Ubifrance North America Annual Report 2012

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Arnaud Leretour Directeur UBIFRANCE Amérique du Nord

UBIFRANCE North America offers French companies, especially small and medium organizations, a wide range of services that enable them to establish business partnerships in the United States and Canada - and 2012 has been a remarkable and exceptional year for our organization and our clients. 2012 was the year when our Canadian and American offices merged as one, becoming UBIFRANCE North America. As our clients look to expand their business from across the Atlantic, they want to find the most strategic location for their industry. UBIFRANCE North America further expanded its network to nine major cities coast-to-coast, enabling our clients to maximize their business contacts in both Canada and the U.S. With this strategic merge, we are proud to show immediate, concrete, and proven results. In 2012, more than 50% of the 1,400 France-based companies 1 we accompanied in Canada and the United States have successfully signed or in the process of finalizing a business contract. Our current partnership with OSEO 2 (and future partnership with BPI 3) provides further reason for our clients to establish themselves in the North American market. This partnership gives North American companies trust and assurance that we are partnering them with the most innovative companies from France. Our organization and multicultural team are experts in each of their respective sectors. They are ready to meet the challenges of exporting in North America set forth by the French government, our shareholder. The UBIFRANCE team works on behalf of companies exemplifying the four priorities of French society for the future, which are to better individuals’ Well-Being, Nourishment, Urban Lifestyles and Communication. Our highly specialized and motivated professionals are firmly committed to our clients and partners. Based on these solid foundations, and with the support of our North American counterparts, 2013 is shaping up to be an even better year!

Source: IPSOS Loyalty The French Agency which seeks out innovative start-ups and provides them with financial backing 3 Public Investment Bank, an organization that brings together all Agencies dedicated to supporting small and medium businesses 1


UBIFRANCE Amérique du Nord propose aux entreprises françaises, et spécialement PME et ETI, toute une gamme de services qui leur permettent de nouer des courants d´affaires aux Etats-Unis et au Canada. Et l’année 2012 aura été, pour notre organisation et nos clients, une grande année. Nous avons tout d’abord fusionné nos équipes canadiennes et américaines. Lorsqu’ils franchissent l’Atlantique, nos clients cherchent avant tout à développer un courant d’affaires, là où c’est le plus pertinent. Désormais UBIFRANCE Amérique du Nord est présent dans 9 villes Américaines et Canadiennes nos équipes biculturelles assurent une couverture sur tout le territoire, coast to coast. Nous sommes fiers d’afficher des résultats concrets et probants. En 2012, plus de la moitié des 1400 entreprises 1 que nous avons accompagnées au Canada et aux Etats-Unis ont conclu ou sont sur le point de conclure rapidement un courant d´affaires. Notre association avec OSEO 2, et demain la Banque Publique d’Investissement 3 , offre une raison supplémentaire pour nos entreprises de se rendre sur le marché américain, tout comme elle donne aux entreprises nord-américaines une raison solide de nous accorder leur confiance pour trouver grâce à nous les meilleurs partenaires commerciaux... et les plus innovants. Notre organisation et nos équipes sont en ordre de marche pour relever les défis de l’Export en Amérique du Nord, tels que défini par le gouvernement français, notre actionnaire, en proposant une offre française gagnante axées sur les quatre priorités de nos sociétés modernes pour les années à venir : « Mieux se nourrir », « Mieux se soigner », « Mieux vivre en ville » et « Mieux communiquer ». Très spécialisées, professionnelles et motivées, nos équipes sont résolument engagées aux côtés de nos clients et de nos partenaires. Sur ces bases solides, et avec les entreprises Nord-Américaines, 2013 sera une plus belle année encore !

Source : Institut de sondage IPSOS Loyalty L´organisme publique français qui décèle et soutient les entreprises innovantes La structure qui sera mise en place cette année pour rassembler les principaux acteurs qui soutiennent le développement des PME 1



CONTENTS WHO WE ARE Our organization in North America Our partners Our network Our services Our international mobility program

4 5 6 7 8

WHAT WE DO Agrotech New Technologies, Innovation and Services Fashion Home Cosmetics Healthcare Infratructure Transportation Industry Success Stories

1O 12 14 16 18 22


Our Organization


nder the aegis of the Ministry of

American companies in areas where French

Foreign Trade, UBIFRANCE’s mis-

companies are innovative. French companies

sion is to accelerate the develop-

can bring a lot to the table as a business part-

ment of French companies inter-

ner when it comes to high-quality manual labor

nationally by providing advice, access to market

and top-notch research and expertise in the

information and business leads to clients. Its

technology field.

priorities reflect the will of the French government to promote French businesses by making

Our strength is to involve North American com-

available to them the tools and support they

panies alongside French entrepreneurs and

need to succeed on the North American Market.

thus create added value for each other.

With 80 offices in 60 countries,


offers a comprehensive range of products and services aimed at advancing companies’ export plans. From business information to promotional operations, French firms more confidently execute their export strategies and pursue partnerships with companies overseas

The French secretary of Foreign Trade, Nicole Bricq, has defined goals to meet the needs of foreign markets. These goals are based on four principles corresponding to the French supply strengths: better nourishment, better healthcare, better communication and better living. These goals will help us tailor operations to help match French and North American needs.



strongly rooted in French culture with entrepreneurs more than willing to expand their businesses outside of France. This shared appetite for risk-taking in the pursuit


of the companies we accompanied in North America in 2012 have signed, or are in the process of entering into business partnerships

monality demonstrating that French and North American businesses are on the same wavelength.

Because we deliver the best services to our clients, we gladly adhere to and meet the stan-

Our strength lies in fostering partnerships be-

dard requirements of the Bureau Veritas IS0

tween North American companies and French en-

9001/2008 which attests to the high quality of

trepreneurs, creating added value for both sides.

our management, performance and competi-

Our priority is to support the evolution of North


4 - UBIFRANCE North America 2012 Report

French companies accompanied by UBIFRANCE North America in 2012

of growth is one com-

knowing they can count on the support of a local UBIFRANCE office nearby.



