Finding the truth in a world where it doesn’t matter
March 2018 Issue
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Lies in a world where the truth doesn’t matter By Ash Stavros “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned,” -Matthew 12:37.
Nobody calls themselves a liar. Most people even have a strong moral code against lying. Yet, everyone has lied numerous times in the past. Even if a ‘moral’ person lies, they can rationalize a reason that they had to, which allows them to keep the image of being a moral person. You’d think that people who lie would get pretty good at it, but most make their deception pretty obvious. Humans are not hard-wired to tell lies. No matter how much a person wants to lie, their brain knows they are not telling the truth, and thus will give off unconscious signals. These signals can
come in the form of changes in body language, facial ticks, behavioral changes, speech patterns, you get the gist. Most people don’t know anymore than what is said in TV on the subject of lying. Everyone will experience being lied to in the future, and most people will probably never see it coming or know how to discern fiction from truth. But some will. Some people have knowledge of how humans work, thanks to some weirdos and outcasts (Not me, I’m actually pretty damn cool) who studied the brain. They did something that most people would have never thought to do: they looked.
Quick Lie Detection Tactics Common knowledge circulating around is that when someone is lying, they will be shaky and they won’t make eye contact. This makes sense on the surface, but it doesn’t really give us much. When someone is nervous they get shaky, but what if they aren’t nervous? Many criminals have beat polygraph tests because they just weren’t nervous: Gary Ridgeway, the Green River Killer; Aldrich Ames, a Soviet spy; and Charles Cullen, a serial killer (Source: Fresh Air). Someone could get away with lying just because they have a relaxed attitude. There’s also another flaw in the common knowledge: not making eye contact. People who are lying won’t make eye contact, right? If that’s true, then all they would have to do is make eye contact to put up a good illusion of their innocence, and holding eye contact is easier then trying to not be nervous. Also, what if someone is naturally shy and doesn’t make much eye contact, they could get mistaken for a liar. Here’s where you can use this to your advantage. If there’s a sudden change in behavior, that person is probably lying . For example, a big tell is if someone who doesn’t normally hold eye contact now has a gaze that stares right at you. It could also be the other way around where someone who normally makes eye contact now suddenly doesn’t. But since everyone thinks they know that liars will look away, they would probably consciously make sure eye contact is being held.
Another way to tell just by observing is what direction someones eyes move. A big (but heavily debated) tell is if the person’s eyes move to their right. When someone recalls a visual, their eyes will probably avert left and up, and directly left when recalling a sound. When a person is fabricating an event, their eyes will probably move to their right (Source: NLP). The left brain is the one that supposedly recalls what happened, and the right brain is what will create a new event. This tell is debated and more of a myth, but it still has a lot of merit. The biggest tell is how much they pause during their speech. It is probably the most effective because, while everyone knows about avoiding eye contact, and quite a bit have heard of how eyes move, this one is widely unknown, and thus will probably not be faked. When the brain first tries to remember something, it will have to draw out all of the details from that experience. Pauses in speech are normal at this point, because it will take time to remember. However, once they have recalled all of the details, they would not naturally pause. If they pause at this point, they are probably fabricating some details.
TAKING MATTERS INTO YOUR OWN HANDS Sometimes merely observing is not enough. Even if you do have a good eye, everyones eyes’ can deceive. Sometimes it is better to take action to tell if someone is lying. A bold route would be asking your target directly. Most of you have probably done this at some point in some scenario. Depending on their answer, you can probably see if they’re telling the truth. For example, if you suspected your girlfriend was cheating on you and asked her directly, an answer that would indicate she is telling the truth is something along the lines of “No, what the hell is wrong with you?” But, if she were to say “What proof do you have?”, that is the biggest red flag that she is lying. I said that most of you have probably asked or been asked directly if they are lying, and chances are they have heard or said this answer. Even if you had no proof, something still felt eerie about hearing that, right? That is because anyone who says that is almost guaranteed lying. They are secretly probing to see how much proof you have, and whether or not to double down on the lie or just confess.
such as “Oh, I heard [female friend’ name] was there, how is she?” If she validates your claim, then that is proof that she is lying (Of course, if there is still an offchance of that actually happening, you can do some detective work to see if her friend was actually there). The FBI pulls this all the time. They might say to a suspect “Your accomplice has already confessed” in order to draw out the truth from them, when in fact their accomplice has stayed silent. Yes, they actually do this, it’s not just in TV or movies (Source: Forbes). With this knowledge, you can tell when most people are telling a lie. Ironically, you can also use this knowledge to make yourself a better liar and deceive most people. You don’t have to do anything complicated to tell if someone’s lying, it’s not some Hollywood BS like seeing the sweat glisten on someone’s face, all of these are pretty basic. Just remember that no one of these tricks can magically tell fact from fiction, only God can do that.
