JUNE 2021
How prepared are you? The unpredictability of a spill, the impact it can have on the environment, and on the responsible party’s business, calls for a prudent approach to regularly reassess potential risks and their consequences, and to apply commensurate levels of risk mitigation. But navigating through oil spill preparedness and response can be daunting. With over 30 years of experience in oil spill response and preparedness globally, Oil Spill Response Ltd. provides peace of mind and expert support through every phase of preparedness from planning, training and exercising, to identifying oil spill equipment requirements and response services. Managing oil spill risk and meeting regulatory requirements can be left in our expert hands. Strategically positioned in ten locations on six continents, OSRL offers an end-to-end oil spill service and integrated solutions for all of your preparedness and response needs. We’re ready to assist anytime, anywhere. In the event of an incident, OSRL members have access to five oil spill 2
response experts for five days, with one call, ensuring coordination when it’s most crucial.
In good hands OSRL Membership provides expert guidance and support across all tiers of preparedness: • Training of personnel • Range of contingency planning, consultancy and advice • Fully maintained response equipment • Exercises
Contact us Get in touch to speak with one of our representatives about managing your oil spill risk:
Cover picture – A container from MV X-Press Pearl washed onto a Sri Lankan beach with its contents spread along the beach whilst the vessel, 8.5 nm away, burns in the background. Copyright Reuters
Spill Alert is the official magazine of the UK and Ireland Spill Association. It is published by the Association whose Registered Office is; 39 Chapel Road, West End, Southampton, SO30 3FG. The views in the magazine may not represent the views of the Association if the authors are not employees of it and are therefore individual views. No article may be reproduced without the permission of the Association whose contact details are below © UK and Ireland Spill Association Ltd - 2021 All enquiries for membership of the Association, editorial, advertising or attendance at events should be made to: Mark J Orr, Executive Director, UK and Ireland Spill Association Ltd Tel: 0333 444 1890 Mob: +44 7864 707408
All enquiries for marine, shoreline and inland accreditation should be made to: Neil Marson, Executive Director, International Spill Accreditation Scheme Ltd Tel: 0333 444 1891 Mob: 07889 714828
WELCOME TO SPILL ALERT WELCOME Welcome to the 21st edition of Spill Alert. Since the last issue we have had a wellattended Inland Spill Event on 22 April which demonstrated the depth of knowledge in the Association and the scope of work being undertaken by our members. The level of attendance does suggest that there may be a role for some future events to be virtual – watch out for our survey on this!
Lee Barber, Chair UK and Ireland Spill Association
As I write, we have members collaborating on the recovery of plastic pollution so that we can develop, in conjunction with the Environment Agency, an appropriate response plan. This project is seeing manufacturers and responders, working together to evolve solutions to an existing problem. This is the strength of collaborative working which the Association can enable when all participate and may be the start of other such projects formed as an innovation cluster. Elsewhere we have seen no shortage of spill action across the world in which some of our members are involved the latest being the X-Press Pearl, a three month old vessel destroyed by a fire that started in a container it was carrying which eventually spread to the whole vessel. The fire caused acids and the contents of the 1800+ containers it was carrying to enter the waters around the vessel, anchored just 9 nm from the shore. The effect of the fire and the fire-fighting efforts eventually flooded the engine
room and the vessel has slowly sunk to the seabed. Association members are out there dealing with the incident which will cause considerable harm to Sri Lanka and of course to the fisherman and those whose livelihood derives from the nearby beaches which are covered in debris from the containers and whose seas cannot be fished or even swum in. We have also seen an engine room fire destroy a large fleet support vessel belonging to the Iran Navy has sunk in the Strait of Hormuz causing further pollution of this busy waterway. In the same region there is increasing concern about the integrity of the large, aged and damaged Fuel Storage Vessel Safir, which is sat off the Yemen coastline deteriorating through lack of maintenance that is being prevented by the Houthi rebels. The United Nations thought it had agreement to inspect the vessel in December, then February and now talks have failed again…. The environmental impact on the region if the vessel structurally fails will be immense. More reason to keep training, maintaining capability, keep current and be ready to deploy. Fortunately talking to members just about all are busy which is good news. There is plenty going on in the Association at the moment, the new website is a push forward and with an expanded Knowledge Base programme should help keep us engaged! Stay safe out there
E L T More details at
“Regular interceptor emptying and cleaning is an important part of keeping your site running efficiently”
stating “Light liquid and sludge shall be
“It is recommended that interceptors are regularly maintained and cleaned ……. every three to six months.”
volume or 80 % of the storage capacity of
“It’s vitally important to carry out regular interceptor emptying, cleaning and maintenance”
Earlier this year we were asked to “read the standing orders, read them and understand them” all be it by an apoplectic parish councillor. When it comes to separators however, it is important that as an industry we read the British Standards, read them and understand them.
Whilst the above quotes are all accurate in the fact that regular maintenance is important, they all share the common
removed as required……NOTE Emptying is recommended when one half of the sludge the separator is reached.” In addition by simply emptying and cleaning the separator the essential checks to the separator’s functionality are not being undertaken. Compliant 6 monthly maintenance will require:
determining the volume of sludge,
misconception that emptying and cleaning
determining the volume of light
are essential components of regular
liquids (oil),
checks on the automatic closure
This practice is not what is required under the British Standard and does not meet the requirements to prove that adequate maintenance checks have been undertaken, in addition it generates unnecessary hazardous waste, water usage and carbon creation. One of our clients who switched from emptying their separators on a 6 monthly basis to having maintenance inspections conducted made annual
British Standard BS EN 858-2:2003 covers,
reductions of over 1,000,000 litres of
as well as other areas, the guidance on how
water, 1,000,000 litres of hazardous waste
to maintain separators (interceptors). With
and 9 tonnes of CO2 emissions. In addition
PPG 3 having been withdrawn and, as of
and most crucially they also ensured
yet, not re-released as a GPP the British
that appropriate maintenance was being
Standard guidance is the authority for
device (ACD), checks on the coalescing device, checks on the warning device (alarm), checks on the sampling shaft. A layman’s term analogy would be having a vehicle MOT. As with separator maintenance, it is a service which is required periodically to ensure your infrastructure is in good working order.
compliant separator maintenance across the UK. The industry standard (for companies who actually have their separators maintained)
During an MOT, checks must be undertaken
is to have them emptied every 6 months.
to test the condition and performance of certain components of your vehicle.
Unsurprisingly companies who operate
Following the MOT you are given a
tankers have perpetuated the myth that
report into the condition of your vehicle.
emptying is required every 6 months with
You may be given a certificate stating
the below phrases all taken from tanker
everything is in good working order and
companies websites in June 2021: GPT separator auditing stats
“Interceptors must be maintained regularly (emptied and cleaned)”
In truth BSEN 858 is quite explicit that emptying does not form an essential part of the 6 monthly maintenance
no further action is required; or you may have issues which need additional work to be undertaken to ensure the vehicle is working properly and not likely to cause an incident.
Case Study 1 – ACD triggered and not reset We were called to a site which was having issues with their drainage flooding following rain fall, every time this happened they were calling a tanker out to pump out the drainage and separator to remove the flood water and allow site operations to continue. The blockage was identified as coming from the separator, and they believed the separator must be broken which was causing the flooding.
When we inspected the separator we discovered that it was in full working order but that the ACD had been triggered and had not been reset. Either through negligence or lack of knowledge the inadequate maintenance had led to the tanker company getting paid for multiple call outs to remedy the problem they had caused. Costing the client a significant amount of money, disturbance to site activities and unnecessary waste and carbon creation. Left elevated water level, right correct water level following ACD reset
Proper separator maintenance will be similar to this, checks will be undertaken periodically on the performance of key components. A written report should be produced and supplied to the client either confirming the system is in good working order, or, recommending additional actions needed to bring it in line with required specifications. The current industry standard of having separators emptied every 6 months would be comparable to instead of having an MOT, having the tyres replaced and oil changed on your car every year, irrespective of their condition, without checking the functionality of the key
ACD highwater level
ACD normal
components such as brakes, lights and steering. This would be unnecessarily expensive, environmentally unsustainable and most crucially would not test that your vehicle was working properly. In addition, if something were to go wrong you could not prove that you had conducted appropriate maintenance in a subsequent legal investigation. We have taken on board a substantial amount of new clients for separator maintenance over the last few years. Many of these were having their separators emptied every 6 months, and a concerning amount had not been undertaking any
Case Study 2 – Coalescer damaged during servicing Coalescers are often the scapegoat when separators encounter a problem. Both clients and inexperienced maintenance providers will jump straight to the assumption that the filter is blocked which is causing the system to not work properly. Sometimes, of course, there is a problem with the coalescer, but more often than not they are not what is causing the issue. It is also a regular occurrence that in
desperation, clients will remove the coalescer from the system to attempt to fix issues themselves. This does not solve the problem but instead means the separator will not function correctly, creating an elevated risk of pollution. In addition they may break the coalescer in the process. This then requires repairing alongside other issues, costing a significant amount more money and effort. Left unseated coalescer housing, right coalescer housing removed with filter media missing.
maintenance at all. The following are all case studies of problems caused by improper maintenance being conducted, or no maintenance being conducted at all.
Coalescer in system
Coalescer removed
Case study 3 – alarm in incorrect position Separator alarms or “warning devices” as they are referred to in the British Standard are key to ensuring you are given advanced warning if an incident occurs and the separator has contained the spilled oil. They are also the piece of infrastructure we see problems with most often, perhaps unsurprisingly as they are electrical devices installed in drainage systems. There are a lot of issues which can go
wrong with separator alarms, but by far the most common issue is that they are not installed properly or they are simply turned off. BSEN 858 requires separators to be provided with a warning device, but often installers do not fit them. This may be because they do not know what they are or how to install them, or because running power and ducting can be difficult or expensive. The photo shows an alarm which has been dumped into the separator without being connected to a power source. Alarm
Case study 4 - Sampling cap missing This is a less common problem, and
should not be open. This is the
is one which is likely to be missed by
sampling shaft and it has the
inexperienced maintenance providers. The
top part missing. This may have
below photo shows the final chamber of
been done during maintenance,
a separator, there is some iridescence on
or it may have been installed
the surface which shows a small amount
without it. Either way it is an
of oil is present, the oil level is well below
issue which would allow oil
the threshold for emptying and the fact
to escape the system as the
that there is some oil suggest the system is
discharge pipe will be fed from
working correctly.
the top instead of the bottom.
