Agri N.E.S.T. 2016

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Agri N.E.S.T New Equipments and Sustainable Technologies

Special thanks to our partners and jury of experts: AgTech Insight Fall Line Capital Roger Royse Law Firm UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Bleu Capital Wines & Vines Publications

Welcome The U.S. agricultural market value and volume forecasts for 2018 should reach +1.6% and 3.5% respectively. U.S. agriculture productivity is growing faster than domestic food demand, encouraging U.S. farmers and agricultural firms to rely on export markets to sustain prices and revenues. Facing the challenges of global warming and the scarcity of natural resources, technology and innovation will play a key role in redefining a new vision for our world. Therefore innovative French AgriTech companies are developing revolutionary ways of growing food based on the latest technologies. Business France is bringing such innovations into the American market through the accelerator program Agri N.E.S.T. This custom-made program is designed to help bring forth tomorrow’s AgriTech solutions, as well as cultivate the connection between American agricultural actors and French know-how in sustainable development. For the second edition of the program, five promising companies have been carefully selected based on their current projects and business plans. Agri N.E.S.T will be an intensive immersion in California to help them better understand the American ecosystem and adapt their solutions to local needs.

Aude Guivarch Head of the AgriTech Department Business France North America

Who Are We? Business France is the national agency supporting the international development of the French economy, responsible for fostering export growth by French businesses, as well as promoting and facilitating international investment in France. It promotes France’s companies, business image and nationwide attractiveness as an investment location, and also runs the V.I.E. international internship program. Founded on January 1, 2015 through a merger between UBIFRANCE and the Invest in France Agency, Business France has 1,500 employees, both in France and in 70 countries throughout the world, who work with a network of public- and private-sector partners. _

Thanks to our Exclusive Sponsor Credit Agricole CIB’s long-term relationships with US-based customers are based on the bank’s capacity to provide competitive and differentiated products. Of note is the bank’s particular expertise in crossborder transactions. CA-CIB’s competitive edge stems from the bank’s ability to provide its wide variety of financing instruments to clients who need cross-border solutions, whether acquisition finance, export and trade or multi-currency bond issues. CA-CIB also offers project finance solutions in advisory, equity and debt. _

The Agri N.E.S.T. Program Agri N.E.S.T. is the first French Agritech accelerator in North America. Designed for innovative and sustainable French companies in the agriculture industry, the program offers an intensive immersion in the American ecosystem. The goal is for the companies to better understand the U.S. market to adapt their offering, build a stronger strategy and meet their future partners and clients. AGRI N.E.S.T. IS A 3-STEP PROGRAM.



In June, 5 promising companies are selected by an expert committee. The selection is made according to their financial resources and their solutions being in line with the market expectations.

Four months later, in October, the laureate companies travel to San Francisco for an intensive 2 week immersion program at Business France’s facilities. The program involves coaching sessions, informative seminars, visits to local sites, B2B meetings, and a networking event (see below).


In January, our team contacts both the laureates and the companies they met to ensure optimal follow-up and answer any questions. A final report is then issued for all laureates with final recommendations and suggestions for the future.

Networking with tomorrow’s innovators. On Wednesday, October 19, Business France is organizing a networking cocktail to enable local businesses, researchers and investors to meet and discuss innovation in the agricultural field. After a few words of introduction, each laureate will be invited to pitch their technology for a chance to win the audience’s prize for best pitch.

Agriconomie online marketplace for agribusinesses Founded by three sons and grandsons of farmers with a business background, Agriconomie is an online marketplace that helps farmers buy everything they need, all in the same place, quickly and at the most competitive prices. Fertilizers, seeds, spare parts, workshop equipment, phytosanitary products, animal feed‌ the website concentrates all the answers to the basic needs of modern farmers, regardless of their specific activity. To do so, Agriconomie runs an extensive and continuous search for suppliers and only lists those who are able to follow their guidelines. Not only must they prove the efficacy and quality of their products, but they also need to offer efficient delivery services and fair prices. As a complementary service, the company offers a hotline to their clients with agronomists, farming technicians, soil advisors, and specialists in fertilizers, seeds, spare parts or phytosanitary products. The hotline is designed to help farmers answer any technical questions they may have while browsing the website.

CONTACT Paolin PASCOT, co-founder & CEO +33 649 632 797 /

Est’d 2014 / 48 employees EXPORT ACTIVITIES After two years of existence, the company is starting to focus on export markets.

