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Community care
Getting the University ready to Moodle
Lukach brings world view to International Dinner
Iwaniuk bird brain collection to play major role in study
Stribbell to share Macao experience at job fair
The U of L Legend is published monthly during the academic year by the communications unit within University Advancement. Submissions, comments and story ideas are always welcome. The Legend reserves the right to refuse any submitted advertisement. The Legend can be found online at www.uleth.ca/unews/ legend. Next content deadline is Feb. 4, 2011. A DV E R T I S I N G For ad rates or other information, contact: legend@uleth.ca CREDITS Editor: Trevor Kenney Designer: Stephenie Karsten CO N T R I B U TO R S: Amanda Berg, Diane Britton, Bob Cooney, Jane Edmundson, Nicole Eva, Abby Groenenboom, Suzanne McIntosh, Kali McKay, Lindsey Meredith, Wendy Merkley, Stacy Seguin, Rhys Stevens and Katherine Wasiak
University of Lethbridge 4401 University Drive Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4 www.ulethbridge.ca
Bachelor of Nursing After Degree student Sarah Calnan works with a resident of Martha’s House.
hey are former airline pilots, Olympic athletes, police recruits and liquor store managers. They’ve earned degrees ranging from kinesiology to biology, psychology and more, and yet they all have one thing in common – they’re back at university to become nurses. The University of Lethbridge’s Bachelor of Nursing After Degree (BNAD) program attracts a diverse array of students, but the goal they share is the same – to contribute to the community by caring for its people. “When the U of L introduced the BNAD program, it was perfect for me because I looked at it as an opportunity to invest two years and then get back to helping people,” says 31-year-old Justin Gatner, a psychology grad who was managing a liquor store before he came back to the U of L. The Monarch, Alta. native was on a path to become a police officer,
having also earned his criminal justice diploma from Lethbridge College, before a broken leg dashed his hopes of passing the physical requirements for the job. “I reassessed my world and started looking around at other careers where I could still help people,” says Gatner. “Some of the options included were fire fighting and working as an EMT, but nursing was also a part of that.” The BNAD program has many similar stories, graduate students who have acquired experience by being out in the workforce, and then turned their focus to nursing. One of the faculty members helping them achieve their goal is Em PijlZieber, who, like her students, found community nursing after having taken a different path. A registered nurse who previously worked in advanced practice, Pijl-Zieber never saw herself working in a community-nursing role, and as for teaching, she jokingly calls herself the “accidental professor”. “I never wanted to teach and
yet I’ve found that it’s really a lot of fun,” says Pijl-Zieber, a Vancouver native who followed her husband and fellow faculty member, Mark, to Alberta. “To inspire students to greatness is always my hope. I want them to get passionate about something.” With Pijl-Zieber, students are able to take knowledge learned in the classroom into community settings. They now provide a unique level of care to homeless and marginalized populations, as well as seniors in assisted living residences. One of the initiatives in which they are involved is a foot-care program that Pijl-Zieber began three years ago. The program initially had her students involved with homeless persons utilizing Streets Alive, and has grown to where her students now participate in Project Homeless Connect, are active in visiting long-term care facilities in both Lethbridge and Coaldale, and will set up outpatient clinics for drop-in foot-care services. “The work that students do during this course is often not bedside nursing, as much as it is program planning and population health promotion,” says Pijl-Zieber. “By doing the foot-care clinics, students can have that interaction with members of the population. They like it because they can practice one-to-one care, something that’s hands-on and practical. It’s why they went into nursing in the first place – to do real things with real people.” Foot care is a real concern for homeless and marginalized populations. They generally have little access to health services, are constantly on their feet with inadequate footwear and may suffer from aggravating health concerns such as diabetes. Frostbite, ingrown toenails and other problems, if left untreated, can lead to amputations. “Who else is going to look after their feet? Our goal is to be able to do a proper assessment and then to provide foot care so that hopefully they can keep their limbs attached,” she says. This past year, the foot-care program took her group into Martha’s House seniors’ residence. CONTINUED ON PG. 3
Hontela contributes to IET team BY BOB COONEY A University of Lethbridge ecotoxicology expert is part of a new province-wide research institute dedicated to examining the impact of harmful chemicals in our environment. Dr. Alice Hontela, a U of L biological sciences professor and Canada Research Chair in ecotoxicology, is among the researchers who make up the Institute of Environmental Toxicology (IET). Housed at the University of Calgary, the IET is a multidisciplinary team
that will include biologists and engineers from the universities of Lethbridge, Calgary and Alberta, as well as scientists in municipal and federal laboratories. Its mandate is to develop new and improved technologies for effective risk assessment and remediation of contaminated sites. “Our research will help provide decision makers and the public with scientific information on the nature and magnitude of environmental contaminants, and offer some solutions to address this important
global challenge,” says Hontela. Among other research collaborations, Hontela is part of MITHE (Metals in The Human Environment) strategic network and the Alberta Institute for Water Research. She says climate change and increasing industrial activity (especially farming and mining) are not only affecting the volume of available water, but the concentration of pollutants that exist in the water. CONTINUED ON PG. 5
the Legend
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University of Lethbridge President Dr. Mike Mahon chats about what’s happening in the University community
