Urban Contingency - 2020 - Nyhavna

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A Transitional Strategy for a Flood Resistant Harbor City Jayati GROVER Vilde Andrea BORCHGREVINK LUND Yoann ROUZIÈRES Fabian WILDNER

Figure 1: Exceptionally rare high tide is pictured reaching the harbour of Trondheim where the Norwegian coastal transport company Hurtigruten docks in Trondheim. Photo: AFP Source: thelocal.no


Abstract Contingency is defined as something that might possibly happen in the future, usually causing problems or making further arrangements necessary, by the Cambridge Dictionary (2020). This definition states the condition of uncertainty in the future. All the cities in the world pose a threat of uncertain future events (both natural and manmade) that could lead to disaster. This presents us with an opportunity to make necessary arrangements, through contingency planning for the present and future to prevent a disaster. In this paper we discuss a transitional contingency plan for the area of Nyhavna, which is proposed to be redeveloped based on current conditions and a given hypothesis of sea water level rise and flooding in the low density city of Trondheim. This paper is written in the current situations of the COVID-19 pandemic, which limited our methodology.

Introduction Keyne defined uncertainty in economics by suggesting that uncertainty is an unquantifiable fundamental in economics that brings about surprise and the need for reasonable economic decisions (Bateman, 1989). This theory can be applied to the urban environment in the condition of unforeseen future events. This brings us to the importance of a contingency plan for a place (local, national and international) to prevent disaster by decreasing the vulnerability of the city

and its population. This can be done by working on various steps of contingency plan : response strategy, implementation plan, operational support plan and preparedness. We selected the area of Nyhavna which is a harbor area on the coast and is proposed to be redeveloped. Nyhavna is a port in the Brattøra area of Trondheim, located between Nidelva and Lademoen. Today the harbour district’s main function is commercial and industrial. (Figure 2) There are a few harbour activities still working since the time it was developed in the late 1930s. The area is currently being planned to become a predominantly residential area.

Scenario Our given scenario is: • Trondheim is a very low-density city and is prone to floods caused due to sea level rise. • The municipality has substantial resources but does not have a disaster management authority. • Our hypothesis includes that Trondheim could be hit by a 1000 year storm that could lead to flooding and sea water level rise from 2-3 meters, especially on the coast.

Methodology In order to make a contingency plan for the area we Figure 2: View from Nyhavna (Source: Sara Husby)

Figure 3: Flooded Area of Brattøra and Nyhavna, sea-level rise of 2m (Source: kartverket.no)

need to identify and collect information to analyze, that would help us build different components of the plan. • A study of past events and current risks to Trondheim was done in order to understand and make a hypothesis that would be the basis of the plan. The data of this previous analyses done in Trondheim and the thereby presented risks was collected. • Study of existing and best practices around the world. This also includes studying the current practices if any are existing in the site. This could help us to understand what is already being done in Nyhavna and how we can improve it. • To understand the current scenario, we sent out Google Questionnaires to the stakeholders already present at site. We asked them if they are aware of any past flooding events in Nyhavna, if they are aware of the existing danger and if there are any current measures or evacuation practices.

Contextual Analysis of the Site Context of the site Trondheim is located where the Nidelva river meets the Trondheim fjord, and is the capital of the Trøndelag county in Norway. The city has today around 186.000 inhabitants (Statistisk sentralbyrå, 2020) and has ambitious expansion plans since there are a lot of more story apartment buildings getting built all over the city.

The area of Nyhavna is located on the seaside in Trondheim and is on the east side of the Nidelva river, next to the Brattøra peninsula. It is a mainly industrially used area that was used as a submarine bunker during the second world war. Although they were used only for a short period of time. Due to its heavy way of construction, it is not possible to destroy the massive concrete bunkers today and they function as landmarks for the area whereas one gets reused as a state archive. Since 2008, the Trondheim municipality has been working on a re-development of the area. In the long term, a master plan will be created and the whole area will be redeveloped as a residential area, while the former users should be relocated. Climate in Trondheim Due to the Gulf Stream, the climate stays moderate and the bay area of Trondheim stays ice free during the winter times. Trondheim has a humid continental climate, where parts closer to Trondheimfjord have milder climates than the inland ones. Mostly south-winds along the outer seaboard. Temperatures have increased about 2°C during the last 25 years. (FloodProbe, 2011)