BtoB events organized by UBIFRANCE North America in 2012

Our Partners


BIFRANCE North America leverages its long-term partnerships to advance the development of French businesses and create collaboration with other economic actors. These partners work hand in hand with French exporters offering them the best advice and services to support them at each step of their international development. These numerous partnerships are spread throughout the world and within the US and Canadian territories which allows us to be as close as possible to our clients and their target. Our partners are:



OSEO provides assistance and financial support to French companies for exportation

National Committee of French Foreign Trade Advisors

COFACE is trade risk expert and a worldwide leader in credit insurance

French American Chamber of Commerce

French Canadian Chamber of Commerce

French Chamber of Commerce Canada Toronto

Invest in France Agency North America

French Touristic Development Agency

Economic Service

It provides marketing solutions for French companies

ERAI is the organization for the international development of companies based in Rhône-Alpes, France

This association is dedicated to promote French fairs and events

CYAN 0 % + MAG. 100 % + JAUNE 80 % + NOIR 0 %


CYAN 0 % + MAG. 15 % + JAUNE 15 % + NOIR 55 %


CYAN 0 % + MAG. 30 % + JAUNE 100 % + NOIR 0 %


UBIFRANCE North America 2012 Report - 5

Our Network


BIFRANCE’s North American network is composed of seven offices: Atlanta, Chicago, New-York, San Francisco, Toronto, Montréal and Vancouver; and two branches: Detroit and Houston. Real synergies operate between those offices and with their knowledge of both the French and North American market; our agents have the expertise to deliver the best advice and services. Indeed, based in strategic North American areas they are close to key markets and thus to their clients’ needs and expectations.

The UBIFRANCE North-American team is an open-minded and skillful team. We are attentive to our clients because we want both North American and French companies to succeed.

UBIFRANCE’s activities are grounded on an industry-based organization. All our offices are proficient in sectors that include a wide-range of activities:

The Agrotech depart-

Our Infrastructure, Transport,

The Fashion, Home

Our Health care de-

The New Technologies,

ment handles to the Wine,

Industrial Equipment depart-

Decor and Cosmetics

partment manages the

Innovation and Services

Spirits & Beverages, Food

ment deals with sectors

department is all about

Biotechnologies and

are dedicated to in-

and Agricultural Equip-

linked to the Industry such as

consumer goods: Home

Medical Equipment

novation and services:

ment including Oenologi-

Aeronautics; Automotive and

Decor, Building Materi-


Technology, Innovation

cal, Agricultural and Food

Commercial Vehicle; Environ-

als and Tourism; Beauty,

and Communica-

Processing Equipment

ment; Nuclear, Electric, Oil

Well-Being and Leisure;

tion; Distribution and


and Gas Energies; Transpor-

and Fashion, Luxury and


tation, Infrastructure and


Public Works; and Industrial Equipment.

UBIFRANCE North America relies on a multicultural team composed not only by French, Canadian and American natives; our network also counts people coming from Belgium, the Philippines, Poland, Lebanon…no less than twelve different nationalities. This multicultural team is a strength that enables our agents to be culturally aware of the differences between North America and France, and to show a remarkable ability to adapt to their audience despite of their youth. We are very proud to observe such diversity in our team and to activate it each time we have to recruit new collaborators. Magda Coste, Administrative and Human Resources Manager

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Our Services


UBIFRANCE North America aims to be an efficient transatlantic go-between. Our agency is committed to meet the needs of American companies by connecting them to relevant French partners, who have an outstanding know-how or remarkable products. UBIFRANCE delivers personalized services to ensure the French offer will fit the needs of the North American market.

We organize French Pavilions and French delegations where American companies can easily get in touch with potential French partners. Those events facilitate contacts between North American companies and their prospects, thus creating new business opportunities. It is also a great opportunity for those companies to have a direct access to the latest technologies, trends and know-how that are set up in France. Indeed, UBIFRANCE is your best ally to find new innovative partners or pending products to improve your range. Our knowledge of the French market enables us to source any kind of need to help local businesses to enhance their action. Our mission is to assist French companies and guide them towards a long-run success on the North-American market. Indeed, we provide assistance to companies at each step of their development by:

Advising companies about foreign mar-

Identifying future clients and partners: Com-

Improving the visibility of French companies in

kets to target the most indicated one:

panies often take part of collective events

North America to reach the right target: We also

We provide an understanding of the mar-

such as professional fairs, business forums

aim at helping French companies gain credibility

ket, a sourcing of specific projects and

and matchmaking events. American and

and we offer advice on how to use social networks.

bids, and legal advice about regulations.

French companies have been proven to make professional contacts rapidly and grow their professional network throughout the years.

UBIFRANCE North America 2012 Report - 7

Our International Mobility Program







Indeed, every kind of assignment is pos-

Trade is at the origin of this ini-

sible, from 6 to 18 consecutive months (or 24

tiative. The V.I. program can be

months outside of the United-States). Flexibil-

contracted by French companies

ity and clarity are the factors that have made

to support their activity and their partners

this program so successful since its inception.

abroad while offering them an opportunity to benefit from an international experience.

UBIFRANCE has a large pool of 50,000 young professionals ready to execute missions abroad:

This program is a turnkey HR solution. We

handle all placement procedures (payroll, contract, insurance, and visa and upon re-

universities •

quest: travel and recruitment processes).

North America is one of the first destinations for this program with:

95O of them currently working in some

The company only deals with the opera-

Graduated from the best schools and They can be citizens of any country in the European Economic Area

They are experienced professionals rather

tional aspects. It has also financial advan-

than “interns”, often given important as-

tages such as subsidies and fiscal benefits.

signments: 60% are between 25 and 30 years old.

