News from Secretariat - September 2019

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News at the Secretariat in Jakarta UCLG ASPAC Secretariat welcomes new personnel who will help strengthen the team. We are also glad to have our new intern, this is our continuous effort in engaging the youth in our works. In September, we are proud to introduce you to these new personnel! MAIZURA Ismail joins UCLG ASPAC as the Strategic and Capacity Development Manager based in Kuala Lumpur. Maizura will be spearheading the setting up and management of the Centre for Sustainable Development – a collaborative initiative between UCLG ASPAC and Kuala Lumpur City Hall that aims to foster local awareness and institutional capacity. Maizura brings with her eighteen years of professional experience, including in climate change, social and environmental affairs, food security and livelihood policy and programmes with various UN agencies. She has worked in bilateral development assistance, local and regional NGOs, government agencies and consultancies. Maizura holds a Master’s degree in Human Development and Food Security and a Bachelor’s degree in Marine Science. ANIESSA Delima Sari is the newly appointed LOCALISE SDGs Project Manager. Aniessa will manage and implement the SDGs project funded by the EU for Indonesia. With advanced Master degree in Climate Change and International Development from University of East Anglia (UK), Aniessa has more than nine years of solid experience working on climate change adaptation and urban resilience projects with national and international level NGOs. Joining UCLG ASPAC, Aniessa is enthusiastic in programme management and organisational development. She also looks forward to expanding expertise beyond urban resilience.

RATIH Rizky Lasmaratti is interning on the Public Space programme of UCLG ASPAC for six months. Ratih has a combined background of architecture and urban environment. Prior to interning, she worked on residential and commercial projects and closely worked with local government overseas. Working together with the Secretariat of UCLG ASPAC, Ratih aims to learn as much about the work at local level and applying her experience on the urban environment. Ratih completed her degree on architecture from the University of Melbourne and enjoys walking in fun and enjoyable urban spaces.

Acknowledgement UCLG ASPAC would also like to thank Tomoka Yokoyama and Sota Saito from Yokohama City University (Japan) for their contribution during internship at UCLG ASPAC Secretariat. Tomoka Yokoyama focuses her study in Environmental Policy. During her two-­week stay, she studied plastic waste in Indonesia (policy, pollution level, etc). In her last presentation, she gave inputs to many of us by sharing the practice of local government in Japan in tackling waste challenge. Sota Saito focuses his study on City Management. While interning in UCLG ASPAC, he set particular focus on marine pollution by looking at the policy making, cooperation, and measures against the marine pollution.

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