Ubud Writers & Readers Festival 2022 - Daily Schedule - Sponsoring Session Proposal

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SPONSOR ASE SSI ON Woul dyoul i ket oj oi nours t agewi t hr enownedaut hor sand gr eatmi ndsf r om acr os sI ndones i aandar oundt hewor l d? Woul dyoul i ket obel i nkedt ooneoft hewor l d' sl eadi ng wr i t er ' sf es t i val s ?UbudWr i t er s&Reader sFes t i val( UWRF) 2022i soffer i ngyout heexcl us i vechancet opar t neri nour mai npr ogr am. Spons or i ngas es s i onpr ovi desyouwi t hani nval uabl eoppor t uni t yt oc onnec twi t ha whol enew audi enc ewhi l er eac hi ngoutt oexi s t i ng,l oyalc us t omer s .I thel psbui l d br andawar enes sandl oyal t yi nanexc i t i ng,meani ngf ulwaywhi l eal s opr ovi di ng i ns pi r at i onf ors t affmember s .

ABOUTTHEFESTI VAL Thi syear ' sFes t i vals har esext r aor di nar ys t or i esandbol di deast hr ought hel ensof t hi syear ' st heme,MemayuHayuni ngBawana,i nt er pr et edi nEngl i s hasUni t i ng Humani t y.TheFes t i valbr i ngst oget heradi ver s emi xofI ndones i anandi nt er nat i onal wr i t er s ,s peaker s ,t hi nker s ,ar t i s t s ,advoc at es ,c omment at or s ,andac t i vi s t st oc r eat ea s pac ef orc r os s c ul t ur aldi al ogueandc onnec t i on. The2022Fes t i valwi l lhos tmor et han160+s es s i onsi nMai nPr ogr am,120+event s , hos t s130+s peaker s ,and~50par t ner si nvol ved. Formor ei nf or mat i onabout t hef es t i valpr ogr am, s i mpl ys c ant hi sQRc ode:

SESSI ON SPONSORSHI PVALUE USD1, 500asCas hSpons or s hi p ENTI TLEMENTS: edgementofyouror gani z at i on ·Acknowl br andasas pons orofapar t i c ul ar s es s i onofyourc r eat i on( e. g. ,Mai n pr ogr am of" X"pr es ent edby" your or gani z at i onname" )

ogo ·Moderatorannouncementandl

Pl ac ementonFes t i valbanneratt he Openi ngandCl os i ngni ght

i nePr omot i ont o69, 700+f ol l ower s ·Onl

Gotaques t i onaboutt hepr ogr am or donat i onsi ngener al ?Geti nt ouc h t odaywi t hourPar t ner s hi pTeam:

Rai ni nt haSi ahaan e:r ai n@yayas ans ar as wat i . or g p:+628118464961

AdeAr dhana e:ade. ar dhana@yayas ans ar as wat i . or g p:+6281238116839

ac r os sal ls oc i almedi ac hannel s ,15, 000+ news l et t ers ubs c r i ber s ,and285, 000 webs i t evi s i t or s .

ngofUWRFpar t ner st obepl ayed ·Recordi i nbet weens es s i onsatmai npr ogr am venues

nvenue ·LogoonTVScreenatthemai t i onatt heGal aOpeni ngand ·Recogni Cl os i ngc er emony

dent i fic at i onofFes t i valwebs i t ewi t h ·I hyper l i nkt oOr gani s at i on' swebs i t e

val4daypas s&1i nvi t at i ont o ·1Festi Gal aOpeni ng

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