Spring 2023 Convocation Graduates

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SPRING JUNE 1 & 2, 2023


THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 2023 AT 9:30 A.M.

Conducting the Ceremony

Jennifer Copeland, Platform Marshal

Musical Prelude

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Hana Hubley

The Procession

At the commencement of the procession, those assembled are asked to stand, as they are able, until invited to take their seats.

Led by Michelle Hogue, Chief Marshal Piper: Tom Wilson

Marshals: Ilsa Wong, Jenny Burke, Craig Coburn, Don McIntyre, Rumi Graham and Olu Awosoga


Michael Mahon, President and Vice-Chancellor

National Anthem

Led by Holly Kletke, Faculty of Fine Arts

O Canada by Calixa Lavallee


Lena Dabbas, Faculty of Arts and Science

Honour Song

Composed and gifted to the University of Lethbridge by Leroy Little Bear, in honour of its Blackfoot name, ‘Iniskim’. The name ‘Iniskim’ was gifted to the University by Kainai elder, Bruce Wolf Child.

Leroy Little Bear, Vice-Provost of Iniskim Relations, Distinguished Niitsitapi Scholar, 2004 Honorary Degree Recipient, Professor Emeritus, and 2003 Alumnus of the Year

Introduction of the Chancellor

Presented by Michael Mahon, President and Vice-Chancellor

Installation of the Chancellor

This is the official ceremony through which the Chancellor is formally endowed with powers and responsibilities of the office.

Welcome and Report to Convocation

This traditional address celebrates the value of education and the combined accomplishments of our graduands and the University community.

Michael Mahon, President and Vice-Chancellor

Conferral of Honorary Degree

Awarded by the Senate to individuals who personify the values expressed in the philosophy of the institution — they cultivate human values and seek to foster intellectual growth, social development, aesthetic sensitivity, personal ethics, and the dimensions of a scholars personality.

Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

Timothy Caulfield, Doctor of Science, honoris causa

Introduced by Katie Rabbit Young-Pine, Senate Member

Address to the Graduands

Timothy Caulfield, Doctor of Science, honoris causa

Musical Selection

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Hana Hubley

Deb, You See by Layton Hiebert

Conferral of Degrees

Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

School of Graduate Studies

Doctor of Philosophy

Master of Science

Candidates presented by Jackie Rice, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies

Faculty of Arts and Science

Bachelor of Arts and Science

Certificate of Arts and Science

Bachelor of Science

Candidates presented by Matthew Letts, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science

Medals of the Governor General of Canada of Academic Excellence

These medals are awarded to graduating students with the highest academic standing; gold at the graduate level and silver at the undergraduate level.

Jonathan Michael Le May, Silver

Presented by Erasmus Okine, Provost and VicePresident (Academic)

School of Graduate Studies

Medals of Merit

Awarded to graduating students from each degree program in the School of Graduate Studies

Dilini Kanchana Abeyrama, Doctor of Philosophy

Haley Anne Dennis, Master of Science

Presented by Jackie Rice, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies

Faculty of Arts and Science

Gold Medal (Science)

This medal is awarded to the most distinguished graduate for the academic year

Emily Dale Hagens

Presented by Matthew Letts, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science

Speaker Research Award

First awarded in May 1995, this medal recognizes the importance of research, scholarship and performance to the philosophy and goals of the University.

Dr. Trushar Patel

Presented by Dr. Dena McMartin, Vice-President (Research)

Alumni Welcome

Deirdre McKenna

President of the University of Lethbridge Alumni Association


Jennifer Copeland, Platform Marshal


Terry Whitehead, Chancellor


Those assembled are asked to stand, as they are able, for the recession until the chief marshal bearing the mace, followed by the platform party and the graduates, have departed.

Recessional Music

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Hana Hubley



Dilini Kanchana Abeyrama

Evolution and Behaviour

Thesis: Population differentiation of Southern Ocean seabirds

Navvab Afrashteh


Thesis: Sound processing in the mouse auditory and dorsal neocortices

Camilla Cenni

Evolution and Behaviour

Thesis: On the proximate links between object play and tool use in the context of stone handling behavior in Balinese Long-Tailed Macaques

Sylvie de Grandpre


Thesis: Learnings from Land: A braided ecoportrait of meaning-full learning outdoors

Davinder Kaur Dhalla

Biomolecular Science

Thesis: Rational design of reduced alphabet proteins

Leila Karimi

Theoretical and Computational Science

Thesis: Algorithms for multi-trip vehicle routing and device to device communications

Sean Guy Lacoursiere


Thesis: An exploration of intracerebral seeding in mouse models of dementia

Catherine Sherri Laskowski


Thesis: Impacts of reward schedules and a dopamine agonist on dopamine receptor expression in an animal model of gambling addiction

Oluwaseun Francis Lijoka

Theoretical and Computational Science

Thesis: On the capacity provisioning on dynamic networks

Mehar Gayatri Devi Namala

Biomolecular Science

Thesis: Mechanistic characterization of pseudouridine formation by eukaryotic H/ACA snoRNPs


Dustin Donald Smith

Bimolecular Science

Thesis: Characterization and rational design of biomolecular sensors using molecular dynamics simulations

Aleksei Sorokin

Biomolecular Science

Thesis: Development and optimization of efficient regeneration and transformation method for drug-type cultivars of Cannabis sativa

Chloe Irma Vilette

Evolution and Behaviour

Thesis: The study of social dynamics in juvenile vervet monkeys

Lorne Murray Williams


Awarded Posthumously


Vijay Adoni

Thesis: A quantum accelerated approach for the Central Path Method in linear programming

Daniel Agyapong

Thesis: Experiences of Depression Among African Immigrant Men in Alberta, Canada

Arnob Kumar Bairagi

Thesis: Motion compensated compression for event-based cameras

Joel Liam Edward Benesh

Thesis: Equivariant resolutions of singularities for orbits in generalized quiver varieties arising in the local langlands program for p-adic groups

Meher Kiran Bheree

Thesis: Detecting inaccurate stack traces in bug reports

Sylvain John Boutros

Thesis: Selective attention for audiovisual integration of speech

Dylan Joseph Brassard

Thesis: Effects of the Kenow Wildfire on bear activity in Waterton Lakes National Park

Sydnee Hope Calhoun

Thesis: Characterization of small RNAs as ribosomal regulators during gene expression in bacteria

Trinitas Evette Chisholm

Thesis: Recreational trail impacts on the plant communities of Castle Provincial and Castle Wildland Parks in southern Alberta

Daisy Elizabeth Cruz-Milette

Thesis: Synthesis and reactivity of Rh(I) and Ir(I) imino and azidophosphonamido complexes

Erin Dawn Davis

Thesis: Exploring Women’s Experiences and Gender Relations in Rock Climbing: A Participatory Action Research Photovoice Study

Haley Anne Dennis

Thesis: Sedentary Behaviour and Health Risk: Is excessive “screen time” the real culprit?

Oluwadamilola Agnes Fadodun

Thesis: Accessing Cervical Cancer Screening in Nigeria: Exploring the Experiences of NigerianBorn Immigrant Women in Canada

Nolan John Robert Hahn

Thesis: Electrochemistry of elemental sulfur and sulfur nitrides in liquid SO2 with accessory high-performance voltammetry

Mohammad Hamidi

Thesis: Dimerization of transcription factors in gene expression models: the control of HMP synthesis by NSRR as a case study

Danial Hunter

Thesis: Effects of the Kenow wildfire on amphibian populations in Waterton Lakes National Park

Shamini Dilshadi Jayasekara

Thesis: Integrating cultural tools for weed management in irrigated soybean in Southern Alberta

Tori Lauren Stephanie Keeping

Thesis: Differences in adult speech: do boydirected and girl-directed speech exist?

Marissa Lynn Ritsuko King

Thesis: Catabolism of structurally diverse fructans by bovine-adapted Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus species in pure culture and ex vivo rumen microbial communities

Alieh Kordani

Thesis: A recursive construction for some combinatorial designs


Nikkolas Martin Leavitt

Thesis: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (Gad) Among Canadian Men: Does Men’s Alignment with Traditional Masculine Norms Play a Role in the Development of Gad?

Chowdhury Nawrin Ferdous

Thesis: Integer programming formulation for contention aware connected dominating set in wireless multi-hop network

Bukola Gbemisola Oguntuase-Osagie

Thesis: Identifying genetic structure and divergence between Zonotrichia leucophrys subspecies and habitat ecotypes

Farjana Yeasmin Omee

Thesis: Investigating model explanation of bug report assignment recommenders

Utsab Pageni

Thesis: Generating plant lines with markers designed to assess cell polarity defects at molecular level

Christopher Scott Perlette

Thesis: Temporal constraints on human and artificial multi-sensory speech recognition

Atta Ur Rahman

Thesis: The role of soil-borne fungi in potato early dying disease: a study of Verticillium dahliae, V. albo-atrum, and Colletotrichum coccodes in Alberta

Daniel Giovanni Rocca

Thesis: Tandem RNA affinity purifications to study an essential snoRNA in ribosome assembly

Claudia Rodriguez Diaz

Thesis: What Neurobiological mechanisms in Hippocampus support rapid spatial learning with familiar information in the Morris Water Task?

