Beijing 24h , S..vic. C川民唰 1-919191
hijing Unlted F.mily Hosp iUl l 2Jia呵1a iRo副 Chaoyang Di.t k t, Bei川崎 1 侃到"" 24hr Emergen句 Hotline: +16 (1 01 5927 712。 E-mail: 1
hljlngUn 除...阳 mlly
R.h.bI IlUitlon Hosp民" 1 No nhYa明阳 n 8";'" , R时 Chaoyang Di .t ,民Be ij i ng 1ω创 6
Unit ..:l hmîly LiII咱 m.ainic 2nd Flo侃 η'If' G and 5ummit 8钳 ing
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(1 0}8532 65 S6 Fax: +86 (1 018532 5899 E.mal l: 1i;l lson li!>U fh.com.cn
U 叫 family New Hope 。叫咱阳.., 9-11 Wesl Jiang Ul i Rood
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由呵呵 Di,trÌ<t, Be1j呵 1 酬"
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Un tt.d r.时,由Dα'"k Suite 3017. 8u i ld i咱盹 Vantofl(> Cent町 6 Ch;! owal SI'四飞 Chaoyang 臼S1,iC飞 B叫咱 Tel: +86(附) 5907 1266
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U n ited
1立 ~ -MFK.
'm批 l iai,。咱"'…
Unitedr.州州咽。 morr 阳附 .ndW创 IneuCenler
'.rr陆il: 1阳son li!>Ufhωm ,cn
r.milyShunyl De nud Clinit Plaza , Unil 818 , Yuyang I司。. . T1an Zh u, 5hun沪四'"民Beij ing 101312
.,叩 U 耐ed
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叫M 阳
阴 nnacle 阴 aza,
Fax: 牛""创 59073306
,,·句 ' i
F口 milyHe口 Ithc口 re
Fa~ : φ 86 (1 0)59277221
1 9 Ea st Oong同时Beij i ng 1 阳
C1 inlt
lF Annex , Gmund FIoo" PICζ8uildinq, 301 Midd险 GuangzllωAvemæ.Yu咆'xiu OiSU i< I, Guangzilou 510600 z仙 r Eme'g.ncy Hotlin.φ-16 (20)1710 6060 24h Se rvke C… 4邸919191
United Family Financial 51reet Clinic l09Taip 呵q恼。 Aveoue, Xkheng Dist k t, Beijiog 100032 T..I: 令 86 (10)6621 7939
响(拙 8710 叩
'.rr陆il: li.ison @ufhωm'" Unit回 FamilyGuan唱"m凹 Clinic
(Opening in 201S)
Fax: φ""创 8710ω'"
E-mail: gzum刷 keh呵 @:ufh.com.cn
United FamilyWudaokou Clinic (Opening in 201S)
军曹 Shanghai hmily Hosp能., 1139 Xianxia Roa d , Chang ning Oi.t ri<: t , Shanghai
Sh.nglwoiυ回民 ed
FamilyMinhng SRCClinlc Shanghai RiK quet Club. Ground 阳X刃 Clubhou ...
黠A 吨 '
2价 "m叫叫阳 line 响 (21tH'6]999
La neS5S.Jin~叫Road. H uacωTown
ApPOint时 Cente': 咽 6393唰
民舶"'"呵队 strkt Sha呵阳 1201 1 07
而 1: +86 (21)2201
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Fax: +86 (2 1) 2201
E 叫叫 nk t!!> ufh.com.cn
M"画 g..:l byUni悔d
""同 ed FamilyQu.nkou (11..1ε 8 Quankou Road. Cha 呵同呵。 i SI.kt
"叫陆0, Pudo咱四S1 ric飞 Sh.咱 haI 201206
T..I: +86 (2 1) 2216 3 民泪。
,,' φ 86(2 1)$030 院阳
"'"同时 Center: 啪 6393唰
Fax: +86 (21) $0 30 9932
De ntal Appointment.: +8 6 (21) 2216 3909
. . Wuxi
Hu.sh棚 Pudong H 。嘟I Uillntern 剧。 n.IOMslon
F.milyH. .阳。" 525Ho啊 Road, Gmund Floo" Area A
family Ho.pit.1 22 nanxiaoyuan. Ta响。 9 Road Hexi Distrk t. TIanjin 300221 Urgent C.re: +86 (22) 5856 85ω 24h, S..rv ic:.. Center: 4∞8.91 引" 时 +86 (22) 5856 85∞ f.比 φ86 (22) 585汤""
",啕 hai2 ∞'"
f, 吃 φ86(21 ) 62906512
UnitedFamilyWu 划,..阳 h
United Family Intermed Hospital Chi呵哽 sAvenue
41 , Kh.n
川阴阳 kl15, Uildve,
""吨10, UI.anb.at.ι"0"唱loI ia
10 Midd le Hua~ia ROi>d. Oon gt ing. w,叽 J i a nqsu 214101 了,, 1 :+ %(510)88219725
Fax: +86 (51创 8821 9722
Special Edition Qingda。
Qingdao United Family Hospital (Opening in 201S) 24h Se rvke Cenler 邮 919191
24hr Emergeoncy H 。川 +9767川'"
Th e UFH network has pion何时 JClq川,., lK ueditation in ChiM 祀隘家筐 rJ获得 回际医 rJ l'生机掏 认证联合,罢'因鑫υc 川人证
Xish徊。 i strlct
T..I: φ 9767创办 0203, 7710.0 203
Dr. Carl
IA"叫阳 Itymlnlgω 川剧
'. m却 t 飞 unit e<,l@Ufh.ωm.çn
"' 1
and W..U..e lS Ce nter
>>In this issue: • A 叫justing to life in China • Acupuncture treatment • How your diet affects your health
Cont act u s: MMm phE c
Guæmgzhou United FlI mily Clinic SouthTower 盹CBuilding
301 Middle Guangzhou Ave 24hr Service Center: 4008-919191 FlI mily Hospitlll llnd C l ir甘" 1139 Xianxia R时 Ch,叩呵 District Appαntment Ce nter: 4∞ 6393900
Shllngh副 United
1门lI njin
United FlI mily H osp比 d NO.221门 anxraσyuan
Tanjiang R国d, Hexi District Tel: +86 (22) 5856 8500 Wuxi United FlI mily Clinic 10 Middle Huaxia Road Dongting, Xishan District
Message from the Chair of UFH
Su b scri b e toda y : Ifyou would like to subscribe to receive our free quarterly magazine and/or rece阴。 ur monthly e-m ail ne晒 letter, p 饵 se send your details (including name, addre岛 telephone number, and e-mail address) to h但 忧 h.m阻tter呻 ufh.com.c n Send us you r co m m ent s: If you would like to send us a comment about Health Matters, 9罔 in touch w如 h our editorial team or editorial 四 ntributors, or would simply like m。陪 information about anything you have read , please send an e-mail to h臼 忧 h.m阻tters@ ufh.com.c n
healthcare in China and the health of those who live here. Our United Family also looks forwards into the future as we continue to grow and expand our premium, world-class services across Asia
Roberta Li pson Board Chair, United Family Healthcare CEO, Chindex Internationa l, Inc
T.业 +86(510)88219725
United FlI mily Intermed Hospitlll Chinggis Avenue 41. KhanωDistrict 15. Uildver 17040.Ula 巾 atar, Mongolia Tel: +976;咽-0203.771 0-0203
2014 has been a year of growth and change for our United Family. As we enter 2015 and the Year ofthe Ram, we can look back on our accomplishments and take pride in knowing that we have helped to further improve
News and Events
Adjusting to
Over the past yeaιUFH has celebrated many milestones. Shanghai United Family Hospital commemorated its 10th anniversary in China, highlighting the trust that patients have put in our growing network in Shanghai In September, our premium healthcare network expanded with the opening of United Family Intermed Hospital in UlaanbaataιMongol 旧 This brand-new, 90-bed facility will provide a comprehensive range of medical services in Ulaanbaatar and across Mongolia that adhere to the international standards of patient care and service quality that UFH is renowned for in China
Li fe in China:
A Mental Health Perspective By Caleb Korngold , MD Acupuncture Treatment for Pain in the Neck,
We have completed the construction of our newest facility, Qingdao United Family Hospital (QDL月, which will officially open in the first part of 2015. Situated in Laoshan District and overlooking the Pacific Ocean, it is a beautiful, 21 ,OOO-square-meter facility with a full range of outpatient and inpatient services. QDU will be staffed by an international team of physic旧 ns who will serve the city's patients with experience, compassion, and dedication
5houlder, Lower Back , and Leg By Ca i Lang, MD Rabies: What You Need to Know
In addition to these two new hospitals, United Family Healthcare will be expanding its outpatient facilities with two new clinics in Beijing's Haidian and Shuan时 ng neighborhoods and a clinic in the Jing An Si area of Shanghai
It is our core philosophy to be able to serve our patients throughout their lives with the aim of preserving good health. Through our satellite clinics we serve all members of the family, children , adults and seniors, for preventive
By James Lawrence Hurm, MD, MS Pregnancy and Nutrition
