Youth Forum

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Engaging the Youth for Better Local Development

Youth Forum organised in conjunction with Korean Members Meeting, August 30, 2018

THERE is a strong recognition of the youth and their role in local development as local government officials, industry leaders, and university students gather in the first Youth Forum in Jeonju, Korea last 30 August 2018. The forum was organised by UCLG ASPAC and the Jeonju City Government. Jeonju City Mayor Kim Seung-Su noted that there was a high unemployment rate among the youth. He further stated that “We are exploring ways to solve this through social economy and social enterprise to create jobs for the youth.” “We see the youth as part of the solution to emerging challenges faced by cities and local governments. Through this forum we hope to empower each one of you on taking on a bigger role in your city.” UCLG ASPAC Secretary General Dr. Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi addressed the forum. Four keynote speakers provided their insights about the youth and youth engagement. Mr. Sam Broughton, Mayor of Selwyn District in New Zealand, shared that one of the challenges they are currently dealing with is in trying to find jobs for young people and

helping them create jobs for themselves. He encouraged the use of a strength-based approach which considers a person’s capabilities and builds on them. He also discussed examples of initiatives with the youth such as the Youth Development Unit Limited Service Volunteer, 24-7 Youth Work, and Cultivate. Mr. David Parrish, using his experiences in working in the creative industries and social enterprises sectors across different countries worldwide, discussed business models such as co-opetition and freemium. He underscored that “Young people are taking control of their future by embracing entrepreneurship and creating new jobs for themselves. Our job is to help them.“ Ms. Phonchan Kraiwatnutsorn, Founder of School of Changemakers, identified the 6 qualities of changemakers which are having empathy, creativity, driving will, critical thinking, and being storytellers and self-starters. Ms. Ahn Su-jeong, Head of the Bureau of Social Economy, emphasized that Jeonju is willing to give support to social enterprises. The four speakers also participated in a fruitful panel discussion moderated by Ms. Roshni Basu, Chief Adolescent Advisor of UNICEF East Asia Pacific Regional Office.

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