 inches across. • Stack wood up off the ground in an area where air can move easily around pile; allow space between pieces for air to circulate and carry off the excess moisture. • Shelter or loosely cover the woodpile; do not allow plastic or tarp to lay across the wood. • Allow wood to stay stacked at least 6 months, or until wood shows signs of being seasoned – lighter color wood, dark ends with checks and small splits, loose or no bark.
UAF Cooperative Extension Service has resources to help you manage your wood pile — www.alaskawoodheating.com UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educational institution.
For more information, contact Bob Gorman at UAF Cooperative Extension Service, Sitka District Office, Ph: 907-747-9413
and d e t s e v r a h bly a n i a t s u s l e u Wood f 50 n i h t i w ( ly l a c d lo manufacture m i r e w o l ly t n fica i n g i s a s a h miles) n o i t a l u m u c c as a g e s u o h n e e pact on gr are s l e u f d o o w ed t r o p m I . l e u f a e v than fossil a e l d n a l ica m o n o c e n u , e unsustainabl . t n i r p t o o f n large carbo
Alaska’s Renewable Energy Resource
How Wood Burns • When wood burns it releases energy. Energy produces heat. Heat is transferred. Stage 1: Temperature begins to rise, water heats up and boils off. Radiant, like from the surface of a wood stove Stage 2: As wood heats, volatile gases and other substances are released. Conductive, like hot air warming surrounding cooler air Stage 3: When temperatures reach 600°F, escaping gases ignite Convective, like water running through a baseboard heater and burn; at 1,000°F, log charcoal burns and emits radiant heat.
Wood Fuels Fuelwood or Cordwood
• Most basic wood fuel, comes from trunk and branches of trees cut to length. • Length of pieces varies with the width of the wood stove or device firebox. • Cordwood for wood stoves and fireplace inserts should be split into pieces no wider than 6” across. • All fuelwood should be seasoned and dried to approximately 20% moisture content for optimal heat. • Heat output varies by species and significantly impacted by moisture content.
• Compressed wood fuel made from wood chips. Wood fiber is not destroyed during processing so heat output is influenced by tree species used. • Designed to burn in traditional (non-catalytic) wood stoves and inserts. • Avoid products with resins or other artificial binders, which can cause air quality concerns and creosote buildup. • Can be made from local wood wastes, forest fire reduction projects and urban wastes.
Wood Chips
Wood Pellets
• Size varies with equipment used for processing and for burning. • Preferred wood fuel for wood boilers in public buildings and heating districts. • High quality chips are uniform in size and free of debris.
• Wood residue is milled into wood flour destroying the wood fiber and compressed into pellets often with no binder other than natural chemicals found in the wood. • The compressed wood pellets have low moisture content (6%), provide uniform heat values regardless of tree species used and provide an efficient, intense burn. • Burn only in specialized pellet stoves which require electricity to operate. • Pellet manufacturing is an expensive process.
Wood Burning and the Environment Air pollution from Smoke
Indoor Air Quality
• Wood smoke contains a range of elements that can cause or worsen health concerns. • Modern, clean stoves, with an EPA certification are designed to burn off much of the smoke before it leaves the stove, significantly reducing emissions. • Outdoor Wood Boilers, even when used properly can emit as much smoke as 12 EPAcertified indoor wood stoves. • Wood smoke emissions can be a health issue in communities with high numbers of wood burners and in climates that trap surface gases during the winter.
• Older, non-airtight wood stoves allow wood smoke pollution to enter the indoor environment. • Modern, airtight stoves reduce or prevent smoke from entering into the indoor environment. • Indoor air pollution from wood stoves can impact your health and creates a safety hazard from high carbon monoxide emissions.
Health and Sustainability of the Forest • Wood is a renewable resource and trees regrow within a lifetime. • Removing diseased or dying trees from the forest improves the health and vigor of the remaining trees. • Wood is a carbon-neutral fuel – releasing only the amount of greenhouse gases in burning as the trees absorbs in growing. • Unmanaged forests burn every year in Alaska adding carbon to the atmosphere and creating wildfire risks to communities. • Wildland firebreaks can provide inexpensive wood fuel for local residents.
