YES2021 – Landscape Architecture Studio II - (Dall’Ara)

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Regenerat ive Rai lsc ape s


Maste r of L a n d s c a p e Arc h itect u re La ndsca pe Arc h itec t u re St u d i o II 2021 Enri ca Da l l ’Ara , In s t r u c to r School of Arc h itec t u re, Pl a n ni ng , and Landscape Un i ve rsi ty of Ca l g a r y

Zoe Crandall

Regenerative Railscapes

EPHEMERAL INFRASTRUCTURE Zoe Crandall The ne ig hb o u ring urb an co m m unties of Ing l ewood & Ra msay b o a st rich histo ries, l ivel y festival s, and a unique se nse of p l a ce , which are aug m ented by a varied and diverse ve r na c u l a r l a ng uage of sig ns, m ural s, and facad es. Wit h t he a d ve nt of a new l ig ht rail l ine thro ug h the co m m unit y, t he ma ss of t he existing C P rail inf rastructures wil l in crease t re me nd o u sl y, ex acerb ating the ex isting b arrier bet ween t he t wo ne i g hbo urho o d s.

Ephem eral Infras tructure invest igates using a palet te of inst allat ions drawn from t he visual vernacular lang u age of Inglewood & Ramsay to st rengt hen sense of place an d help bridge t he shift in perspect ive from high- speed, large infrast ruct ures to t he pedest rian scale. Intervent ions are intended to be programmable and modular, giving busin es s es and resident s flexibilit y in creat ing and updat ing t heir vi s u al communicat ions.

Howeve r, t his s ig nif icant inf rastructure p ro ject present s g re at o p p o r t u n ity fo r the area. The C P R yard , p reviously u nt rave l l e d by the p ub l ic and treated as b ack ground i nf ra st r u c t u re , wil l b e transfo rm ed into o ne of the primary co r r id o rs t hro ug h the co m m unity. The rear p l anes of t he b u il d ing s t hat f ram e this channel wil l now b e f ront ages a l o ng t his e ssential transit co rrid o r. As wel l , p reviously u nd e r u se d o p en sp aces al o ng the rail l ine wil l become si g ni f i c a nt , re q uiring investm ent in g reen inf rastr uct ure.

Pedest rian- scaled spaces are created using intervent i on s like light ing, art work, and plant ings which softens large infrast ruct ures. These fine det ails work as foregroun d to larger intervent ions like neighbourhood wayfinding sign age and building project ions t hat line t he t ransit corr i d or, reinforcing t he ident it y of t he place to t rain passengers an d pedest rians. A project ion show on t he side of moving frei g ht t rains illust rates t he idea of softening heavy systems t hrou g h light and spect acle, while celebrat ing communit y ident ity.


VERNACULAR SIGNSCAPES La n d ma rk Sig n a ge




Gree n Infra s t ru ct u re

ve SE 19th A 11 th Str

Fre ig ht t ra in p e rfo rma n ce s

eet SE

Focus Area

El bo w

Un d e rp a s s lig ht in g

Ri ve


r 1

h 8t

e Av







Re a r-fa ca d e lig ht in g

Mu ra l a n ima t io n wit h lig ht

Ing lewo o d & Ram say Ne ig h b o u rh o o d Wa y fin d in g

Fast Fl ows

Cal ga ry, A B

Sl ow Fl ows

Gre e n Fl ows

Tra i n -Facing


Ri ve r

Green Line

Pedestrian Flows

Gree n Networ k


Stati on





Cozy o u td o o r s p a ce s









Frei g ht Trai n Li g ht Show

ee n Li ne

Bui l di ng Proj ec ti on



Landmar k Si g n CP R



r Ya



Under pass Li g hti ng

St at

Under pass Proj ec ti on

io n

Pl aza Over head Li g hts

idge CPR Br

Landmar k Si g n

11 th St re et SE

ri d g e G re e n L in e B

Bui l di ng Proj ec ti on

Sta t io n Lig ht in g


Fa ca d e Lig ht in g

Fre ig ht Tra in Lig ht Dis p la y

Me a d ow

Art is t-De s i gn e d Un d e rp a s s Li ghti n g

Su b s i d i ze d Bu s i n e s s Si gn

Fa ca d e Li ghti n g


Open Lawn

Long Grasses Inset Seat Anal ysi s Image 1 (Sketc h/Map/Di ag ram)