Also, it enables companies to recruit high-profile young professionals from France to execute

This program is most and fore most the

a wide range of missions: market research, net-

greatest way to enhance a bilingual, bicul-

working, creation or strengthening of the local

tural team and help businesses to be more

teams, supporting or monitoring contracts.

efficient in satisfying the local market needs.

37O companies

75OO young professionals worlwide

8 - UBIFRANCE North America 2012 Report

The V.I. program is a hassle-free Human Resources package offered by the French government which allows French companies to easily recruit high-profile young professionals from Europe. It is entirely flexible and comes with many financial advantages, which explains why the program has been so successful since its inception in 2001. It also galvanizes relationships between French and North American companies by providing a dedicated contact for both of them. Julien Rougerie, in charge of the program in the US


Agrotech UBIFRANCE North America’s Agribusiness Department has 15 trade advisors based in 8 offices in Canada and the US (New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Houston, San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver). Our team members have previous professional experience in their sectors in both France and North America. Our mission is to assist French companies develop their businesses in the US and Canada, and provide consultation in gaining market share. We also facilitate international contacts, increase business opportunities and help North American retailers source today the products that will be on their shelves tomorrow. Aude Guivarch, Head of Agribusiness Department


he Agribusiness department is in charge of all the activi-

Over the past few years, American wine consumption has

ties related to food, wine, spirits and beer distribution as

grown significantly, with the North American area becom-

well as equipment for the food industry and agriculture.

ing the largest wine-consuming country in the world in 2010. Wines, spirits, and beverages represent an im-

Currently, farmers and manufacturers have other

portant market with which quality and authen-

responsibilities than just producing food: preserv-

ticity are the key success factors. More and more

ing the biodiversity and soils, and providing healthy

consumers are looking for good quality-price

goods. This trend fuels new investments for envi-

ratio wine. The retail price segment of $8-14 is

ronmentally-friendly dishes and agricultural equip-

indeed the most in demand, while many French


regions producing wines have not yet been discovered by the North American population.

Looking at the food industry, it appears that premiumisation in the United States has never really

Growing population, which increases food de-

experienced a major setback. Demand is growing

mand, and technical advances in machinery, are

for cheese, sweet and savory snacks, and authen-

the market drivers of the agricultural machin-

tic gourmet products. The quality, authenticity, and

ery market. Investments are also made by the

variety of French food is an asset to meet the needs

new federal regulations to support the raise of

of North American public who requires the top of the range products in this category.

greenhouse gas and technologies. Industries are always looking for the latest technologies enabling to save water and electricity resources.

The food industry in North America is both diverse and dynamic and we work with French food companies that fall into all categories. For instance, in 2012, I worked with companies that produce cheese, chocolates, juices, mustards, vinegars, fruit purees... Given the high presence of the food industry in social media, I use twitter throughout the year to connect with French and North American companies as well as to establish UBIFRANCE’s role in the sector. Lalaina Rideout, Trade Advisor specialized in Food and Beverages

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2o12: a few dates February - New-York & Chicago UBIFRANCE brought 10 family Champagne growers to New York and Chicago for two days of trade tastings, seminars on the local markets and visits to on- and off-trade sites, such as key retailers and bars. Feedback from both participant and importer attested that many of the Champagne makers found business partners.

March - Washingotn DC, RaleighDurham & New-Orleans The majority of the US resides in so-called secondary markets. It was thus that we organized a trade-tasting tour for 11 French wine producers and representatives in regions where wine consumption is significant, and competition is less fierce: Washington DC, Raleigh-Durham and New Orleans. Since, we have had requests from both producers and importers to re-produce the concept in other regions.

October - Toronto & Vancouver In Toronto and in Vancouver, UBIFRANCE organized B2B meetings for 12 food companies. In total, almost 80 individual meetings were organized according the company profiles and strategies. The entire delegation was able to meet with importers / distributors, gourmet stores and supermarkets. Loblaw, Canada’s largest retail chain met all of them during a private tasting in its premises.

November - Toronto & Calgary For this 6th edition of the French Wine Connection, we made Alsace, Bordeaux, Burgundy, Languedoc, Loire Valley and Rhône travel oversea to Canada! Featuring a selection of 100 wines, 22 wine producers from France had the opportunity to present their wine-making know-how to more than 200 wine & spirits local key-players in Toronto and Calgary.

Our clients range from small family domains who might have never been to the States before, to large producers who are looking to establish themselves as the next big French wine brand. Each market has its own consumer preferences and buying habits, and we make it our specialty to know how to best form and respond to this demand, and assure that our French producers have the most rewarding experience possible. Magdalena Rahn, Senior Trade Advisor specialized in Wine, Spirits and Beer

Follow us on Twitter @UBIwinespirit, @UBIfoodbev and @UBIagrofoodeq and on our Facebook and Pinterest accounts @ubifranceNA

New Technologies Innovat For the majority of technology companies with an international ambition, North America is a unique springboard into the global market. The density of foreign companies established in hot spots like San Francisco, New York, and Toronto proves the local market’s world-wide appeal. North America’s sophistication and competitiveness only increases as more and more companies compete in a market where only the strongest and most dynamic small and medium sized companies can succeed. With 16 dedicated professionals located in 6 offices (San Francisco, New York, Atlanta, Vancouver, Toronto, Montréal), the NTIS team not only advises French small and medium companies on their go-to market strategy, but also helps them identify, contact, and convince potential clients and strategic partners to meet with them. Stephane Alisse, Managing director - Head of NTIS Department


his department is dedicated to technology innovation and

Leaders in education and business have begun referring to coding as

services. It is divided into two sectors: technologies/innova-

a literacy benchmark.

tion/communication and distribution & services. The United States and Silicon Valley in particular, has always been a

Due to the internet revolution, the growth of IT innovation entrepre-

bastion of entrepreneurship and IT innovation. Despite the difficulties

neurship, the disruption of the retail sector through

suffered during the recent global economic down-

E-commerce and E-marketing, and the growth of

turn, the tech sector is a leading catalyst of the

mobile devices, our department is active and in a

United States’ economic recovery. Over the past

constant process of renewal. Tech innovations such

two years, there has been a particularly strong re-

as cloud computing, big data, and mobile devices

surgence of investment and company creation in

and applications have consistently impacted a wide

Silicon Valley.

range of industries, from publishing to retail.