However, the pipe on the left hand side Sampling cap missing
Case study 5 - Integrity of the system broken Some sites which have a significant amount of oils or silts entering the separator will require emptying regularly, however in many cases emptying will only be required once every 5 years as part of a general inspection. During a general inspection, as well as emptying and cleaning the system, the integrity must be assessed. This can be undertaken using a confined space entry team or by inserting a camera and recording the internal condition of the system. It is vital that during the 5 yearly general inspections the systems are not simply
emptied, cleaned and recharged, but that a proper assessment is conducted. Below are photos of a separator with cracks which could only be seen once the system had been emptied and a camera inserted. As an industry it is essential that we ensure maintenance
cracked system 1 adjusted
is conducted properly, by experienced personnel. Separators are often the last line of defence, and ensuring they are adequately maintained could prevent a major environmental incident.
cracked system 2 adjusted
Sam Chick is the Marketing Manager at GPT Environmental Ltd who undertake separator maintenance and installations. More details from: and 8
“BLACK WEDNESDAY” FOR BIG OIL MV Xpress Pearl off Columbo – 20 May 2021 The X-Press Pearl, departed Hazira, India on May 15 and was heading eastbound on the last leg of a voyage from the Middle East. Whilst sailing a fire started in one of its containers. She requested permission to return to India which was rejected. However Sri Lankan authorities agreed to respond to a distress call on 20 May as the vessel anchored 9.5nm outside the port of Colombo awaiting terminal space. She was carrying 1486 containers which included
The Guardian ran this headline on 3 June
is relevant in legal terms; it is not about
to remind us that the world’s patience with
money but about conduct.
25 tons of Nitric Acid as well as cosmetics
At Exxon, shareholders, including Blackrock
Whilst extensive firefighting efforts were
the fossil fuel industry is wearing thin. In a series of defeats for the oil industry,
and Vanguard, voted to oust at least two
over the course of less than 24 hrs,
of the oil giant’s board members in favour
courtrooms and boardrooms turned on
of candidates put forward by an activist
the executives at Shell, Exxon Mobil and
hedge fund for failing to take the transition
Chevron. Shell was ordered by a court in
to low carbon energy seriously.
The Hague to reduce its carbon emissions, while shareholder rebellions in the US
At Chevron, more that 60% of investors
imposed emission targets at Chevron and a
voted in favour of a climate change
boardroom overhaul at Exxon Mobil.
resolution from Dutch campaign group,
and other potentially hazardous chemicals. undertaken to contain the fire it eventually spread to the whole vessel. SMIT Salvage were appointed to manage the incident and once the fire was thought to be extinguished on several occasions it flared up eventually consuming the whole vessel.
Follow This, to force the company to reduce To environmental campaigners this Black
its emissions.
Wednesday marks a turning point in the financial and legal consequences awaiting
Whilst these oil companies will, in different
oil companies that do not act fast to take
ways, manage this situation by offloading
accountability for their role in preventing a
assets, transferring ownership into different
climate catastrophe.
companies, there will negligible shortterm benefit to the climate. However,
Shell were in court to defend themselves
shareholders, investors and banks that
against Dutch climate campaigners at
have traditionally been supportive of the
Milieudefensi. The case was fought using
oil majors as a reliable source of dividend
elements of human rights law and the
income have been placed on watch that
UN’s guiding principles, which have ‘near-
change is necessary and vital to the future
universal application’ and can now be
of the planet. Activist and private investors
used in cases taken against other major
and major investment funds are watching
polluters. It places the onus on the industry
them closely and now have the power to
to act and that it can and now will be held
force change and win!
accountable to take very specific steps. It
MV Xpress Pearl – now a wreck 6 June With debris from the fire and its container’s contents washing onto Colombo’s pristine beaches, on 23 May the Sri Lankan authorities demanded the vessel be towed further from the shore and into deeper waters. However, with the fire raging this was not possible. With the fires extinguished the salvage and port authority teams were able to get on board Continued ...
INDUSTRY NEWS on 1 June and agreed that the tow could start. However whilst undertaking a slow tow on 2 June the water flooded vessel’s stern struck bottom and the tow was abandoned. Since then, the rest of the vessel has has slowly sunk and remains with the stern stuck on the bottom. The vessel has appx 300 metric tons of bunker fuel on board and there are fears that as the vessel sinks and maybe starts to break up that this and other chemicals retained on board despite the fire will be released into the local waters. As such the Sri Lankan Navy and Coast Guard remain on the scene. Speaking on CNA in Singapore, Shmuel Yoskovitz, the CEO of X-Press Feeders,
the owners of the ship, said he wanted to apologize for what has happened. “I’d like to express my deep regrets and apologies to the Sri Lankan people for the harm this
Sri Lankan navy soldiers are seen working in a beach in Pamunugama western province Sri Lanka for the removal of debris washed ashore from the burned container ship MV X-Press Pearl. 5th June 2021
incident has caused to the livelihood and
quickly and handled accordingly. To assess
potentially leak from the ship. In addition,
to the environment of Sri Lanka,” said
the real situation, we will need to wait for
X-Press Feeders said that it brought in
the wreck to settle on the seabed and then
representatives of ITOPF and Oil Spill
see what really can be done.”
Response to monitor and assist with any
Describing the current situation at the ship,
clean-up if there is an oil leak. X-Press
he continued by saying, “Currently what
Sri Lanka has also requested additional
Feeders said while limited by the current
the salvors are doing, they are monitoring
assistance from India to provide oil
COVID restrictions it had also supplied
the wreck and making sure that any debris
containment booms, dispersant chemicals,
heavy machinery to assist with the clean
or god forbid, the oil spill will be detected
and tools to recover oil that might
up along the shoreline.
Video of the incident is at:
More details at:
IRANIAN NAVY OIL TANKER SINKS IN THE GULF OF OMAN The British built oil replenishment ship Kharg caught fire in the early hours of 2 June and sank in the Gulf of Oman some 20 hours later. It is thought that the fire started in the ship’s engine room. The crew of 400 were safely evacuated. The vessel was the largest in the Iranian
Navy and operated as an oil replenishment and general supply vessel. Her design dates from the Olwen class of fast fleet oilers built for the Royal Navy. The Kharg was ordered by the Shah of Iran in 1974 who was overthrown prior to its completion. It was eventually handed over 1980 but was not delivered to Iran until 1984.
With the politics between Iran and her neighbours varying from tense to hostile there is the possibility that this was a government sponsored attack on the vessel, however that is not confirmed
MV WAKASHIO INQUIRY CONTINUES - COAST GUARD UNDER FIRE A Mauritius Coast Guard watch officer has come under fire in the investigation into last year’s grounding of the Wakashio ore carrier at Pointe-d’Esny, resulting in the island-nation’s worst environmental disaster. The officer, Constable Ujoodha, looked at his screen only once even though he saw that the vessel was 11.5 nautical
miles from the coast when it should have been 20 nautical miles away. He did see that the MV Wakashio had deviated from its course, but ignored it and chose instead to concentrate on other administrative work. Constable Ujoodha was the officer in charge of the radar surveillance of Mauritius’ territorial waters
at the headquarters of the National Coast Guard (NCG), in Fort-William, Port-Louis, at the time of the accident on July 25, 2020. However when he did ask the radar station at Pointe-du-Diable to contact the vessel. They ignored the calls…. More details at:
Authorities in Russia’s far-northern Komi Republic have declared an emergency over a 90-ton oil spill affecting local soil and waterways. The leak originated from a Lukoil pipeline located in the neighbouring Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Reportedly, most of the oil products have pooled on the shore of the Kolva River, however the pollution is continuing to spread into larger waterways and is moving towards the Barents Sea. Local environmental activists say the spill already constitutes an environmental disaster and has likely caused hundreds of millions of roubles in damage.
By 14 May it had reached the Usa River which the Kolva feeds into and by the 15 May it had also reached the Pechora river some 200 kms from its source According to a local environmental activist, Alexander Sladkoshtiev, due to the deterioration of the oil pipeline and the absence of an automatic mechanism that could have turned off the oil supply immediately after the accident, fuel was ejected out of the pipe and into the water under high pressure for six hours. As a result, the polluted area exceeded 12,000 square kilometers (or 4,633 square miles). It is believed that oil spills are more frequent that those reported due to ageing
infrastructure, remote location and little remote monitoring which would enable action to be taken. One of Russia’s largest-ever environmental disasters took place in Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk krai, in May 2020. Approximately 21,000 tons of diesel fuel leaked out of a damaged reservoir at a power plant belonging to a Nornickel subsidiary, spreading into nearby rivers and the surrounding soil. A Russian court ordered Nornickel to pay a recordbreaking 146.2 billion-rouble ($1.98-billion) fine over the resulting environmental damage.
customer service throughout the project
solutions to identify where member value
lifecycle. When I’m not working I enjoy
can be increased.
spending time with my family in the great outdoors and failing that I’ll probably be
“Regenesis has an unrivalled reputation
on top of a hillside somewhere on my
in the field of remediation, and with
e-mountain bike!”
a truly global footprint, it was clear it represented the best partner to OSRL and
Seed Environmental are delighted to welcome Gareth Thomas as Assistant National Operations Director and Jamie
Harrowsmith as Regional Operations
Seed Environmental were delighted to
Manager for The North of England and
support the return of children’s football by
providing sponsorship to Irish League Club Ballymena United and their 2009 youth team. Pictured is our local Director Brian Doyle handing over the tops to Academy Director Jonny Hume and 2009 player Joseph. As part of our commitment to supporting the local communities, Seed recognise that the health and wellbeing of children is particularly important given the very challenging year they have had. We support sport in the local community as an excellent way for children to get back out
Gareth Thomas
Jamie Harrowsmith
playing and active again.
commercial properties. As an ambitious,
When not playing the piano or cornet in my younger days I spent my time playing a decent standard of rugby..... These days I’m usually found on the bench or in the bar!!” Jamie has previously held key roles for leading organisations within the remediation and construction sectors for the past 17 years, helping to deliver exceptional service and quality results on both domestic and commercial projects. Ambitious and commercially aware, he is looking forward to helping maintain and grow the business in the North and Scotland, building upon the already strong presence of Seed Environmental across the region. ”I am looking forward to building rapport with colleagues, clients and homeowners alike and offering quality
in China and Japan. It provides expertise, products and project management services for in-situ and ex-situ remediation projects at all levels. Depending upon the scenario and the technology used, Regenesis will support OSRL’s members by developing bespoke remediation plans. Through the treatment and backfilling of contaminated sediments,
With the agreement now signed, the
commercially driven leader Gareth is
demonstrates continuous improvement.
