Doctor's Complete - Hydrating Vitamins

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Hydrating Vitamins

Visual Brand Guidelines

Table of Contents

The Company The Brand 7 Introduction 9 Dr. David Ghozland

13 13 15 15 17 25 31 33 35

The Visuals

41 Tagline 43 Values 45 Vision 47 How Are We Different 49 Prenatals 51 The Formula 53 Brand Position 55 Communicating 57 59 61 63 65 Mission

Logo Logo Variations Horizontal Logo Icon Word Mark Tagline Logo with Tagline Vitamin Names Logo Dont’s Spacing Brand Colors Brand Fonts Sub-Brands

The Company





live in a time where people are have become more conscious about their health and well-being. More often than not, take action by educating ourselves on the nutritional value of food, supplements, along with traditional and alternative medicines. Being a physician, Dr. David Ghozland is of no exception. When he discovered the news that he would be a father for the first time, he wanted only the best for his wife and family. As an OBGYN with extensive knowledge and experience in prenatal health care, Dr. Ghozland knew exactly which essential minerals and vitamins his wife and babies required to maintain a strong and healthy pregnancy. For years, Dr. Ghozland recommended high-end prenatal brands for his patients. However, there was always something lacking. Whether he had to include additional supplements with his recommendation, or convince his patients to take pills, which were difficult to ingest, Dr. Ghozland was never completely satisfied with the available products on the market. No matter which brand he chose, not one satiated his desire for an all-encompassing solution. When Dr. Ghozland found out that his wife was pregnant with twins, the issue and search for the perfect solution became personal. Inspired to take matters into his own hands, Dr. Ghozland began formulating a vitamin line that he knew would have the complete essential ingredients that every mother to-be and fetus deserved. Not only did this

brand need to have the best all-inclusive elements, it had to be natural, pure and free from harmful synthetics, preservatives, as well as easy to swallow so that taking care of mother and baby would not only be stress-free but an enjoyable and painfree process as well. As a result, Doctor’s Complete Hydrating Vitamins was formed; an allnatural, powder based, nutrient dense formula, launched to the public in the spring of 2013, premiering with Doctor’s Complete Prenatals. Combining nature’s finest elements and the best western medical expertise, Dr. Ghozland created a formula unmatched by any brand on the market and one that satisfied his demand for quality. Not to mention he deemed it suitable for his own family.


Dr. David Ghozland



David Ghozland is a 2nd generation Ob/Gyn who brings a tremendous amount of compassion and dedication to everything and everyone he treats. He attended the University of Southern California, where he graduated with a BS in biology and a minor in French literature. Subsequently, Dr. Ghozland graduated in the top 10% of his class and went on to receive a degree from New York Medical College. He completed his residency in Ob/Gyn from St. Vincent’s Medical Center in New York. During his residency period, he received the resident of the year award for two consecutive years and was awarded the Augustin Ravelo MD Award of Excellence and Compassion in medicine. He is Board-certified and associated with 3 prestigious hospitals, which include Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, St. John’s Medical Center and UCLA Health Center, and is the Director and Chairman of Women’s Health at Southern California Hospital. Dr. Ghozland has a practice in Santa Monica California, where he enjoys both the art and joy of delivering babies, taking care of pregnant women and caring for his patients throughout the many and exciting chapters of their lives. Dr. Ghozland is known for his attentive and caring bedside manner, treating all

of his patients as if they were his own family. This is one of the main reasons that developing the Doctor’s Complete brand was so important to Dr. Ghozland. Medicine isn’t just a career for him; it is an outlet that allows him to express his generosity and passion for helping people, specifically when it comes to the gift of motherhood and childbirth. Dr. Ghozland’s patients are loyal to him, his practice and rely on his expertise to provide them with the best care they could possibly receive.

The Brand


Mission. Tagline. Vision.


Mission We manufacture a liquid dissolvable and powdered vitamin, formulated by a physician, complete with the highest source of nutrient dense ingredients to inspire optimal health.


Hydrating Vitamins Vision To be a household brand name known for providing the most complete line of vitamins, to be distributed globally and to become the consumer’s first choice of supplement in the provided category.


Our Values


Values Medical Integrity – Our highly renowned founder, Dr. David Ghozland OBGYN, is formulator of Doctor’s Complete - Hydrating Vitamins. His medical expertise ensures that this to be the best product in the industry.

Nutrient Dense – Uses the highest quality ingredients developed to go above and beyond the current and generalized recommendations for vitamin formulas. In comparison to other over the counter or pharmaceutical grade prenatals, our vitamin line is one of the most complete and well-balanced formulas on the market.