care and primary diagn 。到 s and treatment. When further appr刮目 1, hospitalization, or surgery is necessar 机。"' hospitals are fully-equipped with the latest equipme时, facilities and medical experts
By Shen Jia, MD Ed itor i al t ea m : Kyle Bueschlen Wang Zizhang Arielle Eirienne Peng Min D esign: AlexQi Fancy Zha。 Zhan Cheng Gavin Guan Soσwy Duan Edit o r i al cont r i b utors: Roberta Lipson Ca leb Korngold 队'D Cai La ng, MD Shen Jia 队'D Brianna Monahan. MS. RD James Lawrence Hurm. MD. MS Allen Shan. DMD Moshu Xu. BSN KellyXia 队~D.MS
Lowering Breast Cancer Risk with a Healthy Diet
By Brianna Monahan, MS, RD Nitrous Oxide 5edation in Dentistry
By Allen Shan , DMD
Childhood Diarrhea By Kelly Xia , MD, MS
Cigarette 5moking and Cardiovascular Disease By Moshu Xu , BSN
Medical 5ervices
Medical5ta忏 Contact Details
Optimum recovery often requires specialized rehabilitation services. United Family patients have the comfort of knowing that their recovery can continue in the spec 旧 lized setting of our Beijing United Family Rehabilitation Hospita l. We can also offer home health services, in which doctors and nurses can visit patients in their home when that is the most appropr旧 te setting for care. Our specialized New Hope Oncology Center is in partnership with the Peking U
United Family Healthcare
NeW5 & Event5 Celebrating
10 Years as Shanghai's
Adjusting to Life in China: A Mental Health Perspective United Family Healthcare Expands
Trusted Healthcare Provider
8eyond China
LJ,认q home and movinq to 川阳山mingto阳 homecounlrya阳 anextended 由叫 can be slress(uleven under t阳 b的时circumst,… Jt is 阳阳 rtant that we prioritize ωr mental health and that o( our Ja悦对 anes throughout th四
lransitio η 豆 Here is
some in(orma 自 on to heJp normaJizE
"阳阳呻阳阴阳呵时归阴阳的 (ormation aboutpotentialwaming 呵时you are 叫 g'11
|Ad'ustin Having
to life in China: Normal reactions
st阻挡 i s
norma l in o ur li ves. Anxiety is a lso a no rma l For those of you that a re "traveling spouses; it is commo n to have mixe d e mo tio ns a bo ut yo ur new ho me. Th ese e motions can get es peciall y complicated if yo u have the extra res po nsibility of carin g fo r childre n "P凹门 ence.
This fall , Shanghai United Family Hospital and Clinics (SHU), the cit y' s comprehensive 日晴 international-standard hospital system celebrated 10 years of providing healthcare to the people of Eastern China in a grand ceremony h田ting 剧 er 150 people and held at the Jing An Shangri-La Hotel in the heart of Shangha i. The event was co-hosted by Robe川, L阳。 n. Founder and B田Ird Chair of United Family H臼 Ithcare (UFH) , Dr. David Rutstein , VP for Medical Affairs, United Family Healthcare, and Emery Brautigan, General Manager of United Family H田 Ithcare - Shanghai Market Hospitals and Clinics
而 rst
The SHU 10th anniversary celebration included many activities looking back over the hospital's record of health日Ire excellence since 忧s founding on December 1, 2004 as a pioneering , world-class health system providing comprehensive, integrated healthcare in a uniquely wam飞 caring, patient service-oriented environmen t. At the event , all speakers showed deep grat忧 ude toward the experienced staff at SHU A large number of attendees brought ph 。 ωgraphs or rec忧ed essays t。 mark the culmination of the "Share Your Memories of 5hanghai United Family Hospital" event launched in August 2014 时 th an extra-Iarge birthday cake, attendees joined together t。四 lebrate SHU's 10th birthday and wish the hospital many more years of success as the area's leading international-st 归 healthcare pr剧 d阳 Plans were also announced for expansion of United Family serv 四"" Shangha i. These plans include two new hospitals in Shanghai, one in Pudong and one in Puxi, as well as a large poly-clinic in the Jingan area
This fall , United Family Healthcare announced the 叩ening of United Family Intermed H田阳 tal in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. United Family Intermed Hospital is a jαnt cooperation between United Family Healthcare (UF问 and International Medical Center (l MC), a 1田ding m.d 曰 1 services provider in Mongolia. UFH will work with IMC t。 manage the hospital , recruit key clinical and administrative leadership, ensure international quality and safety standard s, and provide a premium healthcare experience for patients in Ulaanbaatar and across Mongolia. The announcement was made during a grand opening cerem。町 in Ulaanbataar attended by the Prime Minister of Mongolia , M忖 Norovyn Altankhuyag , as well as business leaders , international insuran四 providers, and US and Mongolian government dignitaries United Family Intermed Hospital is a brand-new facil 忧yw忧 h 90 beds, providing a comprehensive rang阻 of med 臼 1 services including 。 bstetrics and Gynecology (OBGY叫1, Pediatrics, Surger)巳 Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Dentistry, and specialty care such as Gastro四 terolog)巳 Endocrino 。由., Urology, Cardiolc唱机 Ophthalmolog 如 ENT (Ear, NOSE巳 Throat), Neurology, Dermatolog咿., Pulmonolog 如,"d Nephrology. The hospital 刻 so has an emergency department , a state-of-the-art intensive 臼 re unit (lCL月, and advanced medical technology for diagnosis and treatment 飞Nith a mix of international and local physicians, United Family Intermed Hosp忧 al focuses on patient-centered 臼 re and evidence-based medicine
8ringing the International-Standard Healthcare
5tru ggling with life cha lle nges is not patho logical; it can ofte n be a dapti ve. Li fe can be difficult , a nd feeling stressed a bo ut life's difficulties d oes not mean you have a m e ntal 川 n ess. Being huma n means that yo u (Iike everybody e lse) will strugg le at times.
The ma in d istinctio n betwee n a n adjustme nt di s。时 e r and a normal reactio n to stressful life events is when your symptoms inte rfere 刷 th yo ur da il y life P剧。 p l e
ofte n minimize the impact a stressful move can have o n our me ntal hea lth. However, the conste lla tio n of sympto ms expe rie nced durin g a n adjustme nt d isorder can be severe. Me ntal hea lth needs to be a hig h prio rity because yo ur overall health, well-being , a nd ability to fun ctio n in yo ur everyday life depe nd on it. 1Ma' or de ressive disorder
If thi s is yo ur situation, the best strategy fo r ma inta ining yo ur me nta l hea lth s恼 rt s with sta沪 ng socia ll y connecte d. 50cia l isolatio n is the ene my of me nta l health; social connecte dness is its pro tecto r. It is well-estab lished in medical lite rature that socia l isolatio n contri butes to mood disorde rs a nd vice versa Furthe rmo re , social support and a sense of be lo ng ing can be powerfull y protecti ve against suicide. 5tay ing socia lly connected ca n mea n having dinne r with yo ur fa mily, keeping in re刊g ul a r contact with people in yo ur home count ry, o r atte nd ing religious services. Whatever the case, it is im po rta时 to pri o riti ze socially connecte d ac ti vities that are consistent with yo ur values.
