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Febuary 2018 Edition of Interstellar Magazine

We are adding to our strengthS




feature Space shuttle

3...2....1... Blast off into the knowledge of space shuttles, a new idea of NASA. Discover how they built the first space station and reusable space vehicle. Also dicover how NASA might fall behind its new “challenger� SpaceX!


Table of Contents SPACE SHUTLLE PG. 6-7




The Shuttle

It was a huge accoplishment for America’s space program to launch its very own re-usable space ship, but it wasnt a ship, it was a shuttle. The Columbia was the first shuttle launched into space on April 12th, 1981. NASA was known as the most smartest people, they designed a re-usable ship, the future seemed to open up for America, we were ahead of the compition. Sooner or later we built it, after 6 space shuttles and alot of elbow grease we were opening a gateway to the future one shuttle at a time. Yet on the 8th of July in 2011 was the last day we were to ever launch another space shuttle off of Earth. We slowly stopped, our space program became less excited to start new projects, we were at a stopping point, and space was put on hold for America. The newest technology, a re-usable ship was astonishing but only 7 years later we where brought back on the launch pad for yet another launch. The falcon heavy rocket by Space X. This was a huge push foward for space but not America. Our space program was still hiding away in a cave far


away, not to be used again. Since then other space programs looked to our success and took the wheel and tried it for themselves, china, Russia, and Europe. The space shuttle by itself was a discovery that people were happy to the future, how much longer until space is just a distant memory. Space to the countries like Russia and China is a gold mine. It’s a place for resources or for conquer. Too America it’s a new frontier, a place beyond. The shuttle helped us to build a space station in space that us humans could live in and study the effects of space and even gravity. We chased to go to the moon not because it was easy but because it was hard. We wanted it to be held under a banner of freedom rather than a flag of conquest. We were headed for the moon, then our orbit, now what? Did we just walk back, NASA just walked back instead of charging into the future? Did we give up; Or did we just get scared, what happened through the whole process when we gave up and decided to give up? Why did we stop trying together as a country?


Deep Space is millions and millions, even billions of light years long. We probably won’t be able to leave the Milky Way Galaxy because even the Milky Way is 100,000 light years long. Light years is how far light can travel in one year, so it would take nearly 100,000 years traveling at the speed of light to leave the Milky Way Galaxy. Not only that but in order to travel in light years the craft that you travel in needs to be nearly weightless. There might be hope for us to find a way of the floating space shuttle known as Earth. If mankind was able to find something faster than light and more efficient we could, so what about darkness? Sadly, darkness has the same speed as light and is nearly impossible to use. To be able to “measure” the distance of the universe we can use the most ancient things in our solar system, quasars. Quasars are objects similar to stars that are extremely far away from Earth, almost billions of light years away. This meaning a telescope looking at a quasar is looking at an image of a quasar billions of years ago, meaning that quasar could’ve died millions of years ago but because of how far away the light traveling from the quasar to Earth it would take billions of years till all the light traveling from it stopped shining on Earth. That is amazingly far that if we somehow found a way to travel double the speed of light, meaning as we leave the quasar we can see ourselves traveling to the quasar would take longer then how long humans have been on Earth. Yet many scientists around the globe have proposed a theory, that we humans did not evolve from a common ancestor as apes but long-ago aliens, similar to us, smart, intelligent, and very sensitive to sunlight had reproduced with apes and humans were a product, it’s said then apes who gave birth to these humans evolved to the apes we know today. This means that yes there could be a possibility a smarter and more advanced society from a dying planet could have gotten their hands-on technology that could have let them travel faster than the speed of light and in their last final days before their planet died they could’ve 7 million years ago come here and create us, and could come back. Yet this is just a theory and most likely is not true but gives us more evidence to build on to come up to a conclusion on if we could ever leave Earth and be able to find a new home to build upon, a new Earth. Now think of this if I was able to access the speed of light, a button that was one light year away would take me one year to get to. Now say I had a wooden plank that was neaarluly one light

