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PEOPLE Chief stylist & Editor in chief: Tue Elkjær / tue@uglyfat.dk Creative director: Sandra Vinding / sandra@uglyfat.dk Chief photographer: Anja Ekstrøm / anja@uglyfat.dk Fashion assistant: Henriette Winther / henriette@uglyfat.dk

For advertisement; contact advertising@uglyfat.dk

Writers: Christina Smedemark Mattsson, Kasper Wendelboe, Tea Elkjær Andersen, Tue Elkjær.

Photographers: Anja Ekstrøm, Brian Lund, Emma Greve, Kasper Wendelboe, Michael La-Cour Ditlevsen Pernille Vinkler, Jonas Hjermitslev Gregersen.

Stylists: Henriette Winter, Jannie Brenner, Jonas Bjørn Worup, Sandra Vinding, Tue Elkjær.

Makeup and/or hair: Charlotte K. Stage, Diana Maria Hansen, Maya Trontveit, Mia Bothmann, Regitze Ipsen.

FRONT PAGE: Photographer: Anja Ekstrøm // www.anjaekstroem.dk Model: Filippa Leth Styling: Tue Elkjær // UGLY FAT Makeup and hair: Charlotte K. Stage Clothes; Glasses; BJØRG - Top; HENRIK VIBSKOV - Skirt; MONKI

SPECIAL THANKS TO 9PR Anja Ekstrøm Photography // www.anjaekstroem.dk AGENCY V Copenhagen Fashion Week // www.copenhagenfashionweek.com Diva Models Fermentoren Heiko Stumbeck Holm & Bertung House of Communication Le Management NOISE PR PB 0110 Profil Optik RØD SØN by EASTERFARM ZEITGEIST WATCHES DENMARK


Sankt Hans Gade 15 kl. 2200 Copenhagen, Denmark.



If you’ve read a little about us, or kept your eyes open, then you will probably have noticed that we aim to promote diversity and show, that beauty takes many forms. We try to show diverse looks and styles, that we think has a beauty to it. We try to not just do, what everyone else does and we try not be cliche.

However, as you might also have noticed, here at UGLY FAT, we do like to reinterpret and make references to classic fashion, movie and music icons. We do this to promote historic cultural consciousness. But in tampering with legends and icons, we have to make efforts against being cliche.

So in honor of not just being another fashion mag, we’ve decided to have this issue revolve around smarts and intelligence, trying to break down any social prejudice, that fashion isn’t intellectual, a prejudice we in no way support. So we won’t convey ten trends you HAVE to follow, because we know, that you readers have minds of your own and will determine yourself what trends you will and will not follow. We do not dictate, we recommend.

But fashion does have a bit of a bad reputation, when it comes to many elitist, academic circles, were some view fashion as silly, superficial or not intellectual stimulating. It is a prejudice I, personally, have never understood and find a bit ironic. I’ve never understood that some, alleged, intellectuals, simply ignore the historical importance of fashion. If you’d payed any attention in history class, you’d surely have noticed the way fashion plays a political significance both in molding and destroying empires – just look at the war uniforms of basically any nation or empire, at any time. The iconographic ability of clothing, makes it a crucial instrument of self assertion of both individuals, social classes and nations. Just look at the political fashions of Napoleon Bonaparte’s Empire style or the statement dressing of Elizabeth the first of England.

Fashion is in all purposes strategic, an instrument to create and uphold an image. Both in its creation and in its social use. Whether intended or unintended, the way we dress, is in some way influenced by our society, but the way we evolve our wardrobe, also have an influence on how our society will evolve. What we choose to wear and what designers choose to create, define who we are as a society.

In the fashion system, the media is partly responsible to be a medium between designers and the general public, therefor the media also hold a responsibility to showcase fashion items in a way that can be of benefit, to the individual and to the general society. This is something we at UGLY FAT take very seriously, however, we’re also convinced that fashion should be a fun and joyful experience – that is our company mantra.

Fashion is a way of depicting a lifestyle and conveying a certain view of life. Our view is that fashion is an important part of any society. Fashion is artistic, historic, sociological and technical all at once, and that is truly enough to stimulate any mind, that dares look beyond the surface of fashion.


Did we forget something? This year, the calender shows 2014. We broke up with the traditional family pattern years ago. Our collectivist family values have shifted into concepts like individualism, self-realization, self-promotion, social status; anything to please our ego. We believe it is our right to speak our minds, and let everyone know who we are, what we do and what we believe in.

We like it, we share it, we tweet it, we retweet it, we pin it, we link to it, we fake it and we make it. But something is missing in this urge to be a outgoing, modern and social being. Did we actually forget to be present and live in it?

The answer to my hypothesis is yes. In our hunger to become Mr. And Mrs. Smarty pants on social media platforms where we share an illusion of our lives, we actually forgot how to live and enjoy life, as the Mr. and Mrs. Party pants we really are.

Everybody, besides me, is having a good time, all the time! The awesome and exciting life all your friends, and followers on the social media, are living might look like the ultimate lifestyle. And there is nothing odd about that. Actually, it makes pretty good sense. When your friends are blogging about their trip around Asia, and you are sitting home alone in your couch watching �Prison Break�, you might feel their lifes are more adventurous and exciting than yours. When your friends are checking in at high-end restaurants or fancy cocktail bars, you might feel their social life is worth more than yours.

Facebook makes us feel like losers, as it confirms the suspicion that everybody else lives a richer life than yourself.

You rarely need to be in doubt that your friends are forever in love, have the world’s best children, are having great success at their workplace or are participating in awesome parties, as you can read it in the content from their facebook updates.

If there is finally something wrong in their lives, it is always with great energy and a crooked smile as a way to distance themselves from their own weaknesses. It usually gives a great deal of “likes” and a deluge of comments that simply reaffirm their fantastic social life.

In short, facebook friends’ status updates are made to put one’s own deadly dull TV-based life on a rainy sunday in a huge nasty perspective.

Your friends success makes oneself feel like a loser with a Capital L. But the bright side is that reality is different than what it seems like.

If you do not Tweet, you do not exist? IF you do not check-in everytime you go out with your friends, or you do not share your vacation pictures with everybody on the social media platform, it does not make you any less existing or more of a loser. It acutally makes you the smart one, as you are living in the present and enjoying the moment.

The floating stream of “happy days-updates” is an illusion. We underestimate how people really feel, because most people rather talk about all the good times and awesome moments, instead of spreading bad status updates about how their lives is not always sunshine and softice.

Inferiority and megalomania The way we feel bad and think less of ourselves after surfing through Instagram or scrolling through Facebook is absolutelly unnecessary. All the happy status updates is a part of a ”this is how I want myself to be and my life to look like” – project to create our identity. This narcisism-project is redifining our identity and image, as our identity and personality are no longer

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ON INSTAGRAM www.instagram.com/uglyfatmagazine

someting we are born with, but someting we can influence, create and shape how we want to. We want to be appreciated and recognized for who we are, or at least who we want to be. This phenomenon creates a gap between inferiority and megalomania.

In general, people should consider what they share on the social medias. We share more and more of our lives and especially our privacy. In this way, we are also setting the stage for how we want to be perceived in our lives. From the image of the newborn daughter, the organic breakfast on the table, the check-in at the gym with an update about how far you have been running. You also feel a certain need to tell, that you donated money to charity, cleaned your entire apartment twice and still found the energy during the day to do a lot of other stuff that makes you feel good to yourself and sound good to your surroundings. At the same time we feel a need to share our opinons on politics and other global issues. Fortunately we can freely decide what is important to us and what we want to share. Afterwards we can climb into an isolated, self-satisfied cocoon, as we have sent a message out about how we se ourself and how we want to be understood.

