ULethbridge Spring Convocation 2024 Program

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MAY 30 & 31, 2024


In our lobby you will find the following:

• deJourdan's by Lifetouch | Professional portrait photography

• Bookstore | ULethbridge memorabilia and graduation rings

• Graduation Flowers | Fresh flowers to congratulate your grad

• ULethbridge Alumni Association | Parchment frames and the official Fiat Lux alumni ring

• Family Room (PE261) | Live video of the ceremony


Hoods and gowns can be returned to the Bookstore in the Student’s Union Building prior to 6 p.m. on the day of the ceremony.


If you are looking for places around campus to take photos with your graduate, family and friends, here are some scenic spots to capture the special moment:

• University of Lethbridge sign | At campus entrance; University Drive and Valley Road

• OKI sign | Located on the East Patio off University Hall

• ULeth block letters and balloons with the iconic High Level Bridge in the background | Between UHall and Science Commons

• Chief Marshal and the Mace; take a photo in front of a beautiful stained glass window alongside the Chief Marshal and our ceremonial mace | Located along the track

• “2024” Gold Balloons | Located in the 1st Choice Savings Centre Atrium next to Booster Juice

• Congratulations Balloon Arch | Located outdoors between the 1st Choice Savings Centre and Turcotte Hall

• Aperture Art Installation | Between the Students’ Union Building and the University Library

• The Bronze Pronghorn | Located inside the University Library building, next to the bus loop

• Fiat Lux | Our school motto; let there be light, located outside the University Library doors


Today we celebrate your accomplishments, deep knowledge acquired and transformative experience that has prepared you to contribute to the community locally and globally in meaningful ways. I hope you will reflect on your experience with fond memories, remembering that you are, and always will be, part of the ULethbridge legacy.

Dr. Digvir Jayas (Ikaiinniwa), President and Vice-Chancellor

On behalf of the Senate, congratulations on this important life accomplishment. You have demonstrated adaptability, determination and resilience to be here today. Celebrate your success and enjoy this moment. Acknowledge and thank the people in your life who supported you along the way. As you reflect on your time on campus, recall the people and experiences that made your liberal arts education meaningful and special. Wherever you land in the future, always know you have a home at the University of Lethbridge.

Terry Whitehead (Ksikkihkini) (BA ‘94), Chancellor

We’ve been with you every step of the way — from your first school tour to your last assignment. We’ve seen you up at 7 a.m., stressing before a test, and we’ve helped you celebrate the end of a long day with a drink. Now you’re graduating, and the Coffee Company couldn’t be more proud to have accompanied you on this journey — as your cheering squad, your fueling station, the cup of comfort in your hand. Come back and visit often, and best of luck in your future endeavours! And, most importantly, never settle for crappy coffee.

JT and the staff at the Campus Coffee Company

On behalf of the University of Lethbridge Graduate Students’ Association (GSA) I would like to congratulate you on your achievements and perseverance. We recognize your hard work and dedication, and you should be proud of your professional, academic and personal accomplishments. The knowledge you have gained and imparted to others has helped to shape and strengthen your ULethbridge community. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors and congratulate you on your accomplishments thus far.

Jaxon Reiter (BSc ‘22), Graduate Students’ Association President

On behalf of the Board of Governors, I congratulate you on this great achievement and welcome you to the University of Lethbridge alumni family. The journey to graduation is a long climb to the summit so I encourage you to take a moment at the top to be proud of your success. The University has witnessed you scale up each slope with determination and persistence. We will now watch with interest as you look to the future and create your own path in the world using the knowledge and skills you have acquired. We are proud of you!

Dean Gallimore (BMgt ‘84), Board of Governors’ Chair

On behalf of the University of Lethbridge Students’ Union (ULSU), I am pleased to extend my sincerest congratulations to the entire graduating class of 2024 on your convocation. Graduation is a momentous occasion and a testament of your journey here at the University of Lethbridge. Your dedication, commitment and hard work that led you to this moment is an accomplishment to be extremely proud of. May the experiences and memories you have made throughout your ULethbridge journey only lead to great accomplishments as you venture out into the world. I look forward to seeing what great things you will continue to achieve as the newest ULethbridge alumni and wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavours.

Maleeka Thomas, ULSU President

You, the University of Lethbridge’s newest alumni, have contributed so much to the intellectual and social vibrancy of the University during your educational journey here. You have also benefitted from an enriching ULethbridge student experience developed and nurtured by many caring people across our two campuses. When we welcomed you at New Student Orientation, we committed to standing with you throughout your studies and research, providing support to you to help you achieve your goals. You have counted on us. Today, we salute you at graduation! Congratulations on achieving your goals and graduating! We are very proud of you and your accomplishments, and we wish you well. Thank you for having chosen the University of Lethbridge as your educational home. Please stay in touch.

Massey, Vice Provost (Students)


Convocation is a day of well-deserved celebration. For students, it signifies the completion of years of hard work and the beginning of an exciting new chapter in their lives. For families, it is a day to recognize those years of dedication and to enthusiastically embrace the pride that convocation evokes. For all of us, convocation is a time to look optimistically into the future, share in centuries-old academic traditions and, most importantly, celebrate our graduates.

For more than 50 years, University of Lethbridge graduates have been making significant contributions to Canada and the world. With convocation, the promise of our lasting impact continues. Congratulations to all at this very special time of year.

I am honoured to offer my sincerest congratulations on the completion of your credential at the University of Lethbridge. It is particularly poignant because you have done so under an unprecedented and challenging set of circumstances – during a global pandemic. You have shown flexibility, creativity, resilience, and maturity in completing your academic journey. We are so proud of how well you have handled and navigated the many challenging situations of the past few years, and in spite of all, have still succeeded. Your bravery, perseverance and courage are a testament to the change-makers you will be as you move forward into the next phase of your life. I can’t think of a more capable and well-prepared cohort of leaders for the 21st Century. We are honoured to call you alumni of the University of Lethbridge.

Dr. Michelle Hogue (Mai’staaki) (MEd ’04), Chief Marshal, Associate Professor & Coordinator Indigenous Student Success Certificate, Faculty of Arts & Science

On behalf of Iikaisskini Indigenous Services, we wish to extend our congratulations to the newest alumni of the University of Lethbridge! Whether we were regularly connected or as silent supporters in your corner, we recognize the sacrifices you have made and adversity you have overcome. May your journey of lifelong learning propel you to great, new, wonderful heights of achievement in the years ahead. The world is a great place to explore so trust that you can achieve anything you set your mind to! You have proven resilient with determination and perseverance. We wish you luck and congratulate you on behalf of all of us at Iikaisskini.

Lindi Shade (BA ’06), Jodie Flamand-Tailfeathers (BA ’14), Royal Adkin (BMgt ’18), Santanita Oka (BHSc ’16) & Chataya Holy Singer (BFA ’23), Iikaisskini Indigenous Services


history of convocation

In the Middle Ages, the church was responsible for higher education. Monasteries were the centres of learning and monks were the scholars of society. By the 12th century, secular scholars began forming communities to pursue knowledge and truth, which eventually developed into independent universities in the prominent cathedral cities of Europe, precursors of today’s universities.

As universities grew, scholars wanted to honour students who successfully completed their education as well as welcome them into the select and exclusive group of scholars. The word convocation originally referred

to gatherings of the clergy of Canterbury and York, but in 1577 Oxford University used it to describe the assembly of its graduates. Ever since, students around the world have been admitted to the order of scholars in a convocation ceremony.

Since its first convocation ceremony in 1968, the University of Lethbridge has been proud to recognize the academic achievements of our students, and honour individual achievements in various fields. A convocation ceremony represents a celebratory ‘rite of passage’ for our students — an opportunity to share academic accomplishments with their mentors, fellow graduates and loved ones.

The ceremony begins with the national anthem and reflection. Following that the main features of convocation are a speech to the graduands by the president, a speech by the honorary degree recipient or guest speaker, and the conferral of degrees, diplomas and certificates by the chancellor.


The University’s colours are blue and gold, drawing inspiration from the blue sky and bright sun so prominent on the southern Alberta landscape. The University Shield brings focus to the fiery sun with twisted Aztec rays.

The University of Lethbridge Coat of Arms was unveiled during the University’s 45th anniversary celebrations at Fall 2012 Convocation and features the blue shield and the University’s signature sun, along with our motto, Fiat Lux. This is supported by other components such as the eagle feather, Alberta wild roses, pronghorns and miner’s lamps; all signature elements of the University.

Fiat Lux, our motto, is Latin for ‘let there be light’ and refers metaphorically to the illumination that comes from research and learning. At the University, everyone has the ability to shine and we believe it’s our job to help make that happen.

The mace, carried in the academic procession by the Chief Marshal, was created by artist Corne Martens and given to the University in memory of former senator Virginia Mitchell. Dedicated at the fall convocation ceremony on October 1, 1988, the mace is cast in bronze and represents the institution’s authority to grant degrees, diplomas and certificates. Unique to the University of Lethbridge, one end features three elements: mortarboard, gavel and open book, symbolizing academia, the Board of Governors and the General Faculties Council. The other end features a globe surrounded by pronghorns, representing our mascot and the universality of knowledge.



The academic dress of the University of Lethbridge is unique to the institution. A black gown and mortarboard are worn by undergraduate and master’s students; the credential earned is represented by colours on the borders and linings of the hoods. The bachelor’s degree, certificate and diploma hoods are black lined with blue, trimmed with a twisted gold and blue cord. Master’s hoods are black lined with blue and have an exterior border of light blue satin trimmed with a twisted gold and blue cord.

A coloured braid on the lining of the hood distinguishes the type of degree. Students receiving combined degrees wear two braids.

The colours representing the degrees are as follows:

Arts: White

Science: Golden yellow

Arts and Science: White and golden yellow

Education: Light blue

Fine Arts: Brown

Music: Pink

Health Sciences: Red and golden yellow

Nursing: Red

Therapeutic Recreation: Green

Management: Light brown

Doctor of Philosophy graduands wear a royal blue gown with blue velvet facings and chevrons outlined in bright gold piping, and a blue beefeater with a gold tassel. The hoods are royal blue, lined with sapphire blue satin and a bright gold chevron. The blue velvet trim is outlined in gold piping.

The stoles worn by the deans of each Faculty or School correspond generally with the colour of the braids on the lining of the undergraduate hoods of that Faculty or School. Convocation marshals wear royal blue stoles, and are selected from among the academic staff to supervise the academic procession and the presentation of graduands to the chancellor.


Cords of academic distinction are worn by undergraduate students whose outstanding academic achievements merit the designation. Royal blue cords signify distinction and gold cords great distinction. Combined degrees students earning distinction or great distinction for both degrees wear two sets of cords.


The regalia of the chancellor, president, board of governors’ chair, and honorary degree recipients also feature blue and gold elements.

Taatsiikiipoyii (Talks in the Middle) Charles Weaselhead served as chancellor of the University of Lethbridge from 2018 to 2022. He was the first Indigenous chancellor at ULethbridge and also in Alberta. In recognition of Chancellor Emeritus Weaselhead’s service and ongoing dedication to education, community and building relationships, three stoles were introduced and incorporated as part of the chancellor, president and vicechancellor, and board chair regalia at the Fall 2022 Convocation ceremony. The stoles were designed by a past alumna of the year, Jamie Medicine Crane (BEd ’05). Designed like a Blackfoot tipi with the cosmos on the top, animal beings in the centre and the earth beings at the bottom, it includes the mountains and puff balls, and the lines representing the water and sky. The chancellor’s stole contains Chancellor Emeritus Weaselhead’s Blackfoot name.


It is custom in many Indigenous communities to honour graduates with a special remembrance of their accomplishments as they continue on to various milestones in their lives. To celebrate their achievements, all graduating Indigenous students in attendance are gifted with a convocation stole.

Designed by Iikaisskini Indigenous Services, the stoles are royal blue with white embroidery, featuring four important symbols alongside the University of Lethbridge shield:

The Buffalo acknowledges Blackfoot Territory and the importance of this animal to the Blackfoot people and to the great plains.

The Eagle Feather represents our First Nations graduates.

The Infinity Sign represents our Métis graduates.

The Kuliq represents our Inuit graduates.



The convocation lecterns feature the university tartan alongside a Pendleton® blanket and eagle feather shield conceptualized by Blackfoot Elder Francis First Charger. A source of warmth and comfort, blankets serve a special role in Indigenous ceremonies. As gifts, blankets allow the recipient to forever wrap themselves in a treasured reminder of heritage, community and tradition.

Seven golden eagle feathers have been arranged in a circle to represent a shield. The number is significant and refers to the seven stars. The golden eagle is known for its majestic qualities, soaring high above and seeing far and wide with keen eyesight.


Co-operative Education is a nationally recognized form of workintegrated learning that combines professional experience with academic studies to enrich students’ academic, intellectual, personal and professional development. The program is a partnership between students, the University and employers, combining educational theory, its practical application and real-world employment experience. Students alternate academic terms of study with paid work terms in a professional workplace.


Dr. Michael Mahon, Iipisowaahsiiyi (Morning Star), served as ULethbridge’s sixth president and vice-chancellor from 2010 to 2023. He was honoured to receive a gifted headdress from Chancellor Charles Weaselhead, Taatsiikiipoyii (Talks in the Middle), upon his appointment as Treaty 7 Grand Chief. This headdress is displayed in the Hall of Honour and will be situated alongside the chancellor during Convocation ceremonies.


The Co-operative Education designation indicates at least one year of discipline-related employment experience. It shows employers that ULethbridge graduates are work ready. Graduates who have met the program requirements will receive the Co-operative Education designation on their parchments and display the badge above on their mortarboards.


The University of Lethbridge tartan was a 50th anniversary legacy project unveiled on Founders’ Day Weekend in January 2017. The tartan design is inspired by convocation and the grand accomplishment it signifies. Faculty colours are incorporated in the tartan and the colours come together with the bright sunburst against the dark blue field. A frame of red honours the name given to University Hall, Iniskim (Sacred Buffalo Stone).