Hea lth Orga ni za tio n states that de pressio n is the lead ing cause of disability world wide. Docto rs ofte n use the te rm "depressio n" in a more sp民 ifi c way tha n is used in everyday lang uage. Clinical depressio n (ofte n called major depressive d isorder) refers to a biological cond itio n d e而 n ed by spec i而c crite ria The key idea is that depressio n refers to proble ms in emotio ns (depressed mood o r loss of inte rest in previously enjoyable ac ti vities) , problems with sleep (eithe r too muc h o r too little) cha nges in appetite (ofte n with weig ht loss or ga in) 阳。 bl emsw ith cognition (d i俑 c ulty concentrating o r thoug hts of worthlessness), a nd sometimes tho ug hts of suicide
1 a lso recomme nd that you sta rt your life in China by pri o riti zing self-care measures (es pec i a ll y 而 yo u a re the primary care take r in yo ur fa mil y) . These ca n be yoga , me ditatio n, exercise, ac u p unc tur龟 or a walk in the pa rk.1 knσw yo u're bu s弘 but yo u're wo rth it!
Depression ca n have a profo und effect o n e ntire fam ilies. Indeed even mild depressive sympto ms increase the risk of dea th fro m medical illness, ind epe nd en忱 。 f many known medica l risk fac tors. If yo u o r a loved o ne suffers fro m de pressio n, yo u sho uld consult your doc to r because effecti ve treatme nt is av副 lab l e. "
Eth .!ttt盟国 If the above techniq ues do not he lp reduce the stress a nd a nxiety yo u feel, yo u need to know about wa rning sig ns tha t ind icate i 由 time to see a docto r.
Th eW,。叫 d
R恒阳回)Ces :
Tsai N:. et ðl. 50<:;., 1il\ teg'ðtion ðOOωK划e morlðlity ðmoo呵~们: 24-\卢., ω1",,, SlOOy of U.5. h&l ~h p<<ks,阳",,1.. An l\ Int"1I\ Mro 2014 .Ju115: 161 :85 The
Unitro SliI tes
De pð, tme l\l of Hea lth
ωYl' ringt he-纽归队JeS
Experience to the People of Qingda。 United Family Hea 忧 hcare's world-cla邸, international-standard medical serv 四" coming to Qingdao! Scheduled to open in the spring of 201S, Qingdao United Family Hospital (QDU) will be a full-service facility with a total construction area of 30,000 square meters Located in the scenic Shilaoren Community ofthe Laoshan Distric t,归 st 30 minutes from the heart of downtown , our newest hospital will offer our patients not only premium healthcare but also a beautiful environment in which to heal After 叩 ening, ourh自由 Iw山 begin with a beautiful21 ,000 呵 uare-meter facilit机 delivering comprehensive, international-standard healthcare including Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, S町gery, Obstetrics and Gynecolog 机 Pediatrics, Eye Clinic, and ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) service乱 as well as other specia忧 ies. QDU will be staffed by an international team of physicians thatwill serve the cit y' s multinational patients with experience, compassion , and dedication 4
us In毗。 ming the ne附st addition to our United Family network!
Fo r some people , moving to a new country ca n be tra umatic. Th is is especiall y true fo r pe。同 e with a history of tra umatic experie nces (o r even post-tra uma tic stress d isorde r) a nd limited socia l su pport Yo u sho uld ta lk to yo ur doctor if yo u a re having exte nsive proble ms sleeping , suicida l tho ug hts, inappropriate a nger, confusio n, a sense 。f losing contro l of yo ur life , hopelessness, wo rsening su bsta nce ab use, o r unexpla ine d physica l sympto ms. These a re a ll wa rnin g s 唱 ns (eithe r a lo ne o r ta ke n togethe r) that need to be take n seri o usly
.,、d H\lffi<l n 5efvices d使古 '9α" 如b il\ it, rouc民阳、..1 mate Ól! I, .booJtζα响附佣 Sigm&Sig Jlð lsof
ðStres,际田阳-.:http"/!'恼lWW.foh.dhh 呵α,,/NYC lJ!Slfess胁<>etioo...sp.
l'>)dlOOiC Awxi.ri丑由可U放时撞撞在刻阳""'''""'''民"""" "舶
, ,tuðyd moæ 阳 nl m~ 如阳、加由""'
&她eCRet a!. A回国""'''何m 时d;剧由'""创'"础抽回 ðnd I<l te psy;:h臼忧 阳肉 .Iod 阿也旧旧叫阳时 比Y in ðmhoo
民忡 ""y2011""-粤 ω也立
Adjustment disorders An adjustme nt d isorde r may be associate d with dep ressed mood or a nxiety as a res川 t of a stressfullife event. These sympto ms a re ge ne ra ll y most inte nse within the 仙st three mo nths of a move but a t othe r times may become chro nic (gene ra ll y define d as lasting mo re tha n six mo nths)
Fo r mo re Înfo rmatÎo n o r to boo k a n a pp o Întm e时, please ca ll BJU, GZU, o rTJU a t 4008-919191; fo r SHU ca ll400 639 3900
word rabies , meaning "madness") is a dis田 se caused ~y the rabies v iru 乱 which is transmitted to humans from infected animal sali va through bites and scratches. Many animals can be host to rabies, including raccoons, wol ve鸟 cats, bats, and other wild carnivores, but the majority of infections in humans comes from dogs. Rabies exists in more than 1 50 ∞ untries and territories,刷 th approximately 3 billion people li ving in areas where it is present The rabies virus infects the centra l nervous system , eventually leading to a va riety of symptoms including encephalitis (swelling of the brain) and ultimate才 y death. Early symptoms of rabies are similar to those 。f other diseases, including headache. feveιand genera l discomfort. In later stages of the disease, more s peci白c symptoms may appeaιincluding confusion, agitation, anxiety. hallucination鸟
Pain in the nec k, shoulder, lower b缸 k, or leg is a frequently encountered ailment in clinical practice. It seriously affects people's quality of life and can happen among all age groups. Th e incidence is particularly high among middle-aged and elde rly. Finding a safe and effective treatment is critical to clinical practice A high incidence of p副 n in the neck. shoulder. l ow.町 bac k, or leg is related to the human body飞 anatomical and physiological features. Many internal and external factors , including cold, humidity, improper posture, 。V町work, stress, and strain , may lead to various pathological changes in musc才 es, ligaments, and soft tissues around the joints of the neck , shoulder, lower bac k, and leg. Th ese changes subsequently cause painf川 disorde后 in these regions of the body. Common symptoms include neck and shou lder pain , cervicogen ic headache, periarthritis of the shou ld eι lumbar muscle stra in , lumbar disc disorder, sc国 ti ca, and pain in the knee Using analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs orally or externally is widely accepted in Western medicine Despite the fact that these drugs can relieve pain , long-term application is by no means the best solution and can cause side effects that may bring additional suffering to patients. With greater awareness of these side effects, as well as drug-induced disorder乱 more and more people are seeking natural therapy. Acupuncture is 。 ne of the major therapies of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is an important element of minimally invasive , natural therapy. There is increasing interest in acupuncture for the treatment of chronic cond itions including recurring pain Acupuncture has unique advantages in treating pain in the neck, shou lder, lower bac k, and leg. It can directly treat painful pαnts or areas , which ma泪 mlzes therapeutic effectiveness. Compared with drug therap 班 acupuncture has greater efficacy and no side effects. In addition, acupuncture not only treats symptoms but a l s。 treats the causes of pain by regulating the body's function holi stically in order to enhance clinical effects Acupuncture is therefore helpf川 In recov町 ng overa ll balance in the body and preventing recurrence of pain
According to TC帆 p副 n is mainly due to qi and blood circulation barrier乱 which can be caused by va rious factors Painful conditions are generall y divided into deficiency and excessive patterns. Defici 凹ncy patterns are characterized by a lack of both qi and blood and by a q• blood circu lation barrier, as well as by insufficient nourishment of tendons and veins, whic h is commonly caused by l engthy 川 n ess, strain, etc. Excessive patterns are characterized by qi stagnation and blood stasis, as well as 。 bstructi on of meridians caused by wind , cold , dampness , and trauma Acupuncture therapy plays a crucial role in treating painf川 conditions and is an ideal treatment of common pain in the nec k, shoulder, lower back, and l e唱 In terms of clinical ap同 ication, depending on specific conditions, acupuncture can be combined with other complementary therapies including cupping, e l ectromagnetotherap机 e l ectrot h erapy, and auriculotherapy. A patient normally needs to see an acupuncture practltloner tw。 ωthree times per week for 40 to 50 minutes at a time, with a treatment course of 10 t。 15 sessions. In addition, patients shou ld engage in daily self-management, under under the guidance of their doctors , by improving diet , maintaining regular work and rest schedules, and getting proper exercise in order t。 facilitate recovery of the body and enhance the effectiveness of the treatments. "
For more information or to book an appointme时, please call BJU, GZU , or TJU at 400B-9 19191; for SHU call400 639 3900
paraly到 "
excessive saliva, difficulty swallowing, and hydrophobia (fear of water). Death usually occurs within days of the start of these symptoms. If left untreated, the rabies virus is 100% fatal t。 humans. The time period between contracting the disease and the onset of sym目。 ms is usually one to three months RABIE51N A51A