Anthony Jonathan Schoen

Thesis: Relative deprivation and its relationship to problem gambling

Danika Janelle Schramm

Thesis: Population genetics of two North American passerines with mixed migration strategies

Raad Shariat

Thesis: A comparative study of augmented features and other ensemble approaches for music genre classification

Talmon Soares

Thesis: Graph-based, dynamics-preserving reductions of (bio)chemical systems

Razia Sultana

Thesis: Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of Mycoplasma bovis and Pasteurella multocida isolated from Albertan feedlot cattle

Nathania Abena Takyi

Thesis: Computational studies of interstrand crosslink formation in DNA

Cody Robert Preston Turner

Thesis: Identification of the role of A-to-I editing in SINE RNA stability

Kristi Lee Turton

Thesis: The biophysical characterization of the α-carboxysome and a minimal carboxysome

Scott Edward Vegter

Thesis: A TTOP model of permafrost distribution in the boreal wetland environment of Whatì, NT, Canada


Kate Deanne Blair

Bronwyn Claire Phillips Davis

With Great Distinction

Luka de Haan

Elliot Herald Etches

With Great Distinction

Honours Thesis

Katelyn Diana Hamm

With Distinction

Co-operative Education

Thomas Lawrence Ronald Kelly

Legacy Grace Krampl

Co-operative Education

Joshua Chancellor Kuzminski With Great Distinction

Kaylee Rose Oorthuis

Michael Darrell Carl Schwab

Cassidy Erin Tattrie

Halla Rae Wagner With Distinction

Julie-Mei Justina Wojtiw-Quo With Great Distinction Honours Thesis

Kokia Summer Wong


Ayomide Abiola-Oseni

Nada Abu Omar

With Great Distinction

Allyssa Joy Diaz Acojedo

Co-operative Education

Adedapo Samuel Adelugba

Karamullah Agha

Co-operative Education

Madina Aisha Ali

Alier Dot Alier

Francine Karina Almeida Villalba

Omar Sabih Alsayed

Kathleen Hope Andres

Calista Margaret Andrew

With Great Distinction

Jessica Annor Bediako

With Distinction

Honours Thesis

Allison Lee Aos

Kudus Akinniyi Ariwoola

Kira Patricia Armstrong

With Great Distinction

Thibaut Edzimbi Gaetan Atangana

Iesha Kaur Atkar

Dallan Olar Atwood

Rocky Gabriel Au

With Great Distinction

Samira Azimi

Eissa Aldrin Plata Azucena

Olivia Ann Babin

With Great Distinction

Brendan Robert Barclay

Carson Douglas Barth

Abby Noelle Bartsch

With Great Distinction

Madison Elizabeth Besant

Jackelyn Beset

Simran Bhatti

Prabhdeep Kaur Bhullar

Samani James Calvin Bhusumane

Dwayne Damauni Bingham

Ally Nicole Block

With Great Distinction

Isaac Missah Boadi-Boateng

Keiran Blaine Bodner

Matthew Richard Boehme

Bruce Douglas Bond

Willem Nicolaas Boogaart

With Great Distinction

Darby Mackenzie Broger

Kyle Andrew Brosbol

Brittney Faye Anne Brown

Morghan Andrea Brown

Co-operative Education

Danielle Rose Budgell

With Great Distinction

Connor Joshua Bunnage

With Distinction

Brady James Cahoon

With Great Distinction

Mackenzie Paige Cameron

Olivia Katharine Candy

With Great Distinction


Erin Nicole Cantwell With Distinction

Honours Thesis

Jessa Mae Cayetano

Baillie Analyn Cej

Amy Elizabeth Chang

With Great Distinction

Ariel Nicole Cherneski

With Distinction

Lev Chistyakov

Stephen William Ciancio

With Great Distinction

Co-operative Education

Curtis John Claassen

Kaylee Samantha Clark

With Great Distinction

Natasha Diane Demers Clark

With Great Distinction

Honours Thesis

Braiden Anthony Clarke With Distinction

Co-operative Education

Kurtis James Clarke

With Distinction

Holly Marie Clayholt

With Distinction

Co-operative Education

Kennedy Hope Cochrane

Landon Dakota Constantin

With Great Distinction

Elizabeth Ann Cook

Clayton Hunter Corbett

Drew Carter Correia

With Great Distinction

Autumn Lynn Costard

Tyson Colby Dean Crapo

With Great Distinction

Riley Wayne Crozier

With Great Distinction

Michaela Dawn Crump With Great Distinction

Honours Thesis

Ceejay Cruz

Douhouk Dabbas

Lena Dabbas

Maria Carla Jeane

Tatoy Dacera

Narendranath Das

Mason Joshua Daub

Nomin Erdene Davaadamdin

Sophia Helen Davaris

Grayson Tyler Luke Davies

Austin Kane Dennis

Jenna Lane Deringer-Rasiah

Sahil Pawan Devnani

With Distinction

Chantel Louisa Dewijn

Raavi Dhir

Zachary Joseph James Dick

With Great Distinction

Trey Parker Dillman

Bailey Autumn Doerksen With Great Distinction

Tori Carmen Doughty With Distinction

Obro Boya Douho

Emma Dreyer With Distinction

Jackson Druhan

Co-operative Education

David Dunbar

Lauren Marie Edison With Distinction

Duncan Benjamin Elgert

Tyler James Eresman


Oritsemeyiwa Ewowo

Obianuju Ngozi Ezeaka With Distinction

Mackenzie Alyssa Fairbrother-Skinner

Jilisa Katherine Finn-Fraser

Nice Mae Romarate Flores

Quick Jessielaine

Romarate Flores

Sebastian Fraczek

Madison Magdolena

Johanna Franken

Angela Ivy Frederickson

Sonya Elizabeth Freer

Brody Charles Paul Gale

Sara Shirley Gateman

Landen Tate Gau

Kissan Roy Ghose

Morgan Kaileen Gibb

Michael-Ros Giesbrecht

Emma Claire Gingras

Nathan Daniel Girard With Distinction

Emanuel Josef Gislason

Oluwalayomi Iretomiwa Giwa

Chase McKenzie Goebel

Kathleen Dale Gonzales

Zachary Robert Goruk With Great Distinction

Kelsey Rose Gourlie

Co-operative Education

Payton Sydney Gravelle

Stephanie Marie Gross With Distinction

Co-operative Education

Cayley Groten

Emmanuel De Guzman Gumasing With Great Distinction

Jessica Haenni With Great Distinction

Emily Dale Hagens With Great Distinction

Honours Thesis

Kevin Halili

Brody Mark Bradley Halverson

Madison Linn Hanelt With Distinction

Ashling Evangeline

Steinhoff Hansen

Kaleigh Grace Morse Harris

With Distinction

Brent Edgar Hawkings

Olivia Jade Hawkins

With Great Distinction

Desmond Emrys Ambedian


Mason Anthony Hellawell

With Great Distinction

Kaydunn James William Henry

With Distinction

Kashalee Daveena Hick

Christina Allyssa Hinds

Tyler Mark Hippard

With Great Distinction

Cody Walker Royal Hodge

Brady Francis Hoeksema

Floriane Wangninan


Vicky Hu

With Distinction

Jayden Bruce

Esteban Hutchison

Annie Binh an Huynh

Christa Bella Irakoze

Sydney Danielle Irvine

With Great Distinction

Honours Thesis

Chloe Rumoni Ives

With Great Distinction

Michaela Grace Jacobsen

Marlin Cosmas Jada

Danica Rowe Jakovljevic

Honours Thesis

Justin John Samuel James

Nolan Patrick Soren Jensen

Dalyce Felicia Jimmy-Priebe

Kalyn Serena Johnston

Nicolas Robert Jujihara

With Great Distinction

Co-operative Education

Krisztian Kacsanyi

Ji Soo Kang

With Distinction

Co-operative Education

Harleen Kaur

Harshpinder Kaur

Inderpreet Kaur

Navneet Kaur

Taranjot Kaur

Meaghan Lyndsay Kay

Melanie Shantel Kebel

Co-operative Education

Logan Dale Keet

Holland Taylor Kelly

Taryn Jean Kelly

Katelyn Susan Kemp

Liam Andrew Kerr

Brooke Kathleen Kienas

Michael Tyler Kimmins

With Great Distinction

Michael Axel Kindley

With Great Distinction

Liam Gabriel King

Co-operative Education

Jared Douglas Kirkpatrick

With Great Distinction

Travis Randal Klemick

Anton Louis Koetzler-Faust

Janelle Morgan Kohls

Kiara Mackenzie Kornelson

With Great Distinction

Zachary Adam Kraus

Kaine Zachary Krause

James L A Evrett Krippl

Brendan Mitchell Kuhn

With Distinction

Mackenzie Gwynne Kure

With Great Distinction

Jillian Eve Laing

With Distinction

Stephanie Joanna Laing

Grace Elizabeth Lake

Kailee Rae Landon

Jade Langenfurth

Charlotte Gabrielle


With Great Distinction

Honours Thesis

Jireh Raul Morla Lastimosa

Kristen Danielle Laurie

Bethany Ruth Law

With Great Distinction

Jonathan Michael Le May

With Great Distinction

Honours Thesis

Kyra Marilyn Faith Leonardi

Davis Michael Moro Lichowit

Allison Marie Liebe

With Distinction

O’Brien Thomas Little

Benjamin Arthur

Sean Livingstone

With Great Distinction

Honours Thesis


Cally Mae Lloyd

With Great Distinction

Sean Joel MacRae

Tyler Joseph Malaka

Kiana Marie Mann

With Distinction

Trevor Dean Marlowe

Jessica Ashlyn Martin

Reece Anthony Martin

With Distinction

Honours Thesis

Jackson Thomas Masciangelo

With Distinction

Kevin John Masson

With Distinction

Taylor Colorado Masson

Alexandre Skye Mayr

With Distinction

Brodie Teague McCord

Ryan Brett McDonald

Kirsty McFadyen

With Great Distinction

Co-operative Education

Honours Thesis

Ryan Bruce McMurtry

Julia Grace Medlicott

With Great Distinction

Honours Thesis

Suhail Basheer

Meethale Peedikayil

Kyla Mckenzie Meggison

Cadence Raine Meszaros

With Great Distinction

Mason Steven Mierzewski

With Great Distinction

Bryan Jorge Mills

Farhanuddin Mohammed

With Great Distinction

Denisa Maria Moldovan

Connor Branson Morand

Chase David Mossing

Co-operative Education

Maxwell Jarod Mueller

With Great Distinction

Hayley Lise Nassichuk-Dean

Andrei Neda

Jade Brianne Nelson

With Great Distinction

Honours Thesis

Stacie Kay Nelson

With Distinction

Co-operative Education

Honours Thesis

Kuoc Tim Ng

Jonah Darren Nickerson

Matt Yutaka James Nielsen

With Great Distinction

Honours Thesis

Trevor David Niggli

With Distinction

Brennan Anthony


Tori Nicole Norlin

With Distinction

Sabiha Samiun Nova


Oluwagbemiga Olatona

Kaileb Isaac Buchanan Olson

With Great Distinction

Valerie Isioma Onwuanyi

Gerrard Xun Jher Ooi

With Distinction

Co-operative Education

Gregory Xun Jieh Ooi

Elizabeth Orel

With Great Distinction

Meghan Rochelle Orich

Brayden Troy Ormann

Co-operative Education

Natsumi Oshima

With Distinction

Mark Isaac Oswald

Co-operative Education

Brooke Ashton Pansky

With Great Distinction

Connery John Pateman

With Great Distinction

Karolina Nicole Pater

Joshua Rowland Payne

Caitlin Emma Marie Peet

Dryden Nickolas Pek

Levi Scott Pellett

Jaixann Tiffany Persigas

Karena Frances Peterson

With Great Distinction

Chase Alan Petruska

With Great Distinction Honours Thesis

Daniil Pleskach

Sullivan James Polanski

Taylor Aria Pomahac

Caleb John Pozdnikoff

With Distinction

Nathan David Provost

Shane Keiju Rainnie

Armina Shamim Rashid

Payton Shawntel Reddick

With Great Distinction

Jesi Maree Jimenez Revelar

Jea Mariztel Ricafort

Hailey Pamela Rieger

With Great Distinction

Lauren Mae Rigg

Guianne Lois Rodrigo

Erika Lisseth Roman Vasconez

Brooklynn Marie Rudelich With Distinction

Sali Rugeiyatu

Jane Alexandra Sabo With Great Distinction

Honours Thesis

Moawia Ibn Abi Sofian Saeed

With Distinction

Shayne Nicole

Villapando Salazar

With Great Distinction

Pardeepak Singh Sandhu

With Distinction

Honours Thesis

Amy Rheanne Saretsky

With Distinction

Brea Viola Maureen Schmid

Matthew Kade Seidle

Justin Noah Serfas

With Great Distinction

Anna Yuzuki Shearer

With Great Distinction

Stuart Shortridge

Michael William Kile Simpson

With Distinction

Rubal Singh

Varun Pratap Singh

Jared Lee Sisco

Nivetha Sivakumar

Nicole Shirlen Skanes

With Distinction

Kerrin Leanne Slenders

With Great Distinction

Rayelle Jones Gaastra Smith

Andrea Kate Smithies

Dustin Russell Snider

With Great Distinction

Dillan Jameson Sokolowski

With Great Distinction

Luke Paul Sommerfeld

With Distinction

Scott Andrew Sonnleitner

Jayden Aaron Steski

Joseph Andre St Louis

Co-operative Education

Ksenia Petra Stromsmoe

Cole Parker Stroud

Julia Elizabeth Stroud

With Great Distinction

Honours Thesis

Lane Allan Suchy

Rukshi Shereen Sundararaj

Grace Lauren Taylor

Spencer John Taylor

With Great Distinction

Devin William Thacker

Logan Mackenzie Thomas With Distinction

Tyrell Roland Thring

Jacob Andrew Grant Togstad

With Great Distinction

Maruful Haque Tonmoy

Carson Daniel Turner

Jessica Faith Van Gaalen

With Great Distinction

Joletta Maria Van Rhijn

With Great Distinction

Honours Thesis

Remington Christopher


Griffin Willem Vince

Leeza Voyevoda

With Great Distinction

Samantha Marie Wade

With Distinction

Mackenzie Kim Walburger

With Distinction

Wesley Gordon

James Waldern

Muhammad Waleed

Dustin Donald Ward

With Great Distinction

Co-operative Education

Patrick Casey Ward

With Distinction

Amber Dawn Watson

David Drew Weisgarber

Brett Wells

Co-operative Education

Kaitlyn Amber Wendt

Brittany Anne Wickenheiser

Alexander Wiigs

With Great Distinction

Caleb Jonathan Willms


Amanda Faye Woodtke

With Distinction

Honours Thesis

Jameson Earl Yawney

With Great Distinction

Christabel Quansimah Yawson

Meagan Yeung

Jessica Marie Zarowny

Rufaro Jessie Zengeya

Tiancheng Zhao



THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 2023 AT 2:30 P.M.

Presiding Over the Ceremony

Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

Conducting the Ceremony

Sheila McManus, Platform Marshal

Musical Prelude

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Hana Hubley

The Procession

At the commencement of the procession, those assembled are asked to stand, as they are able, until invited to take their seats.

Led by Michelle Hogue, Chief Marshal

Piper: Tom Wilson

Marshals: Susan Findlay, Don McIntyre, Tracey Oosterbroek, Rumi Graham, Jon Doan and Jan Newberry


Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

National Anthem

Led by Holly Kletke, Faculty of Fine Arts

O Canada by Calixa Lavallee


Bernard White Man Left, Faculty of Arts and Science

Honour Song

Composed and gifted to the University of Lethbridge by Leroy Little Bear, in honour of its Blackfoot name, ‘Iniskim’. The name ‘Iniskim’ was gifted to the University by Kainai elder, Bruce Wolf Child.

Leroy Little Bear, Vice-Provost of Iniskim Relations, Distinguished Niitsitapi Scholar, 2004 Honorary Degree Recipient, Professor Emeritus, and 2003

Alumnus of the Year

Welcome and Report to Convocation

This traditional address celebrates the value of education and the combined accomplishments of our graduands and the University community.

Michael Mahon, President and Vice-Chancellor

Conferral of Honorary Degree

Awarded by the Senate to individuals who personify the values expressed in the philosophy of the institution — they cultivate human values and seek to foster intellectual growth, social development, aesthetic sensitivity, personal ethics, and the dimensions of a scholars personality.

Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

Esther Tailfeathers, Doctor of Science, honoris causa

Introduced by Duane Piper, Senate Member

Address to the Graduands

Esther Tailfeathers, Doctor of Science, honoris causa

Musical Selection

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Hana Hubley

Deb, You See by Layton Hiebert

Conferral of Degrees

Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

School of Graduate Studies

Master of Arts

Master of Nursing

Candidates presented by Jackie Rice, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies

Faculty of Arts and Science

Bachelor of Arts

Candidates presented by Matthew Letts, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science

Faculty of Health Sciences

Bachelor of Health Sciences

Bachelor of Nursing

Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation

Candidates presented by Christopher Hosgood, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences

Medals of the Governor General of Canada of Academic Excellence

These medals are awarded to graduating students with the highest academic standing; gold at the graduate level and silver at the undergraduate level.

Leonard Garth Brooks, Gold

Presented by Erasmus Okine, Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

School of Graduate Studies

Medals of Merit

Awarded to graduating students from each degree program in the School of Graduate Studies

Leonard Garth Brooks, Master of Arts

Presented by Jackie Rice, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies

Faculty of Arts and Science

Gold Medal (Art)

This medal is awarded to the most distinguished graduate for the academic year

Amy Lauren Cran

Presented by Matthew Letts, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science

Faculty of Health Sciences Gold Medal

This medal is awarded to the most distinguished graduate for the academic year

Christine Michele Green

Presented by Christopher Hosgood, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences

Volunteer Award

The University Volunteer Award recognizes individuals who have gone above and beyond in their service to the University community.

Marta Gerasymchuk

Presented by Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

Alumni Welcome

Deirdre McKenna President of the University of Lethbridge Alumni Association


Sheila McManus, Platform Marshal


Terry Whitehead, Chancellor


Those assembled are asked to stand, as they are able, for the recession until the chief marshal bearing the mace, followed by the platform party and the graduates, have departed.