Inclusion Alberta has been partnering with post-secondary institutions across the province for more than 30 years to include students with developmental disabilities to participate in regular programs of study and campus life. Students audit programs of study to pursue individualized learning goals related to regular course content, complete modified course assignments and write modified exams to demonstrate what they have learned. Students receive a certificate of recognition to acknowledge their hard work, accomplishments and commitment to their learning at the completion of their program.


TO OUR STUDENTS, we make a promise:

A promise to do our best, so they can be their best.

A promise to foster exploration, to share ideas and information, to teach but also to learn.

A promise to build the buildings, acquire the technology, cultivate the partnerships, and welcome the people essential to advancing an environment that excites and ignites learning.

A promise to create an environment where professors and students are colleagues and everyone grows together, an environment that recognizes the power of every student’s dream. And helps that dream come true.



kitsiiksisttowatoh’ pinnaan:

Nitakayika’kimaahpinnaan, kitaahkanistsi’ta’pohkookaksoyayi.

Kitakanistsiistapakkiokakihpowayi, nita’ka’paisski’pinnaan.

Nita’ka’paisdotsi’pinnaani naapioyiistsi, nita’kao’tsi’pinnaan pissata’piyi, nita’kitsstsimaahkatannaan stohkanaokakiwa.

Niyai ksimstaani ahkitsayi’sohkissi niipaitapiyisini akitakkiisoka’piwa, pookaiksi ki omahksimmiksi akitsi’tomanistohkimayawa, ksimstaani akitanistsiwa. Papao’kani akitsspommohkato’p maahkanistsissi.



THURSDAY, MAY 30, 2024 AT 9:30 A.M.

Conducting the Ceremony

Jennifer Copeland, Platform Marshal

Musical Prelude

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Holly De Caigny

The Procession

At the commencement of the procession, those assembled are asked to stand, if they are able, until invited to take their seats.

Led by Michelle Hogue, Chief Marshal Drummers: Troy & Julius Delaney

Marshals: Wayne Lippa, Susan Findlay, Locke Spencer, Rumi Graham, Olu Awosoga and Craig Coburn


Digvir Jayas, President and Vice-Chancellor

National Anthem

Led by Noelle Kuntz, Faculty of Fine Arts O Canada by Calixa Lavallee


Polina Semikina, Faculty of Arts and Science

Honour Song

Composed and gifted to the University of Lethbridge by Leroy Little Bear, in honour of its Blackfoot name, ‘Iniskim’. The name ‘Iniskim’ was gifted to the University by Kainai elder, Bruce Wolf Child.

Troy & Julius Delaney

Welcome and Report to Convocation

This traditional address celebrates the value of education and the combined accomplishments of our graduands and the University community.

Digvir Jayas, President and Vice-Chancellor

Conferral of Honorary Degree

Awarded by the Senate to individuals who personify the values expressed in the philosophy of the institution — they cultivate human values and seek to foster intellectual growth, social development, aesthetic sensitivity, personal ethics, and the dimensions of a scholar’s personality.

Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

Tadashi Mitsui, Doctor of Letters, honoris causa

Introduced by Ronald DeGagne, Senate Member

Address to the Graduands

Tadashi Mitsui, Doctor of Letters, honoris causa

Musical Selection

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Holly De Caigny

Rush for Solo Alto Saxophone and Wind Orchestra, mvmt 2: Morning by Kenneth Fuchs

Saxophone Soloist: Cori Campbell, winner of the 2023 ULeth Concerto Competition

Conferral of Degrees

Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

School of Graduate Studies

Doctor of Philosophy

Master of Science

Candidates presented by Jackie Rice, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies

Faculty of Arts and Science

Bachelor of Arts and Science

Certificate in Arts and Science

Bachelor of Science

Candidates presented by Matthew Letts, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science

Medals of the Governor General of Canada of Academic Excellence

These medals are awarded to graduating students with the highest academic standing; gold at the graduate level and silver at the undergraduate level.

Rajwinder Kaur, Gold

Cameron Beazer, Silver

Presented by Michelle Helstein, Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

School of Graduate Studies

Medals of Merit

Awarded to graduating students from each degree program in the School of Graduate Studies

Rajwinder Kaur, Doctor of Philosophy

Presented by Jackie Rice, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies

Faculty of Arts and Science

Gold Medal (Science)

This medal is awarded to the most distinguished graduate for the academic year

Elisha Wong

Presented by Matthew Letts, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science

Speaker Research Award

First awarded in May 1995, this medal recognizes the importance of research, scholarship and performance to the philosophy and goals of the University.

René T. Boeré

Presented by Mark Speaker

Alumni Welcome

Deirdre McKenna

President of the University of Lethbridge Alumni Association


Jennifer Copeland, Platform Marshal


Terry Whitehead, Chancellor


Those assembled are asked to stand, if they are able, for the recession until the chief marshal bearing the mace, followed by the platform party and the graduates, have departed.

Recessional Music

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Holly De Caigny




Jami Irene Albright-Tolman

Population Studies in Health

Thesis: Hedge Your Bets: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of an Online Gambling Harm Reduction Program for Offender Populations

Christopher Stewart Benson

Earth, Space, and Physical Science

Thesis: Feedback-controlled transition-edge sensor bolometers in a far-infrared doubleFourier interferometer

HaoRan Chang


Thesis: Neural correlates of parallel and distributed engrams

Adam Joseph Christiansen

Earth, Space, and Physical Science

Thesis: A cryogenic multi-axis range-resolved laser interferometer

Esmaeel Ghasemi Gojani

Biomolecular Science

Thesis: Anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic impacts of major and minor phytocannabinoids - an in vitro study

Elchin Hasanalizade

Theoretical and Computational Science

Thesis: Topics in explicit number theory

Hali Heavy Shield


Thesis: Blackfoot healing curriculum through storytelling and art: Faceless Dolls, a young-adult illustrated novella

Amy Lee Henrickson

Biomolecular Science

Thesis: Improving gene therapy analysis with multi-wavelength analytical ultracentrifugation methods

Shima Javaheri

Earth, Space, and Physical Science

Thesis: Designing energy efficient greenhouses incorporating renewable energy systems for year-round food security in North American winter climates

Rajwinder Kaur

Theoretical and Computational Science

Thesis: Computational investigation of enzyme facilitated cleavage of the phosphodiester bond in nucleic acids

Roya Sadat Mousavi

Earth, Space, and Physical Science

Thesis: Historic and future weather extremes in the south Saskatchewan river watershed, Alberta

Yeasmin Ratna

Earth, Space, and Physical Science

Thesis: Asphaltenes characterization by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Sarah Kai-Leigh Schultz

Biomolecular Science

Thesis: Cellular and molecular functions of transfer RNA modifying enzymes

Ibrahim Turay

Cultural, Social and Political Thought

Thesis: Black youth’s interactions and experiences with police in Southern Alberta

Ruoxi Zhang

Cultural, Social and Political Thought

Thesis: Literary ‘Bone Collectors’: recovering the voices of an older generation of Chinese women in British Columbia (1923-1967) in works by Wayson Choy, SKY Lee, and Denise Chong

Lauren Maria Zink

Biosystems and Biodiversity

Thesis: Effects of polyethylene microplastics and cadmium on freshwater animals: a modelling framework


Derek William Schneider Arthur

Thesis: Effect of spike-timing dependent plasticity rule choice on memory capacity and form in spiking neural networks

Zeinab Asghari

Thesis: The effect of psilocybin and eugenol in dextran and lipopolysaccharide induced gastro-intestinal inflammation

Farnoosh Aslami

Thesis: Lidar-derived models and NDVI trends indicate vegetation threshold response to hydroclimatic drivers across the Peace Athabasca Delta

Gerardo Karari Balderas Figueroa

Thesis: Biophysical and biochemical characterization of an hbv cccDNA g-quadruplex targeting therapeutic

Kaylen Ariette Beekman

Thesis: Anxiety behaviour and inflammatory markers in c57/bl6j mice are enhanced after a chronic dose of DSS colitis during contextual fear conditioning

Sydney Jane Bulmer

Thesis: The Lived Experience of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Support Workers through the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dora Capatos

Thesis: Initial characterization of the functional cycle of YihA

Joshua James Craig

Thesis: Examining the relationship between stress and brain function using naturalistic fMRI

Brittany Ruth Davidson

Thesis: Cooperative play in autistic teens

Mariya Denny

Thesis: Exploring sulfate cycling in a mineral-soil wetland restored with wastewater

Steven Michael Deutekom

Thesis: Measuring developer experience with abstract syntax trees

Shraddhaben Nareshbhai Devaiya

Thesis: Expanding the capabilities of a bug report annotation tool for summarization

Weerahannedige Oshini Kaushalya Fernando

Thesis: Environmental and biological controls on carbon dioxide and methane exchange in a restored freshwater mineral-soil wetland at Frank Lake, Alberta

Ali Goldani

Thesis: Synthetically generated cow (Bos taurus) provides data for gait analysis in feedlot

Christina Emma-Leigh Haines

Thesis: Neural correlates of narrative structure during naturalistic audiovisual film using functional magnetic resonance imaging

Shannon Marie Healy Knibb

Thesis: Investigating the structure-function relationship of anti-mitotic natural products in Canadian prairie plants

Victoria Jane Hecker

Thesis: Active Transportation and Independent Mobility of School-Aged Children and their Parents: A Multi-Site Study

Hunter Mitchel Johnson

Thesis: Assessment of aryl hydrocarbon receptormediated toxicity of benzotriazole ultraviolet stabilizers (uv-p, uv-9, uv-090) to fishes

Keva Maria Klamer

Thesis: Psychological well-being modulates neural synchrony during naturalistic fMRI


Alissa Jean Kuhn

Thesis: A multi-compartment pharmacokinetic model of docetaxel

Catrione Lai Yee Lee

Thesis: Comparative metagenomics in livestock production antimicrobial resistance

Jiajie Liang

Thesis: A day in the life of Mus musculus: homecage behavioural analysis of a mouse model of Alzheimer disease

Janice Michelle Leanne Moat

Thesis: Machine learning methods for the prediction of antimicrobial resistance and identification of novel markers of resistance in Escherichia coli

Peyman Nazari Robati

Thesis: Unsupervised detection of cell ensembles in rats’ primary motor cortex during online and offline processing

Maduni Charuni Ranasinghe

Thesis: Molecular standards for analytical ultracentrifugation: investigating the suitability of double-stranded DNA

Yamin Raza

Thesis: Developmental and reproductive effects of 2-(2h-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-methylphenol (uv-p) on the model fish species, zebrafish (Danio rerio), following embryonic exposure

Danika Andrea Robinson

Thesis: The impacts of a cannabis extract on brain pathology and memory impairments associated with Alzheimer’s disease in an APP-NL-G-F transgenic mouse model

Farzana Sadia

Thesis: A Longitudinal Study Assessing the Relationship Between Parents’ and Children’s Physical Activity and their Adherence To 24Hour Movement Guidelines

Jessica Semmelrock

Thesis: The translational NTPase Ola1 is an RNA binding protein

Christie Mae Stephen

Thesis: In vitro evaluation of linear plant host defense peptides Shepherin 2, Skh-AMP1, Cn-AMP1, and Cr-ACP1 for cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activities against potato pathogens

Co-operative Education

KiAnna Jane Sullivan

Thesis: Investigating neural correlates of positive affect using functional magnetic resonance imaging and naturalistic stimuli

Rabecca Rae-Lynne Thiessen

Thesis: Rock glacier catalogue and predictive modeling in the Mackenzie Mountains: predicting rock glacier likelihood with a generalized additive model

Setare Tohidi

Thesis: Noradrenaline: active in arousal, but not for the hippocampal-neocortical dialogue

Kayla Danielle Walker

Thesis: Kinematic and gaze behaviour differs between hyper and hypo-affordants completing manual materials handling tasks

Timur Zanikov

Thesis: The impact of psilocybin and eugenol on brain inflammation in murine models: unraveling cumulative and individual effects

Milena Zdjelar

Thesis: Patterns of sedentary time and physical activity in older adults: do sex and gender matter?