Should we really spend several hours a day to browse through the endless stream of usable and unusable information that our acquaintances drink coffee on the beach, or find their workday hard and stressfull?

People yell out! We live in a busy time where unity, fellowship and dialogue across a democratic community is difficult. If in the busy everyday, wishing to have something that looks like an overview, of what is happening on all fronts and with all people, you have to spend a large portion of the clock in front of a computer screen, tablet or smartphone. At the same time keep the outside world informed of who you are, what you stand for and what you are doing. It is a chirpy cacophony of words and images that we have to create a kind of reality out of. Our own reality. Completely our own.

We distance ourselves from enjoying the meals we consume, the runs we do, the people we get along with and the places we visit because we are too busy to keep up with what all the others are doing and also too busy to use the social media platform to orchestrate how we want to be understood.

The fragmentation spreads, unity disappears. If it is the consequence, I recognize blank, that I am not a “social-digital� modern woman, as I will not forget to live and enjoy, instead of pose and check-in. But I remain active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all the other social media platforms. Despite the endless stream of information coming from everything and everyone, comes in between something you can use. And I have the opportunity to promote myself, which you should not sneeze at now, where we can all have our say all the time. However, there is an imminent risk of shouting both at once.

THE BRAINS OF THE OPERATION THE PEOPLE BEHIND UGLY FAT By now, you know our product and our company identity. But since this is the smarty pants issue, we wanted to introduce ourselves. When we say us, we mean us behind the magazine, that works on every single issue, the brains behind the magazine, so to speak. In this issue we especially welcome Anja Ekstrøm, as our newly appointed chief photographer. Anja has worked with us right from the start under the title freelance photographer, but she has done so much work beyond that title. If it wasn’t for Anja and her work, there might not be a UGLY FAT MAGAZINE, as she has been a present and creating hand throughout every issue. Therefor it’s our pleasure to announce that Anja is now our chief photographer, and will be chief of photographic content and be in chief of our freelance photographers (so if you want to work as a freelance photographer for us, and get an editorial in our magazine, you should contact anja).


CHIEF STYLIST AND EDITOR IN CHIEF My favorite thing about my job is.... Being surrounded by creative people all the time and having designers share their work and their vision with me. It’s so inspiring to hear about peoples thoughts behind their own work and get to see the creative process. That’s what keeps me going, that and the mails from you readers, to hear what you think about our work. Please keep writing, you have no idea what it means to me.

When I don’t work I like to.... I work quite a lot, I have a lot of responsibility and I’m always, like, on the spot. So when I’m occasionally not working I really just want to relax. I usually relax with a movie, or a book, with a nice glass of wine. I especially like classic Hollywood movies, or the Italian cinema of the 60’s, but I also enjoy reading, particularly literature from the 1800’s. I absolutely love Tjekhov and Balzac, all the drama, luxury and lustiness, it’s delicious. I also love cooking. It’s a passion I share with my boyfriend, so we often cook for each other and share cooking experiments and then discuss food, while eating food, it’s not very fashion, but it’s fun.

My personal icon(s) are.... In my personal life I get very inspired by my friends and family. My family is great because they’re always very supportive, I can’t tell you how many family things I’ve missed because of my work, in the last 5 years, but they’re always supportive and understanding...and they’re funny, like a dark, dry humor kinda funny. I’m especially inspired by my sister, because she’s such a good person, she basically loves all humanity, and I don’t think I’ve met anyone who didn’t like her, she’s just so positive and full of love and light. I try to follow that and try to be as positive as her.

I think fashion is... Fashion is a glorius two-faced-femme-fatale bitch, and I love it. Fashion is both a creative and destructive


force. You can’t make a mink fur coat, without killing some minks. But above all, I think fashion is inspiring and a tool to live out your inner fantasies and become the person you dream of being - it’s playing dress up, for all ages (and yes, dress-up was my favorite game growing up).

My favorite designer(s) of the moment is.... Uh, I have lots, like David Andersen, and Tom Ford to name a couple. I also love the work of Jean-Charles de Castelbajac. But I’ve found a new favorite in the Danish designer Nicholas Nybro, I fell in love with his debut at Copenhagen Fashion Week SS15. It was unlike anything I’d ever seen and yet full of classic fashion values. Full of color, attitude and joire de vivre. As you might be able to tell, I’ve gotten a bit obsessed with his work. His work is just so refreshing and classic at the same time.

When I shop for, or dress, myself I think of..... I try to avoid trends and usually dress in discrete colors, like black, blue, white, beige and nude colors. I think of clothes as an investment, and I’m very much against the hole use-once-and-throw-away-consumerism, so I aspire to buy and wear clothes that will always be within my aesthetics. Furthermore I have an obsession with classics; classic movies, classic literature, classic clothing. I often find inspiration in classic movies, from the 50’s and 60’s, the costumes are often as relevant today, as they were then, both for men and women. That being said, I do have some more outrageous items in my closet, that I wear occasionally, like a pair of lime green ostrich leather loafers from Sand, I’m never throwing those out. But it takes a certain kind of fabulous to lure me out of my neutral color palette and sweater sets.

The next thing I dream of buying for myself is... It’s the orange leather bag from Nicholas Nybro. It’s just so gorgeous, but it’s for SS15, so I’m gonna have to wait a looong time. Unless...Nicholas, if you’re reading this, I’m just saying, you have a bag, and I have an o negative blood type, which is a universal donor. Sooo if you need some blood or whatever, I’m willing to trade for the orange bag, right now.....just saying, I really hate waiting and really love that bag, it’s my soul mate!


My favorite thing about my job is.... Everything! My editor in chief (yes Tue that is you! And you are truly inspiring!). I really like my job, it is fantastic to get to know all those inspiring people who work in the business and really puts all of their passion into their work. Keep on during this, and I will love my job forever. It is amazing to see and be a part of that side of the fashion business. And remember to take care of the earth we live at, while being so awesome at fashion, then we’ll have fashion throughout so many more years to come.

When I don’t work I like to.... Travel the world and get inspired with my backpack on my shoulder! But when at home, having no work to do (as if!), then I love to make my own clothes. I get so many ideas during one day, that I could stay up every night just to design new clothes. But sometimes it all just end up with a bit of stress, and then I disappear into the kitchen where I make everything from scratch and probably enjoy a great beer or a glass of wine... Love that little place!

My personal icon(s) are.... People who don’t let others dictate their lives. People who dare to feel free and be who they are, then it doesn’t matter whether they are from the fashion business or any other part of the creative world, the inspiring part is the strong character.

I think fashion is... Something magical! But also something truly awful... I love fashion because it gives you so many opportunities to be happy and to play with color and expression. But the downside with all that is fast fashion, people who work under poor conditions and people feeling pressured to look a certain way. That I really don’t like. Fashion should be about feeling great and getting inspired and happy about the way you and all the others choose to live their lives.


My favorite designer(s) of the moment is.... Henrik Vibskov!!! I think it have always been him, and if he continues the great work, maybe it always will be! I love that he plays around with the expression and twist the way we view, wearing clothes. This season I will for sure cuddle up behind the desk in a lot of Vibskov knitwear and feel fantastic! Just have to go and get some knitted pants to wear in my Dr. Martens, with a silky dress, then everything is perfect!

When I shop for, or dress, myself I think of..... Feeling good! Really, that is the most important thing. If you feel great in the clothes you wear, no matter what it is, or how it looks like, then it will show, and be the best kind of pretty, that you can wear. So I always choose the clothes to wear for the day, in the morning, so that it matches the way I feel.

The next thing I dream of buying for myself is... Must be those knitted pants!!! Before we know it, that darn cold Danish winter will be with us. Maybe I’ll add a couple of silky shirts as well.


CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER My favorite thing about my job is.... ….Creating and expressing my inner visions and my passion for photography. I am primarily shooting fashion and beauty cause in these to ”worlds” everything is possible! I absolutely LOVE to create a story with my photos – my passion for creating and perfecting every shot does that every shot tells a story/sets a mood etc. I hope I make people feel something within every frame.

Ugly Fat Magazine shares that idea and I have creative room to express myself in my work. The crew at the UFM knows how I think and we think alike.

When I don’t work I like to.... Find inspiration for my next shoots, scout for the right models that I want to work with, network with people in all aspects of the industry…. This is MY free-space…. And besides that, I have a great man in my life, who I want to spend a lot of time with, visiting cafes, restaurants, movie theaters etc. Him and I have a kitten: Princess Fiona.

My personal icon(s) are.... I have SOME heroes I look up to, but for different reasons…. I idolize the work from photographers as Jonas Jensen, Frank Lohmann, Henrik Adamsen, Bo Egestrøm, Nicklas Højlund, because they all make the kind of beauty/fashion pictures which I absolutely LOVE. These guys are freakin’ awesome….! I look up to the person who DARES to follow their dream! That is the boldest of all. I am working hard to get there – and I’m on my way…..!

I think fashion is... ….ART! Fashion is ART! It’s every mans vision… there are the things you would NEVER wear outside, but it’s creative art, and looks fantastic in a photograph, on the runway etc. Fashion for me is the courage to cre-


ate outside the box - to DARE to trendset… to DARE to speak via the stuff one wears.

My favorite designer(s) of the moment is.... No one and everyone…. I don’t have a specific one in mind since I think there is SO much creativity and talent outthere – a wellknown designer or a student – it doesn’t matter…. Talent comes in all shapes and sizes.

When I shop for, or dress, myself I think of..... I am a classical girl, and I LIKE the femine look – I am a curvy girl, so I always dress with that in mind – making sure that the dress compliments my assets and hide my problem areas…. My latest buy was a Navy-blue lace-dress with a champagne layer underneath… ¾ sleaves and skirt to just below the knee… See: classical and feminine .

The next thing I dream of buying for myself is... I just bougth a new camera and THAT will have to do for a looooong time.


My favorite thing about my job is.... The favorite thing about my job is that, it is unpredictable, and therefor, I get to do a lot of different things.

I also love that I, not only get to be Tues right hand on set, I get to be involved, and I get drawn into almost everything, when where shooting. It is incredibly exciting!

When I don’t work I like to.... When I don’t work I like to do different kinds of creative things. For instance knitting, sewing, crocheting, sketching etc. And I’m a full time student at Håndarbejdets Fremme, where I’m getting a bachelor degree in textile design, craftsmanship and teaching. So basically I’m doing what I love all the time, being creative.

My personal icon(s) are.... My personal icons are, or I really don’t have a specific person, I get inspired by my surroundings and by decades such as the 80’s.

I think fashion is... A way to express yourself and set a statement. For me fashion also shows what kind of mood I’m in. In winter time I dress more subtle and when it is summer I dress more in colors and prints.

My favorite designer(s) of the moment is.... My favorite designer of the moment is Danish designer Stine Goya.

When I shop for, or dress, myself I think of..... A lot of playful garments, a lot of vintage clothing, mixed with some high street and some more high-end


items. I absolutely love thrift stores and my wardrobe is pretty much filled with gems from different thrift stores.

The next thing I dream of buying for myself is... Only one thing? I dream of buying myself the perfect fall wardrobe, a nice big comfy woolen coat and some nice winter boots.

NATIVE FASHIONISTA It’s hard to pin point when fashion was invented, because in any society there must have been some customs or standardized ways of dressing and of doing things in general. Furthermore, fashion seems to be inherent in any culture. If you look at the dress of any civilized or uncivilized society, whether in the past or present, their clothes always seem to have an inherent set of aesthetics. Clothes have never been pure function, not even in the most wild people, recorded in history. Clothes seem to always have been constructed from a certain fashion, a certain way of doing and creating things. According to dictionary.com, the word fashion means; “a prevailing custom or style of dress, etiquette, socializing, etc.” . But there must also, in any primal society have been fashionistas and trend setters, someone who established and challenged the general view of appearance and aesthetics. Someone who challenged conformity and this must have been the beginning of fashion. The true native fashionista, is not just in the distant past, but in anyone who wont settle for high street. The true native fashionista is the ones who loves DIY, who always spruse up their outfits and find ways of individualizing their outfit. The true native fashionista avoids standardization and strives for the unique. This editorial is a salut to all the true native fashionistas out there. Therefor all clothes featured in this editorial is showpieces, either custumized or created by the stylist; Jonas, like a true native fashionista.

Photographer: Anja Ekstrøm // www.anjaekstroem.dk Model: Diane Soa Scheel Styling: Jonas Bjørn Worup Makeup and hair: Maya Trontveit

SMART & STEAMY THE LOOK It’s one thing to be smart, it’s quite another to look smart, and since this is a fashion magazine, we do have a tendency and love for dressing the part, rather than playing it. But in our defense, that’s just because we think it’s more fun, and therefor more fulfilling, that way. You have to dress the part, if you want to be regarded as a smarty pants, but just because you’re a bit of an intellectual, not to say geek, in your own field, it doesn’t mean that you can’t be totally hot, hot, hot. So in a, perhaps slightly offensive way, we’ve chosen to honor geek chic by making a feature about eyewear, that makes you look both smart and hot, by reminiscing glasses worn by iconic hotties.

THE MARILYN MONROE It’s no secret by now, that there was more to Miss Monroe then a voluptuous body and blond hair. Several movies, documentaries and biographies has revealed her interest in more intellectual topics, such as the works of Dostojevskij. Which happen to be on our editor in chief ’s list of fave aurthors, as well. Monroe, being a great reader, wasn’t scared showing of a pair of cat eye reading glasses, like in the movie “How to marry a millionaire”. So take a page out of Marilyn Monroe’s book and don’t be scared of being smart as Dickens and hot as fire. Try these cat eye glasses from HUGO BOSS and pair them with a fabulous evening gown and loads of diamonds; Marilyn-style.

THE JAMES DEAN What makes Jimmy Dean such a special four-eyed hottie, is, that not only was he a true pouting intellectual. He was also a bad boy, that rode motorbikes in a perfectly weathered leather jacket. Actually, Dean was kind of a perfect three-in-one-deal, being both the nerd your parents and banker would approve of, but also the hot bad boy, that you know will hurt you and yet still desperately want to be with (kind like being warned about a hot plate in restaurant) and, AND, he was also the tortured, moody artist. What could be hotter, it’s down right efficient, three hot guys in one. James Dean definitely proves that you can look smokin’ in a pair of spectacles like these from RAY-BAN. Now all you need is a book, the weathered leather jacket and a black sweater.

THE GRACE KELLY Grace Kelly sets the bar for being eternally elegant and not least for going from being just another Hollywood actress, to being Princess Grace of Monaco. Going from actress to royalty without seeming like a gold digger - that truly is the dream. But not only was Kelly elegant, she was educated and came from a whole clan of ambitious smarties. Kelly was often seen and photographed reading things called books (a primitive version of the Ipad) while wearing reading glasses, glasses a lot like these discrete and elegant frames from PERSOL. Pair them with a tiara and really nice manners.

THE MARCELLO MASTROIANNI Oh Marcello, you smooth talker. Mastroianni was often typecast as either the boyish chameur or as the blasé intellectual. Most memorable may be his part as the journalist Marcello Rubini in Fellini’s “La Dolce Vita”. These glasses from PERSOL, seem to catch the essence of Mastroianni’s blasé, boyish, smarts of the “La Dolce Vita” movie. So smack on a smoking, put a tired look on your face and these thick, black PERSOL glasses, to look like the most dangerous, hot, intellectual of all - the suave, society nihilist.

