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The 5th APFSD: A Follow-Up on SDGs Implementation


The 5 Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development session, held in Bangkok from 28-30 March 2018.

THE United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok served as the venue of the 5th Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD), held from 28-30 March 2018. The 5th APFSD is part of the process for the follow-up and review of the implementation of SDGs. For 3 days, delegates assessed progress on particular SDGs that will be reviewed at the High-Level Political Forum in July, reported on the status of Voluntary National Reports, and provided input for the regional roadmap for implementing the 2030 Agenda. In the keynote address given by UNESCAP Executive Secretary, Dr. Shamshad Akhtar, she pointed out Asia Pacific’s incredible resilience to economic crises as well as natural disasters. Amidst prevalent challenges in the region, such as lack of proper sanitation, fulfilling energy needs, and exploitation of the environment, she encouraged a systems-thinking approach to address transboundary challenges and to continuously foster knowledge exchange. She also stressed that data and access to information, strengthening legal and institutional mandates, and upholding human rights will be part of the “elements that create conditions for change.”

The 5th APFSD was yet another opportunity to ensure that local authorities role are recognized in the delivery of global agenda. Together with SDG 11 on sustainable cities and communities, the other SDGs included in this year’s review are goals 6 (water and sanitation), 7 (affordable and clean energy), 12 (responsible consumption and production), 15 (life on land), and 17 (partnerships for the goals). The in-depth review and roundtable discussions held for SDG11 gathered feedback from different voices who added substance on the current status of the goal’s profile, best practices, policy recommendations, and interlinkages with other goals. UCLG ASPAC Secretary General Bernadia I. Tjandradewi, alongside rapporteurs of the other SDGs, presented the outcomes of SDG11’s discussion. The disproportionate level of responsibility tasked on local authorities to implement the SDGs, against the actual authority and resources they have to reach and accelerate progress, were emphasized by the group. Dr. Tjandradewi voiced out key recommendations that would help efforts to build an enabling environment and policy coherence across different spheres of government to ensure momentum for SDG11 is sustained, and its targets attained. >> SG of UCLG ASPAC presented outcomes of SDG 11's discussion reported back to plenary.

Firstly, greater decentralization of functions to local authorities to support their efforts to deliver SDG11 on the ground should specifically focus on deepening fiscal devolution processes to address the issue of “unfunded mandates” which is hindering progress against this goal. Secondly, inclusive implementation of SDG11, specifically its social dimensions, should be strengthened through more targeted commitments to empower local communities who are vital to upgrade settlements and leave no one behind in cities. Thirdly, innovative local examples of effective implementation of SDG11 by local governments and a diverse range of urban communities should be documented and scaled up to accelerate progress in countries and South-South learning and replication. Finally, there is a need to enhance spatial and disaggregated data collection from sub national actors to effectively measure and report on progress. Harmonization, cooperation and capacity development aimed at sub national data collectors in partnership with national statistical authorities should be a priority moving forward for this goal. The outcomes of the meetings will be indispensable in providing the regional perspective of Asia Pacific to the upcoming HLPF.

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