UAF Cooperative Extension Service has resources to help choose the right wood fuel for you — www.alaskawoodheating.com UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educational institution.
For more information, contact Bob Gorman at UAF Cooperative Extension Service, Sitka District Office, Ph: 907-747-9413
EPA Certification emission ts e e m e v to s e th t This ensures tha anufacturers M . A P E S U e th o different standards set by tw g in y lo p m e y b ification aximum 4.1 achieve this cert (m c ti ly ta a c – s ie nolog combustion tech talytic (maximum a -c n o n r o r) u o h per grams of smoke th are effective, o B . r) u o h r e p e ok 7.5 grams of sm n stoves. a le c d n a t n ie c ffi e
Alaska’s Renewable Energy Resource
Choosing the Right Wood Heating Appliance for Your Home Important considerations include availability, cost of wood fuel and safety. • Is wood fuel locally available and priced reasonably – will you really save money? • Can the appliance and vent (chimney) be safely installed in the space available?
Until pellets are manufactured and available locally, many of the benefits of using this renewable biomass fuel are lost.
Non-Catalytic Stoves
Pellet Stoves
Catalytic Stoves
• The most common choice, and usually less expensive than other stoves.
• Similar to woodstoves in looks only.
• Highly efficient stoves, capable of producing a long, even heat output.
• Features include a large, heavily insulated firebox, a large baffle system that introduces preheated air to cause a secondary burn of wood gases and particulates. • Simple to operate and maintain.
• Fuel pellets are loaded into hoppers and delivered to the combustion chamber by an electric, thermostatically controlled auger. • Pellet stoves rely on convective, not radiant heat. • Rely on electricity and may not be appropriate for some situations. • Pellet stoves are easy to operate, clean and efficient.
Other Residential Heating Options
Old Fashion Barrel and Franklin Stoves
Fireplace Inserts • A woodstove designed to fit inside a traditional masonry fireplace. • With proper installation and operation, an insert can increase the efficiency of an open fireplace and lower emissions to almost zero.
• They are inexpensive to purchase, not to operate.
• Smoky exhaust is passed through a honeycombed ceramic insert that causes the smoke to burn. • The insert does degrade over time and must be replaced. • A good choice for those that like technology and are prepared to properly operate and maintain the stove for peak efficiency.
• Franklin style, barrel burners and other non-airtight stoves can have an average efficiency rating as low as 20%. • Older airtight stoves restricted airflow producing a slow fire, with up to 90% more smoke and 60% more carbon monoxide than newer, cleaner versions.
UAF Cooperative Extension Service has resources to help choose the right wood heating system for you — www.alaskawoodheating.com UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educational institution.
wood energy display.indd 5
For more information, contact Bob Gorman at UAF Cooperative Extension Service, Sitka District Office, Ph: 907-747-9413 7/26/10 10:40:57 AM
Wood has always provided people with
The carbon dioxide relased when
tools, shelter and fuel. It is only in
these fuels are burned is
the past few hundred years
changing our climate. Wood
that coal, oil and gas
can provide a renewable Regularly clean stove and stove pipe
have been used in ever increasing
source of energy. Adequate distance to combustibles.
Proper installation
Burning wood safely Installation of any heating system must be done in compliance with your local building codes.
Use the appropriate vent pipe
Alaska Interior Region Firewood
Fireplace inserts are efficient. Talk to wood stove dealer staff. They’ll hep you identify options.
Tamarack 16,000,000 BTU/Cord
White Spruce 18,100,000 BTU/Cord
Birch 23,600,000 BTU/Cord
Quaking Aspen 16,600,000 BTU/Cord
Catalytic Converters – more expensive, not common in Alaska.
Firewood Hauling Capacities of Pickup Truck Beds 1 Cord = 128 Cubic Feet CF-1.5 CF Wheel Well
Truckloads to equal a cord
Full size pickup w/8’ box
68.5 CF
Full size pickup w/short box
8.5 CF
Full size pickup w/8’ stepside
48.5 CF
Full size pickup w/6.5’ stepside
38.5 CF
Small pickup w/6’ box
30.5 CF
Small pickup w/7’ box
36.5 CF
Small pickup w/8’ box
42.5 CF
Truck Size
Modern Firewood Stoves
Black Spruce 15,900,000 BTU/Cord
Balsam Poplar/Cottonwood 15,000,000 BTU/Cord
Non-Catalytic Wood Stoves - most common EPA certified wood stove sold in Alaska.