The holiday season is now behind us and I want to welcome our staff, faculty and both new and returning students to campus for the Spring Semester. The more people I speak with, the more it becomes clear what a prominent role the University of Lethbridge plays in the southern Alberta community. We are looked to as a leader, not only in education, but also in the areas of community living, culture, business and sport, and it is extremely important that we continue to serve as a hub of engagement for our community. The U of L has a history of engaging its students, the community, our international partners and the First Nations, Métis and Inuit populations. It is my commitment to foster these relationships and assume a more deliberate approach as we further engage our community partners. This past fall, I met with a variety of groups about the notion of engagement and how the University of Lethbridge promotes the concepts of citizenship, collaborative learning and discovery. It became apparent to
me that the U of L is very active when it comes to reaching out to the community, but that it could develop a more strategic approach in its efforts. There are already many successes on campus in terms of our students, staff and faculty leading the way when it comes to community engagement. The Rotaract Club has reached out both locally and beyond, as have Management Students’ Society initiatives, nursing students from the Faculty of Health Sciences, and faculty and staff through the United Way, the adopt a family Christmas program and other charitable measures. Our sports teams build relationships through camps and mentorship programs, and the recent Movember movement connected our athletes with the community on a whole different level. We have many successes to point to, and now we want to build off of those experiences and bring a new focus to our community-based initiatives. That we have been able to become such a positive influence on so many levels is exemplary,
and there can only be growth if we are able to create an overarching framework under which the engagement process can be co-ordinated. To that end, I want to welcome two new members to our president’s office team who will play key roles in the future. Laurel Corbiere, the former director of the International Centre for Students, is assuming
CAMPUS Dr. Helen Kelley (Management) collaborated in publishing, The Clinical Impact of eHealth on the Self-Management of Diabetes: A Double Adoption Perspective, in the Journal of the Association for Information Systems. Dr. Gordon Hunter (Management) had two articles published recently. His study, The Duality of IT Roles: A Case Study, was published in the International Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications. The Chief Information Officer: A Review of the Role, was also published in the Journal of Information, Information Technology and Organizations. Laurel Corbiere, previously the director of the International Centre for Students, assumed the role of senior advisor to the
president, effective Jan. 17, 2011. Corbiere will play a central role in the oversight and stewardship of the University’s Strategic Plan. Salvador Barragan (Management) collaborated on the article, The Impact of Strategic Human Resource Management on Productivity and Turnover in the Maquiladora Industry: A Conceptual Framework that was published in Advances in Management. Dr. Robert Wood (Sociology) was appointed as dean of the School of Graduate Studies after having recently served the role as interim dean and has been a faculty member since 2000. He began a renewable term from Jan. 1, 2011 to June 30, 2016. Jodie Black has been named the university secretariat, effective Jan. 17, 2011. Black was most
the position of senior advisor to the president, and will take on a leadership role in the community engagement process as it relates to the University’s strategic directions. I also want to welcome Jodie Black, who was most recently the student retention co-ordinator in the Recruitment and Student Life office. She is taking on the position of university secretariat and
will play an instrumental role in the development and management of policies and procedures of the University. We are fortunate to be in a position to provide leadership for social and individual betterment of our community, whether that is at the local, provincial, national or international level. It is important, as responsible global citizens, we accept that charge.
recently the student retention co-ordinator in the Recruitment and Student Life office. She will be responsible for providing governance direction, advice and support to the Board of Governors, General Faculties Council (GFC) and Senate of the University of Lethbridge. Dr. Luis Escobar was recently published in the Journal of Business Ethics. He co-authored the article, Multinational Oil Companies and the Adoption of Sustainable Development: A resource-based and institutional theory interpretation of adoption heterogeneity. Dr. Chris Hosgood (History) was reappointed dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, effective July 1, 2011. Hosgood begins his second term as dean and has been a faculty member since 1988.
Dr. Rossitsa Yalamova co-authored, Explaining What Leads Up to Stock Market Crashes: A Phase Transition Model and Scalability Dynamics, which appeared in the Journal of Behavioral Finance. Dr. Debra Basil (Management) was published in three recent publications. She collaborated with three others to produce, The impact of pre-existing attitude, conflict management style, and service outcome on customer satisfaction: an empirical investigation, which was published in the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. She then worked with Dr. Mary Runté (Management) on, Personal and Corporate Volunteerism: Employee Motivations, which was published in the International Journal of Business Environment, as well as, Corporate Support for Employee
Volunteerism Within Canada: a cross-cultural perspective, which was published in the Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing. Dr. Bernie Williams was recently published in the International Academy of Business and Economics. His co-authored article was titled, Anticipatory Socialization and the Influence of Media on Perceptions of International Job Assignments. He also authored, Incident Command as a Participative-Management Practice: Dispelling the Myth of Authoritarian Command, which has been accepted for publication in the International Fire Service Journal of Leadership and Management.