Na t ive Gro u n d cove r

Ra in ga rd e n s

An a lys is Ima ge 1 ( Sketc h / Map/ Di agram)

Lo ca l Hi s tori ca l Im agery

Ar ti st-Created Proj ec ti on Mappi ng

Gra fit t i An ima t io n wit h Sp ot lig ht s

Fe s t iva l & Eve nt Pro mot io n

Se a s o n al Program m i n g


Regenerat ive Rai lsc ape s


R o o f to p G a rde n a n d Pro m e nad e Pe r r s p e c t i ve

Maste r of L a n d s c a p e Arc h itect u re La ndsca pe Arc h itec t u re St u d i o II 2021 Enri ca Da l l ’Ara , In s t r u c to r School of Arc h itec t u re, Pl a n ni ng , and Landscape Un i ve rsi ty of Ca l g a r y


Regenerative Railscapes

S T I R R I N G U P A N U R BA N E D DY J O N AT H A N H A M M Lo c ated o n a k ey n o de in th e I n gl ewo o d-R a m s ay commu nities, the site a ro un d th e future I n gl ewo o d-R a m s ay Green L ine statio n m u st n o t o n l y m a inta in , but cel ebrate the most p o sit ive a spec ts o f th is l o c atio n , m o s t im po r ta ntly, wi d e sig htl ines a c ro ss th e ra il ya rds a n d th e s k y l in es o f I n g lewood a nd Ca l g a r y. To showc a se t he c h a ra c ter o f th e n eigh bo ur h o o d, epi tomi z ing so u t her n Alber ta’s h er ita ge a n d feel in g in th e old est p a r t o f the c it y, a m ix ture o f a pro m en a de a n d a c l o i ster are j o ined in c l o se proxim it y, us in g th e fun da m enta l s of pros p ec t- ref u g e the o r y a n d s treets c a pe des ign . To provi d e thi s b a l a nce, f ir st, 3 n ew buil din gs a re intro duced to increase d ensit y a nd a co m pa c t s t y l e o f tra n s it o r iented develop m ent, w hil e a l so prov idin g edges to a n ew c l o is tered rai l way p l a z a . Al o n g a l l th es e edges a covered vera n d a i nte grates w ith the n ew s tatio n , a l l ow in g pedes tr ia n s s heltered

access to the enti re si te, and potenti ally all the way d own 1 1 t h street i n an i nterconnec ted arcad e system. I t wi ll of fer a m o re grad ual transi ti on bet ween i nd oor and outd oor, more appro p r iate to Calgar y ’s cli mate. Attrac ti ve vegetati on and pavi ng p atter ns shape the spaces and provi d e gather i ng areas, whi le also provi d i ng 4 seasons of i nterest. Fi nally, as the crowni ng feat u re, on the central bui ld i ng i s a roof top perenni al gard en and p ro m enad e where people can enjoy panorami c vi ews of the are a in a prai r i e -li ke gard en, of fer i ng a counter poi nt to the cloi ste r b e l ow. The d esi gn wi ll sti r up ac ti vi t y at the gateway to I nglewood an d R amsay ; a small, but tur bulent nod e i n the f low of i nf ras t r u c ture through I nglewood and R amsay