THE HOLLY GOLIGHTLY This is a fashion feature, so we need to show some sunglasses, and what better way then to mention our fave movie; “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”. Sometimes some sweet shades are just needed! In fact, the RAY-BAN WAYFARER, as Audrey Hepburn wore in the movie increased sales of the WAYFARER astoundingly and made them an icon. So follow the proud tradition and go party all night, just to have a Tiffany’s moment with a croissant and a coffee in front of your fave store, looking good in your RAY-BANS WAYFARRER.

THE ANDY WARHOL We’ve debated whether Warhol was or wasn’t a hottie, but got no where. But no matter his level of hotness, he’s definitely an icon and put himself on the map, by wearing sunglasses and a blond wig. But, no worries, we’re not recommending the wig. We’re recommending a groovy pair of mens shades, while making tributes of good old fashion consumerism and capitalism (that’s the smart way of saying we think sunglasses and shopping is awesome). So join the Factory way of life with these 60’s inspired sunglasses from PREGO.

THE REGULAR COLLEGE GIRL Sometimes the fashion industry tends to forget the regular girl, but we will try not to, even though, like the rest of the fashion industry, regularity ain’t really our thing. But here it goes. Besides, when educating yourself, at whatever institution or academy you attend, you’ll need a certain level of comfort, spending your days sitting down discussing various subjects. Because it’s actually incredibly hard concentrating on saying something smart, if you’re blinded by the shimmering beads on your own dress. So, sadly, sometimes function, outweighs fashion. Besides, if you really want to look like a smarty, you’ll need to look like fashion is just an interest, and not let people know how much of an obsession it really is. A smarty or intellectual dresses by the philosophy of the Finnish designer and co-founder of Marimekko; Armi Ratia: “I don’t really sell clothes. I sell a way of living. These are designs, not fashion...I sell an idea rather than dresses.” So if you want to look like a smarty, go for taste, not for trend and go for timeless, rather than contemporary.

Photographer: Anja Ekstrøm // www.anjaekstroem.dk Model: Faune Martin // Le Management Styling: Jannie Brenner Makeup: Diana Maria Hansen Hair: Regitze Ipsen



Blazer; EDITH & ELLA - Top; TOPSHOP - Shorts; EDITH & ELLA

Pantssuit; TOPSHOP

THE COLLECTION OF TIME Words by Tea Elkjær Andersen

On the Danish island of Fyn, mostly known for its smoked cheese and being the birthplace of H.C. Andersen, there is a small museum called ”Tidens Samling” in Danish, which roughly translates to; ”the Collection of Time”.

The museum exhibits the everyday life of the 20th century, mainly via rooms decorated as different decades spanning from 1900 to 1980. This year, the annual special exhibit shows photographs by the Danish multi-artist Jim Lyngvild.

The idea of the museum is to “collect our history, our roots, small everyday things from the 20th century that tell me more than I can read in the history books” said Anette Hage, the creator of the museum. She started collecting the everyday objects in the sixties and her passion for the growing private collection, encouraged her to start a museum that displays the history of everyday life in the 20th century and thereby letting her visitors experience continuity with the not-so-distant past. In doing so, she actually struck the core of the way of fashion, she did what others didn’t; while, maybe unknowingly, putting a spotlight on the whole use-and-throw-away-mentality of the 20th century’s consumerism.

“The Collection of Time” use small texts to describe each decade´s room, also available in English and audio for the vision impaired. Although if you want, you can read all the books you like too. There is a library and books in each room e.g. Luther´s Katekismus, a grade book, children’s books and feministic propaganda. Not only can you use your visual senses, you can walk into a room, sit in the chairs, look in the drawers and experience any item you want, using eyes, hands and nose. The museum has a walk-in closet, with historic clothing, accessories and wigs you can play dress up with; a one-seat hair salon, a small toy exhibit and a café.


This way of communicating history allows you to learn not only through reading and seeing but also using your tactile senses; wearing the period´s clothes, talking about it, listening to the period´s music. Being a professional experience coordinator, I appreciate learning in other ways than just reading, by using all my senses at different times, it made history more tangible, understandable and playful. By accommodating most learning styles, the museum offers a total hands-on experience for all ages, because learning can be fun and interesting, and why shouldn’t it be?

The cozy exhibition space makes time a polychronic experience and makes you able to jump in time, almost as well as Dr. Who, even though Danes normally prefer dealing with time in a monochronic way; one task or subject at a time. This also gives an inside into Danish pop culture through the 20th century and explains to some extent, why Danes have a strong sense of individualism and indulgence and a low score of masculinity, power distance and uncertainty avoidance, according to Hofstede´s 6D culture model.

The museum reveals information relevant to people today about the developments in fashion, technology and lifestyle. Other museums tend to focus more on wars, fights for freedom and acceptance, the royal families, politics, racial research, animals or even a single person.

The information museums provide is being used not only to learn from our mistakes, but also as an inspiration to create new and, perhaps even better forms of technology, fashion, living and more.

For me, it was exciting to sense the flirtatious 20’s, the Rockabilly 50’s and the colorful burn-your-bra 70’s. It made me interested in stories, the people and the lifestyle of those decades. I could almost dream myself away in their world. I would love to partake in a day of roleplaying each decade.

The fascinating special exhibit by Jim Lyngvild called “Madman or Genius?”(original title; “Gal eller genial”) really got my attention. He has used clothes, accessories and other interesting items from the museums storage, fused extraordinary locations with ordinary people and thereby creating photos of character, nostalgia and poise. He uses light and smoke in the settings and achieves a look of an old realistic oil-

PICTURE COURTESY OF TIDENS SAMLING (Museum director CĂŚcilie Ning Hage, setting in the permanent exhibition)

painting, supposed to be hanging in a Danish castle next to portraits of royalty, with the use of color, tone and high gloss finish. Lyngvild flirts with historical artifacts and expressions, and with his warped mind, he creates the past and the present simultaneously. The photos are exhibited with the dresses, artifacts and accessories portrayed within them. This creates a new relevance for the items in play and for modern people to use, live and learn about the gems of Danish history.

To me, the photos were a door to a universe of beauty, destruction and horror in the hands of serious and fragile beings. Like shells of people in a world without smiles, they made me feel curious, a little sad and a little more alive. In my world, I want to smile while experimenting with history. That being said, I really liked the pictures, especially the one with fruit, wine, a skull and draped fabric. This picture gave me a feeling of adventure; I was half-expecting a pirate like Blackbeard coming back to his table to collect his drink, if I waited long enough. It felt like I could become part of the moments Lyngvild portrayed. Jim Lyngvild is in my opinion an artistic genius.

This museum reeks of possibilities for playing, learning, nostalgia and propagation. “The Collection of Time” creates a relaxed atmosphere for reminiscence. Being a young adult born in 1985, I remember just a small part of the 80’s, so next time I visit, I’ll bring my grandmother and together we´ll take a trip down memory lane. Imagine a real person telling real stories, about their life in each possible decade: Living history version 2.0. I would recommend the experience of “The Collection of Time” for everyone willing, especially while Jim Lyngvild exhibits (until October 18th).

This is a unique way of experiencing history, the like of which I haven´t seen elsewhere.