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the Legend
University in transition to Moodle
ou’ve seen the teaser advertisements around campus for months now – Moodle is most definitely coming. But what is Moodle, why is it on the way and how can we make the most of it? The Moodle transition is the final stage of a Learning Management System (LMS) migration being undertaken by the University’s Curriculum Re-Development Centre (CRDC). It’s a massive project that will see the U of L replace the Blackboard/ WebCT environment it has been operating in since 1999. “We’re very excited about the move to Moodle,” says David Hinger, director of the CRDC. “Moodle is a very powerful tool designed to do many of the things you’d want to do in a face-toface classroom in an online environment. It really takes advantage of the blended learning theory of education as it allows instructors to put delivery of their content within Moodle, so that they can really take advantage of face-to-face time in class.” The move to Moodle was precipitated by changes within the University’s previous LMS. The U of L had been using WebCT since 1999, but in 2005, Blackboard Inc. took over the company and has since ceased providing updates to the WebCT product. The University therefore was forced to look at moving to a new LMS, whether it was to a Blackboard Learn LMS or some other product. A faculty steering committee was
struck and Moodle emerged as a clear winner. Hinger describes an LMS as, “an extension of your face-to-face course. It’s a simple way to provide resources and activities, and to have an online presence for your teaching and learning needs.” The reasons the U of L decided to move to Moodle are many, including its design as a constructivist pedagogical model as opposed to Blackboard’s content management system approach. “Moodle is very much built the way educators sit down and design their courses,” says Hinger. “It’s very simple and intuitive, with a lot less clicking then what you’d do in Blackboard.” The steering committee also found that Moodle was the choice of incoming students, as more than 80 per cent of students had been exposed to a Moodle learning environment in high school. Add in the fact that it is an open source program that lends itself to customizable features, and Moodle seems like the perfect fit for the institution’s teaching and learning needs. “Being an open source program, if there are features
the University’s testing centre and G E T T H E FA C T S including every manner of course, from art history to man• The CRDC will be offering agement. Feedback workshops to assist instructors from instructors has with Moodle. As well, an online been positive. pool of resources is currently “Those who have being created. had a chance to work with it so far have • The U of L is one of the first found it very userin Canada to move to this friendly,” says Hinger. newest version of Moodle 2.0, “But we aren’t going which was just fully released in to throw instructors November 2010. to the wolves, we’re very committed to • The U of L previously had 640 providing whatever courses (70 per cent) operating support they need to in Blackboard/WebCT, with use this product. A over 6,000 students utilizing the lot of instructors have program. looked at this as an opportunity to • Other features of Moodle redesign what they include the ability to embed are doing in an videos, moderate virtual chats online environment and forums and conduct online and finding it a very exams. valuable exercise. We’ll assist them any way we can.” that aren’t there, we can The CRDC will conbuild them,” says Hinger. tinue to support Blackboard/ “If we identify unique needs WebCT through the 2010for our faculty, we can build 2011 academic year, with full things within the Moodle implementation of Moodle environment to do what they scheduled for Fall 2011 and need it to do.” the 2011-2012 academic year. The move to Moodle To learn more about has already begun, with two Moodle and the LMS migracourses used in the Fall 2010 tion process, go to the CRDC Semester as part of a pilot website at program. Currently, www.uleth.ca/crdc 50 courses have been constructed in Moodle, utilizing
BNAD NURSES MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE COMMUNITY CONTINUED FROM PG. 1 “I’ve been very pleasantly surprised with what they’ve brought to us,” says registered nurse Elda Barva, Martha’s House administrator and the previous director of care at St. Michael’s Hospital. “They are very motivated, they have some life experience behind them and they’ve come in here and taken this place by storm.” More than simply providing foot care clinics, the students created an entire health-care program for the facility, breaking off into four groups (health promotion, injury prevention, illness prevention and health maintenance) of focus.
“When we are given these kinds of opportunities to come and work with these people, we’re basically practising that community element of nursing.” STUDENT JUSTIN GATNER
“Em is phenomenal in creating a bunch of opportunities that we never really expected,” says Sarah Calnan, a biology grad in her second year of BNAD. “Our goal when we came here was to ensure that what we were doing was sustainable to the seniors in the future. We’re hoping that everything each of our groups has worked towards, they can continue to do after we leave.” Calnan worked with the health maintenance group that created a health resource manual and facilitated a “Puzzled About Pills” seminar in which they helped seniors understand how to best manage the many medications they use. Vicki Hughes, a kinesiology graduate, worked with the health promotion group. Their focus was to help seniors better utilize the exercise room, educate about fall prevention strategies and help implement a program designed around the new vibration wave machine that promotes better balance, strength and circulation. “The main thing for me with this experience is that it has really prepared me for nursing in terms of improving my communication skills,” says Hughes. “We came in here to assess their needs, and working with them and empowering them has been wonderful.” The BNAD program doesn’t just teach nursing, it promotes the basic tenets of care and contributing to the betterment of a community. “When we are given these kinds of opportunities to come and work with these people, we’re basically practising that community element of nursing,” says Gatner. “When you work with the nursing program inside the community rotation, it gets you out the front door and into the world, helping people. That’s always what I’ve wanted to do.”
