UCLG ASPAC Public Space Project: Pre-Launch Update
OUR work on the public space project commenced in early 2016. UCLG ASPAC, UN Habitat and Surabaya City are collaborating on exploring various approaches to increase public participation in the construction and revitalization of a new public space. In consultation with local citizens, stakeholders of this project have given their input on the decision-making process to select the most suitable space in the area and to design its transformation. Using the Minecraft tool, UCLG ASPAC is currently working on three public space projects in Surabaya: in Keputih, Ketandan and Tanah Kali Kedinding areas. In conjunction with PrepComm III in July 25 – 27, UCLG ASPAC is arranging to launch the public space project at the event and showcase the importance of having quality public spaces in a city. Have a closer look at progress of this pilot public space project in Indonesia…
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Ketandan Using community-led approach, public space development is planned to optimize the function of “pendopo” located in the middle of “Kampung Kota” area in Ketandan, one of the places that is highly dense and is also historical area. Unified by culture becoming the soul of the area, “pendopo” is planned to be used to strengthen the interaction of local citizens. Keputih Previously used as landfills, this site will be redesigned and turned into an indoor public space. The local community can use the space for activities to express their ideas, such as organizing art exhibitions and performances. Additionally, they can also use it as a community and education center. Provision of such venues for arts and as a community center creates inclusiveness and vibrancy in the city by supporting the various interest of people of all ages, and by encouraging community interaction. Tanah Kali Kedinding The youth community group is highly involved in this project. Using the Minecraft application to design public parks, youth participation has been encouraged to ensure that their ideas and needs are addressed in the planning. Creating space for the public is essential in the development of a city. By developing these spaces for the public, the city is improving people’s quality of life: providing room for social interaction, supporting economic exchange, and allowing cultural expression to gain strong footing. Continue to next page…
Drawn out further, this continuous effort will also bolster up local communities in doing their daily activities. As an organization supporting sustainable urban development, UCLG ASPAC always supports similar efforts and engages in various ways to be able to contribute positively. We welcome you to participate in public space’s event and launching in Surabaya.