News from Secretariat - April 2020

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News from Secretariat UCLG ASPAC Secretariat welcomes a new member who supports the work of the Climate Resilience team. Still adapting the work from home policy since 16 March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Secretariat Team gladly introduces him to members and partners. PUTRA DWITAMA is Project Coordinator of the Climate Resilience Inclusive Cities (CRIC) Programme. Holding a Master degree in Economic Planning and Development, Putra is responsible for providing technical support to pilot cities of CRIC and ensuring the successful delivery of the CRIC programme. He will also develop and maintain communication with external parties as well as support the management of capacity building programme through the delivery of regional trainings. Prior to joining UCLG ASPAC, Putra managed the activities in the National Action Plan on Climate Change Adaptation or Rencana Aksi Nasional Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim (RAN API) Secretariat of the Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) of Indonesia as Project Manager of the Resilience and Climate Change Adaption (APIK) Programme funded by USAID. He managed a team working on RAN API, assisted in reviewing the National Development Mid-Term Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024 formulation in regards to climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction; particularly scientific assessments, policy options, and coordination. He also worked with MercyCorps Indonesia and Monitoring and Evaluation expert staff in Bappenas. When asked about his expectation when joining UCLG ASPAC, Putra, father of two kids, mentioned that he would like to expand his professional career in UCLG ASPAC which is known as a global entity on development. He would like to contribute and speed up climate action and development through the CRIC Programme.

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