the Legend
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Schultz Award honours inquisitive mind
Dr. Arvid Schultz, left, and the first winner of the Arvid Schultz Award, student Brent Peterson.
hether the apple struck Sir Isaac Newton on the head or not, history was made. That lone apple tumbling to the ground set off a chain of events that would fundamentally change the way people thought about the physical world. “Physics is a very recent development in the history of mankind,” says Dr. Arvid Schultz, a founding member of the physics department at the University of Lethbridge. “The ancient Greeks were great scholars but Aristotle was a long way from understanding Newton’s laws of motion.” Evidencing the discoveries made in the last 400 years, Schultz notes, “It’s developed quite rapidly yet the effect has been transformational because physics explains the fundamental laws of our world.” While enjoying the beauty of natural phenomena, such as rainbows or star-filled skies, physicists maintain a childlike curiosity and continue asking: how does that work? The progress made in the 20th century is proof of their commitment to finding answers. “Things like relativity, quantum mechanics and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) have revolutionized modern science and are being practically applied in everyday life,” explains Schultz. The proof can be seen in almost every aspect of our existence. Lasers, for example, were invented in the 1960s and are now used for everything from eye surgery to telecommunications. “Our instruments are
improving and we are gaining great understanding but there are still great mysteries,” admits Schultz, whose own research shifted from nuclear physics to astrophysics over the course of his career at the U of L. Schultz’s passion is apparent: although he retired in 1990 and is no longer an active researcher, he maintains a keen interest in the subject matter and visits the department regularly to stay current. “It’s the people that keep me coming back – the faculty and the students,” explains Schultz. It seemed only natural then, that the award developed by the physics department would be named the Arvid Schultz Award. “The award is named after Dr. Schultz because he cares so much about the subject, the department and the students,” explains Dr. Ken Vos, Chair of the physics department. “This award is very characteristic of Arvid.” The award provides a student the opportunity to work with eight different faculty members over the course of a 16-week period, and aims to help familiarize students with the distinct research programs within the department. “Physics is a love that I have,” admits
Brent Peterson, a neuroscience student who received the award last May. “I like learning how things work, and that’s what this placement was all about.” Since that apple caught Newton’s attention, the character of physics research has changed enormously. Nevertheless, this unique award allows students to keep asking “how does that work?”, a question Dr. Schultz is still asking himself.
Generously supported by faculty in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, the Arvid Schultz Award allows a student to work in a variety of areas in modern physics. Open to all firstand second-year students with an interest in physics, the award is given out annually and provides $9,000 for a 16-week term starting in May. The application deadline is February 28, 2011. For more information, please contact Laurie Scott at laurie.scott@uleth.ca.
GEOMATICS STUDY GETS TECTERRA SUPPORT University of Lethbridge students Maxine Couch and John Anderson are the initial beneficiaries of a new scholarship program designed to spur the development of Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) in the field of geomatics technology. Tecterra Inc. recently launched the Future Geomatics Leaders Awards program, providing scholarship funds to top students studying in geomatics and related science or technology fields in Alberta postsecondary institutions. The University of Lethbridge is one of eight Alberta post-secondary institutions to participate in the awards program that will initially be offered from 2010 to 2014. “Development of skilled human capital is part of Tecterra’s mission of enabling successful commercialization of geomatics technology in Alberta,” says Gord Banting, chief financial officer for Tecterra. “With Alberta’s resource-rich economy, the demand for Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) in geomatics is increasing year after year.” The Future Leaders Awards are based on academic merit and targeted at top students with a GPA of 3.0 or greater, and who meet other excellence criteria as determined by their respective institutions. Couch, who is studying physics, and Anderson, a geography student, will each receive a $2,000 scholarship for their academic achievement and strong interest in geomatics technology. “This program rewards and fosters demonstrated excellence,” adds Banting. “Tecterra is proud to support a program that builds key talent for our province.” Awards of $1,000 or $2,000 each are available annually to students entering their second/ third year of study at the following institutions in Alberta: Lethbridge College; Mount Royal University; Northern Alberta Institute of Technology; Olds College; Southern Alberta Institute of Technology; University of Alberta; University of Calgary; and University of Lethbridge. Over the next four years, the U of L will continue to award a pair of $2,000 scholarships, one each through the Department of Geography and the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Tecterra Inc. is a national organization supporting the Canadian development and commercialization of geomatics technologies for integrated resource management. With current funding from the Province of Alberta and Government of Canada, Tecterra invests in technology solutions for energy, forestry, agriculture, environment and land management and development applications.
