Faculty of Arts & Science
What do you love? Do you play in a band? Are you forever singing in the shower? Do you want to learn more? Is everything you experience just a little better when you add music?
Music at uLethbridge Studying music encompasses everything from learning to play your instrument with panache to exploring various aspects of the subject: from the classical masters to state-of-the-art digital audio technology. The University of Lethbridge offers one-on-one music lessons (music studio) in voice, piano, strings, guitar, woodwinds, brass, percussion and composition, as well as classes in music theory, ear training and music history. You will have plenty of opportunities to perform as a soloist or member of a wide variety of ensembles including: University of Lethbridge Singers (chamber choir), Women’s Chorus, Vox Musica (large choir), Opera Workshop, Wind Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble and the Lethbridge Symphony. Many of these ensembles tour locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Additionally, interdepartmental collaborative opportunities with the Faculty of Fine Art’s music, new media, art and drama programs give you the opportunity to gain real-world experience. Two regular concert series present faculty performers and visiting artists — exposing you to a high level of musicianship throughout the year. The program is also supported by guest lectures by industry specialists and professionals. Centre for the Arts. The Centre for the Arts includes numerous well-equipped practice studios, a recital hall, a proscenium theatre and computer labs complete with the latest in music applications. The recording studios offer industry standard music software, including Digital Performer, Finale, ProTools and MaxMSP. You may also have access to the department’s 52 pianos and an impressive array of international instruments. Music Degrees. The University of Lethbridge offers two routes for those wanting to pursue a degree in music — the BA route through the Faculty of Arts & Science and the BMus route through the Faculty of Fine Arts. Whatever degree you choose, you can rest assured that you will study with highly accomplished experts across a wide range of musical arenas, including professional musicians and scholars. There are numerous degrees you can complete with a major in music through the two faculties: Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Arts & Sciences (BASc), Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (BA/BEd), Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Management (BA/BMgt), Bachelor of Music (BMus), Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Education (BMus/BEd), Post-Diploma Bachelor Music (BMus) (after a 2 or 3-Year Diploma) or a Post-Diploma Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Education (BMus/BEd). To determine which route is best for your particular career goals and interests, please speak to an academic advisor.
Music Courses. Here’s a sample of music courses available: • Music Studio • Film Music • Ensembles • Popular Music • Materials of Music • History of Rock & Roll • Music Theory • Jazz History • Musicianship Skills • Music in Recital • Music History • Selected Digital Audio Arts • Acoustics of Sound Classes • Audio Production Techniques Student Clubs, Activities and the Community. Lethbridge boasts an active and diverse music community, with numerous clubs and concert performances. Whatever group you become involved in, you’re sure to gain exposure to various types of music, a variety of instruments and the musical expertise of local residents.
Learn more about Music at uLethbridge, visit ulethbridge.ca/artsci/music
Our Faculty & Their Research
Your Future Prospects
Faculty members are happy to involve undergraduate students in their creative projects using state-of-the-art facilities and equipment. Faculty members often collaborate with other departments and community members — giving you the opportunity to get additional hands-on experience.
Skills Acquired. In addition to developing articulate expression in the program, you will also develop exceptional written and oral communication skills, your research and information acquisition skills, as well as your creativity and attention to detail. All of these abilities are highly sought after and can be applied to practically any working scenario.
Current Research & Areas of Interest: • Instrumental Performance • • Period Performance • Composition (acoustic & • electronic) • • Conducting • • Biomechanical Analysis • • Music of Franz Schubert
Choral Music in Alberta & Canada 20th-Century Music Music of Scandinavia Music Technology Vocal Performance
Related Fields. As a graduate of the program, you could pursue a career in these areas: • Performance • Curriculum Development • Conducting • Sound Design & Engineering • Composing/Arranging • Music Merchandizing • Arts Management • Music Therapy • Radio & TV Production • Private Instructor Graduate Studies. The University of Lethbridge’s School of Graduate Studies offers graduate programs, at the Master and Doctoral levels, spanning over 60 disciplines — so why not consider pursuing grad school right here in Lethbridge! Whether you choose to do your advanced studies at uLethbridge or another institution, know that your undergraduate degree has set you on the path to post-graduate success.
Perform with passion in Music.
Discover uLethbridge and apply today, visit
University of Lethbridge 4401 University Drive Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4 403 329 5106 music.artsci@uleth.ca ulethbridge.ca/artsci/music
Academic Advising M2102 Markin Hall 403 329 5106 artsci.advising@uleth.ca ulethbridge.ca/artsci/advising
Put Your Knowledge to Work Whether you’re looking for a more in-depth learning experience by assisting with research projects or by testing your knowledge in a real-life setting, we can help. Combined with your required coursework, the programs outlined below will provide you with a solid foundation for further studies and an excellent framework for a challenging and rewarding career — whatever direction you decide to go.
Applied Studies
Applied Studies is a special opportunity offered to all uLethbridge students as a way to earn course credit for career-related paid, volunteer or community service work experience. This program is specially designed to allow you to integrate principles learned in the classroom in a practical work setting. For more information on Applied Studies, visit: ulethbridge.ca/appliedstudies
Co-operative Education
The Faculty of Arts & Science is proud to offer you the chance to participate in our co-op program — the only one of its kind in Alberta to offer co-op to all majors in arts and science. Co-op allows you to gain work experience directly related to your studies and make invaluable contacts in the workforce, all while earning a competitive salary. Completion of the program allows you to receive a co-op designation on your degree and, most importantly, a kick-start to your career the minute you graduate. For more information on Co-operative Education, visit: ulethbridge.ca/career-bridge
Research & Independent Studies
In addition to your regular courses, you have the opportunity to participate in Independent Studies. You’re able to contribute to departmental activities by volunteering on research projects or through employment as a research assistant. If your GPA is high enough, you can also enrol in undergraduate thesis-based courses where research is a component of your studies. There are field school opportunities available in some disciplines, as well as many opportunities to study abroad. For current research or independent studies opportunities, contact the department directly.
Academic Advising Your decision to explore a university education is the first step toward a great future — now let us help you navigate your degree options at uLethbridge and set you on the road to success. Do you have questions about what field of study best suits you? Would you like help with program and registration planning and just can’t find the answers? If so, you should speak to an academic advisor today — advisors have the answers to these questions and many more. To learn more about the support services available to you through our academic advisors, visit: ulethbridge.ca/artsci/advising
ulethbridge.ca/future-student *This brochure should be used in conjunction with the University of Lethbridge calendar, which is the final authority regarding program requirements and academic regulations.