JUNE 2 & 3, 2022
CONVOCATION SERVICES In our lobby you will find the following: •
deJourdan's by Lifetouch | Professional portrait photography
Bookstore | ULethbridge memorabilia and graduation rings
Graduation Flowers | Fresh flowers to congratulate your grad
ULethbridge Alumni Association | Parchment frames and the official Fiat Lux alumni ring
Family Room (PE261) | Live video of the ceremony
COVID Conscious Room (PE250) | Masking and physical distancing required
EMERGENCY INFORMATION Your safety and security are of the utmost importance. In the unlikely event that an emergency situation requires evacuation, please remain calm. University staff will direct you to the nearest exit.
REGALIA RETURN Hoods and gowns must be returned to room PE275 on Level 2 of the 1st Choice Savings Centre before 6 p.m. on the day of the ceremony.
CEREMONY TWO T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 2 | 2 : 3 0 P . M .
CEREMONY THREE F R I D A Y , J U N E 3 | 9 : 3 0 A . M .
Oki, I would like to take this moment to congratulate you on your academic achievement. You have reached a significant milestone in your life and we are proud of your accomplishment as we join your family and friends in celebration of your success. Our best wishes are with you today and into the future wherever your journey takes you.
Today we celebrate your years of hard work completed, deep knowledge acquired, and great promise that your future holds. I hope you will reflect on your experience with fond memories, remembering that you are, and always will be, part of the ULethbridge legacy. Mike Mahon (Iipisowahsi), President and Vice-Chancellor
Charles Weaselhead (Taatsiikiipoyii), Chancellor On behalf of the entire Board of Governors, I congratulate you on this momentous occasion and extend our very best wishes for your future endeavours. You have each played an essential role in shaping the face of the ULethbridge community, and we will be watching with great interest as you apply what you have learned here and make your mark on the world as alumni of this extraordinary institution. Fiat Lux! Kurt Schlachter (Stamiksiiitoohkitapoyii) (BSc ’00), Board of Governors’ Chair On behalf of Iikaisskini Indigenous Services, we wish to extend our congratulations to the newest Alumni of the University of Lethbridge! Whether we were regularly connected or as silent supporters in your corner, we recognize the sacrifices you have made and adversity you have overcome. May your journey of lifelong learning propel you to great, new, wonderful heights of achievement in the years ahead. The world is a great place to explore so trust that you can achieve anything you set your minds to! You have proven resilient with determination and perseverance. We wish you luck and congratulate you on behalf of all of us at Iikaisskini. Lindi Shade, Jodie Flamand-Tailfeathers, Christine Goodstriker, Iikaisskini Indigenous Services On behalf of the University of Lethbridge Students Union (ULSU), I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you on your Convocation. Graduation is a pivotal milestone and a testament to your journey here at the University of Lethbridge. You were met with many challenges and your hard work, perseverance, and the friends you have made along the way, have led you to this proud moment. What you received through a formal education; you also gained in a character education. Today is one of many successful moments for you and I wish you all the best and happiness. I look forward to seeing what you will achieve, and I have faith that you will make our world a better place. Kairvee Bhatt, ULSU President
I am honoured to offer my sincerest congratulations on the completion of your credential at the University of Lethbridge. It is particularly poignant because you have done so under an unprecedented and challenging set of circumstances — during a global pandemic. You have shown flexibility, creativity, resilience, and maturity in completing your academic journey and we are so proud of how well you have handled and navigated the situation and everything you have been able to accomplish despite the restrictions. Your bravery, perseverance and courage are a testament to the change makers you will be as you move forward into the next phase of your life. I can’t think of a more capable and well-prepared cohort of leaders for the 21st Century. We are honoured to call you alumni of the University of Lethbridge. Michelle Hogue (Mai’staaki), Chief Marshal, Associate Professor & Coordinator Indigenous Student Success Cohort, Faculty of Arts & Science Graduate students, your dedication, perseverance, and adaptability have culminated in a spectacular accomplishment to be genuinely proud of. The knowledge you have gained and imparted to others have helped to shape and strengthen our ULethbridge community. Your unique experiences throughout your time at ULethbridge highlight our diverse and integrative community that you have been, and will continue to be, a part of. We congratulate you on your accomplishments and look forward to what the future holds for each of you. Lauren Zink, Graduate Students’ Association President We’ve been with you every step of the way — from your first school tour to your last assignment. We’ve seen you up at 7 a.m., stressing before a test, and we’ve helped you celebrate the end of a long day with a drink. Now you’re graduating, and the Coffee Company couldn’t be more proud to have accompanied you on this journey — as your cheering squad, your fueling station, the cup of comfort in your hand. Come back and visit often, and best of luck in your future endeavors! And, most importantly, never settle for crappy coffee. JT and the staff at the Campus Coffee Company
Convocation is a day of well-deserved celebration. For students, it signifies the completion of years of hard work and the beginning of an exciting new chapter in their lives. For families, it is a day to recognize those years of dedication and to enthusiastically embrace the pride that convocation evokes. For all of us, convocation is a time to look optimistically into the future, share in centuries-old academic traditions and, most importantly, celebrate our graduates. For more than 50 years, University of Lethbridge graduates have been making significant contributions to Canada and the world. With convocation, the promise of our lasting impact continues. Congratulations to all at this very special time of year.
Our most heartfelt congratulations to all our international students. Today, as you cross the stage, we celebrate not only the great success of completing your program (and you did it in the midst of a global pandemic!), but also every moment of triumph along the way. We are so proud to have been part of your journey and so thankful for everything you have contributed to ULethbridge. We wish you every success as you venture out into the world as proud ULethbridge alumni. Imarú Baquero, Karis Dykstra (BA ’09), Graydon Burbank (BMgt ’17), Brana Kumovic International Student Services
Student Affairs has been a beacon during your ULethbridge education journey, championing you every step of the way. We welcomed you at New Student Orientation and stood by you throughout your studies, providing career-building Work Integrated Learning opportunities that are reflected on your MyExperience Transcript, health and mental health counselling services, financial aid and scholarships, accommodated learning support, coaching from the learning strategists and tutors, registration, and many other services. You have counted on us to help you achieve your goals. Today, we salute you at graduation! We are very proud of you and your accomplishments, and we wish you well. Kathleen Massey, Associate Vice-President (Students)
history of convocation In the Middle Ages, the church was responsible for higher education. Monasteries were the centres of learning and monks were the scholars of society. By the 12th Century, secular scholars began forming communities to pursue knowledge and truth, which eventually developed into independent universities in the prominent cathedral cities of Europe, precursors of today’s universities. As universities grew, scholars wanted to honour students who successfully completed their education as well as welcome them into the select and exclusive group of scholars. The word convocation originally referred
to gatherings of the clergy of Canterbury and York, but in 1577 Oxford University used it to describe the assembly of its graduates. Ever since, students around the world have been admitted to the order of scholars in a convocation ceremony. Since its first convocation ceremony in 1968, the University of Lethbridge has been proud to recognize the academic achievements of our students, and honour individual achievements in various fields. A convocation ceremony represents a celebratory ‘rite of passage’ for our students — an opportunity to share academic accomplishments with their mentors, fellow graduates and loved ones. The ceremony begins with the national anthem and reflection. Following that the main features of convocation are a speech to the graduands by the president, a speech by the honorary degree recipient or guest speaker, and the conferral of degrees, diplomas and certificates by the chancellor.
THE UNIVERSITY SYMBOLS The University’s colours are blue and gold, drawing inspiration from the blue sky and bright sun so prominent on the southern Alberta landscape. The University Shield brings focus to the fiery sun with twisted Aztec rays. The University of Lethbridge Coat of Arms was unveiled during the University’s 45th anniversary celebrations at Fall 2012 Convocation and features the blue shield and the University’s signature sun, along with our motto, Fiat Lux. This is supported by other components such as the eagle feather, Alberta wild rose, pronghorn and miner’s lamp; all signature elements of the University.
Fiat Lux, our motto, is Latin for ‘let there be light’ and refers metaphorically to the illumination that comes from research and learning. At the University, everyone has the ability to shine and we believe it’s our job to help make that happen. The mace, carried in the academic procession by the chief marshal, was created by artist Corne Martens and given to the University in memory of former senator Virginia Mitchell. Dedicated at the fall convocation ceremony on October 1, 1988, the mace is cast in bronze and represents the institution’s authority to grant degrees, diplomas and certificates. Unique to the University of Lethbridge, one end features three elements: mortarboard, gavel and open book, symbolizing academia, the Board of Governors and the General Faculties Council. The other end features a globe surrounded by pronghorns, representing our mascot and the universality of knowledge.
The academic dress of the University of Lethbridge is unique to the institution. A black gown and mortarboard are worn by undergraduate and master’s students; the credential earned is represented by colours on the borders and linings of the hoods. The bachelor’s degree, certificate and diploma hoods are black lined with blue, trimmed with a twisted gold and blue cord. Master’s hoods are black lined with blue and have an exterior border of light blue satin trimmed with a twisted gold and blue cord.
It is custom in many Indigenous communities to honour graduates with a special remembrance of their accomplishments as they continue on to various milestones in their lives. To celebrate their achievements, all graduating Indigenous students in attendance are gifted with a convocation stole.
A coloured braid on the lining of the hood distinguishes the type of degree. Students receiving combined degrees wear two braids. The colours representing the degrees are as follows:
Designed by Iikaisskini (Low Horn) Indigenous Services, the stoles are royal blue with white embroidery, featuring four important symbols alongside the University of Lethbridge shield: The Buffalo acknowledges Blackfoot Territory and the importance of this animal to the Blackfoot people and to the great plains.
Arts: White
The Eagle Feather represents our First Nations graduates.
Science: Golden yellow
The Infinity Sign represents our Métis graduates.
Arts and Science: White and golden yellow
The Inukshuk represents our Inuit graduates.
Education: Light blue Fine Arts: Brown Music: Pink Health Sciences: Red and golden yellow Nursing: Red Therapeutic Recreation: Green Management: Light brown Doctor of philosophy graduands wear a royal blue gown with blue velvet facings and chevrons outlined in bright gold piping, and a blue beefeater with a gold tassel. The hoods are royal blue, lined with sapphire blue satin and a bright gold chevron. The blue velvet trim is outlined in gold piping. The stoles worn by the deans of each Faculty or School correspond generally with the colour of the braids on the lining of the undergraduate hoods of that Faculty or School. Convocation marshals wear royal blue stoles, and are selected from among the academic staff to supervise the academic procession and the presentation of graduands to the chancellor. The regalia of the chancellor, president, board of governors’ chair, and honorary degree recipients also feature blue and gold elements.
CORDS OF DISTINCTION Cords of academic distinction are worn by undergraduate students whose outstanding academic achievements merit the designation. Royal blue cords signify distinction and gold cords great distinction. Combined degrees students earning distinction or great distinction for both degrees wear two sets of cords. 2022 graduate cords and official parchments will be mailed out once final graduation checks have been completed.
PODIUM DESIGN The convocation lecterns feature the university tartan alongside a Pendleton® blanket and eagle feather shield conceptualized by Blackfoot Elder Francis First Charger. A source of warmth and comfort, blankets serve a special role in Indigenous ceremonies. As gifts, blankets allow the recipient to forever wrap themselves in a treasured reminder of heritage, community and tradition. Seven golden eagle feathers have been arranged in a circle to represent a shield. The number is significant and refers to the seven stars. The golden eagle is known for its majestic qualities, soaring high above and seeing far and wide with keen eyesight.
UNIVERSITY TARTAN The University of Lethbridge tartan was a 50th anniversary legacy project unveiled on Founders’ Day Weekend in January 2017. The tartan design is inspired by convocation and the grand accomplishment it signifies. Faculty colours are incorporated in the tartan and the colours come together with the bright sunburst against the dark blue field. A frame of red honours the name given to University Hall, Iniskim (Sacred Buffalo Stone). The tartan was registered with the Scottish Tartan Authority on August 16, 2016. A kilt, handwoven by world-renowned kilt maker Paul Henry (UK), is worn by the piper for convocation. 5
we make a promise: A promise to do our best, so they can be their best. A promise to foster exploration, to share ideas and information, to teach but also to learn. A promise to build the buildings, acquire the technology, cultivate the partnerships, and welcome the people essential to advancing an environment that excites and ignites learning. A promise to create an environment where professors and students are colleagues and everyone grows together, an environment that recognizes the power of every student’s dream. And helps that dream come true.
kitsiiksisttowatoh’ pinnaan: Nitakayika’kimaahpinnaan, kitaahkanistsi’ta’pohkookaksoyayi. Kitakanistsiistapakkiokakihpowayi, nita’ka’paisski’pinnaan. Nita’ka’paisdotsi’pinnaani naapioyiistsi, nita’kao’tsi’pinnaan pissata’piyi, nita’kitsstsimaahkatannaan stohkanaokakiwa. Niyai ksimstaani ahkitsayi’sohkissi niipaitapiyisini akitakkiisoka’piwa, pookaiksi ki omahksimmiksi akitsi’tomanistohkimayawa, ksimstaani akitanistsiwa. Papao’kani akitsspommohkato’p maahkanistsissi.