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the Legend
International Dinner invites Lukach
Dr. Alice Hontela is pictured in her lab, one of several unique spaces in the Alberta Water and Environmental Science Building
hen Justin Lukach talks about the last three years of his life, it’s in the context of a voyage of self-discovery, experimentation, establishing friendships, testing boundaries and experiencing different cultures. It sounds a lot like university life, but in his instance, it was education to the extreme. Lukach is one of the co-hosts of the Outdoor Life Network (OLN) hit travel show, Departures, and he’s the keynote speaker at the upcoming International Dinner, presented Feb. 15 by the University’s International Centre for Students. A one-time engineer and Seneca College graduate who worked on fire safety systems, Lukach has spent the last three years of his life traversing the globe with high school friend Scott Wilson and cameraman Andre Dupuis. They document their travels as they seek out extreme locations, experience local cultures and basically explore the world. “It was like winning the lottery when I got the call,” says Lukach. Wilson, who grew up with Lukach in Brantford, Ont., was already working on a travel show with his own production company when he pitched a new concept to the network. They loved the idea but suggested he find a travelling companion. “I was working in Hawaii at the time and Scott called me up and asked if there was
G E T T H E FA C T S • The U of L is home to students representing more than 85 different countries. • This is the International Centre for Students’ 19th International Dinner. A total of 11 different ethnic dishes will be on the menu, including food from Spain, Vietnam, Bulgaria, Jamaica, Trinidad, Thailand, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Israel, Mexico and Italy. • Lukach says a highlight of their travels included the rare opportunity to visit North Korea. • Cheating death on more than one occasion, Lukach says the scariest instance was surviving a monsoon while sea-dooing off the coast of India. • Departures is no longer in production, but the third and final season of the show is currently playing on OLN. • For tickets to the International Dinner, visit www.uleth.ca/ics/ dinner. U of L students can also meet Lukach at a free appearance in the SU Ballrooms, noon to 1 p.m. on Feb. 15. a chance of me leaving my job and travelling for the next year. One year then led to three and it’s been amazing,” says Lukach. The group essentially hit the road for eight months out of every calendar year, trekking across Canada in 10 days, hiking through the ancient ruins of Petra in Jordan and
Justin Lukach, right, along with his high school buddy Scott Wilson, travelled the world for three years, chronicling their adventures on the OLN television show, Departures.
living off the land in Cambodia, for example. Along the way, Lukach learned not only about the world, but also about himself. “Starting off on this journey, you do it for the right reasons at the time, you want to travel and see the world, but there was this other side that I never expected and when it happened it was great,” says Lukach. “After that first season, the show really took off and we found that we’d really inspired people to get out there and see the world.” He says it added motivation to what they were doing in some of their darker hours.
“I was an engineer and then I was a traveller. It’s just a matter of taking a chance and going and doing it.” JUSTIN LUKACH
“We were definitely tired at times, but to know that people were really loving what we were doing, it inspired us,” he says. “That pushed me and
motivated me to get out there and push a little harder to find something more real and off the beaten path.” He says his friendship with Wilson evolved over the course of the show to where they were like, “an old married couple”, and that their travels brought the world into perspective. “One day you’re in Russia and then you move on to China, two totally different sets of people,” says Lukach. “But then you get to Mongolia and you see the blend, and you realize the world slowly does come together. It’s not as black and white as you think, you see all the colours of gray in all the different cultures, and as you make your way across the world they all slowly mix together.” The annual International Dinner is a celebration of those cultures, their diversity and uniqueness within a common space here at the University of Lethbridge, and on a grander scale, within the globe. Lukach is excited to bring his experiences to campus and continue to inspire audiences to drop their inhibitions and venture out into the world. “You never know where you’re going to end up,” he says. “I was an engineer and then I was a traveller. Now, there are a bunch of projects I’m working on, and it’s just a matter of taking a chance and going and doing it.”
Through lab and fieldwork, Hontela studies the endocrine systems of different fish to determine the effects of certain pollutants. She explains that some chemicals are safe at low doses (like selenium, which our bodies need), but toxic at higher concentrations. Since pollutants, like pharmaceuticals, are difficult or impossible to remove with filtration, the health of both human and aquatic species requires keeping these chemicals at non-toxic levels.