REVENUE €8M turnover in 2015, 0.05 % of which in export markets

MAIN CLIENTS 5k famers in France and several suppliers and sellers across France & Europe

SOLUTIONS / TECHNOLOGY / PRODUCTS Online database and marketplace with a technical hotline. Currently 10,000 products available across 9 categories: fertilizers, seeds, spare parts, workshop equipment, phytosanitary products, animal feed, gear, garden & fuel.

COMPETITIVE EDGE • disruptive in-house technology • supply chain — algorithms to optimize the supply chain • one-stop shop — complete & eclectic catalogue of products • advise & assist expertise — sales experts available every day • services — on-demand tools to support the client • data valuation — retargeting, profiling, algorithms

CERTIFICATIONS & AWARDS • Mercure HEC PARIS 2014 • Best E-commerce website of 2015 in France (Palmes du e-commerce)

Eléphant Vert full offer of bio-inputs and solutions for agriculture The Eléphant Vert Group offers innovative farming solutions for more efficient and sustainable agriculture. Their expertise is based on a strong R&D capability in the field of agricultural microorganisms used in organic amendments, biofertilizers, biostimulants and biopesticides. The company proposes the use of bio-inputs as a complement, and whenever possible, as a substitute for conventional inputs (chemical pesticides and fertilizers). Éléphant Vert is an industry-wide catalyst and structures its offer to respond to demand from all sectors industrial, commercial, regulatory, R&D, institutional ... Eléphant Vert is financially supported by Antenna Technologies, a foundation specialized in research, adaptation and dissemination of innovative technologies to fight against poverty and promote sustainable development.

CONTACT Francisco Cordeiro, Int’l Business Development Manager +33 7 85 15 13 90 /

Est’d 2013 / 284 employees EXPORT ACTIVITIES Present in France, Morocco, Mali and Senegal. Medium term expansion plans in Europe and West Africa. SOLUTIONS / TECHNOLOGY / PRODUCTS • Innovative products within 4 product lines: ORGANOVA — Enhances the soil’s physical and microbiological qualities by replenishing organic components and restoring environment. FERTINOVA — Biofertilizers rich in naturally-sourced nutrients (NPK) and trace elements. Formulations adapted to each crop to ensure optimum yield at the lowest cost. NOVASTIM — Biostimulants based on fungi and bacteria, allowing the plant to enhance its nutrient and water absorption, regulate its hormonal system, stimulate its natural defenses and tolerance to soil salinity, water and heat stress, all for an earlier and more abundant yield. NOVAPROTECT — Biopesticides that provide effective control of diseases or pests without any negative impact on the auxiliary fauna, environment, water or health of the end consumers and users. • Eléphant Vert also provides a range of services that include: NOVATOOLS INDUSTRY — Production plant rental: dry spores for toll-manufacturing, packaging of biostimulants and biopesticides produced from microorganisms. NOVATOOLS TECHNIQUE — Technical support for farmers and industry partners (agronomic trials, training, consulting and technical support regarding legal matters & certifications) COMPETITIVE EDGE • R&D capability in the field of agricultural microorganisms • State of the art production plant for microorganisms • Experience and local presence in Africa CERTIFICATIONS & AWARDS • ISO 9001:2008 for the production and commercialization of biofertilizers in Morocco • FERTINOVA and ORGANOVA ranges comply with EU’s organic certification • In the process of acquiring Good Experimentation Practices certification for the agronomic trials services in Morocco

Naïo Technologies

autonomous weeding robots for fields and vineyards

Naïo Technologies develops and markets robots for agriculture and viticulture.They also offer a range of electric tools for weeding, hoeing and harvesting to help farmers efficiently collect the fruit of their labor. Their robots assist farmers in their daily tasks in order to relieve their workload and increase profitability while reducing impact on the environment. Over the last decades, farmland has had an increasingly negative impact on the environment. It’s becoming clear that current practices are gradually destroying our plant and animal heritage. Naïo Technologies is convinced that modern technology will help turn the tables, promoting a healthier and more sustainable approach to agriculture. CONTACT Julien LAFFONT, business developer +33 782 689 184 /