Weather risks in Trondheim

Our hypothesis derives from the given and identified risks that Trondheim has been facing or could face in the possible future. Some of the risks are mentioned below: Storm-Surges Can happen a few times a year, when through the combined effect of low pressure, winds and ocean

Figure 4: Rendering 1 - scenario: urbanized Nyhavna and 2m sea rise level (Agraff+Rallar office illustration and photoshop)

Figure 5: Rendering 2: scenario: Urbanized Nyhavna and 3m sea rise level (Agraff+Rallar office illustration and photoshop)

tides sea level rises up to several meters above normal. (Figure 7) “In other words, if coastal flooding from storm surges and/or sea level rise is identified as a potential hazard for a specific planning area or object, the local authorities can require certain (flood-protection) standards to be met before granting building permits.” (DSB, 2017) Sea-Level rise Due to the worldwide changing climate conditions, also the water level in Trondheim is prognosted to rise in future times (DSB, 2017). (Figure 3) Quick-clay danger - Landslides “An overload of the quick clay makes the clay lose all strength and resistance, and it flows like a liquid.” (NGU, 2020) Almost the whole city of Trondheim is built on a layer of quick clay, which makes landslides happening on a regular basis.

system relies on the old sewage system that was built before 1965. The drainage system of the city as it stands nowadays, is not made to handle. In different places, the Trondheim drainage system is not conceived to deal with considerable volume of runoffs, therefore, reaching its full capacity faster, leading then to a prospective flooding situation in Trondheim (FloodProbe, 2011). Recent regional studies (IPCC, 2012) are showing a future trend in important waves height and strong waves along the Northern European coast. Although sea level rise is not considered a serious threat for Norway, it may have some negative impacts on infrastructures. The possibility of an increase in the frequency and magnitude of storms, including storm surges, is indeed a concern along Norway’s coast. Therefore, Trondheim may take

Trends & Analysis The hazard focus in this paper is the flood risk caused by storm surge or sea level rise. Flooding is an increasing problem worldwide for many cities. The management of floods risks has been a neglected point in urban planning for decades (FloodProbe, 2011). A flood occurs when the water covers land that is usually dry (Samuels & Gouldby, 2009). A flood is determined as a hazard when it may harm the receiver. The flood’s causes are diverse, yet this paper is focusing on floods caused by hydrometeorological events and sea-rise level on a long-time scale basis. Those events cause problems and inconveniences in the urban environment. Moreover, hazards are usually scaled in terms of frequency. This frequency is the estimation of how likely a flood might happen and the magnitude of the event (Landa Mendez, 2014). Torrential rain has become a periodic event, making the handling of important quantities of rainwater a basic requirement in modern towns and cities. In the Trondheim context, one of the main causes is the heavy rain that may occur in the region. As mentioned before, Trondheim is located in the Northern part of Europe, in a region that encounters frequent episodes of rain or snowfall. Cities are privileging concrete cover in their streets making a permeable soil, stressing the draining system. The water may no longer infiltrate the soil and thus relies on the drainage system of Trondheim. Its drainage

Figure 6: Overview of affected buildings

Figure 7: Conceptual representation of storm surge. Source: NOAA (2020)

into consideration this threat as the Northern part of the city is composed of seashores. According to Kartverket (2020), the sea level on shores of Trondheim could increase about 53 cm by 2090. The rise itself will not affect big areas of Trondheim and Nyhavna but a 1 000 storm-surge would have bigger impacts and effects on the urban core of the city.

Possible impacts of a Hazard on the Nyhavna area This listing shows the possible impacts of a storm surge or a sea level rise on the Nyhavna area. Destroyed buildings Nyhavna consists mainly of industrial buildings. There are also companies seated on the site with offices, along with construction areas for boats or other products. Moreover, sensitive and costly machines are exposed and might be damaged by arising floods. (Figures 4,5 and 6) Hazardous materials washed into the sea Besides the endangered buildings, the junkyard situated on the peninsula in Nyhavna is a potential danger if washed into the sea. The metal waste contains hazardous materials that can have negative impacts on the natural environment and the ecosystem. Also during the upcoming constructing phase, when the redevelopment of the area will take place, the possibility of dangerous building materials getting washed into the sea will increase. People in danger if they can’t get evacuated Lack of information in case of a sudden storm flood may bring people in danger who don’t manage to leave the area in time. Even if there are not many residents in the area today, a proper evacuation system needs to make sure that all people are informed to leave the affected area as soon as possible. Trapped people in offices or flats that can’t leave their building because of a high water level put themselves and the rescue teams into a potential danger. Collapse of Drainage System A rise of the sea level may be a potential danger for the surrounding drainage system. Too much water can lead to an overload of the capacities so that the system collapses and grey water gets pumped uncontrolled into the sea. The spread of diseases

