catalogue Agri N.E.S.T. 2015

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Agri N.E.S.T New Equipments and Sustainable Technologies

Special thanks to our partners and jury of experts: - AgTech Insight - California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance - California Farm Labor Contractor Association - Fall Line Capital - French Association of Wine Executives - PricewaterhouseCoopers - UC Davis / College of Agricultural and Environnemental Sciences - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - University of Wisconsin-Madison - Wines & Vines

Welcome The U.S. agricultural market value and volume forecasts for 2018 should reach +1.6 % and 3.5 % respectively. U.S. agriculture productivity is growing faster than domestic food demand, encouraging U.S. farmers and agricultural firms to rely on export markets to sustain prices and revenues. Facing the challenges of global warming and the scarcity of natural resources, technology and innovation will play a key role in redefining a new vision for our world. Therefore French innovative AgriTech companies have developed revolutionary ways of growing food based on the latest technologies. Business France and Bpifrance are jointly bringing such innovations into the American market through the accelerator program Agri NEST. This custom-made program is designed to help emerge tomorrow’s AgriTech solutions as well as cultivate the connection between American agricultural actors and French know-how in sustainable development. For the first edition of the program, four promising companies have been carefully selected based on the projects that they are working on and business plans to enter this accelerator. Agri NEST will be an intensive immersion in California to help them better understand the American ecosystem and adapt their solutions to local needs. Our hope is that their innovative ideas can foster long-term partnerships and pursue the common goal of : finding and promoting solutions for a more sustainable agricultural system.

Arnaud Leretour CEO Business France North America

Alain Renck Head of Bpifrance Export Bpifrance

Who Are We?

Business France is the national agency supporting the international development of the French economy, responsible for fostering export growth by French businesses, as well as promoting and facilitating international investment in France. It promotes France’s companies, business image and nationwide attractiveness as an investment location, and also runs the V.I.E international internship program. Founded on January 1, 2015 through a merger between UBIFRANCE and the Invest in France Agency, Business France has 1,500 employees, both in France and in 70 countries throughout the world, who work with a network of public- and private-sector partners. _

Bpifrance, a public investment bank, is the trusted partner for entrepreneurs. Bpifrance finances businesses from the seed phase to transfer to stock exchange listing, through loans, guarantees and equity. Bpifrance accompanies firms developing export activities, in partnership with Business France and Coface, and provides support to their innovation projects. Bpifrance offers businesses the benefit of a powerful contact, one who is on hand and able to respond efficiently to their financing needs, during every step of their development. Bpifrance, whose two equal shareholders are the French State and the Deposits and Consignment Fund (Caisse des Dépôts), acts in support of public policy established by the State and the Regions. _

The Agri N.E.S.T. Program Agri N.E.S.T. is the first Agritech accelerator in North America. Designed for innovative and sustainable French companies in the agriculture industry, the program offers an intensive immersion in the American ecosystem. The goal is for the companies to better understand the US market to adapt their offering, build a stronger strategy and meet their future partners and clients.

Agri N.E.S.T. is a 3-step program.



In May, four promising companies are selected by a committee composed of experts. The selection is made according to their financial resources and their solutions being in line with the market expectations.

6 months later, in November, the laureate companies travel to San Francisco for an intensive 3 week immersion program in Business France’s facilities. The program involves coaching sessions, informative seminars, visits of local sites, BtoB meetings, and a networking event (see below)


In January, our team contacts both the laureates and the companies they met to ensure the best follow-up and answer any questions. A final report is then issued for all laureates with final recommendations and suggestions for the future.

Networking with Tomorrow’s innovators. On Tuesday, November 10, Business France is organizing a networking cocktail to enable local businesses, researchers and investors to meet and discuss innovation in the agricultural field. After a few words of introduction, each laureate will be invited to pitch their technology for a chance to win the audience’s prize for best pitch.

