News from Secretariat March 2020

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News from Secretariat UCLG ASPAC Secretariat is glad to welcome new members that support the work of the team. Although Secretariat Office has adapted work from home policy since 16 March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we welcome our newcomers and involve them in the work virtually.

Dohui HONG, or Hong, is a secondee from Daegu City (South Korea). Taking the opportunity as the first secondee from his City at UCLG ASPAC, he would like to take part in promotional activities of Sustainable Development Goals that relate to Disaster Prevention and Risk Reduction as well as clean water and sanitation field. Hong graduated from Keimyung University with major in Politics and Diplomacy and currently holds a Bachelor of Political Science degree. Working as a public official for eight years, Hong has been working in various areas, such as building department, lifelong education department, Daegu arboretum, as well as legal affairs division. Coming to UCLG ASPAC in the midst of COVID19 pandemic, Hong believes that strengthening cooperation with other cities is essential. In addition, Hong highly supports sharing experience activity among cities to be better prepared for upcoming crisis in the future.

SEPTI Annissa Rahmania, or Septi, is a new intern in UCLG ASPAC. She is currently preparing a thesis for her graduation from International Relations major at UPN Veteran Jakarta. When preparing her thesis, she learned about UCLG ASPAC and wanted to explore the organisation’s role that is specific to the environment, particularly waste management. Interning at UCLG ASPAC, she expects to get a wide range of experience as well as data that can support her thesis. In addition, she is also interested to observe development process in Indonesia. For her, international phenomena are no longer only amongst countries. Regions and cities have the capacity to develop and network through international cooperation. She believes that collaboration will bring much more profitable impact.

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