Session 2 - Jakarta

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Kotatua: Cultural Heritage Area and Tourism in Jakarta

Catur Laswanto Director of Tourism and Culture Office The Provincial Government of Jakarta Capital City Collabora've Culture: UCLG ASPAC Forum on Culture in Local Planning October 25-­‐26th, Solo, Indonesia

Loca>on Â

that is leC is a warehouse building , city hall , courthouse and 2 Kalibesar buildings in the west , the rest was destroyed and the materials used for the construc>on of a new town in Weltevreden (Monas and surrounding)

b a t a v i a 1650

b a t a v i a Urban heritage poten0als needs to be manage properly and sustainable


Legally protected area of Old-­‐Town Jakarta (Jakarta Province Government RegulaDon) 1. SK. Gub No. 1766/2015 2. Pergub No. 36/2014 Development of Kotatua area: Within the city wall 134 Ha Outside of city wall 200 Ha Total Area 334 Ha

REVITALIZATION PROGRAMS AND POLICIES •  1975 Kotatua serve as restora>on area by Jakarta Province Governor Mr. Ali Sadikin •  2005 Revitaliza>on programs conducted by local government of Jakarta Province •  2011 Kotatua serve as na>onal tourism des>na>on in Des>na>on Management Organiza>on (DMO) by Ministry of Tourism •  2013 Kotatua as Center of Development Crea>ve Industries in RPJMD Provinsi DKI Jakarta years 2013-­‐2017 •  2014 Master plan of Kotatua Jakarta by Governor Decree No. 36/2014 •  2015 Determina>on Kotatua as World Heritage Tenta've Lists by UNESCO


(Governor RegulaDon of Jakarta Province No. 36 Year 2014)

Zone 1: 1. Kampung Luar Batang 2. Sunda Kelapa Port 3. Marine Museum 4. Fish market 5. Eks-Shipyard/city wall

Morphological characters: “Maritime” • Axis to the sea. • Orientation and building blocks to the sea. • Warehousing district • Style in accordance with warehousing • Shades of marine climate. • Public space as a centre of economic activities

Vision development of Zone 1 “vibrant of maritime” • Function: traditional port, fish market, and marine tourist centre • Circulation : reactivate the water circulation and integration with the travel track, the northern gate • Building structure : skyline modestly towards the sea, stylized maritime in the past. • Pedestrian : continue, integrated with pathway and canopied • Green procedures & Open Public-Space: Shade trees, semi-formal and the use of palm tress, grass dominance

Zona 2 Zone 2 : 1. Roa Malaka 2. Kali Besar 3. Kampung Bandan 4. Fatahillah 5. Pintu Kecil 6. Stasiun Kota

Morphological characters: “Old-Town Centre” • The formality of grid pattern and the block design. • The orientation of the building blocks and the main circulation path • Large mass, generally arcade. • GSB = 0 (streetwall buildings). • Old building style. • The formality of design of public space.

Vision development of ZONE 2 “The memory of Old-Town centre” • Functions:.museums, large and small-scale offices, universities, arts and culture, and mixed function • Circulation: moving the current shortcut to the outer ring, reduce vehicle volume, pedestrian orientation • Building structure: height restriction lead to stay as existing, put completion of granite • Pedestrian : continous, integrated with the street network, arcade, canopied, and street furniture • Green procedures and open public-space : active green space, formal, trees for refferer

Zona 3 Zone 3: 1. Pasar Pagi 2. Pintu Besar Selatan 3. Pinangsia

Morphological characters: “Culture - etnic” • The dominance of row shades of Chinese building style • Partly the of area ‘kampong’ and some other urban area. • Narrow street-labyrinth. • Irregular forms. • Not axis-felt area • Public space as communities centres

Vision development of ZONE 3 “Chinese’s Environmental Conservation ” • Function : wholesale and retail centres, residential shopping destination of Chinatwon • Circulation :irregular and narrow, joint use of spaceoriented. • Buildings structure : dense buildings, slooping roof. • Pedestrian : continuous, integrated road system, small signage, festive street furniture, and Chinatown thematic • Green space & open Public-space : active green space, small, shade trees, non-formal.

Zona 4 Zone 4: 1. Kampung Arab 2. Langgar Tinggi mosque 3. An-Nawier mosque

Morphological characters: “Culture – Religious” • Dominated by dense and rows buildings • Area of settlements • Narrow path labyrinth form. • Irregular forms • Not axis-felt in the area. • Public open space as community centres and religious activities

Vision development of ZONE 4 “Multi-ethnic settlements” • Function : housing pouch, mixed use, commercial wholesale, religious destination for tourists. • Circulation: irregular and narrow, infrastructure improvement • Building structure : GSB = 0, restoration of old buiildings, crowded settlements improvements, dense building, slooping roof • Pedestrian : shared surface, canopied, festive street furniture, and religious thematic for tourists destinations • Green space & open-public space : active green space, small, shade trees, non-formal

Kota Tua Jakarta in 1667

Kota Tua Jakarta Present Time

Priority To Revitalize

Priority To Revitalize Kota Tua Area


Pintu Besar

Pintu Besar


Lahan Cengkeh

Kali Besar

Dharma Niaga Concept Store Gudang Ontel Beer Garden Rotterdamsche Lloyd Coworking & Coliving Space Kerta Niaga 2 Market Place Interactive Art Youth Hostel


Kantor Pos Performing Art Exhibition Gallery Cinema Cipta Niaga Boutique Hotel Pasar Jeans Art Space Kerta Niaga 1 Food Court

REVITALISATION Of Historical Buildings


Heritage Buildings

Heritage Buildings

Tourist Information Centre

Tourist in Kotatua

Kunjungan Pansus II DPRD Kota Gorontalo Official Visiting from City of

Gorontalo, Gorontalo Province

Visiting from investors

Communities monitoring

Thank you and Please Come to Kotatua Jakarta

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