may be the possible outcome.

Identified Stakeholders The Norwegian organisation system is mainly divided into three levels; local, regional and national level. Responsibilities and levels of which the stakeholder act in, may differ in case of flood-related events. Often, there are no clear borderlines between the levels, and responsibilities change throughout the process of the event. We have categorised relevant stakeholders to our site, based on where they act in the system. National level TThe five ministries; Petroleum and Energy (OED), Transport (SD), Justice and public security (JD9, Local and Regional Affairs (KRD) Environment (MD) (see figure 8) and the government are the main stakeholders on a national level. The government and parliament provide leading political guidelines, while the ministries serve a professional role by developing, managing and disseminating knowledge on their expertise to the government and the sub- levels. Guidelines and information are then followed and used by trans-sectional, regional and local levels. Regional level The county governor and Trondheim county is the main stakeholder at the region level and serves a planning role. Though not relevant in our case, the county may take a coordination role between the national and local level, through the County Emergency Council, if a municipal authority is not present. Cross sectional level The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) NVE has a central role in flood contingency planning NVE has a central role in flood contingency planning aimed to provide necessary information about floods, measures and vulnerable areas. Their coordinative role is to maintain communication between actors within different sectors, and be the main authority to guide politics related to prevention of flooding and landslides. They assess whether an area is flood safe and is responsible for monitoring unsafe areas. In addition, their role on a local level is to follow up on spatial planning, plan and implement safety measures, monitor and notify weather events, as well as research and investigation. NVE is providing information and

professional guidance to municipalities and police (as well as SVV and JBV), which is necessary for preparedness plans, managing risks and spatial planning (Lyngen municipality, 2016). Local level Stakeholders on a local level take adaptive measures, before, during and after an event. Locally adapted preparedness plans and crisis management. The main stakeholder at this level is Trondheim municipality, Trondheim Havn and the

Trondheim Havn Trondheim Havn IKS is an intermunicipal organisation with the responsibility for Nyhavna and the surrounding ports safety and contingency. They are in contact with stakeholders at site, which mainly consist of industries and business. In this network, there is an exchange of information regarding improvements of the site and contingency towards risks. Additionally, Trondheim Havn is the main landowner at the site and is directly affected by flooding events.

Figure 8: Stakeholder - Mapping

community of Nyhavna. Trondheim Municipality The municipalities are the local disaster management authority (DMA). They are obligated to assess dangers related to natural hazards such as floods and landslides. Information provided by NVE or from its own research, needs to be taken into account in both land use planning and building matters. They also have the responsibility for the local contingency, and to follow the national and regional guidelines in their work. A riskand vulnerability analysis with a contingency plan should be performed for preparedness and awareness of potential hazards. The contingency plans are locally adapted and aim to keep the community resilient towards weather events. The municipalities are in charge of most areas, except for infrastructures which belong to JBV or SSV.

Best Practices Copenhagen Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark and a regional metropolis located on flat coastal terrain with canals from the sea flowing through the old city center. Due to its coastal location, the city is vulnerable to sea-level rise and flooding. Flooding from increasing precipitation is also posing a threat, because of its build-up environment and a century-old underground wastewater system, which collects rainwater and is made to withstand only 10-year rains (Clemmensen, 2015). In July 2011, the city faced one of the worst flooding disasters due to high rainfall and cloudbursts. The lack of permeable surfaces and weak storm water management system led to a loss of millions of dollars. It was named as a 1000 year flood and

