idge r b h t e L f o University DISCOVER 5,%4("2)$'% CA
R E V e r O e h C e r S u I t D your fu DISCOVER ULETHBRIDGE CA
You are the focus
Explore campus
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At your service
Living in Lethbridge
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Home Sweet home
International Students: Enjoy a Canadian Experience
Ways to pay
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Now What? (Checklist tear-out)
e h t re
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With more than 8,000 students, the University of Lethbridge is large enough to ensure that your education is rich with opportunities, yet small enough to remain dedicated to a personal experience. Our small classes foster a sense of community where you can interact with faculty and fellow students. From the moment you inquire, to the moment you graduate, the U of L provides you with the individual attention you need to succeed.
At the U of L, you are the focus.
thbridge e L f o y t niversi At the U te students like dua ds-on undergra Loree have a han ay n Jonatha discoveries of tod t e en role in th row. Loree has sp nt de or and tom rs as a co-op stu L e of two summ longside noted U . a uk working Dr. Olga Kovalch r researche
Enhance your deg
ation • Co-operative Educ of rt pa ge hu a is ch • Resear combines paid work nce! At the university experie experience with your earch through many universities, res university education d ve er res are ies s. nit opportu non-credit work term s. nt de stu test te to for gradua Co-op is a great way r, ve we ho L ble of At the U careers and gain valua ge in ile undergraduates enga on-the-job skills wh ry every tential po th wi research and discove g kin or netw th wi rk wo n ca day. You employers. as of professors in their are luable expertise and gain va nsferable experience that is tra to the workforce!
• Applied Studies nity offer you the opportu h ug to earn credit thro teer employment or volun experiences. ies • Independent Stud nity to rtu po allow you the op ram by og pr individualize your ofessor pr a e working alongsid that se ur in developing a co interests you.
rt of your • Travel can be a pa through education. Whether s, ge international exchan urs, to l study tours, or trave of y nt the U of L offers ple . rld ways to see the wo
The new 1st Choice Savings Centre for Sport and Wellness offers a variety of programs that promote healthy living. Whether it’s through joining an intramural team, taking a yoga class or working out in the fitness centre, there are many options available. The 1st Choice Savings Centre for Sport and Wellness is a state-of-the-art facility where students have access to the following services: • Vita Sana Fitness Centre • Ascent Climbing Centre • Max Bell Regional Aquatic Centre • Triple gymnasium • 4-lane 200-metre indoor track • Outdoor track and soccer field
The 1st C h Sport a oice Savings C n en opening d Wellness had tre for it i U of L H n February 20 s grand o 0 revealed rns mascot “Lu 7. The xi with a b ig bang e” was !
• Multi-purpose rooms • Dance and fitness studios
University Library
Centre for the Arts
The University Library is housed in an attractive facility with thousands of books, periodicals, electronic resources, numerous computer workstations and an active instruction program for students. Many services can be accessed via the Library’s web site. As well, materials from other libraries are available to students and faculty thanks to the inter-library loan system that exists worldwide.
The Centre for the Arts brings together the departments of art, music, drama and new media to provide a teaching environment tailored to student needs. The Art Gallery, Recital Hall and theatres provide students with the facilities essential to promote learning in the fine arts.
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Did yo u know ... .The U of L
is h most si gnifica ome to one of nt th in the c ountry art collection e 13,000 w s pieces o ith more than f art. The art used as collection at t a h are give teaching tool e U of L is . n from or the opportun Students it ig photogr inal paintin y to learn gs a variety phs and prin , sculptures, ts of wellknown from a artists.
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The University of Lethbridge is a place to grow academically, socially and personally. Each year, you can observe or participate in concerts, drama productions, athletic competitions, debates, cultural awareness events and campus-wide celebrations. You can also become involved with the student government, University committees, extracurricular activities and a variety of clubs around campus.
Did yo u kno w... .Currently
th the fol lowing e U of L has Baske athleti tb Soccer all, Ice Hock c teams: , and W Swimming, ey, Judo, omen’ s Rugb Track & Fie ld y. p.six
The Club Teams at the U of L
Other Programs Available:
include: Golf and Men’s Rugby.
Ballet, Belodi (Belly Dancing), Climbing courses, Golf , Hip-Hop
Recreation Services offers
and Jazz, Social Dance (Latin/
intramural programs including:
Ballroom and Modern Country),
Indoor Soccer, Ultimate Frisbee,
Tai Chi, Yoga, X-bike and Spinning,
Volleyball, Water Polo, Badminton,
as well as various aerobics classes.