and Scandinavia, as well as distributors
for excavations.
regulation and legislation on domestic and
customer focused quality service that
Regenesis has a presence across Europe
contaminated sediments without the need
services in compliance with relevant
client relationships to ensure an excellent
Headquartered in the United States,
of groundwater or can remediate
delivering exceptional and excellent
building good trustworthy colleague and
member-value even further.”
portfolio limit hydrocarbon contamination
repairs & maintenance, and compliance,
times where possible.” I look forward to
additional areas of collaboration to drive
other products within the Regenesis
and leadership for remediation, restoration,
Seed’s customer service and response
developing our relationship and identifying
pollution and waste generation, whilst
leading organisations, providing direction
customers and will seek to improve
our members. We now look forward to
it can also reduce environmental
Gareth has previously held key roles for
looking forward to interacting with our
relevant processes and procedures of the service are being finalised, before being rolled out to OSRL’s global teams through its routine training programmes. The agreement is already adding value,
OSRL has announced the signing of a
with Regenesis consulted during the recent
long-term agreement with Regenesis, a
response in Bahrain, helping to test and
global leader in the research and delivery of
define the working relationship.
groundwater and soil remediation services. The new relationship will extend OSRL’s
Jack Shore, Senior District Manager,
member offering through the provision of
UK and Scandinavia Regenesis, added:
professional remediation services around
“Regenesis is excited to start supporting
the world.
OSRL in the delivery of innovative subsurface solutions, which will significantly
The formal arrangement represents the
reduce the risk and impact of inland oil
first time OSRL’s members can access
spills around the globe”
remediation services directly through their membership package, with the reassurance of working with a fully vetted and trusted partner to OSRL. Commenting on the announcement, Dr Rob Holland, OSRL’s Technical Lead, said: “At OSRL we live by our strategy of continuous improvement and, as part of that approach, we are continually evaluating third-party
Media contacts Information: Emma Smillie: Global Marketing and Communications Manager +44 (0)23 8033 1551
1942 - 2021
After a short illness it is with sadness that we have to report that John Dawes passed away, at home, with his family on 11 th June 2021 at the age of 79. He had been feeling unwell earlier this year and resigned his role as ISAS Accreditation Scheme Manager and Executive Director in April. John Dawes has been ever present in our industry since he joined it over 50 years ago. John was there at the start of accreditation and trade associations when industry sought to modernise and improve spill response capability. In the early 1980’s John set up Oil Pollution Defence (OPD) responding to oil spills and also manufacturing oil containment booms and skimmers. He wasn’t afraid of getting his hands dirty and attended many incidents. He was always looking at how oil spill response equipment could be improved. John has left quite a legacy. Much of his career has been dedicated to helping UK and Irish businesses; Prepare, Respond and Restore safely and professionally. He has worked tirelessly to raise professional standards through accreditation and training. Simon Dawes, John’s son, mentioned that when the family went on holiday in the UK, his Dad would reminisce of a spill incident he had attended in the area that they were visiting and give them a detailed report. John will not only be greatly missed by his family, wife Jenny of 49 years, son Simon, daughter Hanna and 3 Grandchildren but also by the many colleague’s he has worked with throughout his career and who, over time have become close friends. John’s funeral was held in Bromsgrove on 8 July and was attended by family and friends. Capt Bill Boyle attended to represent the Association and ISAS which sent ffiowers and a donation to John’s chosen charities. The International Spill Accreditation Scheme Board
A note of just how signifficant John’s contribution may be had from reading the History of the International Spill Accreditation Scheme article, that John helped to write, which appeared in our March issue.
HERE publications/spill-alertissue-20/
NEW APPOINTMENTS AT INTERNATIONAL SPILL ACCREDITATION SCHEME Introducing Neil Marson as the ISAS Scheme Manager and Executive Director.
It is great to welcome Neil as the Scheme Manager and Executive Director of International Spill Accreditation Scheme (ISAS). Neil’s last post in the industry was as Regional Manager in charge of the Caspian Regional Tier 2 Oil Spill Response Base, supported by a team of 50 skilled professional Oil Spill Responders and 65 Fire-Fighters working on behalf of several international clients in support of their oil and gas exploration and production projects. Additional duties included the provision of Crisis Management and Oil Spill Response Training to external organisations within the Region. During his career he also served as Country Manager (Egypt), and has acted as Senior Consultant for assignments in Libya, Kazakhstan, Qatar, and India. In addition to his extensive operations management and national contingency planning experience he has been much involved in the design and presentation of training courses, notably for the European Maritime
Safety Agency (EMSA), HM Coastguard, as well as for many oil companies and government agencies. Neil started in post on 1 June and is responsible for the delivery of the ISAS Accreditation Scheme. He joins at an exciting time when we are about to launch our revised and updated accreditation scheme to members and publish our new website which will become an important shop window for all of our accredited organisations. Neil will be supported in post by Captain Bill Boyle, Senior Marine Assessor Neil is also the Secretary General and Fellow of International Spill Control Organisation (ISCO) with whom we have a close association. Neil Marson JP. MRIN. MNI. F.Inst PA, FISCO, may be contacted on 07889714828 and
ISAS APPOINTS STEVE GUY AS ACCREDITION ASSESSOR ISAS is pleased to announce that Steve Guy has joined the ISAS Accreditation Scheme as an Accreditation Assessor. Steve has many years of experience working in the Oil Spill Response Industry, starting with ALBA in 1989 to 1998 and then Briggs Marine Environmental Services in 1998 until he retired in March 2020. A lot of people will remember Steve as Head of Oil Spill Response Training for Briggs a position he held for 20 years. Steve is not only a well-recognised trainer, but he has also attended many oil spill response incidents Nationally and Internationally as Senior Operations Supervisor and On-Scene Commander Inland and Marine Oil Spill Incidents. Steve will work with Neil as one of his assessors for the accreditation scheme.
A M B I PAR R E S P O N S E This is a series of interviews with the CEOs of some of our industry companies, not to gather their own secrets but to gain insights into what they have learned during their career that may be useful to others, learn how technology is affecting their business and also to hear their thoughts on how their business is adapting as we move toward net zero.
MV Sea Empress
I caught up with Zal Rustom, CEO of
Zal ended up responsible for a large area of shoreline clean up. A large spill gave
Ambipar Response, for an interview
the opportunity to evolve solutions and
scheduled for 40 minutes but lasted well
experiment with different techniques;
over an hour. It was probably a good thing
Berm relocation was tried and seemed
that we were online as we share a love of
to work. Oil is easier to recover from the
wine and had it been over dinner the Rioja
water, so why not use an 360 excavator
bottles would have come and possibly gone
to lift shingle into the sea to let natural
resulting in sore heads in the morning! Zal is easy to talk to, approachable and happy to dig into his long career in the industry He joined it in the late 1980s, representing a small Texas based company that had developed a novel microbial product that helped to clean up the oil impacted areas around wells for a company called Javelin. It was directly aimed at upstream companies keen to improve their environmental management. It took him to many spill incidents exploring how the products could enhance bio-remediation. Indeed, the Texas General Land Office was very proactive to encourage innovation. One of Zal’s first major spills was viewed from a Bass fishing boat in the Gulf of Mexico during the Megaborg spill spreading microbial product with a leaf blower
Exercise Horus, Egypt for Mobil (1996)
surf action remove the oil which can more
Brocklehurst who were working for the
‘washed’ pebbles were then driven back
BP Oil Spill Service Centre (OSSC) in
upshore by surf and tidal action. Whilst
Southampton. Here they were developing
at Milford Haven, Zal met and worked
a spill response capability for the oil
with Simon Rickaby of DV Howells and an
majors. Zal spent 1991 – 1995 contracting
association that lasted several decades
with his own and to the OSSC’s clients.
formed. This incident and its scale
It was a productive learning period with
left a strong impression on Zal and he
valuable contact to big oil. This gave him
learned that spill response has to work in
an understanding and thorough knowledge
conjunction with the existing environment
of the international oil industry and its
and not against it.
easily be recovered. It worked and the
progressive culture. It also enabled him to graduate from Coventry University in
With experience of major spills under his
Emergency Planning.
belt, his response business (Hi-Bar) was becoming well known and took him to the
In February 1996, MV Sea Empress
Far East supporting the Japanese Navy
grounded on mid-channel rocks at St
following the Nakhodka spill incident.
Ann’s Head, Milford Haven and over a week lost 72,000 tons of crude oil into the sea
Whilst at Milford Haven he and Simon
causing significant impact on the shoreline.
Rickaby started to develop clear ideas
Zal attended to support the response as all
on training and would often spend many
grounded him in the US ‘Big Oil’ culture.
resources was being called upon to assist.
lengthy dinner meetings mapping out the
He arrived at the Incident Management
syllabi for training courses and engaging
The first Gulf War in early 1991 changed the
Centre to be met by Chris Morris, who was
with the ‘new’ IMO model courses. When
responsible for Texaco. Zal knew him well
he returned to UK from Japan he picked
and asked about his two daughters who
this up and started running these through
were keen rowers. Chris’ reaction was; ‘ You
his own company, sub contracted to DV
haven’t come all this way to ask how my
Howells. It started to become obvious that
family are….!”
training and consultancy had a good future
into contaminated wetlands! Whilst the company eventually folded it taught Zal how the upstream business worked and
US market and so he returned to the UK armed with sufficient knowledge to work as a consultant marketing innovative products to the UK oil industry and attending many incidents. Here he met, and to a degree was mentored by, Dave Salt and Dave
for this relationship.
Howells. Zal was approached to sell his
respond to the ‘unusual’ by Defra and other
company, Hi-Bar, to Braemar which gave
government departments.
Braemar Howells access to his network of international clients. Zal found himself running the International and Specialist Services Division of Braemar Howells. It was good for a while and was enjoyable, varied but also disruptive. In Feb 2010, Zal found himself working for a Braemar client, Talisman Oil, in Indonesia on a consultancy project expected to last a few weeks.