ton, if I pushed the wooden stick to the button it would


Space year long and I stood at the end of it and the end of the wooden stick was right near the button, if I pushed the wooden stick to the button it would only take a couple of seconds to press the button, so is the speed of push faster than light? Well let’s take in the accountability that we pushed the stick only a couple of centimeters, and still the speed of push effects on what is pushing you, so no the speed of push is not near the speed of light. Now let’s talk about a region of space that has the strongest gravitational force, black holes. The most destructive force in the universe, trapping light itself inside making them so dark to bend space itself, these black holes come from stars that stop burning that then pull everything inside it. Yet here is the question, can we use black holes as a way to travel farther into the universe, well black holes could be a good slingshot, but not something that would help us as much as anyone thinks nor affect us. Even if the sun, our sun became a black hole nothing harmful except the fact of plants and slowly running out of oxygen could happen, we would still travel around the black hole previously known as the sun, and we would be very cold. So, will we ever reach the end of space? Will we ever find a speed faster than light, and will we ever find a new home if ours dies? Well only time can tell, and the future of science and engineers and astronomers’ will be the ones to find out if us humans will ever be able to reach the far corners of the universe, but finding a new home is much closer than you think. Only 12 light years away there is a planet with similar terrain to Earth, revolving around the closest star to Earth, Proxima Centauri. This star of course is only around 4 light years away from Earth, doing the math Earth is around 15 light years away from the Sun, this new Earth is only 8 light years away from Proxima Centauri, Venus the hottest planet in our solar system is not even 1 light year away from our sun, so in short yes, this planet could be habitable if in the right conditions. This new Earth is thankfully in the suns “safe zone” meaning water can form on this planet, yes liquid water the main ingredient for creating life could form on this planet. There still is one hope to travel across the universe, though you might not be thinking what I will be talking about, definitely not just getting on the Millennial Falcon and hopping into light speed, but much more practical. Nearly 2.537 million light years away, another galaxy in motion known as the Andromeda Galaxy is hurtling 250,000 miles per hour towards our Galaxy, The Milky Way. echnology and new recourses to possibly one day make it out of Earth as it dies and the sun explodes and travel to the new galaxy created by the Milky Way and Andromeda, we could be voyagers across space, only time and space will choose our fate.


Early Earth As our Earth was being formed, it was not anything like the green giant we all know and love. It used to be rocky and ocean levels were high. The ocean had no oxygen in it, the atmosphere was thin, lave spilled over the planets crust to form land. But one day a lighting storm shot the water and a spark happened, it was life. A cell just one cell, swam though the ocean taking the co2 and making oxygen. After a bit, cells became multicelluar forming plants and the first animal, sponges. Sponges yes they are animals who gave co2 to the ocean. Forming a circle of life. We were not done there, soon animals became able to move, they swam, then the crawled to the shores. Because plants moved to the shores first, the atmosphere was fine for breathing, and the animals then started to split, as well as the plants. Half of the plants needed water while the other needed air, same as the animals. Sooner or later, Earth became a flying rock in our solar system able to carry life. As Earth was still in its early stage of developing, it was covered in magma and was very, very alike with Mars, just bigger. Earth would have been impossible to live at as well, with its lava infested land, no person could stand on Earth.


After Earth was fully formed as well as our moon, the land became damp and wet, as well as very humid (picture in background). Yet there were still lava pools and areas still forming into Rodinia, the first “supercontinent�. Ofcourse life was just microscopic, nanometers big, swinning in our ocean making water by taking its co2 and creating oxygen. Lets skip ahead a little bit into the Paleozoic era, were the sea was where all animals mainly lived, fighting over the seas, megalodons and even past them the otodus obliquus, the 12.2 meter shark, though not as old as the Megalodon at a whopping 18 meters, the otodus obliquus was appearing on Earths deep blue 60 million years ago, not close to the Paleozoic era where many jawless fish roamed the sea mainly feeding on plankton or small bacteria from the ocean floor. This was nearly 250 to 80 million years ago. Earth as you could only imagine was beautiful, green was everywhere, the polar ice caps were not formed yet, and no mammals were around. Earth has changed, even plants looked different, we might not be able to 100 percent tell what happened, but we are able to slowly uncover the truth about our planet.


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