Naturally Made – With no artificial ingredients or synthetic fillers our vitamins are naturally made, vegetarian and gluten free.

Made in the USA – The product’s American linage and conception guarantees the best of quality control, in addition to being a positive contributor to the growth and prosperity of our homeland economy.

Soothing to the System – Doctor’s Complete is inclusive of natural ingredients to sooth, calm, and lessen some of pregnancy’s unwanted symptoms such as; nausea, constipation and more.

Optimal Health – Doctor’s Complete is the ideal formula for anyone experiencing the before, during and post-pregnancy state. We provide the maximum amount of nutrition for every stage of motherhood.


How We Are Different Highest Quality Ingredients As a highly renowned OBGYN, Dr. Ghozland’s vision was to create a vitamin line with the highest quality ingredients manufactured in the USA and under the strictest of guidelines and regulations. Doctor’s Complete – Hydrating Vitamins use Albion Minerals, the leading supplier of chelated minerals, as raw materials. Our ingredients have pharmaceuticalgrade amino acid chelates providing complete organic mineral nutrition,

giving you the best opportunity to absorb the minerals need to provide a biological advantage. We use all-natural ingredients with no synthetics, preservatives or artificial additives, dedicating ourselves to only the purest of ingredients for mother and child. Sweetened with the gentle but rich taste of cane sugar also gives mothers a worriless solution when it comes to counting calories.


Goes Down Smooth Dr. Ghozland knows firsthand the challenges his patients face when it comes to swallowing pills. During pregnancy, a woman’s sensitivity to taste is heightened, which is why it was essential to develop a powder that was smooth and enjoyable to drink. Doctor’s Complete is a powdered solution. When mixed with water it tastes light and refreshing. Imagine the thirst quenching sensation experienced when drinking water freshened by the slightest hint of lemon. This is to be expected from Doctor’s Complete – Hydrating Vitamins Prenatals. Going through multiple trials to ensure that we achieved the perfect, easy to drink solution was critical to our development process. We took the time and dedicated ourselves to working with pregnant women to

discover the tastes they most enjoyed and thus developed a product that would be a pleasure to consume. The consensus was unanimous, lightly sweetened with cane sugar; Doctor’s Complete - Prenatals is the perfect way to take your prenatal vitamins daily. Enjoy it with your food or as a refreshing drink on its own, Doctor’s Complete, Prenatals will be your favorite beverage! Along with being one of the most complete vitamins on the market, it is easy to drink, digest and enjoy. This vitamin not only goes beyond the standard recommendations, making it a champion of vitamins, but also it is simply mixed with water, and therefore gives our moms a head start on the hydration requirements that are so crucial during pregnancy.

Made in the USA Our American heritage ensures that our product has the in best quality control, in addition to contributing to the growth of our economy.


The Feel Good Factor Not only is our product made with the highest and most complete nutrients for an expecting mother and baby, we also considered the need to alleviate some of the common discomforts that occur during pregnancy. Doctor’s Complete was made with ingredients that help alleviate nausea and vomiting, heartburn, excessive burping, upset stomach, yeast infection, and fatigue as well as assisting in metabolic breakdown of fats due to essential fatty acids included in our formula. Our formula contains one of the highest sources of Folic Acid allowed OTC, which is essential to protecting against neural tube defect, however a side effect of Folic Acid is nausea. To combat this, Doctor’s Complete added Pyroxidine Vitamin B6 to help soothe symptoms of pregnancy related to vomiting and nausea. A common complaint during pregnancy is the new onset and sometimes recurrent yeast infection that may occur due to the change in

pH balance within the vagina and the somewhat suppressed immune system caused by pregnancy. In an attempt to help alleviate some of these symptoms, we have included Boron which helps fight against fungi that may cause yeast infections. It is also common for expectant mothers to feel tired, having their energy depleted as the fetus absorbs many of their nutrients. It is essential for expectant mothers to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and in order to do so; they must have enough energy to resume daily function. Our inclusion of Vitamin B12 and Iron are key ingredients towards maintaining proper energy and iron levels that help prevent anemia, which is a direct link to fatigue. Considering that Doctor’s Complete is a liquid dissolvable and powdered vitamin, we added the bonus benefit of getting an extra glass of water a day, increasing hydration, which is essential for overall health and well-being.