Biodevas Laboratoires

natural alternatives to chemical treatments in agriculture

Biodevas Laboratoires focuses on natural solutions to reduce chemical inputs in the agricultural industry (phytosanitary and antibiotic treatments). Since 2005, Biodevas Laboratoires has formulated and produced biostimulants for crops (market gardening, cereal, vines...) and phytogenic feed additives for livestock farming (mainly poultry and ruminants). Biodevas products are 100% natural and produced from plants carefully selected by its experts. Each product has at least 6 different natural active ingredients to obtain a synergistic effect. Biodevas Laboratoires expertise is two-fold : • Scientific know-how : oxidative stress management through biotic and abiotic stress management. • Industrial know-how : natural plant substances extraction system developed inhouse and unique in Europe.

Contact François Blua, CEO +33 681 141 025 /

Since 2005 / 32 employees Export Activities With 7 years of experience abroad, Biodevas is partner to not only numerous major industrial groups, but also distributors, food manufacturers, premixers in Poland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Algeria, Morocco, the Netherlands and Canada. Revenues - Turnover increase of almost 40% in 2015 ; 20% from exports. Products Phytogenic feed additives Additives (under the regulation « Natural Feed Additives » with all ingredients in accordance with the GRAS list) The range of Phytogenic Feed Additives by Biodevas will generally increase performances under suboptimal conditions. • VV-04-14 (poultry): enzyme regulation stimulating natural defence (especially against colibacillosis) and enabling the management of certain virulence factors linked to APEC pathotypes • Mitarom (poultry - laying hens): red lice repelling action through the use of various aromatic plants • Pietix (dairy cows - heifers): indirect regulation of enzyme functions to manage digital dermatitis (which induces lameness) • Perfeo (dairy cows): increases performances in dairy cows by facilitating the udder emptying, increasing the daily milk production, reducing the number of cells and the milking time. • DH 13 (poultry- turkeys & guinea fowl.): indirect regulation of enzyme functions to manage typhlohepatitis, that has reemerged after the prohibition of antihistomonics in 2003 Competitive Edge • Green: 100% natural products, obtained with absolutely no synthetic agent • Exclusive: unique formulas with exclusive patents, developed by the company • Safe: complete control over the production (from extraction to fabrication) • Effective: zero resistance to the additives from the organism • Available: instant availability at all times Certifications • ISO 22000 : 2005 food safety and regulatory conformity • 2 organic certifications (ECOCERT, CERTIPAQ) • FAMI QS • GMP+ international

Demand Side Instruments smart irrigation Demand Side Instruments produces goods to optimize production processes in order to optimize profits and expenses and to couple it with environmentally friendly measures. They focus on high tech innovative services and solutions for better preservation and management of natural resources (water, soil and energy). Their smart irrigation system analyzes the soil’s needs in terms of water and fertilizer as well as the upcoming weather changes. It offers suggestions and management through a dedicated software and connected wireless controlled water valves for a better, more efficient irrigation schedule. This is a smarter way to automate field sprinklers capable of reducing water usage by up to 50% without impacting agricultural yield. Not only is it great for water bills, but is also good news for drought-ridden farmers throughout the world. By enabling farmers to decide how and when to irrigate, but also thanks to a more precise and efficient irrigation, the company helps them optimize the quality and productivity of their activity.

Contact FrĂŠdĂŠric Villain, President & CEO +33 953 208 175 /

Since 2013 / 9 employees Export Activities Mostly in Reunion Island (tropical climate) Revenues 120,000 EUR in 2014, 10% from exports. Main Clients The SAPHIR organization (Reunion Island) needed a solution to better monitor and manage irrigation on a wide part of their crop fields. Demand Side came up with a personalized solution and the results were satisfying to the point that the organization renewed their contract, to develop the solution on other plots. Solution The system is composed of: - a solar energy harvesting controller - a local weather station - a water metering system - multiple wireless controlled water valves that enable the system to command and irrigate separate zones - a Web application engine used to determine per-zone watering schedule at a glance and optimize water usage. Competitive Edge • User-friendly: complete and modern solution based on extensive knowledge of irrigation and an easily manageable interface • Affordable: prices similar or lower than the competition • Customer-friendly: complete in-house development of the technology, which enables the company to offer customizations or complete and fast support to their customers. Awards • Recognized young innovative company by the French Governement • Awarded with the «creation & development» prize at the 16th National Contest for business creation in France in 2014