Wenzhao Zhu

Thesis: Abstractive text summarization based on neural fusion


Obasegun Adeleke

Ashwak Adnan Ahmad With Great Distinction

Kayley Anna-Lynn Bingham

Jimmy Bukuru

Doran Albert Anthony Everest Honours Thesis

Jillian Rose Ganchar With Distinction

Demika Raine Goehring With Great Distinction

Juliana Autumn Lynn Gulayets With Distinction

Alyssa Carolyn Hughes With Great Distinction Honours Thesis

Josi Rose Koerber With Distinction

Emily Rebecca Mathieson With Great Distinction

Brynn Constance Matthews

Julia Michelle McFadden

Rhianna Diane McMurray With Distinction

Keeley Shae Miller

Eric Joseph Rattai

Sarvagya Shrestha With Distinction

Jessica Alice Thayer



Trevor Brent Guppy


Darlyn Marie Baltazar Abando

Madisen Rae Abbott Honours Thesis

Uvindu Chandima Abeysekara

Araba Kukua Adenu-Mensah

Saurav Adhikari

With Great Distinction

Hassan Afzaal With Great Distinction

Co-operative Education

Carmen Agenbacht

Tinuola Ayoyinka Alagbe

Justin Christopher Alho With Great Distinction

Tina George Allam

Eric Allan

Cameron Daniel Anderson

Rachel Anderson

Jayne Onoshorere Asekhauno With Great Distinction

Wenah Crisel Aurelio With Distinction

Rainiel Austria

Blaine Lee Badiuk With Great Distinction Honours Thesis

Seth Baldwin With Distinction

Austin David Ball

Co-operative Education

Siaba Souleymane Bamba

Josie Banks-Hillier With Distinction

Kevin Scott Buchan Beauchamp With Distinction

Samuel Beauregard

Cameron Scott Beazer With Great Distinction Honours Thesis

Jordan Joanna Bell

James Junuh Bencsik

Megan Maryanne Bergen With Distinction

Claire Francesca Bernar With Great Distinction

Abigail Leah Colquhoun Bernardo

Sienna Berndt With Distinction

Stephanie Ennor Blay Muah

Christy Suzanne Bore With Distinction Honours Thesis

Brooklyn Josephine Boychuk

Brandon Jacob Bradley

Tristen Joelynn Brinson With Great Distinction

Mackenzie William Broughton With Distinction


Ryan Bennjamen Brown

Isabella Mary Buckosky

Julia Grace Bulmer

Keeley Shae Burke With Distinction

Chance Aaron Burnham With Distinction Co-operative Education

Mercedes Christina Burns

Taygen W Burt

Izma Butt

Kaleb Gordon Calverley With Distinction

Aidan Rees Campbell With Great Distinction

Colin Brian Campbell

Kylee Card With Great Distinction

Brayden Carlson With Great Distinction Honours Thesis

Aria Anne Carpentier

Tanisha Carrier With Great Distinction

Don Quiped Castillo With Great Distinction

Jacob Elwood Challenger With Great Distinction Honours Thesis

Grace Margaret Chambers

Ching Yi Chan With Great Distinction

Ngai Chin Chan

Anna Toccoa Charles

Darshil Chaudhari With Great Distinction

Jason Wade Cheng With Distinction

Stephanie So Yee Chu With Distinction

Maclean Robert Patrick Cochlan

Mitchell Kory Codd With Great Distinction

Brianna Lee Constable Honours Thesis

Lauren May Corbiell

Owen Robert Cordes

Nicole Abigale Corpuz

MaKenna Corson

Tyson Arlie Cote

Nolan Spencer Court

Madeline Rose Craig

Alissa Grace Mary Crawford With Great Distinction

Kurtis Lloyd Cridland

Marissa Leigh Crosswhite With Great Distinction

Emily Ann Cuch With Distinction

Brody Warren Curtis With Distinction

Carrigan Grace Dawson

Trinity Kayla Deak

With Great Distinction Honours Thesis

Anneke De Klerk With Distinction Honours Thesis

Kate Rose Deblois Dela Cruz

Dalton Demers With Great Distinction

Annelise Wileen Den Hertog With Great Distinction

Eric Nicolas Desilets

Angela De Sousa Costa With Great Distinction

Arielle Parker Dobell

Cailin Rebecca Douglas With Great Distinction

Kassiani Douvis

Jessica Lynn Dowling Co-operative Education

Ty Steven Dudas With Distinction

Laura Duenas With Distinction

Madison Ella Duerr

Mikaela Grace Duncan

Kortney Anne Dyck Honours Thesis

Ainea Claus Efetha

Norah Jane Elliott With Distinction

Autumn Hope Ellis-Toddington With Great Distinction

Tatum Enns With Distinction

Lauren Anne Erler With Great Distinction

Naisaritza Escobar

Anirejuoritse Oritsefiofomi Ewowo

Skylar Zoe Farney With Great Distinction

Elise Evelyn Fawcett With Distinction

Rowan Fehr

Aidan Filipchuk

Ryan Wayne Fjordbotten With Distinction Honours Thesis

Cayley Rose Fleischman With Great Distinction Co-operative Education Honours Thesis

Peyton Ann Fowler With Distinction

Madison Leilani Fox

Anja Kari-Elizabeth Fredborg With Distinction

Madison Ann Gal With Distinction Honours Thesis

Tabitha Joan Gangur-Powell With Great Distinction Honours Thesis

Michaela Grace Gateman

Rebecca Taylor Giacchetta With Distinction

Hanna Rae Gibson With Distinction

Alison Janay Giesbrecht

Rajvinderjeet Singh Gill

Troy Shawn Glionna

Kiara Shaelen Gnam With Distinction Co-operative Education

Shaye Vannah Godberson

Taryn Rae Grace Goodall With Great Distinction

Kibwe Gooding

Chelsea Danton Grajo

Jade Katherina Gray With Distinction

Mikailla Heather Eliza Gregson With Great Distinction

Josie-Mae Carol Grier

Quinn George Groeneveld

Bailey Ann Gustman With Great Distinction

Alexandra Jay Haller With Great Distinction

Zeeshan Hamayun With Great Distinction

Kaelyn Laurel Hancock

Emily Marie Hartley

Husam F Hasan With Distinction

Barron David Pryce Hastie With Distinction Honours Thesis

Madison Grace Hetu With Great Distinction

Jacob Brock Higham

Morgan Hodges

McKinley Anne Hogan With Great Distinction

Jada Rebecca Holtkamp With Great Distinction

Kaitlyn Aliesha Holz With Distinction

Joelle Mackenzie Horning With Distinction

Amanda Jane Huber With Great Distinction Honours Thesis

Delainie Aspen Hunter

Shyla Rae Hurlbert With Distinction Honours Thesis

Caitlyn Michelle Hystad With Distinction

Natalia Ibanez

Daniela Iniguez Specia Co-operative Education

Nirmitee Jog

John Patrick Jones With Great Distinction

Stanley James Jones

Beanka Jubane With Distinction

Mehreen Kabir

Tina Kasongo Kaloa With Great Distinction

Ian Kansal

Parnpreet Singh Kanwar

Co-operative Education

Amanjot Kaur With Great Distinction

Harmandeep Kaur

Zachary Richard Kawa With Distinction

Benjamin Kearl

Scott Arthur Kelly With Distinction

Cole Frank Kepford

Lauren Kessler Awarded Posthumously

Dongjin Kim

Cassandra Kimmen With Distinction

Diana C Kipkoech

Charles Donato Gregory Kirk

Jalen Lily Kirychuk With Distinction

Blake Thomas Konschuk

Riley Robert Brent Koppang

Ryan Michael Kranjcec

Nicholas Krause

Natalie Mae Krizan With Great Distinction

Amy Dianna Kryvenchuk With Great Distinction

Prateek Kumar

Alyssa Kathleen Kynoch

Tania Magali Lanz

Milan Shannon Lapres With Great Distinction Honours Thesis

Chayanne Daniela Larios

Tian Wen Leroy Lee

Nicole Rae Anne Lefler With Great Distinction

Sierra Marie Louise Lenton With Distinction

Ryleigh Terry Leonard

Zheng Li

Kelly Rose Liland

Truman Long

Iohane Lowry

Jasjot Luddu With Distinction

Honours Thesis

Audra Shanice Lutterotti

Noah MacLeod

Co-operative Education

Amandi Krisenshiya Maddumage

John Francis Maher

Honours Thesis

Ilona Apostol Mangabat

Sharanpreet Singh Mann

Jemma Louise Mansfield


Mackenzie Morgan Marsall With Great Distinction

Tyrell Nathan Martens With Great Distinction Honours Thesis

Daxon Matthews With Great Distinction

Aimee Brenn Maurice With Distinction

Rebecca Elsie Anne McBride

Callie Breanne McCarthy With Distinction

Aimee Louise McKenna

Jamie May McKinnon With Great Distinction

Jamie Nicole McWatters

Sarah Shae Petra Miklos

Tiana Mary Miller With Distinction

Nicholas William Miner With Great Distinction

Sarah Mohib

Gerrit Jan Berend Molenaar

Abisola Esther A Moronfola

Kailey Morgan Morrison With Great Distinction

Cassandra Ann Moulton

David William Musk With Distinction Honours Thesis

Nicholas Michael Myndio

Taylor Maine Nelson With Great Distinction

David Jonathon Neufeld With Great Distinction

Skyler Jurnee Ngo With Distinction Honours Thesis

Prince Lewis Nicimpaye

Cameron Alexander Nickle With Distinction

Paul Walter Nikitiuk

Angie Donna Nikoleychuk With Distinction Honours Thesis

Katherine Emmy Northgrave With Great Distinction

Pavlo Novoseltsev

Tofunmi Oluwatayo Ojo

Emmanuel Okyere SarpongKumankama

Nyah Oliver

Erika Brooke Olsen

Carmen Antoinette Olson With Great Distinction

Joshua Olawale Omotosho With Great Distinction

Cole Martin Ormann

Hannah Marie Oro

Oghenemaro Oroh

Ashley Brooke Owen With Great Distinction

Dustin Jerald Palmer

Rachel Marie Palmer With Great Distinction

Terry Lynn Papov With Great Distinction

Damon John Park

Juhyoung Park With Great Distinction

Shaye Anne Parks With Great Distinction

Aastha Divyeshkumar Patel

Darren Patel With Great Distinction

Shuchi Rugnesh Patel

Jamieson Alexander Peacock Co-operative Education

Nathan Kyle Pennykid With Great Distinction

Mateo James Perich

Heath Riley Petkau With Great Distinction Co-operative Education

Logan Derek Petty

Jordan Mary Phillips

Rachelle Lynn Phillips With Great Distinction

Rebecca Ann Powell

Sarath Prabhakaran With Great Distinction

Meaghan Susan Rose Primeau With Great Distinction

Ricardo Quesada With Great Distinction

Hanna Lauren Quinn

Jared J Bradley Quinton

Shaylona Lilmattie RajuBunnage

Travis Wilson James Redgwell

Tyrel Parker Regier

Savanna Rose Richard With Great Distinction Honours Thesis

Amber Lee Richards

Samantha Jean Richardson

Vannessa Mollie Alexis Richmond With Distinction Honours Thesis

Seth Robertson

Zachary Elden Robinson With Great Distinction Honours Thesis

Kenia Briseth Rosales


Megan Marie Ryan

Ashley Lorraine Elizabeth Sabbe

Fairooz Afia Saiyara Co-operative Education

Rayyan Muhammad Saleem

Noah Samsonoff

Julian Andres Sanchez

Jaime Sanchez Leal

Kamryn Riley Sandberg With Great Distinction

Mason Kent Sande

Kelsey Glen Sanderman

Elian Sarkes

Devin Cory Schafthuizen With Great Distinction

Drayden Michael Schile With Great Distinction Co-operative Education

Nicole Elizabeth Scott

Jevon Dane Seaforth Co-operative Education

Jazmina Seely

Polina Semikina With Great Distinction Honours Thesis

Bryana Sierra Sharkey

Chandan Sharma

Kierra Cole Shaw

Ashley Marie Shewchuk

David Shuvalov

Karamveer Singh Sidhu

Bryden Donald Sillito

Myah Margaretha Sluik

Brigham James Smith With Great Distinction

James Tanner Smith

Nadia Rose Solinski With Great Distinction

Eric Sotkowy Co-operative Education

Lauren Spear

Dylan Squires

Alexandra Jalene Stanke With Distinction

Ethan Richard Steele

Jett Carlson Stef

Cara Ann Maria Stephens With Great Distinction

Mackenzie Dawn Stevens With Great Distinction Honours Thesis

Dean Hammer Stewart With Great Distinction

Claire Mackenzie Storrow

Tanner Cole Straat With Distinction

Jaden Straschnitzki With Great Distinction

Jaiden Kathleen Rose Straub With Great Distinction

Hana Gabrielle Stromberg

Mathew Duncan Stuart

Nicole Iriana Suarez

Shakeera Valeska Suarez

Kyle Szymanski With Distinction

Deserae Tailfeathers

Shannon Sonia Tan With Great Distinction

Jocelyn Rose Tanton Co-operative Education

Timothy Joshua Tenebro With Great Distinction

Brooke Third With Distinction Honours Thesis

Jadan Mycah Thomas With Great Distinction

Justin Liam Thompson

Katelyn Margaret Thomsen With Great Distinction

Victoria Claire Thwaites With Distinction Honours Thesis

Kendra Lee Marie Tingmiak

Tenley Anne Tippett With Great Distinction

Hannah Marie Trautmann

Victoria Isabella Tremblay

Vishnu Chetanbhai Undhad

Matthew Michael Joseph Ursaki With Great Distinction Co-operative Education

Madeline Lois Vanden Elzen

John Vandenhoven

Layton Arie VandeStroet With Great Distinction

Stephanie Ann Van Sloun With Great Distinction

Natalia Vanzo Jais With Great Distinction

Cherise Jennay VaughanGrabos

Michael Veltri Co-operative Education

Nadia Marlise Vink With Distinction

Salman Virji

Megan Anna Marie Walcer With Distinction

Mitchell William Walker

Elizabeth Gabriella Walters Honours Thesis

Bryanne Chelsey Wandler With Distinction Honours Thesis

Sabrina Joanna Werstuik

Sitara Navanjali Wijesinghe

Bryce Evan Willerton

Reggie Grant Williams With Distinction

Mackenzie Alicia Winsor With Distinction

Ryan Mitchell Winter

Elisha Joanie Wong With Great Distinction Honours Thesis

Yu Xia

Volodymyr Kosti Zaitsev With Great Distinction Honours Thesis

Hongzheng Zhang

Kaitlynn Jolaine Zimmer With Distinction



THURSDAY, MAY 30, 2024 AT 2:30 P.M.

Conducting the Ceremony

Ilsa Wong, Platform Marshal

Musical Prelude

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Holly De Caigny

The Procession

At the commencement of the procession, those assembled are asked to stand, if they are able, until invited to take their seats.

Led by Michelle Hogue, Chief Marshal Drummers: Troy & Julius Delaney

Marshals: Jenny Burke, Don McIntyre, Tracy Oosterbroek, Jodie Asselin, Dan Johnson and Sheila McManus


Digvir Jayas, President and Vice-Chancellor

National Anthem

Led by Noelle Kuntz, Faculty of Fine Arts

O Canada by Calixa Lavallee


Marla Medicine Shield, Faculty of Health Sciences

Honour Song

Composed and gifted to the University of Lethbridge by Leroy Little Bear, in honour of its Blackfoot name, ‘Iniskim’. The name ‘Iniskim’ was gifted to the University by Kainai elder, Bruce Wolf Child.