Street M o r ph o l ogy of I nglewood /R am say

D en si t y o f N atu ra l Feat ures and Am enit ies

St reet Q ualit y M ap

M a s te r Pl a n






R o o f to p G ard en Ter race and Prom enad e

Vegetation Le ge n d


New Tre e s New Shr u b s

Gre e n Sp a ce Pe re n n i a l Wa lk way

Exi sti ng Tre e s New Gre e n Sp a ce Exi sti ng Gre e n Sp a ce

Ve ra nd a Bu i ld i ng

Circulation Most Foot Traffi c Hi g h Foot Traffi c

C loi s te re d Pl a z a

Low Foot Traffi c Le a st Foot Traffi c

Conne c te d Ve ra n da

Paving Exi sti ng Stone Pav i ng Wood Pav i ng Cove re d Sp a ce

Structures Exi sti ng Str u ctu re s New Str u ctu re s






D esign Plan

I nte r ve nt i o n D i agram s






C D S e c t i o n A : A 1: 200


S e c t i o n C:C 1 :2 0 0 K e y M ap

S e c t i o n B: B 1: 200

S e c t i o n D :D 1 :2 0 0 Cl o i s te r a n d St at i o n Plaz a Pe r s p e c t i ve

Regenerative Railscapes


Master of Landscape Architecture Landscape Architecture Studio II 2021 Enrica Dall’Ara, Instructor School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape University of Calgary


Regenerative Railscapes


Climatic changes in Alberta have real implications for food security, strengthening the resilience of Calgary’s local food systems would contribute to building overall resilience of the city. Re- introduction of productive urban food networks in the City of Calgary. The Inglewood and Ramsay neighbourhoods possess an important ecological riparian landscape; hence it carries with it the history of traditional agriculture production. The five key strategy areas represent models of climate resilient integrated agriculture, horticulture and aquaculture systems in the urban context while also employing a diversity of programming to active both neighbours and the future Green Line corridor. The Sky Gardens will be the core of the masterplan located right in the center of both neighbourhoods and along the Green Line. This will be an elevated garden running on top on the CPR line accompanied with a therapy garden. The spaces underneath the Sky Gardens will serve a commercial purpose, this will activate not only the Green Line but also the new bike/trail pathway system.

Therapeutic and healing gardens have deeply embedded correlation with healthcare therapy and treatment. Long term research indicates that natural spaces are connected to longevity and a higher quality of life. This area of the Sky Gardens will be an ornamental version of the crop garden. The Sky Gardens builds on a research of therapeutic benefits by Roger Ulrich in 1999 that proves that the physical environment and nature has a measurable positive effect on people. The planting provides a rich multisensory experience to strengthen the emotional connections to the natural environment. Underneath the gardens the bike/walk pathway will be an extension of the connections already in place along the Bow and Elbow River in the City of Calgary. The new extensions of the Bow River Pathway will run along the CPR line that boundaries the Ramsay and Inglewood neighbourhood. The extension will offer a new system of connections to the river and to the other strategic areas of this masterplan while also activating the Green Line connection. The greenway will be a start to a natural landscape corridor that will attempt to protect habitat and ecological systems and serve as a recreational corridor connecting a series of agriculture networks in the Ramsay and Inglewood area.

Inglewood - Ramsay Urban Site Analysis While the landforms and natural systems play an integral role in forming the settlement patterns in Inglewood and Ramsay, the temporal, cultural, and intangible spatial aspects of the area have shaped the community in profound ways. The earliest community in Calgary, Ramsay and Inglewood both boast numerous extant historical buildings built before 1920 that reflect the initial colonial settlement in this land. These buildings flavour the streetscapes, and the ghosts of past industries and infrastructures give the user glimpses into what was. The communities are also cultural hubs for the city, with numerous live music venues open all year, festivals and events in both cold and warm weather, and activities in the day and the night. The massive rail system and the Blackfoot Trail that bisects Inglewood creates an impenetrable barrier for users, and numerous crossing nodes. However, the proximity to the Bow and Elbow River views and the river pathway system, combined with the shifting cultural landscape make this neighbourhood a rich pedestrian experience.