THE NEO-FUTURIST Ironically, futurism is by now an old term, that has been reinterpreted many times and gone in and out of style, in a little over a century. Originally, the term futurism, was used as a label to describe an avantgarde subcultural movement, in the beginning of the 1900’s. The futurists was characterized by their love of progress, industrialization and modern efficiency. The futurists were founded as a movement by the Italian ideologist Filippo Marinetti, who wrote a wonderfully weird manifest back in 1909, probably while he was on some sort of amphetamine. We encourage you to Google it and read it one day, preferably drunk, because, that’s when it will make the most sense. Later, in the 1910’s and 20’s the futuristic focus on movement and efficiency, became fashion. For example these values was apparent in Coco Chanel’s designs, which valued functionality and allowed women to move. Futurism was later re-adapted and reinterpreted to go with the space race, during the cold war. This was were the ground for the futurist fashion was created, with the notions of space travel and space imperialization, which called for a new wardrobe, of course. Then in the spring of 1964, the french couturier, and former civil engineer; Andrè Courréges, showcased a white and silver collection of space and robotic inspired fashion. Andrè Courréges’ collection gave birth to the wide 60’s trend of futurist fashion, in all it’s metallic glory, which we know and occasionally love to this day. Since then, the metallic futuristic trend has been on and off the catwalk innumerable times, this fall/winter it’s back in style, but with a more urban feel then earlier. So if you love shiny things as much as we do, you’ll might want to practice your best R2D2 impression, and get your credit cards ready, because the metallic futurist fashion is back, baby.

Photographer: Anja Ekstrøm // www.anjaekstroem.dk Model: Filippa Leth Styling: Tue Elkjær // UGLY FAT Makeup and hair: Charlotte K. Stage


Top; MONKI - Skirt; LALA BERLIN - Bracelets; BJØRG - Boots; BILLI BI

Top; MONKI - Skirt; LALA BERLIN - Bracelets; BJØRG - Boots; BILLI BI



Necklace & bracelet; BJØRG - Top; BØGELUND-JENSEN - Skirt; WEEKDAY

Necklace & bracelet; BJØRG - Top; BØGELUND-JENSEN - Skirt; WEEKDAY

Dress; BØGELUND-JENSEN - Bracelet; BJØRG - All earrings; SANNE NORDAHN


Since this issue is the smarty pants issue, we at the magazine decided to try to learn something about the inner workings of some those hyped design products on the market, namely mechanical watches. It dawned on us, that even though we all knew, that mechanical design watches is something to be in awe of, none of us actually had no real idea about what mechanics, actually was. We always associated mechanics with cars, although we knew that some physicists works with quantum mechanics. But we’re more, lets say artistic, than into natural science and have no interest in getting our clothes dirty by messing around with a car engine. So we decided to learn more about how the hell watches work and what mechanics is anyhow.

So first I did an intensive Google search on watch mechanics, According to Google it’s a bit of a mystery when the mechanical watch was invented. But it’s pin pointed that the spring powered clock was invented somewhere in the 12 or 13 century and was first used in the catholic church, to know the time for prayer and mass. These mechanical clocks were way more accurate than the water powered clocks or sundials they replaced. The mechanical clock won popularity through the renaissance up til the 16 century were the wristwatch was invented and marketed as women’s jewellery. One of the early wearers of the wristwatch, was Queen Elizabeth the 1. Queen E was given a wristwatch by the 1. Earl of Leicester, Robert Dudley. As you might remember from the Queen Elizabeth movies with Cate Blanchett, Dudley was Queen E’s suitor and generally believed to be her lover-boy.

In fact the wristwatch wasn’t marketed towards men until the 19 century...imagine that. Before that time men carried portable watches or pocket watches (which, apparently, is two different things). It would make James Bond movies a bit different if he had a magic pocket watch...not really as


suave as the nice Rolex’s (yes, plural) or Breitling’s, as good old (read hot) 007 wore in the early movies....ah Sean Connery, you smooth operator. That really makes you appreciate men’s wristwatches, doesn’t it...

After this fascinating Google search lesson (in lack of better words), I still didn’t really know what mechanics actually was, so I decided to outsource the task and I meet up with my favorite watch dudes, Thomas and Mathies, who together with Erling and Rasmus, form the Danish watch brand ZEITGEIST. I met with Thomas and Mathies at a little authentic, bar on the hip Copenhagen neighborhood; Vesterbro.

After a few handshakes, hugs and initial small talk about the very hot weather, Thomas excitedly pulls out lots of blueprints and something like a million pieces of a mechanical watch and starts talking about high-tech materials and methods of laser-cut patterns in the watch dial. All in a tempo that is much faster than my speed of thought, let alone my speed of typing. But then Mathies puts a few cold beers on the table and we all slow down (to my typing speed) and start in on the questions.

Tell me a little about why you started the watch brand ZEITGEIST?

(They share a long look, that I start suspecting that they’re telepathic, before Thomas dares to answer.) Thomas: We started it because we had this deep fascination with mechanical watches. So we started out assembling and selling watches. It actually just became hard for us not to start a watch company.

Mathies: Yes, we just have this entrepreneurial urge to start new things up. We had, had an IT company, but that wasn’t that sexy. It’s actually a criteria for us now, that everything we do, has to be sexy, maybe not something everyone think is sexy, but we do. (A big charming grin forms on Mathies’ face, as he says the last sentence)

Thomas: We, as friends, have always been business partners.


Mathies: Yeah we have. (They both start to laugh)

What did you do before ZEITGEIST, what is your educational background?

Mathies: We’ve both been at the university for a couple of years. I have a background in landscape architecture. We also have a dentist in the company, he suits the company perfect because he has a great passion and knowledge about materials, and we’ve used that a lot. We also have a watchmaker, obviously.

Thomas: Yeah, but we kind of forced him to become a watchmaker, he actually worked in retail and we sort of life-coached him into it. I’m educated as an engineer in process and innovation.

Tell me more about your watches. Why did you choose to make mechanical watches as oppose to, for example, digital watches?

(Both sighs) Thomas: I think the obvious answer is that mechanical watches has so much more soul, than you can put in a digital or a quartz watch. In the mechanical watch you have much more craftsmanship, and you have....just a feeling of something authentic.

Mathies: Watchmakers say that mechanical watches is like a living organism, besides it’s just beautiful, it has history, aesthetics and tradition, that isn’t there, in say, a quartz watch. Mechanical watches just have something, they’re just kind of sexy.

Thomas: We’ve said sexy a lot, and this is for the smarty pants issue. It is not very nerdy to say sexy all the time, we have to stop that now. We need to say more classic watchmaking terms.

Sooooo, what does the word mechanic mean, anyhow, and how does it.....like....you know... work, in general?


(They both laugh and then look serious, they’re obviously about to get their smart on) Thomas: There are three basic elements to a mechanical movement. I think we should start with that. You have a power supply, which is basically a large spring curled up very tightly. I can send you an illustration.

Me: Please do.

(Thomas demonstrates on the various watch parts and blueprints scattered around on the table, among what is an increasing number of beer bottles) Thomas: Then you have the gear train, which is a set of gears that actually transmits the power and from each gear, the power is regulated in different paces, like on a bike actually. It’s kind of a religion for mechanical watch enthusiasts. Then you, last but not least, have the regulating organ, which determines the speed of the watch and the pointers. (Thomas glances at Mathies, who shrugs and starts talking to Thomas in watch terms about the regulating organ, which I absolutely don’t understand and immediately give up on following or typing...)

So, that’s how a mechanical watch work, or is that different from mechanics in general?

(They both look up in the ceiling.....for a long time, before answering and I begin to feel a little stupid) Thomas: What makes it special is its size, watches are so miniature, so you have to take special care when you make it, when you design it, when you assemble it. More care, than you have to, when you make a car. The fun thing is that mechanics is actually obsolete, but that makes it kind of special. I think the continuity of the product makes it special, also in relation to customers, they’ve seen it for generations, it’s been around for generations and it’s still being improved and perfected.

Mathies: Yes, even if the wristwatch is kind of obsolete, there’s a lot of development in the watch

business. Every year companies explore new materials and alternate ways of displaying time and the related functions.