Recessional Music

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Hana Hubley



Keegan Mae Brantner

Thesis: Moral dilemmas in university populations

Forrest Dean Freihaut

Thesis: Nondual Metaphysics: Connections between Shankara’s Advaita Vedanta and the Thought of Rene Guenon

A K M Iftekhar Khalid

Thesis: The history of English in Bangladesh

Chidozie Martin Mbakwe

Thesis: The sustainability of public debt in Nigeria

Makita Brianne Mikuliak

Thesis: Teachers’ responses to the TQS5 in Southern Alberta: translations through relations

Wael Mohammed Awed Nasser

Thesis: A mixed-method study on understanding irregular migration to Canada through technology-mediated communication: YouTube as a case study

Tolulope Blessing Omosefunmi

Thesis: Inflows of foreign direct investment to ECOWAS countries: an empirical analysis

Sadia Sultana Oni

Thesis: Trade flows between SAFTA member countries: An empirical analysis

Yasmin Wahab

Thesis: A gravity analysis of bilateral trade among ECOWAS member countries


Trinity Edna Bradfield

Kennedy Nicole Brown

Thesis: Registered Nurses’ Experiences Working in the Emergency Fast Track Area

Danielle Marie McGregor

Erin Caleigh Rohovie

Thesis: The Experiences, Responsibilities, and Recommendations of the Registered Nurse Health Coach in Alberta

