Igniting Local Action for Global Impact: Climate Change Leadership Program
Secretary General of UCLG ASPAC giving her remarks on the opening of “Climate Leadership Program” on 28 August 2017.
PARIS Agreement was ratified. Key leaders have articulated their commitment to sustain the environment: keeping the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C. Many comments have come up afterwards. Among them, some say it is an ambitious goal to achieve. However, as the world is getting more globalized, interconnected to one another, can we still consider this a bridge too far? UCLG ASPAC together with partners saw it differently. The pursuance of the goal is possible when leaders collaborate, set common understanding on what to achieve and undertake their role, from national up to local level. As community inclusion is becoming more critical, UCLG ASPAC partook in the effort to equip local authorities, stakeholder closest with local people, with insights that put forward climate change in the agenda, “Climate Leadership Program for a Better, Greener, Smarter City Towards Resilient City,” held from 28 to 30 August 2017 hosted by Provincial Government of Jakarta.
Oswar Mungkasa, Deputy Governor of Jakarta in Spatial Planning in his opening message underlined the importance of stakeholders’ engagement. Message to collaborate was also sounded by Director of Jakarta Research Council, Irawadi Jumaran. Secretary General of UCLG ASPAC, in her remarks, mentions “Leaders should not be afraid of making unpopular decisions if they believe it will be for the betterment of the community in the long-run.” She encourages leaders attending the event to innovate and to anticipate impacts of climate change and make our city resilient.
Resource person on U-Theory, system thinking introduced the concept that applies to climate change.
The workshop was designed to equip leaders to be able to envision future needs. Frans Ade N. Sugiarta and Ben Chan from United in Diversity were resource persons inspiring attendees to see challenges faced and how to respond it; present possible solutions, and engage with their team members for the implementation of the vision. “In 21st century, good leadership applies situational style but keep giving influence,” said Ben Chan. He also invites us to see differently people who experienced failure. “They have the knowledge that is not available in college but are no less valuable,” he said sharing his personal experience. In terms of leadership, both speakers agree that knowledge alone is not enough. “The true intelligence is imagination, not knowledge.” The event was also enriched with exchanges of best practices from cities, inspiring leaders to replicate the success stories, learn from failures, establish collaboration, and set up agenda to mitigate impacts of climate change.
Climate Leadership Program for a Better, Greener, Smarter City towards Resilient City workshop was held through the collaborative efforts of UCLG ASPAC, Citynet, Jakarta Research Council, and Jakarta City. This is the first out of three series of workshop designed to equip leaders with skills required to put forward climate change agenda in their city.