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Multiple Ways to get Fit Quick

Febuary 13, 2018


Enhanced eliptical

We have only seen blueprints, so we don’t have a picture of what it could look like in the future.


More info.

An eliptical that is said to have a simple AI in it that will change the incline of the eliptical as it notices your heart is improving by looking at the target heart rate based on your weight when you step on it and from your age when you type it in before you exercise. This will make sure you lose weight at an efficent rate.


Robotic barbell assistant

A robotic arm fitted with a camera and plugs so it can tell how exausted you are getting. If it notices you are getting tired and you try to do one more lift, it will put it’s very strong robotic hand ariund it without gripping it. This will allow the lifter to try one more without risking painful or fatal injuries.(We still reccomend you don’t try more than you think you can normally. Note: This will not be what the final product looks like.


Table of contents: In-depth explanation of the slim pill 6 Fat burning belt 7 In-depth explanation of the fat burning belt 8 Workout band 9 In-depth explanation of the workout band 10 Additional ways to get fit quick. 9-19 Two choices that can help you get fit quick 20 Two more ways to get fit quick choice one 21 Two more ways to get fit quick choice two 22


Details on the slim pill • The chemicals have been tested to make sure that the weight loss is healthy so no need to worry. • We highly reccomend that you don’t take more than one pill in a week since the wight loss could start happening at an unhealthy rate.


Fat Burning Belt

• Burns fat as you exercise when you hit the button. A dial next to it determines how fast it can go. • The dial next to the button can go from 0.5 pounds per hour to 1.5 pounds per hour.


More details on the Fat Burning Belt • The belt has been put through many test to make sure that it only burns a natural amount of weight in a day. • To this end, we recommend that you only use it for 12 hours at the lowest setting, 6 hours for the one in between and only 3 hours at the highest.


Experimental Exercise Bands

These bands are made of a material that gets harder to stretch as they get wet. As always keep in mind that if these look similar to another product the company hasn’t finalize the final design.


More Info on The Experimental Exercise Bands The material in the band, as said before, can harden if exposed to water. This is helpful, since elastic bands don’t stretch perfectly normally. By making it harder for them to stretch, you require your arm and leg muscles to be able to pull harder, thus helping then to get fit faster. To harden it(without making it impossible to stretch them) a canister of water is placed in the band, which can be opened so it can let out a drop of water. This wil make that one part harder to stretch so that your muscles can work harder, so they can get stronger. It’s mainly in the testing phase still since the scientists are trying to keep the water spreading throughout the band


Basal metabolic rate Boosting Water


In-depth explanation This unique water has the ability to increase your basal netabolic rate. Your Basal metabolic rate determines hoe many calories you burn while not moving. This helps since as you get older this slows down. This helps since your body can burn more on its own which can be added to the calories you burn during exercise. We still reccomend that you ask your doctor if this is safe for you to take since some people are born with a high basal metabolic rate.


Experimental Training Weights

This is one pair of the experimental training weights. Before more information is given, let us mention that this is what the weights might look like, so if it looks similar to anything else, keep in mind that this isn’t the final look for future pairs since the company that is making them hasen’t perfected them yet.


Information on the Experimental Training weights The weights are unique in that they will have an AI attached to a moniter on the inside of the weights that will use the moniter to see how fit your muscles are. As they improve, the AI will continue to make them heavier, so you can keep trying to improve overtime. Once they are made, there will be weights for all muscle groups, so you can focus on one or more at a time but we would prefer if you don’t try to excercise more than two types of muscles or you could hurt yourself by overworking your body


Experimental Energy Drink


Details on the experimental energy drink This unique energy drink will be able to keep you hydrated just as muh as normal water wouldbe able to do. This is helpful since energy drinks normally only give you enough hydration if you are doing exercises for a short amount of time. This will give you another option for staying hydrated. Please keep in mind that the picture used is only for marketing and that it will most likely not be the final design.


Two more simple ways to get fit quick. One way to get those results faster are to pick the right food to eat at lunch, dinner and dessert can reduce the slowdown of your weightloss is one choice you can make. Another choice is to include more exercises in your daily routine. These choices may not be as fast as the other products but are cheaper and can be incorparated into your schedule easily.


Choice one: eating healthy meals

No matter how much you use our products that allow you to lose weight quickly, i you eat a lot of junkfood or a lot of food in general, you’ll just increase your weight in the long run. You probably noticed that we mentioned that we made sure that the products have you lose weight at a natural pace and this is because the body can’t lose too much weight at once unless you are way heavier than a person should be normally, thus our products can only do so much. If you eat the proper food during meals, then you won’t have to worry about taking two steps back on your workout. Two thing that should be in your meals are meat and vegetables. These will provide most of the nutrients that your body needs, but you should include more vegetables than meat. But remember! There’s no such thing as a true vegetarian unless yor willing to add supplements to your meals.


Choice two: Add more exercises to your daily routine.

You have probably noticed that all of the mentioned products only make it to where you will lose more when you exercise. This is because you can’t lose it if you don’t exercise in the first place. If you want to see more results, then you can either exercise for longer or just do more exercises. We still don’t recommend that you exercise more than you need to since this can lead to your body dropping to unhealthy levels. You need at least some extra fat live a healthy life afterall.

By: Bryant Lebron


Getting Fit Quick

A magazine that does very well at making sure new wieght loss or exercise solutions are well known.

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