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IN LAW UCU Law School in 2017

#1 (2018)

Contents 03 UCU Law School: History 06 Stages In The Establishment 07 Team CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS

10 Human Rights Advocacy 12 UCU IT Law Program 14 Business And Human Rights PARTNERS OF THE SCHOOL AND ADVISORY COUNCIL

18 Partners Of The UCU Law School 2017 19 Advisory Board Of UCU Law School MASTER’S PROGRAM

22 UCU Master’s In Law In Human Rights Program 24 Scholarship Founders 2017 25 Scholarships 2018 PROJECTS

28 Law School 2017 Events & Geography Of Experts 29 Rule Of Law Lecture Series 30 Transitional Justice And Reconciliation In Ukraine 31 UCU Law Book Discussions 32 Human Rights: Talks 33 Film Club Of The UCU Law School 36 HeinOnline 40 What Was Memorable About 2017 42 Support Of Law School 43 Contacts


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UCU LAW SCHOOL: HISTORY The legal direction in the Ukrainian Catholic University began to develop in 2014 after the creation of the Rule of Law Center, headed by Ivan Horodyskyy. On the basis of the Center the University began organizing events (lectures, seminars, conferences, meetings) for lawyers and introducing certifiсate training programs for practicing lawyers with the involvement of the best Ukrainian and foreign experts. In 2016 the University opened the UCU LL.M. Program, which prepares masters in specialty 081 «Law». In May 2017 UCU established a new division on the basis of the Faculty of Social Sciences - Law School, which combined all the legal direction. Ivan Horodyskyy (the founder of the Rule of Law Center) was appointed the director of Law School.

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In May 2017 UCU established a new division on the basis of the Faculty of Social Sciences - Law School


IVAN HORODYSKYY DIRECTOR OF THE UCU LAW SCHOOL The year 2017 opened new possibilities for the law projects of the Ukrainian Catholic University. A new structure, the UCU Law School, was created. It unites all programs and projects of UCU in the field of law. Our team expanded. Re-branding was done. We accepted the best graduates with a bachelor’s degree in law for our UCU LL.M. Program. We launched a number of new projects, and many programs and events already have a stable and regular character. At the same time, this was a year for thinking through a whole number of principles and directions which are important for our further development and growth. Our goal is quality changes in the legal environment, though we are aware that we will not be able to achieve this through our efforts alone. So we are setting standards and are prepared in every way to encourage their spread and the wide use of our best practices and results. This year we also passed an internal test: to follow these standards or to compromise. Though some decisions were difficult to make, I’m proud that we chose the former.

The year 2017 opened new possibilities for the law projects of the Ukrainian Catholic University

It is especially important that we are finding on this path more and more partners and people of like mind. Since spring of last year, the School has had an Advisory Council composed of leading lawyers of Lviv and Ukraine who, with their time and experience, are contributing in every way to forming the further vision of our development. We have officially formed a partnership with: the Association of Lawyers of Ukraine; the USAID Ukraine program for reforming the justice sector, New Justice; and the resource and analysis center Society and Environment, which is driving changes in these areas. 2018 should become the year when we lay the groundwork for the next stages of our further development. The UCU Law School understands the responsibility for quality and for the high level of our work and the goals that we strive to achieve. So our current motto, #notanotherlawschool, is not for us simply words but a motivator and an obligation to set for ourselves new tasks and challenges.


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VOLODYMYR TURCHYNOVSKYY DEAN OF THE UCU FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES The year 2017 will deserve special mention in the history of the development and formation of the UCU Law School. In this year the School accepted the first students for its master’s program in law. The lengthy process of improving the program and positioning it in the Ukrainian and international field of law education programs lies before us. But the School’s team has already established important elements for the stable and successful development of the program: motivated students with Ukraine’s highest standardized test scores, working knowledge of the English language, and experience in bachelor’s programs at leading Ukrainian universities; a talented team of teachers with professional dayto-day experience and a wide range of international experts; and ongoing cooperation with all the School’s stakeholders.