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Rabies diagnosis is challenging because at the beginning , the symptoms of rabies are similar to those of other, less serious diseases. Th ere are a number of different tests for rabies, but it is most important to inform your doctor of any potentic刮目 posure through bites or scratches from anima l 乱 as this information will give your doctor the best chance of suspecting and diagnosing rabies. If possible, the animal that bit or scratched you should also get tested for rabies PREVENTION AND TREATMENT
川 though
the occurrence of rabies has been recorde只d for over 4,000 years, there was no prevention or cure, and almost all cases were fatal until 1885 when a vaccine was developed by Louis Pasteur and Emile Rou凡 Modern vaccines were developed in 1967 and have led to 啕"'白 cant decreases in infection and death. For example , in the United 5tates human deaths from rabies dropped from 100 or more annua ll y in the early part of the 20th century to one or two per year. Vaccination of humans is critica ll y important, but widespread vaccinatio 。f dogs and cats is also critici}) tin preve nti 呵 the spread of ~ bles Vaccination is the best and 捶 ;t p 剖nful way to protect yourself fr喝r rable 玩 bot getting treatment within a 句旦 days of exposure can also prevent the 1ti~ se In addition , 由 。 roughly washing wound can reduce the number of viral particles and help preve n other infections as well
Needto Know
An estimated 95% of annual human deaths from rabies occur in Africa and Asia. There are approximately 55,000 deaths from the disease every year wo rldwide. Of these, about 3 1, 000 deaths occur in Asia, with about 20,000 in India alone Among these cou时'"鸟 China has the second-greatest number 。f reported rabies cases. China has reported over 2,000 deaths per yeaι 。 n average, for the last 10 consecutive yea rs. Th e southeastern part of China is home to the greatest number of reported rabies cases. Howeve巳 the disease can be found throughout the mainland, and some 69.0oo people sought treatment in 2005 in Beijing alone. In Beijing, the prevalence of rabies has led to the governme时 .s implem凹tlng a 。 ne-dog policy, and there are plans for simi lar policies to be adopted in 5hangh副 Dog height is limited to 14 inl35 .56 cm, and fa lT训 ies are not allowed to own more than one dog. It is illeg阳 1 to abandon dog 乱 a nd owners are not permitted to have their dogs in public places such as market s. park s. and sightseeing venues. Despite these precautions, only about 3% of dogs in China are vaccinated against the rabies virus. It is estimated that 85-95% of rabies deaths in China come from exposure to dogs and about 5% from exposure to cats The World Health Organization notes that China's gove rnment is highly aware of the dangers of rabies and committed to cont 时 ling the problem. In C hi 阳, about 12-15 million rabies vaccines are given each y回忆 which makes China the largest provider. Chinese authorities forecast nation wide rabies elimination by the year 2025
Th e most common p。拭目 posure treatment, Human Rabies Immune Globulin (HR 日, is expensive and painful, so vaccination is h 唱 hly recommended in areas with rabies. Potential side effects of vaccination are mild and simi lar to those of flu shots. Th e United 5tates Centers for 四 sease Control and Prevention recommends rabies vaccination for Americans li ving in China , and the three-vaccine series is ava ilable at United Family Healthcare facilities Any bite or contact with saliva from any mammal (wild or domestic) is considered a risk for rabies in China. Avoid contact 恻 th dogs and cats, even friendly one乱 because rabies infection is so common. Any contact 刷 th a bat is also considered dangerous and risky for rabies.lf yo u ha ve been asleep in a room with a bat in it, yo u should also be immunized and given HRIG even if you ha ve no visible bite. 9
Jameslaw陀 nce Hurm , MD, MS Chair of Family Medicine, Family Medicine Physician Tianjin United Family Hospital
For more information or to book an appointment please call BJU, GZU , or TJU at 400B-9 191 91; for SHU call 400 639 3900
Weight gain
Pregnancy and Nutrition A balanced diet is key to a healthy pregnancy. Vi tamins and minerals play important roles in all of your bodily functions. During pregnanc机 you need more folic acid and iron than a woman that is not pregnant. But why are vitamins and minerals important in your diet? How 臼 n you get the extra amounts ofvitamins and minerals you need during pr呵 nancy?What is a well-balanced diet? How can you plan healthy meals during pregnancy?
Vitamins and nutrition
Overweight and obese women are at increased risk of several pregnancy problems. Th ese problems include gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, preeclamps 陆 preterm birth , and need for Caesarean delivery. 8abies of overweight and obese mothers also are at greater risk of cert副 n problems, such as birth defects, macrosomia v圳 th possible birth injury, and childhood obesity. But how much we唱 ht gain is healthy? According to the Institute of Medicine (旧 M) in the United State乱 the recommended weight gain during pregnancy is as follows Ifyou are bodymass index(8MI) < 18 BM118.1 t024.9 。v,~呵hr - BMI25 to 29.9 Ob ese - BMI >30 Carrying twins Underw,巳 'ght-
Norma/w,巳 'ghr-
Six to 11 servings of grain products • Th ree r。而ν'e servings of vegerables • Twotofourservingsoffruits Four to six servings of milk and milk products Three to four servings of meat oro的 erproteln .Six ω eight glasses of w臼 "ιhω'川K吧。rmilk • Limited servings of fatty foods and s附,"
Planning healthy
m国 Is
during pregnancy is not hard. Th e United States Department of Agric川 ture has made it easier by creating helps everyone from dieters to child陪同 to pregnant women learn how to make healthy food choices
Folic acid : Also known as folate , this is a B vitamin that is important f,αpregnant women. AII women of childbearing age should take a daily multivitamin containing 0.4 millig阳 ms of folic acid and include natural food sources of folic acid in their diets. Taking 400 micrograms 。他lic acid daily for at least one month before pregnancy and 600 micrograms of folic acid daily during pregnancy may help prevent major birth defects in a baby's brain and spine, called neural tube defects. Natural sources of folic acid include orange juice, leafy green vegetable乱 beans, peanut乱 b叩 ccoli, asparagus, p四 s, lentils, and enriched grain products.lt may be hard to get the recommended amount of folic acid from food alone. For this reason , all pregnant women and all women that may become pregnant should take a daily vitamin supplement that contains the right amount of folic acid. Th e vast majority of brands of prenatal vitamins will contain at least this much folic acid , and most contain anywhere from 400 to 1,000 micrograms of folic acid. If you have already had a baby with an open neural tube defect , such as spinal biñda or anencephaly, you will need to take much higher doses offolic acid.ln general , however, most women only ,.间 uirethe400 micrograms/day dose
at each mealtime
Calcium:This is used to build a baby's bones and teeth. AII women , including preg旧时 women , aged 19 years and older should get 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily. Those aged 14 to 18 years should get 1,300 milligrams daily. Milk and other dairy product乱 such as cheese and yogurt, are the best sources of calcium.lf you have trouble digesting milk products, you can get calcium from other source乱 such as brocc。 Ii. darkand 1 田 fy greens, sardine乱。 r calcium supplements Iron:This is used by 归 ur body to make a substance in red blood cells that carries oxygen t叫。"'町gans and tissues. During pregnanc 班 you need extra iron - about double the amount that a non-pregnant woman needs. This extra iron helps your
18 kilograms) 16 kilograms) fι8 to 11 .4 kilograms) 伍 to 9 kilograms) (1 6 to 20.5 kilograms)
Well.balanced diet
-以 choosemyplate.go咿币, is website
Vitamin 0 : This works 刷 th calcium to help a baby's bones and teeth develop. It also is essential for healthy skin and eyesigh t. AII women, including those that are pregnant, need 600 international u 川 ts ofvitamin D a day. Good sources are milk fortified 刷 th vitamin D and fatty ñsh such as salmon. Exposure to sunlight also converts a chemical in the skin to vitamin D
(1 2 .7 to (1 1.4 to
To get the nutrients you and your unborn baby need,同 an your meals to include these daily basics
First of al l. let's talk more about the nutrients that are recommended during pregnancy
Vitamin C: n市 nutrient is essential in preventing infection, promoting healing, and encouraging iron absorption. Good sources include oranges, grapefruit, vitamin (-fortiñed juices, tomatoes, strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, broccoli, spinach , potatoes. cabbage coleslaw, collard and mustard greens, and gree川n peppers
Gain 28 to 40 pounds Gain 25 to 35 pounds Gain 15t025 阳 unds Gain 11 to 20 pounds Gain 35 to 45 pounds
Food safety Foodp。晤。 ning : In a pregnant woman , this can cause serious problems f,αboth her and her baby. Vomiting and diarrhea can cause your body to lose too much water and can disrupt your body飞 chemical balance. To prevent food poisoning, follow these general guide lines
• Washfood 阳nse all raw produce thoroughly under running tap 胸饵 ter before eating, cuttin叨', orcooking • Keep your kitchen c1ea n. Wash your hands, knives, countertops, and cutting boards afrer handling and prepaκn唱 uncooked foods. • Avoid all raw and undercooked seafood, 可Igs, and meat. Do not ear sushi made wirh raw fis h. (Cooked sushi is safe.) Food such as bee f, pork, 0 poultry should be cooked to a safe internal temperature.