With Drilling Rig Security Team, Kudistan/ Iraq (2013)
Following the Deepwater Horizon Spill in
So, in conjunction with and the agreement
April 2010, oil companies were looking
of the PLC Board CEO, Zal started to
at their own risk management plans and
design a new business independent of
tightening these up. Zal found himself
the PLC. The PLC preferred an MBO with
working for Talisman Indonesia through
perhaps the PLC retaining an interest for
to 28 Dec 2011 on their first deep water
the first two years and the package that
drilling programme.
was put together was very good. However, one of the companies Zäl contacted
Offshore support for Shell STASCo (1999) As a contractor you get to pick up the tasks employees do not want to do. So as Big Ben started to chime at 2359 31 Dec 1999, Zal had four different oil companies looking to him to solve problems should they arise from the ‘millennium bug’. This allowed his skills to expand from oil spills to crisis management. In the Asian tsunami on 26 December 2004 he was called upon to assist oil companies
So having had plenty of time to think about the future, while seconded to Indonesia, he spent the flight home writing a 7-page resignation letter! When he got home he reduced this to 3 pages and handed it in, leaving Braemar in January 2012. Whilst it did not go down too well with his boss, the ill will soon passed and he found himself again contracting, as an independent consultant, all over the world. This period underwrote his air miles investment!
to support an MBO later expressed an interest in acquiring the company directly. The organisation was Ambipar Response, a Brazilian company who provide extensive response services in Brazil and South America. They were looking to expand beyond South America. Braemar seemed a good fit. They liked Zal’s business plan and with the blessing of the PLC Board acquired 100% of the shares in Braemar Response which renamed as Ambipar Response in 2018.
in delivering aid to affected communities. One thing oil companies had in abundance
In February 2016 he was about to sign a
was logistics, resource and importantly
9 month contract to work in Iraq but at
cash. This they mobilised to try to help
the same time he was being head hunted
affected communities and they looked to
to return as MD of Braemar Response to
their response partners to turn this into
replace Simon who wished to retire. After
effective action.
much thought, he accepted and started the following Tuesday. Braemar Response was a global business, owned by Braemar Shipping Services, a London Stock Exchange PLC. After a year in the role it was becoming clear that the high risk work that Braemar
James Kidwell (CEO, Braemar Shipping Services) and me the moment we sold Braemar Response to Ambipar Group (2018)
Response was winning and delivering was out of step with the risk profile
Essential to Zal was maintaining the vision
of a PLC with shareholders and a city
and ambition of Braemar Response and
profile to protect. The range of work was
not become an entry on an investors
extensive; dealing with human and animal
spreadsheet. He was confident that
casualties on motorways and the rail
the business would steadily grow and
network, attending chemical incidents,
expand as it had been doing prior to the
being involved in nuclear, biological and
acquisition. Not surprisingly getting two
With his experience Zal appreciated that in
chemical response that may be as diverse
different cultures and business styles
spill response we learn to manage change.
as clearing drug dens for the police,
to align took effort and commitment
A good response manager has a toolbox
attending and sterilising sites where
from both sides. But the shared vision
of resources and equipment and deploys
people have committed drug overdoses
of building a global response group was
these to effectively respond. This ability to
so police can attend and so on. Braemar
inspiring to all.
project manage is applicable to any crisis
in 2006 had also been involved in the
collection transportation and disposal of
The Group wanted to expand by sensible
Alexander Litvinenko body parts which
acquisition with synergy to the rest of
In 2006 Braemar Shipping Services plc
were poisoned with Polonium-210. They
the business and has now completed five
acquired DV Howells and formed Braemar
were also being called more frequently to
acquisitions; 4 in US and 1 in Canada. The
Graduation Coventry (2002)
UK company opened a daughter company in the Republic of Ireland. It is actively looking at others in Europe to support their European clients and contracts. In 2020 Ambipar floated part of their company on the Brazilian stock exchange. This gives the business the opportunity to expand further and earlier this year completed the acquisition in UK of Enviroclear Site Services. Ambipar has global framework agreements with oil majors, chemical majors, mineral majors, logistic majors and shipping or cruise line majors. They require Ambipar to help them manage the risk involved in all aspects of their operation, not just spill response and be there when they need urgent assistance. They need consistent standards of support delivered globally and Ambipar, including its UK company, are able to do this. If multinationals cannot be serviced locally then they will look for local partners to do so!
Looking to the future, Zal sees Ambipar expanding in Europe through acquisition and into Africa and the Middle East. People are more aware of what Ambipar can deliver and independent companies are increasingly attracted to work with it and join this international network. This acquisitive nature is part of the new DNA and has delivered the group wider capability, financial stability and the ability to take on and deliver contracts with multinationals who seek product delivery wherever they operate across the globe.
As part of an international group, Zal is always being exposed to technology and some has been integrated into the business. He is a believer that technology can make response smarter and safer. However, it has to be reliable and available. It is no use planning to use drones and not having them available. Consequently, Ambipar buy in sophisticated services from trusted partners eg modelling, UAVs, satellite services which can be provided on call. The company also had a large database of support serviices and has a knowledge base that enables past experience to be replicated eg who is a reliable contractor or who provided that particular service in a particular area. He sees developments coming in how waste is managed with increasing emphasis on minimising waste, recycling and reuse. He also sees risk management being refined with greater use of workflow processes to eliminate exposure to risk wherever possible. Despite his global travels and extensive air miles earned Zal is proud of the capability the UK has developed. He puts it down to entrepreneurship coupled with attitude of mind, the ability to think through solutions and solve problems in a dynamic and creative manner.
Training the Irish Coast Guard (2005)
FINAL THOUGHTS In his spare time, Zal is Chair of the trade association ArGo. ArGo brings together specialist manufacturers and service providers with an ability to play a credible role in humanitarian aid and disaster relief incidents. Its resources are comprehensive, allowing the group to command and control response efforts, provide life support (power, shelter, clean water etc.) and remedial activities. Each member brings their best products and services to the group. ArGo members are 42 UK based SMEs with a proven track record and a commitment to excellence. It frustrates him that Government and major organisation do not recognise the capability networks like ArGo and UK and Ireland Spill Association have at their fingertips. He sees government departments and local authorities struggling to get pump and hoses and 20 Fastanks to mobilise to a forest fire, knowing that a couple of local responders could deliver this as part of a day’s work. In the same way he sees Government department’s outsourcing services to overseas companies that could have easily been delivered by UK SME – particularly in defence contracting - if the SMEs could operate collectively. Capability takes time to build and cost to maintain and Government could help in this.
In Europe, the UK company have delivered a Crisis and Emergency Management Plan for the Irish Coastguard, the MCA Counter Pollution Contract, undertaken crisis management work for IMO, IPIECA, and been involved in counter terrorism work with Defra and delivered many other framework agreements with clients.
Providing expert advice and support on the assessment and mitigation of environmental impacts, risks and liabilities.
To find out more t: 01684 252858 e:
LONDON BRUTE BIN INSTALLATION The Problem The client was looking for a more efficient solution to collecting rubbish from around the docks. They were using a crew with a boat to drive around the docks and fish out rubbish from known collection areas. This was time consuming. With the increase in rubbish being driven into the docks they needed a better solution. The rubbish was becoming very unsightly and local residents were starting to complain. The docks is undergoing a major development project to provide new waterside homes and also an extension of the London City Airport. All of this would result in even more rubbish ending up in the Docks and therefore giving the crews additional work.
Very clear to see how plastic and other debris is captured in this image
The Site The area of Royal Docks in London are the largest enclosed docks in the world with 250 acres of water to maintain. Crews in boats would regularly scour the area for floating trash and debris and learned that much of the debris would collect in certain areas. While mostly an industrial area, the London City Airport is centrally located and the sight of waterborne pollution was unattractive. The build-up of floating trash would also cause issues logistically for local operators.
The Solution Elastec was approached to provide a solution to help collect floating trash/ rubbish floating around the Royal Docks. This project posed a few challenges for
Elastec, one of them being that the docks are not tidal. Their engineering team came up with a solution to modify the existing Brute Bin for the docks environment. Mooring the system in areas of the dock where the wind and water movement from boats around the docks would drive the trash/rubbish into the mouth of the bin allowed crew to easily collect and recover the product. After a successful proposal, Elastec was awarded the contract, and shortly after delivered the product which was commissioned by their UK Manager, Kevin Bond. Installation went well, and the customer was very happy with the result. The Brute Bin went to work immediately, being positioned directly next to the London City airport run-way. After a few months of operation the Brute Bin received further modifications to suit its next deployment location under the Emirates skyline which goes from the Royal Docks across the Thames River to the Greenwich Peninsular (Near the London O2). For more information contact: Kevin Bond.
Just over 2 years ago Zwanny was contacted by Rampion Offshore to discuss several boom system options that can be deployed from the quayside, be put on vessels ,and to go around a number of near shore wind farms when required. In the Lamor range of products we offer for the FOB - the boom rack system that normally hold 100m of FOB. Rampion needed 125 metres to meet their requirement . With that in mind Zwanny and Lamor created a special boom racking system for the client. The current boom racking system is standing in the port on the quay side and has been used a number of times to contain any hydrocarbon spills.
Boom being deployed
The Lamor FOB goes back several years when the boom was created using closed cell foam and pvc/pu coated woven dtex polyester fabric in visibility red colour. The boom is UV and oil resistant and the maintenance is very low. The FOB internal floats are made from closed cell foam. The boom incorporates reflectors supplemented by boom light pouches and chaffs for radar reflectors. The boom has every 1m an interwoven nylon handle to assist with the boom retrieval.
The Trials Racking in the Factory
The Solution: ‘Earlier this year the port contacted us to replace old boom that was in the port with FOB750 in a boom crate holding 125m that can if needed be connected to the Rampion equipment. The advantage of having a Lamor boom racking system is that no hydraulic or electric power is required and minimal manpower for deploying and retrieving the boom. The Lamor boom racking system is manufactured from lightweight marine grade aluminium and a number of boom racks can be stacked if needed and can hold (pending on the boom size) 100 to 125m of Lamor foam filled boom.