Doctor Formulated As an expectant mother-to-be, who would you trust most with the health of your newborn baby? Dr. Ghozland’s extensive experience in pre-natal healthcare knows better than anyone else what an expectant mother needs to ensure optimal health for the duration of her pregnancy as well as sustainable health after birth. Doctor’s Complete was developed by an expert to solve a need previously untapped in the industry. After searching high and low it was discovered there

were no brands on the market that suited Dr. Ghozlands requirements for his expectant wife and babies. This is a formula acutely developed by one of the top OBGYN doctors and surgeons in the US, second generation and highly respected. You can rest assured that, when you drink Doctor’s Complete, you are nourishing your body with the best product available on the market, not to mention one that features a taste you can enjoy.

Made With Love Dr. Ghozland and his wife Jody built this brand and created this product for their own family. Being a devoted husband and medical practitioner, Dr. Ghozland saw a need in the market, which inspired him to create his own product, one that he felt confident to share with his family and his patients. Dr. Ghozland spent many months perfecting the formula and taste

to ensure that the final product was one that women all over the world could and would enjoy and drink with ease. More importantly, he wanted women to get all the essential nutrients to help them have a healthy pregnancy, with minimal discomfort as well as providing the best nutritional value for the unborn child.


Target Audience



American College of Obstetric and Gynecology along with the American Medical Association recommends that every reproductive female should start taking Folic Acid prior to pregnancy in order to minimize the incidence of neural tube defect from forming at the early onset of pregnancy. It is our belief that meeting and exceeding the current standards of medical practice is vital to our mission of reducing the incidence of neural tube defect. Our prenatal vitamin formula includes the highest concentration of Folic Acid permitted in an over the counter formula, in addition we have added ingredients that have been shown in studies to further alleviate the incidence of neural tube defects. Insositol, Selenium and Vitamin B12 have been shown to further reduce the risk of neural tube defects in comparison to Folic Acid alone. Prenatal Vitamins are recommended to be started 12 weeks prior to conception for optimum benefits. Our formula realizes the importance of having the most complete solution for mom and growing baby. Before taking any vitamin, the first things that a woman will do is research and consult her health practitioner. Her OBGYN is the number-one source for information and advice on pregnancy nutrition and supplements. Our target audience relies 100% on their doctor for the safety and optimum

health of the fetus. As a result, this reinforces our brand position that Doctor’s Complete is formulated by one of the top OBGYN physicians in the United States. Ingredients are key when it comes to making the decision as to which vitamin line is best suited to deliver the desired results. If the woman is a first time expectant mother, then the information she is being presented is somewhat foreign to her. That being said, mothers diligently conduct their own research as well as consult their physician to obtain as much knowledge as possible to understand what to look for when it comes to prenatal health care.


They will hear many common ingredients that are known in the prenatal product industry and will be specifically seeking out the highest quality source of those ingredients when it comes to the product of choice. Folic Acid, Iron and Calcium are key elements that will stand out to them as they go through their thorough investigation on the vast selection of prenatal vitamins available on the market. By working with expectant mothers every day, Dr. Ghozland understands more than anyone the desires and needs of the target audience. This is why, when formulating Doctor’s Complete, we have one of the highest concentrations of Folic Acid in our formula. 800 mcg is the highest OTC dosage allowable and when combined with Inositol, selenium and Vitamin B12, our formula offers the best solution to protect against neural tube defects. In comparison, most vitamin brands only offer the minimum allowance of Folic Acid, which is 400 mcg. In addition to the importance of ingredients, there are other factors involved when our target audience makes the purchasing decision of which

prenatal vitamin is right for them. There are many common discomforts associated with being pregnant and it is the goal of every woman to minimize the side effects as best and efficiently as possible. These symptoms can vary from: nausea, bloating, constipation, fatigue, vaginitis and overall nutritional depletion. We have taken this into serious consideration and have made sure that our formula addresses most of these symptoms for the best possible experience during pregnancy. Ingredients such as Pyridoxine can treat the early onset symptoms of nausea and vomiting.


When researching what our target audience looks for in a prenatal vitamin the following key parameters came up. 1. Check the ingredients – Ensuring that the formula has at least the base recommended amount of essential nutrients focusing primarily on Folic Acid, Vitamin D, A and C, Calcium and Iron. 2. Check the absorbency rate – With the use of Albion Minerals, our ingredients have pharmaceutical-grade amino acid chelates providing complete organic mineral nutrition, giving you the greatest chance to absorb the minerals for your best biological advantage. 3. Ensure it is easy to digest – For many patients the size of prenatal vitamin becomes an obstacle and prevents them from taking their recommended vitamins. We believe that, by providing an easy to take dissolvable powder formula, we will significantly improve patient adherence. By creating powdered dissolvable vitamins we are offering an important boost in daily hydration, which is vitally important during pregnancy. 4. Don’t go into supplement overload – Understanding the necessary ingredients and getting the proper information from your doctor as to what is essential and what additional supplements are needed if any during the pregnancy. When creating the Doctor’s Complete product and brand, all of these key elements were taken into consideration so that the end result was a vitamin line that was unlike any other on the market. Choosing the appropriate healthcare solutions for mother and child is a very emotional decision. Our brand’s story communicates to our audience that the product wasn’t just made to create a revenue stream and business, but was first and foremost created by a physician and husband for his wife and their children.