Tiffany Vuong Trinh



Lorena Ajhorn

Zachary Austin Allison-Lundstad

Teerth Anand

Jordan Jamie Andreasen With Distinction

Honours Thesis

Lorainne Fern Armstrong

Cassidy Marguerite Ascione

Shui Ling Sharon Au

Francis Louis Ayotte

Caitlyn Elise Bailes

With Great Distinction

Emily Rose Beer With Distinction

Jamie Maria Bennett

Dylan Wesley Berg

Rory Arthur Black

Taylor Rose Blais With Distinction

Rachelle Lynn Brace

AnaVami Anita Braimoh

Matthew Kevin Braisher

Sarah Ann Braul With Distinction

Ry’anne Koby Bruised Head

Awarded Posthumously

Jillian Ann Burke

Andrew William Burniston With Distinction

Nash Christopher Andre Calvez With Great Distinction

Tristan Garret Chase With Distinction

Audrey Dany Chichery

Cheyenne Dawn Clow

Co-operative Education

Cailyn Marie Cooke

Hannah Angelina Couture

With Great Distinction

Amy Lauren Cran

With Great Distinction

Honours Thesis

James-Tyler Dennis Cranston

Daniel William Credico

Xavier Raymond Daniel Crosby

With Great Distinction

Darrell Lee Daniels

Sorcha Lee Raven DeHeer

Megan Emily Dobbie

Emmitt George Driscoll

Amanda Jacqueline Dubois

Nathaniel Jay Duda

With Distinction

Emma Nicole Bridgett Dwyer

Brittany Ann Eld

Alexander Reese Engel

With Distinction

Honours Thesis

Chloe Arian Ferguson-Davis

Brandt Raymond James Flemming

Sarah Mackenzie Ford

With Distinction

Caitlin Nicole Forseth

Logan Gerard Fox

Talmann Roy Frostad

Savannah Anne Galenzoski Kacsmar

Kalea Sandra Kay Garrett

With Great Distinction

Peter Steven Gorombey

Dharma Stevie Gray

With Distinction

Tomoko Greenshields

With Great Distinction

Keegan Diane Gregory

Laurin Dawn Gregson

Elsa Annalise Gretton

Tori Madison Hagemann

Corbin Faith Halbert

With Great Distinction

Lauren Taylor Hanna

Seth Raine Harasem-Mitchell

Rourke Samuel Harding

Mackenzie Rayne Hearn

Brody Thomas Herman

Remko Alexander Hess

Peyton Amelia Hiebert

Annie Emilia Hogan

Morgan Jayne Holloway

Alyssa Eileen House

With Great Distinction

Tiffany Sarah Hummel

Oladunni Anita Ibraheem

Mackenzie Xiu Zhen Jagersma

Lagurenh Janse van Rensburg

Benjamin John-George Jansen

With Great Distinction

Carol Alison Jensen

Aidan Aislin Johnson

Taelor Kendra Johnson

Marc Gregory Joly

With Distinction

Mackenzie Isabel Kennedy

Margaret Jean Kieper

With Distinction


Devon Anthony Lamont

With Great Distinction

Honours Thesis

Richard Dalton Lengyel

Mackenzie Brooke Lowe

Siena Isabella Ann Luckett

Judith Katherine Ludlam

Joel Dean William MacLeod

Hallie Jean Malcolm

William Nicholas Marchand

Natasha Kiran Marciano

Alexis Rose Marconi

Mackenzie Reece Martin

Alexia Taylor McCuaig

Richard Blake McDougall

Weston Daniel McKay

Madison Janina McLeod

Paeton Lee Melcher

With Distinction

Tinotenda Nicole Mhuka

Bryan David Middleton

Ciara May Mooney

Annik Marielle Morin

Jarom Tyler Mossey

Hannah Marie Mustard

With Great Distinction

Asaad Nava Carrano

Rashmi Amasha Nayakaratna

Rachel Christina Nibogie

Delainey Rae Niven

Divine Onyinyechukwu Nwokeji

Rachel Margaret Nyberg

Eniola Olamide Oladejo

Daniel Reuben Oler

Azlyn Marion Olson

Abiodun Richard Omoniyi

Kynan Robert Genye Ono

Nana Asare Nketia Osei-Owusu

Kezia Dawn Colleen Palmer

With Distinction

Shannon Patricia Park

Ronald Valmoria Pasimio

Samuel Nicholas Paskuski

With Distinction

Jillian Shelby Patterson

With Distinction

Elizabeth Mary Peace

Elaine Rosebie Perez

Connor Edward Pirie

Ashley Jane Pollock

Evangeline Mary Potiuk

Evan Jay Publicover

Darine Christian Ebueza Quilog

Anika Megan Randle

With Great Distinction

Shayna Lyn Ravndahl

Harlee Rae Reghenas

Erin Maureen Roberts

With Distinction

Anna Elizabeth Rogess

Ariel Rosenfeld

Calyn May Ross

Ciara Jacqueline Russell-Baker With Great Distinction

Mackenzie Leigh Schnurr

William Christopher Mark Schulze

Samantha Ashley Scott

With Great Distinction

Victoria Dawn Segouin

Myla Joy Sept

With Great Distinction

Sydney Mae Shilliday With Great Distinction

Rebecca Sarah Siemens

Natalie May Huang Sioson

Hannah Christine Slater

Kevin Dennis Sloan

Brooke Renee Snelgrove

Emily Jayne Sosnowski

Rebeca Spencer With Distinction

Honours Thesis

Liam Thomas Stableford

Sadie Isabelle Stevenson

Meredith Ann Stewart With Great Distinction

Shay-Lynn Rachel Dora Strikes With A Gun

Kelsey Brice Tailfeathers With Great Distinction

Callum Darren Tecklenburg

Thomas James Ternes

Aaron Emmanuel Tober

Amanda An Tran

Hunter Ann-Marie Trzaska

Joy Foriwaa Twum Barimah

Cole Micheal Urbanowski

Miracle Uweh

Trinity June Vandebeld

Aidan Vanden Dungen

Chase Alexander Van Gaalen With Great Distinction

Mylena Alexandria Veliz

Xena Ray-Anne Veltman

With Great Distinction

Allison Marie Vonk With Distinction

Madison Lyndon Wall

Taylyn Karen Walsh

Kristine Cora Lee Ward With Great Distinction

Ian Sheldon Weir

Taylor Jo Wells

Candace Alicia West

With Great Distinction

Rene Molle Anne White Quills

Gracie Anne Whitfield

With Great Distinction

Lucas Ross Willumsen

With Distinction

Justin Chak-Hei Wong

Allison Ticad Wooden

Genna Loann Wright


Bernard Peter White Man Left


Angelina Patricia Adams

Abidemi Barakat Adeyemo

Vanessa Lindsey Ahenakew

Hania Ahmed

With Great Distinction

Bolatito Akinleye

With Distinction

Chigozie Goodness Akunne

With Great Distinction

Tochukwu Emmanuel Akunne

With Distinction

Manahil Ali

Kamsey Mary Stephynie Amulu

May Atlas

Rachel Dawn Beddows

With Distinction

Melissa Ruth Beer

Raeanne Darrolyn Boles

With Great Distinction

Thomas Leonard William Brosh

With Distinction

Kylie Jordan Cardall

Ashley Elizabeth Agnes Cesar

With Distinction

Parisa Choudhury

Davina Lin Dawson

Catherine Christina Deans

With Distinction

Chelsey Pearl Dempster

Ashley Marie Dillabough

With Distinction

Courtney Nicole Dynna

With Great Distinction

Nicole Elizabeth Elaschuk

Nat Baker Ellis

Nike Deborah Emordi

With Great Distinction

Zaynab Rehma Enayetullah

With Great Distinction


Ronda Leah Enns

With Great Distinction

Lucy Mimidoo Ekaete Eno-Nta

With Great Distinction

Kayley Tiana Fairney

With Great Distinction

Javeria Farrukh

With Great Distinction

Melanie Suzanne Francis With Distinction

Joshua Manuel Fuentes

Erin Jane Gavelin With Distinction

Lucy Margaret Gerrand

With Great Distinction

Lemlem Ellen Ghebreyesus

With Great Distinction

Chanelle Rae-Lynn Grueber

Caroline Ashley Harrison

With Great Distinction

Jeana Marie Ang Hernandez

With Distinction

Kenley Evelyn Hull-Dalik

Destiney Ciera Hunt

With Great Distinction

Aylin Monserrat Hurtado Rivas

With Distinction

Sarah Ellen Johnson Parker

Kathleen Isabelle Ray Kenworthy

Young Mi Kim

With Great Distinction

Maya Mary Ann Krett

John Jared Little Bear

Katie Bo Mah-Poy

Eberechi Mba

With Great Distinction

Tenille Leigh McDougall With Distinction

Caroline Lorna Medicine Crane

Kladi Tutu Mwansa

Wyatt Tristan Nalder

Emilie Nicole Neil

Erin Rose Nicholson

With Distinction

Eunice Opoku-Mensah With Distinction

Laura Sofia Oviedo Guzman

Temitope Grace Owolabi

Sky Desiree Pearce

Lisa Petrik

With Distinction

Tori Alexandra Petryshyn

Lilian Christine Possin

With Great Distinction

Dakota Logan Reed

Lyndsay Grace Rolfsen

Christie Lynn Saddleback

Issa Barassa Sanogo

Kofoworola Yezeedat Sanusi With Distinction

Priti Nilisha Sharma With Great Distinction

Deborah Oluwadolapo Shodeinde With Great Distinction

Sydney Lee Sicotte

Noah Sielu With Distinction

Sarah Song

Alyssa Lee Stranz With Distinction

Mikail Blaire Tate With Great Distinction

Lidiya Haileselassie Teklu With Distinction

Nishi Thakkar With Distinction

Jane Lynn Tkachuk

Emily Celine Vos With Great Distinction

Amanda Rae Watson

Shaelin Eve Westerson With Great Distinction

Mackinley Taylor Williams With Distinction

Emily McCalman Williston

Marley Victoria Willms

Paige Alexis Zurbrigg With Great Distinction


Hannah Rose Abrahamson

Trinity Michelle Alles With Distinction

Andrea Josine Manansala Aquino With Distinction

Trinity Emma Archer With Great Distinction

Karlene Michelle Auld

Oluwatomilade Olubamigbe Awoderu

Daniils Bagelis

With Great Distinction

Shantelle Breanna Bennett With Distinction

Sally Adele Esther Beveridge