“Alberta is a province that is changing very quickly, and we have to find new ways to deal with our water and our pollutants.” DR. HAMID HABIBI
“Alberta is a province that is changing very quickly, and we have to find new ways to deal with our water and our pollutants,” says Dr. Hamid Habibi, professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Calgary and the IET director. An environment free of harmful chemicals is the group’s top priority. IET will study the nature, fate and persistence of chemicals in the environment as well as the remediation of terrestrial and aquatic contamination activities. Habibi says that the causes of contamination are wide ranging and could include pollutants released from wastewater treatment plants and landfills, such as plasticizers, surfactants, flame-retardants, drugs, personal care and industrial products. In addition, there are heavy metals or other toxins resulting from mining activities and electronics consumerism, agricultural runoff, oil sands operations and tailings ponds.
the Legend
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Iwaniuk, collection, central to flight study Dr. Andrew Iwaniuk has amassed the world’s largest collection of bird brain sections.
igh-powered, threedimensional X-ray scanning equipment at a University in Scotland is being used with a University of Lethbridge researcher’s large collection of bird brain specimens to help chart the evolution of flight in birds. U of L neuroscientist, Dr. Andrew Iwaniuk, who has
amassed the world’s largest collection of bird brain sections, is partnering with researchers at the National Museums Scotland and the University of Abertay Dundee to digitally reconstruct the size of bird brains using ancient fossils and modern bird skulls. “The majority of my research addresses how the brain evolves, particularly with respect to behaviour,” says Iwaniuk. “For example, my NSERC funded
research aims to determine how the evolution of novel courtship behaviours in birds is associated with changes in the brain. This research is critical to understanding how the brain evolves in all animals, including humans.” The opportunity to be part of both an evolutionary and behavioural program appeals to Iwaniuk. “Dr. Stig Walsh (National Museums Scotland) contacted
The University Library recently completed a project in which they digitized 631 issues of the Kainai News (1968-1991) newspaper, now available from the U of L Library’s Southern Alberta Newspapers digital collection (www.uleth.ca/ lib/digitized_Collections/ sanews.asp). The Kainai News was one of Canada’s first aboriginal newspapers, and it was instrumental in the establishment of aboriginal journalism in Canada. Originally published in Standoff, Alta. from 1968-1991 by the Blood Indian Tribe, it was later published by Indian News Media. Content of the Kainai News focused on a range of local issues within the reserve, as well as national issues such as the Indian Act, the Whitepaper and Bill C-31 . Prior to the digitization of Kainai News, access to its content was restricted to microfilmed copies held at
the University of Lethbridge Library and the Lethbridge Public Library. The digitized version of the Kainai News provides free access to this valuable local resource to anyone with an Internet connection. Content can be browsed by date, searched by keyword, printed or saved. Through these initiatives, the U of L library is helping to both preserve and improve access to southern Alberta’s aboriginal history, as well as strengthening our relationship with the Blackfoot people.
Through its involvement with the Blackfoot Digital Library, and a recent effort that digitized back issues of the Kainai News, the University Library is helping to ensure that valuable Blackfoot heritage is being preserved for generations to come. The library first got involved with the Blackfoot Digital Library project in 2006, with a digitization venture originally started by Ryan and Adrienne Heavy Head. It was designed to support community efforts in locating and repatriating Blackfoot materials, and later linked to the U of L’s Native American Studies program’s CURA project through Red Crow College. The goal of the partnership with our library was to gain access to ongoing funding through the Lois Hole Campus Alberta Digital Library (LHCADL) initiative. The University saw great opportunities to partner with Red Crow College to ensure the
me about a potential collaboration on the evolution of avian brains,” says Iwaniuk. “He was interested in reconstructing the brains of extinct birds and comparing the shape of their brains with that of modern birds. Similar comparisons have proven useful in understanding the behaviour of dinosaurs and various extinct mammals, including sabre-toothed cats and the
ancestors of humans. However, there are few such comparisons involving birds. In this project, we aim to determine if there are changes occurring in the brain that coincide with the evolution of flightlessness.” Among other tools, researchers are using an incredibly sensitive CT (computerized tomography) scanner at Abertay University in Dundee, Scotland.
