GCoM Needs Assessment Survey and FGD
City landscape needs attention from Mayors.
UCLG ASPAC in collaboration with Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM), the international largest coalition of cities and local authorities with shared long-term vision of promoting and supporting voluntary action to combat climate change and move to a low emission, and resilient society, are undertaking a needs assessment to better understand the opportunities and challenges that member cities face in combating climate change. UCLG ASPAC, thus through its IUC Asia SupportDesk, encourages all of member cities and local governments to participate in the survey, regardless of whether the cities have committed to the GCoM. Preferably, the survey should be completed by the local governments or representatives who are responsible and handle with sustainable development and planning for environmental issue in their each region. The deadline of the survey has been extended to July 12, 2018 for partners and July 20, 2018 for cities/local governments and now available in multiple languages. The needs assessment survey can be accessed through:
- For cities: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/BH7S75F - For partners: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/GPKBYVY You are welcome to send us further enquiries and comments related to this survey directly to survey@globalcovenantofmayors.org or through our IUC Asia SupportDesk: helpdesk@iuc-asia.eu
Bernadia I. Tjandradewi, SG of UCLG ASPAC, delivering opening remarks in FGD.
Furthermore, UCLG ASPAC, in cooperation with IUC Asia and EU held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on June 29, 2018, in Jakarta, taking the theme Survey and Consultation for Common Reporting Framework Climate and Energy inviting all of the GCoM Indonesian member cities/local governments and partners. The FGD was opened by Bernadia Tjandradewi (Secretary General of UCLG ASPAC), Michel Mouchiroud (Foreign Policy Instruments of Asia Pacific European Union), and Alexandra Lehmann (EU Delegation to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam). It was attended by more than 40 people from 14 cities and local governments including Ir. Bahagia (the Regional Secretary of City Banda Aceh), dr. Bambang Agus Suwingnyo M.MKes (the Regional Secretary of City Probolinggo), and Ir. H. Asnel, M.Si (the Regional Secretary of Padang City). The survey and consultation session was guided by Pier Roberto Remitti (the Technical Expert from Interational Urban Cooperation Asia). As GCoM members, those participating cities and local governments are committed to GCoM pledge to implement policies undertake measures to: (i) reduce/limit greenhouse gas emissions, (ii) prepare for the impacts of climate change, (iii) increase access to sustainable energy, and (iv) track progress towards these objectives. In order to ensure solid climate action planning, implementation and monitoring phases, as well as streamline measurement and reporting procedures, a set of new global recommendations for city reporting have been developed, this FGD is intended to get feedback from them as the GCoM members in Indonesia. Globally, this consultation process is launched to all GCoM members across the globe with global objectives to
understand whether the proposed reporting requirements are flexible enough to meet needs in specific local or regional circumstances while also allowing for global aggregation and comparison of data on climate change and energy sector. A common reporting language with GCoM will unite local voices and raise the bar, also for all climate stakeholders.
Participants of FGD “Survey and Consultation for Common Reporting Framework Climate and Energy