The dynamic of growth of the Law School, which you demonstrate, speaks of your potential to create a leading center of legal thought and practice, rooted in dignity and human rights

I cannot today predict in detail what influence the law school’s graduates will have and what their greatest professional achievements will be. In the end, who of us can describe with certainty what the world’s future will look like, as today things are changing so rapidly before our eyes? At the same time, I am convinced that people with a moral backbone will determine its fate, people open to communication and navigation in the interdisciplinary and international areas of today’s world. So it is important for us that the law school’s graduates nurture their moral feelings and acquire a virtuoso’s understanding of the nature of social relations and deep personal motivation. This will give them the ability to see society through the prism of dignity, justice, and the social good. We in Ukraine, because of our own experience, are convinced that freedom and a free society are a moral achievement. In other words, freedom requires virtues and responsibility. This intuition forms the basis of the activities of the UCU Faculty of Social Sciences, where the law school originated. I thank the administrative staff of the School, the students, and teachers for a year of determined and often tiring but successful and fruitful work, and also for important witnessing to the importance of changes and breakthrough projects in Ukraine. The dynamic of growth of the Law School, which you demonstrate, speaks of your potential to create a leading center of legal thought and practice, rooted in dignity and human rights, and recognized not only in Ukraine but throughout the globalized world. I am convinced that in 2018 we will together take some more important steps, which will demonstrate and confirm this conviction.

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This is the first UCU department focusing on legal projects.




between UCU and the Council of Europe and the Secretariat of the Commissioner of Ukraine›s Supreme Council

Start of joint project with USAID Ukraine: UCU Rule of Law Lecture Series


Creation of the UCU Law School

Start of UCU Certificate Program in IT Law



Start of the certificate program Human Rights Advocacy

Signing of memorandum on cooperation with the Association of Lawyers of Ukraine 11.17


Signing of memorandums on cooperation

Launching of the UCU LL.M. Program


Launching of first legal education program: The certificate program Human Rights in the Business Environment


Creation of the UCU Department of Legal Theory and Human Rights


First public events on legal themes

with the support of the German Embassy in Ukraine


Human Rights Advocacy Forum conducted

with the support of the German Embassy in Ukraine


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Ivan Horodyskyy Director of Law School

Executive Director (CEO) of the Rule of Law Center of UCU Law School

Maria Taras

Svitlana Khyliuk Head of the UCU LL.M. Program

Senior Project and Program Manager

Oksana Kotys

Iryna Sharovska

Oksana Hulkevych

Andriy Khimyak

Taras Tsymbrivskyy

Viacheslav Navrotskyy

Iryna Zaverukha

Manager in the direction «Human Rights Advocacy»

Project Manager

Head of the Department of Theory of Law and Human Rights of UCU

Myroslava Bilak

Oksana Kotsovska

Nataliya Haletska Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory of Law and Human Rights

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory of Law and Human Rights

Khrystyna Kovtsun

Maria Derevianko

Anastasiya Onopriychuk

Vitaliy Kachur

professor of the Department of the Theory of Law and Human Rights

Manager of Law School Clinic

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associate professor of the Department of Theory of Law and Human Rights

Methodologist of the Department of Theory of Law and Human Rights

PR manager

professor of the Department of the Theory of Law and Human Rights

Markiyan Bem

Administrative Manager

professor of the Department of the Theory of Law and Human Rights

Khrystyna Dumych

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory of Law and Human Rights



Certificate Programs of the UCU Law School


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«HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCACY» Human Rights Advocacy is a large-scale project which the UCU Law School began in May 2017 with the support of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine. The project has become a forum to discuss questions and to study all aspects of human rights advocacy.

THE CERTIFICATE PROGRAM «HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCACY» The certificate program Human Rights Advocacy is a modular program for practicing lawyers and civic activists. The program is the second stage of realizing the larger project of the same name with the support of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine. Throughout their studies, participants consider all aspects of activities in the advocacy and defense of human rights: from the foundations of human rights and the conduct of such cases to the psychological support of clients and introduction of informational campaigns. → Program Format: 6 modules with a running time of 2 days each → Period: September-December 2017

«I felt for myself the non-classical education and approaches that Julio Gianetti was talking about. This methodology is embodied, in Ukraine. And it was done without government support, funded by the Ukrainian diaspora. The trainers are people with great practical experience, people with whom it›s interesting to exchange experiences, people open to further communication. I am sure that this system of education is the future». Darya Govorun

participant of the certificate program Human Rights Advocacy


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«The level of understanding and acceptance of human rights and fundamental freedoms is fairly low in society and, accordingly, there is a distorted understanding of many basic matters. A forum like this should necessarily lead to raising the level of people’s awareness». Bohdan Kryklyvenko

head of the Secretariat of the Commission on Human Rights of Ukraine’s Supreme Council

HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCACY FORUM Human Rights Advocacy Forum was an international forum dedicated to modern challenges in human rights advocacy and the human rights movement. The forum was held with the support of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine and the Secretariat of the Commission on Human Rights of Ukraine’s Supreme Council and was the first stage of the larger project Human Rights Advocacy. The first forum was held in May 2017 and assembled at the Ukrainian Catholic University approximately 100 human rights activists, civic activists, and international experts. Four thematic discussion panels were dedicated to human rights advocacy in its national and international dimensions, problems of the human rights movement, successful practices in the field of human rights defense, and cooperation among the main stakeholders of the field. The forum’s partners were: the resource and analysis center Society and Environment, the civic organization Lviv Center of International Law and Human Rights, Matviiv and Partners, and the Lviv Region Branch of the Association of Lawyers of Ukraine.

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UCU IT LAW PROGRAM The Certificate Program in IT Law at the Ukrainian Catholic University is a modular education program for lawyers and representatives of the IT business. Leading lawyers and top managers of legal firms and IT companies are the experts and teachers of the program.

The second class started the program in October 2017. Themes of the modules: • Start-up Companies: U.S. Structuring and Transactions; • Corporate & Tax Structuring of IT Business; • Contracts in IT; • New Technologies & Law; • IP in IT; • Security in IT Business: Data Protection, Criminal Issues, Information Security. → Format of the program: 7 modules, each lasting 2 days → Period: October 2017 – January 2018


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BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS The UCU Rule of Law Center launched the concentration Business and Human Rights in 2015. Since them, each year the Ukrainian Catholic University has offered the Certificate Program Human Rights in the Business Environment. In addition to the third class of the certificate program, this year the Law School expanded the concentration and launched a series of master-classes UCU Law for Business.

UCU LAW FOR BUSINESS In 2017, the UCU Law School launched a series of master-classes, UCU Law for Business. During the master-classes, leading experts in various fields teach how to represent and defend business. At the end of each event, the participants receive certificates. Mariya Ortynska, a lawyer and patent attorney of Ukraine, founder and director of the patent law company IPStyle, opened the series of master-classes with the theme “Management of Intellectual Property: How to Defend Business and Correctly Use Its Rights.�


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THE PROGRAM «HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT» The Certificate Program Human Rights in the Business Environment is the first program in Ukraine to prepare practicing lawyers, human rights defenders, and corporate managers in this area. It is dedicated to the best practices for defending human rights in the conduct of business activities and to possibilities for using instruments for the defense of human rights and freedoms to secure business interests and defend property rights. Part of the program includes an innovative combination of the fields of law, business, and human rights. After completing the training, participants will receive: • the knowledge of effective ways of application of international and European standards in Ukraine for the protection of human rights in business • the consultations of the best domestic and foreign specialists who deal with practical issues in business and human rights protection • the knowledge of anti-corruption mechanisms and the role of the business environment in ensuring transparency in society • the knowledge how to use tools in the field of human rights and gain the experience of communication and studying in one of the leading universities of Ukraine In 2017, the program’s third group began studies.

Stepan Gosedlo

participant of the program Human Rights in the Business Environment III

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«We studied and researched human rights in the business environment. This was very effective, practical, and informative. I learned very many new things about law, business, and application of the law. But inspiration was the main thing. UCU gives you wings. I had the opportunity to interact with a great number of people with positive attitudes who want to and will change our country. Things aren›t so bad for us, and the UCU Rule of Law Center helps you realize this. I›m especially grateful for the meeting with Myroslav Marynovych. There are few strong and shining people in the world. I also thank all the experts who lectured, for their high professionalism and interesting material».


Partners of the School and Advisory Council


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PARTNERS OF THE UCU LAW SCHOOL 2017 In 2017, the UCU Law School signed memorandums about cooperation with: the USAID program for reforming the justice sector, New Justice; the resource and analysis center Society and Environment; and the Association of Lawyers of Ukraine.