Carlee Rachael Bole

Kirsten Geneal Burdett

Khloe Michaella Ceballos With Distinction

Haley Noelle Cervo With Great Distinction

Elisabeth Edan Chatwood

Jennie Ryann Chipman With Distinction

Bethany Jean Clark

With Great Distinction

Saffren Bibi Colbourne With Distinction

Taya Anne Colwell

Quinn Mckinley Cox

Evangeline DeBaie

With Distinction

Tyler Rene DeHeer

Miranda Drollinger With Distinction

Madyson Mackenzie Duke With Distinction

Kaela Dawn Dyck

Angela Cathrys Arzobal Estranero With Distinction

Amy Grace Fordyce With Distinction

Jessie Ann Froehlich

With Great Distinction

Katherine Louise Gabert With Distinction

Breanne Lynn Gatzky

Abby Gabrielle Posada Gemora With Distinction

Marylou An Dolaoco Gilbertson With Distinction

Mya Elise Green With Distinction

Eric William Grier With Distinction

Kathryn Johanna Grisnich

Carmen Marie Groten With Distinction

Robyn Elizabeth Grove

Krista Lynn Gulka

With Great Distinction

Makenna Belle Haight

Reejana Hammersley

With Great Distinction

Lydia Nadine Hermann

Abby Hannah Hill

With Distinction

Brooklyn Emmeline Hill

With Great Distinction

Courtlyn Tavia Hope

Aubrey Marie Horbachewski

With Great Distinction

Suna Naomi Dunn Ikeda

Kara Lynne Illerbrun With Distinction

Shaziya Jiwa With Distinction

Sandra Elsa Joseph With Distinction

Arushi Ann Karuvelil With Distinction


Sarah Marie Kauro

With Distinction

Tayshia Caroline Keating

Jessica Elisabeth Keith

Brooke Casey Kennett

Graysen Samantha Koch With Great Distinction

Aman Kooner With Great Distinction

Natalia Kuleshova

Nicole Anne Lewicki

Katherine Patricia Lewis

Sarah Renee Lindsay With Great Distinction

Ashtyn Marnie Lybbert With Distinction

Sloan Autumn Mac Donald With Distinction

Natalie Sophie Martens With Great Distinction

Houssam Matar

Jordan Brianne Materi

Carly Faye McLean

Marguerite Georgia Medwid With Great Distinction

Brylee Rayne Mehlen With Distinction

Maeve Lillian Meier

Sydney Jane Meier With Distinction

Vanica Mae Misa With Distinction

Da Hye Moon With Distinction

William Jaysson Moore With Distinction

Phuoc Thi Thanh Nguyen With Great Distinction

Georgia Dee Nobiling With Distinction

Eryn Debra Owsley With Distinction

Marcus Antwine Plourde With Distinction

Grace Mary Pohl With Distinction

Kali Lila Reefschlaeger With Great Distinction

Elizabeth Rempel

Jessica Erin Riddell With Distinction

Savana Norma Rohde

With Great Distinction

Samvriddhi Sapkota

Ashley Petra Sazalski With Great Distinction

Mackenzie Lynn Schalk With Distinction

Abigail Nicole Cave Scherger With Distinction

Kali Ryan Schiissler

Jerri Lee-Anne Schweighardt With Great Distinction

Bryn Taylor Singer

Cloe Agnes Victoria Sloan With Distinction

Sarah Slot

Devon Victor Smith With Great Distinction

Kendyl Christina Stephenson With Great Distinction

Amy Klara Stolz

Makenna Marie Terrill With Distinction

Samyak Thapa

Nicole Lisa Thompson With Great Distinction

Sarah Madeline Thompson With Distinction

Amanda Summer Thoreson With Great Distinction

Arden Anna Joy van de Burgt With Distinction

Hailey Nicole Van Maanen

Kassidy Angel Vinet

Maria Danielle Visser

Cailee Grace Weslowski With Distinction

Kristy Danielle Woods With Great Distinction

Brittney Alyssa Wort With Great Distinction

Morgan Strand Wylie With Great Distinction

Chelte Anne Young

Madison Maria Zalik With Great Distinction

Makenna Leigh Zanewich With Great Distinction


Hillary Aileen Allen

Courtney Taylor Ashcroft

Marissa Beier With Distinction

Mikayla Mae Blais

With Distinction

Mary-Jane Katherine Brothers

Jennifer Mary Daigle

Kaitlyn Rose Doherty

Shannan Christina Drefs

Tiffany Lynn Fraize

With Great Distinction

Jacey Rae Gettis

Christine Michele Green

With Great Distinction

Shae-Lynn Jodi Illingworth

With Great Distinction

Hanna Bessie Marie Jensen

Jenna Rae Jonker

Kendra Marie Juurlink

Myriam Bourget Karnas With Distinction

Laura Lynn Kissick

With Great Distinction

Vickie Lynn Kornelsen With Distinction

Janine Joyce Leonard

Crystal Jean Leptich

Minerva Sinamar Mapalo

Alana Lee Mullett

With Distinction

Meghan Angela Elizabeth Pardi

Morgan Jean Pippy

Elizabeth Hannah Pospolita

With Great Distinction

Brooke Elizabeth Ringuette With Great Distinction

Jessi Erin Robinson

Nicholas Carl Sawiak

Maxwell Lewis Schaffner

Kirstin Marie Shanks

Ash-Leigh Mae Elizabeth Sherman

Barbra JoAna Smith

With Great Distinction

Kyle John Smook

With Distinction

Liesel Anne Wierenga With Great Distinction

Laura Alexandra Willsher With Great Distinction

RaeAnn Patricia Wipf

With Distinction



FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 2023 AT 9:30 A.M.

Presiding Over the Ceremony

Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

Conducting the Ceremony

Ilsa Wong, Platform Marshal

Musical Prelude

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Hana Hubley

The Procession

At the commencement of the procession, those assembled are asked to stand, as they are able, until invited to take their seats.

Led by Michelle Hogue, Chief Marshal

Piper: Tom Wilson

Marshals: Wendy Osborn, Wayne Lippa, Jeffrey MacCormack, Locke Spencer, Richelle Marynowski and Craig Coburn


Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

National Anthem

Led by Holly Kletke, Faculty of Fine Arts

O Canada by Calixa Lavallee


Griffin Contini, Faculty of Education

Honour Song

Composed and gifted to the University of Lethbridge by Leroy Little Bear, in honour of its Blackfoot name, ‘Iniskim’. The name ‘Iniskim’ was gifted to the University by Kainai elder, Bruce Wolf Child.

Leroy Little Bear, Vice-Provost of Iniskim Relations, Distinguished Niitsitapi Scholar, 2004 Honorary Degree Recipient, Professor Emeritus, and 2003

Alumnus of the Year

Welcome and Report to Convocation

This traditional address celebrates the value of education and the combined accomplishments of our graduands and the University community

Michael Mahon, President and Vice-Chancellor

Address to the Graduands

Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

Let It Shine On

John Wort Hannam (BA/BEd ’96)

Musical Selection

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Hana Hubley

Deb, You See by Layton Hiebert

Conferral of Degrees

Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

School of Graduate Studies

Master of Counselling

Master of Education

Master of Fine Arts

Master of Music

Candidates presented by Jackie Rice, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies

Faculty of Education

Bachelor of Education

Diploma in Education

Candidates presented by Robin Bright, Dean of the Faculty of Education

Combined Degrees

Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education

Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education

Bachelor of Fine Arts — Art and Bachelor of Education

Bachelor of Fine Arts — Dramatic Arts and Bachelor of Education

Bachelor of Fine Arts — New Media and Bachelor of Education

Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Education

Bachelor of Management and Bachelor of Education

Candidates presented by Erasmus Okine, Provost and Vice President (Academic)

Faculty of Fine Arts

Bachelor of Fine Arts — Art

Bachelor of Fine Arts — Dramatic Arts

Bachelor of Fine Arts — Multidisciplinary

Bachelor of Fine Arts — Indigenous Art

Bachelor of Fine Arts — New Media

Bachelor of Music

Candidates presented by Shelley Scott, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts

School of Graduate Studies

Medals of Merit

Awarded to graduating students from each degree program in the School of Graduate Studies

Taylor Dale Molstad, Master of Education

Presented by Jackie Rice, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies

Faculty of Education Gold Medal

This medal is awarded to the most distinguished graduate for the academic year

Brooklynne Hope Agnew

Presented by Robin Bright, Dean of the Faculty of Education

William Aberhart Gold Medal

In the memory of William Aberhart, former Alberta Premier and Minister of Education, this award recognizes the individual with the highest general proficiency in the final two years of a Bachelor of Education program.

