Understanding Local Government Needs towards a Common Global Reporting Framework to achieve Global C

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Understanding Local Government Needs towards a Common Global Reporting Framework to Achieve Global Climate Objectives

IUC Asia trainer, Peir Roberto Remitti guided participating cities to undertake the survey.

The Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM) asks cities to set targets that are at least as ambitious as Indonesian Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). This was the highlight following the result of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on “Survey and Consultation for Common Reporting Framework Climate and Energy,� organised by UCLG ASPAC in cooperation with International Urban Cooperation (IUC) Asia and EU on 29 June 2018 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Below is the list of cities in Indonesia and their updates related to NDCs: - Banjarmasin and Mataram have not set local target to support the NDCs;



Jakarta, Padang, Banda Aceh, Bontang have reported to set target exceeding the NDCs, Surabaya is the only city that has maintained the same target as Indonesian NDCs; Bogor, Semarang, Malang, Sukabumi have set lower target than the NDCs (because their targets have been set before NDC was released. However, they are open to revisit the target in order to support NDCs); Jambi’s target has been set in certain percentage that is an aggregation from their Province’s target;

The FGD revealed that all invited cities agreed that the draft recommendations for the common reporting framework are, in general, relevant and meaningful to monitor local climate actions and report progress. All cities also confirmed to agree that the proposed reporting framework is flexible enough to suit their local situation and is in line with local government objectives, priorities and capacities. Further, they believed that the proposed reporting framework has addressed all aspects related to climate change mitigation and adaptation in their regions that should be covered. Nevertheless, they proposed to ensure equal understanding among stakeholders, especially for collecting and calculating data. As for the question whether their local government be able and find it relevant to disaggregate GHG emission sources by (i) Building type and (ii) Mode and fleet type for transportation, only Semarang City replied that they cannot independently undertake the work by themselves therefore plan to hire consultant to support the work, while other cities confirmed able to undertake the tasks. The results of the survey have been sent to the GCoM Headquarter in Brussels to help them finalise recommendations towards a common global reporting framework for city emissions inventories, targets, risk and vulnerability assessments, and climate action plans. Supporting this commitment, UCLG ASPAC, through the IUC Asia Project, is planning to organise the IUC Asia Training on September 12, 2018 and GCoM Asia Launching on September 13, 2018. These activities will be conducted in conjunction with the 7th UCLG ASPAC Congress, 12-15 September 2018 in Surabaya, Indonesia.

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