France, as in the past, continues to be in an advantageous position to compete in the tech and ser-

During the past decade, online sales have deeply

vice sectors. Within tech, France has strengthened

altered the retail world. In particular, e-commerce

its innovation efforts in new media, cloud comput-

has revolutionized customer experience and has

ing, big data, and mobile. In the service sector,

empowered consumers by offering exhaustive

French enterprises are successfully responding to

market information to be used in their purchase

new types of customers who expect high-quality-

decision-making process. Sales professionals face

services cheaply and quickly.

fierce international competition and demanding customers that expect high-quality services quickly and cheaply. Similarly, e-learning is

NTIS is uniquely positioned to serve as a bridge between French en-

challenging traditional education industry actors, and will revolutionize

trepreneurs and the highly competitive North American market. We

the entire educational field.

accompany companies from initial business contacts and strategic guidance to logistical support in establishing a presence in the market.

Each year, our team organizes more than 700 meetings and the French Tech Tour is our big highlight. This moment is not only an efficient business accelerator for our French clients; it is also an opportunity for our American contacts to get to know more about UBIFRANCE’s activities, and for the whole team to live an intense human experience that includes lively discussions with our clients about their business development strategy on the US market. Sylvia Gallusser, Senior Trade Advisor specialized in Technology, Innovation and Communications 12 - UBIFRANCE North America 2012 Report


Services 2o12 : a few dates January - New York

The most important event worldwide in the retail industry, the National Retail Federation Show welcomes more than 22000 professional visitors and 500 exhibitors each year. We are a regular partner of this event and brings dozens of French innovative companies as well as retail technology clusters, allowing them to connect with renowned North American retail brands such as Macy’s, Nordstrom, etc. and to develop a presence in the USA.

May - Denver The annual conference of the American Society for Training and Development is one of the largest training and development events in North America with over 9.000 visitors and over 350 exhibitors in attendance. We organized a delegation of 8 French innovative companies on this occasion and secured for them over 50 on the spot B2B meetings. Participants developed partnerships, generated commercial leads and discovered various business opportunities with American corporations.

June - San Fancisco & Sillicon Valley The French Tech Tour : all in one week, for the 15 French companies selected by the tech industry giants, more than 180 one-on-one business meetings are arranged. In addition to the B2B meetings, the participating companies benefit from coaching on how to do business in Silicon Valley. They get exposure to press, investors, and potential clients through events organized or coordinated by UBIFRANCE. Plus, there are several opportunities to pitch their companies and products in front of tech industry audiences.

October - Toronto, Montreal The French IT Connection is a week-long competition that supports some of the most innovative and fast-growing French tech companies in kick-starting their business in Canada. The French companies are selected by the largest IT Canadian companies and benefit of individual meetings and coaching to be prepared for the North American market.

October - Las Vegas The Direct Marketing Association Conference is the premier Marketing event in North America with a focus on the marketing industry attracting over 10.000 marketing professionals and connecting more than 2100 companies. For the past three years UBIFRANCE has organized a trade mission with about 20 participating companies connecting them to marketing giants such as Google retail, Epsilon, Zappos, Snapfish (HP) etc.

Follow us on Twitter @UBIntis and @UBIfrenchtechtour and on our Facebook account @ubifranceNA

Fashion Home Decor Cosmet The Fashion, Home Decor and Cosmetics department represents French brands within fashion, luxury, beauty, arts, and home decor industries, in addition to tourism and leisure. Our team of 14 trade advisors spread over the USA and Canada is dedicated to help French companies understand the market before identifying the right agent, distributor or retailer. It is very important to make our customers understand that the best formula is highly dependent on the product and the local response which is not always predictable despite the team’s excellent expertise. Moreover, the consumer goods market is of course extremely saturated, and the advisors have to spot very specific products which will seduce the consumers and/or the intermediaries. Key words are history, niche, creativity, innovation… In 2012, more than 400 companies benefited from our services over the two countries. Isabelle Raux, Head of Fashion Luxury Beauty - Decor and Design Department


rench Fashion and cosmetics brands are renown throughout

Thus, in order to remain attractive and relevant to American consum-

the world. Often associated with quality, craftsmanship, and

ers, French brands have to constantly reinvent themselves by setting

“chic à la française”, French products are appreciated by Ameri-

new trends in home decor material building and tourism.

can consumers because they rely on a traditional know-how,

artisanal values and techniques.

The North American beauty market is one of the leaders in the global beauty industry. With 6000 new products cre-

The Home Decor and Cosmetics department rep-

ated each year, it is also one of the most com-

resents French brands within fashion, luxury, beau-

petitive markets. Most Americans search for

ty, arts, and construction industries, in addition to

rejuvenation and innovative products as well as

home decor, tourism and leisure.

natural cosmetics. French beauty brands have great opportunities there. They tend to be influ-

Americans particularly value innovative, niche and

ential innovators in the North American market

creative products, and well-being tends to be more

by creating concepts and building reputation.

important than appearance. But the North American market is also very competitive. This is why

North American consumers today are looking for

UBIFRANCE plays a key role in assessing the local

ethical and ecological products through brands

market needs and filling the gap by matching the

considered as “socially responsible’’. American

French exporters with the right North American

shoppers are also becoming more considerate

business partners/distributors.

about their expenses and prioritize on spending. Instead of overbuying, they are now buying with discernment

French manufacturers of furnishings, materials and design-related ser-

and take into account the end use, the lifespan and quality of goods.

vices are successful in the North American market since the American

Likewise, exclusivity and limited availability has become another lure

professionals in these sectors are always interested in the quality of the

for shoppers, a great motivation to buy.