left the city paralysed. This event pushed the city to identify and be prepared and prevent such disasters in future. The city of Copenhagen invested in research and prepared a comprehensive Climate adaptation plan in 2012 to prevent disasters and to prepare the city for any unforeseen climate changes. The climate adaptation plan also includes a Cloudburst plan which caused serious flooding in the city in 2011 and then in 2014. The plan mentions broadly the following: • The current challenges : The city identified increasing temperatures, stormwater surging, irregular rain patterns, increasing precipitation, weak and old storm water management as some of their major issues. • The adaptation response: The main adaptive actions comprise separating surface water (rainwater) from the underground wastewater system (making city resilient up to 100 year rains); refitting urban spaces to create rainwater channels along selected roads (Figure 9), leading to the lakes and/or the sea; greening and ‘blueing’ public spaces for local retention of water; climate proofing buildings and transport infrastructure; and generally

integrating adaptation concerns into other policy areas, including community regeneration (Clemmensen, 2015). •

Innovative solutions: New innovative solutions were prepared with the present city infrastructure like innovation street network design to direct the water towards collection areas or the sea and innovative public space that can serve as permeable ground or catchment area for water absorption in case the city faces another flood. These public areas will be accessible the rest of the time. Stakeholder involved and responsible: The Adaptation and Cloudburst Plans and accompanying measures aim to establish the co-sharing of adaptation between the City of Copenhagen, citizens and other private actors (Clemmensen, 2015). Implementation strategy: the city allotted special budgets for the climate adaptation plan and made responsible authorities combining the public and private actors.

Figure 9: Copenhagen Cloudburst project for urban resilience using GI for managing flood risk. (Sources: www. ramboll.com)

Figure 10: Impact analysis of flood in Dublin. (Source: Leahy (2009))

Dublin Dublin is a coastal city (Irish Sea) crossed by three main rivers (Liffey, Dodder, Tolka), canals (Royal Canal, Grand Canal) and many other rivers (Wad, Poddle, Camac) some of which are now underground. In addition, it is subjected to very heavy rains and many storms. In addition, two rivers (the Liffey River and the Dodder River) meet in the heart of Dublin. This confluence, combined with the presence of numerous small rivers, creates a complex hydrological and hydraulic situation in the Liffey estuary (Lhomme, 2019). In 2002, Dublin was flooded due to a tidal surge. (Figure 10) The rivers were flooded due to the surge and it flooded the whole city as it had a small catchment area. The surge damaged the infrastructure of the city including a dam, drainage system and major roads in the city. The city realized the importance of an action plan and released a Dublin Flood Initiative (DCC) to make the city safer. This strategy was allotted a huge budget and included steps like installing early warning systems, making more room for the river, maintenance of drainage systems and strengthening of dams etc. In 2010, the risk of emerging pluvial floods was detected and new strategies were added to the previous plan. The strategy used the Scottish Government integrated 4 A’s approach (Leahy, 2010)(Figure 11). The approach was predominantly directed towards pluvial flooding and involved a lot of partners/stakeholder collectively working towards the strategy. In 2011, Dublin faced extreme flooding due to excessive rainfall. The city drainage could not

take the capacity of the downpour and the rivers flooded. This called for an emergency action plan.

Figure 11: Scottish Government 4A approach (Source : Leahy (2010))

In 2019 Dublin city council climate change action plan was released combined with the sustainability goals. This Climate Change Action Plan features a range of actions across five key areas (Council, 2019). • Energy and Buildings • Transport • Flood Resilience • Nature-Based Solutions • Resource Management This involved all the Dublin Local authorities to make action plans for their areas. It mentions the goals of the city which includes infrastructure improvement, increasing awareness about risks and prevention schemes in the city, and stakeholder management.

Findings from best practices

Vision statement

The area of Nyhavna is a harbor area next to the Fjord, similar to coastal cities of Copenhagen and Dublin. In our risk analysis of the area of Nyhavna in Trondheim, we could identify few similarities. Lack of permeable surface in that part of Trondheim and insufficient drainage system in case of a 1000 year flood, are some of them. Dublin is a city which adapted, redeveloped and modified its flood resilience strategies through time. Copenhagen and Dublin present a concept similar to ‘sponge cities’. Peter Cook, a British architect, was the precursor in the 1970s of the sponge cities’ concept. This concept refers to a city that absorbs in its landscape overflow of water or a city called self-cleaning. The objectives behind the concept are by 2030, 80% of the urban areas will be able to absorb and reuse 70% of torrential rainwater during major events. The sponge cities are set up in order to counter the effects of the floods which are happening in several cities around the world due to excessive concretization. As a result, the sponge cities want to be more resilient in the face of flooding episodes.