The general partner of the UCU Law School in 2017 was the law firm MATVIIV AND PARTNERS

1 Partner Institutions of Civil Society Ukrainian Bar Association Resource and Analysis Center “Society and Environment” Lviv IT Cluster Lviv Center For International Law And Human Rights

International Partners Council of Europe The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) The OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine


Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine Tvoe Misto




10 4

Law Firms Sayenko Kharenko Axon Partners The law firm “Kulchytskyy, Kulakov and Bidnyahin” Hrynchuk & Partners Law Firm Marusiak & Partners Law Firm Arzinger The Law firm «KODARY Partners» Dexis Partners Pavlenko & Patrners, Attorneys at Law Vasil Kisil & Partners

Government Institutions Secretariat of the Commission on Human Rights of Ukraine’s Supreme Council

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Andriy Kostiuk

President of the Advisory Board, attorney at law, partner of “Pavlenko & Partners” Law Firm, lecturer of the UCU LL.M. Program

Danylo Bilak

Advisor to the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Director of Ukraine Investment Promotion Office by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

Andriy Hrynchuk

Managing Partner of «Hrynchuk & Partners» Law Firm, lecturer of the UCU LL.M. Program and of Lviv Business School of UCU

Serhiy Verlanov

PhD in Law, Attorney, Partner of «Sayenko Kharenko» Law Firm, member of the Public Integrity Council

Serhiy Hoshovsky

Managing Partner of Hoshovsky Law Firm (New York, USA)

Roksolana Kostur

Attorney, Partner of «Matviyiv & Partners» attorneys at law

Andriy Boyko

Doctor of legal sciences, member of the Supreme Council of Justice

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Master’s Program


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UCU LL.M. PROGRAM UCU LL.M. Program is a year and a half professionally-oriented program preparing law students, graduates of which will receive government-accredited diplomas in the specialty 081 Law. The new educational standards of the Ukrainian Catholic University allow for the training of values-oriented lawyers who will influence the further development of the legal field in Ukraine.

«In February 2018, the UCU LL.M. Program of the Ukrainian Catholic University graduated its first masters in law. Having successfully received government accreditation of the program and with our entering students having top ratings among master’s programs in law in Ukraine, we have grounds to state that we have successfully begun, but very much work still lies ahead». Svitlana Khyliuk

director of the UCU LL.M. Program

UCU LAW: OPEN HOUSE Students of the UCU LL.M. Program have the opportunity to study with top specialists. This year the program gave students of other universities the opportunity, as well. UCU Law: Open House is a series of lectures by expert teachers at UCU which are mandatory for students of the UCU


LL.M. Program but also open to law students from other educational institutions. In this way, we open the doors of our community with an invitation to take advantage of the opportunities which the Law School provides.

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ENTERING STUDENTS AT UCU LAW SCHOOL HAVE UKRAINE’S HIGHEST TEST SCORES AT MASTER’S LEVEL Students of the UCU LL.M. Program have the highest average for external independent testing. This is demonstrated by the analysis of the results of the single specialized entrance exam for admission to a master’s program in law in 2017 conducted with the support of the OSCE project coordinator in Ukraine.

for admission to a master’s program in law in 2017 demonstrates, the students of the UCU Master’s in Law in Human Rights Program have the opportunity for professional growth in the best surroundings in this country. This is an instance wherein one can acquire knowledge and hear original thoughts not only from one’s teachers but also from those studying alongside,” admits Svitlana Khyliuk, director of the UCU Master’s in Law in Human Rights Program.

The average score for incoming students to UCU’s Master’s in Law in Human Rights Program is 520.9. This is the highest average among master’s programs in law in Ukraine.

This year UCU has 15 masters in law students: “Though the amount of students is relatively small, together they are a student community with great potential,” added Svitlana Khyliuk.