Named by Blackfoot Elder Bruce Wolf Child, we are Iniskim, Sacred Buffalo Stone, situated on Treaty 7 land in the heart of traditional Blackfoot Territory.
Conducting the Ceremony Ilsa Wong, Platform Marshal Musical Prelude The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra Conducted by Brandon deGorter The Procession
At the commencement of the procession, those assembled are asked to stand, as they are able, until invited to take their seats.
Led by Michelle Hogue, Chief Marshal Piper: Tom Wilson Marshalls: Wayne Lippa, Susan Findlay, Locke Spencer, Ben Asem, Jon Doan, Olu Awosoga Processional Music The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra Conducted by Brandon deGorter Declaration Charles Weaselhead, Chancellor National Anthem Led by Franz Faeldo, Faculty of Fine Arts O Canada by Calixa Lavallée Reflection Alyssa No Runner, Faculty of Arts and Science Honour Song Delvin Keeswood Troy Delaney Welcome and Report to Convocation
This traditional address celebrates the value of education and the combined accomplishments of our graduands and the University community.
Michael Mahon, President and Vice-Chancellor
Conferral of Honorary Degree
Awarded by the Senate to individuals who personify the values expressed in the philosophy of the institution – they cultivate human values and seek to foster intellectual growth, social development, aesthetic sensitivity, personal ethics, and the dimensions of a scholar’s personality.
Charles Weaselhead, Chancellor Kevin Van Tighem, Doctor of Science, honoris causa Introduced by Cyndi Bester, Chief Executive Officer, Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce & Senate Member Address to the Graduands Kevin Van Tighem, Doctor of Science, honoris causa Musical Selection The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra Conducted by Brandon deGorter Toshiro Mayuzumi’s Xylophone Concertino Movement No. 3 Performed by Layton Hiebert, 2021-22 U of L Wind Orchestra concerto competition winner
Combined Degrees Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Science Candidates presented by Erasmus Okine, Provost and Vice-President (Academic) Alumni Welcome Jason Elliott, President, ULethbridge Alumni Association Announcements Ilsa Wong, Platform Marshal Dismissal Charles Weaselhead, Chancellor Recession
Those assembled are asked to stand, as they are able, for the recession until the chief marshal bearing the mace, followed by the platform party and the graduates, have departed.
Recessional Music The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra Conducted by Brandon deGorter
Conferral of Degrees Charles Weaselhead, Chancellor School of Graduate Studies Doctor of Philosophy Master of Science Candidates presented by Jackie Rice, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies Faculty of Arts & Science Bachelor of Arts and Science Bachelor of Science Candidates presented by Matthew Letts, Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Science
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Rosemary Anne Blersch Evolution and Behaviour Thesis: Primate-parasite interactions in a semiarid environment Lara Audrey Coelho Neuroscience Thesis: Characterizing the body model: How age, sex, and training moderate the body model Marta Gerasymchuk Biomolecular Science Thesis: The effect of cannabinoids and anti-aging compounds on skin aging and rejuvenation Kartik Iyer Neuroscience Thesis: Enhancing memory-related sleep spindles through learning and electrical brain stimulation Serena Marie Jenkins Neuroscience Thesis: Consequences of maternal preconception nicotine and alcohol: A rodent model of the longterm effects on offspring brain and behavior Md Kamruzzaman Earth, Space, and Physical Science Thesis: Normal modes of realistic Earth models: an advanced treatment of elasticity, rotation and fluid core compressibility Mohammad Javad Karimi Abadchi Neuroscience Thesis: Investigating hippocampal-neocortical interactions around Sharp-Wave Ripples David Casey McWatters Biomolecular Science Thesis: Identification and comparison of noncoding RNAs and ribonucleoprotein complexes in several diverse protist species Chinenye Nmanma Nwoke Population Studies in Health Thesis: Maternal Depression and Anxiety Disorders within Two Years of Birth Among African Immigrant Women in Alberta Shweta Soni Neuroscience Thesis: Modulatory effects of linguistic aspects on cortical tracking of speech Dylan James Webb Earth, Space, and Physical Science Thesis: I. Synthesis and Ring-Opening Polymerization of Cationic Divalent Metal Complexes Supported by NEN-Pincer Ligands (E = O, S, Se) 8
MASTER OF SCIENCE Deen Mohammad Abdullah Thesis: Query Focused Abstractive Summarization using BERTSUM Model David Joel Adams Thesis: Combining state-of-the-art models for multi-document summarization using maximal marginal relevance Mahshid Aghania Thesis: Distributed applications, Blockchain and IOTA Co-operative Education Haley Kathleen Allard Thesis: Distinct mitotic arrests by prairie Asteraceae plant extracts and exploration of the transcriptomic response of HT-29 cancer cells to anti-mitotic chemicals Alicia Marie Anderson Thesis: Development of the dispersing component for a cryogenic post-dispersed polarizing Fourier transform spectrometer Keith Logan Mofford Aubrey Thesis: Regulation Of Polyhydroxyalkanoic Acid Synthase by Riboswitch in Cupriavidus Necator Sydney Jordyn Backmeyer Thesis: Non-target effects of extended-release LongRange eprinomectin on coprophilous insects Parinaz Bayrami Thesis: Code authorship attribution using contentbased and non-content-based features Melissa Dianne Bexte Thesis: Some aspects of adolescent motherhood in Nunavut Catherine Lillian Josephine Brown Thesis: What’s in a chicken: Using NMR metabolomics to investigate stress in broiler chickens Liam Collins Thesis: Initial development and assessment of the motives for managing sedentary behaviour older adults (MMSB-OA) instrument Jade Linna Cooley Thesis: Jan Mayen glacier changes between 2000-2020 in historic, climatic, oceanic, and geographic context Danika Leigh Dorchak Thesis: Factors influencing reward-seeking behaviour in rats and the implications for problem gamblers Michael Hilary D’Souza Thesis: Biophysical Characterisation Studies of Hantaviral and Human Long Noncoding RNAs
Victory Ugochi Ekwueme Thesis: Work Hours, Social Relationships, and Physical Activity among the Canadian Workforce Humaira Enayetullah Thesis: Assessing the cumulative impact of wildland fires and seismic line disturbance on peatlands in northern Alberta Neil George Franchuk Thesis: The Curious Case of Jerome Bruner: An Inquiry Into Narrative, Science and Meaning Kaden Kiyoshi Fujita Thesis: Characterization of the effects of 2-(2H-Benzotriazol-2-yl)- 4-methylphenol (UV-P) to the model fish species, Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) Melissa Leanne Giddy Thesis: Investigating the behavioural impacts of chronic high-CBD cannabis consumption in adolescent Long-Evans rats Miika Sulevi Johannes Hernesniemi Thesis: The “Search for Meaning” in Therapeutic Recreation Silvo Aleksi Topias Hernesniemi Thesis: A Delphi Study Using Expert Consensus to Develop a Well-Defined Vision for a Centre of Excellence for Therapeutic Recreation in Continuing Care Settings Sarah Valerie Hirtle Thesis: Patterns of multiparasitism and consequences of co-infection in fathead minnows Mukaila Abiodun Ibrahim Thesis: Copper(I) complexes of very bulky phosphines and development of new asymmetric thiatriazinyls for molecular magnets Rebeca Eugenia Leon Parada Thesis: Amphetamine-induced changes in arousal and locomotion and their effects in neural signaling in the retrosplenial cortex Michelle Janet Martin Thesis: Intraspecific variation of brain anatomy and drumming activity in ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) Justin Gordon Paul Miller Thesis: Inhibition of oocyte maturation by organophosphate insecticides in zebrafish (Danio rerio) after in vitro and in vivo exposure Claire Rina Niehaus Thesis: Cannabis and the Brain: Investigating the Long-Term Effects of High-CBD Cannabis Exposure on Behaviour in the Long-Evans Rat Tetsuro Eric Okada Thesis: Prolonged impact of exercise on appetite and energy compensation
Olamide Ibrahim Okeowo Thesis: The Relationship Between Substance Use and Housing Instability Frances Esther Judith Pope Thesis: Pandemic Parenting: Stress and Resilience During the Covid-19 Pandemic Brett Ernest Regnier Thesis: Applying deep convolutional neural networks to the dragon boat partition problem Yasaman Rostamian Thesis: The effects of Cannabis sativa extracts on melanoma cancer cells in vitro Molly Frances Tilley Thesis: A new and emerging myxozoan parasite of fathead minnows: species description, lifecycle, and effects to the host Juleyska Vazquez Cardona Thesis: Is the dawn chorus an adaptation to warm-up the voice in Adelaide’s warbler (Setophaga adelaidae)? Hayley Robyn Wall Thesis: Adults’ Perceptions of Words for Exercise Goals Shayan Yazdani Sangdeh Thesis: Analyzing 50 kHz rats’ vocalizations using machine learning approaches Xingzi Zhou Thesis: Organic matter cycling in a restored wetland receiving complex effluent Sara Binte Zinnat Thesis: Classification of computer programming contest programs based on gender, region and software metrics
BACHELOR OF ARTS AND SCIENCE Kayla Elaine Akerstrom Cassandra Dawn Lynn Arnestad Madison Ashley Bach Sabrina Marie Bergeron Jenna Erica Bierbach Louise Caroline Cameron With Great Distinction Courtney Lynn Dinwoodie Dylan Cole LaValley With Distinction Radoslaw Konrad Lewandowski Carmen Marie Nadeau With Distinction Joshua Thomas Passey With Distinction Honours Thesis Abby Lyn Rowland Megan Sue Ann Smith Czoryn Alexander Straga Shaye Alexandria Swannack Jason Dinh Tran
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Mahfooz Abdul Azeez Co-operative Education Aaron John Ackerman Taylor Adamitz Trennon George Aikins With Distinction Maya Al Khatib With Distinction Jomana Al-Shareef With Great Distinction Ryan Fraser Alho With Distinction Katie Jane Allen With Great Distinction Deanna Grace Andreschefski Deepika Lakshmi NVS Anupindi Makayla Dawn Arcand Sinisini Skip Quick Atoa Noah Riley Auger Amijot Singh Aujla Olawoyin Samuel Awosika Oluwatofunmi David Awosoga With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Sara Anel Balderas Figueroa Ryan Kiel Baluyut Caelyn Mary Basaraba Sarah Elizabeth Baxter Reese Kendall Shae Bechtloff Simran Bedi Kaylen Ariette Beekman With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Caitlin Elizabeth Beler With Distinction Jayna Catherine Bergman With Distinction Honours Thesis Rajandeep Kaur Bhullar Jordan Tyler Biollo Clay Allen Birch Natasha Marie Birnie-Browne Kyle Eric Bodell With Distinction Nicole Elizabeth Boon With Great Distinction Rae Ann Borbely Hannah Raye Bouma Wes William Bowie With Great Distinction Andre Brampton Anissah Zoe Brandley-Tran With Distinction Tory Ann Brantner Gagandeep Kaur Brar
Tylan James Bremner Clarice Elena Bryant With Great Distinction Co-operative Education Skylar Dale Bueckert Kimberly Caballo With Distinction Austin Emmet Campbell George Paulo Canlas With Distinction Laura Johana Casas Barazeta Kyesha Deshanda Clarke Madison Avery Clarke With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Giulia Cocco With Distinction Honours Thesis Skylar Ann Bernice Colonna Calvin Lawrence Cooley Rosie Frances Costen With Distinction Co-operative Education Jenelle Amber Cousins Renz Brian Argente Cruz Shae-Lynn Heather Dauncey Hanna Morgan Dayment Juan Camilo De La Rosa Murillo Philip Eugene Degagne With Great Distinction Ryan Bradley Demkiw Valentine Marie Deregnaucourt With Great Distinction Taylor Keann Derksen Rocky Wayne Dick With Distinction Kianna Kelly Dietz Diya Taitum Erin Doering With Distinction Conlan Timothy Donahue Maria Christina Dres Christopher Jacob Drescher With Distinction Kasey Shea Dunn Co-operative Education Ashlyn Elizabeth Durrant Andrea Carol Ann Eisenbarth With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Ezechiel Ekra Anja Elez Nicole Elizabeth Emsley With Great Distinction Jennifer Obianuju Amarachi Eseonu With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Rhys Donovan Evans 9