Boom deployed
Boom being deployed into the water
The port is pleased with boom system and have used it a number of time for training not in anger as yet. For further details contact: Email: Website:
The topic of Low Sulphur Fuel Oil (LSFO) was thrust into the spotlight in July 2020 when the MV Wakashio vessel ran aground in Mauritius. At the time journalists noted that this fuel is relatively new to the market, some referring to it as a ‘Frankenstein fuel’ and so in this article, we look at what we know collectively about LSFOs within the oil spill response industry, and what responders need to be aware of when potentially dealing with future LSFO incidents. Over 30 years ago, when I was serving on
Paris Agreement commitments and we can
oil tankers in the UK Merchant Navy, we
expect further regulations in the future in
concerned ourselves with only two types
the ongoing drive to decarbonise shipping.
of marine fuel: Fuel Oil (FO) and Marine
Reducing sulphur emissions from ships,
Diesel Oil (MDO). FO represented the
however, is primarily designed to protect
vast majority of fuel used for long ocean
human health from undesirable respiratory
passages. It was black, syrupy-thick and
effects. Indeed, 40% of the world’s
required heating before being injected into
population live on or near the coast and
a ship’s boilers or directly into the engine.
could be at risk from the adverse effects of
These vessels also used the lower viscosity
atmospheric pollution from ships.
MDO at the beginning and end of ocean passages, specifically for manoeuvring in
The Global Sulphur Cap is the most recent
and out of port. It was essential to have
emission control regulations introduced by
the fuel system primed with MDO when
IMO. The cap limits the sulphur content to
the engine was stopped (i.e. in port) to
0.5% and came into force on 1st January
guard against issues when restarting.
2020. Additionally, ships that trade within certain designated coastal regions defined
In the years I have been ashore, a raft of
as Emission Control Areas (ECAs) must
emission control regulations has been
further restrict the sulphur content of their
developed and implemented by the
emission to less than 0.1%
Marine Environment Protection Committee of International Maritime Organization (IMO). Through the Organization, Member States have rightly sought to reduce the atmospheric pollution associated with the use of these traditional marine fuels in operational consumption which, as we now know, have four principal detrimental components:
Sulphur Oxide (SOX) Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Particulate Matter (PM) Ship-borne fuel combustion emissions may contribute to climate change. In the period 2007–2012, annual greenhouse gas emissions from shipping amounted to approximately 1000 Mt of CO2 representing about 3% of global manmade emissions (IMO, 2015). Reducing this burden is important in terms of the
Continuing to use traditional high sulphur fuels but investing in exhaust gas after-treatment to remove (“scrub”) sulphur from the exhaust gases. The traditional marine bunker fuel market has consequently been supplemented by a wide range of new cleaner nextgeneration fuels, designed to comply with the prescriptive specifications required under the Global Sulphur Cap. As global citizens, we can applaud these control measures that are designed to improve our atmosphere from the effects of marine operations. But what happens when one of these new fuels is accidentally spilled in the marine environment? Responders, like OSRL, are familiar with the characteristics of conventional Fuel Oil and Marine Diesel Oil together with the respective clean-up techniques that can be applied in the event
Complying with the Global Sulphur Cap.
of a spill, but the new generation fuels are potentially a whole different ball game. Fundamentally, whenever an unfamiliar oil type is spilt, there are five questions
There are two principal ways in which
responders need to know:
operators of ships can comply with the regulations:
Use of compliant fuel (involving the use of distillate fuels such as Marine Diesel and/or the use of heavier low-sulphur petroleum fractions or blends). Collectively these are referred to as Low Sulphur Fuel Oil (LSFO), of which there are currently two standards: Very Low Sulphur Fuel Oil (VLSFO, sulphur content not exceeding 0.5%) Ultra-Low Sulphur Fuel Oil for use in ECA’s (ULSFO, sulphur content not exceeding 0.1%)
The pour point is the temperature below which the oil ceases to flow. This is determined by the chemistry of the oil including the presence (or absence) of wax and other constituent compounds. Oil spilled into a marine environment quickly assumes the surrounding sea’s ambient temperature however if the sea temperature is below the pour point of the oil, the oil will cease flowing and behave as a semi-solid, highly viscous material.
developed several innovative methods to overcome this hurdle, but this makes equipment selection critical when building stockpiles for preparedness and at the time of a response. Furthermore, conventional Fuel Oil (FO) can be very sticky, adhering to any substrate or material that it encounters. These properties again have implications for response that are already well understood by responders. For example, improvised booms made from straw or bagasse, which have a high contact surface area, can be an effective defence of sensitive areas that could be impacted by a spill of heavy viscous oil. This is typically the case with traditional high-sulphur FO, however, the newgeneration blended low-sulphur fuels have a much broader range of pour points which
may well be lower than the ambient sea temperature at the time and place of a spill.
however, indicate the LSFO spilt in the MV Wakashio incident was more fluid and less sticky than traditional FO and subsequently penetrated some of the improvised defences.
Dispersants applied from aircraft, surface vessels or subsea are sometimes used to
In this scenario, the oil will continue to
treat spills of crude oils.
flow and spread easily, with implications for which response techniques are most
Typically, this technique is normally ruled
out for spills of Fuel Oil on account of the
Reports from responders in Mauritius,
higher viscosity quickly rendering this
I have referred already to the recent spill
technique ineffective. However, the lower
of LSFO in Mauritius but beyond this, there
viscosity of some blends of LSFO may
is very little case-history evidence relating
enable a longer window-of-opportunity
to spills of new-gen LSFO. Scientific
during which dispersant may be effective.
institutes such as SINTEF and CEDRE are now undertaking studies supported by
The viscosity of an oil is a measure of the
In real-world spill conditions, there
the oil industry and response community
internal resistance to flow, and here again,
are many variables relating to the
to better understand response challenges
we see some wide variations in the marine
environmental conditions and the
and other knowledge gaps relating to
fuels in use today.
properties of spilt oil that make it difficult
LSFO. Perhaps the most important are the
to predict the window of opportunity.
IMAROS and EPPR-PAME projects, both
A spill of MDO has a low viscosity at all
of which are being coordinated by the
ambient temperatures and will spread
Although dispersant use was not
thinly in all directions over a wide sea
appropriate in the recent Mauritius oil spill
area. With the new-gen blended LSFOs,
due to the proximity to the shoreline and
One of the problems responders face is
however, there is no set standard for the
sensitive shallow water coastal lagoon
that the physico-chemical parameters
viscosity at ambient temperatures provided
environment, it would be interesting to
that are provided on Safety Data Sheets
the fuel meets the criteria for sulphur
understand if, given different scenarios,
and other specifications that accompany
content and other physico-chemical
the same oil could be dispersed effectively.
marine fuel, typically relate to refinery-
parameters required for efficient operation
The possibility that new-gen blended
based composition or operational
in ships’ boilers and engines.
fuels may offer greater opportunities for
combustion characteristics rather than
dispersant treatment is an interesting
“real-world” fate and behaviour when spilt
In the MV Wakashio incident (Mauritius,
prospect for responders and is worthy of
into a marine environment.
2020) many responders and observers
more research.
were surprised to see how fluid the spilled LSFO was, spreading extensively through the island’s sheltered tidal lagoons. With hindsight, we can see that this is just a symptom of the variability of the fluid
Norwegian Coastal Administration.
characteristics that accompany new-gen
Heavy viscous oils may have limited
marine fuels.
spreading characteristics but they are
The challenge is not just restricted to new-gen LSFO but applies across all marine fuels including new technologies now being used to power ships such as MSAR®, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and, of course, traditional high sulphur Fuel Oil which is still used widely.
problematic to recover, in part because
The response community is adaptable and
these semi-solid materials are very difficult
resourceful in finding solutions to practical
to pump. Skimmer manufacturers have
issues of combatting spilt oil in ways that
are sympathetic to the environment. “Oil is still oil” and it is probably the case that many of the components of the existing responder’s toolbox of response options will remain relevant in LSFO scenarios. But responders need more detailed information relating to the fate and behaviour of an ever-widening range of products, when accidentally spilled. Due to the potentially wide variation in product characteristics, without knowing the actual characteristics of the oil that has been spilled, response efforts could be hampered with potentially detrimental consequences on impacted resources. In 2013 the oil and gas industry produced guidelines on oil characterization to inform spill planning and decision making but further work is required now to apply these guidelines to the ever-broadening range of marine fuels at the point of supply.
race towards decarbonisation, some ships are already powered by Liquified Natural Gas (LNG). Other fuels that have the potential for contributing to this revolution include Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG), methanol, In this article, I have focussed on the
bio-fuels, synthetic methane, hydrogen, ammonia, and no
response challenges in the transition from
doubt others.
conventional marine fuels to a broad range of low-sulphur variations that are now in
As new fuels are developed and brought to market, we would
use in ships across the world.
do well to be mindful of the MV Wakashio experience. Planning and preparedness remain key for effective response and in this
This is just one aspect, however, of a much
regard, consideration should be given to the potential response
broader transition taking place to make
challenges that might be faced before something actually goes
shipping cleaner and more efficient. In the
Andy has over 30 years of experience in oil spill preparedness and response in Government and Industry. He trained at the College of Maritime Studies, Warsash where he qualified with a TEC Diploma in Nautical Science and a DOT Class 3 Certificate of Competency (Deck Officer). Andy has fulfilled several roles at OSRL including Response Technician, Principal Trainer, Incident Manager and Industry Outreach Manager. He joined IPIECA in 2018 on secondment from OSRL, providing general technical support to the IPIECA secretariat and managing the IPIECA Oil Spill Group (OSG).
HOW KNOWING THE ECOLOGY OF YOUR SITE CAN POTENTIALLY SAVE YOU FROM ENVIRONMENTAL FINES Kirsty Spencer and Mark Tomlinson, Principal Ecologists at Adler& Allan explain how finding out about the health of plants, fish and invertebrates on your land and water can keep your business safe. If you know the ecology of your site, you can spot and repair any potential problems that might be building up undetected. Not acting quickly, though, could result in serious contamination that could lead to massive clean-up costs, operational downtime, environmental fines and reputational damage. The variety of liquids and gases a storage terminal, tank container, road tanker, shipping, port or rail operation might handle is vast. Among them are refined petrochemicals, chemical compounds, foodstuffs and energy-based fuels. The commodities are also received and stored in widely differing volumes before their onward journey.