Troy & Julius Delaney

Welcome and Report to Convocation

This traditional address celebrates the value of education and the combined accomplishments of our graduands and the University community.

Digvir Jayas, President and Vice-Chancellor

Conferral of Honorary Degree

Awarded by the Senate to individuals who personify the values expressed in the philosophy of the institution — they cultivate human values and seek to foster intellectual growth, social development, aesthetic sensitivity, personal ethics, and the dimensions of a scholar’s personality.

Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

Karen Wauters, Doctor of Laws, honoris causa

Introduced by Terri Saunders, Senate Member

Address to the Graduands

Karen Wauters, Doctor of Laws, honoris causa

Musical Selection

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Holly De Caigny

Rush for Solo Alto Saxophone and Wind Orchestra, mvmt 2: Morning by Kenneth Fuchs

Saxophone Soloist: Cori Campbell, winner of the 2023 ULeth Concerto Competition

Conferral of Degrees

Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

School of Graduate Studies

Master of Arts

Master of Nursing

Candidates presented by Jackie Rice, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies

Faculty of Arts and Science

Bachelor of Arts

Undergraduate Certificate

Candidates presented by Matthew Letts, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science

Faculty of Health Sciences

Bachelor of Health Sciences

Bachelor of Nursing

Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation

Candidates presented by Jon Doan, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences

Faculty of Arts and Science

Gold Medal (Art)

This medal is awarded to the most distinguished graduate for the academic year

Jan Lawrenz Decano

Presented by Matthew Letts, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science

Faculty of Health Sciences Gold Medal

This medal is awarded to the most distinguished graduate for the academic year

CJ Johnson

Presented by Jon Doan, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences

Volunteer Award

The University Volunteer Award recognizes individuals who have gone above and beyond in their service to the University community.

Talayna Ekelund

Presented by Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

Graduate Mentorship Award

Dr. Kristine Alexander

Presented by Jackie Rice, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies

Alumni Welcome

Deirdre McKenna

President of the University of Lethbridge Alumni Association


Ilsa Wong, Platform Marshal


Terry Whitehead, Chancellor


Those assembled are asked to stand, if they are able, for the recession until the chief marshal bearing the mace, followed by the platform party and the graduates, have departed.

Recessional Music

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Holly De Caigny



David Alexander Elniski

Thesis: Equity in Safety: how transportation safety professionals in Alberta’s trucking industry view their roles, their systems, and their industry

Ryley Mary Grace Gelinas

Thesis: “It was almost...always supposed to be the Indian bar”: The American Hotel as a Contact Zone

Syeda Arowah Islam

Thesis: A comparative study of the impact of education on economic growth in 49 selected developing countries

Dominik Miroslav Kadlec

Thesis: A computational model of Blackfoot noun and verb morphology

Kirandeep Kaur

Thesis: Gurmukhi Punjabi (pa) as a low-resource language through the lens of the BLARK Model

Abigail Dede Narnor

Thesis: Macroeconomic policies and external debt in Ghana: lessons from the Latin American countries

Jodi Nicole Newman

Thesis: A feminist approach to a theory of dehumanization - evaluating the dehumanization of women in contemporary digital social environments

Camina Naomi Weasel Moccasin

Thesis: Niitsitapii heritage education: a poomiikapii approach

Alyssa Laurie White

Thesis: Working outside of “contained space”: open educational practices in the teaching of Anthropology