French savoir faire and the ‘’Made in France” label.

North America holds the second place in the world for the Fashion Luxury and Accessories industry, after Europe, with a market share of 33%. Small businesses can easily compete with established ones if the offer is unique, creative and has a good lead time. The “Made in France” label, as well as the renewed craftsmanship and storytelling of French artisans continue to be compelling selling arguments to the North American consumers. Ana-Maria Schell, Trade Advisor specialized in Fashion, Luxury and Arts 14 - UBIFRANCE North America 2012 Report

osmetics 2o12 : a few dates March - Chicago The International Home & Housewares Show is the yearly rendezvous for top US and international professionals who come to see product trends for all areas of the home. The French Pavilion featured 12 French companies showcasing the French ‘Art de Vivre’ for the show’s 60 000 visitors. The exhibitors’ products inspired buyers from top US retail chains (including Bloomingdale’s) and independent boutique buyers alike.

June - Toronto & Montreal 5 representatives of prestigious brands have attended two information seminars in Montreal and Toronto with professionals in the field. They also have benefited from valuable feedback from an agent of a French brand, followed by visits to major retailers in the trendiest shopping areas of the two cities. Then, no less than 57 individual meetings were held during this week.

September - Toronto & Montréal The trade mission Welcome into the Green and Smart Home introduced 8 French companies from the sustainable development sector to approximately 55 BtoB meetings during 4 days. They assisted to two market presentations made by industry experts and now they are more aware of all the incentives offered by the all levels of government to consumers as well as the regulation aspects.

September - New-York & Los Angeles The French Beauty Showcase is dedicated to French niche beauty brands looking for distribution in the US. For the past 2 years, UBIFRANCE has been organizing individual meetings with department stores, concept stores and independent distributors for a total of 12 personal care brands both in New York and Los Angeles. Exclusive retailers such as Henri Bendel, Woodley & Bunny, C.O. Bigelow… now supply the participating brands

November - Orlando Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow is a Utopian city of the future planned by Walt Disney hosting approximately 10 million guests per year. UBIFRANCE partnered with EPCOT’s French Pavilion corporate buyers to present them 12 new French companies in the Gift category. All 12 companies received orders from Disney and are in the process of becoming official French Pavilion suppliers!

Follow us on Twitter @UBIfashion, @UBIbeauty, @UBIdecor and @UBIleisure and on our Facebook and Pinterest accounts @ubifranceNA

Healthcare Each year, the United States based UBIFRANCE health team works with more than 800 US and 300 cutting edge French Biotech-Pharma-Medtech companies including Big Pharma (such as Sanofi, Sanofi-Pasteur, Ipsen, Takeda, GSK, Merck, Abbott, Amgen, Pfizer, etc.), and small and medium size companies. Our main recurring events are the French Biotech-Pharma-Medtech Tours, which provide US and French industry professionals with essential contacts and collaborative opportunities (licensing, R&D collaborations, commercial partnerships, etc.). Our goal is to accelerate the development of French companies in the US by providing advice, access to market information and business leads to our clients. These partnering events are free of charge for US-based companies thus providing French companies attending a huge number of opportunities with US companies. Yves Germani, Head of Health Department


he United States is the largest market and leading consumer

ment are treatments for cancers, infectious diseases, auto-immune con-

of biotechnology products in the world, and home to more

ditions, HIV/AIDS, and other diseases for which no effective treatments

than 1,300 firms involved in the industry. Between 2001 and


2010, the U.S. bioscience industry grew by 6.4 percent, adding During the past decade, research, testing, and medical lab jobs have

more than 96,000 jobs.

increased in the United States by 24 percent—translating into nearly By comparison, total employment for all private sector industries in

87,000 new jobs.

the United States fell by 2.9 percent, losing more than 3 million. There

such as corn, soybeans, cotton and canola, crop seeds, and related

Agricultural Biotechnology includes biotech crops

are more than 5.5 million scientists, engineers and

products. The United States accounts for more than

technicians in the United States; 1.3 million people

half of all biotech crops in the world. The global value

directly involved in biosciences; and another 5.8 mil-

of biotech seed alone was US$13.2 billion in 2011,

lion workers in related industry sectors.

and is projected to increase 10 - 15 percent annually. Industrial Biotechnology includes a large number of

Business opportunities in this field for small and

industrial applications that cut across other industry

medium-sized enterprises, universities and research

sectors. Primary product categories are nanotechnol-

institutions are extensive. Research and development

ogy, enzymes, and biofuels.

in the U.S. biotechnology sector drives the commercialization of products for domestic consumption and

Technology partnering aimed at innovative business-

international trade. With the world’s largest scientific

es: UBIFRANCE accompanies innovative businesses

research base and longstanding government support

to facilitate the joint development of processes, prod-

for biomedical and other biotechnology research and development, the United States maintains a competitive environment

ucts and services, in collaboration with companies and R&D facilities based outside France.

for the development and commercialization of biotechnology. Medical Biotechnology is the largest component of the biotechnology industry.

Innovative clusters’ partnering initiative: UBIFRANCE promotes collab-

Key product areas include biological drugs, vaccines, and in-vitro diag-

orative projects on behalf of France’s high-tech clusters in order to foster

nostics. Principal targets for research and develop-

technological co-operation within the innovation ecosystem worldwide.