The Formula



formula for each of Doctor’s Complete vitamin line was carefully hand picked by Dr. David Ghozland. He focused on integrating all the essential ingredients required for optimal health and vitality. His mission was to create a prenatal vitamin for women desiring to become pregnant, and also a complete vitamin source for pregnant moms. The vitamin line was created to promote an ingestible route that is medically superior, convenient, effective, hydrating and enjoyable. When a woman is pregnant, she shares all of her nutrients with the fetus and can become depleted as a result. Dr. Ghozland needed to ensure that his selection helped women prepare their bodies for pregnancy, giving mother and child the best solution throughout the nine months, and even afterwards during the breast-feeding and recovery periods. Pregnant mothers not only need the benefits of supplements, they also need assistance alleviating the discomfort commonly experienced while carrying a child. Vitamin D, for instance, is an immune-boosting property that most people are deficient in, so this is crucial to sustainable health for a pregnant woman, and Doctor’s Choice provides 1000 IU, which is the highest on the market. The use of Vitamin A helps protect against tearing during delivery as well as boosting the immune system and therefore helps fight off infections. Inositol, which is rarely found in prenatal

vitamins, provides more protection against neural tube defects than Folic Acid alone. Our prenatal vitamin line is one of the select few that utilizes both high levels of folic acid combined with inositol to protect against neural tube defects. These ingredients plus many other essential elements were carefully considered when formulating this oneof-a-kind solution that is unique to the Doctor’s Complete Brand.


Brand Position



Complete – Hydrating Vitamins are formulated by our founder Dr. David Ghozland, a medical professional with 15 years of experience, credentials and industry recognition. Using the highest-grade, naturally made, nutritional ingredients, Doctor’s Complete is the number one choice for vitamins. Most vitamin companies only have a percentage of essential elements, which means that additional supplements are required in order to have all the necessary nutrients to receive total sustenance. Doctor’s Complete is a 360-degree solution to nutritional healthcare. Our goal is to always provide 100% customer satisfaction and an overall positive experience so that our brand stands out second to none. Our products are developed and manufactured in the USA for certified premium quality control, creating a vitamin line with the highest integrity available for production. To ensure increased client satisfaction we took it a step further and created a powdered formula, which is easier to ingest for expecting mothers who find it challenging to swallow pills. The powder, when mixed with water, not only tastes

great, but also adds an additional 1-2 glasses of water per day, which in itself is a substantial health benefit. Doctor’s Complete is the choice brand of supplement to fulfill all necessities for nutritional support. Who would you ask first to recommend a product for your improved health? Your physician, which is why we know that Doctor’s Complete is the superior brand when it comes to deciding which product you select to guarantee your family is getting the best supplemental health product.


Communication When

speaking on behalf of the Doctor’s Complete brand we should always have a very professional tone and style. We are representing a health product and promoting ourselves in an industry that is very sensitive to the nature of communications. We must always be aware that the brand represents Dr. David Ghozland’s reputation, and as a result, ensure that our choice in words are carefully selected based on the guidelines. We want to be friendly, warm and inviting, as well as knowledgeable, credible and authentic. The focus of the brand is always to highlight the benefits of the product being formulated by a highly regarded physician, the ease of consumption as a benefit of it being in powder format and the use of all natural ingredients. When we are talking about our product we always want to refer to it as “Hydrating Vitamins,” focusing on the fact that this is a powdered vitamin that is unlike many on the market. In written communication we would write out the product name like: Doctor’s Complete - Hydrating Vitamins


Words to Use

Words Not to Use

• Naturally made

• Organic

• Vegetarian

• All natural

• Gluten free

• Vegan

• Easy to ingest

• Kosher

• Tastes great and adds an additional

• Made in the USA

• • • • • • • •

• • •

4oz of water consumption per day for optimal health Perfect for pregnant women who find it hard to swallow pills Portable and easy to take on the go with individual packets One of the most complete vitamin lines on the market Backed by a renown OBGYN, Dr. David Ghozland Complete source of vitamins Optimal health for mom and baby Helping women alleviate common pregnancy discomforts Being natural, using the best ingredients with the highest quality elements Medically formulated by physicians Guaranteed quality assurance and quality control One of the most complete pre-natal on the market

• Non GMO

The Visuals


Full Logo


On the Logo Pictured above is the full primary logo and should be used the most often. The full logo should be used on website, packaging, social media and press related documents.