Li steriosis:This is a type of food七。 rne illness caused by bacteria. Pregnant 叭。 men are 13 times more likely to get listeriosis than the general population. Listeriosis can cause mild, flu-like symptoms such as fever, muscle aches, and diarrhea, but it also may not cause any symptoms. Listeriosis can lead to miscarriage, st川 birth, and premature delivery. Antibiotics can be given to treat the infection and to protect your unborn baby. To help prevent lister 。到 s, avoid 国 ting the following foods during p阳gnancy • • • • •
Unpasteuκ ized milk and
foods made with unpasteuκ izedmilk Hot dogs, luncheon meats, and cold cuts, unless theyare heated until steaming hot just before being 旦w,d Refrigerated pate and meat sp,阳ad, Refrigerated smoked seafood Rawand undercooked seafood, eggs, a,η dmeat
Mercuryand 自由 Mercury can come from natural and also man-made sources. Mercury in the air settles into rivers, lak盹 and oceans. Small amounts of mercury can damage a baby' s brain, which is just starting to form and grow. Too much mercury can affect a child's behavior and lead to learning problems later in life. Some typ田 offish have higher levels of mercury than others. To limit your exposure to mercury, follow a few sim 向 guidelines. Ch∞se fish and shellfish such as shrim 队 salmon ,臼tfish, and 阳lI ock. Do not eat shark, swordfish, king mackerel, or tilefish. Limit white (albacore) tuna to six ounces a week. You also should check advisories about fish caught in local waters
Other considerations Caffeine 州 though there have been many studies on whether caffeine increases the risk of miscarriage , the results are unclear. Most experts state that consuming fewer than 200 milligrams of caffeine (one 12-ounce cup of coffee) a day during pregnancy is safe Vegetarians: If you are a vegetarian, as long as you 国 tavarietyoffo。由, there are only a few things that need special attention. Be sure you are getting enough of the following
• Calcium (obtained byconsuming four servings a d叩 ofmilk, VI叩 etables such as bok ch町~ k,。他 mustard greens, broccoli, and cauliflowe巳 or calcium-fortified orange juice) ν"itamin 0 (800 international unirs perday) • lron • Vitamin B12 Prorein (A complere prorein contains all ess但nrial amino acids You will need to consult a 阳gerarian cookbook ro ensure rhe proper combinarion of planr-based foods so that a complete pro阳 n is obrained.) "
For more info阳、 ation or to book an appointment, please call BJU, GZU, or TJU at 4008-919191; for SHU 日 114006393900
. .. AII women (and some men) are at risk of devel。阳 0' breast cancer. While there is no surefire way to pr凹ent it there are steps we can take to lower the risk of developing breast cancer through a h田 Ithy lifestyle they are ce阳 inly invaluable health and preventing other types of cancer.
50 how do you keep h四 Ith弘 modify your risk of breast cancer, and still manage to have a li旬? It's all about variety and moderation. 1 recommend the U5DA飞S MyPlate method for meal planning to help get everything you need in a h田 Ithy diet
,---------------------、 Here's how it works
川町 -MMM
L阳 巾叫m mm
Nitrous oxide is a new s町'vice introduced by the Dental Clinic 5hanghai United Family Hospital and 口 inics, for patients that like to feel m。陪 comfortable and relaxed during dental treatmen t. It can be used by both children and adults after a p陪screening of medical conditions. 霄
unct lO nal or co
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lookm g fo r an alternatl ve o r enhancement to local
"""仙 ~fî lJI:lilm川,~仙 ove ractlve
For more information orto book an appointmen t. please call BJU , GZU, or TJU at 4008-91 91 91; for 5HU call400 639 3900
thLmdh 附
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• Chlld ren that are un coo e ratlveo r ear ul o dentlsts ilßE!!l'j'I'f@'!!'iFl由 nts Wl th
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"""'"忧 p由 ~m l凹-的 o rp
Th e effect of dietary patterns and meal components on breast canc
巾酬 巾问mu
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mm 阳
According to a study from the Univ,町sity College London, laughing gas may help patients with dental anxiety better deal with visits to the dentist. The study has fc川 nd that people are more suggestible under nitrous oxide. That m四 ns dental patients may bene而 t from being coached to relax while undergαng sedation
Jm 呵阳出阳闹 剧 MN 钊」田阳
Formore tips about meal planning , weight management, general healthy living, feel free to make an 'ppαntment with me at Beijing United Family Hospital and Clinics a町 time! 0
Nitrous oxide is a combined sedative and ant• anxiety agent. It raises the patien t's pain tolerance by suppres到 0' '唱 nals to the brain. It also produces a euphoric feeling , which is very helpful for patients with anxiety, fear, or dental phobia. It has a rapid effect, with its relaxation and pain-killing properties' developing two to three minutes after it is inhaled
Nitrous oxide can be administered very safely. Th e amount can be adjusted easily by a dentist or nurse during treatment based 。 n the patient's feedback and needs. In genera l, the patient receives 50 to 7 0% oxygen with no less than 30% nitrous oxide Th ere is no after-effect such as a hangover. Th e gas is expelled from the body rapidly. Throughout tr,四 tm,时, the patient never loses consciousness. However. 忧 is still advisable not to drive or 。 perate a machine within an hour after dental treatmen t.