UBIFRANCE has a real role to play in assisting French Biotech/Pharma companies finding the good partner in the U.S. market. The “French Biotech Tour” is the perfect example of what we can do for French Companies in terms of partnerships or R&D collaborations. Julie Pitrat, Trade Advisor specialized in Biotechnologies 16 - UBIFRANCE North America 2012 Report

2o12 : a few dates May - Princeton With an emphasis on partnering sessions and company presentation opportunities, the French Sourcing Pharma Tour attracts senior life science executives from global biotech and pharmaceutical companies, the funding community and entrepreneurs from throughout the world. More than 200 American entities from various areas are present: biotech, equipment, packaging, CMO,CRO‌

May - Philadelphia The French Biotech Tour aims to provide industry professionals with essential contacts and strategic partnership opportunities. Former participants include large pharmaceutical laboratories (Novartis, Sanofi‌), 120 American biotech companies and 50 French companies. These partnering events are free of charge for US-based and include: one-onone business meetings; presentations from cutting-edge companies and networking opportunities.

June - Boston BIO, held in Boston in 2012, is one of the biggest shows about biotechnologies. 90 French biotech companies: businesses, research laboratories, clusters and public agencies; participated to the French pavilion run by UBIFRANCE. Biotech companies find great partners to manage collaborative and innovative projects to gain a favorable position on the world market.

October - Boston AdvaMed 2012 is the leading MedTech conference in North America. 6 French innovative medical device companies attended the conference and UBIFRANCE organized the French Medtech Tour to help those companies meet with investors, venture capitalists, hospitals, and industry leaders.

November - Chicago The Radiological Society of North America annual meeting is the largest medical congress in the world. UBIFRANCE organized a French pavilion where 10 French companies displayed their savoir-faire and cutting edge technology in the radiology industry. A roundtable event was arranged where American experts and radiologists could meet with the French delegation.

Follow us on Twitter @UBIhealthcare and on our Facebook account @ubifranceNA

Infrastructure Transpor North America is experiencing a manufacturing renaissance, and the “insourcing” boom is definitely bringing back manufacturing to North American shores. Indeed, lower transportation costs, competitive wages, lower domestic energy costs, technology and employee productivity have unexpectedly during this post-recession recovery made North America a manufacturing destination, and at the same time a land of opportunities for French industrial equipment suppliers. In order to help French companies to turn these opportunities into business success stories, the ITI division of UBIFRANCE North America has a dedicated team of 19 Trade Advisors both in the USA (Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Houston, San Francisco) and Canada (Montréal, Toronto), specifically in charge of Aerospace, Automotive, Transportation Systems and Infrastructures, Energy, Clean Technologies and Manufacturing Equipment. Pierric Bonnard, Head of ITI Department


his department is dedicated to sectors linked to great scope industries and includes automotive industry, aeronautics, mechanical industries, transportation infrastructure and energy and environment. Currently, industrial processes are exposed to several changes and new trends. Increasing the efficiency and safety of transportation infrastructures is now essential. Meanwhile, the “green trend” urges on re-

search and innovative brainwaves that leads a more sustainable development. French companies have a lot to offer within this sector and we want to bring their technologies and innovations to the North American companies. The North American area is the largest market in the world for aerospace. Indeed, the region has the biggest commercial fleet, the densest air traffic, and some of the largest players in the industry. French know-how and technologies has made France the first economic partner of the North American area in the aeronautic field. In the past few years French aerospace companies have showed they deserved their place alongside American manufacturer’s projects (general aviation, commercial aircraft, helicopter, UAV, spacecraft and so on).

France and North America have common interests and strategic goals when it comes to the environment. While France ranks rather favorably on many environmental indexes, the US has made protecting the environment a priority, moving toward energy independence, investing in clean energy, and taking steps to improve the quality of our air and water. This context creates significant opportunities for collaboration between both markets. Noréna Van Eetvelde, Trade Advisor specialized in Environment

18 - UBIFRANCE North America 2012 Report

tation Industry Bouncing back from the dismal economic downturn several years ago, the U.S. automotive and heavy duty sectors have undergone major transformations. In order to respond to the growing challenges of increased “miles per gallon” and emissions regulations, automotive and commercial vehicle industry have turned to green technologies and safety enhancements. Alternative engines and drivetrains including hybrid and electric vehicles, innovative lightweight materials, enhanced telematics and intelligent vehicle electronics are now included in the offerings. The environmental sector released $312 billion USD generated in revenue in 2010. Its largest segments include water and wastewater management, solid waste management, clean energy systems and power, and environmental consulting and engineering. All those sectors are growing and they are offering new business opportunities, especially within water management, recycling and clean energy systems and power. With the world’s two largest environmental groups (Veolia and Suez), in addition to many small and medium size companies, no doubt France will play a key role within the North American green market. Because of the US growing population and technology dependence on electric power, the North American energy sector is extremely dynamic. There is growth in all areas, from power generation (fossil fuels, nuclear and renewables), transmission and distribution infrastructures to improvement of smart grids, as well as, the deployment of new technologies for the industry. North America currently has an outstanding need for maintenance and improvements regarding its vast transportation infrastructure, most of which was initially constructed in the early- to mid-20th century. Projects are underway nationwide to renovate and improve the safety and efficiency of highways, bridges, transit systems, airport infrastructure and ports. Over the past half-decade, federal, state and local governments have made these infrastructure improvements a priority in their budgets. North America is the world’s largest market for industrial equipment and the leader for technological innovation. It is heavily concentrated in California and Texas. Universities, research centers, SME’s and large publicly traded companies have enabled the US industrial equipment industry to thrive within a highly competitive global market place.