Mahaliah Muriel Peddle

Presented by Robin Bright, Dean of the Faculty of Education

Faculty of Fine Arts Gold Medal

This medal is awarded to the most distinguished graduate for the academic year

Hana Faith Hubley

Presented by Shelley Scott, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts

Board of Governors’ Teaching Chair

Recognized for excellence in teaching, the recipient of this award enhances teaching excellence and the scholarship of teaching and learning at the University of Lethbridge. Christopher Mattatal

Introduced by Dean Gallimore, Chair of the Board of Governors

Excellence in Teaching Award

Established in 1987, this medal recognizes the importance of teaching to the philosophy and goals of the University.

Devon Smither

Presented by Anne Dymond, Associate Professor Art History and Museum Studies

Alumni Welcome

Nick Gabbin

Vice-President of the University of Lethbridge Alumni Association


Ilsa Wong, Platform Marshal


Terry Whitehead, Chancellor


Those assembled are asked to stand, as they are able, for the recession until the chief marshal bearing the mace, followed by the platform party and the graduates, have departed.

Recessional Music

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Hana Hubley



Raissen Pan

Counselling Psychology

Project: Professional Portfolio


Vanessa Jane Barr Capstone

Kelsey Lynne Borle

Counselling Psychology


Zoe Lillian Bessie Brennan

Counselling Psychology

Thesis: Exploring the Experiences of Current and Former Child and Youth Care Workers in Therapeutic Residential Care Programs

Bailee Danae Bruins

Counselling Psychology


Jordan Rebecca Code Capstone

Hailey Jenna Cornelius

Counselling Psychology


Tonita Mable Craig

Project: Enhancing Teacher Efficacy: Research and Implementation of Brain-Based Pedagogy for Educators of Adolescent Learners

Olivia Raine Curran-Morton

Counselling Psychology


Veronica Mary Doyle Capstone

Brittany Alexandra Dyck

Counselling Psychology


Aaron Bradley Fitchett

Thesis: “A matter of my heart”: Teachers’ experiences with inquiry-based professional learning

Sabrina Lyn Hak Francom Capstone

Keana Brooke Funk Counselling Psychology Capstone

Adele Ruth Henderson Capstone

Tessa Susanne Janzen Capstone

Jasmine Yume Kinjo Capstone

Jason Frederick Kwasny Capstone

Andreea Laura Maries

Counselling Psychology Capstone

Dakota Keith Mattson Capstone

Dailyn McCalla

Counselling Psychology


Korinne Helene McDonald Capstone

Taylor Dale Molstad Counselling Psychology

Thesis: Academic Outcomes

Following Sexual Assault: The Function of Post-Traumatic Stress

Stuart Lee Nish Capstone

Khanjan Pandya Counselling Psychology Capstone

Suzanne Marie Picard

Project: Place conscious Theory of Knowledge: Promoting responsive dialogue about place through Theory of Knowledge

Colleen Mary Schauerte

Project: Elementary teacher’s perceptions of leadership strategies that most effectively promote and support collaborative professional learning

Bailey Jade Sisson Capstone

Jennifer Ann Thomsen Capstone

Carmelle Ann Watson Capstone

Thomas Michael James Zimmerman

Counselling Psychology



Jaime Johnson

Thesis: Dressed to Kill: The Costume Design for Merry Debaucheries and a Dance with Death

Carla Traughber Simon

Thesis: Alternative Resources For Theatre: 3d Printing, Woolen Felt And Gelatin Adapted To Produce The Kiss Of Blood: Developing Alternate Techniques To Implement Renewable, Biodegradable, And Local Resources To Decrease The Carbon Footprint


Brooklynne Hope Agnew

With Great Distinction

Mirela Ambeskovic

With Great Distinction

Julia Raelynn Anton

With Great Distinction

Suzette Mataniufeagaimaleata Atoa

Joseph John Michael Baceda

With Great Distinction

Courtney Christine Bardock

With Great Distinction

Kevin Dale Bekevich

With Distinction

Michelle Rae Boehme

With Great Distinction

Denis Bykovskikh

Samuel Chambers-Dumont

Christopher Samuel Cote

With Great Distinction

Winston Ira Day Chief

Brandon Kyle Degorter

With Distinction

Kiera Elise Fyfe

With Great Distinction

Taryn Jean Glimpel

With Great Distinction

Josiah John Goudy

With Great Distinction

Cory Justin Grinton

With Great Distinction


Jessa Lynn Heatherington

With Great Distinction

Alba Sofia Hernandez Rojas

With Great Distinction

Mollie Joanne Kennedy

With Great Distinction

Karly Pauline Larson

With Great Distinction

Cindy Le

With Great Distinction

Linh Thuc Le

With Great Distinction

Jamie Matt Leteta

With Great Distinction

Felicia Mei Cin Lim

With Great Distinction

Nolan Ryan Little Bear

Mitchell Anthony Marjoram

With Great Distinction

Christian Edgar Mercado

With Great Distinction

Kayla Michele Meroniuk

Scott Alistair Mooney

With Great Distinction

Heather Rae Moysey

With Great Distinction

Grace Adhiambo Onjaro

With Great Distinction

Joshua Nathaniel Paredes

With Great Distinction

Ashley Paige Pearse

With Great Distinction

Mahaliah Muriel Peddle

With Great Distinction

Henrik Pedersen

With Great Distinction

Morgan Jessica Roach

With Great Distinction

Kelsey Joan Rutkowski

With Distinction

Assumpta Eve Smallwood

With Great Distinction

Dillon Jesse St Jean

With Great Distinction

Robyn Laura Strong

With Great Distinction

Riley Francis Swanberg

With Great Distinction

Aaron David Alan Thiessen

With Great Distinction

Kirstina Margarete Turner

With Great Distinction

Brendan Paul Ukrainetz

With Great Distinction

Natalie Alicia Varga

With Great Distinction

Meike Wege

With Great Distinction


Malak Abdullah

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Julena Bradlin Andrew

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Chase David Ross Arsenault

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Blake Linda Bartlett

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Jordyn Kiku Bryant

BEd - With Great Distinction

Taylor Marie Cameron

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Bailey Lynn Clarkin

BEd - With Distinction

Colt Canaan Cronkite

Jessica Florence Crooks

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Distinction

Brianna Nicole Curtis

BEd - With Great Distinction

Rebecca Karen de Leeuw

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Sara Christina de Wilde

BEd - With Great Distinction

Nicholas Steven Drossos

Michaela Ann Eckersley

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Distinction

Pauline Jeanne-Margot Eudes

BEd - With Distinction

Teegan Rain Gallinger

BEd - With Great Distinction

Abigail Gibbons

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Lauren Olivia Hamilton

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Morgan ShaelynDawn Hansen

BEd - With Great Distinction

Isabelle Judana Hill

BEd - With Great Distinction

Willow Leone Hordos-Goyer

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Shelby Teris Lynne Job

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Quinn James Kannekens

Wade Edward Kast

BEd - With Distinction

Simran Deep Khangura

Jordan Taylor Kosowan

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Kaylee Dawn Labrenz

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Elizabeth Anne Lajoie

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Nicole Christine Leteta

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Katharina Anne Maclean

BEd - With Distinction

Sydney Blaire Macnab

BEd - With Distinction

Molly Marie Edith Maguire

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Mckayla Sarah-Marie Manz

BEd - With Great Distinction

Frances Riley Matthews

BEd - With Great Distinction

Brooks Stanley Maxwell

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

McKenzie Quin McElhinney

BEd - With Distinction

Cheyenne Stella Metro

Gracie Ella Morbeck

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Heather Catherine Munro

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Drew Alexa O’Brien

BEd - With Great Distinction

Kristina Leanne Olafson

Marla Dawn Orr

BEd - With Great Distinction

Tyra Jo Orr

BEd - With Great Distinction

Elizabeth McNaughton Osler

BEd - With Great Distinction

Chloe Reine Pouteaux

BEd - With Great Distinction

Janaya Lynn Ghislaine Probe

BEd - With Distinction

Bryson Ross Quilliams

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Jose Fernando Sanguino

BEd - With Great Distinction

Kelsey Janae Schalk

BEd - With Great Distinction


Bodie John Smith

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Chelsea Marie St. Denis

BEd - With Great Distinction

Lara Alice Stockman

BEd - With Great Distinction

Delaney Theresa Tateson

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Nicole Jamie Trainor

BA - With Distinction

Sophia Ellen Tsougrianis

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Cristina Joanna Vila Dyler

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Cailin Dianne Williams

Macie Lynn Wood

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Mackenzie Josephine Wood

BA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

JoDee Marie Zawalusky

BEd - With Great Distinction

Pauline Claire Zgurski

BA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction


Tessa Jane Andrews

BSc - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Zachary Marc Baker

BSc - With Distinction

BEd - With Distinction

Charlize Kassandra Baron

BSc - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Azia Raine Burton

BSc - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Isabelita Sophia Halili Cabrera

BEd - With Great Distinction

Danica Mary Light Caron

BEd - With Great Distinction

Oshana Christiansen

BEd - With Great Distinction

Griffin Charles Bryan Contini

BSc - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Sarah Anne Cymbaliuk

BEd - With Great Distinction

Brittney Samantha Dansereau

BEd - With Distinction

James Peter Doromal

BEd - With Distinction

Brooke Kenedee Dykslag

BSc - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Jordan Lynn Gardener

BEd - With Great Distinction

Silas James Giesbrecht

BEd - With Distinction

Erin Larissa Gill

BEd - With Great Distinction

Nathan Daniel Glatt

BEd - With Distinction

Rachel Brianne Greeno

BEd - With Great Distinction

Cody Camden Hemmerling

BSc - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Josephine Isabelle Henderson