Jennifer Katherine Dunn

Celine Marie Farrell

Bukola Kehinde Ojodun

Erin L Yorke



Chelsea Lorraine Anderson

Keeanna Angela Frances Barron

Roisin Helen Begley

Jared Anthony Beler

Micki Laura Bennett

Robert Sean Bishop

Anna Mae Blackmore

Callie Janae Bonertz

Olivia Rose Brisebois

Zackery Joseph Broughton With Distinction

Morgan Dawn Brower

Sharon Brown

Chelsea Morgan Burden

Taiah Dominica Carlson

Amanda Julia Casola

Charlotte Ashely Chief Moon

Kael Thomas Clouston

Colby Douglas Cooke

Ziv Micah Corenblum

Porter Douglas Cowan

Raine Crandall With Distinction

Megan Anora Cunard

Chi Ngoc Cyr

Nathaniel Luke Dansereau With Great Distinction Honours Thesis

MaKenna Rae Davie With Great Distinction

Melissa Gail Davies

Kyle Liam Dawson With Great Distinction

Jan Lawrenz Namron Padagas Decano With Great Distinction Honours Thesis

Hailey Grace Dechenne

Carl Delamarter

Katrina Jeannette Dietrich Jenkins

Tess Lee Domes

William Dakota Doratty With Distinction

Emma Lynne Doxtater

Peyton Montana Drain Honours Thesis

Sophia Jean Eckert With Distinction

Talayna Casablanca A Ekelund

Rachel Josephine Ekstrom

Anna J Entz With Great Distinction

Jakob Soren Fero

Joshua Ignacy Filipionek

Faith Juliann Fletcher

Nya Raphael Forster With Distinction

Jaydalyn Alyce Forth

Madison Ivy-Marie Fox With Distinction

Maria Denysse Garcia Lopez

Taylor Logan Gatto

Ryan Nicholas Giffin

Jesse Gill

Carolina Gonzalez

Katerina Marie Harbidge With Great Distinction

Bridie Caitlin Harding With Distinction

Jacob Dean Hartney

Megan Elyse Heemeryck

Mckenna Raine Heighington

Orrin Jeffery Henn

Shaylee Anna Heske

Reid Gregory Howell

Sara Catherine Hutchinson With Great Distinction

Kurtsie Beatrice R Iron Shirt

Aisha Dorothy Johnson

Hope Dakota Jongbloed-Given With Distinction

Shivangi Kaur

Shauna Dawn Kingston With Distinction

Naomi Elizabeth Klassen

Ann Rose Klem

Aleea Mary Knowles

Hannah Laberge With Distinction

Annika Oceane Lachambre

Amber Isabell Laforce

Brianne Amanda Larter

Rachel Elizabeth LeClair

Shaylee Diane Amanda Ledoux

Talyssa Jordyn Lippa

Yuan Qing Liu

Amanda Christina Loewen With Distinction

Ciaida Ysabel Datuin Lomibao

Brandon Garnell Lonsdale

Alex Kevin Lovell

Ziyi Lu

Ally Rachel Machacek With Distinction

Preston Malo

Danelle Annais H Mantler


Christopher Blair Many Fingers With Great Distinction

Courtney Marie

Rebecca Doris Martin

Courtney Vivian Mathews With Distinction

Caitlin Emily McCaughey With Great Distinction

Kennedy Elizabeth McCloy With Great Distinction

Kale Michael Robert McIntyre

Liam James McKay

Robert William Mckenna

Adam McLaughlin

Keyana Alisha Menzies

Teanna Michel

Thomas Tudor Mihai With Distinction

Preston Andrew Miller With Great Distinction

Adrianne Mitchell

Breanna Kenzie More Lock

Avery Chilton Morelli

Adam Edward Mossey

Robin Diana Greggs Mountain

Jared Ethan Parker Myers With Distinction

Yayono Nakagawa

Wasuk Lado-Wani Nyarsuk

Kaylynn Helen Annette O’Neill

Jonathan David Payne

Daelyn Marie Peers

Trevor Robert Peeters

Aubyn Allyson Petryshyn With Great Distinction

Daniel Barnett Pottage

Rupert Quintana With Great Distinction

Talli Paige Ray

Care Daniel Richards

Ethan Brady Rioux

Nicole Marie Ross

Sophie Ann Rothe

George Colin Ryall

Scott Donaven Schultz With Distinction

Madison Scott With Distinction

Samantha Catharina Scott With Great Distinction Co-operative Education

Honours Thesis

Camila Brigitte Seifert

Nathaniel Allan Stewart Co-operative Education

Amber Joy Stuber

Taylor Lee Swanby

Jessica Eva Marie Thompson

Mackenzie Jacqueline Tindal

Tito Tinordi With Great Distinction

Jessie Myra Tollestrup With Great Distinction

Adrian Tongs

Alicia Cassandra A Travis With Distinction

Honours Thesis

Mercy Trinh With Great Distinction

Megan Emilie Susan Tudball With Distinction

Kianna Lynn Marie Turner With Great Distinction

Mackenzie Faith Vander Heiden With Distinction

Abbie Michele Wade

Caleb William Waterfield

Hannah-Marie Rose Webber

Marshall John Weinberger

Laura Marion Wentworth

Kaitlyn Elizabeth Whillans With Great Distinction

Brooklyn Elisa Wickersham With Great Distinction

Ariana Jayne Williams

Kymberly Anne Williams

Megan Wilson With Distinction

Sky-Lee Wolf Child

Tayler Wolinski

Cody Reece Young

Kaitlyn Emily Zeiler


Jessica Marie Bad Eagle

Jack Friedrich Bonke

Jesse Joseph Clarke

Mackenzie May Demerah

Haley Coco Ortiz Arrazola

Brooke Lynne Taylor Provost

Talon Smith

Awarded Posthumously

Dakota Snowfall Wadsworth

Hunter Albert John Yellow Horn


Roanna Javelle Ackinson With Distinction

Williams Adekojo Adesanya

Jolayna Rose Gay Ahlskog

Hawa Ahmed Omer Ahmed

Precious Chidimma Anigbogu

Taniya Lowrenciya Anthony

Temitope Adesola Ayodele With Distinction

Alexis Lillian Beaulieu With Great Distinction

Marena Lynn Bleile With Distinction

Amy-Lynn Valentine Bond With Great Distinction

Siya Elekima Boyede With Great Distinction

Elly Ann Brennan

Bailey Madison Burbridge Grant

Roxanne Ilona Campbell With Great Distinction

Brenna Lauren Coady With Great Distinction

Alyssa Ellen Coulas

Andie Jo Curran With Great Distinction

Austin Logan Deck With Distinction

Lacy Jane Marie Devine

Anika Jordan Dirk With Great Distinction

Skilee Dawn Dixon

Joy Eromosele

Jan Marie Denise Escuadro With Distinction

Lauryn Josephine Evans

Oreoluwa Esther Fakoya

Kiana Lynne Farrell

Katlyn Lauren Ferguson

Sarah Marie Fitzpatrick

Kelsey Lynne Flint

Cammie Cai Fox

Jessalynn Dawn Fries With Distinction

Aishat Adewumi Gbadamosi

Scott Gregory Gieske

Jordanna Luca Goins

Emma Elizabeth Greene

Carissa Leigh Greer With Great Distinction

Mackenzie Taylor Hamm

Mackenzie Margaret Holm

Lisa Ho Huynh

Chidimma Adaobi Ifi With Distinction

Jesutofunmi Jesulayomi Igbokoyi

CJ Annette Johnson With Great Distinction

Ruth Jepkemboi Kibet

Letitia Koen With Great Distinction

Jordyn Gayle Koples


Taryn Danielle Kryzanowski

Hannah Bailey Marie Lavigne With Distinction

Nicole Suzanne Lewis

Kirsten Marie Lindley With Great Distinction

Gia Ky Luu With Distinction Co-operative Education

Cayla MacDiarmid With Distinction

Mayurikumari Sh Mahatu

Francesca Ascenza Anne Mammone

Camille Marron With Distinction

Arica Lynn Martin

Marla Jane Medicine Shield

Myria Lynn Mistaken Chief

Tamara D Morton With Great Distinction

Carmen Muboyayi-Meta

Sydney Gayle Muller

Alannah Brittany Murray

Kaitlin Michelle L Neigum

Karly Lynne Ober

Obioma Lilian Okoli

Mailei Olsen With Distinction

Isabelle Irene Olson With Distinction

Omonigho Esther Olympio

Harmony Ebosetale Oriaifo

Janet Iyabode Owolabi With Distinction

Jessica Renee Pols With Distinction

Liam Christopher Reykdal With Distinction

Virginia Lynne Ridge With Distinction

Jacqueline Amanda Roth

Jan Kristie Schaller With Great Distinction

William Robert Sharpe With Distinction

Tanner Steven Shurtz With Distinction

Lauren Elizabeth Sinclair With Distinction

Tory Raelynn Smith

Temitope Oluwabukola Soetan

Allan Blake Tailfeathers

Nicole Jean Tanner

Jillian Judith Tomalty

Lovejoy Mailed Train

Gina Tran

Kate Carolyn Tucker With Distinction

Arjames Mendoza Urriza

Morgan Mary Veitenheimer

Payton Alexandra Viney

Shanna Nicole Walchuk

Jordyn Wallace With Distinction

Samantha Tina Marie Walstra

Haleigh Jayde Williams

Yuqing Yang With Great Distinction


Fehintola Susan Afun With Distinction

Elizabeth Baker With Distinction

Kiva Balog With Distinction

Kajol Baral With Distinction

Hannah Victoria Bedard

Liam Tyler Aden Belcourt With Great Distinction

Kathryn Joelle Bell With Distinction

Olivia Aleksandra Bieniada With Great Distinction

Brooklyn Nicole Birch

Esther Bowden With Distinction

Samuel Michael Albert Bretzke With Great Distinction

Erin Charlotte Brown

Andrea Christine Andrews Byford

Yuki Mae Santos Canivel With Great Distinction

Quim Quiped Castillo

Jasmine Cecile Cavilla With Distinction

Casey Aaron Penez Consunto

Layne Mary Corrigan

Andrea Ethel Cox

Taela Mae Cramphorn With Distinction

Chelsea Bridget Cristofoli

Maria Alejandra Cubides Palacio

Olivia Deneka With Great Distinction

Isheeka Kaur Dhesi With Distinction

Ava Donnelly With Distinction

Teresmica Dunna

Grace Ann Eldho With Distinction

Michelle Elizabeth Fauser

Madison McKenzie Fell With Great Distinction

Justin Fisher

Andrew William Fox With Great Distinction

Abigail Ganden

Tia Graves

Molly Catherine Hall-Jarratt With Distinction

Sarah Hazen

Sydney Hepple

Maeran Isabel Hinch With Distinction

Torey Ashton Hopwood With Distinction

Joshua William Huvenaars With Distinction

Hannah Ilagan

Kianna Chantel Jedel

Natalie Michelle Johnson

Deanna Marie Kemble With Distinction

Laura Elizabeth Kirby

Isabelle Elizabeth Dawne Klapp

Ireland Rae Anne Knox With Great Distinction

Miranda Kohuch With Great Distinction

Dana Lam

Camille Leblanc With Distinction

Grace Althea Liboiron With Distinction

Scott Macmillan

Sophia Grace Mah

Rachel Danae Mankow

Halle Frances Nicolle McCarthy With Distinction

Natasha McGraw With Great Distinction

India Rose McIsaac With Distinction

Lillia Anna Merkle

Nora Nchang Ndifang With Distinction

Marah Eden Neufeld With Distinction

Jaydn Ney With Distinction

Katherine Grace Nicol With Great Distinction

Victoria Chidimma Obiora

Leo Ramogi Ochieng With Distinction

Alvin Ondieki Omayio With Distinction

James Adebayo Onwukwe With Great Distinction


Mogbekeleoluwa Ososami

Kaitlyn Brianna Paquette

Jaime Lynn Paterson With Great Distinction

Megan Jean Petrie With Distinction

Isabelle Joanna-Mae Posein With Distinction

Cassidy Rae Pudlowski With Distinction

Jordan Quinn With Distinction

Makayla Marie Rath

Abigail Kisha Reurink With Distinction

Ethan Carter Robbins With Distinction

Tanveekiran Kaur Ryait

Nyla Salter With Great Distinction

Navpreet Sandhu With Distinction

Raegyn Breana Scheltus

Tracy Dawn Selk With Great Distinction

Trista Kentrell Rose Shade

Mena Farida Loretta Sieben

Laura Janee Slingerland With Great Distinction

Abby Grace Sparkes With Distinction

Megan Elizabeth Steenbeek With Great Distinction

Brandy Evelyn Stephen With Distinction

Sophie Jean Strong

Cong Sun With Distinction

Jayden Lynn Swift With Distinction

Laura Taylor With Distinction

Skylar Paul Thompson

Alende-Glory Tshamakeji

Arden Twerdoclib With Distinction

Kimberlee Joelle Vroom With Great Distinction

Crystal Vuong With Great Distinction

Curtis Evan Wainwright

Mackenzie Heather Weiss With Distinction

Annika Joy Zieber With Distinction

Laurel Victoria Zieber With Distinction


Caitlyn Marlene Allbury With Great Distinction

Gianna Maria Anghelone

Katelyn Victoria G Bardak

Adele Simone Boudreau

Mackenzie Lee-Ann Craig With Distinction

Beverley Joanne Cunningham

Alycia Mary Denman

Kiana Hope Fawcett-Paul

Tabitha Ann Rozelle Fehr With Distinction

Madisyn Grace Fitzpatrick With Great Distinction

Carey Ella Fowler With Distinction

Carleen Yasmine Galloway With Distinction

Jorja Anne Alida Gates

Garrett Geert Rudolf Gengler With Great Distinction

Rubina Gill With Distinction

Constance Rita Gilman

Karrah Brianne Gormsen With Distinction

Jessica Olivia Hall With Great Distinction

Mandy Emma Hines

Mallory Hodsdon With Great Distinction

Carlie Hudson

Tannis Skye Kerr With Great Distinction

Carli Michelle Knowlson With Distinction

Hope Evelyn Kulka

Mackenzie Laine Kyfiuk With Distinction

Stephanie Anne Lammiman

Tanner Lee Yuen Ling With Great Distinction

Mykayla Ella MacKay

Kayley Alexis McCormack With Distinction

Shawna Lynn Mehlhaff

Lynette Monica Mercer With Distinction

Luc Leo Moreau

Larissa Lynn Mowbrey With Great Distinction

Rhiannon Mary M Perley-Waugh With Great Distinction

Smiley Rana With Distinction

Jennifer Marie Reimer With Distinction

Melissa Dawn Rochon

Manjinder Meena Sahota

Elyssa Dawn Selte

Erica Lise Slevin With Great Distinction

Kaitlynn Smart With Distinction

Lyndsay Stevenot

Emmalee Jane Turner With Great Distinction

Sarah Upfold

Jessica Mayela Urroz With Great Distinction

Shantel May Vaillancourt With Distinction

Christina Marie Wedman With Great Distinction

Rebecca Joelle Wiens With Great Distinction

Hannah Wiest

Aspen Michayla Woodman

Alyssa Marie Zamzow With Great Distinction



FRIDAY, MAY 31, 2024 AT 9:30 A.M.

Conducting the Ceremony

Ilsa Wong, Platform Marshal

Musical Prelude

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Holly De Caigny

The Procession

At the commencement of the procession, those assembled are asked to stand, if they are able, until invited to take their seats.

Led by Michelle Hogue, Chief Marshal Piper: Tom Wilson

Musical Selection

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Holly De Caigny

Rush for Solo Alto Saxophone and Wind Orchestra, mvmt

2: Morning by Kenneth Fuchs

Saxophone Soloist: Cori Campbell, winner of the 2023 ULeth Concerto Competition

Conferral of Degrees

Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

School of Graduate Studies

Master of Counselling

Sydney Gelineau-Olay, Master of Counselling

Sonny-Ray Day Rider, Master of Music

Presented by Jackie Rice, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies

Faculty of Education Gold Medal

This medal is awarded to the most distinguished graduate for the academic year

Toshi Uyesugi

Presented by Lisa Starr, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science

William Aberhart Gold Medal

Marshals: Susan Findlay, Wayne Lippa, Richelle Marynowski, Leanne Elias, Rumi Graham, Olu Awosoga


Digvir Jayas, President and Vice-Chancellor

National Anthem

Led by Noelle Kuntz, Faculty of Fine Arts O Canada by Calixa Lavallee


Kacee Ward, Faculty of Education

Honour Song

Composed and gifted to the University of Lethbridge by Leroy Little Bear, in honour of its Blackfoot name, ‘Iniskim’. The name ‘Iniskim’ was gifted to the University by Kainai elder, Bruce Wolf Child.

Troy & Julius Delaney

Welcome and Report to Convocation

This traditional address celebrates the value of education and the combined accomplishments of our graduands and the University community.

Digvir Jayas, President and Vice-Chancellor

Conferral of Honorary Degree

Awarded by the Senate to individuals who personify the values expressed in the philosophy of the institution — they cultivate human values and seek to foster intellectual growth, social development, aesthetic sensitivity, personal ethics, and the dimensions of a scholar’s personality.

Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

Nahum Sonenberg, Doctor of Science, honoris causa

Introduced by Adriana Mercader, Senate Member

Address to the Graduands

Nahum Sonenberg, Doctor of Science, honoris causa

Master of Education

Master of Fine Arts

Master of Music

Candidates presented by Jackie Rice, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies

Faculty of Education

Bachelor of Education

Diploma of Education

Candidates presented by Lisa Starr, Dean of the Faculty of Education

Combined Degrees

Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education

Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education

Bachelor of Fine Arts — Art and Bachelor of Education

Bachelor of Fine Arts — Dramatic Arts and Bachelor of Education

Bachelor of Fine Arts — New Media and Bachelor of Education

Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Education

Bachelor of Management and Bachelor of Education

Candidates presented by Michelle Helstein, Provost and Vice President (Academic)

Faculty of Fine Arts

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Fine Arts — Art

Bachelor of Fine Arts — Dramatic Arts

Bachelor of Fine Arts — Multidisciplinary

Bachelor of Fine Arts — Indigenous Art

Bachelor of Fine Arts — New Media

Bachelor of Music

Candidates presented by Heather Davis-Fisch, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts

School of Graduate Studies

Medals of Merit

Awarded to graduating students from each degree program in the School of Graduate Studies

Moriah Leonore Helene Edge-Partington, Master of Education

In the memory of William Aberhart, former Alberta Premier and Minister of Education, this award recognizes the individual with the highest general proficiency in the final two years of the Bachelor of Education program. Hayley Bedard

Presented by Lisa Starr, Dean of the Faculty of Education

Faculty of Fine Arts Gold Medal

This medal is awarded to the most distinguished graduate for the academic year

Alayna McNeil

Presented by Heather Davis-Fisch, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts

Board of Governors’ Teaching Chair

Wayne Lippa

Introduced by Dean Gallimore, Chair of the Board of Governors

Alumni Welcome

Deirdre McKenna

President of the University of Lethbridge Alumni Association


Ilsa Wong, Platform Marshal


Terry Whitehead, Chancellor


Those assembled are asked to stand, if they are able, for the recession until the chief marshal bearing the mace, followed by the platform party and the graduates, have departed.

Recessional Music

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Holly De Caigny



Hannah Pauline Boehmer

Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio

Teagan Chambers

Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio

Alicia Marie Clarke

Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio

Georgina Helen Davidson

Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio

Julianna Lynne Facchinelli

Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio

Sydney Brianna Gelineau-Olay

Counselling Psychology

Project: Don’t Let the Cat out of the Bag: Record Keeping Issues With 2SLGBTQIA+ Clients

Kenzie Jade Gogolinski Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio

Cassandra Lynne Lukey Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio

Jamie Lee Ann Matthews Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio

Brian James Morgotch Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio

Nataleah Kathleen Marie Soltys Ferreira

Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio

Ciona Naomi Thompson

Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio

Chantel Jasmine Wagner

Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio

Justine Wilson

Counselling Psychology Project: Professional Portfolio


Kylie Marie Besplug Capstone

Tianna Marie Bobariu

Counselling Psychology Capstone

Georgia Catheryn Elaine Bull Capstone

Paige Alexa Clutton

Counselling Psychology

Project: Little Minds: Big Days Ahead a CBT WebBased Self-Help Program for Children and Adolescents with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Robin Maureen Cotton Capstone

Colleen Elizabeth Cove Capstone

Jade Yvonne Di Iorio Counselling Psychology Capstone

Madison Kathleen Duncan Counselling Psychology Capstone

Kalli Marissa Eagle Speaker Counselling Psychology Capstone

Moriah Leonore Helene Edge-Partington

Counselling Psychology

Thesis: An Examination of Work-Related Stress and Resilience in Canadian Teachers

Andrea Carol Ann Eisenbarth

Counselling Psychology Capstone

Allyson Evans Capstone

Bozhena Fedynets

Counselling Psychology

Thesis: Investigating the race-based experiences of ethnic minority law enforcement officers with members of the public

Mallory Joy Fisher

Counselling Psychology Capstone

Sebastian Avery Fox

Counselling Psychology

Thesis: Accuracy of horse affect assessments: A comparison of equine assisted mental health professionals, non-equine assisted mental health professionals, and laypeople

Alexandra Erin Funk

Project: Art in action: Elementary art and executive function

Brooke Evelyn Marie Greenwood

Counselling Psychology

Thesis: Connecting With Nature During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Effect of a Time on the Land Program on Perceptions of Experiences of Affect and Stress in Adults

Kyle Braden Gurr

Counselling Psychology Capstone

Elizabeth Mackenzie Harrison Capstone

Laura Jean Harvey

Counselling Psychology Capstone

Kiranjit Kaur Jagpal

Counselling Psychology Capstone

Jennifer Jean Karpiuk Capstone

Taylor Lynn Lassiter

Counselling Psychology



Michele Brianne Loman-Hammel Capstone

Christine MacKay

Counselling Psychology

Project: One step at a time: Physical activity and wellness in post-secondary students

Lorie Myrna McConnell Capstone

Sydney Anne Grace Mitchell Capstone

Gabrielle Mackenzie Pereira

Counselling Psychology Capstone

Jenna Marie Prest Capstone

Lauren Crystal Amanda Price Capstone

Harleen Sanghera

Counselling Psychology

Thesis: An Exploration of Family Achievement Guilt Among Canadian University Students

Chelsey Helena Stasuik

Counselling Psychology Capstone

Malgosia Wenderski

Counselling Psychology

Thesis: The use of fashion as a mood enhancer and its effect on mental health in emerging adults in Canada during a global pandemic

Hannah Marie Wozniak Capstone

Irene Rose Young Pine Capstone


Monioluwa Omubor

Thesis: The Looking Glass: Decolonizing Perceptions on Culture Through Virtual Worldbuilding and Speculative Fiction


Sonny-Ray Day Rider

Thesis: The Blood Song Winter Count: A cycle of musical compositions interpreted through the perspective of Blackfoot ritual and Indigenous story-work

