IDEAS Los Angeles Brand Book

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Tel Aviv University (TAU) is Israel’s largest and most diverse university. TAU is consistently rated among the top 100 research universities globally, as well as ranking in the top 10 of universities producing VC backed entrepreneurs. Located in the heart of Tel Aviv, the second largest technology sector in the world, TAU is the innovation hub of the ‘Start Up Nation’. With over half the 30,000+ student body engaged in multi-disciplinary research, TAU is uniquely positioned as an incubator of groundbreaking ideas. Through the creation of the new ‘IDEAS forum’ scheduled to debut in June 2015, TAU is building a platform in LA for leaders, experts, students and dreamers to share and exchange ideas, and solutions, for some of the most complex challenges in the world today. By creating an open forum to communicate and connect, ‘IDEAS’ will expand participant’s opportunities for growth and achievement.

When you have two alternatives, the first thing you have to do is to look for the third that you didn’t think about, that doesn’t exist.

- Shimon Peres 4

From its home in Israel’s financial center, multinational giants such as Google, Microsoft and Intel call on the Tel Aviv University’s ingenuity to lay the high-tech foundations of tomorrow. Tel Aviv University’s Blavatnik School of Computer Science is a trailblazer in the digital universe — creating advanced solutions and high-tech opportunities to expand our reality. Its award-winning faculty is the best in Israel and the school is ranked 14th in the world. The tech world has taken notice. As one of the top three leaders in tech, paired next to Silicon Valley and Los Angeles, the IDEAS forum is perfectly positioned to launch our first annual event in Santa Monica, California. Developing technologies heretofore seen only in science fiction, Tel Aviv University’s electrical engineers are shaping the world’s reality -- and Israel’s future. With such an impressive track record, it isn’t surprising when the international industry turns to Tel Aviv University to forecast technologies of the future.

Really, the only thing that makes sense is to strive for greater collective enlightenment.

IDEAS forum will bring the top thought leaders of the world to participate and engage with each other. Our vision is to host current discussions about the world’s most sophisticated technical advancements as well as feature futurists who can predict what game changing technologies the world has yet to even fathom.

-Elon Musk 6

The foundation of ‘IDEAS’ is educating and inspiring entrepreneurs to utilize their talents and build successful careers as affluent visionaries. Tel Aviv University is the hub of start-ups that leverage the multi-dimensional education received for students of all subjects and desired fields of study. Tel Aviv University’s Business School currently holds the 11th spot for the Top 50 MBA programs for VC-Backed Entrepreneurs by PitchBook, an independent and impartial private equity and venture capital research firm. The Business School also garnered the #1 spot in the “Rest of the World” category for MBA’s outside of Europe and the USA, and Tel Aviv University’s undergraduate programs were ranked 9th overall. StarTAU, Tel Aviv University’s Entrepreneurship Center, was established in 2009 in order to serve Israel’s aspiring entrepreneurs, specifically focusing on TAU students and alumni. StarTAU’s goal is to build a solid platform which can link entrepreneurs to the industry. With much success it continues to foster the entrepreneurial spirit in Israel, helping creative minds form and build on original ideas, thereby enriching our lives with vividness, originality, and innovation.

You never know with these things when you’re trying something new what can happen. This is all experimental.

The IDEAS forum’s core is to take an idea and build a foundation and a reality that can literally change the world as we know it. Ideas in which our driven and talented entrepreneurs can expand upon and with it define history. TAU cultivates pioneers in science, technology, entertainment and business, all of whom will come together in one day, sharing brilliance and life altering IDEAS.

-Richard Branson 8

The Tel Aviv University plays a leading role in education and cultivation of talented students in arts and entertainment. TAU is the only film school in the world where student filmmakers own the rights to their work created at the University. Through the IDEAS forum we will represent the growing influence that TAU has on the entertainment and media arts industry. Encouraging Alumni to participate at the event through speaking engagements, workshops and collaboration, artistic innovation will have a strong presence.

You have many years ahead of you to create the dreams that we can’t even imagine dreaming. You have done more for the collective unconscious of this planet than you will ever know.