BSc - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Emma Lynne Lorraine Heninger

BEd - With Great Distinction

Morgan Claire Hull

BEd - With Distinction

Daniel Emmerson Kilpatrick

BEd - With Great Distinction

Matthew Young-cheol Kim

BEd - With Great Distinction

Jenna Margaret Knowles

BSc - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Andrew Allan Lamb

Sydney Mae Larson

BEd - With Great Distinction

Nikee Victoria Ramones Lecitona

BSc - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Cameron Robert Lund

BEd - With Great Distinction

Taylor Danielle Martens

BEd - With Great Distinction

Kaitlyn Paige McCulloch

BEd - With Great Distinction

Michael Murdoch McTighe

BSc - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Mark Andrew Mercier

BEd - With Great Distinction

Narmeen Mithani

BEd - With Great Distinction

Emma Margrietha O’Donnell

BEd - With Great Distinction

Tiana Renee Oudshoorn

BSc - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Raymond Chad Oviatt

BEd - With Great Distinction

Kylie Rae Penner

BEd - With Great Distinction

Miranda JoAnne Peterson

BEd - With Great Distinction

Bailey Rian Poelman

BSc - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Ethan Cole Radke

BSc - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Amanda Courtney Reimer

BSc - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Curtis James Rosenau

Teagan Lin Shurtz

Andrea Janelle Slingerland

BSc - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Ainsley May Sorensen

BSc - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Jocelyn Ann-marie Taylor

Emily Samantha Tremblay

Miranda Paige Van Loon

Robyn Jean Yaremcio

BSc - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Dorothy Yuan

BSc - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction


Josie Dawn Hammerstedt

BEd - With Distinction

Kyra Marie Peake

Ethan Joshua Toews

BEd - With Distinction


Asna A. Alimohammad

BFA - With Distinction

BEd - With Distinction

Alexie Anne Nicole Beaulac

BFA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Erin Jennifer Burns

BFA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Janey Grace Deacon-Rosamond

BFA - With Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction


Cora Louise Douglas Moorhead

BFA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Will Carlson Nevada

Avery Marie Rex

BFA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Darian Lee Yurkoski

BFA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction


Tayla Kate Bundschuh

BFA - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction


Lisa Marie Black

BMus - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Jared Michael Eygenraam

BMus - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Alastair Jacob Wohlgemuth


Lance Orvil Booth

BMgt - With Distinction

Rebecca Lynne Killoran

BEd - With Distinction

Tanner Lesh

BMgt - With Distinction

BEd - With Distinction

Mason Darryl Seguin

BMgt - With Great Distinction

BEd - With Great Distinction

Rheannon Elexa Thomas


Jacqueline Efa Eshriew


William Louis Baliko

Kenya Alexandra Bean With Great Distinction

Vicky Marielle Chiasson

Sabrina Nicole Fox With Great Distinction

Hannah Radeen Machacek

Maria Juana Riviere With Great Distinction Honours Thesis

Gary Kunihiro Uchikura With Distinction

Cassandra Dawn Williamson With Great Distinction


Mason Alan John Arsenault With Distinction

Suzanne Mia Braat

Alexandra Jordan Noreen Dodd With Distinction

Kiera Jessica Gemsa

Kacie Nicole Hall With Distinction

Lauren Ashley Moore

Jessica Lee Nguyen With Great Distinction

Jaret Nevada Lambert Pack With Distinction

Oliver Andrew Petti

Jesse Michael Norbert Thibert

Brianna Elizabeth Wilkinson


Tate Joseph Lalonde


Chataya Diamond Holy Singer


Jason Martin Chudobiak

Blake Roy Cullum

James Richard Dwyer

Amiel Villareal Fernandez With Distinction

Rebecca Heidi Friesen With Distinction

Payton Parker Grant

Chelsea Taylor Knox

Julianne Mckenzie Laurie

Cameron James Lelond

Tyler Douglas Lines

Abigail Jane Loveridge With Distinction

Scott Randall Nelson With Great Distinction

Anthony Kosiso Onwordi

Jonah James Pentland

Morgan Lee Rasmussen

Eve Jenny Jolayne Sarkadi

With Great Distinction

Yadi Sun

Brooke Donna Vivian Whelan

Kane Philip Young-Christie


Evan Robert Alexander

Juan Fernando Anez Jalon

With Great Distinction

Christopher James Bernhardt

Evan Daniel Brownlee

Sarah Kelly Chmilar

With Distinction

Olivia Anne Earl

With Great Distinction

Carson Francis Froehlich

With Great Distinction

Layton Lee Hiebert

Elizabeth Dorothy Holthe With Great Distinction

Hana Faith Hubley

With Great Distinction

Jacqueline Claire Kennelly

Holly Linda Kletke With Distinction

Co-operative Education

Myla Jayne Krippl

With Great Distinction

Anton Johann Lindenblatt With Great Distinction

Sophia Janice Makela With Great Distinction

Zoe Elyse Pepper With Distinction

Joleisa Alyssa Quashie

Amanda Taylor Rood With Great Distinction

Jazden Alvina-Delia Smith

Cameron Luke Sperling With Great Distinction

Benjamin Thomas Wellman With Great Distinction

Borys Camilo Wojtowicz

Alandra Cheryl Rose Woycenko With Distinction



FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 2023 AT 2:30 P.M.

Presiding Over the Ceremony

Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

Conducting the Ceremony

Shelia McManus, Platform Marshal

Musical Prelude

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Hana Hubley

The Procession

At the commencement of the procession, those assembled are asked to stand, as they are able, until invited to take their seats.

Led by Michelle Hogue, Chief Marshal

Piper: Tom Wilson

Marshals: Wendy Osborn, Wayne Lippa, Tracy Oosterbroek, Craig Coburn, Olu Awosoga and Jon Doan


Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

National Anthem

Led by Holly Kletke, Faculty of Fine Arts

O Canada by Calixa Lavallee


Blaise Bastien, Faculty of Dhillon School of Business

Honour Song

Composed and gifted to the University of Lethbridge by Leroy Little Bear, in honour of its Blackfoot name, ‘Iniskim’. The name ‘Iniskim’ was gifted to the University by Kainai elder, Bruce Wolf Child.

Leroy Little Bear, Vice-Provost of Iniskim Relations, Distinguished Niitsitapi Scholar, 2004 Honorary Degree Recipient, Professor Emeritus, and 2003

Alumnus of the Year

Welcome and Report to Convocation

This traditional address celebrates the value of education and the combined accomplishments of our graduands and the University community.

Michael Mahon, President and Vice-Chancellor

Conferral of Honorary Degree

Awarded by the Senate to individuals who personify the values expressed in the philosophy of the institution — they cultivate human values and seek to foster intellectual growth, social development, aesthetic sensitivity, personal ethics, and the dimensions of a scholars personality.

Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

Fred Bradley, Doctor of Laws, honoris causa

Introduced by Cyndi Bester, Senate Member

Address to the Graduands

Fred Bradley, Doctor of Laws, honoris causa

Musical Selection

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Hana Hubley

Deb, You See by Layton Hiebert

Conferral of Degrees

Terry Whitehead, Chancellor

School of Graduate Studies

Master of Health Services Management

Master of Science (Management)

Graduate Certificate

Graduate Diploma

Candidates presented by Jackie Rice, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies

Dhillon School of Business

Bachelor of Management

Post-Bachelor Certificate

Professional Diploma in Accounting

Combined Certificate: Combined Post-Bachelor Certificates in Accounting Management Certificate

Undergraduate Diploma

Candidates presented by Kerry Godfrey, Dean of the Dhillon School of Business

Combined Degrees

Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Management

Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Management

Bachelor of Fine Arts — New Media and Bachelor of Management

Bachelor of Health Sciences and Bachelor of Management

Candidates presented by Erasmus Okine, Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

Dhillon School of Business Gold Medal

This medal is awarded to the most distinguished graduate for the academic year

Makayla Rose Koshuta

Presented by Kerry Godfrey, Dean of the Dhillon School of Business

Alumni Welcome

Nick Gabbin

Vice-President of the University of Lethbridge Alumni Association


Sheila McManus, Platform Marshal


Terry Whitehead, Chancellor


Those assembled are asked to stand, as they are able, for the recession until the chief marshal bearing the mace, followed by the platform party and the graduates, have departed.