MM 忡忡川向
And last, but certainly not least, if you are pregnant (or 内 n to be someday), give breastfeeding your best try 5tudies show that the risk of breast cancer is reduced 4.3% for every 12 months a woman breastfeeds, and it is the best form of nutrition for your baby
Nitrous oxide was discovered independently by two English chemis旬, Joseph Priestley and Hump忖 y Davy, in the late 1700s Th ,而 rst use of nitrous oxide as a dental anesthetic occurred in 1844, in the U5 , when Dr. Horace Wells had his tooth extracted by his assistant.lts reliability has been demonstrated for 170 years In the US , a 响。 st one out of three dental clinics provides nitrous 。xide to patients
Contraindications include breathing or lung problems (such as chest cold and emphysema), drug abuse , pregnancy, and also recent eye or ear surgery
To help reduce the risk of breast cancer and various other types of illness, try to get at least 30 minutes of physical actl川 ty most days of the week
Nitrous oxide is a colorless, non-flammable gas with a slightly sweet odor and taste. When inhaled, it brings about relaxation and also reduces sensibil 忧 Y to pain.lt also sometimes causes laughter, hence its common name, "Iaughing gas." pleasa时,
1. Make half of your plate fruits and v副gg 四 Try to eat a rainbow of color each day, so you are sure to get all of the vitamins (antioxidants) and minerals your body needs 2. Make one quarter of your plate a form of lean protein 50urces of 1 四 n protein include chicken , fish , and tofu (which also provides the protective bene而 t of isoflavones) 3. For the last quarter of your plate, choose some type of carbohydrate.1 recommend whole grains for at least half of your grain servings each day. Whole grains are higher '"而 ber, protein , vitamins and minerals , and folic acid 4. 5kip the alcohol and instead go for a glass of low-fat milk (or milk alternative) for extra protein and calcium and vitamin D, all of which can have protective effects in terms of breast cancer 巾k 5. Consider adding a daily multivitamin , especially if you choose to drink alcohol even in small amounts
When it comes to diet and breast cancer risk , soy is a much-discussed topic. Unfortunatel 弘 the data on this is somewhat inconclusive. For Asian women, high intake (>20 mg each day) of isoflavones, found primarily in soybeans and legumes, may reduce the risk of breast cancer by as much as 2 目也 For Western women , there does not seem to be an association between soy intake and cancer ris k. but this may be due to the low concentration of soybean products in the Western diet (maximum 0.8 mg daily for most women)
\ specifical 以 but
凹阳 J 山抽阳 m 俨 num'M 凹 'Mm
Th e first thing that a person can do to lower their risk of developing not only breast cancer but also most other illnesses is to maintain a healthy body weight. A healthy weight is de而 ned as a body mass index (BMI) in the range of 18.5-24.9 kglm2. BMI is simply a height-to-weight rati。 and acts as a quick way of assessing how healthy someone¥ weight is. Obesity (BMI >30) increases the risk of breast cancer, especially in postmenopau臼 I women, and even more 50 in women that have gained extra weight (1 0 kg or more) since 9αng through menopause Researchers believe this may be due, in par t, to higher levels of estrogen in the blood. Estrogen precursors are found in adipose (fat) tissue , So the more fat tissue you have , the more precursors and as a result , the more estrogen. Although diabetes is not considered a contributing risk factor for breast cancer, the higher insulin levels ass。 αated 刷 th a higher BMI may also act t。 increase risk While 1. myself, enjoy a nice glass of 问 not Noir with dinner, drinking alcohol in both early and late ad 川 t life has been shown time and time again to increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Alcohol has a dose-response relationship with bn回 st cancer risk , meaning the more you have , the worse it is; some studies have reported that for every 10 grams (one drink) of alcoholζ。 nsumed in a d ,弘 the relative risk of breast cancer goes up 1 剧也. If you do choose to imbibe, it is recommended that you limit intake to no more than one drink per day. There doesn't appear to be any difference among types of alcohol (beer, wine, or 1 同 uor) in terms of cancer ris k. but 1 would generally advise steering clear of mixed drinks as they tend to be much higher in calories. 50me observational data suggests that folic acid may help curb the risk associated with alcohol consumption, so 1 would als。 consider adding a folic acid-containing multivitamin t。 your d 剖 Iy routine for good measure
• An one t hat hkes to imf.1iniilli
gag re f1 exes f~ 1
more relaxed dUfl n
Formo阿 information or to bookan appointment, please call BJU, GZU, or TJU at 4008斗919191; for SHUεall400 639 3900
刷 m 由 C m 阳陪 1(:1 ••川 '1M 咄e叫 r川lllIi叫 臼e盯 e 町y归e闺 阳"'1" 町 陌旧叫。 制 d n嗣 r罔~:l阳 r阳。 n阳r:J.i阳。 j 阳时if;1剧刷圳川 川 W v圳 川 Ili r阳u叶附 ?曰刷u旧坦时m 由旧阳r附 r巾h田 II"i"nl叩~n 叫曰叫l 曰叫 s坦e巳 刊冉叫叫 M II!I阳 l旧阳f::;1i阳阳f::;.,l 叫 a叩p阳 啊p阳 e闺f::;1i旧巾 阳 h 町It.;I e oI山叫 C刷削Iffi峙 出=刊币f d 古寸. 陌 四。 m;川 v t;呻~叩 piso
r[$jI(.j ..1
e. Wit
rotavirus, some c i ren wi
a so
ave runny nose an
ever. Vaccînation against rotavirus is
..m .1. r:r: lIi7!'II"a il四 l r: i!J#IIjIl "'$iWt,l.jiilÐ向丘半-半丘吨 咀半且且且三l!IiIt mont
s), ut 0 not re-vaccînate.
~ I:jWjÆl(fQ哥皿ll'iiI Signs of dehydration caused by diarrhea inciude oiiguria , anterior fontaneiie , sunken eye鸟 decreased tear鸟 dry skin , and so on. When a chiid's diarrh四 is accompanied by symptoms of dehydration , do not encourage your chiid to simpiy drink an abundance of water but rather suppiement water with eiectroiytes. Furthermore, a chiid can be given water containing eiectroiytes to prevent dehydration Inappropriate intake of water cannot reiieve and may actuaiiy aggravate dehydr副 ion, resuiting in a higher risk of h呗p。 ωnic or hypertonic dehydration ,响 hich makes future treatment more com 同 icated
E Ut. J" , t::J, i ll.'Jr.7EToliZ犀监且国4司 四 iute orai rehydration saits in 500-750 时。f wateι depending on the amou时 needed to repienish the chiid's system. If the chiid does not finish a batch of eiectroiyte water within 24 hou 后, it shouid be discarded and a new batch made.lf there are no orai rehydration 坦 its avaiiabie, have the chiid drink saiine soiution or diiuted fruitjuice , but pay attention to the concentration of the soiution
You can buy orai rehydration saits conveniently at your iocai pharmacy
Treating chiidhood diarrhea is significantiy different from treating diarrhea in aduits, so d 。同呛 assume you shouid use the same techniques. There are three main no's when "四 ting chiidhood diarrhea
Don't give your chiid strong anti-diarrh田 i medicine. Even during the course of treatment by a physician, the chiid 刷" "川 show symptoms of diarrhea , which is a normai phenomenon. Let your chiid experience diarrh 田- tOXIn S In the body are discha唱 ed this way instead of remaining inside, which can cause more harm. Eiectroiyte-based treatme时 叭liii aiiow the chiid to discharge toxins whiie rehydrating s。 that dis田 se can pass naturaiiy.
s"。时, do not use an intravenous drip uniess absoiutei )l necessary.lf the chiid is vomiting ver )l badiy, after eating, or 。 rai rehydration can not be compieted, it is recommended to begin a saiine drip.Howeve几百 your chiid is suffering from miid or moderate diarrhea and can eat, you shouid continue to give the chiid orai rehydration saits
Third, do not give your chiid antibiotics. Antibiotics are useiess for diarrhea caused by rotavirus. Antibi。此'" eiiminate infiammation caused by bacteriai infection. For diarrh 田 caused bya viru 鸟 they have no effect.ln addition , antibiot 口 can oniy treat bacteriai infections that airead )l exist and cannot reiiabiy prevent future bacteriai infection Unnecessary use of antibiotics can 国 sily 险ad to antibiotic resls恒 nce and decreased immun 比如 so that chiidren wiii be m 。陪 vuinerabie to disease in the futu 陪
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Beijing 唱, ~愚民暨南
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。 Catheterization
Unfortunatelμmany bel ieve that smoking can relax , refresh , and
even put you in a better mood. Young people also often view smoking as cool and attractive.
