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Ask your questions in writing at any time, we will answer them at the end of the presentation
Organize the collection, sorting and management of household packagings and graphic papers, for a better performance and at the best cost
Conduct R&D programmes to develop ecodesign, reuse, recycling and improve industrial processes
Inform and raise awareness among citizens to develop good sorting habits
Manufacturers and companies responsible for putting products on the market are required to finance or organize the management of waste for the end-of-life of their products.
In France, most companies have chosen to organize themselves collectively within the framework of ecoorganizations approved by the public authorities.
=> Citeo is a non-profit company
CITEO helps their clients to : involve them in the circular economy of their products (eco-design tools) pool and optimize processing costs related to different types of packaging and paper develop R&D and innovation programs to reduce the environmental impact of their packaging & paper
• Currently, 17 waste management channels operate according to this principle in France.
• To continue this movement, the anti-waste law for a circular economy (AGEC law) is adding new sectors to the principle of EPR (restaurants/hotel/coffeehouses, industrial waste, construction industry, construction, sanitary hygiene products, etc.)
• The majority of countries in the European Union and many other states around the world have adopted this system.
Any company which put packaged products and/or graphic paper on the market must register to an ecoorganization like Citeo
What are the EPR obligations for the Producers?
Adopt an eco-design approach to products
Support the networks of reuse
Develop the recycling of waste from products
Promote the extension of life of the products
Provide or contribute to the prevention and management of the waste
Reorganization and repair with structures of the social and solidarity economy
What are the specific obligation for the producers concerning household packaging EPR?
End of single-use plastic packaging
20% reduction in single-use plastic packaging (of which 50% through reuse)
100% reduction in "unnecessary" single-use plastic packaging
100% recycling of single-use plastic
End of certain single-use plastic products and packaging… Recycle
Packaging must be recycled by 2030…
5% of reused packaging put on the market in France in 2023 and 10% in 2027…
Mandatory information on pack/off pack , Triman logo & Sorting instructions…
End of single-use plastic packaging
20% reduction in single-use plastic packaging (of which 50% through reuse)
100% reduction in "unnecessary" single-use plastic packaging
100% recycling of single-use plastic
End of certain single-use plastic products and packaging… Recycle
Packaging must be recycled by 2030… Reuse
5% of reused packaging put on the market in France in 2023 and 10% in 2027…
Mandatory information on pack/off pack , Triman logo & Sorting instructions…
Triman logo & Sorting instructions: Regulatory requirements
✓ Who is responsible for the labelling obligation ? All the producer
Producer means any person who professionally packages or has packaged his products with a view to putting them on the market, any importer whose products are marketed in packages or, if the producer or importer cannot be identified, the person responsible for first putting the products on the market.
Article R.543-54 du code de l'environnement
I am an importer in France
I am selling products and packaging on a marketplace*
I am an exporter to my corporate subsidiary in France
I am packaging manufacturer
I am an exporter
I am a distributor
Triman logo & Sorting instructions: Regulatory requirements
Triman logo & Sorting instructions: Regulatory requirements
✓ Packaging covered by the obligation B2B / B2C?
→ B2B packaging are not concerned however :
→ Only B2C packaging are concerned
• If there is a doubt that your packaging might be used by consummers we recommand you to put the info-tri and sorting instruction.
• Household packaging (B to C packaging)
Am I an household packaging ?
• HORECHA packaging --> catering packaging
✓ Packaging excluded from the requirement
Don’t forget all the responsability can be transfered by contract
• Glass beverage containers
Non-beverage glass packaging (mustard or spread jars, pickle jars, cosmetic packaging,etc.) are covered these obligations.
Triman logo & Sorting instructions: Regulatory requirements
✓ When Triman logo and sorting instructions packaging be dematerialized ? Small packaging
Cylindrical or spherical packaging
The area of the largest side is less than 10cm²
• Instruction manual : Triman and Info-tri can be affixed
• No instruction manual : Triman and Info-tri can be dematerialized
The area of the largest side is less than 20cm² Triman and Info-tri can be dematerialized
The area of the largest side is between 20 and 40 cm²
The area of the largest side is between 10cm² 20cm²
• Instructions manual : Triman is mandatory on the packaging and Info-tri can be affixed
• No instructions manual: Triman is mandatory on the packaging and Info-tri can be dematerialized
Triman must appear on the packaging and Infotri can be dematerialized
Triman logo & Sorting instructions: Regulatory requirements
✓ Is there any penalty?
• Up to 15K€/ for a company
How will the penalty be applied ?