Recessional Music

The University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra

Conducted by Hana Hubley




Dipa Sarkar


Adedapo Samuel Adeogun

Thesis: Effects of Trade Liberalization on Aggregate and Agricultural Sector Employment in Nigeria

Kathleen Grace Perez Boniol

Thesis: Improving Non-Profit Communication by Analyzing Immigrant Settlement Experiences Through a Customer Journey Lens within the Lethbridge Area

Gurinder Singh Grewal

Thesis: FCK, We’re Sorry: Self-Construal, Interpersonal Closeness, and Swearwords in Brand Communications

Sakura Afrin Oni

Thesis: Leader Humility and Subordinates’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Investigating the Role of Interpersonal Justice and Moderating Mechanism of Employee Cynicism

Murad Ziyatkhanli

Thesis: Power at the top: An Examination of CEO tenure and excess churn


Umbreen Arshad

Nana Afua Asabere

Anthony Kiran Devasahayam

Britain Evelyn Nelson

Luciana Prada

Zakir Amer Sami

Sara Evelyn Verstege


Mikayla Elaine Adams With Distinction

Opeoluwa Maria Adedeji

Adenike Temitope Adeniyi

Nana Kweku Oduro Afful With Distinction

Aziz Ahmed

Tanbir Ahmed

Adel Al Khuffash

Rachel Edith Amon With Great Distinction

Spencer James Aos With Distinction

David Alan Armstrong

Oluwanifemi Peace Ashani

Kenton Steele Atwood With Distinction

Tyler Jonathan Barfuss

Chantal Maria Barry With Distinction

Blaise Thomas Bastien

Ashton Henry Bekkering

Stephen Roger Belisle

Steve Bennette

Carter Thomas Bergmann

Carley Crista Besplug

With Great Distinction

Matthew Alexander Bessey

Mathew Ray Best

Ryley Cole Blakney With Distinction

Joseph Kirk Boehmer

Sean Thomas Bonazzo

Olivier Bourgault

With Great Distinction

James Terrance Britton

Co-operative Education

Cassidy Alicandra Juneen Brown

Tyler David Bruce With Great Distinction

Haley Dawn Bruder

Jesse Wyatt Bruised Head

With Great Distinction

Caroline Joy Silva Calimlim

Ethan James Campbell

Kayley Nicole Canales

With Distinction

Rachel Ann Clarke

With Distinction

Justin Steffen Coderre

With Distinction

Zachary Mark Coleman-Bock

Joshua Christopher Cranston

Lizzie Jade Margaret Rose Crowchild

Co-operative Education

Ellis Elizabeth Dale

With Great Distinction

Francis Dang

Tristen Trey Danyluk

Amy Lynn Davies

Kyle Douglas Davies

With Great Distinction

Jack Chancy Davis

With Distinction

Co-operative Education

Kathryn Lee de Guzman

Co-operative Education

Michael Marc DeBiasio

With Great Distinction

Co-operative Education

Koray Demirbag

Jonas Peter Niel denBok

Jacob Michael den Ouden

With Distinction

Nancy Lynne Dhaliwal

With Great Distinction

Sumaer Singh Dhillon

Emily Anne Diakow

Diogo de Hollanda Cavalcanti Dias

Parker Myles Dunn

With Great Distinction

Chi Dac Duong

Dylan Xavier Earl-Nager

With Distinction

Temara Mary Ann Ebelher

With Distinction

Payton Jeun Long Erickson

Peter Fehr

Co-operative Education

Peter Fehr

Chelsey Dawn Fisher

With Great Distinction

Gabriel Fong-Yau William Fisher

Elzet Fourie

Kirk Cameron Fraser

Luis Andres Galdamez

Mikayla Erin Gerosa

Yousif Adel Ghabour

Mitchell William Gibson

Robert James Gilbertson

With Distinction

Joshua Ethan Girvitz

Talese Jesse Godberson

Co-operative Education

Mina Talal Gorges

Ronan Blair Graham


Mark William Grisnich

Abraham Jafar Haimour

Azraa Hajee

Ishdeep Singh Hanspal

Jamie Aspen Harris

Luke Alexander Heal With Great Distinction

Braden Alexander Helyar With Distinction

Brogan Hepworth With Distinction

Bradley Marlin Hogg

Rylan Daniel Howard With Distinction

Ryan Jonathan Hubble With Distinction

Mckenzie Avery Hutcheson

Klaire Kristiann Hutka

Christopher Ervin Hynes

Devansh Jaitly

Spencer Michael James

Krishil Shaileshbhai Jasani

Mairman Javed

Christopher John Jozsa

Rachael Wanjiru Kabura

Disha Kapil

MD Rezaul Karim

Gurleen Kaur

Jaspreet Kaur

Kiranjeet Kaur

Kismat Kaur

Rajinder Kaur With Distinction

Co-operative Education

Roop Sandan Kaur

Kayla Paige Kearney

Amna Azmat Khawaja

Michelle Raye Kildaw

Byran Richard Kobbert

Jordan Joseph Patrick Kushniruk

Patrick Byron Larson

Quentin James Lavorato

Nixon Le

Kristy Lynn MacDonnell

Connor Thomas MacDougall

Michael Joseph MacNaughton

Matthew Joseph Madore

Raghuinderbir Singh Mann

With Great Distinction

Michael Jay Markle

James Christopher Marriner

Michael Patrick Francis McAvoy

With Great Distinction

Sloan Patrick McGannon

With Distinction

Jason William Austin McKeown

Ruby Juniper McMurdo

Aleena Amyn Merchant

With Great Distinction

Alisha Javeed Merchant

Joshua Levon Meservy With Distinction

Jade Alexa Mierau

Sarah Louise Miller

With Great Distinction

Cali Breanna Milligan

Amy Anne Louise Mitchell

Narinder Mittal

Nathan Mark Moedt With Distinction

Logan Rennie Moncks

Ridhi Munjal

Esther Wanjiku Muthoni

Hassan Nadeem

Alina Nguyen

Tony Le Nguyen

Van Phuong Nguyen

Alastair Alexander Nicol

Erin Michele Nishikawa

Jace Kelly Norlin

With Great Distinction

Sydney Reese Norrie With Distinction

Anna Isabella O’Donnell

Kofoworola Omowunmi Ogunfowora With Distinction

Cody John Day Oliver

Ma. Patricia Justiniani Orozco With Distinction

Vida Rose Damasco Padua

Josel Esper Cunanan Paguio With Great Distinction Co-operative Education

Sharon Hermeet Kaur Panesar With Great Distinction

Darpan Nimeshkumar Patel

Samantha Patterson

Rhett W Pernal With Great Distinction

Ami-Marie Louise Perry

Zachery Charles Peters

Caleb Robert Joseph Pettigrew

Kato Daniel Polanik With Distinction

Matthew Nicholas Polischuk With Distinction

Morgan Edwin Price With Distinction

Chandra Carolyn Pruneau

Xue Fei Qi

Taylor Nicole Raessler

Cassidy Nicole Read With Great Distinction

Jacey Gail Reed

Brittney Anne Rempel

Drake Austin Richards

Taylor Joyce Rivard

With Distinction

Kahlan Leanne Roberts

Noah George Rolheiser

With Great Distinction

Kaidyn Taylor Romaniuk

Justin Cale Roszell

With Great Distinction

Jordan Robert Roy

With Great Distinction

Brenda Nataly Ruiz

With Distinction

Joshua Russomanno

Abbas Safaei Ghasrodashti

With Great Distinction

Logan Michael Salm

With Great Distinction

Reena Cristina Ocampo Saludares

Nate Albert Schlenker

With Great Distinction

Kirk Dietmar Schornstein

With Distinction

Jayden Lee Schwartz

With Distinction

Samuel Glen Scorah

With Great Distinction

Presten Sharp-Chrunik

With Distinction

Mason James Sheen

Alexander Joseph Sheldrake

With Distinction

Noman Hussain Siddiqui

Roop Singh Sidhu

Gurtej Singh

Mandeep Singh

Sushmita Singh

Michellaine Tashina Helen Sleigh

Kaitlynn Pauline Small

Trefton Bailey Snee

Sajith Soudamini Thambi

Carson Wayne Moncrieff Statham

Frank Sun

Amber Dawn Marie Sveinbjornson

With Great Distinction

Dustin James Robert Taylor

Usaid Tayyab

Almar Abao Tejano

Almari Abao Tejano

Nelson Camilo Tique

Shivani MohanMurari Tiwari

Olivia Rose Toms

Noah Dale Trybuch

Sandra Maria Ubeda Gutierrez

Joelle Aimee Van Dam

With Distinction

Brenda Vanderwal


Christian Petrus Wagner With Great Distinction

Dune Gabriel Wald

Muskaan Walia With Distinction

Braydon David Walker

Kennedy Kiragu Wanjohi

Ryley Andrew Wilmot

Zachary Thomas Wise

Wyatt Robert Wyld

Ruiqing Xiao

Tyler Matthew Yee

Sampada Yongya

Jiayu Zhang


Toulsida Valerie Diane Compaore

Amandeep Kaur Ghataure

Syeda Fatema Hossain

Nayyab Mir

Serge Ntirampebura

Dikshaben Jigneshbhai Patel

Negar Rouhbakhsh Vatandoost

Emma Carly Schaber

Co-operative Education

Xiang Xu


Daisy Camosol Bantasan

Rina Kartina

Edwin Jr Galano Yumul

Edmond Zhao


Mario Joseph Bruno Pagliericci


Seth Daniel Decaire

BMgt - With Distinction

Makayla Rose Koshuta

BA - With Great Distinction

BMgt - With Great Distinction

Co-operative Education

Grace Mayforth Krause

Matthew Joseph Victor Lemire

Brittany Lynn Ridd

Allyssa Caitlin Tuck

BA - With Great Distinction

BMgt - With Great Distinction


Shannon Obgnai Abeda

Renee Lena Nicole Arsenault

BMgt - With Distinction

Mark George Charles Betts

BSc - With Great Distinction

BMgt - With Distinction

Andrew Walter Doyle

BSc - With Great Distinction

BMgt - With Distinction

Morgan Lee Hammond

BSc - With Distinction

BMgt - With Distinction

Jocelyn Musifu Mazuya Kaloa

BSc - With Great Distinction

BMgt - With Great Distinction

Donavan Garreth Lee

Destiny Hope Lenhardt

BSc - With Distinction

BMgt - With Great Distinction

Matthew Richard Rhys Nahirniak

BSc - With Distinction

BMgt - With Distinction

Morgan Shae Parsons

BSc - With Distinction

Gerald Desmond Readwin


Stefanie Laine Babb

Sei Rin Chu

Kros Wilhelm Van Dyck

BFA - With Distinction

BMgt - With Distinction

Ryan Nagapoosonam


Meghan Tiffany Drought

BHSc - With Great Distinction

BMgt - With Distinction

Ayesha Mian


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