Firewood and invasive species
Sustainably managed forests are widely acknowleded for the key role they play in climate change and sustainable living. Wood produced from sustainably managed forests is a renewable and environmentally friendly resource. During the growing stage, forests remove C02 from the atmosphere and convert it to cellulose -- the building blocks of wood and living biomass -- in a process known as carbon sequestration.
Plants are good hitchhikers. Who knows how they might end up in your garden next! Learn about potential invaders in your area so you can spot them as soon as you arrive.
The positive role that trees play in climate change continues into the wood products arena. Wood used in energy has a significantly lower carbon footprint thatn materials that use fossil fuels.
• Wear proper protection • Check the area behind you for obstacles • Check the chain for obstructions before starting the saw
Firewood safety • Keep both hands on the saw, and both feet firmly planted on the ground • Once you cut the tree into lengths you want be careful loading the lengths onto a vehicle.
...the sustainable resource Proper storage & seasoning Cut and split your wood. Seasoning usually requires several months to at least a year for dense hardwoods.
Covered storage, open on the ends, helps prevent re-wetting from rain/ snow.
The more wood surface exposed to air, the faster it dries. Stack the wood in loose piles off the ground. The best place is a windy storage area exposed to sunlight.
Reasons to heat with wood • Wood and Woody Biomas fuels are cost effective, renewable, alternative energy for many areas of Alaska. • Using local wood resources instead of imported fuels also keeps more dollars in local communities. • Ideally, wood fuel should come from within 50 miles of where it will be burned.
Visit the wood energy website at
www.alaskawoodheating.com For more information contact Bob Gorman at UAF Cooperative Extension Service, Sitka District Office, Ph: 907-747-9413
Alaska’s Renewable Energy Resource
Heating your Home with Wood
Choosing the Right Wood-burning Appliance for You Catalytic Wood Stoves Catalytic stoves are capable of producing a long even heat output. The technology works similar to the catalytic converter in your car. When wood burns, gases are released that contain particulates and other volatile organic materials that if not burned will carry heat up and deposit creosote in the chimney. In order for these gases to ignite, temperatures must reach at least 1,000°F, however the chemical coating of the insert acts as a catalyst and lowers ignition temperature to around 500°F. This more complete combustion of the wood enhances stove efficiency and significantly reduces air pollution and creosote deposits.
Clean, Efficient Wood Stoves All stoves manufactured after 1991 are required to meet EPA set particulate emission levels and receive certification from an EPA-accredited laboratory. All EPA-certified stoves have a permanent label on the back indicating this certification and listing emission levels of the stove.
Catalytic wood stove
• Highly efficient, burns less wood than other stoves to produce equal heat.
• Generally more expensive than noncatalytic wood stoves.
• Very low emissions, decreased air pollution and health impacts. • Reduced creosote deposits, lower risk of chimney fires.
• Inserts degrade over time and will need to be replaced; with care it can last up to 6 seasons. • Burns only clean firewood, no compressed fuel such as bio-logs, etc., insert can easily be contaminated and damaged by burning foreign material. • Requires more attention during operation than other wood burning options.
Visit the wood energy website at
www.alaskawoodheating.com UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educational institution.
For more information, contact Bob Gorman at UAF Cooperative Extension Service, Sitka District Office, Ph: 907-747-9413
Manufacturers of wood stoves took two approaches to meet these limits. Catalytic stoves can release up to 4.1 grams/hour of particulate; non-catalytic stoves are allowed emissions up to 7.5 gram/hour. Although emission controls came about to reduce the health impacts of wood smoke, a smoky fire is a wasteful fire, resulting in more fuel burned to keep space heated. Low emissions are an indication of more complete combustions so each burn provides the most heat for your wood fuel and efforts. Both non-catalytic and catalytic stove types provide clean and efficient use of wood energy, they simply use different combustion technologies to achieve their emission goals.
