Launching of Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM) South East Asia
(from left to right) Mr. Ruandha Agung Sugardiman (Director General of Climate Change), Dr. Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi (Secretary General of UCLG ASPAC), Mr. Vincent Guerend (EU Ambassador to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam), Mayor Mahyeldi Ansharullah of Padang, Mayor Raja Ariza of Tanjung Pinang, Mayor Dady Iskandar of Sukabumi, and Mr. Agus Justianto from Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry in the signing ceremony of GCoM Commitment Letter.
UCLG ASPAC has recently taken a new role as the Regional Secretariat for the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM) in the Southeast Asia region covering Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam. The Secretariat will lead the coordination of the GCoM implementation on activities as well as development of the regional strategy to encourage climate action at the local level and help build a community of committed signatories around it. The 7th UCLG ASPAC Congress in Surabaya, Indonesia facilitated the launching of the GCoM Southeast Asia to promote and widen the coalition networks among member cities and stakeholders wiithin the region. UCLG ASPAC will hold a series of training
and workshop events in the focused three countries in cooperation with IUC (International Urban Cooperation) Asia and EU. The event was opened by the EU Ambassador to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam, Mr. Vincent Guerend, and the UCLG ASPAC President, Mr. Won Hee-ryong who emphasized on climate change awareness to the societies. Both Director General of Climate Change, Mr. Ruandha Agung Sugardiman, and Director General of Research, Development and Innovation Agency, Mr. Agus Justianto, from Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry also gave their remarks related to Indonesian policy for climate change and energy issues and supported the GCoM initiative in Indonesia. Ms. Elise Abbes, the Regional Coherence Officer from GCoM Secretariat further presented the more detailed-GCoM perspectives to the audiences. She was followed by Mr. Michel Mochiroud from the European Union Foreign Policy Instrument Asia Pacific who shared the support provided by the EU through the IUC Project for the implementation of the GCoM initiatives. During the launching, a special ceremony was held for GCoM member cities to do resigning of the GCoM Commitment Letters to rally the alliance. The commitment was signed by Mayor of Padang City, Mayor of Sukabumi City, Mayor of Tanjung Pinang City, and Mayor of Banda Aceh City as they formed strong support joining the GCoM initiative. The re-signing was witnessed by the EU Ambassador to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam, Director General of Climate Change and Director General of Research, Development and Innovation Agency from Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and the Secretary General of UCLG ASPAC. The GCoM partners: C40, ICLEI, CDP, and UN Habitat also took part in the launching to support the implementation of the GCoM in Southeast Asia region and presented their ongoing and planned activities related to climate change actions. Furthermore, representatives from Iskandar City, Makassar City, Lisbon City Council, and Jeonju City had the chance to share their city experiences on climate change through the panel discussion. The GCoM is an international alliance of cities and local governments aimed at promoting and supporting actions to prevent and fight against climate change, as well as against its direct impacts and side effects for resilient and sustainable societies. It
works by organising and mobilising cities and local governments to be active contributors for a global climate solution. The alliance is growing and continues to call on cities, partners, and citizens to contribute to this movement. Cities who want to participate and become GCoM member cities and have further enquiries or recommendation regarding GCoM initiative in Southeast Asia region may contact: helpdesk@iuc-asia.eu