Thomas: ...and that, in a way, makes the product more vivid.

Mathies: If you have a vintage car, you want to make the effort to take care of it, for the next generations and that’s is the same in the watch business. All the great companies, they strive to make a watch that will last for a hundred years.

You make timepieces, but why do you think time is so important, speaking philosophically, I mean why do we always need to know what time it is?

Thomas: TO GET LAID! Because if a woman says to meet her at twelve o’clock, you better be there at twelve o’clock, I think that’s my best answer. Do you Mathies have a better answer?

Mathies: Nooooo, don’t BE late, GET laid. We kind of don’t care about time really, of course you can tell the time on your phone or everywhere, but...

Thomas: No, but we care about making watches that can keep the time for you and tell it to you.

Your watches have a glass back case that shows the mechanics of your watches, which is very aesthetically done, but is it purely for looks or are there more geeky thoughts behind it?

Thomas: I think there was, we did it from a quite commercial perspective, because we thought that the audience that we would introduce our watches to, wasn’t used to being presented the mechanics of a watch.

Mathies: Yes, we made the see-through back case to promote the movement of the mechanical










0 0,90 -0,02

0 1,300 -0,002




1 2,60

0 0,40 -0,02










Minute hand, A10






















0 0,50 -0,02

0 0,250 -0,002








0,45 1,40


1,20 ±0,02













Second hand, A10








1023 Carbon Steel Sheet (SS) 1





66066-sec SHEET 1 OF 1


watches, to visually show how the hands on the dial gets to tell you the correct time. Of course it is also interesting for the geeks, that they can see the mechanics. The first thing watchmakers do when they examine a watch is to put on a loop and almost get erotically exited about the gears and wheels (Mathies laughs...a lot).

Thomas: For us, mechanical watches is a great part of the brand.

Mathies: It’s the ground pillar of the brand.

Your timepieces are all very simplistic and timeless in their design (ironic isn’t it). How did your aesthetics develop for your brand, is it based on intuition or has there been a more complicated process behind the ZEITGEIST style?

Mathies: Right from the beginning, we talked about having a dogma for the whole brand, that we would have a few colors and a few shapes that we would stick to.

Thomas: We limit ourselves in order to create a continuity for our designs and our brand.

Mathies: We kind of had, two main pillars; one was the mechanical movement, of course, but also the dial, because it’s the face of the watch. We constructed the case in a way so the dial is as exposed and big as possible. All clean and simple.

Thomas: Like Mathies said, the dial is the face. This is the place where you can give the watch a lot of personality. It is perhaps the strongest design element, of the watch.

Mathies: Yes, it’s where you read the time, observe the watch’s functions, it’s where you meet the main design of the watch. Maybe, you can say that the dial is where you kind of perceive the zeitgeist of the watch.

Thomas: It really is where you see the identity of the watch. We really like to make watches that has, the


danish word “Format”, we want to make watches that has “format”, like a person has “format”, both when it’s worn and when it’s laying on a table. We often try to find the English word to describe “format”, but we can’t really find it.

Mathies: The closest we’ve come is the word integrity, but it’s not really the same.

What part do you, as a watch brand, focus on the most, the watches or the business side of the brand?

Mathies: It is so much the watches, our product. We did it because we think and talk about watches everyday. Your should never be doing things just for the money part of it. On the business side we kind of started from scratch.

Thomas: Well, we gave it some thoughts, but of course there was a lot of things we hadn’t figured out. We kind of just went into this business, to make watches.

Mathies: Yeah, and then our huge initial focus on the design and production dogmas had given us a solid backbone to the brand. The things we did not know when we started, we put up against our dogmas and figured it out as we went along. It’s easier to make decisions when you have some clear boundaries to put it up against.

Thomas: We made the business out of love and respect for the watch and the watch industry.

This is the smarty pants issue, do you, individually, have a certain kind of smarts you use in either your work or personal life? What would you say is your individual smarts?

(Both become very quit and looks a bit confused) Thomas: I’d like to steal what Mathies usually says: We can spot a watch from any distance!

Mathies: Even from a passing train.

Thomas: Is that enough? Actually my mother used to say that I have a gift for breaking things, she said I could break just about anything, bottles, relationships, anything.

Do you have a secret geeky interest in your personal life?

Thomas: Well...Watches!

Mathies: Isn’t that geeky enough? It’s kind of what we do!

Thomas: All the time, there’s not much room for anything else.

If you want to know more about ZEITGEIST, you can find them and their products on: www.zeitgeistdenmark.com


All the recommendations are made in cooperation with the danish beer blog www.humulusblog.blogspot.com, so if you would like to know a little more about great beer, bars, and so on, please go ahead and check it out. On the website you’ll also be able to find links to other beer bloggers, and we truly recommend you check them out.

Nowadays everybody is talking about it! It is the new big thing in Denmark, and it is widely expanding. It’s beer! It’s not a new thing, but it has gotten a new life in the last couple of years.

Picking up from where we left off in the our last issue, were we took a closer look at the five types of people who enjoy beer. This time, we look at their watering holes.

Danes are notorious for enjoying (a lot of) beer both indoors and outdoors. Beer has long been consumed privately at home, but the boom in microbrewed beer has given an almost equal expansion in attendance to beer bars around the bigger cities in Denmark. Here we meet up with old friends, we make new ones, and together we all enjoy freshly squeezed pilsners, hoppy IPAs, barrel aged stouts, and finely matured barley wines.

Whether you’re in a hipster or fashionista mood, there’ll be a bar perfect for your desires. With the right company at the right place, most beers will taste good, but sometimes it can be hard to find that place — the right place! The place that matches your personality and your tastebuds.

This guide is a solution to your troubles. You’ll be equipped to dodge the dive bars in the beer jungle and find your way to your new favorite place to be. All of these bars are different in decor, range, and personality, but all of them have one thing in common: they take beer drinking very seriously — and so should you!

THE HEDONIST BAR A true hedonist doesn’t compromise with quality. He probably already knows what good beer tastes like, so obviously he’ll go where the good beers are. This is, of course, a subject of personal taste. It’s to the hedonist’s advantage to have a wide range of beers to choose from, and what better way to do that, than to have a lot of taps at hand? Denmark now holds the European record for the bar with the most taps; with 61 taps, it should be easy to have something good for even the most discerning palate. With a convenient location close to Strøget and the Copenhagen City Hall, bundled with a tap list that has an impressive range of beers including Danish, German and American microbrews, it’s hard to not have a hit on hand. As long as there’s thirsty customers, there’ll be good beers on tap for all hedonists alike. With its central location and inviting atmosphere, TAPHOUSE is hard to miss for any beer lover. Among their many taps there’s always something to recommend. We suggest you try “Ghost Double Evil” (Ghost Brewing), “Ashtray Heart” (Evil Twin), and “Sif ” (Munkebo Bryghus) just to name a few from the Danish battle fields of beer. But beware, the list changes rapidly, so act fast!



THE FASHIONISTA BAR It’s no secret that you’re more interested in fashion and style, than you are in beers. But that doesn’t mean there’s not a place for you too. You know what you want and we know where you can find it. You want it to be fancy, new, and smart. Let us introduce you to your new favorite spot: a hybrid that combines beer with ”smørrebrød” (traditional Danish open sandwiches) and wraps it in a neat New Nordic package. Although there’s no runway and no champagne, that doesn’t mean you can’t look classy with a handcrafted brew to your lips. You need some of the sour gueuzes and wild fermented lambics. Your fashionista friends will find your new drink choices interesting, because they’re delicious, less common, and have a complexity similar to fine wine and champagne. You’ll primarily find beers from the neighbor next door on tap at ØL & BRØD. Of course, that’s not a bad thing when you’re right next to the original MIKKELLER BAR. To go with the New Nordic style, the smørrebrød comes accompanied with some delicious beers from Mikkeller. It can be hard to pick a favorite, but you wouldn’t want to miss ”Blå Spøgelse”, ”Risgoop” (w. Three Floyds) and ”Beer Geek Breakfast”. That means there’s something sour (and exceedingly tasty), something sweet and intense, and something heavy and dark - bold beers are the new black!



THE BOHIMIAN BAR You’ve seen the world and tasted it too. You’ve been in the states and had the freshest west coast IPA’s and been to the darkest parts of Sweden, where you’ve had the darkest stouts known to man. Yet your tastebuds still find their way back to Denmark once in a while. As a bohemian spirit, you need a bar that matches that. You yearn for a bar that is open to the world and only has the finest local beers on their shelves. You need a place with a relaxed atmosphere to suit your needs, but is also a fancy enough place, that you won’t mind your friends meeting you for a beer or two before you head back into the world. There’s always a new beer and a new bar for you to try, but this one seems to be why you keep coming back home. And of course you can take the beers with you too, since they’re already neatly bottled for you! Convenient for your next adventure. ØLBUTIKKEN doesn’t have any taps, but they make up for it with a wide array of beers in their many fridges. You won’t find any macrobrewed pilsners here, but only the finest selection of domestic and international beer. On top of that, once a year one of the world’s rarest beers is released here: ”Blåbær” (Cantillon). If you’re fast, there might still be some left for drinking in-house, but the 100 bottles released this year, were gone after less than an hour. The best advice for a trip to ØLBUTIKKEN is to be a real bohemian and try something new, and we’re sure you’ll find it here!



THE HIPSTER BAR Being hip is hard work! You always have to stay four steps ahead of everyone else and your preferences are constantly changing. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t need a favorite place to enjoy some good brews. As a true hipster you’re located at Vesterbro, Copenhagen and so is “your bar”. Those fixies aren’t really great for longer trips anyway and you wouldn’t risk getting it stolen at Nørrebro. For many years, the hipsters’ favorite place has been a place that glorifies Burt Reynolds and The Big Lebowski in a cozy, yet rustic, setting. But since hipsters have been here for years, people have started to notice. Even the bar caught onto the success, so much that they had to expand to the other side of the country, and as a famous hipster once said (and later denied), “new is always better”. As a new bar in town, but with an already established reputation, there’s a certain standard of quality, that FERMENTOREN has to live up to. The new location in Aarhus, Denmark seems to do just fine already, so giving recommendations is both a very easy task, but also a very difficult one to keep up with. The easy way is to recommend all of them, but of course everyone has some favorites. Our highlights are ”Cassis” (Brekeriet), ”Bommen & Granaten” (De Molen), and ”Sundance” (to Øl), but as always in a popular bar, you have to be fast. These beers won’t be there forever! Of course you can also just stick to your true home and stay at Vesterbro!


PICTURE COURTESY OF. FERMENTOREN www.facebook.com/FermentorenAarhus

THE STUDENT BAR Almost all of us have been there at the end of the month - the wallet seems to have been on a serious and very successful diet. As seems to be a pattern, from month to month in the student life, many learn to overcome such obstacles. Of course it would be cheaper to buy a six-pack at the local grocery store and head to the park, but sometimes it’s also okay to be picky — even when you’re broke and probably should be studying anyway. Luckily for the poor students in Copenhagen, the competition from the microbrewers has spread to the cheaper alternatives, so you don’t have to sit with yet another lukewarm Tuborg Pilsner, while getting hit by frisbees. Compared to the other bars on this list DIA’LEGD might not seem impressive nor extraordinary. But don’t let that fool you, as the old saying goes, “There’s more than meets the eye.” DIA’LEGD is directly related to Refsvindinge, another Danish brewery, so you could say they like to keep it in the family — one of the owner’s uncles is the head brewer at Refsvindinge. Refsvindinge has been around for a while, so long that some of their beers are already classics. If you haven’t yet tried ”Ale No. 16”, ”Mors Stout” or ”Røde Mor”, it’s about damn time. Price shouldn’t be a factor here and the quality seems to be fairly consistent.



THE HOT NERD GEEK CHIC POUR HOMME If your a true fashionista, there’s a good chance you were either a fashion nerd in school, who was all about fashion history, techniques or you were the fashion bitch, that bestowed your judgment and/or terror on your fellow class mates. Either way, you probably didn’t really relate to the other children. If you were the fashion geek, you’ve might have learned that nerdyness has its uses, that it sets you apart from the rest and makes you a high roller/earner in grown up life. If you were the fashion bitch, you’ve might have noticed that it’s the nerds whose going places, achieves success and earn enough to subsidize your fashion addiction. Another thing that’s good to know about nerds, is that they can look really hot, that they’re passionate and ambitious in all aspects of their life, and let us tell you, it’s really nice to date someone who always aim to archive excellence, if you know what we mean, wink, wink ;-) So lets honor the hot nerds, they fix our computers, show us how our phone works and is just there for us when we need them, often with a smile and a relaxed attitude. So the next time you’re drunk and out on the town, don’t look for a stockbroker, you know he’s gonna loose his shirt in the next recession anyway, look for the hot, sweet nerd, that’s gonna treat you right, fix your problems and rock your world! And you guys, let out your inner nerdyness, and remember, it’s he who invents computer stuff that laughs last, just look at Steve Jobs, he was even impersonated by Ashton Kutcher - that’s just awesome!

Photographer: Jonas Hjermitslev Gregersen // Hjermitslev Photography Models: Niels Horvath // Le Management Christian Heuser // Diva Models Styling: Sandra Vinding // UGLY FAT Makeup and hair: Jonas Hjermitslev Gregersen & Sandra vinding

Shirt; NN.07 - Sweater; HACKETT - Belt; HACKETT - Pants; MATINIQUE

Cap; NN.07 - Sweater; BEN SHERMAN - Pants; SAMSØE SAMSØE

Sunglasses; KBH K - Shirt; MATINIQUE - Tie; SAMSØE SAMSØE - Belt; HACKETT Bag; ECCO - Pants; NN.07



Sunglasses; KBH K - Shirt; SUIT

Sunglasses; KBH K - Shirt; SUIT - Watch; GUESS - Pants; MATINIQUE

Sunglasses; KBH K - Shirt; MATINIQUE - Pants; NN.07



Shirt; BEN SHERMAN - Pants; NN.07

Shirt; BEN SHERMAN - Pants; NN.07

STREET SMARTS When it comes to smarts, it’s important to remember that there’s many ways of being smart, a lot more ways than book smarts, which usually is the smarts that gets the most attention. Not everyone excel at the university, some learn from the school of life. Don’t forget, the street is where Coco Chanel started out and was continually inspired by throughout her careerer. A tradition that remain in fashion long after her death, were street wear is often reinterpreted and appear on the catwalk. But the whole fashion system seem to be increasingly more down to earth and more in contact with the real world. Cool hunters, urban youth sub cultures, bloggers and so on, gives a very dynamic power structure within the fashion industry. Fashion, these days, is just as much from the street to the catwalk, as it is the other way around. Fashion both bubbles up from the street as well as trickle (back) down to street level - it’s fashion in a loop. Just think of Marc Jacobs’ legendary grunge collection for Perry Ellis back in 1992. It may have cost him his job as creative director for the company, but it made him a super star in the fashion firmament. Today street slang is an increasingly valid form of expression, not just verbally, but also in fashion and styling.