“One’s surroundings have considerable influence on the formation of personality, and on one’s professional formation. As the analysis of the results of the single specialized entrance exam


GEOGRAPHY OF STUDENTS Lviv Region Ivano-Frankivsk Volyn Ternopil


students admitted




1 1

29 1





provided with lodging received scholarships Number of students 57

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SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDERS 2017 Full scholarships: • Anna Babych scholarship • Vasil Kisil & Partners • Kulchytskyy, Kulakov & Bidniahin Law Firm • Pavlenko & Partners • Lemkin Scholarships (Philippe Sands, Kodary Partners Law Firm, Dexis Partners Law Firm)

«The idea of establishing scholarships is based on the understanding that no one except we ourselves can bring order to our country. It is now a very difficult and responsible time for Ukraine and each Ukrainian, inasmuch as we find ourselves in a historical ‘crossroads,’ and standing before each of us are countless questions to which it is necessary to give a response and make a choice. The fate of more than one generation of Ukrainians will depend on this choice. Arzinger is making the decision to build a law-abiding country, free of corruption and abuse. Of course, it is not possible to change everything in one day, and we understand that, to fulfill our dream of a better future, it’s necessary to prepare the next generation of lawyers, who will continue our work. And so, we decided to establish a scholarship at the Ukrainian Catholic University, because we believe that this is an environment in which the proper values are formed, where students learn to work on the basis of ethics and morals. This is precisely what lawyers today lack».


1 Year Scholarship +: • Daniel and Myroslava Bilak 1 Year Scholarships: • Arzinger • Hrynchuk & Partners Law Firm • Matviyiv & Partners Law Firm

Markian Malskyy

partner, head of the western Ukrainian branch of Arzinger

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SCHOLARSHIPS 2018 When you provide a scholarship for study at the UCU Master’s in Law in Human Rights Program, you: 1.

Join a community which is changing the field of law. 2. Support the country’s best students. Who receives scholarships? The best students according to the results of the scholarship contest or entrance exams receive scholarships. What expenses does the scholarship cover? • •

The cost of training students in the program. The institutional development of the program: forming the library, access to foreign legal databases, organizing educational visits and student internships, enlisting foreign and guest lecturers and experts.

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Benefactors who provide scholarships can name scholarships (after private persons, companies, or other persons at the benefactor’s request). They can contact scholarship recipients and participate in their selection. The informational resources of UCU and its partners will publicize the establishing of scholarships. If you or your company would like to join us in developing legal education in Ukraine and establish a named scholarship for students of the UCU Master’s in Law in Human Rights Program, please contact the director of the UCU Law School, Ivan Horodyskyy: +380 (93) 993-93-51




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LAW SCHOOL 2017 EVENTS 7 Presentations


auditors and graduates of educational programs



participants in events

Open lectures

2 Forums and conferences


3 Master-classes

Certificate programs

1 Public discussion

(16 two-day modules)

3 Film showings


participants of student competitions and contests

competitions and 3 Student contests



United Kingdom —


Netherlands Germany

Lithuania Estonia Belarus

Poland — Austria Switzerland France —




Ukraine —




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RULE OF LAW LECTURE SERIES UCU Rule of Law Lecture Series — This is a series of lectures by leading American, European, and Ukrainian lawyers, dedicated to current challenges and problems in insuring the rule of law and justice. The Rule of Law Center of the Law School of the Ukrainian Catholic University is implementing the project Increasing the Awareness of the Legal Community of Ukraine regarding Contemporary Challenges to the Rule of Law, by organizing and conducting the Rule of Law series of legal lectures, with the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) as part of the New Justice program, in cooperation with the Lviv Region branch of the Association of Lawyers of Ukraine.

On the site you can find: • • • • •

Information about lecturers participating in the project Video recordings of all the lectures Interviews with lecturers Presentations which the lecturers used during lectures Announcements about upcoming lectures

Available at the link are video recordings of this year’s lecturers: • • • • • • • •

Mykola Khavroniuk Mykhailo Savchyn Andriy Hrynchuk Andriy Stelmashchuk Andriy Boyko Philippe Sands Kostiantyn Horobets Shannon Salter

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TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE AND RECONCILIATION IN UKRAINE Transitional Justice and Reconciliation in Ukraine is a project of the UCU Law School. Its goal is to create a forum for experts to discuss this theme. The focuses of the project are a mechanism for transitioning from war to peace in Ukraine and instruments of social reconciliation.