The model city for flood resistance (flood proof cities) Nowadays, cities around the world face constant stress when it comes to climate change’s impacts. We want to make the city ready to cope with hazards by using the “Sponge City Concept” that should increase the city’s resistance. The Trondheim municipality plans to redevelop Nyhavna into a residential area in the future. (Figure 12) This brings us to the importance of developing a transitional time based strategy that includes the current scenario, the different stages of construction and the post construction phase. A transitional strategy would make sure that the people on site are prepared at all times for an emergency. Our vision is to ensure that the area can cope during its whole transformation process.

Figure 12: Illustration of upcoming development in Nyhavna (Source: Mad arkitekter, Holt O’Brien og BOGL - Bang og Linnet Landskab


Response Strategy

We developed a response strategy considering a We developed a response strategy considering a transitional time based approach according to our given scenario. We defined the main stakeholders and actions that should be initiated before, during and after an event in all three stages of the development of the site. According to the knowhow gained from other case studies, and due to our unlimited financial resources some physical interventions are proposed to be integrated in the pre-construction planning process (find details in the preparedness plan).

Forecast registers upcoming storm surge First-Responders


recieve notification and alarm their offices/companies

Evacuation of buildings, placing barriers.

Implementation Plan SHORT-term (Today-2025) Following the upcoming developments and the



Identifying the vulnerable population in all the stages Identifying or creating one linking/common stakeholder/authority in all stages of the plan implementation that is involved throughout the whole process and keeps all the background knowledge. They would be important to add or remove any new or old stakeholders from the network. This assures smooth and consistent transition of the strategy through the phases of development on site.

Common clean up of devasted Less demolished areas. companies share their facilities with the other ones.


Offices can temporarily start to work again.



17:00 involved stakeholders

T...TrondheimHavn R...FirstRespondents P....Police F...Firebrigade

Figure 13: Hypothetical time-schedule in case of an upcoming hazard

Main goals of our response strategy are: Strategised and immediate responses to any threat: • Early warning system in place • Preparing, training and improvising firstrespondent network in every stage • Identifying the evacuation routes, safe houses and routines in all the stages;

Figure 14: The transitional response strategy

given hypothetical sea level rise of two to three meters, some immediate measures were developed to prevent the area from an eventual hazard. These short-term measures may be integrated without further time-consuming physical constructions, and can be adapted by using the given social resources of the area. The short term measures will work with today’s situation of a mainly industrial area. The key-element for the suggestions is to use TrondheimHavn as the main stakeholder to build up on an already existing network. Through a sent out questionnaire, we discovered that TrondheimHavn is already established as the main representative for the area. The certainty that TrondheimHavn remains a permanent actor in the area makes it even more suitable for this. Announcing an official “NyhavnaNetwork’’ builds the foundation for all further measures that should increase the Nyhavna area’s resilience to the hypothetical scenario. A network may facilitate bringing all stakeholders

together and to strengthen the community’s solidarity. Also, access to further resources can be simplified if applied as a network. Creating NyhavnaNetwork as a connecting headorganisation. • Bringing all local stakeholders together • Informing about possible dangers of hazards / Exchange of experiences • Strengthening the community • Organising courses to educate local people as first responders. • Meteorological-Station from TrondheimHavn can be used as an early warning platform to inform of upcoming hazards. Establishing certain community measures

to ensure the regulations are being followed. (see Preparedness Plan for more details) MEDIUM-term (2025-2035) The medium-term measures will focus on the phase of the construction and transformation of the area. The scenario is based on an expected start of the transformation in 2025. This phase includes the relocation of the industries and the removal of some of the buildings when there is an increased danger of loose material getting washed into the sea and the possibility of a rather ‘chaotic’ setting caused by ongoing works. Coping with eventual hazards in this situation is especially challenging. Therefore, the building companies get included into the adapted NyhavnaNetwork. The

NyhavnaNetwork An adaptive stakeholder network taking the role as a Disaster Management Authority (DMA)