Ecologist conducting a river survey
One thing nearly all of them have in common, though, is that they can wreak catastrophic environmental damage if allowed to escape from storage, containment and distribution assets. And the issues leading to such pollution can sometimes go unnoticed for many years by operators - there may only be a drip flow of small amounts at a time - particularly when an effective asset management strategy has not been put in place. It means that problems could be building up for a long time before anyone realises what’s going on.
Warning signs This makes it imperative to look to your site’s ecology for the warning signs that can tell you so much about its environmental health and to establish the ‘baseline’ conditions that can then be referenced should a spill take place. For example, the diversity of aquatic invertebrates, or lack of them, can indicate
the health of a waterbody. A thorough analysis is so much more accurate than ‘taking the pulse’ with a water quality meter, which is merely a snapshot of wellbeing. The in-depth study can report widely varying results over very short periods - for instance, charting rapid rates of decline and recovery in a matter of just days. This complete check will look at population levels of animals (fauna) and aquatic plants (flora) that are known to be sensitive to pollution. Particular bellwethers are fish and macroinvertebrates – creatures without a spine that can be seen with the naked eye - for instance, snails, and insect larvae, such as dragonfly nymphs. However, detailed knowledge about the different tolerances of various species is also essential. For example, stickleback can thrive in quite dirty, poorly oxygenated water, giving the misleading impression that all is well, whereas the loss or absence of brown trout in a river or stream they were once found in can indicate it is detrimentally impacted.
Examining fish for their condition and health can indicate the condition of the local environment.
Pointer to a longer-term problem Again, though, plants that aren’t present where they should be can be a reliable pointer to a longer-term problem. An advantage over some fauna studies here is that, being stationary, individual plants cannot temporarily move to avoid a pollution event and must either withstand it or die back. Reflecting environmental conditions experienced throughout the year, rather than a quick glimpse, these can show where there has been a gradual feed of lethal pollution, such as farm runoff, rather than a quick, obvious hit. Unnatural nutrient levels in soils can also lead to an increased dominance of nutrient-loving plants, with a consequent loss of more vulnerable and rarer species.
Subtler clues Subtler clues include plant reactions to gradual change, such as where a soil goes from alkaline to acid over time, as a result of a slow, incipient feed of pollution. It’s worth bearing in mind that transformations can occur naturally, as can a loss of
moisture in the soil, but it’s the indicator that prompts the study, which determines the cause. Of course, some incidents happen quickly but, if unnoticed at the time, may lead to longer lasting damage. Such a scenario might see a chemical gas leak’s tell-tale signs of its strength, direction and how far it has travelled in the reactions of trees in its path. Depending how close they are to the contamination source, these might variously die off, shed their leaves at the wrong time of year or speckle/discolour.
CONCLUSION It is vitally important for companies to know how healthy their property and land is. They should commission detailed environmental surveys periodically for an upto-date, accurate picture – not just when it’s thought there is a problem. These can validate site cleanliness or spot undetected pollution, allowing it to be dealt with promptly, heading off more serious
future issues before they escalate. Such studies can identify potential risks to the environment and advise on how to avoid a future pollution incident occurring. Examples include avoiding storing chemicals or fertilisers too close to a watercourse, allowing adequate protection against flood waters spreading contamination or pinpointing a particular defect that might be repeated in other assets and components. Kirsty Spencer and Mark Tomlinson are Principal Ecologists within the Water & Ecology Team at Adler & Allan, which conducts detailed, highly accurate site audits and guide on remedial action and clean-ups where needed. It gives customers peace-of-mind in detecting and minimising environmental risks. For more information visit
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WORKING GROUPS REPORT MARINE AND MANUFACTURERS WORKING GROUP The Group held a busy meeting in May with 6 members present. There was agreement to extend the Knowledge Base series through to September and the members agreed to add a number of webinars to the programme. The event plan is inside the back cover of this issue. There has been much discussion on standards and the need to create British standards for commonly used spill response equipment. It was agreed to draft a standard for Skimmers to be followed by one for temporary storage tanks in spill response The group also discuss Plastic Pollution and support to that Working Group. Vikoma and Elastec have offered equipment and support to the group and will see the outcome of the trials to fsee what they can do to support further. The group is supportive of some
marine focussed face to face events when safe to do so and these will be agreed the next meeting on 7 Sept 21. The Group was delighted that Interspill 2022 is confirmed as a face to face event at the RAI Exhibition Centre, Amsterdam from 21 – 23 June 2022. For the pyromaniacs amongst you watch this video on Fire Booms which was a hit on our Marine Special Equipment webinar!
INSURANCE WORKING GROUP – 20 MAY Sadly, only three members were able to make this meeting for lots of reasons so the next meeting is scheduled for 1 July 2021. However we have started the planning of an Insurance/Work Activity webinar on Managing risk in dynamic spill response incidents. This is planned for the Autumn If anyone wants to work with me on developing this please get in touch.
PLASTIC POLLUTION WORKING GROUP This working group has met regularly over the last 3 months as it has been focussed on designing a response service for plastic pollution and marine debris incident to be deployed on shorelines, rivers and canals.. This has involved listening to the probable clients; local councils or the Environment Agency. The Group has looked at how to deliver the service, the equipment that is suitable for the different marine environments, trialling that, then working with the EA and a council to see how fits into their resilience plans. There are a number of critical factors to service design: When plastic or marine debris arrives on a shoreline it needs to be removed quickly before it is taken away on the next tide to be dispersed and delivered somewhere else that may not be as accessible. The removal must be done sensitively with least damage to the environment in which it has landed. On sand, for example, there is a plethora of marine life in the top 5cm of sand on a beach. One marine scientist described the first 30 cm of the beach as its lungs and stomach. So whatever service we design must be respectful of the beach and do as little as possible to disturb it. It must be portable as most incidents will be some distance from where a vehicle can access. The service must recover as much of the debris as possible so this would include plastic nurdles, plastic flakes, non-natural materials. All that is recovered must be segregated prior to waste disposal and to ensure the maximum
recycling of material. Having design a scope of work and generic risk assessments it was time to trial what we have and see what issues would arise. With the agreement of New Forest District Council members companies met at Milford on Sea, with the permission of New Forest District Council to trial various collection devices and a trommel for sorting the collected material. Exceptionally for May, the sun agreed to shine and we undertook a number of trials for collecting different sorts of debris whilst trying to prevent collection of sand and shingle. After trial and error this was successful. Risk assessments were reviewed and changes made and we have agreed an event triage process. A further equipment trial was held on 11 June in Stockbridge. The next step is to undertake a
field demonstration in Fleetwood on 23 June with the EA Incident Response staff and members of the local Council. Fleetwood has been afflicted by large quantities of debris arriving unexpectedly on their beach several times over the last year.
Our thanks to Oracle, RSK-RAW, Elastec, Vikoma for assisting in this trial and investing in the equipment being used.
In all 6 different pieces of equipment will be demonstrated enabling a response on sand, shingle, rock, mud and on the tide line using an adapted skimmer. Following this trial and feedback, approval for the processes for collection will be submitted to Natural England and the Marine Management Organisation for their approval. If modification is necessary these will be made and demonstrated. Following this the service will then be available for shoreline accredited members to deliver following their investment in the equipment and training in the techniques and systems used.
If you wish to join these groups please let me know.
advice on standards and representation of members’ interests in the public, industry and commercial domains. You can see more about the BDMA’s work is this short video here:
WATCH VIDEO HERE Its members are primarily individuals who work in the damage management industry and its accreditation and training schemes are predominantly targeted at the individual. This means that individuals build up training qualification and experience working in the industry and in that way can move within it taking their qualifications with them.
Adrian Jolly, BDMA Director and Head of Strategic Development
All members must commit to a Code of Practice and formally sign this as part of the first course they take. The 9-point Code of Practice commits members, amongst other things to: Undertake all work with due regard to the appropriate Health & Safety legislation.
The BDMA was formed in 1999 with its aim and aspiration being to be the accreditation body of choice for those who work in Disaster Management, primarily in relation to flood and fire incidents. It was started by a group of members companies to establish and promote best practice in damage management and related disciplines. This was welcomed by major insurers and loss adjusters. Its goal is to represent the interests of practitioners working in the damage management industry, to facilitate education, training, technical support,
Providing the best possible service to clients and customers. Business practices should be fair and honest. Avoid misleading or false representation of members’ capabilities or service. The BDMA will encourage instructing principals to use BDMA members wherever possible.
In November 2015 the Association worked closely with British Standard to produce BS 12999 which is a code of practice for the organization and management of the stabilisation, mitigation and restoration of properties, contents, facilities and assets following incident damage. This British Standard provides a common framework for the organisation and management of property recovery and restoration following damage.
Property damage can result from a range of incidents and take many forms. There are, however, generic management processes the damage management practitioner must follow between incident occurrence and completion of the recovery phase that will invariably apply, regardless of the nature of the incident or type of damage. Particularly where damage is widespread, or causes a major impact, the response is likely to involve a number of parties each with varying roles and responsibilities and levels of authority. In addition to providing the damage management industry with a recognized code of practice, BS 12999 allows third parties to identify the damage management industry’s role and facilitates collaboration during the recovery process. Buy-in to the concept from bodies representing other sectors with a professional interest in response to property damage incidents included the Cabinet Office, the Environment Agency, the Association of British Insurers (ABI), the Chartered institute of Loss Adjusters (CILA), the British Insurance Brokers Association (BIBA), the Business Continuity Institute (BCI), the Emergency Planning Society (EPS), the British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM), the Institute of Risk Management (IRM), AIRMIC and ALARM, the Public Risk Management Association. Sat alongside BS12999, is the “BDMA Standards document”. This document is designed to provide further guidance and recommended best practice for those who work in damage management, and act as an information resource for those in related wider industry sectors. It provides a series of guidelines which act as a recommended best practice framework to be applied by those who work in damage management at their discretion within the context of an incident. It also acts as an information resource for those in related wider industry sectors. PAS 64 is an approved code of practice [ACOP] document which supports and
underpins the BS and BDMA Standards guidance notes regarding best practice mitigation protocols and the recovery of damaged buildings.
The June 2021 issue is focussing on Technology and Innovation and current “disrupter” in the Damage Management sector.
