Introducing our keynote speakers Welcoming us to Amsterdam is: The opening keynotes on Tuesday 21 June in the Auditorium, will welcome you to Interspill 2022:
Nancy Scheijven Westra
Director Vessel Traffic and Water Management Rijkswaterstaat After studying business economics at the school for business administration and economics, Nancy studied international management and different cultures in Europe at the University of Maastricht. After her studies Nancy did a traineeship at Ormit and after that she worked as a management consultant at Ordina for 10 years. In this position she carried out assignments for both the public and the private sector. Thereafter Nancy chose to work for the Dutch Ministry of Education where she fulfilled several roles in the field of business operations, she was also the HR Director. In 2010 she joined Rijkswaterstaat, part of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water management. For four years Nancy worked as Director of Asset and Environmental management at the North Holland division. In 2017 Nancy made the transition to primary activity of Rijkswaterstaat. She became Director of Vessel Traffic and Water Management of the main waterway infrastructure. She is responsible for the daily operation of about 450 locks and bridges in the Netherlands, vessel traffic management services, incident management and law enforcement. She is also responsible for the water management including the reporting on water quantity in times of both drought and floods. Being the Director Vessel Traffic and Water Management, Nancy is excited by future developments in autonomous shipping. Rijkswaterstaat supports innovation in Smart Shipping and is investing in infrastructure to welcome such vessels in the future.