Basketball, Dodgeball, Floor Hockey and Ice Hockey.
Did y o .The cl u know
Broadca st southern ing live from t he A commun lberta’s only U of L: ca ity radi o station mpus!
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en e Stud b r u lt u c • Agri pology Clu ro t n • A h ology Club ae • Arch ciety So • Arts ng Club Club bi m cience • Cli S r e t pu ciety • Com Society ate So u d e a t r a g • Deb ion Under at b • Educ Skating Clu e r • Figu Club ch tion n e • Fr ssocia y b u A l s C t v n e et ro • Imp tional Stud anga Soci a M n r & e • Int nime ne s e A a p ety a J • s Soci b t u n l e C d SC) • Law ement Stu lub (M ag C n s a t n M • ud e b ure St • Mat Curling Clu ed ASA) • Mix ion (N t l UN e ia c d b o o •M le Clu tudent Ass ents orcyc • Mot American S dence Stud e esi • Nativ ation of R ety (PAS) iz n a s Soci • Org n Art o i s s u • Perc ct Club ra • Rota ub (TAS) Cl ciety o S • Surf s t tre Ar • Thea ugby Club R • Trolls
Computers At the University of Lethbridge, your learning is supported with state-of-theart technology including:
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• Nine fully-equipped computer labs • 523 computers for student use • 24-hour study centre • 85 e-mail stations • Laptop hook-ups • Video-conferencing equipment • Wireless internet access We embrace innovation so that you can gain a competitive edge.
Career Resources Centre The Career Resources Centre houses programs which link U of L students with employers across Canada and the globe. Various resources will assist you in making the most of your education in the workforce, including Cooperative Education, Applied Studies and Career Counselling Services. The Career Centre can help you develop a great resumé, find summer, part-time or full-time employment and prepare you for interviews.
Academic Advising Academic advisors are available to assist students with program planning. Advisors are available at workshops, as well as for walk-in and appointment times.
Counselling Services Counselling Services focuses on the total well-being of students. U of L counsellors are mental-health professionals who can help to facilitate your personal growth and academic skill development. Counselling services are free of charge and strictly confidential. Services include: • Individual counselling • Academic workshops • Professional entrance exams • Campus ministry & spiritual care
Career Counselling Choosing a career and setting longterm goals can help provide direction and guide you in your choice of the appropriate courses and experiences to pursue. U of L students can take advantage of career counselling sessions with a qualified professional who will help with: • Assessment of your interests and your skills • Exploration of career opportunities • Career decision-making strategies • Development of career goals
Disabilities Resource Office The University of Lethbridge strives to create a barrier-free environment by offering a full range of technology and services to students with disabilities. Examples of these include: • Computers with assistive technology • Dictaphones • Closed circuit TV’s • Amplifying devices • Accommodations for instruction & testing
Health Centre The U of L Health Centre enriches students’ living and learning potential through the provision of pro-active health education, on-site health care, and health insurance information. As a student you have on-campus access to: • Doctors • Physiotherapy • Chiropractors • Massage therapy • Nutritionists
Writing Centre The Writing Centre is available to all U of L students who need help with essays, reports and other written assignments. A trained consultant will help you with all the stages of the writing process. One-on-one tutorials as well as groups workshops are also available.
The U of L has built a solid foundation of student services designed just for you. We provide you with personal, professional and academic support, all geared towards enhancing your university experience!
LETHB Located in southwestern Alberta, Lethbridge is a
friendly city welcoming over 14,630 students to the University of Lethbridge and Lethbridge College. While it has grown to a population of 81,692, Lethbridge maintains strong community ties and offers many of the services and amenities of larger centres in a smaller community that genuinely appreciates the vitality students bring.
Lethbridge has many attractions for you to enjoy. The landscape of the city attracts outdoor enthusiasts who take advantage of the extensive parks and trail system. The city also celebrates culture through its vibrant theatre companies, museum and numerous art galleries. Lethbridge also provides close access to many ski resorts, golf courses and Waterton Lakes National Park which can provide an atmosphere of adventure and relaxation.