Logo Variations


Full Color Logo

Greyscale Logo

Single Color Logo

On the Variations While the full color logo is the ideal logo for all uses there are exceptions displayed above. The reversed logo should be used on dark backgrounds. The greyscale logo should be used when the color option is not appropriate or when color will not display correctly. The single color logo should be used when color and greyscale are not appropriate or will not display correctly.


Horizontal Logo


On the Horizontal Logo Above is the horizontal logo. This should be used when there are height restrictions that would affect legibility. The previous color restrictions apply to the logos above.




On the Icon Displayed above is the icon alone, this should be used when there are space restrictions and when the logo should appear in a square shape. The icon is ideal for social media profiles and watermarks.


Word Mark


On the Word Mark Displayed above is the word mark alone, this should be used when there are height restrictions and only when the company name is appropriate. The word mark can be used when a simplified logo is desired.




Hydrating Vitamins Hydrating Vitamins Hydrating Vitamins Hydrating Vitamins

On the Tagline Displayed above are the variations of the tagline. The tagline should always be displayed in Perpetua Italic. The tagline must always be displayed in the color corresponding to the vitamin line that it is being paired with. The color must be the light color of the line.


Logo With Tagline


Hydrating Vitamins

On the Logo with Tagline Above is the combination of the logo and tagline. When using, ensure that the tagline is much smaller and has enough space as to not distract from the logo. The tagline should always be displayed in grey.


Our Vitamin Lines

General Vitamin Line


Hydrating Vitamins Displayed above is the logo for the general multi vitamin line.

Women’s Vitamin Line Hydrating Vitamins Displayed above is the logo for the women’s vitamin line.

Men’s Vitamin Line Hydrating Vitamins Displayed above is the logo for the men’s vitamin line.


Logo Dont’s


Complete Do not change the colors.

Do not change the font or text.

Do not skew or rotate.

Do not stretch disproportionately.

Do not change the position of the graphics.

Do not use brand colors or distracting patterns as backgrounds.





0.2” 0.2”

0.2” 0.2”



Brand Colors


Pantone P 179–10 U RGB 104/106/106 CMYK 0/0/0/66 Hex #686A6A

Pantone P 157-7 U RGB 152/199/88 CMYK 41/0/85/0 Hex #98C758

Pantone P 156-14 U RGB 75/116/62 CMYK 47/0/76/45 Hex #4B743E

Pantone P 83–7 U RGB 160/63/136 CMYK 31/87/0/0 Hex #A03F88

Pantone P 92–7 U RGB 89/37/100 CMYK 58/91/0/24 Hex #592564

Pantone P 124–5 U RGB 88/188/185 CMYK 60/0/25/0 Hex #58BCB9

Pantone P 126–6 U RGB 0/120/119 CMYK 76/0/31/36 Hex #007877

On Colors Grey is the primary color that should be used for all body text colors. Green should only be used for the general vitamin brand. Light green is used for the left head and arms while the dark green is used for the right head and the word “Complete”.

Pink should only be used for the women’s line. Light pink is used for the left head and arms while the dark pink is used for the right head and the word “Complete”. Blue should only be used for the mens’ line. Light blue is used for the left head and arms while the dark blue is used for the right head and the word “Complete”.


Brand Fonts

Perpetua Italic


AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890 ,.;:’”?!@#$& Gotham Light/Italic

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890 ,.;:’”?!@#$& AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890 ,.;:’”?!@#$& Gotham Book

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890 ,.;:’”?!@#$& AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890 ,.;:’”?!@#$& Gotham Bold

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890 ,.;:’”?!@#$& AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890 ,.;:’”?!@#$& On Typography Perpetua should be used for headings. Due to the complexity of the font, the font cannot appear below 20pt. Gotham Light is used in the logo for the word “Doctor’s” and Gotham Book is used for the work “Complete” Gotham Light and Book should be used for body text and in the appropriate manor. Gotham Bold should be used for sub-headings and titles.

Hydrating Vitamins

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© 2014 Doctor’s Complete | All Rights Reserved

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