UBIFRANCE North America 2012 Report - 19

2o12 : a few dates April - Washington d.c., Philadelphia & New-York A delegation of 8 French companies working in the rail and transit industry was introduced to potential partners and clients in the Northeast Corridor, the region with the highest public transportation usage in the U.S. They met with public transportation companies as well as private companies, which represent potential U.S. partners for these companies

May - Los Angeles During the Electric Vehicle World Congress, we organized an Electric Vehicle partnership mission with high tech companies from the 4 automotive clusters in France. Technical visits, one-on-one meetings and technology exchanges highlighted the delegation’s 4 day stay in California. France’s expertise in electric vehicles, componentry and infrastructure make is a rich source of information for U.S. companies.

June - Toronto After 3 successful participations in 2009, 2010 and 2011, we renewed our involvement in the 2012 edition of the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) mining Trade Show, one of the most important international events in the mining sector. The French Pavilion hosted 7 companies and witnessed a 4-day schedule of B2B meetings for all participants.

June - Stratford UBIFRANCE set up B2B meetings with 2 global leaders of the helicopter industry, Sikorsky Aircraft and Boeing. Both facing a growing market, the manufacturers were keen on learning more about the latest French aerospace technologies.

July to October - San Francisco, Boston & Chicago The Cleantech Tour is a platform for innovative start-ups looking for financial support to develop their activity in the US. It is a unique concept where companies participate to training and pitch sessions, BtoB meetings and networking opportunities.

October - Dallas, Chicago, Atlanta & austin Weftec is the largest North American water quality exhibition. The 7 companies composing the French delegation benefited from numerous services: 52 customized BtoB meetings with high level decision makers among the industry and local Authorities.

Follow us on Twitter @UBIaero, @UBIautomotive, @UBIinfras, @UBIenergy, @UBIenvironnement, @CleanTechTour, @UBImanufact and on our Facebook account @ubifranceNA

Axel Baroux Directeur adjoint UBIFRANCE Amérique du Nord

Human resources, communication, contact, information – our solutions meet the needs of French companies in their development in North America with proven results. As a result, 53% of businesses that we accompanied in North America in 2012 have signed, or are in the process of entering into business partnerships. The strong and solid results we have achieved are primarily due to the number of French companies offering excellence and innovation across all their respective sectors (healthcare, scientific and technological innovations, manufacturing, green technologies, cutting edge technologies, ICT, digital economy, cosmetics, intelligent textile, food supplements, animal genetics…). Our results were made possible by the natural synergy between French companies and their North American partners. Our highly specialized team members are informed on a daily basis of the needs and trends of the North American market. The information we gather is passed on to the UBIFRANCE network throughout France, which then identifies mutually beneficial opportunities for French and North American companies. Despite the clichés, French and North American companies speak the same business language. Canadian, American, and French companies have a history of successful collaboration, with France being one of the first countries to welcome Canadian and American investments, and North America cultivating a rich and diverse French community. More than 22,000 leading and innovative French companies export every year in the United States, and another additional 10,000 to Canada. Seventy-five percent of them are start-ups and medium sized companies, ready to expand with their partners and clients in North America, resulting in a win/win situation for all parties involved. Many companies have shared with us testimonies of success which have resulted from these trans-Atlantic collaborations. We have chosen a few select ‘’success stories’’ to share with you on the following pages.

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Scoma / Hadady SCOMA was founded in 1933 and continues to offer highest safety components based on the solid know-how of our engineers. SCOMA is also specialized in the design, dynamic tests and manufacturing of safety parts for large, medium and small series. The company offers tailor made and customized conception & production of security parts for commercial vehicles and special driveline technology. Its product range includes ball joints, steering rods, torque rods, tie rods, suspension ball joints, drag links, stabilizing rods, powertrain rubber components.

The French Company

We realized that French technology was very little known in North America and has actually many advantages to succeed in this market. This fact drove us to come and meet big companies and to bring our products and expertise in the North American market. This mission was possible thanks to UBIFRANCE Chicago Transportation team, who showed us opportunities in North America and put us in contact with major actors to enter this market. We kept in mind that even if we were a small business, our range of products was so specific and our quality standards so high that we could be of interest for those companies. Darius Czarnecki, CEO of SCOMA SAS & SCOMA Inc.

We met Darius Czarnecki, SCOMA President, at the Equip’ Auto show in Paris in 2009. We were convinced that SCOMA’s range of products would fit the North American needs in several in-


dustries, since they were already well known in Europe for the high quality of their rods and ball joints. This is the reason why we suggested to them to enter the American market. We chose to put them in contact with large suppliers to the heavy duty truck industry and to distributors in the rail industry, such as HADADY. These meetings were successful and led SCOMA to sell products to Tier one truck suppliers and to sign a distribution agreement with HADADY to service the commuter rail market. Rachel Kurowski, Trade Advisor UBIFRANCE North America

custom steel components for the rail and OEM industries. UBIFRANCE set up the initial meetings between us and SCOMA and were very helpful in their follow-up with both our companies. During the initial meetings, both parties quickly grasped the tremendous opportunities for a distribution relationship in the U.S. market. As HADADY has 40 years of U.S. experience and SCOMA has a high-quality product with 80 years of success… It was a very good fit. I recently toured the SCOMA manufacturing facility in France, and I am very optimistic in SCOMA’s potential in the U.S. mass transit market for years to come. Tom Austin, Sales representative at HADADY, General manager of HC precision

The American Company

HADADY CORPORATION is a precision manufacturing and distribution company specialized in

FOLLOW-UP HADADY CORPORATION formed a new division called HC Precision LLC, to help maximize their sales focus for SCOMA. They are still getting started, but they are confident about SCOMA’s capacity to quickly penetrate the U.S. Market for the Mass Transit Industry.

22 - UBIFRANCE North America 2012 Report

Chateau Favray / Nokhrin Wines CHATEAU FAVRAY is a 45-acre estate from the Pouilly-sur-Loire region, on the east side of the Loire-Valley near Sancerre. Their domaine is a survival story: they overcame the late 19th century phylloxera epidemic that destroyed most of the grape vineyards in the region. Brought back to life by Quentin David in 1980, CHATEAU FAVRAY still produces today a Pouilly-Fumé (Sauvignon

The French Company

blanc), a dry white wine usually known for its unique, distinctive flavor of musk and smoke.

