Poetry Writing Exercise 1
Name ______________________________
1. Scan the poems in Poetry Packet 1. Very quickly and without deliberation, circle words that strike you. Circle at least 3 but no more than 5 from each poem. (25-40 words total.) 2. Under the heading “Word Bank” below, list the circled words in rough alphabetical order. (e.g. all the A words together, all the B words together, etc.) 3. Under the word bank, start to draft a poem using words from the word bank. Try to use at least 12 of them. Requirements for the poem: •
At least 12 lines, but no more than 24.
Organize the lines in at least 3 stanzas. (The number of lines in a stanza can vary or be the same. Your choice.)
Use at least 2 words from your word bank in each stanza.
Title your poem. Possible titles, adapted from the poems in the packet: First _________________ (Possibilities: Kiss, Failure, Triumph, Swim) Summer (or Fall, Spring, Winter) Weekend (or Day, Night, Holiday) Incident (or Event, Surprise, Shock) The name of a place (e.g. The Ice Cream Shop on Kurucesme)
5. When you have completed a draft that fulfills the requirements, or by the end of the lesson, (whichever comes first) print out 2 copies. Turn one into Ms. Lang. Bring the second one into class on Friday. WORD BANK: Balance Bells Blood Boy Brand Candles Clover Doors Dreams First Funerals Ghost Glee God
Hair Little Love Most Priest Seven Stars Summer Sun Tongue Whispers White Yellow