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Did you know . .. .The U of L, in partnership
with Calgary-based co mpany, Hydro Developers, Inc, uses the wind power produced by these windmil ls to help meet our power needs. Lo ok for these windmil ls throughout the southern Alberta landscape.
es k a L n o t Waternal Park e Natio enery, wildlif
lar sc Spectacu ding recreational an and outst es make Waterton iti ect opportun nal Park the perf io Lakes Nat e in the outdoors. ak place to t
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Water Nation ton Lakes a only l Park is a fifteen n hour and from L minutes aw a ethbri dge. y
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• Ther e accom are differen m t campu odations a types of va s Apart including: ilable on m D style. ent style a orm style, nd Tow nhous e Includ ed in y • Cap tain’s our room: be • Arm oire d • Desk • Book shelf • Nigh t stan d
us p m a C Off Housing
University Hall Dorms: The University Hall traditional style dormitory accommodations are furnished bedrooms that are reserved for newly-admitted high school students. Full cooking facilities are not available, therefore, students must purchase a mandatory meal plan for on-campus dining.
Aperture Apartments
Aperture Residential Townhouses
sonably a e r f o lenty tion There’s p ent accommoda nce ta ud priced st hin walking dis it located w ersity. iv of the un
These four bedroom townhouses are located just five minutes from the centre of campus and are reserved for senior students. Study areas, coin-operated laundry facilities, and barbeques are provided in each residential area.
These one, two and four bedroom apartments provide students with all the amenities of home, including full kitchen facilities, semi-private bathrooms and coin-operated laundry facilities.
Two Bedroom, Single
If you ch oo your hou se to live off camp sin us on our O g hunt should beg , ff-Camp us Housin in site at ww g we w. listing of uleth.ca/och. Th b is a dated dail ccommodations is up y to your h and provides answ ousing qu ers estions.
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Single Townhome, Main Level
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ve ou ha ties y , s u i camp ing facil uter n o p ng low • Livi to the fol -hour com eight s acces rvices: 24 outlets, w nly e e o and s ood servic Alberta’s ool, f labs, , southern imming p TV s , room ic-size sw ial rooms games p c , olym rooms, so & dryers s study es, washer o rooms. loung and pian s room
Units meeting the needs of those with disabilities are also available. Demand is very high for on-campus housing so apply early. For information on how to apply contact Housing Services at (403) 329-2584.
University Hall, Large Suite Single
International Students:
Enjoy a Canadian Experience! Each year the University of Lethbridge welcomes more than 700 international students from over 65 countries! Our small class sizes provide a welcoming, friendly atmosphere, which will help you meet other students and feel comfortable in class and on campus. For a truly Canadian experience, you may qualify to work in the community, assisting with the financial commitment of studying abroad.
All new international students are eligible for a $1,000 scholarship based on entering grades. With more than 70 awards available to new students and 30 for continuing students, we can help you get closer to your academic goals.
International Centre for Students The International Centre for Students (ICS) is committed to assisting international students in meeting their academic, social and personal goals, as well as fostering cross-cultural understanding and learning among students, staff and faculty in the University and surrounding community. The following services are offered by the centre:
Global Ambassador Program Global Ambassador Program (GAP) is designed to link newly admitted students with University of Lethbridge students from their homeland via e-mail. Global Ambassadors will answer your questions on a variety of subjects to help you prepare for your journey to Canada and the U of L.
International Student Connections Program The International Student Connections Program will match you with another U of L student after you arrive on campus. This partner will provide you with encouragement, understanding and friendship and show you what resources and services are available on campus and in the community.
On-campus Support for International Students Staff members can assist you with the following: • Study Permits/Visa Information • Off campus work permits • Orientation to the University • Assistance with academic matters, personal concerns and other issues affecting your stay in Canada
Study Abroad/ Exchange Go global with your degree by taking part in a valuable exchange opportunity. All students are welcome to apply to study at one of our many partner universities around the globe.
International Students’ Association The International Students’ Association (ISA) strives to foster a spirit of unity between international and Canadian students at the University of Lethbridge by enhancing cultural awareness and promoting interaction. Various activities are organized such as karaoke, movie nights, sporting activities and games night.
“I chose to study at the University of Lethbridge because it is located in a smaller city which is quieter. There are still places to go out with your friends but it is not a city like Toronto where it is easy to lose focus on your studies. I did some reading and the University of Lethbridge had the best quality of programs at the best price.”
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After finding the right program for you, figuring out how to pay for it is the next step. Your education is a big investment and the University of Lethbridge is dedicated to helping you succeed. Last year the U of L gave more than $1.6 million to approximately 1,200 students.