Victoria Abisola Famurewa Caitlin Lucinda Fantin Alice Danielle Federkeil Haley Alexandra Fehr Dayle Josephine Feser Judith May Flamond Kevin Peter Floyd With Distinction Brookelyn Anne Mckenzie Fortier Caleb Riley Fowler Libby Ann Fox Matthew Joshua Franko McKenzie Ruth Franz Heidi Lauren Frehlich Sheldon Rodney Fyten Braden Bernard Gail With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Alfrancis Gandia Mykaela June Gara Jonathan Josiah Gerber With Great Distinction Samuel Norman Gerrand With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Jaskamal Preet Singh Gill Sarah Elizabeth Gilmour Garrett Coulton Girletz With Distinction Shawn Harvey Gladun Seanna Antonia Goeseels Nolan Brian Gooding With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Skip Emmett Goodstriker Caylee Rohndell Gorzitza With Great Distinction Stephen Alexander Gostola With Distinction Kayley Marie Grasmeyer With Great Distinction Alison Richelle Gries With Distinction Justin William Grigor With Distinction Landon James Gross Rebecca Ha Laura Haenni Amy Jessica Halldorson Zoie Judy Monique Hansen With Distinction Co-operative Education Andie Elizabeth Hanson Mackenzie Faith Harms Devan Harold Harnack Jaxon Clinton Theophilus Harvey 10
Darby Shea Havrelock Niklas Joseph Terrence Hayden With Great Distinction Cooper Barrie Hayward Sean Allan Healy With Great Distinction Spencer Benjamin Herman With Great Distinction Sydney Shae Herrick With Distinction Huu Chinh Hoang Skylar Brynn Hodgson Jesse James Graydon Holbein Co-operative Education Giselle Meredith Hopkins With Great Distinction Co-operative Education Honours Thesis Caitlyn Shaye Howard Co-operative Education Carlos Joel Howey Ethan James Hudec With Distinction Cale Albert Hughes With Great Distinction Co-operative Education Olivia Dawn Hughes William Richard Jamie Hughson Benjamin Gordon Hunt With Distinction Co-operative Education Madisen Rae Huston Anika Rae Huvenaars Prosper Azekhouria Ibhamawu Co-operative Education Madison Victoria Irving Erica Iwabuchi-Althoff Joseph Anthony Jackson Karena Nicole Jacobsen Edwin Jada Lero Ilyanna Katelyn Janvier Austin William Jaster Andres Felipe Jimenez With Distinction Co-operative Education Selena Anne Johnson Jewel Marie Johnston Dylan Lloyd Jones Nikolas Oak Josafatow With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Davis Lincoln Juell With Great Distinction Honours Thesis
Ellie Jade Junko Kabayama With Distinction Shambhavi Kala Anureet Kaur Lovepreet Kaur Manpreet Kaur Sukhjeet Kaur Mitra Kazemzadeh With Distinction Co-operative Education Jesse Lawrence Kearl Rylan Johnathan Leagh Kearney Matthew James Kenney With Great Distinction Mark Allan Kernaghan Nicola Ainsley Kester Salar Changaiz Khan Joshua James Kimber Breanne Alyssa Kinnear Cassandra Marie Klaas Co-operative Education Keva Maria Klamer Denae Paige Klemen With Great Distinction Brayden Kristopher Mark Klippenstein Alexandra Paige Knievel With Distinction Jaclyn Eileen Knol With Great Distinction Preston Shawn Knutson Adam James Kobza Amanda May Kohut Aimee Christina Kondor With Great Distinction Haley Nicole Kothig With Distinction Amos Sewedor Kushalu Cody Joseph Alain Labonte Mackenzie Carolina Lachman With Distinction Marissa Sabina La Montagna With Great Distinction Jared James Langille Niall Francis Larney With Great Distinction Mackenzie Dawn Lavergne Aviya Lee With Great Distinction Jordan Philip Leibel Luke Brent Leontowich With Great Distinction Ross Aaron Lifschitz Elaura Oksana Lilienthal Nickolas Francisco Linares With Great Distinction Tanya Mariel Llovia
Tanner Chisson Lockwood With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Laura Louw With Great Distinction Stacy Carmen Lyon Hannah Evelyn Marjorie Lyons Kaela Marie MacNaughton Tooba Mahmood Alexander Keenan Mahoney Rebecca Lynn Maier With Distinction Ty Joseph Makarowski Co-operative Education Sidney Carolin Mann With Distinction Una Maricic With Distinction Juliana Ernesta Pia Massaro Jeffrey Dennis Masse Kyra Ashleigh Matechuk With Great Distinction Steel Mitchel McDonald With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Jenna Mckenzie Brin McDonnell With Distinction Carisa Mey McGale Honours Thesis William Evan McNaughton Kieran Jeffrey Meadows With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Benjamin Nathaniel Meakin Marissa Geertruida Medema With Distinction Marcus Jedi Merlonghi Honours Thesis Emily Claire Mertens With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Frances Elizabeth Meyer With Great Distinction Sarah Patricia Meyer Alicia Katie Millward Jasmeet Singh Minhas Colette Hedeeah Mofakham Anne Maude Monks Merrin Beth Monteith With Great Distinction Antony Morcos Co-operative Education McKenzie Margaret Muir Landon James Murphy Sarah May Nazaruk Gavin Charles Gunnar Nelson Hung Bao Nguyen
Jordan Benoit Nickorick With Great Distinction Sean Michael Nieuwenhuis Skylar Nikkel With Great Distinction Co-operative Education Alyssa Jane Marina No Runner Emily Lynn Noble Ashley Kate Nothof With Distinction Edesiri Okumagba Cassandra Elizabeth Olfert With Great Distinction Brianna May Olson With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Nwabunor Aloke Jefferson Onwuanyi Thomas Jacob Orthner Austen Leland Oviatt Shaune Mea Palidwar Maleeha Panjwani Gabe Nicholas Pankoski Roshan Parajuli Jordin Frederick Parder Aum Mahesh Patel Kush Patel With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Aikina Roise Artillo Peralta With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Calista June Perison Cody Dustin Perrin With Great Distinction Julia Ann Philip Aimee Angkawidjaja Phillips Riley Evan Pitcher With Distinction Kassidy Rose Powell With Distinction Andrew David Johnathan Primeau With Distinction Alisha Pulimalayil With Distinction Austin Dwight Bautista Punay Haley Madison Pupp Ethan Michael Pushka-Richards Brylan August Radtke Rebecca Bernadette Ramsay Amanda Rachelle Rande With Distinction Morgan Marion Randolph Stephen James Rau
Yamin Raza With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Kate Emily Read Hannah Rhyse Regehr Alexandra Calyn Reid Jaxon Ward Reiter With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Ashley Nichole Rewers With Distinction David Reuben Robertson With Great Distinction Valeria Rusu With Great Distinction Muhammad Naji Saleh With Distinction Francisca Kuaaka Salifu Francisco Alejandro Samayoa Jordan Alexander Sanders Jasmine Kaur Sandhu Khushpreet Kaur Sangha Quenten Avery Sanregret Nevyn Shelby Sauter With Distinction Honours Thesis Nicola Anne Schatz With Great Distinction Co-operative Education Honours Thesis Michael Allan Paul Semko With Distinction Sarah Ayibatari Sese Piper Devin Shamanski With Distinction Karen Shamash Co-operative Education Honours Thesis Alyana Imara Shariff Sarena Lucille Shwytky Emily Kathleen Sim Kallen Richard Simbulan With Distinction Jagjit Singh Adrian Henry Ezra Skelton With Great Distinction Courtney Lynn Slaughter Darci Desirae Snortland Maria Sokolova Roxanne Veronica Sontag With Distinction Honours Thesis Taylor Marie Stapley Albertus Kobus Stassen Connor James Stephen Jenna Maria Sullivan Co-operative Education
KiAnna Jane Sullivan With Distinction Honours Thesis Kenish Suri Jennifer Elaine Swail Nicholas Eric Swidinsky With Great Distinction Co-operative Education Honours Thesis Shubham Tandon Mikaela Iris Tegart With Distinction Scott Patrick Tersteeg Gazal Thakkar Sarah Anne Thompson With Great Distinction Sarah Lynne Tiffen Co-operative Education Reizelle Marie Lapuz Tolentino Wyatt Robert Tomalty Ryler Bryan Tonner With Distinction Jessie Lyn Toth Quynh Bao Khanh Tran With Great Distinction Travis Austin Tudor Dulcie Erin Turner Kelsey Anne Turner Aidan Maclean Usher Samantha Jean Uwazny Alexandra Rae Van Stone Rylee Joan Virostek With Distinction Ross James Visser Elizabeth Jane Waddle Christian Andrew Walker Jamie Patricia Walsh Co-operative Education Joshua Christian Wandler Evan Ronald Waterhouse With Great Distinction Leanne Theresa Watson With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Rachael Anne Wells Jesse Connor Wellsch Cadence Wenc McIntyre With Distinction Kaylee Margarette Wild Logan Conner Wilkie With Great Distinction Kendra Lucille Williams Levi Darryl Williams-Whitney Karly Quinn Willis With Great Distinction Mackenzie Kenneth Allan Wilson Co-operative Education
Carter Jay Witbeck Ruthanne Elizabeth Wittke With Distinction Benjamin Tak Kay Wong Mitchell Peter Zoratti With Distinction
Conducting the Ceremony Sheila McManus, Platform Marshal Musical Prelude The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra Conducted by Brandon deGorter The Procession
At the commencement of the procession, those assembled are asked to stand, as they are able, until invited to take their seats.
Led by Michelle Hogue, Chief Marshal Piper: Tom Wilson Marshalls: Robbin Derry, Susan Findlay, Wendy Osborn, Jennifer Mather, Jon Doan, Craig Coburn Processional Music The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra Conducted by Brandon deGorter Declaration Charles Weaselhead, Chancellor National Anthem Franz Faeldo, Faculty of Fine Arts O Canada by Calixa Lavallée Reflection Eileen Sowunmi, Faculty of Arts and Science Welcome and Report to Convocation
This traditional address celebrates the value of education and the combined accomplishments of our graduands and the University community.
Michael Mahon, President and Vice-Chancellor
Conferral of Honorary Degree
Awarded by the Senate to individuals who personify the values expressed in the philosophy of the institution— they cultivate human values and foster intellectual growth, social development, aesthetic sensitivity, ethics, and the dimensions of a scholar’s personality.
Faculty of Health Sciences Bachelor of Nursing Candidates presented by the Dean of Health Sciences Speaker Research Award
Charles Weaselhead, Chancellor Ruth Collins-Nakai, Doctor of Science, honoris causa Introduced by David Boras, Mortgage Broker & Senate Member
First awarded in May 1995, this medal recognizes the importance of research, scholarship, and performance to the philosophy and goals of the University.
Address to the Graduands Ruth Collins-Nakai, Doctor of Science, honoris causa
Alumni Welcome Jason Elliott, President, ULethbridge Alumni Association
Musical Selection The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra Conducted by Brandon deGorter Toshiro Mayuzumi’s Xylophone Concertino Movement No. 3 Performed by Layton Hiebert, 2021-22 U of L Wind Orchestra concerto competition winner
Announcements Sheila McManus, Platform Marshal
Conferral of Degrees Charles Weaselhead, Chancellor School of Graduate Studies Master of Arts Master of Nursing Candidates presented by Jackie Rice, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies Faculty of Arts & Science Inclusive Education Bachelor of Arts Candidates presented by Matthew Letts, Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Science
Trevor Harrison Presented by Mark Speaker, Alumnus
Dismissal Charles Weaselhead, Chancellor Recession
Those assembled are asked to stand, as they are able, for the recession until the chief marshal bearing the mace, followed by the platform party and the graduates, have departed.