SHORT TERM (from 2020)

MEDIUM TERM (2025-2030)

LONG TERM (2030-2050)

Representatives from 27 Businesses & Industries

Site Developers + Building Companies

Residents (1 representative of each building)


Remaining Businesses

New Businesses


Remaining Industries

New Industries

Emergency Services

Emergency Services

Emergency Services

Figure 15: The evolution of the NyhavnaNetwork

Share your Space: In case of hazard, less affected industries/offices can share their space with the ones that got damaged. Thereby machines, or other things can be evacuated and therefore protected from damage. • Identifying a safe space in the community where people can take shelter. • Share of Human Resources: After the event, members of the network can help-out to clean up together. Re-organising buildings/offices that got messed up by the hazard. • First-Response: Educated first-responders can help together to cope with the immediate effects from the hazard like e.g. saving locked up people in affected buildings, etc Planning policies Adaptation and implementation of new policies or development norms for the area. The masterplan for the new housing area also needs to include the measures of flood resilience and regular checks

phase ends when all constructions will be finished and all residents can move into the area. Before, there will be a transitioning phase making sure of a flawless transformation. •

• •

NyhavnaNetwork taking in construction workers on site in the stakeholders and part of the first respondent network. Regulations on site about the construction equipment, toxic waste needs to be in place before the construction starts. New safer evacuation routes and safe houses should be informed to everyone on site. Physical structures that help to prevent hazards should be built before the construction starts by the Trondheim municipality. (see Preparedness Plan for more details)

LONG- term (from 2035) With the completion of the constructions there

will be a completely new stakeholder group in the area. New residents should be introduced right from their first day of entry with the possible hazard situations. Similar to the composition as in the medium-term measures, the TrondheimHavn network should include members from all buildings in the area. There will be a compulsory membership in the network of a defined member of residents per residential building. Those representatives can be in charge of informing their co-residents about evacuation routes and of alerting in case of an upcoming hazard. NyhavnaNetwork • Identifying the population of the area post construction and connecting the new stakeholders • Identifying vulnerable populations (elderly, disabled and children) or/and buildings (schools, kindergartens, etc.) • Adding new first respondents into the network (residents and shop owners) • Identify more safe spaces and final evacuation routes needed for the new residents in the area.

Operational Support Plan The Operational Support Plan provides a clear

picture of how different roles and departments ensure information, financial and human resources, essential infrastructure and other support. The main network that coordinates resources and distributes roles, are in our case done by the existing local network “Trondheim havn” on Nyhavna. During all the development phases of the site, Trondheim Havn will be the head of NyhavnaNetwork and a part of the institutional branch of contingency. Their role in Nyhavn Network is to make sure requirements are met, and monitor the implementation of plans on site for both physical structures and human resources. The stakeholders in this network are expected to change as the site develops and is shown Figure 15. With no authority and abundant resources, we have illustrated the communication between stakeholders in a given situation, in a schematic network (Figure 16). A more detailed distribution of roles are shown in Figure 17. With strong bonds to the municipality and other organisations, the budget is unlimited. The money is distributed from Trondheim municipality and NVE to the NyhavnaNetwork to be invested in different phases, which covers all costs related to the maintenance, development and protection of Nyhavna. With a cash-based approach, quick solutions may be

Figure 16: Communication between stakeholders in the NyhavnaNetwork

Alert the national ministries

Alert NVE

Alert JB (railways)

MET and Early warning systems

Alert SVV (road networks)

Alert County of Trøndelag

Alert Police and fire department Alert the hospital or health department

Alert Nyhavna Network Alert the population

First respondents at site

Evacuate the residents by priority

Take them to shelter (assigned areas close to site)




Pre-event First responder Second responder Post-event

​…. ​…. ​…. ​….


Low * Medium ** High ***

Forecast register. Inform DMA and municipality on situation

Meteorological Institute

…. …. ….


Organise rescue efforts, eg. fire department and volunteer org.


…. ….


Provide information on flooding events, potential risks and instructions from authorities

Media/Newspaper DMA: public press conference

…. …. …. ….


Evacuate affected people to Dora 1, rescuing and alarm those affected

Trondheim Havn Police Fire department

…. ….