Entrance Awards Students beginning studies at the U of L, whether just completing high school or transferrin g from another institution, may apply fo r Entrance Awards. These range in value from $500 to $5,000 and over half of stude nts who apply for an award receive one.
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After Your First Year The U of L supports students beyond their first year with un dergraduate awards. You may earn these awards based on your academic achie vement, on- and off-campus commun ity involvement, artistic achievement or financial need.
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Government Student Loans
Canadian students in need of financial aid may qualify for gove rnment student loa ns and/or grants. Both federal and provincial funding is available, and your loans remain interest-free while yo u are a student.
Private Loans
You may be able to borrow money from a bank or other private financial institution. Contact your bank for further informati on on private student loa ns.
Alberta Students
Some awards are av ailable specifically fo r Alberta residents sta rting or continuing studies at the Unive rsity of Lethbridge. If you are an Alberta res ident you may be eligible for awards su ch as the Alexander Rutherford, Jason La ng, or Louise McKinney scholarships.
.. Did you know .larship .New high school scho verage an a recipients receive of $1,500.
(let’s break
it down) Expenses
Savings Family Co n
Misc. Fee Textbook s/
Living Co
st s (Rent, utilit ies, food) Transpor t
Total Resou
(Cellphone ,m
edical, etc.)
Total Expe
d Costs (p
Tuition a nd Fees Canadian Students Internatio nal Studen t English Fo r Academ ic Purpose Books s Living (Rent , uCosts tilities, foo
er year of
$5,100 $11,639 $8,661 $1,000 $3,300 - 7,2 00
Discover DISCOVER 5,%4("2)$'% CA
DISCOVER ULETHBRIDGE CA has to offer is to take a campus tour. Tours usually take about an hour and are offered
• Campus Tours: The best way to get a sense of what the University of Lethbridge
throughout the year at your convenience.
• eTour: Explore campus online at . . .
$)3#/6%2 ULETHBRIDGE CA $)3#/6%2 ULETHBRIDGE CA • Connections: Are you trying to decide if the University of Lethbridge is the right place for you? Let us connect you with one of our students for a full or half day. As a participant in the Connections Program, you’ll have the opportunity to attend lectures,
DISCOVER 5,%4("2)$'% CA
labs and tutorials as you see what a typical day is like for students at the U of L. The
DISCOVER 5,%4("2)$'% CA
Connections program is free of charge and is offered September through April, during regular class days.
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exersity g v i n u ideal tainin at the than main h t d e eople, e liz d mor t meeting p nd“I rea e v l o v i ce in abou sks, f perien . It is ing ri k A a P t G n , a d lf ect about ourse y e a perf t t a u n o o si after ng ab re pas l help you ’ u learni o y t il t wha hat w ing ou ife skills t ng l learni te.” radua g u o y
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DISCOVER 5,%4("2)$'% CA
Use this as a checklist to ensure you’re ready to get started at the U of L! DISCOVER ULETHBRIDGE CA 1. Apply to the University of Lethbridge by visiting:
7. You will need to send in the confirmation letter,
attached to your Offer of Admission, along with a $75 tuition deposit, by the deadline indicated. This lets us know
2. If you’re interested in living on campus, you’ll need to
that you have accepted your offer of admission. International
submit an application for our student housing.
students should wait until they receive their study permit/
DISCOVER 5,%4("2)$'% CA
DISCOVER 5,%4("2)$'% CA 3. You will receive a postcard from the U of L admissions staff, confirming that we received your application.
visa prior to submitting this deposit.
8. You will receive a registration package, which
includes a U of L Calendar, a timetable and registration 4. Admissions will send you an acknowledgment letter
guide, and a program planning guide. This is what you will
indicating that they have started processing your application.
need in order to choose classes and build your schedule.
5. After your admission has been processed, you will receive an offer letter. This is the letter indicating that you
9. On your registration date, you can register in classes online using the Bridge at www.uleth.ca/bridge
have been admitted to a program at the U of L.
6. International Students should begin the process of
DISCOVER 5,%4("2)$'% CA
obtaining a study permit, www.cic.gc.ca. The International Centre for Students will contact you with more information to help with your transition.
DISCOVER 5,%4("2)$'% CA
$)3#/6%2 ULETHBRIDGE CA $)3#/6%2 ULETHBRIDGE CA Student Liaison and Recruitment (403) 329-2762 inquiries@uleth.ca
DISCOVER 5,%4("2)$'% CA
DISCOVER 5,%4("2)$'% CA
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