As part of the implementation of the project, the team plans: to launch a specialized platform to circulate professional knowledge and experience of post-conflict regulations in other countries; to create thematic information resources; and to develop methodical and practical recommendations to ensure transitional justice and reconciliation in Ukraine. The project will be of use to lawyers, judges, prosecutors, the academic community, civic organizations, and law students. The format of the project provides a series of public lectures by leading national and foreign experts on questions of transitional justice, workshops, and a moot court for students. Lecture themes: • the mechanism of transitioning from war to peace • foreign experience of post-conflict regulation • criminal prosecution for war crimes • ”frozen” conflicts • social reconciliation


Open lectures as part of the project In 2017, as part of the project the Law School organized 4 open lectures in Lviv. Expert lecturers were: Phillip Weiner, chief of the legal division in the Office of the Co-Investigating Judges of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia; Kateryna Busol, lawyer at the legal partnership Global Rights Compliance; Cindy Wittke, assistant professor in East and Southeast European Studies at the Leibniz Institute (Regensburg, Germany); and Mykola Gnatovskyy, president of the Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhumane or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Scholarly blogs The project has become a forum for discussing the theme of transitional justice. Since 2017, the site of the Law School has regularly posted scholarly blogs of Ukrainian experts interested in this theme.

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UCU LAW BOOK DISCUSSIONS UCU Law Book Discussions is a project of the UCU LL.M. Program, aiming at popularizing new books in legal literature that relate to current questions in jurisprudence.

The format for presenting the publications includes the participation of the author, two expert reviewers, a moderator, and invited guests who take part in discussing the key provisions of the study. The UCU Law Book Discussions project will be of interest to the academic community, practicing lawyers, civic activists, and law students.

The project has reviewed: • the collective monograph “Civilians in Modern Armed Conflicts: The Legacy of Rafal Lemkin” • a Ukrainian translation of the book “The Civil Code of Halychyna, 1797” • Nataliya Haletska’s monograph “Forms of Implementing International Agreements by European Countries: Theory and Practice”

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HUMAN RIGHTS: TALK Human Rights: Talk is a series of roundtables which the UCU Law School started in 2017. As part of the project, the participants are invited to reports of leading experts and further discussion of current questions connected with human rights. The project organized the following roundtables this year: • Olena Kharytonova «Legal@Fashion: How Fashion Became Law and Law Fashion» • Taras Kulish «Charity Law: How It Works in Canada; Charity and the Struggle with Fraud, Corruption, and International Terrorism» • Iryna Ivankiv «Human Laws: (Anti)Utopia?» • Laurie Melksaw «Are Human Rights Universal? A Historical Context»


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FILM CLUB OF THE UCU LAW SCHOOL Once a month the Law School invites students to view and discuss a film chosen by the moderator of the event. We invite our friends, practicing lawyers or experts, to be moderators. The project started at the end of 2017. Since then we have viewed and discussed: • film «Anatomy of a Murder». moderator Valeria Kolomiets • film «Woman in Gold». moderator Dmytro Vovk • film «Fracture». moderator Andriy Hrynchuk

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HEINONLINE HeinOnline, one of the world’s largest databases for legal research, is now available in Ukraine. It can be used at the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Center in Lviv.

«UCU is the first institution of higher education in Ukraine to which we, with satisfaction and 100 percent certainty in the correctness of our decision, provided support for offering access to the HeinOnline database. This is because the Ukrainian Catholic University is one of the most productive institutions of higher education in Ukraine today. And so, to have a partnership with UCU is pleasant, effective, and gives results, so we were convinced». Olena Lungol

representative of the national project coordinator of the OSCE in Ukraine

Ukraine has joined the club of 175 countries which have access to one of the largest legalrelated databases. Today representatives of all law schools can use HeinOnline at the UCU Law School thanks to the support of the national project coordinator of the OSCE in Ukraine. All the legal classics, the constitutions of 170 countries, decisions of British courts which


launched the development of many modern legal institutions, materials on the history of international law starting in 1690, literature on human rights – this is far from a complete list of everything that HeinOnline contains. The pearl of the database is its library of legal periodicals (more than 2400 periodical publications in law and related themes from 29 countries, more than 1 million articles).

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«To understand the scope of HeinOnline: 160 thousand titles and more than 150 million pages. The specifics of the database: all the sources are accessible in PDF format. The UCU Library is the first in our country to provide its visitors with this access, and for this we will always be grateful to the national project coordinator of the OSCE in Ukraine». Svitlana Khyliuk

director of the UCU LL.M. Program

HOW AND WHERE CAN YOU USE HEINONLINE? Direct access is available at the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Center (vul. Kozelnytska, 21, city of Lviv). There are two options: 1.

You can use the database through your own portable computer, accessing the Wi-Fi network UCU-Guests at the Sheptytsky Center. Go to

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2. You can use one of the stationary computers located on the floors of the Sheptytsky Center, or rent a notebook computer at the center’s administrative office. To do this, you need to acquire a library card at the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Center. Then go to


What was memorable about 2017?


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UCU WAS THE NATIONAL ORGANIZER OF THE TELDERS INTERNATIONAL LAW MOOT COURT COMPETITION The Telders International Law Moot Court Competition is one of the most authoritative student competitions in international law in the world. Hundreds of teams, modeling the case review of the UN International Court of Justice, meet in national rounds. Eventually the winners represent their countries at the international level. In 2017 the UCU Rule of Law Center became an international partner of the Telders International Law Moot Court Competition. The participants themselves choose the organizer of the national round. The Lviv Center for International Law and Human Rights and the Matviyiv & Partners Law Firm supported the organization of the competition in Ukraine. In 2018 UCU was again chosen to organize the national level of the competition

INTERNATIONAL ONLINE COURSE TO COMBAT CORRUPTION Over a four-month period, students from Lviv, together with American and Ukrainian specialists, researched instances of corruption and studied ways to prevent it. Also participating in the course were students from Odesa, Kharkiv, Chernivtsi, and the USA. The course had 2 stages of study. The first part, online, was led by Professor Thomas H. Speedy Rice of the School of Law of Washington and Lee University, USA. The second part was held in Lviv, based at the UCU Master’s in Law in Human Rights Program. The expert for this part was Anton Podilchak, managing partner of the consulting company Advice Group.


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MANUAL ON INFORMATION SECURITY FOR NGOS Should civic organizations and people who work with online content know about network security? The manual «What an NGO Should Know to Protect Itself in the Information Field» was published by the UCU Lviv Business School (LvBS) and the Ukraine NGO Forum in partnership with the Law School of the Ukrainian Catholic University as part of the project Information Security for NGOs. The manual’s authors were the director of the Law School, Ivan Horodyskyy, and a teacher in the Master’s in Law in Human Rights Program, Markiyan Bem.

SCHOOL OF PRACTICAL LAW In February the Master’s in Law in Human Rights Program launched the School of Practical Law for its law students. Through 16 weekly masterclasses, practicing lawyers and judges talked about strategy and tactics in the judicial process and instruments for defending human rights and freedoms in order to secure the interests of business and defend property rights. The general partner of the project was the law firm Marusiak & Partners.

LAW CAREER DAY How does a young lawyer build a successful career? Leading law firms of Lviv and Ukraine shared the secrets of success with law students. Representatives of the following firms gave their expert advice: Arzinger; Axon Partners; Bachynskyy, Kolomiets & Partners; Hrynchuk & Partners; Marusiak & Partners; and Matviyiv & Partners.

The UBA Students’ League and the student organization ELSA Lviv were partners of the School of Practical Law.

The event was organized by the UCU LL.M. Program with the support of the UBA Students’ League, ELSA Lviv, and the law firm Matviyiv & Partners.

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SUPPORT OF LAW SCHOOL Ukrainian Catholic University is a non-profit higher educational institution. Thanks to the support of the legal society and international organizations, the UCU Law School has the opportunity to implement projects aimed at raising the level of legal education in Ukraine. School curriculum is aimed both at obtaining master’s degree in specialty 081 «Law», as well as improving the skills of practicing lawyers. We would like to invite you to participate in the development of legal education in Ukraine. You can support Law School by: • granting a scholarship for master’s program training; • supporting one of Law School’s Certificate Programs; • becoming a partner of one of the projects of Law School. For more information about the School’s support and possible cooperation conditions, please contact Ivan Horodyskyy, Director of the UCU Law School:, +380 (93) 993-93-51


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CONTACTS: Our address: vul. I. Svientsitskoho, 17 (room 430), Lviv, 79011 Tel.: (38/032) 240 99 44 (extension 3148) Fax: (38/032) 240-99-50 E-mail: Website: Facebook: law.ucu Instagram: uculawschool

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Faculty of Social Sciences


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