Railway Gardens, Calgary 1880 Glenbow Archives

Louis Roselle and Angelique Roselle began farming in the Inglewood and Ramsay area 1880 Glenbow Archives

Chinese Canadian market gardeners farmed until the early 1950s Glenbow Archives

Farming in Inglewood and Ramsay, Calgary 1950s Glenbow Archives

Inglewood - Ramsay Urban Agriculture Network

Greenway Bike/Trail Pathway System Green Line Station Urban Agriculture Gardens Therapy Gardens

Re- introduction of productive urban food networks in the City of Calgary. The Inglewood and Ramsay neighbourhoods posses a important ecological riparian landscape, hence it carries with it the history of traditional argriculture production. This area is beneficial to the city but also can be improved to make a resilient urban food system. The five key strategy areas represent models of climate - resilient integrated agriculture, horticulture and aquaculture systems in the urban context while also employed a diversity of programming to active both neighbours and the future Green Line corridor. Green space will be maximized through the proposed greenway that will run along the new bike/trail pathway network. The greenway will be a start to a natural landscape corridor that will attempt to protect habitat and ecological systems and serve as a recreational corridor. The Sky Gardens will be the core of the masterplan located right in the center of both neighbourhoods and along the Green Line. This will be an elevated garden running on top on the CPR line. The spaces underneath the Sky Gardens will serve a commercial purpose, this will activiate not only the Green Line but also the new bike/trail pathway system. The Sky Gardens will consist of patches of gardens and smaller scale crops accompined with a Therapy Garden that will be a ornamental version of the typical crop garden.

THE PATHWAY The pathway will be an extension of the connections already in place along the Bow and Elbow River in the City of Calgary. The new extensions of the Bow River Pathway will run along the CPR line that boundaries the Ramsay and Inglewood neighbourhood. The extension will offer a new system of connections to the river and to the five strategic areas of this masterplan while also activating the Green Line connection.

THE MEADOW The Meadow is along the the periphery of the NW edge of Inglewood. The Meadow will consist of various types of meadow mixes combined with extensive flower beds and will be harvesting fast short cycled fruits and edible flowers.

Section B

Section A

THE AGRI-TOURISM PARK The new Agri-tourism park will be embedded with the Pearce Estate Park’s existing functions and design. This space will serves a tourist, educational and experiential function for the masterplan design interventions. This will include greenhouses with vertical farming, accompined with patches of garden and crops along an open public space and interactive area for kids.


The Kitchen Gardens will be a smaller scale community garden located within the Ramsay residential neighbourhood. This space will give locals an easy access to a community garden that is apart of a greater urban food system.


This will be an elevated garden running on top on the CPR line. The spaces underneath the Sky Gardens will serve a commercial purpose, this will activiate not only the Green Line but also the new bike/trail pathway system.

THE AQUACULTURE GARDENS The Aquaculture Garden will aim at creating a aquatic and riparian ecological matrix through constructed wetlands that will explore aquaculture farming. This area will also consist of indoor aquaponic farming.



Boardwalks Elevated trails along and over wetlands that connect to form a complete bike and pedestrian system of networks.

Bike/Walk Pathway An extension of the Bow River Pathway that runs along the CPR along the Inglewood and Ramsay neighbourhoods and connects to the five strategic areas.

Event Space A public open space along the river promoting the agri-tourism strategy area.

Commercial An agri-district that creates opportunities for commercial activities utilizing the space under the Sky Gardens. This commercial space joined with the Sky Gardens will activate the Green Line stations as well as the new bike and trail pathway system.

Urban Greenway Green space will be maximized through the proposed greenway that will run along the new bike/trail pathway network. The greenway will be a start to a natural landscape corridor that will attempt to protect habitat and ecological systems and serve as a recreational corridor.


Urban Agriculture

Aquatic and Riparian

The five strategic areas will promote healthy An ecological matrix will be constructed and sustainble food production and access along strategic areas that fall along the Bow River and a ecological matrix will also be to the urban city. introduced through constructed wetlands in the Aquaculture Gardens.