With BS 12999, PAS 64 and the BDMA Standards acting as a set of guidance documents to support damage management work, the Association has developed a comprehensive Training Academy which provides face to face courses to cover all aspects of the delivery of damage management and elements relation to Insurance Claims Management. For BDMA members it means that all elements of their work from damage management technician to specialist restorer has a relevant course to enable the individual to progress the damage management career ladder. There are also courses for Insurers, Loss Adjusters and Claims Managers to ensure that they also understand their role in the damage management process ensuring compliance with best practice standards and protocols.
One major event in the BDMA calendar is our bi-annual Conference, attended by circa 700 people over a two-day event - usually held in November. The event brings together an eclectic mix of Damage Management industry representatives including: Insurers, Loss Adjusters, Claims Managers, BDMA Members, Damage Management and Restoration companies and those subcontractors who support the industry. The next conference event is likely to be held in quarter two of 2022 [June] and will be hopefully face to face at a venue in the midlands – further details will be released when planning has been finalised.
The COVID pandemic accelerated a process that had already started - to move training modules online. Initially there was resistance from course providers, mostly training companies or individuals. However, the accessibility of the courses coupled with the reduction in travel and subsistence, means that the move to on-line training delivery has been extremely successful. Course delivery has increased exponentially, to a much wider audience, and providers have benefitted in costs reductions whilst seeing increased training revenues. Understandably, some courses still have to be face to face but the BDMA has been delighted with the success of the virtual training delivery and would cite it as an example of innovation that has helped to raise standards across the industry. Course delivery via virtual platforms has allowed the BDMA to reach more members and in more widespread and diverse locations too – including international candidates too! For a number of years, the BDMA has been producing a magazine publication called “The Standard”. Published quarterly the magazine is aimed at keeping members updated on the work of the BDMA but also in providing thought leadership on industry current topics which in turn informs industry knowledge. The March issue focussed on sustainability and resilience:
Equally there are times when we speak to the insurance/loss adjuster/claim management industry and it would be useful to have UKEireSpill alongside us so that we can talk about the whole range of issues in delivering incident damage management and remediation support to them. There is also a need for BDMA members to understand basic spill response and we would very much like to integrate some of your spill related courses into our Academy and e-Academy. In that way, BDMA members would at least have a very basic understanding of what the risks of fuel spillages are and how to manage them.
As we emerge from the effects of COVID and lockdown [hopefully!], the world will indeed be a very different place. The current Damage Management industry’s challenges are how to make damage management practices more sustainable and resilience focussed and also looking at how to reduce carbon footprint impacts. Part of this involves ensuring recycling takes place wherever possible [Restoration not replacement], use of energy efficient and low carbon fuels for generators, plant and supporting equipment. The industry needs to embrace innovation in product delivery through better workflow management, remote monitoring, and using smart sensors connected to the internet which can reduce the number of site visits required. Improving health and safety management also remains a constant focus. For the above reasons, the BDMA and UK and Ireland Spill Association (UKEireSpill) have been working together to better understand each other’s market sectors. During significant flood/fire incidents, BDMA Members would have a requirement to work with fuel and chemical spill remediation specialists so that when responding to they would need to involve ISAS accredited members. The Damage Management and Spill remediation industries should very much mutually complement each other in a very non-conflicting way.
New working practices will have been adopted and some of those practices will be here to stay. The “new world” will inevitably bring opportunities and the accelerated growth of IT and Technological based innovations will very much be part of this opportunity. The phrase “build back better” will become a regular mantra. Strategic alliances between like minded organisations which harness and take advantage of synergistic working practices, are very much seen as integral to future development and success. Given our very similar areas of operation, damage management and spill remediation, the BDMA very much looks forward to our future working with the UK and Ireland Spill Association and member companies.
More details from:
reduce the rate of vapour loss by 600%!
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FILTER®. The unit would be used as a prefilter for activated carbon or as a “stand alone” unit if discharging to a foul sewer. Filtration is down to ZERO visible oil
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When Imbiber Beads® are used in oily water separators they greatly reduce the need for costly vacuum tanker visits – We are currently involved in a trial with Chiltern Railways As Imbiber Beads® are completely hydrophobic they can be broadcast using a standard fire monitor, with water as the carrier, onto a hydrocarbon spill on water. The Japanese Maritime Disaster Prevention Centre, Yokohama, Japan conducted the following test:
sensitive super absorbent polymer in the world today!
Also see Spill Alert, issue 2 Winter 2009,
Imbiber Beads® will absorb an extremely
page 14 to see the report regarding
wide range of organic liquids completely
the test carried out by Angus at their
eliminating the liquid phase and secondary
Lancashire facility - https://www.ukspill.
Our absorbents incorporate AAT
An excerpt from an email from EMSA - We
(Activation Awareness Technology) which
have looked at your products and we see
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Beads® have picked up a compatible liquid
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in spill response as they will retain 100%
and sheen control.
of the liquid that they have absorbed and
Does your current spill response technology tell you when you are cleaning a spill? Victor Diaz Seco Senior Project Officer Response Assistance Pollution Response Services
More details from:
Peter Clarke T: +44 (0)1384 832121 M: +44 (0)7932 247700 & –
NEW MEMBERS SurfCleaner a Unique Hybrid Portable Skimmer Separator for the removal of oil in remote locations Small oil spills in remote areas can consume a lot of time and resources to clean up. With the new and unique SurfCleaner® SCO 1000 you can recover spills from as little as 1 micron. Once set up, the SurfCleaner can be left unattended and monitored remotely without the need to be there.
The SCO 1000 is a fully self-contained solution to remove your pollution. This small mobile system will operate remotely and quietly without disturbing a mouse. Quieter than a ticking clock the SurfCleaner will remove, separate and recover diesel, oil, petrol or even a sheen in the most remote areas without causing a scene.
NEW MEMBERS SurfCleaner SCO 1000 is built for lowerflow continuous separation of oil from water. The low weight and foldable construction make it suitable for oil spill response measures in industry, harbours, lakes and oil caverns.
The SCO 1000 is a portable surface oil skimmer, it can be powered on-grid from a regular power outlet or off-grid by optional solar panels, battery pack or via a power inverter for your car. It is controlled remotely by an easy-to-use smartphone/ tablet app. It also works as a spill sensor, It will send you an alert when it starts to recover oil, perfect for sunken vessels waiting to be salvaged. The SCO 1000 is a very versatile solution for a wide range of applications in oil spill cleanup and oily wastewater treatment.
Some of the SCO 1000 benefits: Automatic removal and separation – even thin sheens – with 100% recovery of the floating pollution. The recovered oil has a water content of less than 0.5% and can be recycled. Less hazardous waste. Portable, easy to transport and handle by one or two persons – it weighs less than 25kg and fits easily into the back of your car. Fast and easy deployment. Low power consumption. No need for hydraulics, pneumatics, pumps or diesel/petrol powerpacks. Continuous, automatic operation 24/7, over long periods of time, with minimal maintenance needs – can be left unmanned.
SPILL RESPONSE INDUSTRY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Our policies have been evolving since 1986 and can provide cover for: • Bespoke tanker/vacuum units with values up to £500,000 and beyond • Business Interruption losses if your vehicles are unusable after being damaged at your premises • Pollution both on and off the highway arising from your own vehicles • Defence Costs for Directors in respect of Pollution claims against them OAMPS is part of Pen Underwriting Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA number 314493). Registered Office: The Walbrook Building, 25 Walbrook, London EC4N 8AW. Registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 5172311
SurfCleaner is a Swedish company that designs, develops and manufactures hybrid skimmer separators for 100% removal, separation and recovery of oil, diesel, petrol, plastics, microplastics, sludge, debris, and much more. Meet us in the UK during July and August when we be on a roadshow to demonstrate the SCO1000. Check our website or contact Peter Cheney for more information. More details from: Peter Cheney, Director Oil Spill & Industrial Wastewater E: W:
Insurance Managers for UK and Ireland Spill Association Ltd & International Spill Accreditation Scheme Ltd
CONTACT US 01372 869 700 31
Karl Jones, Account Director, OAMPS Hazardous Industries
Many of you buying Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance will have found that premiums have increased over the past 2-3 years, and that many insurers have reduced the primary limit of indemnity on offer, while reducing deductibles – quite the triple whammy! This situation follows well over a decade where the UK PI market has been a ‘soft’ market, where capacity for PI cover far outweighed demand, with some providers believing there were profitable opportunities in the PI insurance sector. As more insurers entered the PI market, competition inevitably increased; great news for policyholders, as insurers cut premiums and broadened cover to retain existing clients and win new business. This approach began reversing when a reappraisal of underwriting strategies by Lloyd’s of London led to a shift in underwriting attitudes. As the market got to grips with these changes, the Grenfell Tower disaster struck in June 2017, leading many UK insurers to have concerns about their exposure to large PI claims, and deciding they would no longer write cover, while the remainder are restricting cover – meaning less capacity in the market. So for the first time since 2001, premiums are going up while cover on certain types of business is contracting in terms of what is offered. OAMPS can offer access to PI terms, and are happy to talk to any UK and Ireland Spill Association members who has had challenges with their PI insurance to see if we’re able to help..
E: T: 01372 869754 M: 07729 442 461
This information is not intended to constitute any form of opinion and recipients should not infer any opinion from its content. Recipients should not rely exclusively on the information contained in the bulletin and should make decisions based on a full consideration of all available information. If you have any concerns at all about property maintenance, you should seek advice from a trusted local tradesman. We make no warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or correctness of the information provided. We and our officers, employees or agents shall not be responsible for any loss whatsoever arising from the recipient’s reliance upon any information we provide and exclude liability for the statistical content to fullest extent permitted by law. OAMPS is part of Pen Underwriting Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA number 314493). Registered Office: The Walbrook Building, 25 Walbrook, London EC4N SAW. Registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 5172311.