Our graduates have influenced Western media significantly and the University has produced exemplary talent. With representatives like; Hagai Levy who is best known for creating, directing and producing the television drama B’Tipuland and for producing In Treatment, HBO’s adaptation. Eytan Fox is a New York City-born Israeli director; his 2004 film Walk on Water is still the highest grossing Israeli film in the United States. To name a few. Through the IDEAS forum we seek to bridge the gap even further, by providing a platform for Israeli talent and US talent to come together and share solutions, creative visions and new technology emerging in the entertainment market.

-Steven Spielberg


The future of scientific, medical breakthroughs is now and our goal is to share these groundbreaking discoveries by the researchers at TAU through our IDEAS forum. In the brief decade since TAU made nanotechnology an academic priority, its scientists in nanomedicine already have potentially life-changing treatments in preclinical and clinical trials. Once the purview of science fiction, these real nano-advances are moving forward at warp speed. Using submicroscopic science to make giant leaps, Tel Aviv University researchers are prime movers in the brand new field of nanomedicine. They’ve already designed the blueprints for molecules and other structures that can “operate” to repair living cells — and thereby radically change the face of human medicine. Moving far beyond traditional medicine, Tel Aviv University is melding life science research with engineering, psychology, and computer technology to unlock cancer’s lethal secrets. The multidisciplinary campaign to develop new tools and therapies to fight the disease is pushing the limits — and is already producing exciting results.

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

Tel Aviv University’s connected hub of scientists are part of the field’s global advance team, often driving the latest trends in research. This is a field in which TAU can lead and educate the scientific industry on new discoveries and advancements. Using our IDEAS forum as a platform to communicate will allow us to further showcase TAU as the influencer in medical science.

- Albert Einstein 12

WHO WE ARE Presented by Tel Aviv University in collaboration with The California Israel Chamber of Commerce ( CICC), we are designing a space where thought leaders and Israeli Innovative companies can come together and share ideas. ‘IDEAS forum’ wants to inspire people to think deeper and more broadly by engaging with inventors and innovators tackling some of the most exciting challenges in the world today. Expect to have fun while thinking, sharing and connecting. It’s a day of curiosity and surprise. As a dynamic, multi-faceted event, our members will have the opportunity to create their own itinerary. From listening to our renowned keynote speakers, to interacting with our knowledge stations, and engaging with our expert panels and Israeli technology startups presentation your mind will be activated, perspectives challenged, and networks expanded. The morning starts with breakfast and an opportunity to meet new friends and contacts. Throughout the day you will have the freedom to roam and explore. Our focus is on ‘IDEAS’: Israel, Digital, Arts, Entrepreneurs and Science, and how rapidly knowledge, products, and business is emerging out of each category. Join us on June 18th, when ‘IDEAS’ will take you on journey through a spectrum of innovation.

IDEAS Forum: Where Leaders Connect


OUR MISSION Engage thought leaders of the world to inspire and collaborate.

OUR VISION IDEAS forum to be an annual global experience.

OUR VALUES The IDEAS forum is an event where people can share, exchange and collaborate. Our goal is to inspire and create a space where thought leaders and entrepreneurs come together to create solutions.

CONNECTING PEOPLE - Expanding the relationships between the professors, thought leaders and graduates from Tel Aviv University and students, entrepreneurs and keen minded individuals residing in the US.

CONNECTING IDEAS - Creating a platform where


people can share their solution based ideas through panels, discussions, workshops, networking and speaker engagement.

CONNECTING SOLUTIONS - Exchanging solutions to the world’s challenges through technology, entertainment, science and business, for today and into the future.

Where Leaders Connect




‘IDEAS forum’ acts as an experiential brand extension of Tel Aviv University (TAU). As a result, our communication must always fall in line with the University’s brand voice, while at the same time creating an individualized tone as a separate entity.

Anything to do with Israeli politics in the middle east

We are an educational Forum, our purpose is to share ideas and discoveries that are happening by thought leaders around the world. Our focus should be to entertain, enlighten and engage our audience through all means of communication. Our connection to TAU should be made clear in all forms of marketing and PR. We position ourselves as the platform in which thought leaders connect, we are educators but not always academics. Our communication is lively, upbeat, entertaining and charismatic. We are the medium that connects knowledge and innovation to our audience, focusing on all that is new and exciting in the realm of tech, entertainment and science, with an entrepreneurial spirit. Our brand foundation is based in Israel, as a result, in some respects, we are also speaking on behalf of the state of Israel. However, we are a-political and non-denominational, as is TAU, and therefore we do not discuss politics, morality, or religion in any facet, through our social channels. If people comment or attempt to discuss these matters we should delete their comments, as we do not want any association to any political or religious agenda.

Anything to do with Palestine or Palestinians specifically Anything to do with Judaism, Christianity and/or Islam

WORDS THAT DEFINE US Thinker Mover Research Leader Advancement Connecting Largest Diverse Human Capital Producer Innovation

Risk Engine of Growth Big Ideas World Changing Daring Open Futuristic Creative Artistic Fast Thoughtful

Our goal is to purely spread positive and uplifting content that falls in line with our core values and message. We are trailblazers, rule breakers, people who speak their mind and push boundaries and because of our desire to defy the norm, we are creating history. 18

Logo is always in full color spectrum.

OUR LOGO Using the color spectrum this logo creates a visually stimulating identity that uplifts and excites. The “A” is the center, the focal point that the colors from the other letters lead to. It’s a logo that portrays the road to the multi-dimensional process in which ideas happen.

When the logo is paired with the tagline the tagline must start at the “L” of Los Angeles and end at the black bar. The logo can be used with or without the tagline. The tagline should be removed when the logo is smaller than 1.85”x1.42”.

We are immediately drawn into the word and almost left hypnotized as we stare into the colors and feel pulled in, enticing us to go deeper. In addition to that the bright colors and bold words create a memorable logo that is easily recognizable. We used a tall font that portrays leadership and boldness. Putting “Los Angeles” in the black bar at the bottom, grounds the logo and gives your eyes a resting spot.




When we are using the logo as a cover page or headline title we must always include “presented by” and the University of Tel Aviv Logo. The University’s logo must be about 40% smaller than the IDEAS logo so it does not compete visually with our logo but is still visible and clear. All additional sponsors should be at least 10% smaller than the Tel Aviv University and reducing in size based on sponsorship contribution. [With the exception of partnering, presenting sponsors]



LOGO SPACING Always keep a minimum amount of space between our logo and any other elements in a design. There should be at least 0.25 inches of space at all times.

Don’t stretch.

Don’t rearrange the type or icon.

Don’t use colors or patterns that interfere with the logo.

Don’t change words/font.

Don’t change the color.

Don’t skew or rotate. 24


USING THE COLOR SPECTRUM Hex #ED3393 Hex #EF435E Hex #ED1554 Hex #D12027 Hex #EA2025 Hex #EA4324 Hex #EA5724 Hex #EA6A24 Hex #EC8723 Hex #ED9D21 Hex #EDB61E Hex #EECC18 Hex #A5CE39 Hex #4AB750 Hex #119E49 Hex #65C18B Hex #82C98F Hex #66C4A6 Hex #37C5EB Hex #C2C6E4 Hex #6D9CD2 Hex #7782BF Hex #5561AC Hex #48499E Hex #313694 Hex #5B3795 Hex #6A4D9F Hex #C156A0

The blue color spectrum can be used as a section divider between pages in marketing materials.

The monochromatic color spectrums as a line must be used on the bottom of all pages in our visual communications and graphics. It can also be placed on the left the side of cover pages front and back.


FONTS Bebas NEUE ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 123456789 (.,:;?!$&@-*) This is our logo font, it is used only in our logo and our main sections and should not be used for any other visual communication.

GOTHAM LIGHT ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789 (.,:;?!&@-*)

GOTHAM BOOK ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789 (.,:;?!&@-*) These fonts are used for our titles and content. Titles should always be in caps and in our color spectrum.

You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not’?

– George Bernard Shaw 28

9911 West Pico Boulevard, Suite 1240 Los Angeles, CA 90035 310 553 5232 : A BRAND CREATION BY:

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