Culture and History The five strategic areas attempt to re-trace history of the Inglewood and Ramsay neighbourhoods. The cultural and history of the sites will be represented through design and programming interventions.

Inglewood - Ramsay Urban Agriculture Network: The Sky Gardens Access Point Greenway Bike/Trail Pathway System

Green Line Station


Urban Agriculture Gardens


Planting and material to provide a rich multisensory experience (seasonal variety, colour texture combinations, fragrance, wildlife habitat). Wil incorporate planting that offers ‘fasination’ and sensory engagement, such as ornamental grasses that move in the breeze, trees that create changing shade patterns or have interesting bark or unsual flowers.

Section A

Therapeutic and healing gardens have deeply embedded correlation with healthcare therapy and treatment. Long term research indicates that natural spaces are connected to longevity and a higher quality of life. This area of the Sky Gardens will be an ornamental version of the crop garden. This will serve as a space for more research into healing gardens and will explore the elements that make a space warm. Prospect - Refuge Theory: People’s aesthetic prefrences in art and the landscape derive from preceptions of what is needed for survival. Research has found that Mycobacterium vaccae, a bacterieum found in soil, triggers the release of serotonin, a hormone that decreases anxiety and depression, elevates modd and improves cognitive functions.




Section B






Design criteria is built from an understanding of extensive guidelines from the Therapeutic Landscapes: An Evidence Based Approach to Designing Healing Gardens and Restorative Outdoor Spaces by Clare Cooper Marcus in 2013.





Access Point

Greenway Bike/Trail Pathway System

Combination of 5 senses with meandering pathways and enclosed public spaces







The Feeling of Inglewood/ Ramsay


The Edges of Inglewood/ Ramsay



Concept Plan ­

Plan View



View 1 2


View 2

Regenerat ive Rai lsc ape s

Community Connection —Railscape

Maste r of L a n d s c a p e Arc h itect u re La ndsca pe Arc h itec t u re St u d i o II 2021 Enri ca Da l l ’Ara , In s t r u c to r School of Arc h itec t u re, Pl a n ni ng , and Landscape Un i ve rsi ty of Ca l g a r y

Xi a Yi x u an

Regenerative Railscapes

Community Connection —Railscape Xia Yixuan The pro j ec t site is l o c ated bet ween t wo co m m un iti es—I ng l ewo o d a nd R am s ay, in Ca l ga r y (Al ber ta ,Ca n a da ). I t i s d i vided into t wo pa r ts by Ca n a dia n Pa c ific R a il way and new green l ine L ig ht R a il Tra n s it. I a m interested in s tren gth en in g th e co n n ec tio n bet ween t wo sid e spa ce in v is io n , l a n ds c a pe a n d tra n s po r tati on as p ec t. B a sed o n th at, I wa nt to c reate a n ew c irc ul ati on for p edest ra ins to get n ew LR T s tatio n m o re direc tl y and convenient l y, inc rea s in g th e m o bil it y. Acco rding to my expec tatio n , my s trategys r un a s follow. Fir st, I design a c irc ul atio n go th ro ugh th e R a m s ay and I ng l ewo o d a nd div ided into th ree pa r ts in different func ti ons.

There i s a ped estrai n street i n i nglewood wi th a shelter (winte r cor r i d or) on the one si d e. I focus on i ncreasi ng the walk i ng exper i ence whi le people go to the stati on or 9 Ave. Af ter pa ssin g the L R T stati on there i s a plaz a for gather i ng and transfe r r in g and has steps lead to J ef fer i es Par k . J ef fer i es Par k i s a p u b lic space for communi cati ng, walk i ng or resti ng. I take use of the shape of path that I d esi gn i n J ef fer i es p u b lic par k to create the patten on slope and the grassland shap e o n I nglewood si d e by ex tend i ng the li nes to i nglewood. There are many obser vati on areas wi th benches i n the par k t h at you can have a rest and see speci al and beauti f ul hi stor i a l m urals on the over si d e bui ld i ng i n I nger wood,enhance the v iso n connec ti on.