longevity of the resources being catalogued by the Heavy Heads, and in 2008 a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the two institutions. Through this agreement, the Blackfoot people retain ownership of the assets collected, and the University is responsible for the website. The project continues to grow today as Adrienne Heavy Head gathers and digitizes artifacts, documents, audiovisual and archival materials. She also remains commited to the original initiative by identifying collections of Blackfoot items in museums around the world. Once found, she tries to get the items returned, or at least have digital photos or scans of the materials sent so that they can be added to the digital collection. Many large collections of Blackfoot materials are housed in museums in the UK, and Adrienne is working on developing relationships with scholars and archivists in Scotland and England to learn more about their holdings. For example, the British Museum has a huge collection of items that very few Blackfoot people have seen, and it is only through cultivating these relationships that we are able to
share information. Heavy Head has been invited to present at conferences throughout the UK and is currently planning a trip to Oxford to view the collection at the Pitt Rivers Museum. She also intends to visit both Cambridge and Exeter. “These museums have some of the oldest collections of Blackfoot materials in the world,” she says. “It is through our connection to the Blackfoot Digital Library that many of these doors have been opened to us, as we are now invited to conferences and they are more willing to talk to us.” Heavy Head has also made connections with both the National Trust of Scotland and the Glasgow Museum. In addition to artifacts, oral history is also being preserved through the project. Existing interviews from older formats are being digitized, and the Kainai Studies Department at Red Crow College collects new videos of elders sharing their knowledge and stories. These invaluable experiences could otherwise be lost with their passing. The Blackfoot Digital Library is available at blackfootdigitallibrary.org
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the Legend
Stribbell able to take education abroad BY TREVOR KENNEY
s a teacher, Howard Stribbell (BA/BEd ’98, MEd ’04) understands you can only make true assessments by comparing apples to apples. Now that he has the perspective of an administrator, he’s able to do just that. Stribbell, the Head of Schools at the International School of Macao (TIS) in China, says he always knew he was getting ahead of the competition by earning his teaching degree at the U of L, but he never really understood by how much. “When you’re in it and you’re going to school, you don’t realize what you have compared to other places,” says Stribbell. “When I was in the program, I got to build great relationships with my professors, both in and outside of class. But I was fairly naïve, I didn’t know that wasn’t common.” When he began teaching, he quickly realized other differences between his U of L Faculty of Education experience and the experiences of those who studied elsewhere. “The structure of the program, with so many practical hours and how they have us in the field, doing the work, all reinforced by workshops and support from the faculty and teacher mentors, makes all the difference,” he says. “I didn’t realize this until I became a teacher and started to see the differences between student teachers. When I became an administrator and would look at graduates coming out of the universities, then I could really see a difference.” Stribbell will be back at the U of L for the Jan. 19 Faculty of Education Teacher Job Fair (9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the UHall Atrium). His administrative role in Macao is not only a testament to the value of his U of L education, but it also provides him a platform to recruit new teachers for his school. The fact he comes home to bring
They intend to analyze whole skulls and fossilized fragments to recreate accurate 3D models of extinct birds’ brains. This is where Iwaniuk’s collection comes into play. He and Dr. Doug Wylie, a colleague at the University of Alberta, have hundreds of bird species catalogued, and have recorded and sectioned their brains to chart changes in
G E T T H E FA C T S • Stribbell earned his Masters degree from the U of L in 2004, while still teaching at Erle Rivers High School. He combined online courses with on campus and independent study work. • Macao is situated 60km southwest of Hong Kong, and, along with Hong Kong, is one of two special administrative regions of the People’s Republic of China.
Alumnus Howard Stribbell, the Head of Schools at the International School of Macao, will be back at the University for the annual Faculty of Education Teacher Job Fair, Jan. 19 in the UHall Atrium.
U of L grads on board speaks to his faith in the program. “We notice it over here, we’ve had student teachers from other institutions and we’ve also had a U of L student teacher, and our second one has just joined us,” says Stribbell. “The quality between them is very different, and it comes down to the amount of hours they are able to spend doing the practical teaching.” Stribbell started his teaching career at Erle Rivers High School in Milk River, shortly after earning his BA/BEd degree. He spent eight years there, working his way up from a rookie teacher to vice principal. An
Alberta Teachers’ Association advertisement trumpeting the establishment of a new international school that was going to implement the Alberta educational curriculum led Stribbell and his family to Macao. “It’s been a world of opportunity,” he says. “The whole world of international teaching was opened up for me, and you realize how big the demand is for Canadian teachers.” The school was established in 2002 to provide a Canadian curriculum and accreditation to local and expatriate students. With English as the primary language of instruction, students
Stribbell with staff and students at the International School of Macao.
graduate with an Alberta High School diploma. Located on the campus of Macau University of Science and Technology, close to 900 students from pre-K to Grade 12 currently attend. Stribbell says parents had to take a leap of faith to trust the teaching methods they introduced. “Originally, parents just had to trust us,” he says. “They really had to suspend their disbelief and trust us when we told them that the Alberta curriculum will be world recognized and that students would be able to get into universities around the world.” Two graduating classes later, and a host of success stories to tell, have solidified the approach. Emphasizing critical thinking, collaborative working, the ability to formulate an independent opinion and defend it both in written work and orally, are new concepts to traditional Chinese education but they have been embraced. So to has the community atmosphere cultivated by the school, something Stribbell recalls from his time at the U of L.