Jaimee Lynn Louise Jarvie

Thesis: Responding to MS Through Song: A Research-Creation Project


Cayley Alissa Allan

With Great Distinction

Joshua Austin With Great Distinction

Edona Berisha With Great Distinction

Hana Lynn Bissett With Great Distinction

Kaye Frances Aguilar Bonto With Great Distinction

Madison Claire Branden With Great Distinction

Madison Leah Bullock With Great Distinction

Sydney Kaye Campbell With Great Distinction

Kylie Hoi Li Chan With Great Distinction

Cassandra Hope Cleverley With Great Distinction

Erin Hannah Collett With Great Distinction

Kaitlyn Marie Cook With Great Distinction

Shae-Lynn Heather Dauncey With Great Distinction

Brenden Thomas Fleet With Great Distinction

Nathaniel Patrick Fulcher With Distinction

Eric Allan Garner With Great Distinction

Justin William Grigor

Marty Kailyn Rose Gros Ventre Boy With Great Distinction

Aaron Mitchell Gukert With Great Distinction

Brandon Gerry Haagsma With Great Distinction

Amy Jessica Halldorson With Great Distinction

Jaxon Clinton Theophilus Harvey

Stephanie Nicole Hedges With Great Distinction

Jessica Kaitlin Holthe With Great Distinction

Alexis Marie Huehn With Great Distinction

Anika Rae Huvenaars With Great Distinction

Christopher Mark Jensen With Great Distinction

Lindsay Anne Johannesson With Great Distinction

Sugandhita Kapoor With Great Distinction

Chloe Emeline Labrie With Great Distinction

Anjalyne Nicole Leger With Distinction

Tanya Mariel Llovia With Great Distinction

Rebecca Lynn Maier With Great Distinction

Kelly Malcolm With Great Distinction

Amy Lynn Mazutinec With Great Distinction

Madelyn Grace McCaskill With Great Distinction

Sarah Helen McMillan With Great Distinction

Brooke Lalainia Ann McMurray-Polsom With Great Distinction

Breanne Lynn Monteith With Great Distinction

Matthew Sean Morrison With Great Distinction

Jessica Lynn Moylan With Great Distinction

Megan Anne Mroczek With Great Distinction

Chelsea Rae O’Brien With Great Distinction


Jacqueline Kelsey Paule With Great Distinction

Casey Provost

Hannah Rhyse Regehr With Great Distinction

Katie Margaret Reimer With Great Distinction

Brenna Isabelle Sanders With Great Distinction

Zachery Richard Sanderson With Great Distinction

Ellie Francesca Saunders With Great Distinction

Sydney Diane Savage With Great Distinction

Eli Cameron Sollid With Great Distinction

Toshi Pauline Uyesugi With Great Distinction

Emily Antonia Wendelboe With Great Distinction

Rae Anne Whitehead With Great Distinction

Mikayla Wiedemann With Great Distinction

Andy Chun Yip Wong With Great Distinction

Yi Jing Xu With Great Distinction


Parker Robert Allen

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Denver Korin Arseneault

BEd - With Distinction

Jayme Alison Atherton

BEd - With Great Distinction

Willa Aurelio

BEd - With Great Distinction

Lindsay Renee Avery

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Distinction

Alexe Marie Bara

BEd - With Great Distinction

Rebekah Bernice Bartholomeusz

BEd - With Distinction

Cole Mason Baumann

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Distinction

Hayley Faye-Dawn Bedard

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Mark Jamieson Bergheim

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Distinction

Paula Claire Brash

BA - With Distinction

Libirty Anne Broadley

Aidan Alexander Brouwer

BEd - With Great Distinction

Saturna Georgia Bueckert

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Brooke Erin Bungay

BEd - With Great Distinction

Cody James Chipman

BEd - With Great Distinction

Sally Rose Somers Crisp

BA - With Distinction

Jenna Grace Doucet

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Maddison Elizabeth Dubiel

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Distinction

Stephen William Ellard

BEd - With Great Distinction

Blair Larsen Falconer

Ashley Isabel Francis

Cody Alan Friesen

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Chelsey Lorraine Galbraith

Makenna Lane Gallagher

BEd - With Distinction

Lori-Mae Leslie Gulliford

BEd - With Great Distinction

Katelin Morgan Hartling

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Distinction

Brenna Meaghan Headdy

BEd - With Distinction

Sofia Caroline Hoff

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Millay Sylvia Hunter

BEd - With Distinction

Ethan Joel Hutchison

BEd - With Distinction

Carleigh Jackson

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Sanaa Salim Jiwani

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Brodie Johnson

BEd - With Distinction

Justine Dawn Johnson

BEd - With Distinction

Katherine Monica Johnson

BEd - With Distinction

Samantha Claire Johnston

BA - With Distinction

Hailey Ann Kenney

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Tanner Kenney

BEd - With Distinction

Shayla Kirstie Kopp

BEd - With Great Distinction

Bennett Joel Kubitz

BEd - With Great Distinction

Jenna Rae Lailey

BEd - With Distinction

Rachel Ann Lavoie

BEd - With Distinction

Eliza Catherine Lawrence

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Nicole Danielle Leary

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Distinction

Catalina Jocelyn Rosamelia Martinez

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Jordyn Faye Maynes

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Alec David Richard McLeod

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Brigitt Kellie Morton

Claire Rebecca Mussenden

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Joely Navarro-Bellavance

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction


Sage Olivia Nessler

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Destiny Hope Ngbodin

Daniel Allen Edward Overbeeke

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Cid Francis Taboy Padron

BEd - With Great Distinction

Chandni Paul

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Taylor Anne Perkins

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Distinction

Shelby Kahl Pierson

BEd - With Great Distinction

Kyra Elizabeth Plathan

BEd - With Distinction

Tianna Belle Read

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Distinction

Caroline Anne Reimer

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Anjalee Kaur Saggu

Amanda Salicco

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Abbigail Marie Salter

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Emelia Lynne Sandau

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Tomas Kenny Scherger

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Kimberly Dawn Scott

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

McKenna Kimiko Carol Shigemi

Harkirat Kaur Singh

BEd - With Great Distinction

Grant Skoretz

BEd - With Great Distinction

Avery Grace Slingerland

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Joshua Marinus Sluijmers

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Emma Smith

BEd - With Great Distinction

Alexandra Mariah Stephenson

BEd - With Distinction

Danielle Julia Stewart

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Kortlyn Nicole Suberlak

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Distinction

Alaina Lorraine Sulek

BEd - With Great Distinction

Gerilynn Denise Vandebruinhorst

Kennedy Vollans

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Rachelle Ashlyn Mareli Warchola

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Kacee Deanna Ward

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Kenna Kathleen Williams

BEd - With Great Distinction

Xi Xi Wu

Rheanna Mae Wurz

BEd - With Distinction

Felicia Claudia Yoner

BEd - With Great Distinction

Rylee Young

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Tanner Ryan Zentner

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Distinction


Ahmad Mohammed Abushaban

BEd - With Great Distinction

Tara Christine Anvik

BSc - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Karanjot Bal

BEd - With Great Distinction

Casen Barfuss

Courtney Brooke Braun

Connor Brown

BEd - With Distinction

Sydney Alyssa Brown

BEd - With Great Distinction

Mark Alexander Burry

BEd - With Distinction

Tess Emma Cantin

BEd - With Distinction

Alexander James Colbran

Meredith Anne Cote

BSc - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Daniela Cuadra Karam

BSc - With Great Distinction

Alyssa Rheanne Di Palma

BEd - With Great Distinction

Taylor Reese Dunning-Horvath

BSc - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Sarah Frieda Dyck

BSc - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Sydney Hannah Elliott

BEd - With Great Distinction

Kayla Nicole Grayston

BEd - With Great Distinction

Candace Rae Halvorson

BSc - With Distinction

BEd - With Distinction

Thomas Eric Allen Hathaway

Samantha Nichole Hunt

BSc - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Marissa Beth Kamieniecki

BSc - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Megan Marie Kurtz

BSc - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Kade Tyson Langevin

Lindsay Joy Lee

BEd - With Distinction

Arsheen Jihan Makhani

BSc - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Taylor Ritchie McMurray

BEd - With Great Distinction

Vanessa Marie Mertens

BSc - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Ashley Brianne Nichol

BSc - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction


Taylor Elizabeth Robbins

BEd - With Great Distinction

Carlee Jade Schamehorn

BEd - With Great Distinction

Ryland Tim Schinbein

BSc - With Distinction

Conor Roy Schuh

BEd - With Great Distinction

Mariah Faith Smith

BEd - With Great Distinction

Fran Angela Soho

Carly Anne Spoulos

BSc - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Adrianna Michelle Stog

BEd - With Great Distinction

Mattias Everest Strom

BSc - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Samantha Dawn These

Owen Karl Kopp Tschritter

BSc - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Reina Ann Voegtlin

BSc - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Ashley Thuyen Vuong

BSc - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Jackson Alan Waddell

Madeleine Wendy Anne Welte

BEd - With Great Distinction

Shailyn Cecelia Maria Yates


Montana Rae Bailey Durand

BFA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction


Danielle Josephine Bernardin

BFA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Olivia Dawn Kettle

BFA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Benjamin Michael McLuskey

BFA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Mataya Mandy Mikuliak

BFA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Samantha Emily Neill

BEd - With Great Distinction

Vivian Ou

BFA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction


Nathan Mclean Forsyth

BFA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Ethan Maxwell Thomsen

BFA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction


Armaan Allidina


Hannah Marie Isinghood

BMus - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Nathaniel Charles Ralph

Sarah Anne Wigglesworth

BMus - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction


Matthew William Chameroy

BMgt - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Landon Grant Henderson

BMgt - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Aidan Campbell Oviatt

BMgt - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Rylee Rae Whitson

BEd - With Great Distinction


Madison Meredith Fernell

Daniel James Garber With Distinction

Kirsten Gerbrandt

Liam Martin Robert Ikeda Leinweber

Mina Ikeda Leinweber With Great Distinction

Kiyomi Loren Scoville With Distinction

Ryan Carter Sheppard



Raija Marie Abbott With Great Distinction

Jennessa Gail-Anne Bates With Great Distinction

Emily Rebecca Campbell

Jessica-Lynn Colley With Great Distinction

Christian Manahan With Distinction Honours Thesis

Kyla Elly Amanda Organ With Great Distinction

Robyn George James Turner

Jessica Nicole Wnek


Sarah Anne Barker

Emily Kayla Carlson With Great Distinction

Kade Aloe Carter With Great Distinction

Harley Jean Czech

Achilles Friesen With Distinction

Lilianna Antonia Gaggero

Caylem Samuel Jackson

Grayden Patrick McKay With Great Distinction

Xavier Kane Michaud With Distinction

Mirielle Hope Nieuwenhuis With Great Distinction

Nicole Marie Oscar

Ahona Sanyal

Claire Noelle Smith With Distinction

Jessica Leah Syratt With Great Distinction


Rebecka Susan Johnston

Paige Elizabeth Lucas With Distinction

Brooke Kimberly Marinic With Distinction

Kort Watson Woycheshin With Great Distinction Co-operative Education


Nicole Lameese Adams With Distinction

Makayla Alexandra-Jade Flanagan

Makenna Fay Germain

Matthew James Godwin

Mason Darryl Hill

Kennady Brenda Jorgensen

Andrew Benjamin McBain

Chizitelu Bryan Meniru

Eric Brayden Meyer

Cherilene Capulong Payongayong

Kaylee Dawn Peake With Distinction

Brandon Joesph Riddell With Distinction

Greydon William Rohrick With Distinction

Ethan Cole Schartner With Distinction

Leslie Douglas Peter Swan With Distinction

Jasmine Yee Shan Szeto

Stephanie Anne Vehnon With Great Distinction

Chelsea-Louise Tracey White

Liam Michael Wright


Cori Marie Campbell With Great Distinction

Isaiah Thomas Chadney With Great Distinction

Kyla Taegan Cyrzan With Distinction

Patrick Joseph Davis

Franz Faeldo

Brett Rodson Hollett With Distinction

Tyler David Houlihan

Ji Eun Jeong With Great Distinction

Daniel Jongha Kim With Distinction

Noelle Katherine Kuntz With Great Distinction

Elias John MacDonald

Alayna Margaret Ada McNeil With Great Distinction

Ryan Christopher Miller

Julie Louise Sanden With Distinction



FRIDAY, MAY 31, 2024 AT 2:30 P.M.

Conducting the Ceremony

Shelia McManus, Platform Marshal

Musical Prelude

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Holly De Caigny

The Procession

At the commencement of the procession, those assembled are asked to stand, if they are able, until invited to take their seats.

Led by Michelle Hogue, Chief Marshal

Piper: Tom Wilson

Conferral of Honorary Degree

Awarded by the Senate to individuals who personify the values expressed in the philosophy of the institution — they cultivate human values and seek to foster intellectual growth, social development, aesthetic sensitivity, personal ethics, and the dimensions of a scholar’s personality.

Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

Kurt Schlachter, Doctor of Laws, honoris causa

Introduced by Mashhood Qazi, Senate Member

Address to the Graduands

Kurt Schlachter, Doctor of Laws, honoris causa

Combined Degrees

Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Management

Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Management

Bachelor of Fine Arts — New Media and Bachelor of Management

Bachelor of Health Sciences and Bachelor of Management

Candidates presented by Michelle Helstein, Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

Dhillon School of Business Gold Medal

This medal is awarded to the most distinguished graduate for the academic year

Marshals: Tracy Oosterbroek, Jenny Burke, Tara Million, Don McIntyre, Richelle Marynowski and Craig Coburn


Digvir Jayas, President and Vice-Chancellor

National Anthem

Led by Noelle Kuntz, Faculty of Fine Arts

O Canada by Calixa Lavallee


Alexander Kochikyants, Faculty of Education

Honour Song

Composed and gifted to the University of Lethbridge by Leroy Little Bear, in honour of its Blackfoot name, ‘Iniskim’. The name ‘Iniskim’ was gifted to the University by Kainai elder, Bruce Wolf Child.

Troy & Julius Delaney

Welcome and Report to Convocation

The traditional address celebrates the value of education and the combined accomplishments of our graduands and the University community.

Digvir Jayas, President and Vice-Chancellor

Musical Selection

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Holly De Caigny

Rush for Solo Alto Saxophone and Wind Orchestra, mvmt 2: Morning by Kenneth Fuchs

Saxophone Soloist: Cori Campbell, winner of the 2023 ULeth Concerto Competition

Conferral of Degrees

Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

School of Graduate Studies

Master of Health Services Management

Master of Science (Management)

Graduate Certificate

Graduate Diploma

Candidates presented by Jackie Rice, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies

Dhillon School of Business

Bachelor of Management

Post-Bachelor Certificate

Combined Post-Bachelor Certificates in Accounting

Management Certificate

Undergraduate Diploma

Candidates presented by Kerry Godfrey, Dean of the Dhillon School of Business

Cassidy Christman

Presented by Kerry Godfrey, Dean of the Dhillon School of Business

Alumni Welcome

Lisa Neufeld

Secretary of the University of Lethbridge Alumni Association


Sheila McManus, Platform Marshal


Terry Whitehead, Chancellor


Those assembled are asked to stand, if they are able, for the recession until the chief marshal bearing the mace, followed by the platform party and the graduates, have departed.