Regenerat ive Rai lsc ape s

Inglewood-Ramsay Mobility Garden

Maste r of L a n d s c a p e Arc h itect u re La ndsca pe Arc h itec t u re St u d i o II 2021 Enri ca Da l l ’Ara , In s t r u c to r School of Arc h itec t u re, Pl a n ni ng , and Landscape Un i ve rsi ty of Ca l g a r y

Yi hu i Xu

Regenerative Railscapes

Inglewood-Ramsay Mobility Garden Yihui Xu Th e p rop os ed Gre e n LRT Lin e wil l be th e m ajor tra n s i t i nf ras tr u c ture th at con n e c ts an d g ath e r pe o ple to In g l ewood - Rams ay. Th e n ew railway sys te m s wi ll affec t th e wal k ability of th e com m u n itie s as i t cre ates more u nde rpas s s pace , pathway c los u res, a nd mos t i mp or tantl y, addin g its vibration to th is a rea . To en h an ce th e con n e c tion betwe e n th e n ew LRT St ati on an d th e c u l tu ral/com m e rc ial ax is (9 Ave SE an d 12 Street S E ) , i t i s es s enti al to h ave a pl ace for tran s ac tion s between d i f ferent veh i c l e s , s pe e ds , pu blic , an d privac y. Jef fer i es Par k is on e of th e m os t im m e diate pu bli c spa ce to accommod ate th e pas s e n ge rs , al s o g ivin g th e fi rst i m p res s i on of th e two com m u n itie s . Th e tran s it park desi gn for Jef fer i es Pa rk is inte n de d to c re ate a s tron g vi sua l i d enti ty th rou g h propos in g a pl antin g an d pathway sys tem i nterac ti n g with th e ex is tin g topog raphy. Th rough a s er i es of i nter ve ntion , th e park wil l provide th e pa ssenger

a system where they ca n travel to a nd from other commu ni t y desti nati ons effi ci ently a nd slow down thei r pa ce a nd enj oy the uni que vi ew from top of the slope. The pathway system i ntegrates wi th the slope a llows people to mea nder thro u gh the pla nti ng patches a nd stop at a ny poi nt on the slop e to percei ve the surroundi ng envi ronment, the wavi ng shrubs and gra ss, the tra i n, the people movi ng by. The pla nti ng patches composes of loca l shrub speci es w i t h sea sona l i nterests a nd colorful foli a ge or flower i n a sm o ot h a nd li ght texture of the envi ronment. Wi th the wi de va ri et y of pla nts a nd cha ngi ng weather, the la ndsca pe wi ll have un i qu e cha ra cters a nd spectrum of colours for e a ch sea son i n a year.

M or p h o l o gi c a l M a p

M a s te r Pl an

Syt h e s i s M a p

Percep t ual M a p

Co n ce p t S e c t i o n s

Site Plan walking trails

Ab a c u s of ve getati on s peci es

CPR Railway

Open gathering space

Promenade (Walking/Biking)

Chokeberry Aronia melanocarpa ‘Autumn Magic’

Bunchberry Cornus canadesis

Barberry Berberis thunbergii 'Monry'

Bugbane - Brunette Actaea racemosa ‘Brunette’

Caragana Caragana arborescens ‘Lorbergii’

Bunchberry Cornus canadesis

Astilbe - Pink Garden Astilbe aredsii ‘Pink’

Grass - Switch, Northwind Panicum virgatum ‘Northwind’

look out point

Station Plaza open area for gathering/playground Green LRT Satation

walking trail

Artpoint Gallery & Studios Society


Existing Tree Species walking trail with seatings

American Elm Balsam Poplar

walking trail

Green Ash Colorado Spruce

Scale 1:1000 Site Pla n

Promenade (Walking/Biking)



Se c t i o n Draw i n g s

High Volume Low Volume

B i rd e ye v i e w Circulation System

Planting Design

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