Photographer: Anja Ekstrøm // www.anjaekstroem.dk Model: Amalie H. Bredahl Styling: Henriette Winther // UGLY FAT Makeup and hair: Mia Bothmann

Coat; STORM & MARIE - Earmuffs; MONKI - Mens top; ASOS - Stockings; DECOY - Shoes; ASOS

Coat; STORM & MARIE - Earmuffs; MONKI - Mens top; ASOS - Stockings; DECOY

Necklace; SLOAN SABLE - Helhorse T-shirt dress; RØD SØN BY EASTERFARM - Skirt; ASOS - Tote; ADAX

Necklace; SLOAN SABLE - Helhorse T-shirt dress; RØD SØN BY EASTERFARM - Skirt; ASOS - Tote; ADAX

Turtleneck; ENVII - Lace blouse; LASSE SPANGENBERG - Pants; GAT RAMON - Rings; DYRBERG/KERN Backpack; R/H

Turtleneck; ENVII - Lace blouse; LASSE SPANGENBERG - Pants; GAT RIMON - Rings; DYRBERG/KERN Backpack; R/H

Sweather; ENVII - Pants; BØGELUND-JENSEN - Bracelet; SLOAN SABLE

Sweather; ENVII - T-shirt; MONKI - Pants; BØGELUND-JENSEN - Bracelet; SLOAN SABLE

Sunglasses; G-STAR - Turtleneck; GANNI - Pants; GANNI - Rings; DYRBERG/KERN - Bag; ADAX

Turtleneck; GANNI - Top; WEEKDAY - Necklace; X BY TROLLBEADS - Mens shirt; A.T. FICIAL Skirt; AN OUNCE

Turtleneck; GANNI - Top; WEEKDAY - Necklace; X BY TROLLBEADS - Mens shirt; A.T. FICIAL Skirt; AN OUNCE

THE SMARTY SHOPPING LIST (because regular groceries are boring)

GETTING SCHOOLED In order to become a smarty, at least a classic smarty, you first must get schooled. But in order to get schooled you need lots of books, pencils, a computer and crap like that, that you need to carry around from home to the university, to the local coffee place and back again. So you’ll need a top quality backpack that will stand a lot of usage and make you look student chic at the same time. The German brand PB 0110 , by Philipp Bree have, what we believe to be, the perfect backpack. It’s made from luxurious, soft leather and it’ll last longer than your student loans. This is the only backpack you’ll ever need.

WORKIN’ NINE TO FIVE Once you’ve been schooled, you’ll need to get ready for the real world and to go out in the rough world of whatever business you’re schooled in. In order to do that, you’ll need the perfect briefcase. A briefcase that will make feel competent, make you look important and to hold....what ever normal people put in a briefcase. When it comes to briefcases it’s important that they can go if everything, looks timeless and are of sturdy construction. Once again we recommend you go to put your trust in PB 0110, because those guys really know what they’re doing, these bags needs to be experienced in real life. We present this unisex briefcase that has an almost Bauhaus quality to its color combination, will hold all your junk and match any outfit.

EXPRESSION LINES It’s well known that the leading causes for wrinkles are sun damage and expression lines, but did you know that thinking causes wrinkles as well. Just think about, wait, no don’t, just do a Google picture search of Danish thinker Georg Brandes. This because thinking usually lead to facial expressions, which leads to expression lines, which later on will turn your face into a dried apricot. To avoid this fate, we commend you try the VIVID RADIANCE SERUM, from SAMPAR. It’s ingredients include long complicated words, we don’t know what means and it promises to reduce expression lines, while firming and toning the skin. Sounds great doesn’t it. So get yourself some wrinkle care so you can once again ponder and puzzle while reading the classics. But remember, wrinkle care is preventative, so you need it sooner rather than later!

POWER DRESSING Smart girls are always busy thinking important things, reading heavy books and knowing how to do arithmetic without passing out. Therefor smart girls find ways to save time, like wearing a suit. Unlike the rest of us who prioritize to spend waaay more time than we care to admit, mixing and matching various items in our wardrobe. Then more, lets say intellectual (read nerds), likes to just put something on, without hesitation, something that’s comfortable, durable and more often than not, patterned in some way or other. Therefor we recommend dressing the part of a geek chic girl in this pepita checkered, wool suit from Danish fashion house BAUM UND PFERDGARTEN, it will keep you looking smart, chic and even keep you warm during the coming winter. Try to pair it with flats, socks and ideally a pair of glasses to go ultra geek chic, you can always save it and accessorize it to comply with the lady like look or as a hot secretary, later on.

GUUURL; THESE SHOES ARE MADE FOR WALKING One thing a lot of intellectuals and nerds seem to be passionate about, is the issue of comfortable footwear. For most of us, the words “comfort“ and “foot wear“ are very much opposites. Sometimes the fashion industry seem to forget, that feet are meant for walking, and thus creates foot wear that please the eyes rather than your toes. But sometimes, you’re lucky enough that comfort and fashion overlap, which due to the current 90’s inspired fashion and the normcore, trend, seem to what’s happening these seasons. More and more fashion labels are showing fashionable shoes, that is actually shaped like feet....weird right!? So, gurl, kick off those uncomfortable stilettos this season and walk down memory lane of 90’s gone past, in these black/white flats from TAMARIS.

PULL UP THOSE HOSES, HO! Nothing spells out geek chic quite like showing off with some sock. Pair them with a dress or a pair of stumpy pants. Find the sock for your inner geek in the wide selection of ITEM M6, who specialize in making high quality socks and hoses. You might be reading this, thinking the sock trend isn’t for you. But we assure you, it can be nothing short of fabulous. Think about the knee socks in the movie “Clueless“ or Iggy Azalea’s reenactment of the movie for the music video “Fancy”. Furthermore it’s a fashion taboo that regularly makes it appearances on the various catwalks, several times for Prada. So pull up those luxurious hoses from ITEM M6, as you slide your feet into your fashion forward foot wear.

BOI; THESE SHOES ARE MADE FOR WALKING Men are lucky when it comes to many things, foot wear included. Men aren’t forced to wear high heels (although we won’t judge any man for wearing heels....unless the heels are ugly), but can dress up in flats. However, it’s sometimes incredible how some flats mens shoes can look so innocent, and yet completely destroy your feet, seriously, what’s up with that. So the recent trends with shoes that is actually shaped like feet, is a really happy development. It seem to echo the words of Coco Chanel; “Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it’s not luxury”. We love this comfortable, foot-shaped, desert boot in brown crocodile imposed leather, from the Danish fashion house SAND. So let out your credit card, for some luxury that your feet will be grateful for.

SUIT UP Smart men, dress smart...or anyway, they should! Dress like you’ve outwitted them all and conquered the world by power dressing in a smart, yet relaxed suit with a discrete checkered pattern, like this blue suit from TIGER OF SWEDEN. Use it to live out your inner F. Scott Fitzgerald - that vintage smarty knew how to dress. Pair the suit with a whiskey sour, some jazz and profound observations on human interaction in modern society.

PARTY LIKE A SMARTY If you’re a smarty, you shouldn’t be drinking fancy cocktails, with fabulous umbrellas or other shiny drink accessories. No, you should be sipping some hard liquor, while holding an air of sophistication. Nothing can beat the smartyness of sipping brandy in the library. So sit yourself down with the works of F. Scott Fitzgerald, a nice cigar and enjoy the aromas of this REMY-MARTIN cognac, which have matured in 20 year old Limousine oak caskets (mind you, it’s the caskets that are 20 years old, not the actual cognac itself....). Cheers!

IF YOU GOT IT, FLAUNT IT Just in case you don’t have that library we were talking about earlier, then you at least need a bookcase for all your smarty stuff. After all, if you have smarty stuff, why not show it to the world? We recommend displaying your collection of literary classics or your scout badges or whatever in this blue MONTANA book case. With the MONTANA book case you can add on new shelves to your book case, as your collection of smarty stuff grows larger. Pretty nifty, right.




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