Smoking 附 big
• Ci gna Glob 剖 Health Benefits 1M" 旧, . 句 • Ci gna &CMB 'Cseth E山 o-Centerct呐"
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bu siness too
。 Health Scr.民 ning ( 1 m厅"9阳阳 n
Home Health Integrative Medicine Intens 帽 Care Medicine Internal Medicine La boratory Neurosurgery 。 bstetrics and Gynecolog~
China is a tobacco-producing and consumingζ。untry. Among th ,呐。 rld's 1.1 billion smokers, China accounts for the h国 hest percentage with 320 million smokers over the age of 15. Despite t he fact that smoking is harmful to health , many are still lured into addiction by the attractiveness of cigarettes
。 Oncolog咿 (CancerTreatment)
Cigarette smoking-related disease leads to about 1 million
Pediatrics Pharmacy
deaths nationwide. The top t hree diseases in caused by smoking
Th e damage t hat
smoking 日 uses
can be a gradual process. lhe
body undergoes subtle changes that begin 帆 hen a person¥"'" first ciga rette is lit, and so the road from start to occurrence of
With such clinically proven dangers to health being so well
disease can be very lon g . lhe harmful effects of smoking may
documented, this habit is anything but attractive
Direct Billing with the following
Renowned 8eij ing United Family Hospital Cardiovascular lhe nicotine in tobacco causes rapid heartbeat, a rise in blood
ζenter directo r Dr. Hu Dayi offers patients with cardiovascu lar
pressure, and ζ。nstricted blood vessels , whic h can adjust mood
disease 的ve prescriptions: exercise , medication, nutr忧。 0 ,
psychological suppor t, and smoking cessation. Smokers with
blood f1 0w as w 创 1 as an increase in both myocardial oxygen
coronary heart disease should be aware that prevention is
consumption and platel et adhesiveness. Consequently, the incidence of coro nary heart d isease among 30- to 俐。 -year-old
better than a cure -
an d relax the body. However, nicotine also causes
qui忧 ing
smoking is better than taking
medicine. lhe earlier you give up smoking, the greater the prevent ∞ ronary
male smokers is three times higher than for non-smokers. In
chance that you will
addition, cigarette smoking is a 怡ading cause of angina attacks
other health problems
heart disease and many
and sudden death If you
a陪 ζ。 mmitted
to quitting smoking,
don飞 go
it alone
If you smoke, 川 ease be conscious of the people around you
Smokingζessation programs are des 咆 ned based on years of
before you light up. 5tudies show that secondhand smoke is an invisible kill eιand it increases the 川 sk of cardiovascular disease
addiction and smoking frequency
by 25%. Nicotine, carbon monoxide, oxygen free radi臼",
In terms of individual effectiveness, relapse, nicotine dependence, and other facto白, ,町、。阳 rs can benefit greatly
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and the diene in tobacco directly damage th e cardωvascular system Let's talk about the other dangers of cigarette smoking Ci garette smoking can 1ζause dyslipidem旧,
insuranεe provider缸 阳 υ叫 F叫~…阳刚
not revea l themselves until several decades later.
川ol of A.et".G叫町"
• 8elJI吨 Unlted FamUy Hospltal • 8eijing United Family Rehabllitation Hospltal • United Family Financial Street α'0比 • United Family C80 Clinic • Unlted Famlly Jlanguomen Health and Weltness Center • United Family Liangma Clinic • United Family New Hope Onε。 logyCenter • Unlted Family Shun纠 Clinlc • United Family Shunyi Oent划。阳"
伽四 onon""" 叫叫
阳" 民>li<:y numbo悔 .to"呵 W阶 'heR~x;
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Gynec。咱咿 Inte汗 na l Me到dicine
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Medical Administrators …阳M
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IMA (Intft Mut~阳刷刷刷 'International 50S Beij ing Allianz Global Ass istance
Direct Billing witt、 the following
Chartis I~""'t 叫响 ibltlty b.."" on 1110 ".me Io.tl Cigna Glob剖 Health Bene西 tSIM 阳.l o1 CIg幽 ""旧由"四" • Cigna Glob,川 Health Options 'Cigna &CMC .Cseth • Euro-Center ct、'" DVK ( 田。国忧俨 &"G l obalites. cards only) Die Eur.。但aische (Germany) Europaeiske lravellnsurance AJSωenmar k) Europeiska (5'响陪den) Europeiska (Norway) Eur.∞"刘 ainen (Finland) Europeesche (Holland)
• United Family Guangzhou Clinic
insuranεe provider缸
-G回 International
La boratory Mental Health Pediatrics 附ysical 刊阴阳
weakening the effect of lipid-Iowering
For more information or to book an appointment, please call BJU, GZU , orTJU at4008-919191; for SHU call400 639 390。
GMC{M....b制 m""飞 M吨 in w~ difKt bi 问 笛w.霄"'nt <lrd)
CareG roup 队 "~,侧}
f.厅\i ly Pract阻
quitting helps smokers qu 比 for good and opens the door to better health for them and the ir loved ones in t he future 曹
4. Bring about vascular endothelin cell dysfunction , causing in f1 ammation in the body
International Global Health Asia
• Bupa Internati on剖 • Bupa 旧 I IABIHI,'o'P(R gω p only)
from professional smok ing cessationρrograms and the help
3. Increase blood pre ssure, ca using blood pressure variability
Europeesche 阳刷呻 G画 G
that professional treatment can offer. A scienti而 "ρproach to
2. Increase 川asma 何 brinogen level , hematocrit, and platelet aggregation, whic h ra ises b lood viscosity and coagulation
Direct Billing based on GOP only: A川 anz Global Assistance B υe cross Blue Shiled 阳响 WOI I,叫回< , ~川唰" ' 叫
American Foreign Service Protective Association Inc 川, .,叫 ICBC-AXA L怀 E AXA PPP Healthcare Blue Cross Blue Shield - BCBS m 酬.I>oo ld
Eur(泊 pplainen 伽 nl.r>d)
-Go 叫a
Allianz Worldwi de Ca re
。 CareGroup t削 ovi.ionJ
5. Raise the risk of developing diabetes, leading to an increase in insulin resistance
(ACI , CM I) - School Year Abroad , Aetna International
Europeiska 队怕'.'