Recessional Music The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra Conducted by Brandon deGorter
Hafsat Adenike Adebayo Thesis: An evaluation of Alberta’s inter-municipal collaborative framework initiative relative to wildfire risk and principles of good governance Taylor Alexandria Burke Thesis: The paradox of performance pressures: an exploration of writing assessment in high school English classrooms Matthew Evan Chechotko Thesis: Experiencing the apocalypse: The Black Death and the cittadini of Italy Anderson Edo Ebhomielen Thesis: The adequacy of the retirement income system for retired middle-income Canadians Samantha Kondor Thesis: Investigating mandible detachment, tongue removal, and seasonality estimates at the Fincastle site Courtney Anne McDermott Thesis: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Popular Musical Genres In The Recording Studio And Billboard Charts Sahar Siavashi Thesis: Exploring identity formation of Iranian immigrant women in Canada Keiran Christopher Swayn Thesis: Canada’s identity crisis: Pierre Trudeau and the introduction of multicultural policy Michaela Erica Thompson Thesis: Contemporary approaches to sex categorization: A pragmatic defense of the binary model Co-operative Education
Nayab Ahmed With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Oluwatosin Benita Ajibulu Cayley Alissa Allan Kiara Isabel Allan Courtney Lynn Anderson With Great Distinction Stuart James Ashe Benjamin Kease Aubin With Great Distinction Donald Martin Austin Jordan Leigh Babe Bethany Margaret Suzanne Barthel With Great Distinction McKenzie Emily Bell Alyssa May Bennett With Distinction Sonya Nicole Bennett Matteo Emanuel Bertolin Cole Mark Binsted Joshua Bradley Bishop Hana Lynn Bissett Brayden Joseph Bjorndal Cian Gilbert I Booth Katlynd Angeline Boucher Selena Natasha Boutilier Virginia Rae Brickley With Distinction Co-operative Education Honours Thesis Doug Matthew Bryan Bradley Cory Buckskin Katherine Anne Challacombe With Great Distinction Devannie Nicole Chapman Emma Beth Clarke Josie Theresia Claughton Cassandra Hope Cleverley Jake Louis Clubb Wesley Josiah Cole Kaitlyn Marie Cook Megan Anita Corcoran Paige Marie Crown Abigail Elizabeth Dalton Jade Janay Daniels-McBain With Distinction Addison Drew Dehart With Distinction Noella Marie Jacinthe Denette
MASTER OF NURSING Robin Annette Richards Thesis: Nursing Voice in Provincial Health Policy
INCLUSIVE EDUCATION Cassandra Nicole Guilbert Margaret Morna MacKay
Jordan Luc Despins With Distinction Amy Lee Doreen Doucette Karlee Ruth Durfey Griffin Shane Dyck Kristy Jordan Eagle Bear Joshua Eden Lloyd Engen Hanna Elizabeth Fantin With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Tayler Mackenzie Feeney Iain Norman Ferguson Brenden Thomas Fleet Stewart David Ford Emily Kristi Freiberg With Great Distinction Ryley Jenna Garden Laura Paola Gonzalez Joel Laurence Gordon Hillary Helene Graham Delena Damaris Grakist With Great Distinction Honours Thesis William Quenten Greene Kyra Courtney Greig Tatum Temperance Grier Hayley Tyra Brooke Grier-Stewart Thomas Aaron Gries With Great Distinction Katrina Anne Gubbels Paige Lavada Harper Emilia Jesse Faulkner Hesterman Ethan Daniel Hopkins With Great Distinction Cooper Howell Adam Francesco Hubbs Cassidy Rae Huber With Great Distinction Alexis Marie Huehn Jessica Si Yee Hui Kiersten Lee Hussey Kosisochukwu Chiamaka Igbokwe Joleen Ella Jadischke With Great Distinction Graham Morrow Rogan Jantz Lotus Kenya Shae Jensen Derek Scott Jesse With Distinction Meagan Elizabeth Job Avery Joel Johnson With Distinction Olivia Kathleen Kelley With Great Distinction Allyson Mi-Sook Kim 13
Brittney Nicole Kindleman Laura Jean Klinck Mitchell Conrad Cyprus Konschuk Grace Christine Kowalchuk With Distinction Mackenzie Peyton Krebs Suzanne Madelyn Landry Isabel Shirley Lang Quinn Matthew Layden Serena Kathleen Lemire Monica Alexandra Lockett With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Samantha Nicole Machan Kathleen Elizabeth Mah With Distinction Honours Thesis Karlee Marie Martin Mark Grant Gordon Matkin Amy Lynn Mazutinec Connor Douglas McKinnon Sarah Helen McMillan Tess Kathleen McNaughton Amy Elizabeth Mendenhall Mackenzie Mary Molnar Dallas Gordon Moore Garrett Charles Myles With Great Distinction Grace Evelyn Niehaus With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Rose Kathleen Noonan Lauren Rachel Lynn Nyberg Rose-Marie Elizabeth Nyberg Chelsea Rae O’Brien Olayemi Abdul-Raheem Olawale With Distinction Avery Raine Olson With Great Distinction Denise Olson Justin Otundo Orare Emily Mariah Ouellette With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Osaherhumwen Gloria Oviawe Victoria Renae Paisley Jacob Frank Palmarin Mitchell Thomas Parsons Jacqueline Kelsey Paule Ethan Kalum Pearson With Great Distinction Azra Al-Amin Pira Megan Katrina Plumtree Peter Joshua Prediger 14
Arianna Noalene Quinn With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Liam Morgan Quinn With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Celine Mari Quirante Spencer Rahal Callum George Reeve Alyssa Anne Renke Katherine Jazmin Reyes Alvardo Cody Solomon Riehl Mollie Rae Riley With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Julisha Carmarjah Roache Honours Thesis Andrea Lilli Roberts Porfirio Rocha Garcia Shay Sarah Routly Taylor Rae Roylance Blaise James Russell Ellie Francesca Saunders Sydney Diane Savage Justin John Schipper Tianna Marie Schmaltz Robyn Cassidy Schneider Dylan James Schoenbrunn Emily Scott Jillian Sandra Scott With Distinction Tishaana Chloe Shahadat Brookelyn Kinuyo Shimbashi Mackenzie Zen Shimbashi Kamila Shir Mohammad Tasha Bernadine Shot Both Sides Rupinder Kaur Sidhu Carl Keith Simms With Great Distinction Chyanne Catherine Simpson Laney Yvonne Smith Eileen Eniola Sowunmi With Great Distinction Arrianna Belle Spears Nicole Caroline Stahl Kassidy Mackenzie Stevens With Distinction Julie Marie Stienstra Heather Anne Elizabeth Stoley Jesse Kay Stretch Adam Guy Stromberg Reis Madison Stutheit Abigail Jeanette Mary Thiel With Distinction Abbilynn Nessie Thom With Distinction
Taylor Reed Thomas With Great Distinction Emily Ruth Tulk Catherine Kay Twigg Joshua Awa Udo Braden Peter Urkow Kassidy Mae Wada Tait Aileen Walilko Dana Lynn Wanagot Brett Douglas Warren Robert Weasel Head Taylor Rae Webbink Noah Paige Webster Mikayla Wiedmann Robin Patricia Wilcox With Distinction Honours Thesis Dayn Rees Williams With Distinction Tiana Rae Williams Akole Axelle Wilson-Bahun Katlyn Leigh Wilson-Muir Simon J Wipf With Great Distinction Yi Jing Xu Ruth Yeboah Madison Taylor Young Caleb Adam Zimmerman Teanna Dawn Marie Zwicker With Distinction
BACHELOR OF NURSING Tia Leanne Albers With Distinction Christopher Terence Anton With Distinction Sydney Katherine Aos With Distinction Jasmine Rose Archinuk With Distinction Manjot Kaur Bansal Brittney Leray Bartosek With Distinction Samantha Breanne Bec With Distinction Taylor Leigh Berner With Distinction Amrit Kaur Bhele With Distinction Kathleen Camille Bodnar With Distinction Cody Lane Boyd With Distinction Clayton James Brazier With Great Distinction
Rachel Marie Britton With Great Distinction Danielle Katherine Buckman With Distinction Richard Eduardo Camacho Rayel Denise Copan With Great Distinction Taryn Jilanna Corbiell Lindsay Joanne Cote With Distinction Evan James Davies April May Dell Madison Dixon With Great Distinction Carley Nicole Doneff Amanda Lee Ehrmantraut Kaitlyn Marie Englot With Distinction Brooke Sandra Fandry Emma Belle Fisher Mackenzie Hope Fix With Distinction Aiden Judith Fraser With Great Distinction Carlee Nicole Gaetz With Great Distinction Timothy Gilbert Green Kaitlyn Christine Grisnich With Great Distinction Andrej Halkovic Brenna Marie Harbaruk With Distinction Alexander James Harding With Distinction Timothy Grant Harding With Great Distinction Kathryn Sarah Harkness With Distinction Taylor Anna Dechaine Henley With Distinction Haylee Raye Hilgersom With Great Distinction Madison Anna Hromadnik With Great Distinction Kaylee Louise Huppertz With Distinction Mikayla Marie Hurnanen With Distinction Monica Kim Huynh With Distinction Brianna Rae Kennedy With Great Distinction Jessica Nicole Kennedy With Distinction Railey Katrina Marianna Keuning Codi Mae Keys
Michelle Joanne Koot With Great Distinction Emma-Jean Margaret Koscielny With Great Distinction Kaylin Anne Larson With Great Distinction Nathaniel Ibon Lopez With Great Distinction Reegan Lee Lucas With Distinction Grace Sihui Ma With Great Distinction Katelyn Amira Minor With Distinction Lauren June Murphy Sophia Christina Nowicki Matea Erica Obara With Great Distinction Mariah Judith Marie O’Keefe With Distinction Cassandra Lynn Olson With Great Distinction Allison Nicole Parenteau Andre Georges Pelletier With Distinction Charity Dawn Phillips With Distinction Kaitlynn Nora Pierson Sherwood With Great Distinction Sydney Loree Plourde With Distinction Susan Quan With Great Distinction Maya Quinn With Distinction Morgan Renee Raknerud With Distinction Makenna Martha Redgun Lauren Rachelle Reimer With Great Distinction Megan Rose Rodgers Faith Dianna Roeder With Distinction Vanessa Eva Saccucci Victoria Anne Sanders With Distinction Michelle Patty Schalk With Distinction Kallen Mathew Sehn With Distinction Sharon Jeptoo Sergon Kaila Janelle Sharp With Great Distinction Brooke Shipley With Distinction Zoe Ruth Skeith
With Great Distinction Samantha Margaret Smith With Great Distinction Sarah Angela Stacey With Distinction Donald Dawson Steed With Distinction Jordan Pearl Stevens Trayden Randall Stewart Chee-Hao Gabriel Su With Great Distinction Bronwyn Ruth Sutherland With Distinction Kayla Dawn Swier With Distinction Michelle Terry With Great Distinction Hayley Alana Tessmann With Distinction Faith Edima Uweh Martina Elizabeth VandeRiet Marion Kathleen Vanderkley Rosemary Van Klei With Great Distinction Myriam Julia Van Leeuwen With Great Distinction Jaden Aaron Veluw With Distinction Maegan M Vissers With Great Distinction Jemma Jane Warrack Amber Nichole Whitstone Christy Dhivya Wiebe With Distinction Maria Nichole Wilson With Great Distinction Danika Sara Wong With Distinction Kourtni Anne York
Conducting the Ceremony Jennifer Copeland, Platform Marshal Musical Prelude The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra Conducted by Brandon deGorter The Procession
At the commencement of the procession, those assembled are asked to stand, as they are able, until invited to take their seats.
Led by Michelle Hogue, Chief Marshal Piper: Tom Wilson Marshalls: Wayne Lippa, Alyson Worral, Jeffrey McCormick, Trushar Patel, Richelle Marynowski, Jan Newberry Processional Music The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra Conducted by Brandon deGorter Declaration Charles Weaselhead, Chancellor National Anthem Jocelyn Walters, Faculty of Fine Arts O Canada by Calixa Lavallée Reflection Erinn Mcrae, Faculties of Arts & Science and Education Welcome and Report to Convocation
This traditional address celebrates the value of education and the combined accomplishments of our graduands and the University community.
Michael Mahon, President and Vice-Chancellor Conferral of Honorary Degree
Awarded by the Senate to individuals who personify the values expressed in the philosophy of the institution—they cultivate human values and seek to foster such things as intellectual growth, social development, aesthetic sensitivity, personal ethics, and the dimensions of a scholar’s personality.
Charles Weaselhead, Chancellor
Waneek Horn-Miller, Doctor of Laws, honoris causa Introduced by Tsikinaakii, Katie Rabbit-Young Pine, Lead Innovator Changing Horses NFP Society and Senate Member
Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Management and Bachelor of Education Candidates presented by Erasmus Okine, Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Address to the Graduands Waneek Horn-Miller, Doctor of Laws, honoris causa
Faculty of Fine Arts Bachelor of Fine Arts – Art Bachelor of Fine Arts – Dramatic Arts Bachelor of Fine Arts – Multidisciplinary Bachelor of Fine Arts – Indigenous Art Bachelor of Fine Arts – New Media Bachelor of Music Candidates presented by Shelly Scott, Interim Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts
Musical Selection The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra Conducted by Brandon deGorter Toshiro Mayuzumi’s Xylophone Concertino Movement No. 3 Performed by Layton Hiebert, 2021-22 U of L Wind Orchestra concerto competition winner Conferral of Degrees Charles Weaselhead, Chancellor School of Graduate Studies Master of Counselling Master of Education Master of Fine Arts Master of Music Candidates presented by Jackie Rice, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies
Volunteer Award Trushar Patel Presented by Charles Weaselhead, Chancellor Alumni Welcome Jason Elliott, President, ULethbridge Alumni Association Announcements Jennifer Copeland, Platform Marshal Dismissal Charles Weaselhead, Chancellor
Faculty of Education Bachelor of Education Diploma of Education Candidates presented by Robin Bright, Interim Dean of the Faculty of Education
Recession Those assembled are asked to stand, as they are able, for the recession until the chief marshal bearing the mace, followed by the platform party and the graduates, have departed.
Combined Degrees Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Fine Arts – Art and Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Fine Arts – Dramatic Arts and Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Fine Arts – New Media and Bachelor of Education
Recessional Music The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra Conducted by Brandon deGorter
MASTER OF COUNSELLING Elise Virginia Anthieren Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio Elizabeth Jean Bekker Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio Emily Rhonwen Marie Brown Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio Sebastien Dimitri William Button Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio Lierin Anne Churla Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio Miranda Lynn Dziaduck Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio William Ernst Fraser Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio Anna Jean Lee Heidebrecht Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio Allison Megan Chea Helm Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio Jessica Jean Hodson Counselling Psychology Project: Ethical and Clinical Implications of Third-Party Record Release Nevena Kalajdzic Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio Jenny Ching-Ju Ko Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio Margaret Elizabeth Lindemulder Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio Sirine Morra Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio Mary Agnes Nanninga Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio
Jessica Leanne Parker Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio Kelsey Marie Rozema Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio Corinne Teresa Vessey Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio Frantiska Jana Vondrejs Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio Shelane Rae Williams Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio
MASTER OF EDUCATION Jordan Perry Bateman Counselling Psychology Capstone Kristen Danielle Brown Counselling Psychology Capstone Sierra Kathleen Bruining Counselling Psychology Capstone Leanne Michelle Coquet Counselling Psychology Capstone Ashlyn Taylor Demers Counselling Psychology Capstone Sydney Lynn Esselmont Counselling Psychology Thesis: Investigating Individuals’ Motivations to Comment on Social Media News Adriana Maria Fernandez Parra Counselling Psychology Project: Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries: What Front-Line Domestic Violence Workers Need to Know Umuaiman Flowers Samari Project: It Takes a Village: Communication and Parent Engagement
Teri Ellen Hartman Thesis: Writing as a Practice of Freedom: Finding the Courage to Resist Completion Ayra Jewelle Kelly Counselling Psychology Capstone Laurissa Emily Knight Counselling Psychology Capstone Jesse Andrew Lentz Counselling Psychology Capstone Francesca Lupo Counselling Psychology Thesis: The Shift from Normal Sibling Rivalry to Emotional Maltreatment and Its Impact on Later Psychological Wellbeing Sabrina Kristine Markandu Counselling Psychology Capstone Naoko Masuda Thesis: On the tragedy of nestbuilding: A hermeneutic inquiry into care and postsecondary design educators Rosalie Victoria Paquette Counselling Psychology Thesis: Emotionally focused family therapy in cases of intimate partner violence: Exploring psychotherapist views Christine Marie Perreaux Project: How Can We Create Empowered Early Childhood Classrooms? Courtney Elizabeth Seefeldt Counselling Psychology Project: Mothering during COVID-19: An online psychoeducational workshop on stress management and postpartum depression Victoria Silver Counselling Psychology Capstone Aisha Marie Taylor Counselling Psychology Capstone Sydney Rebekah Tkachuk Counselling Psychology Capstone
Brecken Shea Dawn Tulloch Counselling Psychology Capstone Alexandre Henri Varsaneux Counselling Psychology Thesis: Muscle Dysmorphia and Attachment Styles in Men Catherine Nicole Zwicker Counselling Psychology Capstone
MASTER OF FINE ARTS Shona Fitz-Gerald Laing Thesis: Tenalach: two stories
MASTER OF MUSIC Carmen Ruth Letourneau Thesis: Bridging Dualities: The Piano Pedagogy of Marie Jaëll (1846-1925)
BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Grant James Bauer Jennifer Lulama Biglin With Great Distinction Todd J Bullock With Great Distinction Jessica Marie Burkart Morgan Renee Burton With Great Distinction Heather-Lorraine Ulrica Campbell With Great Distinction Sophia Isabella Mae Cumming With Great Distinction Ashleigh Annette Drall With Great Distinction Jesse Amanda Dueck With Great Distinction Bradley Steven Ellert Analiese Ai-Yan Suzanne Ferzacca With Great Distinction Aaron Kyle Gamble With Great Distinction 17
Megan Leigh Gedlaman Norton With Great Distinction Kelsi Richelle Gilbert With Great Distinction Christy Jane Gilchrist With Great Distinction Scott Thomas Graham With Great Distinction Aurora Judith Gray With Great Distinction Emma Christina Greendale Carson Dana Gugyelka Julia Karen Gummo With Great Distinction Brett Colton Seerey Hansen With Great Distinction Karl Russell Hanson With Great Distinction Ethan James Higgs Hillary Annette Hironaka With Great Distinction Kassidy Mae Hohn With Great Distinction Ryan Donald Izyk With Great Distinction Jordyn Marie Jarvis With Great Distinction Rei Neko Matthew Kissinger With Great Distinction Jonathan Noel Koegler Ji Hun Kuk With Great Distinction Jessica Lynn Kuziw With Great Distinction Richelle Celen Lazaro With Great Distinction Hsiang Li Amelia Marjorie Kaye Livingstone With Great Distinction Jared John James Loszchuk With Great Distinction Daniella Brittany Matich With Great Distinction Russell Grant Maxwell With Great Distinction Stephanie Marie Monteith With Great Distinction Loreen Faye Neufeld With Great Distinction Mitchell Ryan Orr With Great Distinction Eric Thomas Osborne With Great Distinction Jaclyn Brianne Oshanek With Great Distinction 18
Cassandra Lee Ostashek With Great Distinction Alyssa Marie Paquette With Great Distinction Jaylyn Holly Potts With Great Distinction Christina Marie Aure Ramos With Great Distinction Katherine Mae Caburnay Resma With Great Distinction Jamel Mahmoud Sayyad With Great Distinction Erica Dawn Schaffer With Great Distinction Julia Rae Semeniuk Kennedy Alexandra Todd With Great Distinction Dorothy Tu Minh Tran With Great Distinction Emy Mariana Vargas With Great Distinction Ellyn Marie West With Great Distinction Darcie Kim Wielenga With Great Distinction Ethan Richard Wiskar With Great Distinction Hailey Madison Mary Wolske With Great Distinction Martin Hoi-Ming Wong Chelsea Elizabeth Woods With Great Distinction Calista Rae Wright With Great Distinction Jonathon Elvin Zook With Great Distinction
BACHELOR OF ARTS AND BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Kayleigh Gail Aasman BA – With Great Distinction BEd – With Great Distinction Tanner Jacob Abel BA – With Distinction BEd – With Great Distinction Lena Alexandra Archer BEd – With Great Distinction Rayanne Shelby Becker BA - With Great Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Kendra Elizabeth Berg BA - With Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction
Barry Eng Boon Bong Amy Louise Brazzale BEd – With Great Distinction Aquinna Eden Brokenshire BEd - With Great Distinction Rebecca Lynn Carscadden BA – With Distinction BEd – With Great Distinction Brinley Kiyoko Clewes BA - With Great Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Danielle Marie Clow Fallyn Taylor Creighton Kennedy Quinn Dery BEd – With Distinction Dylan Clinton Eastcott BEd – With Distinction Emma Angela Engel BEd – With Great Distinction Jason Walker English BA – With Distinction BEd – With Great Distinction Riley James Flexhaug BA – With Great Distinction BEd – With Great Distinction Alisa Marie Fontes BEd – With Great Distinction Heather Amanda Gallipeau BA – With Great Distinction BEd – With Great Distinction Nikolas Richard George BA – With Great Distinction BEd – With Great Distinction Keeley Ann Gillespie BA - With Great Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Katelyne Marie Hallock-Harker BEd - With Distinction Madeline Gabriella Hampton BEd – With Great Distinction Alexandra Clare Beatrice Hassel BEd – With Great Distinction Shaelyn Eleana Haynes BA - With Distinction BEd – With Great Distinction Michelle Maria Jean Herron BEd – With Great Distinction Lyndsay Jessica Hirsche BEd – With Great Distinction Rayelle Midori Joevenazzo BA - With Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Zara Anika Johnson BA – With Distinction BEd – With Great Distinction
Aidan Ross Kidd BEd - With Great Distinction Connor John Sigmund Kopp BA - With Great Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Brianna Elizabeth Lalonde BA – With Great Distinction BEd – With Great Distinction Hannah Catherine Landry BA - With Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Hannah Nicole Large BA - With Great Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Vivianna Hau-Yee Lee BA - With Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Annie Lynn Leray BEd - With Great Distinction Elizabeth April Lowe BA - With Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Kaitlyn Anne MacDonald BA - With Great Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Taylor Quinn MacLeod BEd - With Great Distinction Brianna Caitlin MacPherson Cosette Mandin Caylee Marie Marshall BEd - With Distinction Thomas Bjorn Marzolf BA - With Distinction BEd - With Distinction Erin Colleen McFadden BEd - With Great Distinction Erinn Justine McRae BA – With Great Distinction BEd – With Great Distinction Ximena Dinorah Mejia Gonzalez Georgia Lauren Merk Jordan Robert Mitchell Amy Lynn Mossey Danielle Mabel Murray BA – With Great Distinction BEd – With Great Distinction Glenys Dawn Nelson BEd - With Great Distinction Hannah Michelle O’Brien BA - With Distinction BEd – With Great Distinction Kevin Erik Edward Olmats BA – With Great Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Bailey Dawn Olsen BEd - With Great Distinction
Andrew James Paetkau BEd - With Distinction Liam Michael Pafford Leah Emelia Joyce Paul BEd - With Great Distinction Tory Martha Paulence BEd – With Great Distinction Brian Alan Pearce BA – With Great Distinction BEd – With Great Distinction Pooja Permar Robin Christine Phillips BA - With Distinction BEd - With Distinction Liam Gerald Richardson BEd - With Distinction Jordanne Marie Ronak Brandon Lawrence Royal Danelle Esther Nicole Schraa BA - With Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Benjamin Eric Scott BEd – With Great Distinction Jordan Faith Stawinski BEd - With Great Distinction Ashley Marie Stolte Vanessa Marie Stroich Kamille Sage Svrta BEd - With Great Distinction Emma Katherine Tink BEd - With Great Distinction Tatiana Nerys Vacey BA – With Distinction BEd - With Distinction Gerrit Alijdus Vandebruinhorst BEd - With Great Distinction Stephanie Kay Walz BEd - With Distinction Jason Douglas Wegner BA - With Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Benjamin Michael Weistra BA – With Distinction
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE AND BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Christopher Brian Boehmer Amy Alyssa Boivin BSc – With Great Distinction BEd – With Great Distinction Kristalyn Nicole Bowie BEd - With Great Distinction
