The Sports Factor In depth interview with Mone Davis Interview with the president of the LLWS.
Tips to help with getting kids into sports at a young age.
Febuary 2018
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Little League World series edition 6. Batter up, 10cool snack ideas for game day. 7. Interviw with Bob Whepter, President of the Little League World Series.
8-9.“Show me the Mo’ne.” Exclusive interview with Mo’ne Davis. 10-11. comics, jokes, and more.
Before the game A mini cinnamon-raisin bagel with flavored cream cheese English muffin sandwich with a slice of lean ham and/or reduced-fat cheese Greek yogurt with a variety of toppings (homemade granola, chopped almonds or walnuts, dried fruit) Fruit and yogurt smoothies Cartons of low-fat milk with baggies full of cereal 100-percent fruit juice boxes
After the game Air-popped popcorn sprinkled with Parmesan cheese Low-fat chocolate milk Banana, orange slices or apple slices (dipped in orange juice to prevent browning) Whole-grain granola bars
Mo’ne Davis born June 24, 2001 she is an American former Little League Baseball pitcher from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She was one of two girls who played in the 2014 Little League World Series and was also the first girl to earn a win, and to pitch a shutout in Little League World Series history. She was the 18th girl overall to play, the sixth to get a hit, and the first African-American girl to play in the Little League World Series. She was also the first person to appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated as a Little League player.
Mo’ne is currently a fresh
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