Alaska’s Renewable Energy Resource
Heating your Home with Wood
Choosing the Right Wood Burning Appliance for You Outdoor Wood Burners Recent price volatility of heating fuel, along with associated environmental concerns, has increased interest in alternative fuels for residential heating options. Outdoor Wood Furnaces (OWF) or Outdoor Wood Burner (OWB) are popular in many areas where wood is plentiful and winters are cold. An OWB is a large firebox surrounded by a water jacket housed in an insulated shed with a short smoke stack located outside of the building or buildings being heated. The OWB burns wood to heat the water (or water-antifreeze mix) that is piped underground to connect to hot water (hydronic) or hot air (furnace) heating systems. Heat is moved from the piped water into the home through a series of heat exchangers and circulated back to the burner. Unfortunately, many OWBs are less efficient and create much more smoke than other wood burning devices. In communities where these units have become popular, serious wood smoke air pollution problems are often pitting neighbor against neighbor. Many communities, including some here in Alaska, have begun to regulate their use and locations.
tures and efficiency of the burn is reduced and emissions increased. Additionally OWBs are frequently misused and oversized for the structure being heated. With large fireboxes (often up to 10 times the size of an indoor, non-catalytic stove) an OWB connected to typical single home is overkill. Smoldering fires and idle boilers lead to large amounts of smoke — and unused heat — escaping up the smoke stack. And, with the short smoke stack, the smoke is released close to the ground where it often lingers instead of dissipating. An OWB is best suited for large structures with high heat loads or multiple buildings in sparsely populated areas. Many early OWBs were sold based on false claims and misinformation. Beginning in 2007, certain newer models began qualifying with a voluntary EPA program to reduce emissions and increase efficiency. In addition to emission goals, EPA also began an education program to help people select and purchase the cleanest burners available. Before this voluntary program, burners often reached emission levels of up to 2 pounds of particulate matter for every million BTUs produced; new burners that qualify for Phase 2 of the voluntary program have a limit of 0.32 pounds of particulate matter for every million BTUs produced. Burners that qualify for Phase 2 will have a white hang tag and are about 90% cleaner than an unqualified burner.
Complete combustion for wood in a firebox surrounded by water is impossible. In order for the gases and other elements released as wood burns to ignite without a catalyst, temperatures need to reach 1,000°F; the water surrounding the firebox Outdoor wood burner of an OWB prevents those high tempera-
Visit the wood energy website at www.alaskawoodheating.com UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educational institution.
For more information, contact Bob Gorman at UAF Cooperative Extension Service, Sitka District Office, Ph: 907-747-9413
Before purchasing an OWB: 1. Research existing and proposed regulations; know local codes and required setbacks, if any. 2. Purchase the cleanest, most efficient burner available. Phase 2 EPA qualified burner preferred (see www.epa.gov/burnwise/owhhlist.html for list of qualified stoves). 3. Carefully select burner location, consider prevailing winds, proximity to surrounding buildings and adjacent neighbors. 4. Ensure you have adequate and appropriate storage space for a season’s supply of wood (expect to burn 8 to 15 cords annually). 5. Have a professional install the burner and connection to the home heating system. Consider installing taller smoke stack to avoid smoke released low to the ground. 6. Learn and follow all manufacturers guidelines for operation and maintenance. 7. Burn ONLY clean, properly seasoned (20% Moisture Content) firewood; no green wood, debris or trash. 8. Avoid operating year round – smoldering fires in cool weather will create excessive smoke, consume more wood and degrade the burner.
Graphic courtesy of Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Association (http://www.hpba.org/)
Advantages: • Can heat large structures or multiple buildings effectively. • Don’t affect homeowners insurance costs since they are located away from the home. Disadvantages: • Consume copious amounts of wood – even new, Phase 2 qualified stoves are only approximately 40% to 45% efficient. • Produce large amounts of heavy smoke, especially during startup. • Generally very expensive to purchase and install. • Prone to corrosion and accumulation of debris.
