Brochure wakatobi council meeting juli 2015

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The Second Session of 2015 UCLG ASPAC Executive Bureau, 2015 Council Meetings, and Asia-Pacific Conference “Local Government Voices Toward HABITAT III on a New Urban Agenda “

5-7 September 2015 Wakatobi, Indonesia Organized by :

Wakatobi is the name of an island and regency located in an area of Sulawesi Tenggara Province (Southeast Sulawesi),Indonesia. The capital of the regency is located in Wangi-Wangi, which was established by virtue of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 29 of 2003 dated 18 December 2003. The Regency of Wakatobi is endowed with two seasons, the rainy and dry seasons, just like in the other regions of Indonesia. Generally, the land in the Regency of Wakatobi is located at a height of 3 to 350 meters above the sea level and is located below the Equator. Hence, it has a tropical climate.

Hugua, Mayor of Wakatobi

Welcome to Wakatobi! It is my great pleasure to host the Second Session of 2015 UCLG ASPAC Executive Bureau, 2015 UCLG ASPAC Council & Asia Pacific Conference “Local Government Voices Toward HABITAT III on a New Urban Agenda” from 5 – 7 September 2015 in Wakatobi, Indonesia. Wakatobi, an UCLG ASPAC’s active member, is committed to support the HABITAT III which aims to reinvigorate the global commitment to sustainable urban development focusing on ways and means of the implementation of a “New Urban Agenda.” In 2014, Wakatobi, in cooperation with UCLG ASPAC, has been implementing a role model of Low Carbon Society in the island. Low Carbon Society is a joint effort from all stakeholders including the community to reduce carbon emissions through various approaches such as the utilization of renewable energy, as well as environmentally friendly fuel in the mass transport systems, industries and waste management at all levels. All delegates attending the conference have the opportunity to see the beautiful islands, and visit the Low Carbon Project of Wakatobi which is also being supported technically by Yokohama City University. It is the right time to visit Wakatobi, the nation’s richest in marine biodiversity and the epicenter of coral reef in the world. Wakatobi is sure to showcase its world-class diving spots and it is the Real Paradise under Water Spots in the Worlds’ Best Coral Site.

Wakatobi is also the name of a national park established in 1996, with a total area of 1.39 million hectares that consists of a marine biodiversity hotspot known as Wallacea. The coral reefs, given its condition and scale occupy one of the highest priorities for marine conservation in Indonesia.

At a Glance — UCLG ASPAC Executive Bureau, Council Meetings & Asia-Pacific Conference Introduction Wakatobi Regency Government and UCLG ASPAC are organizing the Second Session of 2015 UCLG ASPAC Executive Bureau, 2015 UCLG ASPAC Council Meetings and AsiaPacific Conference on Local Government Voices Toward HABITAT III on a New Urban Agenda, from 5-7 September 2015. The decision for the host of 2015 Council was made in Taipei on 5 September 2014. The UCLG ASPAC ExBu Meeting is held twice a year, which is attended by all members of the ExBu. The total number of ExBu members of UCLG ASPAC is now 24. UCLG ASPAC Council is the annual meeting of UCLG ASPAC which is attended by 54 members of the Council. The Asia-Pacific Conference will be a platform for all mayors and local government champions/leaders across the Asia Pacific region to deliver their voices, views, thoughts and interests related to sustainable urban development as the focus of Habitat III. In addition, it will also be a valuable opportunity to share and elaborate the Asia-Pacific best practices and experiences in confronting the global and local issues, and developing instruments of sustainable development, such as Good Governance, Sustainable Urbanisation and Low Carbon Society.

Output and Outcome The participants will be inspired by presentations from successful leaders and best practices from prominent speakers. Furthermore, the participants will also be updated with regional initiatives and policies related to sustainable urban development. A “Wakatobi Declaration” will be a main outcome from the Conference which is intended to be delivered and presented in the coming Preparatory Meetings of Habitat III for Asia Pacific.

Day 1, Friday 4 September 2015 09:00—15:00 Arrival in Wakatobi & Hotel Registration 19:00—21:00 Welcome Reception (Hosted by Mayor of Wakatobi)

Day 2, Saturday 5 September 2015 08:00—09:00 Registration 09:00—10:45 Opening Session (A keynote speech by President of Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Joko Widodo, to officially open the Conference) 11:05—12:30 Wakatobi Food Festival 13:00—14:30 Local Leaders Dialogue 14:45—15:45 Plenary Session 1 “Good Governance” 15:45—16:45 Plenary Session II “Low Carbon Society” 17:00—18:00 Plenary Session III “Sustainable Urbanization” 18:10—18:30 Closing Session (Presentation of Wakatobi Declaration) 19:00—21:00 Gala Dinner & Cultural Performance

Day 3, Sunday 6 September 09:00—09:30 09:35—12:30 12:30—13:30 13:30—15:50 19:00—21:00

Registration Executive Bureau Lunch Council Farewell Dinner & Cultural Performance

Day 4, Monday 7 September 2015 09:00—17:00 Study Visit 19:00—22:00 Dinner Delegates attending the ASEAN Mayors Forum in Makassar on 8th and 9th September will need ample time to depart Wakatobi, and thus will be unable to join the Study Visit.

Day 5, Tuesday 8 September 2015 09:00—12:00 Check-out & Departure

For further inquiries, please contact : UCLG ASPAC Secretariat Jakarta Capital City Government Office (City Hall of Jakarta) Building F, 2nd Floor Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No.8-9, Central Jakarta 10110 Tel: +62 21 389 01 801 ; Fax: +62 21 389 01 802

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