Strengthening and Invigorating Local Governments in SAARC Region
Opening of South and South West Sub-Region Meeting.
HOW have you translated the statement, “no one left behind”? Leaving no one behind is a broad yet inclusive statement, that invites creative interpretations according to the needs. UCLG ASPAC has transformed the idea of inclusivity into series of actions aiming to strengthen its sub-regions in Asia and the Pacific by providing SDGs training, Mainstreaming Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) workshop, and holding a brainstorming session to understand the needs of local government associations and local governments in South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). All wrapped up in a two-day programme: 16-17 August 2017 in Kathmandu, Nepal. Secretary General of UCLG ASPAC, Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi, highlighted that one of the targets of the meeting was to cultivate solution for challenges faced within the sub-region and turn it into tangible action. Other goal was to arrange short and long term programme in South and Southwest sub-region. “I congratulate the Government of Nepal and people in Nepal for successfully holding local elections again after 20 long years. This is the right
time for Nepal as more than 700 elected leaders are now working towards realizing the campaign’s goals and promises,” added Secretary General. Dinesh Kumar Thapaliya, Secretary Minister of Federal Affairs and Local Development of Nepal (MoFALD), in his speech showed his appreciation to UCLG ASPAC for undertaking its role in building capacity of officials. Absence of local elected bodies in Nepal has left local governments with many constraints to ensure implementation of development agenda, including SDGs. Also attending the opening session was Dr. Sunil Babu Shrestha, Honorable Member of National Planning Commission of Nepal. Regarding the SDGs implementation, Sunil specifically mentioned the importance of youth inclusion (14-15 years old) as the major agent for SDGs. He also expressed satisfaction for the trainings held in Nepal. Sendai Framework for Actions – UCLG ASPAC held a full-day workshop with 10 cities in Nepal, focusing on mainstreaming the Sendai Framework on DRR at the local level. The training workshop also utilized tools such as the Preliminary Assessment Tool to identify gaps in planning and implementation of policies for prevention of disasters in Nepal. The event has provided technical assistance to Nepalese cities to carry out self-assessments at local level in order to support implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 in Asia. 20 participants from 11 cities and municipalities from Nepal participated in the training. SDGs Localisation – The training on SDGs localization was held to assist cities and their associations for reporting against SDGs goals indicators at national, regional and global levels. It was held to raise the awareness and engagement of local and regional governments with SDGs and to offer them a set of strategies, skills, and knowledge to localize the SDGs. Strengthening South and South Asia – The brainstorming session was an interactive exercise to identify and discuss programme interventions in the South & Southwest Asia sub-region (SSW) and to develop partnership with
SAARC in the region. The participants from seven countries of SSW subregion presented their country-based updates and brainstormed for country and regional based future plans. According to the SAARC representative, they are a people centric organization always working to respond to society’s needs. It was agreed among the participants to identify champion or advocate for SAARC in SSW sub-region countries, develop a policy paper on LGAs role in SAARC programme to receive SAARC support for local government and to ensure political representation of local government at SAARC forum. A resolution was unanimously passed by the participants that SAARC should include local government as a field of interest in SAARC programme. Around 50 participants partook in the brainstorming session. The whole meetings were hosted by three Associations of Local Governments, ADDCN, MuAN, NAVIN and Kathmandu City Governments, all members of UCLG ASPAC.
Representatives from three local government associations in Nepal, posed with Dr. Sunil Babu Shrestha, Honorable Member of National Planning Commission of Nepal (forth to left) and Secretary General of UCLG ASPAC.