e 阳S 目的'山.~ ~崎'm..,tS町 的
Radiology/lmaging Rehabilitation Sports Medicine Surgery
heart disease
A! S份制耐 "
Europeiska ISwedo> nl
e 阳G "" 坚 nltionll lMdic.1 叫
Psychologic剖 Health
are lung 日 0"ιobstructive chronic brond、 itis, and coronary
.. I n",.....t恼、,"
Euro-Alarm Geo blue
Preventive Medicine Radiology/ lmaging Traditiona l Chinese Medicine Ultrasound Urgent Care U. S. lmmiqration Health Check-up
Aetna InternationallMutull o1 Mt".ω∞,,~伺甜'" AXA PPP Healthcare American Foreign 5e川 ce Protective Associa阳nlnc. (.o\,~~
Allianz Worldwide Ca re ICBC-AXA LlFE Blue Cross Blue Shield →
BCBS{on", 国 C'/ nu m阳帽
阳啊 蛐阳 ' '"'儿 I>I t l .., t 叫,倒-,~
Gouda MediLink. - Global MSH e 阴 ngAn Health 阳时 on on li r帽 W而~阳}
Vanbreda • United Healthcare • Healix International
Tianjin Shanghai Europaeiske Travellnsurance AJS IO. Europeiska 1"叫时
ServÎces: Emergency Medicine De nlal Clinic
GBG International Global Health Asia GMC {胁 m be<" .munb问 iot l>oi, d~<<t 叫 ..nlemoo' 叫
IF 仔iolor.d oolyl
Mental Healtn 。 bstetrics & Gyne吨。 'ogy Pediatrics Pharmacy Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
l岛也阳"' ....tiof回 Modi <lllGo-""刷
Sports Medicine and Or thoped口 Surgery Tradi tional Chinese Medicine Direc t Billing w ith the f o llow ing In s uran ζe provide r s:
• United Family Quankou Clinic
ACE (ACI , CMI) - School Y.臼 r Abroad Aetna Inte汗 nationallM 叫"'回 .... aOO"' B.""而时 AllianzWorldwideCare American Fore用 n Service Protective A衍。 ciation Inc" (Mu'ualolζ-嚓" AXA PPP Healthcare Blue Cross Blue Shield - BCBS 嗣Jy policy ....何~. …… R~;pa'ie<-o叫'<<1""""呻}
。因 ue
Cross (As ia-Pacific) Insurance Ltd
"刷"出 co,dooyl
"田 International
Facilities: • Tianjin United Family Hospital
United Healthcare Vanbreda International 时lI iam Russell Gouda I.xdu.ioo 何~~例 d Geo Blue 而"0阳刷刷句"阳"bo...t∞ U到 Healix International 50S International AJS Denmark Direct Billing based on GOP only: Allianz Global Assistance Assistance Online AXA Assistance
Ci gna Global
H四忧 h Benefits 01 ("1\1"" 1"''''0叫 &CM8
Europeesζh. 伽刨 届 时 GMCI脸问 mun bf ir.g in t l>oi, d~<<t bi 啕搜阴阳刚回d
ICBC-AXA Ll FE Medical Administrators International
Now Health
"田 International "田
IHI tA8B& 毗RQfOYpooyl
川0I("1\IfIII 1 0<...""叫
Vanbreda Intern剧。,,' Gouda Healix Internationa l Direc t Billing b ased o n G O P only: Allianz Global Assistance As sistance Online AXA As sistance Euro-Alarm Europe As sistance Geoblue 。 obal Doctor HTH 、协Jrldwide
• Cs eth • Euro-Center China
队lrA (l n阳山~utuelles
DVK 阿革曲,呵'&'(;1他州 o'ζA<<lo""JyI
Die Europaische 自_.唰 Europaeiske Travellnsurance 岛
In田 national
Direc t Billing w ith the f o ll ow ing insuranζe providers: • Aetna InternationallIV灿灿." 陆需Mω伪.,-阳., • Allianz Wo rldwide Ca re 18.0.<<1 """"1.... ......ifK创~, • AXA PPP Healthcare
A恰diLink 一 Global
• Ci gna Global Health Options • Ci gna &CM8
Assistance) International 50S Beijing
note,the direct b 呵阳阳 TJU;, rapidlye净a时"' Fer the mo<tζu"""t 1; ,飞 p 四 "αta<t φ 86 (22) 58568381
·网eðse 5 0>_创
Wuxi Facilities:
BlueCross 四 ueShield
• United Family Wuxi Health and Wellness Center (A United Family managed a而 liate) Serviζes:
Dental Clinic • Dermatology ENT Clinic (Ear, Nose, Th roat) • EyeClinic
l仇"阳阴阳'u .. ...A..inanc.1
International 50S Be ijing
Cseth Euro-Center China
Europeiska 1知ω酬 Europeiska INOfW饵" Euroopplainen 1R01a r.d 1
Dental Clinic Family Medicine In Vitro Fertilization (l VF: laboratory Obstetrics and Gynecology Pediatrics Pha rmacy Radiologyl1 maging Ultrasound UrgentCare
• Ca regroup 队utOYÒ ,ionl .C唱 na Global Health Benefits
Euro-Alarm Europe As sistance Geoblue Global Doctor HTH Worldwide
Ca reGroup 阳 OYÍ>Í<圳
C 唱 na
IMS IIO'U'af>(' ManaQ<m..-白为n.m~ MAI. Medical Ad ministrators In阳 national MediLink - Global MSH China Iba sN onOO."" ...riflcðtiool Now Health International PingAn Health IBo...t onooi"""",mcati 川
阴阳叫叫 icy No. n. ,叫 w~~ 阴阳制
Bupa -IHI 阑 B& Yl(R"""""""JyI
Europeesche 阳时
Radiology/lr旧9 呵
• Shanghai United Family Hospital • Huashan Pudong Hospital InternationalDivision - Managed by United Family Healthcare • United Family Minhang SRC Clinic
Europeiska 例.w州
Endoscopy ClinÎc ENT Clinic (Ea r, No吨Th,面的 Eye Clinic Family M时 Cine l时 ernal Medicine
Euroopplainen Ifi.....'"到
Der mat曲 gyCenter
。 FamilyC。υnseling
Obstetrics & Gyn e<: ology Internal Medicine/Cardia 问 y La boratory Pediatrics Pharmacy Physical and Alternative Medicine Primary Care (Family Medicine) 。 Radiology/l阳agrng
Surgery Urgent 臼,.
-DKVI 飞G~.ty'&'aob础'....c.vd.oo叭 副e
叫 F叫阳叫"翩翩'叫
Europaische IGer ma "Y l
Mongolia Facilities: • Unite d Fa mil y Intermed Ho spita l Direc t Billing w ith the f o llow ing In s uran 四 provid e r s: Aetna International ~川 101 A...... a oo... B.叫 A川 anzWorldwideCare .ICBC 础LlFE
Direct Billing based on GOP only: "AXA As sistance E阳 China - Essential Healthcare Network "Euro-Alarm . International 50S B阳IJ ln9
Serv Îc es: • Ca rdiology • Dentistry • Dermatology Eye Ca re ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) .Intensive Care Medicine .Inte汗 nal Medicine Laboratory
。 AXA 。
PPP Healthcare Bupa International C 唱 na Global H四 th Benefits 川oI G!l na …叫
• Ci gna Global Ci gna &CMB Huashan Pudong Hospital International DÎvÎsion Manilged by United Family Heal h Cil re We offer direct billing 10 numeroωglobal In SU旧 nce providers. Fo r our most current direcl billinglis t, please call us at +86 (21) 5030 9拥 y
H臼忧 h
Neurology 。 Obstetrics
and Gynecology Pediatrics Radiology and Imaging • Rehabilitation Services Su rgery
~ - 叫嗣叫}
Cseth • Euro.Center China DVK 陌-,旷&咀恤aI~..ζa<d,
Die Eur。因
onIy l
sche IGerm叫
Europaeiske'日 avellnsurance AβIo.om.刷 ,,,。因 iska ISwMe ol Europeiska 阳orw.yl
Europeesche 份制·叫
GBG Internationa l GMC IM.mben io ,....., di ,o<' t川… ι~ , MediLink - Global IM . mben 叩阳,h< i , io ,u'. r>< e eo ,dl
Facilities: • Qingdao United Fa mily Hospita l
Emergency ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) Family Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecolog咿 Ophthalmology Pediatr口
Surgery Other outpatient and inpatient services
,;吨阳 Health
* In , u,an<: e exdu,ions mII Yapply depe<、dingooy四川醉品 ζplðn type; i阳>U ð,e not , u,e ðbout yau, ω"",age PI 四 secoola<t u
United Family Healthcare
Network Medical Staff United Family Healthcare physicians are dedicated , compassionate professionals who have years of clinical experience From general practitioners to specia li st surgeons, many of our doctors are leading experts who are board certified in their respective fields. Our international teams of multilingual doctors hail from over 25 count时 es and are sensitive to the needs 。 f those in their care
'/ With over 400 physicians and thousands of ex阳r i e n ced nursing and medical support sta何', patients across Asia world-class, international-standard care
2 J
network of facilities offers
。 ur
, Specia lists in the United Family system as well as at our partner institutions in the US and China can be available via telemedicine consultations at all of our locations
Visit our website for complete biographies of our doctors in each service area.
Medical Services at http://guangzhou.ufh.com.cn to learn more about our team of over 20 physicians at United Family Guangzhou Cliniε Vis忧。 ur
. ,
/ Visit our Medical Servi 四s at http://beijing.ufh.com.cn to learn more about our team of over 250 physicians in Beijing United Family Hospital and Clinics
Visit our Medical Services at http://shanghai.ufh.com.cn tolearn m。陀 about about our team of over 90 physicians at Shanghai United Family Hospital and Clinics
Beijing United Family Rehabilitation Hospital
• Visit our Medical Services at http://tianjin.ufh.com.cn tolearn more about our team of over 40 physicians atTianjin United Family Hospital
Qingdao - Coming Soon! Vis忧。 ur Medical Team at http://rehab.ufh.com.cn to learn more about our team of over 30 rehabilitation physiciansand therapists at Beijing United Family Rehabilitation Hospital
Visit http://qingdao.ufh.com.cn to learn m。陀 about our newest facility