Another tactic you can do is one of the FBI’s favorites: throwing in a lie. Back to the previous example: you suspect that your girlfriend is cheating on you, and she claims to have been at your friend’s house all night. You could say something
First he lost his reputation Then his credibility Then his Fox News Show
Bill O’Reily in:
FIVE FINGER D Let me start this off by saying that I am not an anarchist. I believe in government, I believe in the police, and I even believe in (some) taxes. But the police always seem to be around when you don’t want them, and never around when you need them. Ergo, it is a must-have to be able to defend yourself against an aggressor. Remember, this is not boxing. No one will step into the ring if you are unconscious. No one will win by doing a tricky maneuver. If you are fighting against someone who is obviously going to win, then RUN. Being brave doesn’t equal smart. If you thought that last line was directed towards someone else, the following is for you.
By Dan
-------------------| | < - - - - - Eyes (Classic 3 Stooges) | |< - - - - - Bridge of nose/right below nose | | < - - - - - Below ear, next to jaw | | < - - - - - Base of skull |________| | | < - - - - - Base of neck | | _________________ /.............................. /..../.|.......................|......... /..../...|.......................|.......... |....|...|........................|........... < - - - - - - - - -Solar plexus (Below rib cage) |....|...|............X....................... |.|.|...|..................................... |..........................| |..........................| /............................\ /................................\ < - - - - - - - Duh... |............./......\............| |........|.................|........| |........|................|........| < - - - Knee joint |........|................|........| |........|................|........| |........|................|........| |........|........................... |........\.......................... < - - - - - - - - - - - Stomp on foot, right near ankle \____/........................
-Nose: Strike on the bridge of the nose, you can cause serious pain. Strike right below the nose, it’s bad enough to cause unconsciousness. -Ear: Below your ear and right behind the jaw is a small indentation. Press it with your thumb. Hurts, right? Jab that area with your thumb, and you’ll cause pain, unconsciousness, and if you do it too hard, death. -Base of Skull: Karate chop yourself in the back of your neck and aim upwards. There are two large tendons that form a big flat area. If you strike in this area, you’ll nail some nerves. Hit it hard enough, and it’ll feel like a 220 volt line running head to foot. -Base of Neck: If Hollywood has taught us anything, it’s that nothing you see in movies is real. By base of neck I mean the place they always strike in spy movies. You won’t knock anyone out with this, but you can disable their arm. If you hit their collar bone, you’ll hear a loud crack. They won’t be able to use their arm after that. -Solar Plexus: Jab it with a finger, they won’t be able to breathe. I’ve seen Muay Thai experts get knocked out from a jab to their Solar Plexus. -Testicles: Use this as a last resort, because hitting in this area directly contradicts all standards of honor. Don’t be a dick (no pun intended). -Knee Joint: If you’re knocked down, hook your ankle around their heel, and kick their kneecap in with your other foot. No more skiing. Ever. You may be sued if you do this, so tread cautiously. -Foot: Use this to counter a grab. Stomp on their foot, and drive your elbow into their solar plexus.
Weapons are an important aspect, and they are both good and bad. Good when you have them, bad when you don’t. Don’t use guns or knives, it’s too easy to accidentally kill someone. Forget what movies and TV tell you, if you kill someone you will not have a life worth living anymore (unless you can prove it was self-defense). Stun-guns are better- they are both non-lethal and safe. If you get a 50K volt, it’ll take only 3 seconds of contact to subdue. Get one with 100K volts, and they’ll be airborne in 1.5 seconds. Another goody is a baton. Don’t hit them in the head, stick to forearms and hips, nice and painful. And let’s not forget my personal favorite: the bullwhip. They exceed Mach 1 at the tips, the crack you hear is a sonic boom. They are extremely non-lethal, and extremely painful.