Provide health-care

St.Olavs Hospital Red Cross

…. ….



Install flood proof barriers along the dock Remove excessive water from site

Fire department Communication with NVE

…. ….



Prepare Dora 1 as evacuation spot

Trondheim Havn Dora AS

…. ….


Finding a semi-permanent housing option for residents

Trondheim Havn

…. ….


Inform site developers on current situation and purpose changes. Consider changes to the legal plan of the site.

Trondheim Havn Trondheim municipality Site developers and architects



Secure boats, loose objects and buildings

Trondheim Havn Fire department



Conservation of goods of cultural and historical value




Monitor water quality

Municipality - Water Supply Enterprise

…. …. ….


Portable water provision

Municipality - Water Supply Enterprise Fire department Volunteer organisations




Monitor electricity and correct damages. Provide aggregates and temporary solutions.

Trondheim municipality Electricity provider

…. …. ….



Monitor the sewage systems capacity and implement necessary measures

Trondheim municipality - Wastewater Enterprise

…. …. ….



Transport evacuated people to safe zone

Taxi Police

…. ….




Drinking water

Figure 17: Role & function of stakeholders

implemented in a flooding-scenario, providing effective measures to decrease impact, maintain safety and living conditions for the affected. In the post-event phase, this approach may facilitate recovery. In Table 2, we also added a simplified categorisation of the estimated load of financial costs. The costs are based on our own assumptions and divide into three categories. When the network receives early warning from the MET department, the Nyhavna Network will receive the information and it will flow in the system as shown in Figure 13. Alerting the local response network first could make sure that there is no loss of life.

Preparedness Plan This plan is prepared before the crisis to help prepare everyone and everything. The measures mentioned in this plan should be taken before any development starts at site to make sure that new development is flood resilient and ensure preparedness at all stages of development(present, during construction and post construction). The following shall be part of the Preparedness plan. Regulations • There would be construction norms needed for the new constructions. Some of the regulations would be: • All ground floors of buildings within 500m distance from the coast, to be used for nonresidential purposes.

• •

The area to be developed with 50% permeable ground surfaces. Evacuation routes to be left clear at all times. This includes the time during construction of buildings

Old infrastructures Similar to cities like Dublin and Copenhagen, the old drainage system of the city could not handle the stress from cloudburst and storm surge. As mentioned in a few reports from Trondheim Kommune, the city of Trondheim has also an old drainage system. In order to prevent the city, improvements in the existing drainage system of the city need to be realized. Preparation for evacuation In order for the response strategy to work, the following things need to be identified and communicated to the response team. • Identification of the most vulnerable or valuable buildings, (like cultural heritage, schools or houses with elderly). This would help the response teams´ work accordingly. • Identification of high grounds or safe buildings in case of flooding. This place would be identifiable and accessible to all in case of crisis. On this site, Dora can be used as one of the safe houses. Preventing water flooding into the site (Physical Interventions) • We propose building Dykes about 1.5-2 meters high along the coast, inspired by flood resilience

Figure 18: Proposed solution for flooding management on Nyhavna

Figure 19: In Nyhavna (Source: Hendelser på Nyhavna, Facebook)

techniques from the Netherlands. (Figure 18) These dykes could be developed as walking trails or public areas where people can walk or bike. These short (1.5-2m high) dykes would prevent the yearly flooding of the area which is caused by sea water level rise as a result of a storm surge. These dykes would also serve as a fence to the site to prevent any pollutants from going back into the water, especially if it floods during the construction phase of the site. Along with the dyke, there should be public areas that can act as sponges or catchment areas (inspired from Copenhagen). The site currently has very little permeable surfaces and is very flat. These catchment areas along the coast would help prevent water flooding by absorbing the excess both in case of heavy rains and storm surges and would function as public areas open to all at other times.

Budget The physical and organisational interventions in the site would need a lot of financial resources. As mentioned in our case, we do not have any disaster management authority but yet abundant financial resources. Thereby, the budget will not be an issue. The question of who and how will the resources be managed still remains. In our contingency plan, the Nyhavna Network acts as the most important connection to manage and operate the contingency plan and thus the budget. Nyhavna network would manage resources directly from the municipality.