Press Release – 29 June 2021
Interspill 2022 confirmed for 21-23 June 2022 at RAI Amsterdam Interspill Limited is delighted to announce that it has partnered with iCONEX Global to organise Interspill 2022 at RAI Amsterdam on 21-23 June 2022. Interspill was initially scheduled to be held in Amsterdam in 2021. However, following discussions among the tri-ennial conference series organisers, it was agreed that the normal schedule should be moved by one year in light of the uncertainities across the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With the new event dates and venue finalised, Interspill, the most important Oil Spill Exhibition and Conference for the European region, is now confirmed. The Management and Conference Committees are meeting regularly and are beginning to plan the finer details of the event. The official event website is currently being updated, however, until then all the latest news and information about Interspill can be viewed at Rob James, Chairman, Interspill Ltd commented: “After dealing with the turbulence caused by the COVID 19 pandemic it is great to look forward to Interspill 2022 in Amsterdam. This will be the first face-to-face major oil spill event for the oil and gas industry to be held and we are aware of our responsibility to provide a COVID secure environment and will ensure that this event will be seen as a benchmark for the industry in that regard. We are delighted to contract with iCONEX for this and the following two editions of Interspill. This event will have a significant role shaping the approach to spill response in the energy transition, the emerging challenges of this and will include marine litter and managing the impact shipping has on our marine environment.” Rajeev Bansal, Group CEO, iCONEX Global, commented: “The opportunity for iCONEX to build its portfolio of globally significant events with the contract to organise and manage Interspill is a key opportunity. The event is well established and although COVID-19 has had an impact, Interspill is all set to return with an enthusiatic new team to create an exclusive technical event that will bring the Oil & Gas fraternity together.”
Note to Editors: Interspill is organised by its members, through Interspill Limited. The members of the company comprising SYCOPOL (France), NOSCA (Norway), SRGH (Netherlands) and UK & Ireland Spill Association from the European spill industry, together with OSRL, and IPIECA representing the global oil industry. The Interspill Committee also includes IMO, EMSA, IOPC Funds, ITOPF and CEDRE. iCONEX is an experienced market leader in organising technical exhibitions and conferences across the globe. Interspill 2022 will be managed by its specialist subsidiary, T8C, which organises technical and energy events in the Oil & Gas Industry. T8C currently organises RECSO EnviroSpill Conference & Exhibition in the Middle East and India Clean Seas Conference in India. For more information contact: Mark J Orr – Executive Director, Interspill Ltd M: +44 7864 707 408; E: Roger Mabbott - iCONEX Event Director, Interspill 2022 M:- +44 7793 649643 E:
The Interspill Committee announces the preliminary programme together with the Call for Papers for Interspill 2022 and invites authors to submit abstracts. THE CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS IS 30 SEPTEMBER 2021
Interspill 2022 will be held at the RAI Exhibition and Conference Centre in Amsterdam from 21-23 June 2022. The event will be held over three floors of the centre with an Exhibition on the ground floor which will also host innovation, training, industry workshops and seminars. The Mezzanine floor will be used for the opening and closing ceremonies, some conference sessions and for major product or innovation launches. The Conference will mostly be held on the third floor in a fully automated venue with ample seating. Most sessions will be held here but there will be a flow of topics across all three floors of the exhibition to encourage activity throughout the event. The event will be preceded by an optional extra day of short courses to set the scene ahead of the main event aimed at professionals and those new to spill preparedness and response. Over recent years the oil spill community has made significant progress and demonstrated its commitment to providing an inclusive working environment. Interspill will ensure it builds on that progress at this 2022 event, both through the speakers and content of the conference, and through a dedicated event which will take place alongside the conference programme, dealing with diversity, equality and inclusion within the oil spill community.
Industry, government, national, international authorities and academia strive for excellence and continual improvement in spill preparedness and response in the context of unstable oil prices and an evolving energy mix with many emergent fuel technologies to take into account. At the same time regulators and manufacturers are committed to reducing emissions. Vessels are increasing in size and becoming more automated in operation; the oceans are increasingly busy, but their health is declining and pollutants including debris and plastic threaten the diversity within and on which we rely. Oil production is increasingly focused on mature basins, often with ageing infrastructure which poses an oil spill risk, meanwhile rationalisation has recently seen a lot of internal oil spill resource and corporate knowledge retire from corporations. At the same time our most important resource, the people in our industry, are drawn from different cultures, religions and genders. When an incident occurs they are expected to work seamlessly together as part of a team to achieve success and safe partnership working. Against this backdrop, Interspill 2022 will be a face-to-face forum to discuss these issues and showcase innovative solutions which will improve global readiness and demonstrate why spill
Interspill are delighted to invite papers on the topics listed below and request all abstracts of 250 words to be submitted for review no later than 30 September 2021. When reviewing abstracts, as well as the overall quality of the abstract, the Interspill Conference Committee will take into account whether the content is relevant to the programme, its originality, whether it promotes knowledge and understanding of the wider oil spill response community and whether it demonstrates diversity, equality and inclusion within the oil spill community. In particular, Interspill encourages the sharing of relevant experiences through the presentation of case studies.
Offshore: Effective preparedness and response is achieved by using technology and best practice to ensure rapid and appropriate response, and to maximise the opportunity for containment and recovery whilst utilising all resources available, including vessels of opportunity or fishing fleets to support specialist response vessels. We invite papers to report on developments and innovations in containment, recovery, ISB, NEBA/SIMA, management of vessels of opportunity and fishing fleets.
Non-Hydrocarbon Incidents: Whilst marine fuel spills are in decline there is an increase in chemical and HNS spills at sea, on inland waters and on land. Spontaneous container fires have increased with significant consequences as well as spills from packaged chemicals. Emergent fuels, like ammonia, hydrogen, LNG and biofuels will bring advances in reducing emissions but also the need to alter established response techniques when containment is lost.
Sub-sea: Protection of the oceans is key to the survival of the diversity within them. Response organisations need up to date information to target their response and to measure its effectiveness. We invite papers that report on innovations and developments in deep and shallow water analysis and detection, well-capping technologies, deep water containment and dispersant injection.
Crisis and Incident Management: The pandemic has forced changes in response, including greater use of remote monitoring and incident management, which technology has made possible. It has also highlighted the broad scope of incidents that response teams have to manage and how best they can prepare for such a range of incidents. Training (actual and simulated), exercising and workflow management tools are key to managing safe response. However, it requires mental resilience and critical thinking to be effective. It is not just the environment that is at risk, but also the reputations of all stakeholders.
Shipping Risks: The latest generation of ’box ships’ can carry 24,000 containers and hold nearly 5 million gallons of fuel. Shipping is buoyant and the risk of congested shipping channels and new routes, such as the north-west passage, offer new spill preparedness and response challenges. The consequences of spills of lower emission fuels such as VLSFO, LNG, hydrogen and other emergent technologies, which are increasingly being used, also require consideration. There have been issues involving wreck removal and salvage. Inland Risks: Oil and HNS transport by inland waterways presents its own risks whilst inland pipeline and oilfields across both arid and temperate climates require different plans to those offshore. Major inland storage locations represent significant accumulations of liquids at risk. Advances in leak detection and remote monitoring are key to protection of groundwater, wetland and river environments. The effects of interference to rail and road transportation have been illustrated at major incidents in UK and US in recent years. This session will examine the unique challenges of preparedness and response in these environments. Plastic Pollution and Marine Litter: The pressing need to address the increasing harm to the marine environment and wildlife caused by plastic and marine litter is brought to our screens daily and can no longer be ignored. However, the scale of it means truly innovative, practical and cost-effective solutions in recovery, processing and disposal of recovered products are required. We seek papers on tools and techniques in marine and river clean up, recovery of nurdle losses from vessels, loss of baled plastics and shoreline clean up. There is interest in how the claims and compensation regimes should address this area where it is often difficult to trace the polluter.
Outreach and Engagement: Any response incident will have affected parties and may also affect communities. Prior outreach and engagement can build relationships that can help collaboration with industry partners, affected communities and understanding of the work necessary in such an incident. This will encourage mutual aid and assist decision making. It may also help to manage activist engagement in incidents. The work of the industry could be useful in STEM subjects and encourage the brightest and most capable to join the industry and undertake research into it. Dispersants: Dispersants are a key tool in any response effort’s toolbox yet governments and regulators are often reticent to sanction their use due to public perception concerns. Speed and pre-approvals for use, effectiveness monitoring, and the presentation of data is time critical. Dispersant composition may have to evolve as the products that could be spilled change and the environmental liability of their use must be recognised. Equally improvements in deployment on vessels, particularly those of opportunity or fishing vessels, and airborne deployment, possibly also by UAV, should be explored. Surveillance, Modelling and Visualisation: Advances in spill monitoring using remote sensing, data processing and handling including sub-surface modelling should enable a common operating picture to be delivered with intuitive situational awareness tools. This empowers incident commanders, but relevant data should be cascaded to ensure stakeholders are informed of the situation to ensure speed of decision making can be improved. In general, use of UAVs, satellites and the rapid processing of their images should enable better surveillance and tracking of polluters by regulators.
WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS Interspill 2022 will again feature the popular Academic and Science Workshops as well as Industry and Innovation Seminars which allow the scientific and university community to engage with end users and for manufacturers and innovators to showcase their latest developments. Contributions to these presentations are also welcome.
Aimed especially at professionals and those new to the spill preparedness and response community, these courses will offer an excellent introduction to spill preparedness & response as well as claims & compensation.
The Poster Exhibition is an important feature of Interspill 2022, incorporated into the networking activities and event programme. Poster displays are invited from all communities with innovative or thought-provoking topics to be presented.
Learning from real incidents and accidents is vital for our industry. Understanding the root cause of why incidents occurred is vital to continuous improvement, We seek relevant case studies of incidents that have taken place since mid 2018.
Authors are requested to submit a short abstract, up to 250 words, to the Conference and Workshop Committee by email address by 30 September 2021 Authors are requested to indicate whether their paper is for the conference, for the poster exhibition, for the academic, science or innovation workshops or spill industry seminars.
AUTHORS WILL BE NOTIFIED OF ACCEPTANCE BY 30 NOVEMBER 2021 AND FULL PAPERS WILL BE REQUIRED FOR CONSIDERATION BY 28 FEBRUARY 2022 Interspill is owned by European spill industry trade organisations; UK and Ireland Spill Association, NOSCA and SYCOPOL. The Conference and Exhibition is managed by the owners with the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds (IOPC Funds), the International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation (ITOPF), the global oil and gas industry association for advancing environmental and social performance(IPIECA, the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), and the Centre of Documentation, Research and Experimentation on Accidental Water Pollution (CEDRE). For further information see and contact:
For information on iConex:
Mark J Orr, Executive Director, Interspill Ltd 39 Chapel Road, West End, Southampton SO30 3FG T: 0333 444 1890 | E:
Roger Mabbott, Event Director, Interspill 2022 iCONEX Gulf M: +44 7793649643 | E: