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UGLY FAT is based and works from Copenhagen, Denmark. The company is about clothes and about style, this is through various types of works with clothes. The company is inspired by several years of freelance work with clothes in movies, editorials, writing, and production. The thought behind UGLY FAT is to combine all of those types of work, in the same company and spread the joy of good style. UGLY FAT gets inspiration from classic style legends like Fellini, Audrey Hepburn, Coco Chanel and many, many more. The name is a way to portrait the struggles for "beauty" in daily life and the critique we all meet in society and in ourselves. When has anyone had a day, without hearing beautiful and glorious people putting themselves down and calling themselves ugly or fat? UGLY FAT is about celebrating the odd ducks, good style and general fabulousness. For more info or general inquiries, please contact us on mail@uglyfat.dk Find us on facebook; https://www.facebook.com/UGLYFATMAGAZINE