Our business priority for 2010-2011 was Canada. We have done business in this country in the past, but in the past several years we lost our positioning. As a result, we decided to work with UBIFRANCE and use them as a platform to introduce our vineyard to wine agencies and gauge their level of interest. We got their report with all the contacts, their analysis and recommendations at the end of May 2012. We contacted the agents who showed interest in our wines, and received positive feedback. Quentin David, CEO of CHATEAU FAVRAY

confirm their interest. Thanks to preliminary discussions with several agents and my research, the growth potential for those wines was encouraging at the LCBO*. We decided to introduce their wines to selected agents a couple of months before the next bid at the LCBO for Pouilly-Fumé (August 29, 2012). This way, the producer would have enough time to get in touch with all the agents in Ontario who would

The Canadian Company

be interested in presenting their wines.


Prior to their visit to Canada, CHATEAU FAVRAY wanted to have agents’ opinions on their wines and

Carole Ringuet, Trade Advisor UBIFRANCE North America

UBIFRANCE organizes well-prepared meetings where we usually get to taste high-quality wines. Carole played a significant role by establishing contact between our company and the winery. CHATEAU FAVRAY was a great discovery – I was introduced to them and was very pleased with the conversation with their winemaker. The wine was very beautiful and well- balanced - its quality and price were so exceptional that our first submission of the wine to the LCBO was successful. As a result, the monopoly ordered 4,200 bottles of our Pouilly-Fumé 2011 and CHATEAU FAVRAY wine was released to stores last Saturday. Alex Nokhrin, CEO of NOKHRIN WINES

FOLLOW-UP After only two days, 621 bottles were sold at the LCBO, which is 15% of the whole order - a very good result. After this very promising debut in Ontario, CHATEAU FAVRAY hopes to have the same impact in Quebec. The B2B market test done by Ubifrance allowed the French vineyard to find not only an agent in Ontario but also in Quebec. *LCBO: Liquor Control Board of Ontario

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Villard / Peripap Founded in 1947, VILLARD is one of today’s French leaders in the design, manufacture, and sale of medical equipment and furniture. Their experience ensures reliable and efficient equipment utilized in all healthcare facilities, including hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes. Their expertise and careful attention to the manufacture and production of their products exceed high quality standards. VILLARD sells over 1000 items to about 10,000 healthcare facilities in France and abroad. All their products are designed to meet the needs and expectations of hospital staff, and also ensure the well-being of their patients.

The French Company

Marine recognized a potential in the market during a time when a lot of major projects were being launched in the industry. She gave us a call and told us about the opportunities for the Canadian market. We were already interested in the Quebec area. She suggested making sure our products would fit the market’s expectations with a product test in the market and we accepted. In the end, eight prospects were interested in our offer in the Québec area.

Jérôme Ficamos, Export Manager of VILLARD

After several meetings with Jérôme Ficamos, we gauged the interest of several Canadian companies in his products. Our 2 months’ work confirmed the company’s potential in the


Québec area. Many Canadian companies wanted to schedule meetings with VILLARD, especially to talk about their carts. After a few weeks, we organized meetings between the company and 8 Canadian prospects who were really interested in his products. These meetings enabled VILLARD to work with 3 companies from Quebec. Marine Bougeard, Trade Advisor UBIFRANCE North America

materials, and competitive prices - we had to get their products. We quickly placed our orders and our customers were immediately pleased with the products. Villard’s efficient service is based on their responsiveness, which made our partnership close. Our relationship will become stronger in the future thanks to the free-trade agreements between our two countries and the rise of the Canadian dollar against the Euro. Only good things for the future!

Bernard Thibault, CEO of PERIPAP

The Canadian Company

When we discovered Villard’s range of products - with innovative designs, contemporary

FOLLOW-UP VILLARD’s stay in Canada allowed them to gain insight into the Canadian market. Transportation costs are reasonable and it’s easy to get around within the territory. Like Villard, French companies need to have an offer that will set them apart in order to succeed in the market. Three months later, their new Canadian partner PERIPAP started to place orders and promoted their products at the SANTECH fair in Montréal.

24 - UBIFRANCE North America 2012 Report

CONTACTS New York Office +1 (212) 400-2160 1700 Broadway, 30th Floor New York, NY 10019-5818

Atlanta Office +1 (404) 495-1660 3399 Peachtree road NE Atlanta, GA, 30326

Montréal Office +1 514 670 4000 1501 McGill College Bureau 1120 Montréal, QC H3A 3M8

Chicago Office +1 (312) 327-5250 205 North Michigan Avenue Suite 3730 - Chicago, IL 60601

Detroit Office +1 248 457 1150 525 E. Big Beaver Road, Suite 202 Troy, Michigan 48083

Toronto Office +1 416 977 1257 154 University Avenue, Suite 400 Toronto, ON M5H 3Y9

San Francisco Office +1 (415) 4781-0986 88 Kearny Street Suite 700 San Francisco, CA 94108

Houston Office +1.713-985-3278 & +1.713-985-3276 777 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 600 Houston, Texas 77056

Vancouver Office +1 604 639 0920 1130 West Pender suite1102 Vancouver, BC V6E 4A4

www.ubifrance.com/us contact.usa@ubifrance.fr

This document is available online at www.ubifrance.com/us Printed in the U.S.A Photo credits and copyright: Fotolia, BSM international communication, Hadady, Scoma, Chateau Favray and UBIFRANCE Editor-in-chief: Arnaud Leretour Writing and design: Clemence Vizier, Geoffroy Thaumin and Michael Salas

www.ubifrance.com/us contact.usa@ubifrance.fr

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