Est’d 2011 / 17 employees EXPORT ACTIVITIES Distributors in Belgium and Denmark REVENUE € 348,000 turnover in 2015, 5% in export markets MAIN CLIENTS Bejo, Arvalis, CIVC (The French Association for Champagne Producers). SOLUTIONS / TECHNOLOGY / PRODUCTS Naïo offers 3 different weeding robots. • Currently: OZ — a robot created to control weed proliferation in fields, nurseries, gardens, orchards or vineyards of less than 10 Ha. Weeds 1 Ha in 10 hours. • In development: DINO — a large-scale robot for vegetable farmers. A straddling robot, it can weed several rows at a time. This robot will also be able to collect and analyze data through cameras. Ideal between 10 Ha and 50 Ha. • In development: TED — a straddling robot for vineyards. It will be able to weed on and between rows but also replace farmers for arduous tasks such as cutting. Data from cameras will also be collected and analyzed by TED. COMPETITIVE EDGE • Uniqueness — Weeding robots are currently a Naïo exclusivity; competitors are still working on prototypes. • Autonomy — Any current comparable tool has to be towed. Naïo’s machines are fully autonomous, saving farmers much time and effort. CERTIFICATIONS & AWARDS Several awards in France, finalist of the Pionner Challenge 2016


animal feed additives and ingredients

Nor-Feed develops and markets natural feed additives and ingredients, primarily botanicals, for animal health and nutrition. The company focuses its efforts on specific plants and molecules (saponins, grape extracts, citrus extracts, and a few others) to offer well characterized and fully standardized additives with documented health and nutrition benefits. Nor-Feed is located in Angers, France, and belongs to the Vegepolys cluster, a unique combination of research institutes, universities and leading companies specialized in botanicals, with nutrition, health, and environment applications.

CONTACT Olivier CLECH / CEO +33 611 302 631/

Est’d 2003 / 20 employees EXPORT ACTIVITIES Key accounts and distributors in more than 30 countries + 2 joint ventures (Vietnam and Algeria) REVENUE USD 5.2M turnover in 2015, 60% in export market MAIN CLIENTS Cooperl, Cargill, Valorex, CCPA, Vimar, Kaye Biotech, DSM, Vetoquinol, etc. SOLUTIONS / TECHNOLOGY / PRODUCTS All Nor-Feed products are 100% natural and formulated with plant extracts. Their range of products includes: • Replacement for AGP (Antibiotics used as Growth Promoters) • Green coccidiostats • Antioxidants • Feed efficiency additives • Stress management solutions • Gut flora balancers • Repellent for ectoparasites COMPETITIVE EDGE • In-depth understanding of botanical categories (saponins, citrus and grapes in particular), active molecule profile,s documented benefits for animals • Complete standardization of product composition and activity • Traceability and full transparency CERTIFICATION & AWARDS • US FDA approval – EU FAMIqs certified – Qualite France organic auditing • Member of BPI Excellence (a pool of 300 most innovative French companies selected by the French Innovation Bank)

The Green Data

data analytics solutions for agribusiness companies

Seeking insight today into tomorrow’s harvests is at least as old as the Old Testament: Joseph interprets the Pharaoh’s dreams of grain to prepare Egypt for future feast and famine. Fortunately today, we no longer rely on dreams. Quantitative data and predictive models, tailored to each agribusiness, give us the power to optimize performance, manage risk, and innovate. Data science takes the guesswork out of agribusiness and guarantees results. From data analysis to solution building and deployment, The Green Data follows a fast and controlled methodology, compiling and analyzing specific data via a SaaS platform and helping customers assess performance, make adjustments, and expand on their successes to improve and innovate. CONTACT Jérémie WAINSTAIN, CEO +33 618 245 653/

Est’d 2015 - 6 employees & advisors EXPORT ACTIVITIES After a year of existence, the company is starting to focus on export markets.

REVENUE €117.000, 0% in export markets

MAIN CLIENTS Cristal Union, Saint Louis Sucre (ZudSucker group), Groupe Crédit Agricole

SOLUTIONS / TECHNOLOGY / PRODUCTS • Data analysis — the platform is designed to receive massive amounts of data and analyze it through various algorithms to determine where and how to improve a client’s performance, optimize their logistics and supply organisation or their investment decisions, predict the quality of their yields and anticipate risks. • Tool prototyping / IT development & integration — each project is unique and addressed as such. The platform and its end design can be customized to fully respond to the client’s needs after a thorough immersion and analysis.

COMPETITIVE EDGE • Relevance, Precision & Velocity — The Green Data combines datascience, IT & agricultural expertise to design the most adapted & valuable solution for their customers. They use their cloud platform to prototype and deploy these solutions in a fast, controlled way.

Find Us Business France North America San Francisco Office 88 Kearny Street, Suite 700 San Francisco, CA 94 108

Contact Bastien ADOLPHE, Trade Advisor Business France North America +1 (415) 568-4567

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