Michelle Lynn Bright BSc - With Great Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Kellyrose Del Rosario Castro Madison Suzanne Cook Madison Mackenzie Cruickshank BEd - With Distinction Abigail Judith Curle BSc – With Great Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Melissa Coventry Davies BSc - With Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Brooke Nicole DeBona BEd - With Great Distinction Andrea Christine Mae DeGroot BSc – With Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Abigail Tait Duguid BEd - With Distinction Colby Eric Evans BSc - With Great Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Connor Fraser BEd - With Great Distinction Nolan Allan French Nadia Rose Gallant BSc - With Great Distinction Mitchell Edwin Joseph Gaumont BEd - With Distinction Lauren Nicole Gough BSc - With Great Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Janelle Nicole Harasymuk BEd - With Great Distinction Mark George Oliver Heshka Hailey Nicole Hinton BSc - With Great Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Barilugbene Ipaa BEd - With Great Distinction Nicola Janse van Rensburg BEd - With Distinction Madison Sydney Ann Kaczur BSc - With Great Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Mindy Whilum Kolosetti BEd - With Great Distinction Ashley Kristin Machacek BEd - With Great Distinction Emily Claire Mandin BSc - With Great Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Danielle Kathleen Mohler-Penna BEd - With Great Distinction
Ethan Allan Pullan Ben Colby Robinson Elizabeth Anne Rooney BEd - With Great Distinction Kali Rose Roth BEd - With Great Distinction Madison Christine Rumjan BEd - With Great Distinction Brant Mathew Saretsky BEd - With Distinction Logan Carter Schoepp BSc - With Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Ashley Dawn Smith BEd - With Great Distinction Robyn Shelby Snelgrove BEd - With Great Distinction Cameron Matthew Stuchly Courtney Hannah Terrill Colleen Jean Titford BSc - With Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Amanda Jane Yost
Sydney Nicole Andres BFA - With Great Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Hannah Elizabeth Aubie BFA - With Great Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Eve Jean Buk BFA - With Great Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Madison Hailey Steenhart BFA - With Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction
BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS DRAMATIC ARTS AND BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Patricia Lynn Gilbert BFA - With Great Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Rachel Michelle Hanbury BFA - With Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Chevanna Britnei Larson
Stanley Michael Lyman Sadler BFA - With Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction
BACHELOR OF MUSIC AND BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Shanelle Mehrunissa Cote Hudson Joanna Sheen BMus - With Great Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction Rachel Jean Wuetherick BMus - With Distinction BEd - With Great Distinction
Erin Marie Collison Megan Paige McCleary BEd – With Distinction Michael Patrick Mcdougall-Price Cassidy Jelaine Stepanick BEd – With Great Distinction Breanne Lynn Doreen Taylor BMgt – With Great Distinction BEd – With Great Distinction
BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS - ART Laura Lindsey Baker Kelsey Margaret Black With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Callie Alexis Daniels Deirdre Earl With Distinction Courtney Elisha Faulkner With Great Distinction Honours Thesis Jordan Erin Hanas Kaela Mykensie Murphy 19
Samantha Fenwick Wyss Newton With Great Distinction Christine Jasmine Petty Kevyn Michelle Sander With Distinction Rachelle Rose-Anna Simoneau Grace Karen Wilson With Distinction
BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS - DRAMATIC ARTS Gabriela Barredo Ham Daylin Ashley Chase Carter Micheal Joseph Debusschere Cole Alexander Fetting With Distinction Ariel Madison Krause Quinn Beck Larder Emma Katherine Pfeiffer Brenna Isabelle Sanders With Great Distinction Hannah Lauren Stobbe With Distinction
BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS MULTIDISCIPLINARY Xinying Chen With Distinction Wylie Hayden Toews Kyro Monique Vadnais Colton Douglas Vanhooren Ke Yang
BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS - NEW MEDIA Madeline Frances Archibald With Distinction Olumide Samuel Aturamu Max Hayden Bartlett Mackenzie Lorraine Bobee With Distinction Laneah Nicole Brice With Distinction Bernitta Rosa Byrde Kaitlin Danielle Caruso Branden Joseph Glen De Grasse 20
Kevin Dave Gonzales Matthew James Christopher Harvey Bryce Christan Henrie Ballto James Kenney Sean George Mah Ralph Jared Maneja With Great Distinction Latysha Iman Amyn Mohamed Aaron Ronald Nalder With Distinction Jacob Charles Nalder With Great Distinction Erin Gayle Rommens Kaitlyn Elizabeth Schuberg Christy Simon With Distinction John Conner Utas Christopher Lee Walsh With Distinction
BACHELOR OF MUSIC Bryce Daniel Cotton Stuart Mitchell Dalby Annika Martha Luise Dolde With Great Distinction Laura Helen Ferguson Chloe Anne Fischer With Distinction Samantha Victoria Generoux Cameron Ronald Hughes David Michael Hume Lindsay Anne Johannesson With Distinction Claire Elizabeth McMahon Iain Fraser Morrison Rex Patrick Mulder With Distinction Tate Daniel Orlita William Aaron Richardson Noah Benjamin Lukey Robertson With Great Distinction Tyrone Codey Sitting Eagle Jocelyn Clara Walters With Great Distinction Maria Watson With Great Distinction Mackenzie Daniel Barry Allan Wiseman Anthony Stephen Zazula
Conducting the Ceremony Robbin Derry, Platform Marshal Musical Prelude The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra Conducted by Brandon deGorter The Procession
At the commencement of the procession, those assembled are asked to stand, as they are able, until invited to take their seats.
Led by Michelle Hogue, Chief Marshal Piper: Tom Wilson Marshalls: Wendy Osborn, Wayne Lippa, Craig Coburn, Carla Carnaghan, Don McIntyre, Roberto Bello Processional Music The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra Conducted by Brandon deGorter Declaration Charles Weaselhead, Chancellor National Anthem Franz Faeldo, Faculty of Fine Arts O Canada by Calixa Lavallée Reflection Mark Serebryansky, Dhillon School of Business Welcome and Report to Convocation
This traditional address celebrates the value of education and the combined accomplishments of our graduands and the University community.
Michael Mahon, President and Vice-Chancellor
Conferral of Honorary Degree
Awarded by the Senate to individuals who personify the values expressed in the philosophy of the institution—they cultivate human values and seek to foster such things as intellectual growth, social development, aesthetic sensitivity, personal ethics, and the dimensions of a scholar’s personality.
Charles Weaselhead, Chancellor John Charles (Jack) Major, Doctor of Laws, honoris causa Introduced by Brad Tucker, Senior Planner, Alberta Environment and Parks and Senate Member Address to the Graduands John Charles (Jack) Major, Doctor of Laws, honoris causa Musical Selection The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra Conducted by Brandon deGorter Toshiro Mayuzumi’s Xylophone Concertino Movement No. 3 Performed by Layton Hiebert, 2021-22 U of L Wind Orchestra concerto competition winner Conferral of Degrees, Certificates and Diplomas Charles Weaselhead, Chancellor School of Graduate Studies Master of Health Services Management Master of Science (Management) Graduate Certificates Graduate Diploma in Addiction and Mental Health Psychotherapy Candidates presented by Jackie Rice, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies
Dhillon School of Business Bachelor of Management Management Certificates Post-Bachelor Certificates Combined Post Bachelor Certificates in Accounting Professional Diploma in Accounting Candidates presented by Kerry Godfrey, Dean of the Dhillon School of Business Faculty of Health Sciences Bachelor of Health Sciences Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation Candidates presented by the Dean of Health Sciences Alumni Welcome Jason Elliott, President,University of Lethbridge Alumni Association Announcements Robbin Derry, Platform Marshal Dismissal Charles Weaselhead, Chancellor Recession
Those assembled are asked to stand, as they are able, for the recession until the chief marshal bearing the mace, followed by the platform party and the graduates, have departed.
Recessional Music The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra Conducted by Brandon deGorter
MASTER OF SCIENCE (MANAGEMENT) Maham Aftab Thesis: Pursuing Sustainable Energy Development via Community Engagement in Cross Sector Sustainable Partnerships (CSSP’s); A Case Study Omotayo Anthony Aruleba Thesis: The Use of Analytics in Decision-making: The Role of Information Processing Capability and Analutical-based Culture Jennifer Anne Chernishenko Thesis: From Mindset to Weight Management, What’s the Role of the Goal? How Implicit Mindset and Goal Orientation Interact to Influence Maladaptive Weight Management Behaviours Abrar Bin Darda Thesis: The Impact of Country Image on MNE’s Perceived CSR Legitimacy and Perceived CSR Credibility Co-operative Education Ashley Rae Ens Thesis: Disrupting the Academy: How We Move from Mere Indigenous Inclusion to Decolonization Indigenization Winfred Muthoni Gachigi Thesis: Linking Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance: The Importance of CEO Attention and Corporate Social Performance Congruence
Shannon Christina Dawn Jarvie Thesis: Making Sense of Employment after a Cardiac Arrhythmia Diagnosis Tristan James Raposo Thesis: Assessing Energy Policy for Sustainability Outcomes: A Comparative Study of Different Regulatory Market Structures Across North America Jasper Sonmor Thesis: Do You Mind the Way I Mind? Mindfulness Contagion in LeaderMember Exchange Relationships
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE Hailey Paige Duke Amandeep Singh
GRADUATE DIPLOMA Modupe Olanrewaju Abioye Sandra Ann Cowan Sarah Grace Elizabeth Crawford Sydnie Shea Erlendson Stephen Ntiamoah Teigen Alexandra Robin
BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT Chukwudalu Nzubechukwu Aghaegbuna With Distinction Idris Ahmedi Temitope Oluwaseun Akindele Adil Khurshid Alam With Distinction Corey James Paul Allard Leah Maureen Gwen Altrogge Joseph Thomas Amaral With Great Distinction Francesco Antonio Ambrosone
Muhammad Zakriya Amjad With Distinction Sarah Jane Andrews Lukas Alexander Ankermann Sailesh Aryal With Distinction Austen Murray Baines With Distinction Alexander Aaron Barthel With Distinction Kalin Renae Bartsch With Great Distinction Andrew Stanley Belisle Co-operative Education Brendon Russell Benson Maria Bircanin With Distinction Taylor Rose Blais With Great Distinction Co-operative Education Jameson Reed Blasken With Great Distinction Gracie Dawn Boser With Great Distinction Kaylee Rose Bowman With Distinction Dylan Gordon Bredahl Noemi Valerie Rondal Bringas Benjamin Lee Broadhead With Great Distinction Patrick David Brodacki With Great Distinction Tina Lynne Amy Brown With Great Distinction Addison Sean Brydges Lucas Daniel Burkart Warden Nyall Burt With Distinction Shannon Byneshewski Joshua Terrence James Cameron William Edward Cando Angelina Dwyer Carbage With Distinction Lisa Lynn Carlson Tiffany Morgan Carlson With Distinction Anthony Dominick Castillo Anthony Beniamino Cattoni Brooke Emily Chambers
Daya Singh Nanak Singh Chauhan Riley Paul James Connors Seann Coulson Co-operative Education Mackenzie Robert Richard Couper Chaeli Marie Cowan With Distinction Tamara Nicola D’Agnone With Distinction Co-operative Education Nicole Frances Daiz With Great Distinction Nadieh Darparish With Distinction Odontungalag Donna Dashdavaa Hafiz Datoo Joshua Thomas Davies Ethan Jeffery Davis Co-operative Education Corrina Morgan Deck Daniella Marie de Jonge With Distinction Angelo Ray Constantino Dela Rosa Mallory Elizabeth Denomy With Distinction Colton Joseph DeSutter-Bass With Distinction Sean Ross Devisser Karan Pal Singh Dhillon Priyanka Dhiman Ryan Michael Diflorio Ian Albert Dorval Ashley Erin Drought Stewart Dean Dubyk Kineisha Agnes Eagle Bear Torry Marie Eagle Speaker Poh Lian Ee With Great Distinction Austen Douglas Kenneth Elke Alison Paige Emary With Distinction Chi chi Emeka Anton Eric Erdesi Kyra Dianna Grace Ergang With Great Distinction Mobolaji Emmanuel Fawole Gwendolyn Terrentia Fillinger