With reference to Table 2 (see above), we have divided the amount of resources required in three categories, which are low, medium or high. The financial resources would be invested not only on the physical interventions but on management of services like the Nyhavna network as well.

Discussion Due to the losing importance of shore-related industries and a shift to an increasing demand in services away from the port industries, coastal areas are often turning into city development areas. This happens also in Trondheim, where Nyhavna is after Solsiden already the second redevelopment of a former industrially used harbour area. These areas are often easy to develop and even to extend. Making them attractive for municipalities and investors to respond to the demand of new housing opportunities in growing cities. A lot of transport planners may argue that the infrastructure densification close to the centre (case of Nyhavna) helps the city become more sustainable. However, this development contradicts the present risks to the site, namely sea level rise, higher level of the weather’s unpredictability and increasing number of extreme-weather situations like storms. In Trondheim, storm surges are the most frequent scenario that may harm the structures that are directly built on the shore. The sea level rise is also forecasted to affect many other coastal areas of the city. With the help of an adaptive flood resilience plan we can let the development continue controllably and safely.

By introducing our time based transitional strategy, we managed to find a solution that can cope with the changing stakeholder situation in a developing area. Besides adding physical structures that should be specified already in the masterplan, our strategy focuses on a participatory solution. All current stakeholders (depending on the stage of the scenario) will be connected through a newly created network. This will also lead to a strengthened level of solidarity and will increase the community’s social capital. Having this can support the stakeholders to cope with an upcoming hazard - sharing facilities and sharing human resources can all be made possible to respond even faster to a hazardous situation as soon as it happens. Limitations All along the elaboration of the report, the team encountered some challenges. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the quarantine situation that occured in Norway during the spring semester 2020, the collection of qualitative data has been impacted. The lack of direct interactions and investigative site visits has therefore been made impossible. In order to counter this contrariety, we sent out a Google questionnaire to present diverse industries of Nyhavna. However, due to a small number of answers, it is important to put into perspective that the results are not representing in a reliable manner to all industries or stakeholders of Nyhavna. Due to a lack of expertise in carrying out a cost benefit analysis we had to make basic assumptions when creating the budget for our contingency plan and mention a general take on financial resource management in case of no Disaster management authority. Conclusion This report should help to minimze the risk of a future sea-level rise in Nyhavna. The elaboration of a contingency plan for the next 50 years based on a specific scenario should therefore guide Nyhavna’s development towards a resilient neighborhood. Future real estate developers should follow the recommendations for Nyhavna and thus avoid the impact of sea rise level or flooding on infrastructures and inhabitants - also by including the community and the local stakeholders into all stages of the development process.

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List of Figures Figure 1: Exceptionally rare high tide is pictured reaching the harbour of Trondheim where the Norwegian coastal transport company Hurtigruten docks in Trondheim. Photo: AFP Source: thelocal. no Figure 2: View from Nyhavna (Source: Sara Husby) Figure 3: Flooded Area of Brattøra and Nyhavna (Source: kartverket.no)

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Figure 4: Rendering 1 - scenario: urbanized Nyhavna and 2m sea rise level (Agraff+Rallar office illustration and photoshop)

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Figure 6: Overview of affected buildings

Figure 5: Rendering 2: scenario: Urbanized Nyhavna and 3m sea rise level (Agraff+Rallar office illustration and photoshop)

Figure 7: Conceptual representation of storm surge. Source: NOAA (2020)

Figure 8: Stakeholder - Mapping Figure 9: Copenhagen Cloudburst project for urban resilience using GI for managing flood risk. (Sources: www.ramboll.com) Figure 10: Impact analysis of flood in Dublin. (Source: Leahy (2009)) Figure 11: Impact analysis of flood in Dublin. (Source: Leahy (2009)) Figure 12: Illustration of upcoming development in Nyhavna (Source: Mad arkitekter, Holt O’Brien og BOGL - Bang og Linnet Landskab Figure 13: Hypothetical time-schedule in case of an upcoming hazard Figure 14: The transitional response strategy Figure 15: The evolution of the NyhavnaNetwork Figure 16: Communication between stakeholders in the NyhavnaNetwork Figure 17: Role & function of stakeholders Figure 18: Proposed solution for flooding management on Nyhavna Figure 19: In Nyhavna (Source: Hendelser på Nyhavna, Facebook)

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