Additional resources: www.woodheat.org Wood Heat.org
www.epa.gov/burnwise EPA – Burn Wise
http://hearth.com Hearth.com
www.hpba.org/ Hearth Patio and Barbeque Association
www.chimneys.com Chimneys.com
Alaska’s Renewable Energy Resource
Heating your Home with Wood
Choosing the Right Wood Burning Appliance for You Pellet Stoves The rise and volatility in prices of fossil fuels, along with associated environmental concerns, have led to an increased interest in alternative fuels for residential heating options. Modern wood stoves employ new technologies to increase fuel efficiency and reduce air pollution issues previously associated with burning wood. Other technologies have also introduced more options for the use of wood and wood products for home heating. Pellet stoves are sophisticated appliances that burn specialized biodegradable fuel made from compressed renewable organic materials. Wood pellets are manufactured from wood chips milled into wood flour and then compressed under high pressure into small pellets resembling rabbit food — often with no additional resins or binders. This process is complex and costly. Although pellet stoves are very simple to operate and maintain they require electricity to internally augur the pellets into the burn chamber and ignite. Conversely, wood stoves burning firewood do not depend on electricity but are manually, not thermostatically, controlled. Pellet stoves are so fuel efficient (up to 90%), they are exempt from EPA emission testing standards.
On the outside, pellet stoves often resemble traditional wood stoves, but the similarities stop there. Pellet fuel is loaded into hoppers within the stove; hopper capacity varies in size with the appliance, ranging from 40 to 135 pounds. Pellets are carried from the hopper to the combustion chamber by an auger that is controlled manually or electronically by thermostat. Heat output is regulated by the rate pellets are fed into the fire. Fans and heat exchangers move the heat created from the burning pellets convectively away from the appliance and into the surrounding space. Because of this design, pellet stoves often remain cool to the touch and pose less of a hazard to small children than traditional wood stoves that rely on radiant heat.
Pellet stove
Wood pellets have great potential as a fuel source.
In the right situation, pellet stoves can offer a very reliable and efficient heating option for your home. However, the manufacturing process for the pellets is expensive and wood flour can be dangerous until compressed into pellets. Additionally, pellets are not available in many locations. Imported pellets are unsustainable, uneconomical and leave a large carbon footprint. Transporting wood fuel any distance beyond 50 miles eliminates many of the benefits associated with renewable fuels.
Visit the wood energy website at www.alaskawoodheating.com UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educational institution.
For more information, contact Bob Gorman at UAF Cooperative Extension Service, Sitka District Office, Ph: 907-747-9413
• Exceptionally efficient, almost zero emissions and very little creosote deposits.
• Require electricity, will not operate during a power outage.
• Clean and easy to operate and maintain; hoppers only need to be loaded daily, or less. • Less expensive to install; many can be direct vented, eliminating the need for an expensive chimney or flue.
• Complex appliance with expensive components that can break down. • Pellets may not be locally available.
• Higher heat output than firewood.
Additional resources: www.woodheat.org Wood Heat.org
www.epa.gov/burnwise EPA – Burn Wise
http://hearth.com Hearth.com
www.hpba.org/ Hearth Patio and Barbeque Association
www.chimneys.com Chimneys.com
Alaska’s Renewable Energy Resource
7/29/10 9:43:23 AM
wood energy magnet.indd 2
Visit the wood energy website at www.alaskawoodheating.com
UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educational institution.
7/29/10 9:43:23 AM
Burn only dry, well-seasoned firewood in your woodstove.
Alaska’s Renewable Energy Resource
Inspect and clean your stove and chimney every August to ensure a safe and warm winter. Visit the wood energy website at www.alaskawoodheating.com
Alaska’s Renewable Energy Resource
wood energy magnet.indd 1
Visit the wood energy website at www.alaskawoodheating.com
UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educational institution.
UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educational institution.
wood energy magnet.indd 3
Don’t burn trash or other waste in your woodstove.
7/29/10 9:43:23 AM
Alaska’s Renewable Energy Resource
UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educational institution.
wood energy magnet.indd 4
Untitled-1 1
Stack and keep firewood dry for at least 6 months before burning. Visit the wood energy website at www.alaskawoodheating.com
7/29/10 9:43:24 AM
7/29/10 9:45:05 AM