Maria Christine Fideles Flores Adrienne Lee Foscolos Brianne Aiya Fujimoto-Johnston With Distinction Nathaniel Patrick Fulcher Taylor Sharron Fulton With Great Distinction Linda Esmeralda Garay Stephen Mamuad Garo Sara Marie Gedlaman Dylan Carl Gerber Jodi Dawn Giles With Distinction Manpreet Kaur Gill Cortney Lynn Glister With Distinction Braydon Johnathan Gombar Violet Anne Gondurak Bryce Stephen Rudolph Goodship With Distinction Ashley Michelle Gordon Tara-Lee Margaret Greenwood Ezekiel Phillippe Grinevitch Japneet Singh Guliani Callum William Hakin Co-operative Education Samir Hussein Hammoud Jiwoo Han Gordon Winston William Hann Brendan Ronald Harper With Distinction Aydan Ruby May Harvey Muhammad Ossama Hasnain Rebecca Louise Hawkins With Distinction Mathew Stephen Hellawell With Distinction Connor James Henderson Michael Thomas Herman Benjamin William Hinckley Joshua Philip Edward Hirsch With Great Distinction Kylee Venae Hogg With Distinction Jesse Roy Houle With Distinction Dustin Teigan House-Bearspaw Zakhi Ahmad Hussaini Co-operative Education Husna Jamie Huynh Elois Patience Iradukunda With Distinction Chasen John Jackle Levi Spencer Jackson
Austin Ray James Elje Janse van Rensburg Keifer Alexander Jennings Eryn Marie Johanson Keaton Nicholas Josuttes With Distinction Soyoung Kang Jordan Elizabeth Karpuk With Distinction Harmandeep Kaur Manpreet Kaur Navjot Kaur Pawanpreet Kaur Rajinder Kaur Ramandeep Kaur Sukhwinder Kaur Nikkia Kathleen Keating Kartik Kehar Mursal Khedri Jason Gordan Milton Kirbyson Christopher Francis Kirui Janesa Layne Klein With Distinction Brandon Erick Klopp With Distinction Ryan Jacob Knapp Alexandra Mary Knox Co-operative Education Jarrod Ryan Kondo Xuyin Kuang With Distinction Rishabh Kumar With Great Distinction Saarthak Kumar With Great Distinction Carlene Morgan Langridge AbdulQuadri Omotayo Lawal Co-operative Education Ethan Kenneth Colson Leenstra Keean Lexis Gerard Robert Lehtinen Co-operative Education Stuart Fraser Levacque With Distinction Co-operative Education Kristoffer David Lindboe-Shiloff With Great Distinction Xiangyi Liu With Distinction Allie Brooke Loxton Conner Rory Lunger Laura Suzanne Lussier Stephanie Allyssa Luthin Kirk Edward Macarthur With Great Distinction Cailin Earle MacLean
Milos Macura Batanai Cedric Madondo With Distinction Co-operative Education Jonathan Scott Mah Ryan Nathaniel Mah With Great Distinction Teresiah Njeri Maina With Distinction Cole Matthew Malaka Nicholas Joseph Malloy Jimmy Edgar Martinez Hailey Rae Mason With Distinction Clarissa Marie May With Distinction Ashley Danielle McDougall Cayley Dawn McNeill With Distinction Justice Jenna Chantel Michel Lionel Rolf Migrino With Distinction Co-operative Education Kassie Reanne Miller Morgan Ann Miller With Distinction Jordan Lee Mitchell Matthew Mullrooney Lonnie Lee Murphy Dawson Maxwell Murschell With Distinction Daniel Abdula Mustapha Meet Vijaykumar Nandoria Emily Christine Nanninga Minh Quang Nguyen With Distinction Myrna Mae Nichol With Distinction Ellen Grace Nielsen Mitchell James Nixon With Distinction Grace Ann Noble Jacob Andrew Julius Noullett With Great Distinction Joseph Babatunde Ogunleye With Distinction Anuj Manish Patel David Peters With Great Distinction Tyson Harley Phillips Joelle Beatrice Pierre With Distinction Co-operative Education Kaela Alivio Pinangay Philip Howell Falcon Pioquinto Shaniya Pitigala Emily Tina Poelman
Emily Jeannie Potts With Distinction Karlie Meagan Puchala Co-operative Education Mark Matthew Ramos Matt Thomas Rath With Distinction Jeffrey Michael Rayman With Distinction Shelby Mae Reed With Distinction Julissa Lydia Rist With Distinction Co-operative Education Hamza Rizwan Jacob Gerald Robertson Arianne Cecille Rocamora Susanna Lee Roulston With Great Distinction Crystal Roseanne Running Rabbit Jaden Victor Sandin Connor Wade Saunders Co-operative Education Emmett Victor Sawyer Devon Joel Schneider Geoffrey Lawrence Sear Brett Nicholas Semeniuk Mark Serebryansky Co-operative Education Sydney Coral Shade Darian Austin Simmons Harman Singh Jagmanjot Singh Jaskeerat Singh Inderpreet Singh Nathan G Sinke With Great Distinction Zachary Warren Smith With Great Distinction Timothy James Solis With Great Distinction Alexa Christine Spetz Michael Scott Steele With Distinction Jessica Lee Stevenson With Distinction Natasha Opal Stevenson Derian Joseph Swaren Kimberly Sarah-Ann Jeannine Sweeney With Distinction Stephen Julius Sztraka With Great Distinction David Siu On Tai Gangadhar Ratnakar Tandale Isra Tanweer With Great Distinction 23
Dawson Michael Dennis Tarnasky Alrian Abao Tejano Riley Davies Thomas Co-operative Education William Roch Tremblay With Distinction Andreas Christian Troschke With Distinction Joanne Tsuen Vincent Tu With Distinction Liam Maya Tyler With Great Distinction Dallas Ryan Valentine With Great Distinction Jitse Leonardus Maria van den Hadelkamp Carissa Diane Vanden Hoek With Distinction Alexander Jeroen Van Der Stoel David Andres Velazquez With Distinction Shubhneet Kaur Virk Cole Robert Voth Nicholas Michael Waldner Erica Wall Xinyi Wang With Distinction Yueyan Wang Co-operative Education Grace Wanger Colin Patrick Ward Caitlin Jeniece Whelpton With Great Distinction Co-operative Education Jenny Lynne Wickenheiser Tyson Ryan Wirun With Distinction Cassidy Jane Wise Co-operative Education Brody Scott Wojtowicz With Distinction Carter Harrison Wolske With Distinction Jordan Christopher Wright With Distinction Kirin MacKenzie Wrzosek Cheol Won Yim With Distinction Gbolabo Kamorudeen Yusuf Hassan Mamoun Zaghal Rebecca Dawn Zeran Ran Zhao With Great Distinction
MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATE Wendy Lynne Hamilton Ian James Semeschuk Jasdeep Sidhu
POST-BACHELOR CERTIFICATE Taylor William Davidson Fisher Karla Fragoso Gonzalez Samreen Tausif Mirza Timothy Deron Mok Persia Nikou Sichani Carter Ian Potts Dragana Sremac Arlene Mendoza Tablan Co-operative Education Philip Yu Cheng Tan
BACHELOR OF HEALTH SCIENCES Oluwole Rafiu Alabi Brittany Jayde Atkin Shawna Rae Baarda With Distinction Sarah Alethea Bairaktaris Mackenzie Taylor Berry With Distinction Arpita Bhattacharjee With Distinction Sophia Irene Alma Bilak Tonia Marie Lynne Bogart With Distinction Tillesa Nancy Bolton Sabine Bosemeyer With Distinction
Noreen Ivy Bullshields Karleen Elizabeth Burns With Distinction Joseph Donald Dehong Cameron With Distinction Sara Marie Cline Katie Sofia De La O Kaitlyn Rene Delisle With Distinction Sukhwinder Singh Dhatt Mariah Elise Duran Vivian Chinelo Eze Sherri Monique First Rider Sylvia Jean Four Horns Kali Cassandra Fournier Catelyn Anne Froese Kira Jardine Gee With Great Distinction Haley Doreen Wyman Gray With Distinction Jamie Nicole Groenenboom With Great Distinction Karly Shea Gunson With Great Distinction Madison Ashley Hart Marisa Rae Hernandez Gagandeep Kaur Jaswal With Distinction Glenda Marie Jensen Johanne Lisa Jensen-LeBlanc Mumtahina Karim Khushpreet Kaur Jenay Jordyn Kaytor Madeline Marie Kleinfeld With Great Distinction Nguden Kwaghbo With Distinction Sheridan Rae Macaulay Chloe Hannah Machielse With Distinction Amber-Dawn June Mann JR Kirby Frank Manyfingers Megan Lee McCarthy With Great Distinction Charlotte Elise Mitchell Noemie Seya Muboyayi Victoria Katelyn Noronha Kari Lynn O’Grady Nneka Nkeiruka Ojeanor With Great Distinction Shekinah Chidinma Okwuosah Breanne Elizabeth Otis Min Young Park Tara Lynn Pereverziff Caitlin Prasad Taylor Jane Reid-Allen Bronwyn Charlotte Roth
Barbara Naa Sallah Mamita Adu Sarkodie With Distinction Sonya Tennielle Scout With Distinction Haydn Darlene Selk With Distinction Melissa Rosalie Silberer With Distinction Tarun Singh With Great Distinction Lara Michelle Smith Suzanne Maria Soup Catherine Patricia Stephens Nichole Strate Laurie Evelyn Turnbull Madisyn Lane Wolstenholme With Great Distinction Mikaela Erin Wong Milton Wong With Distinction Wen Xie Bo Yan With Distinction
BACHELOR OF THERAPEUTIC RECREATION Samantha Kellie Beskorovayny With Great Distinction Courtney Tyne Bolze With Distinction Hannah Spirit Clark With Great Distinction Krista Karen Craig With Great Distinction Hannah Marie DeLorey Sarah Louise Draper Pamela Olivia Godin Elisa Michelle Hollenberg With Great Distinction Melissa Diane Hood With Distinction Katelynn May Ihrig With Great Distinction Vanessa Patricia Irvine With Great Distinction Niki Ginette Kereluk With Great Distinction Christine Joy Kiddine Morgan Frances McKenzie Killham Shaylee Adair Kurtz Courtney Mariya Lofstrom Laura Rebecca Lowe
Caitlin Eileen MacGregor With Great Distinction Stephanie Marie McAleese Morgan Emily Melzer With Great Distinction Emily Lynn Page Bryanne Elena Parbhu With Distinction Nikki Denae Pochailo With Great Distinction Jayda Lynn Praud Jillian Marie Christina Rauser Shyla Shivani Reddy Mursal Rizaey With Distinction Emily Helen Fauchon Simczenkowski Marina Jacoba Eva Spratt With Distinction Joshua Harold Thorlakson Christina Hai Tran Kelci Anne Elizabeth Trapp With Great Distinction Katie Umpherville Mackenze Rae Vanstone With Distinction
BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS - NEW MEDIA AND BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT Aaron Michael Roger Areshenko Kelsey Nicole Dellosa BFA – With Distinction BMgt – With Distinction Co-operative Education Darrian Andrew Walker
BACHELOR OF HEALTH SCIENCES AND BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT Jillian Anne Boyd BHSc – With Distinction BMgt – With Distinction Maria Jonalyn Ortega Saballa Isabella Amara Daniel Sasges BMgt - With Distinction Co-operative Education Reena Sharma Samantha Nicole Tams Betts BHSc – With Distinction BMgt – With Distinction
Sabeil Ajani Hannah Jayne Dupuis BA – With Great Distinction BMgt – With Great Distinction Kathleen Ibon Lopez Livian Ray Shinjiri Nandwa Simran Singh Thakur BA – With Distinction BMgt – With Distinction
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE AND BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT Kelly Ann Bari Shantel Jaimie Roesler Cody Camille Thomson Micah Joel Wever
KEVIN VAN TIGHEM DOCTOR OF SCIENCE, honoris causa professional roles included
of the Eastern Slopes how they
work with the Canadian Wildlife
are affected by land uses like coal
Service and Parks Canada, with
mining and motorized recreation.
stations in almost every western Canadian national park, including Waterton Lakes, Prince Albert and ultimately Banff where he served as superintendent of Canada’s oldest and most-renowned federal park.
of the natural world was evident from the time he was a young boy. Fascinated by the plant and animal species around him, he honed his interests through a scientific approach by documenting the birds, native plants and other elements of Alberta’s ecosystems. He is a lifelong hunter and angler who grew to understand early that ecological literacy and a love for nature are essential underpinnings of a sustainable economy. Van Tighem studied at the University of Calgary, earning a Bachelor of Science in Plant Sciences with Distinction that prepared him for a career as a wildlife biologist and parks interpreter. His various
informative, entertaining and inspiring, and it is readily apparent it comes from the heart. His approach embodies the liberal education approach of the University,
From the outset of his professional
combining breadth, critical thinking
career, Van Tighem began to find
and a multi-disciplinary approach
his voice as a social scientist and
to significant issues and civic
respected communicator, engaging
park visitors and the broader public Kevin Van Tighem’s appreciation
His work is described as direct,
with insightful discourse about ecology and conservation. An outstanding communicator, he went on to pen 14 books and numerous magazine articles, all while earning a reputation amongst the media as a principled and influential commentator on issues related to the natural environment. Van Tighem has consistently
Exceptionally active in community service, Van Tighem’s perspective is especially relevant today as Albertans struggle to find a sustainable future that respects the province’s natural diversity and conservation values, while reconciling and renewing our best relationships with one another and with the lands and waters whose stewardship is ours.
been at the centre of the public dialogue relating to wildland conservation, natural resource development and nature education. He has provided insightful and engaging contributions about river dams, water management and trout; management conflicts between livestock grazing and wild carnivores; and most recently, the natural hydrological processes
RUTH COLLINS-NAKAI DOCTOR OF SCIENCE, honoris causa the Alberta and Canadian Medical
an organizational change leader,
Associations, chair of the Board of
she has been and continues to be
Governors of the American College
a board member for numerous
of Cardiology, president of both the
organizations and companies, as
Canadian Cardiovascular Society
well as a medical adviser to various
and the InterAmerican Society
biotech companies.
of Cardiology, and as one of the founding governors of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
mentor and professor, earning various teaching honours. In
Known as Dr. Ruth to her patients,
addition to establishing the
her experiences providing care
Heritage Pediatric Cardiology
helped build Collins-Nakai into
Program, precursor of the current
a strong public health advocate.
