Session 1 - Male

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By : Mohamed Shihab Mayor of Male’

-­‐ -­‐ A na=on of 1190 coral islands scaCered

across the Indian Ocean -­‐ -­‐ The islands stretch more than 800 km from north to south covering a total area of about 90,000 square km of which about 99% is water -­‐ -­‐ There are a total of 200 inhabited islands -­‐ -­‐ The current popula=on of Maldives is approximately 350,000 -­‐ -­‐ The GDP per capita is USD 5,036 (2014 )


-­‐ Tourism sector accounts for the highest contributor of GDP to the Economy with 29% (2014)

•  Male’-­‐ Capital City of Maldives •  One of only two ci=es in the country •  The only urban center in Maldives where significant inward migra=on occurs due to urbanisa=on •  38% of the country’s popula=on lives in Male’ City •  One of the most congested ci=es in the world •  Less than 1% of land is available as public space. •  Male’ Island is in need of transforma=on.



Shahee Ilyas -­‐ Projec=onist

•  First popula=on census was taken 1911. Total popula=on of the country 72,000. •  Living popula=on in Male’ Island -­‐ 1985 (45,000 people) -­‐ 1990 (55,000 people) -­‐ 1995 (62,000 people) -­‐ 2000 (74,000 people) -­‐ 2006 (93,000 people) -­‐2014 (154,000 people)

•  Five minutes by boat •  No Vehicles •  Area 31.8 Ha •  Popula=on 10,000

Area 200 Ha Popula=on 2866 Popula=on Density 14.33 persons per Ha

1. Due to rapid inward migra=on: •  Housing shortages •  Lack of adequate educa=onal and recrea=onal facili=es •  Conges=on 2. Due to a large number of foreign workers: •  Overcrowding •  Lack of proper facili=es to cater to them •  Large majority are Male workers

• Unhealthy living condi=ons • Social, psychological and physical health issues • Youth substance abuse • Unable to address the needs of foreign workers

1. Culture: old mosques, museum, old city of male’ •  Economic ac=vity: tourism •  The cultural sites to generate income for locals by allowing tourists to visit these places •  Organizing events at these historical cultural sites 2. Cultural village to be developed in Hulhumale’

•  Training of Tour Guides in skills and Language •  Provide facili=es and opportuni=es for Ar=sts of types •  Provide incen=ves for local businesses when they provide opportuni=es for local ar=sts •  Local government to organise events of different types (sports, music shows) •  Providing facili=es and opportuni=es for the large expatriates in the city •  Local hotels to engage in Cultural ac=vi=es

•  Provide entertainment and cultural programs to the foreign workers (music shows, sports tournaments) by bringing ar=sts from their country to perform in Maldives •  No motorised vehicles are allowed in Vilingili. Hence the island can be used to promote local lifestyle and culture to tourists


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