Recessional Music

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Holly De Caigny



Chinazom Kenechukwu Chukwuemeka

Ruijie Fan

Thesis: The Relationship Between Cost of Equity and ESG: The Effect of COVID-19

Nasim Shahi

Pui Na Suen

Ke Wang


Ashley Irene Joy Curtis

Catherine Christina Deans

Kevin John Thomas Dey

Jacqueline Grace Foreman

Victoria Furman

Abigail Hollman

Sheridan Rae Macaulay

Perfect Ndlovu

Shruti Mutungi Nkwanzi

Lateefah Ajibola Ojo

Tarryn Robinson

Stacy Carleen Lucille Sargent

Austin David Steed

Aqsa Tahir

Samantha Nicole Tams Betts

Shumaila Zafar


Chukwukasi Aghaegbuna With Distinction

Nancy Agumagu

Abena Grace Boama Agyei

Mahad Abdulkadir Ali

Hemayatullah Alizada

Oluwatosin John Alo

Ty Garry Anctil

Co-operative Education

Saxon Marie Anderson

Taylor Kevin Anderson

Nana Serwah Asare With Distinction

Muhammad Zain Aslam

Natasha Asre

Jaspreet Singh Aulakh

Toluwalase Oluwanifemi Awoderu With Distinction

Taiwo Favour Ayodeji

Abha Bajaj

Toba Johnson Bakare

Aarshdeep Singh Bakshi

Rein Kim Songco Baluyut

George Rene Barnes

Jack Cecil Barrows With Distinction

Megan Giovanna Barry With Distinction

Eden Evangelina Bartlett

Loida Sawadan Basilio

Zandria-Lynn Rose Bates With Great Distinction

Wyatt Aaron Bennett

Michael Bergman

Anya Jayda Bierbach With Distinction

Hasmik Blikyan

MacGregor George Bosch

Hannah Raye Bouma With Distinction

Mark James Bourne

Jessica Ann Breese

Mahasin Yousif Burma

Noah Edward Butterwick

Miranda Breanne Caren

Brittany Marie Caron

Kit Ying Chan

Yehan Chen

Yizhou Cheng With Distinction

Lucas Jee-Hoon Choi With Distinction

Devon Dakota Cholak

Nicholas David Chretien With Distinction

Cassidy Erica Christman With Great Distinction

Jan Joshua Tan Chua With Distinction

Aman Chugh

Adrian John Chute

Oluwakoyinsola Omobonike Cline

Nicholas Coley

Blake William Cousins

Jeremy Michael Covey

Benjamin Cameron Cox With Distinction

Alasdair Ian Coyle

Joseph Robert Crighton With Great Distinction

Cortland Townsend Cripps

Nathan Gilbert Crow With Distinction

Christina Curry

Tasya Danielle

Reuben Samuel Davis

Raika Faye Sang Dayrit

Joshua Delannoy With Distinction

Tanay Sandesh Desai

Denise Marie Ginez Dimpas With Distinction

Nathan Tate Doig

Julia Hazel Dzurka

Benjamin Cooper Easthope With Great Distinction

Kristofer Gerard Ebanks

Morgan Anne Elemans With Distinction

Caitlin Rosemary Elliott

Edidiong Christopher Enoch

Juan Pablo Escobar With Distinction

Jonalyn Apijas Esquivel With Distinction

Jovelyn Apijas Esquivel With Distinction

Krysia Ferguson With Distinction

Emilio Daniel Ficaccio

Carmen Elizabeth Fisher

Cameron Anderson Blair Frith

Mehak Garg

Devyn Danielle Garland

Addison Elann Gatner

Mankaramjot Kaur Gill


Cody Taylor Gisi With Distinction

Kyle Gordon Co-operative Education

Eric Ronald Hill Gould

Seth Robert Graham With Great Distinction

Coulson Greaves With Distinction

Jeniffer Groft With Distinction

Makayla Lauren Gross With Great Distinction

David George Gullacher IV With Distinction

Mustafa Abdulghani Hassan

Devon Milton Hayden

Anmoldeep Kaur Hehar

Takahiro Higuchi With Great Distinction

Alec Hillman

Kale Nicholas Tony Hodges

Devyn Hurry With Great Distinction

Sampson Barahila Hussein

Chukwuemelie Patrick Igwegbe

Jared Janke

Erin Patricia W Jerez With Distinction

Christopher Walter Kaufmann

Amandeep Kaur

Gunmandeep Kaur With Distinction

Gurpreet Kaur

Harleen Kaur

Harparteet Kaur

Jaspreet Kaur

Manpreet Kaur

Onkar Kaur

Pawandeep Kaur

Ramandeep Kaur

Sweety Kaur

Taranjot Kaur

Christopher Neil Keeping

Caleb Robert Gregory Kinch With Distinction

Casin Kiriaka With Distinction

John Lucas Knitel-Althen With Great Distinction

Alexander Kochikyants

Jon Micheal Leonard Kohlman

Cody Theodorus Krooshoop

Casandra Michelle Labadie

Kenneth LLoyd G Lacanilao With Distinction

Prabhjot Lail With Distinction

Tyler Robert Lautermilch

Ashley Lecavalier

Hayden Rene Leclerc

Isabella Lee With Distinction

Yeeun Lee

Seth Tanner Gordon Leenstra With Great Distinction

Guo Li

With Distinction

Hao Li

Jing Li

Xiujuan Li

With Distinction

Tenelle Lind

Yijia Liu

Erin Lodder With Distinction

Dawson Gracie Jo Luke

Kendi Farren Lundell With Distinction

Jessica Lee Luthin

Raine Robert Mackie-Wheeler

Benjamin John MacLellan With Distinction

Jack Ross Macsteven

Kyle Patrick Maloney With Distinction

Harleen Kaur Mander With Distinction

Tyler Joseph Kenneth Markel

Finn McCann With Distinction

Savannah Barbara McKee

Weijie Miao With Great Distinction

Takara Jade Mikado

Sukhpreet Singh Munzal

Hanan Nabi

Shina Shamilah Nakiyemba With Great Distinction

Jaskaran Singh Nanuan With Distinction Co-operative Education

Banveet Narang

Tarinder Singh Narula With Distinction

Christopher Charles Neill With Distinction

Jane Noh

Michelle Noh

Vanamaali Nyshadham

Temiloluwa Jemimah Obadofin

Robert Owen With Distinction

Darin Allen Parker

Shiany Paul

Sarah Peace

Matthew Russell Permann

Tyler Karl Petrie

Dean Edward Phelps

Taylor Marie Platt With Great Distinction

Jarrel Plaxin

Co-operative Education

Shafia Popal With Distinction

Tanner William Potaka With Distinction

Dallas Eric Powers

Emily Presland

Nida Ramzan

Jolene Lee Anne Rockwell

Jeffrey Barrett Rodehutskors

Madison Elisabeth Rohatynsky

Benjamin Dean Rowell

Sheila Bautista Salas With Distinction

Zachary Mackenzie Sanregret

Jeremey Mark Schalm

Jayne Lee Scout

Shivangi Sharma

Braeden James Shearer

Jackson William Mackey Sheely

Noah Alexander Sieben With Distinction

Carl Keith Simms With Distinction

Gobind Singh With Distinction

Gurkrishan Singh With Great Distinction

Hardeep Singh

Harjot Singh

Christian Hendrik Slomp


Chenoa Victoria Brooke Smith

Tanner Aubrey Smith

Abhinandan Sood

Bobby Ray Niokos Sugai

Sara-Jane Minori Takeyasu With Distinction

Co-operative Education

Jugal Kishorkumar Thakkar

Rajpreet Thind

Nathaniel Gordon Thomas-Wall With Distinction

Samuel Bruce Tollestrup

Brooke Alexandria Tonin

Danielah Onyeomachi Chinechere Uzonwa

Co-operative Education

Abigail Elizabeth Van De Kraats

Devanshu Verma

Punvin Verma With Distinction

Analiese Marie Vissers With Great Distinction

Co-operative Education

Hailee Amelia Walde With Distinction

Guan Wang With Great Distinction

ZiYi Wang

Kelsey Alysse Whipple With Great Distinction

Erika Wiklund With Distinction

Shalyn Marie Witdouck

Azam Zabolian With Distinction


Folashade Bolaji Abidakun

Akosua Korkor Amponsah

Gordon Appiah-Baiden

Daljit Singh Gill

Arshdeep Kaur

Kirandeep Kaur

Terri Anne Kutryk

Aaqib Mansoor

Uchechukwu Patrick Oji-Uzor

Sukhveer Kaur Sanghera

Peter Dean Spady


Bianca Anahy Baez Solano

Rogerio Gesini Blanco

Coral Mableline Crowchild

Gurinder Kaur

Jovanni Endaya Lat

Youfeng Situ



Spencer James Aos

Alexandra Cristiana Badea-Hasasian

Uche Chinwe Ibrahim


Aiman Rahim Kassam

Dhrumit Kamleshbhai Kyada

Resheila Mae Padilla

Dhruvil Shaileshkumar Patel


Taryn Anne Hofman

Jayda Sydney Raedeke

BA - With Distinction

Erika Raine Waugh

BMgt - With Distinction

Mackenzie Jade Williams

BA - With Distinction

BMgt - With Distinction


Margaret Sophia Bell

BSc - With Distinction

BMgt - With Distinction

Alexander Evan Hughes

Christina Le

Coral Amelia Skiba

BSc - With Distinction

BMgt - With Distinction

Co-operative Education

Seraphin Tavi Seung Bo Yip

BSc - With Great Distinction

BMgt - With Great Distinction

Co-operative Education


Rylee Mackenzie Frank

Co-operative Education

Tanner Gordon Young


Madison Julia Keys

Miriam Genevieve Ochsner

Virginia Agota Ramsay

BHSc - With Distinction



DOCTOR OF LETTERS, honoris causa

Had you no idea his pen was behind the thoughtful, engaging Letters to the Editor in the local newspaper, or that he’d been recognized with an honorary Doctor of Divinity from United Theological College affiliated with McGill University, you could assume Tad Mitsui was an earnest volunteer giving his time to Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden and assisting as a guest moderator for the Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs.

Were you to take the time to listen to him speak, to present a sermon as Minister Emeritus at Southminster United Church or deliver his Tad and Tomo Stories to children at the garden, you would

quickly begin to grasp the full depth of Tad Mitsui’s experience and the fascinating and meaningful life he has lived.

Born in Japan, Mitsui earned a Bachelor of Art and Bachelor of Divinity from Tokyo Union Theological Seminary in 1956. The following year he immigrated to Canada and was ordained into the United Church of Canada in 1958. For 10 years he served as minister with the Vancouver Japanese United Church, all the while earning a Master of Sacred Theology from Union College, affiliated with the University of British Columbia, and later a Doctor of Sacred Theology at United Theological College.

From 1968 through 1975, Mitsui was a lecturer and then Dean of Student Affairs at the University of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland. Throughout the 1970s, 80s and 90s he worked out of Geneva, Switzerland (six years living in and commuted frequently) performing administrative and advocacy work with NGOs and ecumenical organizations to facilitate international projects related to human rights, refugees, liberation movements, food security and development.

The work he did in areas such as human rights, justice and development was impactful and often fraught with danger in conflict environments. From 1975-79 he served as the Associate Secretary for Africa, International Headquarters of the World University Service, where he worked as a fundraiser and coordinator of anti-Apartheid solidarity work of National World University Service committees.

From 1988-90 he was the Associate Secretary for the Canadian Council of Churches for Africa and Middle East, helping coordinate the churches’ work among Palestinian refugees in Israel and other Middle East countries.

Since moving to Lethbridge, he has continued to use his knowledge and experience to better society.

A devoted volunteer at Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden, his expertise and wise counsel have helped advance the garden’s programming and impact on the community and in 2023, he was awarded a Queen Elizabeth Golden Jubilee Medal.



DOCTOR OF LAWS, honoris causa

Whether it be professionally as a barrier breaking Chartered Professional Accountant, personally as a partner and mother or publicly as an erstwhile and long-serving volunteer and now government representative, Karen Wauters (BMgt ’83) brings people and ideas together to make the world around her better.

A graduate of the University of Lethbridge’s then Faculty of Management, Wauters quickly established herself as a highly skilled and innovative professional accountant. Her career aspirations led her overseas, first to London and then to Luxembourg where she embarked on a remarkable 30-year career with Ernst & Young LLP.

Her professional career was exemplary and crashed through the glass ceiling in the corporate boardroom. Wauters became the first female partner in the Luxembourg office of Ernst & Young, one of the world’s largest international accounting firms, served seven years as the firm’s Talent Leader — Tax for Europe, Middle East and Africa, and drove key mobility, diversified learning and change management initiatives as well as the global Young Tax Professional competition. Remarkably, she accomplished all of this after learning to speak French fluently and write her foreign accreditation exams in her new foreign language.

Throughout her work, Wauters epitomized the role of mentor for many professionals, entrepreneurs, volunteers and businesspeople, focusing her efforts on supporting startup businesses and especially those led by women and youth. As a volunteer, she lent her time and expertise to furthering the advancement of gender equality, including serving as a board member of Time for Equality and fostering partnerships with several similar NGOs within and outside Luxembourg.

In her private life, Wauters is a devoted mother who also found time to take up a new sport — curling. Upon learning the game, her interests naturally turned to volunteering and creating connections. She has served as President of the Luxembourg Ice Sport Federation and as a volunteer with the World Curling Federation, recently as a member of the WCF’s Structural Review Group and the Nominations Committee and has been a strong proponent of enhancing access and inclusion in the sport and growing the game in Luxembourg and internationally.

Now retired, she continues to apply her special skills as Honorary Canadian Counsel to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The consummate professional, she continues to positively impact those with whom she assists, helping people navigate immigration issues, document certification and assisting travelling Canadians in distress, all the while promoting trade and fellowship between Canada and Luxembourg.