Western Canadian Congenital Heart
Working with children who had
Program, Dr. Collins-Nakai was the
As the child of physician parents,
suffered catastrophic injuries
first to perform many innovative
perhaps it’s no surprise Dr. Ruth
from vehicle collisions inspired
interventional catheterization
Collins-Nakai entered the same field.
her to successfully advocate for
procedures in Western Canada.
Graduating with her MD from the
seatbelt laws in Alberta. She was
The energy, compassion, intellect
University of Alberta in 1972, she
instrumental, in her role as a
and leadership Dr. Collins-Nakai
went on to complete a fellowship
member of the Canadian Medical
generates are not confined to
in pediatric cardiology at Harvard
Association, in convincing Air Canada
medicine. She has been a strong
Medical School. Collins-Nakai
to ban smoking on planes. Collins-
supporter of the need for education
joined her alma mater as assistant
Nakai also advocated for prevention
and science in Alberta and has
professor of pediatrics in 1977.
of cardiovascular risk factors that
worked to increase research funding
can start in childhood, as well as for
overall in Canada. Among the many
affordable and accessible child care
awards and honours she’s received
and early learning opportunities.
was an appointment to the Order of
Dr. Collins-Nakai spent over 30 years at the University of Alberta in various roles, including full professor
She was highly regarded as a
and associate dean of the Faculty
An interest in corporate leadership
of Medicine & Dentistry. She served
led her to complete an MBA at
as commissioner of the Premier’s
UAlberta in 1998 and she received
Commission on Future Health Care
her ICD.D (Institute of Corporate
for Albertans, president of both
Directors, Director) in 2008. As
Canada in 2016.
WANEEK HORN-MILLER DOCTOR OF LAWS, honoris causa of becoming an Olympic athlete.
of Indigenous people, Indigenous
Her mother reminded her she
education, Indigenous athletes
would be giving her dream away to
and diversity and inclusivity in the
the Canadian soldier who stabbed
Canadian sport system. From 2005
her if she chose that route. Horn-
to 2010, she was the coordinator of
Miller ultimately decided to hold
the First People’s House at McGill
fast to her dream, using sports
University. While there, Horn-Miller
as her medication. In 1999, she
developed the Eagle Spirit Camp to
represented Canada at the Pan-
provide sporting opportunities for
Am Games and was a member of
Indigenous youth and to help attract
the first water polo team to win a
them to higher education.
gold medal at the games. In 2000, Horn-Miller was captain of Canada’s water polo team at the Sydney Olympics. Following her days as Waneek Horn-Miller was only 14
a competitor, she hosted APTN’s
years old when the Oka Crisis, also
coverage of the 2010 Olympics and
called the Kanesatake Resistance,
was the assistant chef de mission at
occurred in 1990. The dispute
Toronto’s Pan-Am Games in 2015.
between a group of Mohawk people and the town of Oka centred on the town’s plan to extend a golf course onto land considered sacred by the Mohawk people. In protest, members of the Mohawk community erected a barricade to prevent access to the area. After a 78-day standoff, an end to the dispute was negotiated. Horn-Miller was leading her four-year-old sister out from behind the lines when she was stabbed near the heart by a Canadian soldier’s bayonet. The incident shook her so badly she contemplated giving up her dream
She also worked on the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, as well as the Assembly of First Nations IndigenACTION initiative. An inspiring speaker, Horn-Miller frequently travels from one edge of the country to the other to
Horn-Miller’s accomplishments have
talk about reconciliation, sport,
been recognized through several
overcoming adversity, and striving
awards, including the Tom Longboat
for a dream. She’s also involved with
Award to recognize Indigenous
Manitobah Mukluks, notably as the
athletes and their contributions
director of the Storyboot Project,
to sport in Canada. She was
a program that facilitates mukluk,
named one of Canada’s most
moccasin and beading workshops
influential women in sport in 2015
from one generation to the other.
by the Canadian Association for
In addition, Horn-Miller is a student
Advancement of Women and Sport.
herself, currently pursuing a
In 2019, Horn-Miller was inducted
master’s degree in kinesiology at the
into Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame.
University of British Columbia.
Following her athletic career, Horn-Miller has become a passionate advocate for the rights
JOHN CHARLES (JACK) MAJOR DOCTOR OF LAWS, honoris causa His rapid rise was testament to the
Major sat on more than 2,000
respect he garnered throughout the
cases as a Supreme Court Justice
Alberta legal profession. He served
and was the principal writer on 169
10 years as senior counsel for the
decisions. Some of the matters he
City of Calgary Police Service, was
presided over included assisted
appointed to the Royal Commission
suicide, the death penalty and
in the collapse of the Canadian
Quebec separation, leaving legacy
Commercial Bank and Northland
interpretations of the Charter of
Bank and represented the province
Rights and Freedoms and the terms
at the Supreme Court of Canada
on which a province could choose to
on several provincial constitutional
leave Canada.
to work for Bennett Jones as a
appointment to the Alberta Court of
consultant and mentor. His vast
Just nine justices sit on the Supreme
Appeal, but it was short-lived as he
knowledge and reputation led to
Court of Canada at any one time. As
was called to the Supreme Court of
a return to public service work in
the country’s final court of appeal,
Canada in November 1992.
2006 when he was appointed a
the decisions of these nine justices have far-reaching implications for Canadian law and, by extension, Canadian society. The Honourable John Charles (Jack) Major served as a Supreme Court Justice for 14 years.
Major’s time on the Supreme Court was marked by many significant issues which greatly influenced Canadian law. Recognized as a
commissioner by the Canadian government to conduct the inquiry into the bombing of Air India Flight 182.
superb jurist, he possessed an
In 2008, Major was appointed a
exemplary grasp of the law and
Companion of the Order of Canada
Born and raised in Ontario, Major
ruled with great wisdom. His
and, in 2012, was awarded a Queen
earned a commerce degree at
personal and professional ethics
Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.
Loyola College (Now Concordia
were beyond reproach and his love
University) before completing his law
for his country and the democracy
degree at University of Toronto Law
and freedoms under which we live
School. He was called to the Alberta
was reflected in his rulings.
Bar in 1958 and began practicing law in Calgary with the Bennett Jones Verchere firm. By 1967, he was a senior partner in the practice and in 1972 he was appointed Queen’s Counsel.
Upon retirement, Major returned
In 1991, Major earned an
DR. TREVOR HARRISON by the University of Toronto Press
willingness to share his insights
and laid the foundation for much of
make him a talented educator and
his subsequent work as a leading
much sought-after public speaker
researcher in the study of populism
and media commentator able to
in Canada and elsewhere.
unpack the complexities of today’s
Harrison began teaching as a sessional lecturer at the U of A while completing his doctoral studies. He was a founding member of the Parkland Institute in 1996, a think tank located at the University of Alberta that studies public policy in
While Dr. Trevor Harrison is identified as a sociologist, his interdisciplinary research work displays a remarkable breadth of study that spans many of today’s vital issues related to globalization, populism, nationalism, and political economy. Harrison grew up in Edmonton but later completed a bachelor of sociology at the University of Winnipeg. He subsequently earned a masters of sociology at the University of Calgary before returning to Edmonton for his doctoral studies at the University of Alberta. His PhD thesis, Of Passionate Intensity: Right Wing Populism and the Reform Party of Canada, was later published
most volatile issues for a variety of audiences. At the same time, he has proven an excellent educator who encourages his students to think critically about issues and inspires them to pursue their own avenues of research.
Alberta. He earned a position as a
Harrison has contributed extensively
visiting professor at that university
to the sociological, political, and
before joining the University of
public policy literature. Besides five
Lethbridge as an associate professor
co-edited books, he has written three
in the Department of Sociology
solo books and co-written, with John
in 2002.
Friesen, a fourth, Canadian Society
In 2007, he was named interim director of the fledgling Prentice Institute for Global Population and Economy, one of the University of Lethbridge’s first research institutes, a position he held until 2009. While continuing as a ULethbridge professor, in 2011 he was appointed director of the Parkland Institute, a position he held until 2021. Harrison’s research connects
in the 21st Century: A Historical Sociological Approach, now in its fourth edition. He has published research on a variety of countries, including Greece, Japan, and Mexico. His reputation as a leading sociologist and expert on Canadian society and politics has resulted in visiting scholar appointments in both Japan and the United States, the latter where he served as a prestigious Fulbright Scholar in 2010.
economics, history, politics, and sociology. He has consistently been at the forefront in identifying societal and political trends. His ability and
DR. TRUSHAR PATEL University safeguard the health
the 2022 New Investigator Award by
of the campus community during
the Canadian Society for Molecular
this time. These efforts required
Biosciences. Patel is also involved
coordinating with virtually every unit
with many scientific organizations
on campus, and he made a point of
and has helped organize numerous
always making himself available to
scientific and science policy
answer questions, of which there
conferences. His volunteerism
were many. Whenever he could,
extends to all students attending the
Patel encouraged people to get
University through the Supporting
vaccinated and dispelled myths
Our Students fundraising
about the vaccines circulating on
committee. He offers guest lectures
social media. He kept abreast of
and encourages local high school
the current scientific knowledge
students to pursue scientific studies.
and health advice locally,
Patel also volunteered as a judge for
provincially, nationally and around
Sci-Fusion, the regional science fair.
the globe. In addition, he shared his As the University of Lethbridge
expertise with the public through
looked at how it would safely reopen
the PUBlic Professor Series and at
its campuses for the Fall 2021
the Southern Alberta Council on
semester after a year of online
Public Affairs.
instruction due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for expert guidance was clear. Dr. Trushar Patel, a professor in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry and Canada Research Chair, volunteered to co-chair the University’s Return to Campus Committee. The work involved in a safe reopening of campus was tremendous and required long hours, as provincial public health guidance frequently changed in response to the shifting pandemic. Patel’s expertise with the viruses and RNA-based vaccines was invaluable in helping the
On top of his regular professorial duties, Patel is a great ambassador for ULethbridge. The impact of his research is readily apparent to outside visitors and his commitment
Outside of his duties as co-chair of
to students and the community
the Return to Campus Committee,
make him a shining example of what
Patel, through the Alberta RNA
it means to be a member of the
Research and Training Institute,
University community.
is a prolific researcher with an impressive publication record. His network includes colleagues from around the world and these connections benefit his students through opportunities to collaborate with leading researchers at other laboratories. His research record was recently recognized when he was named the recipient of the 2022 Young Investigator Award by the Biophysical Society of Canada and
Congratulations and welcome to the University of Lethbridge Alumni Association! Congratulations and welcome to the University of Lethbridge Alumni Association! Convocation is one of life’s most significant occasions. It’s a time to celebrate all you have accomplished and look forward to the exciting journey ahead. It’s also a moment of reflection and an opportunity to say thank you to the family and friends who supported you on this amazing journey. I am honoured to represent more than 48,000 alumni worldwide in congratulating you. Together, we are a community of engaged thinkers, critical problem solvers
and greatly impassioned leaders making contributions in communities around the world. We take pride in your accomplishments and, whatever path you take, you will always be a valued member of this extraordinary community. Share your stories with us and watch our social media channels for information on what other ULethbridge alumni are doing.
Again, congratulations, and enjoy today! Jason Elliott (BMgt ‘95) President, University of Lethbridge Alumni Association
Capture the moment! Your smile reflects the hard work that went into making this moment a reality. The University of Lethbridge Alumni Association (ULAA) wants to celebrate you by offering a free photo as you cross the stage.
Visit go.uleth.ca/newgrads to sign up for your digital download. Use the code on the back page of the alumni pin booklet you receive while crossing the stage to access your FREE photo, courtesy of the ULAA.
Stay connected. Keep your contact information current and follow us on social media.
REFLECTION Let us begin this celebration of our academic achievements, The culmination of years of hard work, By considering how we have achieved success, And how we shall build on it in the future. Let us acknowledge those who built This community of scholarship, Which has broadened our understanding and our horizons. Let us thank our faculty, staff, families, friends, fellow students, And all who made this community of learning possible – They have taught us so much. Let us remember that our educational journeys Which led to our degrees, diplomas and certificates, Are valuable in themselves, not just means to other ends. Let us use all we have learned To challenge the world through the eyes of educated citizens, And make it a better place for others who follow. Let our motto, Fiat Lux, let there be light, Remind us of the responsibility we accept to ensure that we will Make a difference and build a better society.
University of Lethbridge 4401 University Drive Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4 ulethbridge.ca