Financial penalty per non-compliant product category
Inspection by public authorities - Citeo is not the authority that will enforce the fine
Timeline for implementing the Triman logo and Sorting Instructions and deadlines for selling existing stock
Timeline for implementing the Triman logo and Sorting Instruction and deadlines for selling existing stock
It is therefore possible to package and market a product without the sorting instructions marking after March 9, 2023 provided that:
1- the packaging was manufactured before September 9, 2022 ;
2- the person who packages the product has taken possession of this packaging before March 9, 2023, whether or not he has filled it à You have the right interpretation, it means that as long as you received the packaging to pack goods before March 9, 2023 then you are allowed to sell the packaging without the sorting instructions on the market.
Step by step for the creation of your Info-tri
Step 1
Choose of colour
Step 2
Design of the Info-tri
Step 3
Choose of format
You can choose to have the Info-tri in color or in monochrome.
The only point to respect is legibility.
Glass packagingStep by step for the creation of your Info-tri
Step 1
Choose of color
Step 2
Design of the Info-tri
Meaning of Triman = Separate collection exists
4 elements
4 elements
The tag with « FR » Components of the packaging
Paso 3
Step 3
Choose of format
Elección del formato
Step by step for the creation of your Info-tri
Step 1
Choose of color
Step 2 Design of the Info-tri
Paso 3 Elección del formato Step 3
Choose of format
1 Caps
Bottle of water Beer bottle
2 Lids
Step by step for the creation of your Info-tri
There is the possibility of using 2 formats depending on size/space limitations. The principle of proportionality is applied (to ensure correct reading).
If you want to go further and anticipate regulatory developments in certain countries in which you export your products, you can also add the sorting rules of other countries thanks to the «multicountry» version of the Info-tri. This may be the case if you export your products to Italy, Portugal or Slovenia, which are considering making the sorting rule mandatory on packaging without imposing the format
If you want to give the sorting rule for France and other countries in which the rule is identical, you can add tabs but the “FR” should always be first. Moreover, since the benchmark colours are not necessarily the same in France and abroad, the Info-Sorting must be designed in monochrome in order not to mislead foreign consumers.
Examples The first block mentions the sorting rule for France. The “FR” acronym is mandatory. The second block mentions the sorting rule for countries in which it differs. In color version, this block is always treated in black and white.
All these versions are also available in monochrome
Prohibited information- on pack
« Compostable »
For plastic products and packaging whose compostability can only be achieved in industrial units.
« Biodégradable » ; « environnemental friendly » or other equivalent statement
For all products and packaging.
Article R.541-223 environmental code
Mandatory information - on pack
« Do not throw away in nature »
For plastic products and packaging whose compostability can only be achieved in industrial units Compliance with mandatory information off pack if voluntary marking
Mandatory information - off pack
• Information on the incorporation of recycled material
• Information on recyclability
• Information on compostability
• Information on reusability
• Information on premiums and penalties
→ January 1, 2022: compostable
→ April 30, 2022
Stock clearance period: until January 1, 2023 for products manufactured or imported before April 29, 2022.
Article 3 of the decree
→ January 1, 2022: “do not throw away in nature”
It does not concern the Info-tri
What is the mutual recognition principle?
The mutual recognition principle ensures market access for goods that are not, or are only partly subject to EU harmonisation legislation.
It guarantees that any good lawfully sold in one EU country can be sold in another.
Directive (EU) 2018/852 on packaging and packaging waste
Draft FAQ by the French public authorities
Harmonisation :
✓ ensure better collection for recycling and reduce internal market barriers.
✓ Proposed measures :
- Harmonization of sorting deposits.
- Harmonization of markings on re-use.
- Harmonization of recycled content markings.
Would an information with another pictogram directly informing the consumer about the sorting gesture can replace the Info-tri marking?
At the beginning of each year (january / february) :
• Do the declaration of your packaging / papers for the previous year
• Pay the eco-contribution
3 types of declaration are available depending on the number of packaged products you put on the french market :
-> This UIN proves that you are registered with an ecoorganization for a specific EPR
-> You must provide your UIN’s to your marketplaces, so that they don’t charge you with the amount of the contributions
-> You must include this UIN on your general terms and conditions and on any contractual document
FOCUS - Market places
✓ Since January 1, 2022, you have the obligation as an ecommerce seller to have a Unique Identifier Number (UIN)
Format of a UIN: FR245749 _ 01BJOR
How do I get a UIN ?
You need to register to an ecoorganisation, like CITEO
CITEO will then provide you with your UIN within a few days
How to register at Citeo ? Packaging EPR
Online Guides
Detailed guides for household packaging and graphic paper can be downloaded from your customer area.
•Two training modules.
•Dedicated webinars available in replay.
✓ A regularly updated FAQ.