Olmix Group natural algae-based alternatives to agricultural additives

For over 20 years, Olmix Group has been pursuing the objective of pushing bio-innovations to produce more with less while improving food safety and the respect of the biosphere. With this ambition, the company is divided into 3 divisions : plant care, animal care and human care. Besides seaweed bio-fuels, demand for algae-derived products has grown in recent years in the US. Algae provides a unique resource of active principles and interesting properties for health and nutrition: it is antibacterial, antiviral, immunomodulatory, antioxidant and hyperlipidemic. These properties make it a great alternative to pesticides, antibiotics and a great, natural way to stimulate growth. Olmix Group started to expand this vision for the US market, with its North American branch located in the Black River Falls area.

Contact Jean-Marie BOCHER, Melspring Managing Director +33 6 31 39 03 98 /

Since 1995 / 400 employees Export Activities Olmix Group is present in more than 100 countries Revenues 74 million USD globally, 80% abroad, including M$3.4 in the US Main Clients Agropal (Spain), Apligen (Mexico), Agri-bio (Philippines), El Amar (Saudi Arabia), Advanced Solutions INC, Animal Health Nutrition, MWI Veterinary Supply, Jefo Nutrition, Apligen, Charoen Pokphand, Kaztrade Corporation, Dabaco Group etc. Products Melspring ranges of products: • Soil Improvement: a range of products dedicated to enhancing the quality of the soil, by buffering moisture and nutrients, improving drainage, stimulating soil and bacterial life, increasing nutrient availability and uptake, hardening the turf, accelerating growth in Spring and reinforcing the plant’s defense mechanisms... • Plant care: both a balanced nutritional program and an integrated plant health management program: supply of top quality organic matter, liquid nutrients, sustainable phosphate, natural fertilizers, boosters and supplements to support healthy and strong growth of the crop/plant, but also to stimulate abundant flowering, and enhance ripening and hardening of the plant. Competitive Edge • Green: offers an alternative to pesticides • Biostimulators • Plant defense elicitors helping to limit pesticide use • Soil activators Certifications All production sites are certified to respect international safety & quality standards. The German and Dutch plants are GMP+ certified and the French ones are FAMI-QS certified.

Ynsect production of natural, insect-based nutrients

Ynsect was established in 2011. The company converts and transforms insects’ biomass into high quality products for animal, plant and human nutrition (proteins, lipids, peptides, etc...) and green chemistry markets (chitin and derivatives, etc...). Ynsect has developed patented technologies through a high-tech and robotized process thanks to world leading R&D programs along with renowned academic partners. Gathering a highly talented multidisciplinary & international team, Ynsect has raised 11 million EUR in only one year, has opened a world-class research center in Paris area and is about to open its first production unit in France.

Contact Antoine HUBERT, CEO +33 1 64 93 71 00 /

Since 2011 / 32 employees Export Activities Active market research in Western & Eastearn Europe, Scandinavia, North America, Southern Asia. Main Clients Currently negociating with European pet food groups, In discussion with fish and poultry food producers in Europe, North America, South America and South East Asia. Products • Protein concentrate in powder form (TMP-T365 for pet food, TMP-Y465 for fish farming and TMP-Y265 for poultry and pork) • Oil (TMO) for pet food and farm animals food (fish, poultry, chicken) • Fertilizer (TMF) for plant fertilizers Competitive Edge • Affordable: TMP is the best alternative to fish meal currently used for most animal and pet foods. Fish meal is getting exponentially more expensive year after year, due to scarcer primary resource and greater demand. • Green: the price of TMP is stable, similar to that of fish meal in 2015, and can be produced in factories that can be built anywhere, using local resources with very low environmental footprint (land, water, energy, greenhouse gas). • Best on the market: other insect producers can’t produce on a large scale and their products (usually obtained from flies) do not show results as successful as TMP, especially in farm fishing. Certification In the process of obtaining ISO 9001 and GMP+ for their upcoming research center and production site, opening next spring.

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Finding Us Business France North America San Francisco Office 88 Kearny Street, Suite 700 San Francisco, CA 94 108

Contact Bastien ADOLPHE, Trade Advisor Business France North America +1 (415) 568-4567

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