Sometimes the smallest things translate to making the largest impact. Dr. Nahum Sonenberg, Gilman Cheney Chair in Biochemistry at McGill University, has spent the majority of his scientific career working at the cellular level, while the results of his world-leading efforts have had a massive effect on our understanding the critical role protein synthesis plays in growth control, cancer, learning and memory.

German born, Sonenberg did the majority of his post-secondary training in Israel, earning his bachelor and master of science from Tel-Aviv University and his PhD in Biochemistry from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot,

Israel. He conducted pioneering research as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Roche Institute of Molecular Biology in Nutley, New Jersey before beginning his illustrious career at Montreal’s McGill University in 1979, taking on the role of Assistant Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and McGill Cancer Centre.

Simply stated, Sonenberg is the world’s leading researcher in the field of protein synthesis and translational control. His work is focused on the nucleic acid sequences of genes as they are converted into the amino acid sequences of proteins that perform all the critical chemistry required for life. His scientific breakthroughs include the 1978 discovery of the protein eIF4E and later the first to discover the important role of GCN2, a cellular protein kinase that controls translation in learning and memory.

In all, he has written more than 600 papers of the highest quality, many appearing in the world’s leading scientific journals. His discoveries have served as building blocks upon which great advances in the study of health and disease have been made,

including conditions such as cancer and autism.

In 2008, Sonenberg was honoured with the Canada Gairdner International Award and in 2014 he was awarded the Wolf Prize in Medicine (Israel), two of the world’s top awards given to researchers studying the life sciences and medicine. He is also an Officer of the Order of Canada and Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Sonenberg has been a staunch supporter of junior researchers and specifically women and those underrepresented in science. His valuable mentorship of students, postdoctoral fellows and faculty members has significantly advanced the scientific community and he has been unwavering in his support of the principles and importance of the pursuit of basic research.



DOCTOR OF LAWS, honoris causa

It is often through the most difficult circumstances that the most valuable leaders emerge. Kurt Schlachter KC (BSc ’00), former Chair of the University of Lethbridge Board of Governors, is one of those leaders who consistently shows a steady hand and cultivates a consensus-building culture during the most trying times.

A fourth generation Albertan who grew up on a family farm near Bow Island, Alberta, Schlachter proudly followed his mother, Juanita Schlachter (BEd ’77), as a ULethbridge graduate. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience with Honours from ULethbridge in 2000, then completed a Juris Doctor from the University of Saskatchewan in 2003.

Upon joining Stringam Denecky LLP in 2003, Schlachter’s passion for the business of law and entrepreneurship shone as he quickly established his practice and reputation in the community. By 2010, he was invited to be a partner as the firm evolved into Stringam LLP. In 2015, he was named one of Lethbridge’s Top 40 under 40, and a year later was elected to be the firm’s Regional Managing Partner. In 2022, Schlachter was awarded the designation of King’s Counsel by the Province of Alberta, and in 2023 he was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Stringam LLP.

All the while, Schlachter was an active volunteer and philanthropist, lending his time to groups such as the Community Foundation of Lethbridge and Southwestern Alberta and Economic Development Lethbridge, as well as supporting organizations such as Chinook Regional Hospital, Lethbridge Family Services, Southern Alberta Art Gallery and both ULethbridge and Lethbridge College. He also stayed connected to ULethbridge by serving on Senate and in 2016, took on the role of Board of Governors Chair.

Schlachter’s six years as Chair were challenging, uplifting, historical and transformative. During his tenure, the University opened the $280 million Science Commons building, successfully completed the $100-million Shine campaign — the largest fundraising effort in school history — navigated its way through the COVID-19 pandemic and endured substantial provincial funding cuts. Despite the difficult circumstances, Schlachter’s leadership was instrumental in meeting these challenges. In 2017, he was honoured by the Blackfoot Nation with the Blackfoot name Stamiksiiitoohkitapoyii (Bull Buffalo Standing on the Hill), and in 2022 appointed Board Chair Emeritus.

Upon concluding his role as Board of Governors Chair, he and his spouse Jason VandenHoek (BMgt ’05) established a first-of-itskind endowment fund to support 2SLGBTQ+ students. The two also co-own and manage a private commercial real-estate portfolio and Schlachter maintains a role as a corporate director with the University of Lethbridge Business Corporation.




Professor Emeritus Dr. René Boeré has had a major impact on the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at the University of Lethbridge, where he served as Chair for a decade and was an active proponent for a new science building. He devoted countless hours to propelling the department forward and procuring specialized state-ofthe-art equipment such as X-ray diffractometers and spectrometers. He has been continuously funded by Discovery Grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) for more than three decades.

Boeré has also been at the forefront of his field, developing and employing new concepts and techniques and sharing them with colleagues and students at other

universities. His broad-ranging expertise includes electrochemistry, X-ray crystallography, sulfurnitrogen chemistry and he is a leader in a technique called electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. His unique skill set has earned him recognition around the world. Other chemists seek him for possible collaborations, and he has also been an external examiner for several PhD defences. Boeré has mentored many students at all levels as well as post-doctoral fellows.

After earning an honours Bachelor of Science from Dalhousie University in 1979, Boeré then completed a PhD in inorganic chemistry at the University of Western Ontario in 1984. Following an NSERC postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Guelph, he received a Humboldt Research Fellowship, a prestigious fellowship for researchers with above-average qualifications, at the Free University of Berlin. Boeré joined the University of Lethbridge in 1988. While he faced many challenges in establishing his research program at the start, he persevered and has since succeeded in creating a program that rivals those found in larger chemistry departments. For evidence of his research productivity, one need not look further than his publication record, which includes more than 160 manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals, five reviews and book

chapters and his work has been showcased in more than 120 conference presentations. He has involved undergraduate students in research and 45 publications have co-authorships with undergrads.

Boeré has also mentored 10 master’s and six PhD students, and trained three post-doctoral fellows and research associates. In addition to teaching at ULethbridge, Boeré has been a visiting professor and Humboldt Scholar in Germany, Brazil, Australia, Japan, Finland and France. He has extensive teaching experience in general and inorganic chemistry, solid-state chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry and aspects of physical chemistry.

Boeré has lent his expertise to organizations and committees within the University and outside organizations. He served as Chair for the NSERC Scholarship Selection and General Grant Distribution and the Canadian Council of University Chemistry Chairpersons. He was a member of the Canadian Society for Chemistry’s Degree Accreditation Committee from 2008 to 2014.

Closer to home, Boeré was part of the University Library Committee and contributed to obtaining Canadian Society for Chemistry accreditation for the Bachelor of Science major. He also led efforts to obtain specialized scientific equipment.



It takes a special kind of person to balance coursework, studying, a part-time job and a healthy social life. It takes an exceptional person to recognize they have more to give and are willing to share their time raising the world around them and bettering their community. Talayna Ekelund is that kind of person.

The anthropology and pre-education student grew up learning the benefits of helping others and she has embraced that spirit, actively seeking ways in which she could benefit her community. In one year alone, she logged over 600 volunteer hours, lending her time to multiple organizations throughout Lethbridge and southern Alberta.

Her experiences were broad and impactful, and her contributions, both big and small, were readily appreciated by all the groups she assisted.

Described as a keener since she first enlisted with Volunteer Lethbridge, Ekelund has worked at casinos, bingos, galas, supers, bottle drives and food banks amongst many other events. She has tutored and mentored children and youth and when called upon, always has found a way to fit a request into her busy schedule.

Invested in her community, Ekelund sees volunteering as a way of connecting with people and learning about the services and organizations that support community growth and well-being. She fits easily into any team setting, goes above and beyond to seek out tasks, and by asking questions and being engaged in her experience, ensures her work is of an exceptional standard.

The groups she has worked with include Interfaith Food Bank, Lethbridge Family Services, Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization, Inclusion Lethbridge, Stitch It Forward Society, Lethbridge Therapeutic Riding Association,

United Way, Lethbridge Dragon Boat Festival, Southern Alberta Art Gallery, the YMCA and YWCA, Opokaa’sin Early Intervention Society, Youth One, Womanspace, Hungarian Society and many more.

For her substantial work, Ekelund has already been recognized with a Leaders of Tomorrow Award by Volunteer Lethbridge.

And while the hours Ekelund spends volunteering are substantial and the diversity of her experiences vast, it’s her continued commitment to being a volunteer that demonstrates the humanity and integrity with which she shares her time. Her ability to connect with people from all walks of life set her apart as a leader amongst her peers and an ambassador for all the positives ULethbridge students bring to the community.




Never one to shy away from a challenge, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Instructor Wayne Lippa (BSc/BEd ’97) faces the daunting task of taking the fear and loathing out of a subject many find difficult to tackle. He does this by adopting a student-centred approach based on his experiences as a student and incorporating strategies whereby students learn the concepts of chemistry by doing chemistry.

Lippa majored in chemistry when he graduated with a combined degree from the University of Lethbridge in 1997. After a short stint as a math teacher at Medicine Hat’s Crescent

Heights High School, he was back on the ULethbridge campus that fall as an academic assistant and has been at the University ever since.

As Lippa has progressed throughout his career, he has never forgotten the instructors who positively impacted his learning journey and the environment he found was most conducive to success. Described as an effective teacher, Lippa is also lauded for being reflective in his role, constantly evaluating the methods he utilizes in his classrooms and labs.

His philosophy is rooted in giving his students a personal learning experience, beginning with knowing every one of his students’ names and using them consistently. He incorporates a sense of humour into his teaching and adheres to an open-door policy with no fixed office hours, welcoming questions and discussion. Likewise, he makes himself available for questions through email, even in the evenings, understanding students are active then working on assignments or studying.

Chemistry is an experimental science and Lippa encourages

learning by doing, and rather than just giving answers to questions he guides students to discover answers on their own, thereby empowering their growth in learning. It’s a philosophy he applies to his own learning journey — which is ongoing.

Lippa has been a part of the Teaching Centre’s Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) program since 2012, first being trained as a facilitator and then taking over as a co-coordinator of the program with Dr. Sheila McManus. Its focus is to make people better teachers by allowing them the freedom and security to experiment and try new things while teaching lessons in a safe, constructive environment.

While the ISW program has been extremely positive, participation has waned in recent years due to several factors and Lippa’s Board of Governors Teaching Chair proposal is to review and reinvigorate the program, determining what the ISW will look like in years to come.




Inspired by the mentors who supported her along the way, Dr. Kristine Alexander is paying it forward by supporting her own graduate students on their academic and professional journeys.

Alexander is an Associate Professor in the University of Lethbridge’s Department of History. From 2013-2023 she held the Canada Research Chair in Child and Youth Studies and was co-director of the University’s interdisciplinary Institute for Child and Youth Studies. She has supervised numerous graduate students in history and cultural, social and political thought (CSPT), served on supervisory committees in anthropology, CSPT, history and sociology, and (with Dr. Jan Newberry)

recruited and supervised the first postdoctoral fellow in the humanities at ULethbridge.

Alexander encourages her graduate trainees to produce high-quality original research, to challenge and believe in themselves, and to connect their studies to their lives and aspirations beyond the university. Her students praise her unique ability to recognize and nurture their potential, and her approach combines intellectual rigour with encouragement, collaboration and support.

Over the past decade, Alexander’s graduate students have studied topics ranging from the Black Death in medieval Italy to the history of the American Hotel in Fort Macleod. Their research projects are historical as well as interdisciplinary, and Alexander encourages her trainees to share their findings with both academic and popular audiences. In addition to giving public talks, speaking to the media, and presenting at conferences across North America and Europe, Alexander’s students have curated exhibits at the Galt Museum and produced historical board games about the First World War and the Great Depression based on original archival research. Alexander

involves her graduate students in community-engaged research projects, collaborates with them on publications, and supports them in their applications for scholarships and highly competitive national grants.

Trust, respect and communitybuilding are cornerstones of Alexander’s mentorship style. While motivating each of them individually, she also fosters genuine and longlasting connections between her graduate students. Alexander intentionally creates a lively and supportive intellectual community within which her students can share ideas, strategize together and celebrate each other’s successes.

Described by her students as insightful, patient, enthusiastic, supportive, kind, generous and empathetic, Alexander’s influence extends far beyond graduation. With her guidance, graduate trainees develop competencies and confidence that serve them well as they transition into professional careers. Her students note that she inspires them “to be kind, to be curious, and to work harder.”


Congratulations and welcome to the University of Lethbridge Alumni Association!


Convocation marks one of life’s most important accomplishments. It’s a time to celebrate, but also to say thank you to the family, friends and members of the university community who supported you.

Today, you join our alumni community of more than 55,000 engaged thinkers, critical problem solvers and greatly impassioned leaders who are making a difference around the world. As you look forward to making a difference in your community, stay in touch! Share your stories and your accomplishments so that you can

inspire other alumni and students. And watch our ULethbridge social media channels to get inspired by your fellow alumni — and to build networks of change makers. We are stronger together.

Once again, congratulations and enjoy this momentous day!


Capture the moment!

Your smile reflects the hard work that went into making this moment a reality. The University of Lethbridge Alumni Association (ULAA) wants to celebrate you by offering a free photo as you cross the stage.

Visit ulethbridge.ca/alumni to sign up for your digital download. Use the code in your alumni pin booklet to access your FREE photo courtesy of the ULAA.


Let us begin this celebration of our academic achievements, The culmination of years of hard work, By considering how we have achieved success, And how we shall build on it in the future.

Let us acknowledge those who built This community of scholarship, Which has broadened our understanding and our horizons.

Let us thank our faculty, staff, families, friends, fellow students,

And all who made this community of learning possible — They have taught us so much.

Let us remember that our educational journeys Which led to our degrees, diplomas and certificates, Are valuable in themselves, not just means to other ends.

Let us use all we have learned

To challenge the world through the eyes of educated citizens, And make it a better place for others who follow.

Let our motto, Fiat Lux, let there be light, Remind us of the responsibility we accept to ensure that we will Make a difference and build a better society.

University of Lethbridge 4401 University Drive

Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4


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