development. The brain sections could be measured to micron accuracy to re-create the complete brain, and then be matched with a similar bird skull in modern and fossil form. Bird skulls grow to a fixed size before they leave the nest, with the brain then growing to almost completely fill the cavity space. This means that bird skulls can be used to accurately calculate the size and shape of the brain. By working this out, the size of the flocculus, a small part of the cerebellum responsible for integrating visual and balance signals during flight, can be
is directly linked to a greater ability to process the visual and balance signals during flight. If proven, this could mark a major step forward in understanding bird evolution, and may shed light on whether some remarkably bird-like dinosaurs were truly dinosaurs or actually secondary flightless birds. “The inability to fly has evolved numerous times through the evolutionary history of birds,” says Iwaniuk. “Examples include penguins, kiwis and ostriches, as well as the extinct Great Auk of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Dodo. In
established. The flocculus allows birds to focus on objects moving in three dimensions while they are flying. Walsh, project leader and senior curator of Vertebrate Palaeobiology at National Museums Scotland, says that by charting the relative size of parts of the avian brain, researchers believe they can discover how the flocculus has evolved to deal with different flying abilities. “This gives us new information about when birds first evolved the power of flight,” he says. The central research question is whether a larger flocculus
• The International School of Macao (TIS) has students representing 42 different nationalities, with about 40 per cent of the student population from the local area. • Stribbell says he’s looking for a special kind of teacher at the Job Fair. “I’m looking for students who are interested in adventure, are open to new things and who can demonstrate they have taken the initiative. We’re a young school, so we’re always looking for new ways to do things. The status quo is what happened yesterday.” • Stribbell is married to Doreen, and his children Timothy (13) and Rebecca (10) both attend TIS. • The Teacher Job Fair began in 2000 and currently sees about 40 school boards from across Canada and overseas represented. “The ability to take risks has always been encouraged at the U of L, as well as the importance of building relationships,” he says. “When we live over here, we’re a community. Teachers work together, socialize together, play together and you really build a different kind of relationship with your co-workers. The U of L helped instill that sense of community that I hope to try and reflect here at the school.”
fact, many flightless species are highly endangered or extinct, which is why this study relies on museum specimens to chart the shape and size of the brain. By performing these comparisons, we hope to better understand the behaviour of several extinct species as well as the changes required in the brain to evolve flight.” The researchers believe that the brain power required for flight may have become reduced in such species. The project is scheduled to run until early 2012.
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Fenske appreciates opportunities he was given BY STACY SEGUIN
hen he enrolled in psychology at the University of Lethbridge, Dr. Mark Fenske (BSc ’96, Distinction) had a goal – he wanted to help people. The associate professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Guelph, and co-author of the Canadian best-seller, The Winner’s Brain: 8 Strategies Great Minds Use to Achieve Success, initially thought about becoming a counsellor. But after the opportunity to work as a research assistant for Dr. Scott Allen opened up, Fenske found he was hooked on cognitive psychology.
• The Winner’s Brain was on Amazon Canada’s bestseller list, ranking 20th in the All Books category and first in both the Psychology and Success classifications. U of L neuroscience instructor, Dr. Bryan Kolb, is featured in the book. • Fenske writes a bi-weekly column, Better Brain, for the Globe and Mail newspaper. • He is the recipient of grants in excess of $1 million and is currently working with the Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre.
“I was able to get a lot of face time with faculty and learn what life in a research lab is all about.”
• Fenske has published more than 35 articles, abstracts and theses, and has presented at more than 40 conferences and seminars.
“Lethbridge has some really good people. You get to know these people on a level that you probably wouldn’t at a larger institution,” says Fenske. “Working with Drs. Scott Allen, John Vokey and Don Read, who were the cognition faculty in the psychology department at the time, was a bit of an awakening for me. I was able to learn about memory, about how we interact with the world around us, what drives our behaviour, how we make decisions and how we pay attention. “I learned there is so much more to psychology than the commonly-held view of people lying on a couch and talking about their problems.” Fenske made the most of his one-on-one opportunities with faculty. “I was able to get a lot of face time with faculty and learn what life in a research lab is all about,” he says. “It really cultivated a sense of excitement for research, and I was given a lot of responsibility. I learned a lot in terms of computer programming, setting up experiments, running subjects and how to analyze data.
Alumnus Mark Fenske is thankful for the research foundation he established while still an undergraduate.
Those are skills and training that I otherwise might not have gotten until grad school.” By the time he graduated in 1996, Fenske knew that he wanted to pursue a career in academia. “One of the driving forces for me has always been about how I can have a positive impact on others. A lot of the people who have had a major influence on my life have been teachers or instructors,” he says. “If you are teaching three or four classes a year and each class has up to 100 students, you have the potential to have a positive
influence on lots of people. And as an academic, when you are not preparing or giving lectures, you get to investigate important issues that you find interesting. It is a fantastic job.” Supported by NSERC scholarships, Fenske completed both a master’s and PhD in psychology from the University of Waterloo by 2001. After a two-year post doc at the University of Wales in Bangor, Fenske moved to Boston, Mass. in 2003, where he began to integrate cognitive psychology with neuroscience, the study of the brain. “In Boston I worked at the
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, where I had a dual appointment as a research fellow with Harvard Medical School and as an assistant in neuroscience at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). With rapid advances in neuroimaging technology, it became clear that we could learn a lot more by combining our study of human cognition with neuroscience,” says Fenske. “Using MRI scanners, we were able to look at the structure of the brain and the areas of activation that related to different cognitive operations. What I now do is try to under-
stand how it is that we do what we do. How do we pay attention to things, remember things and what elicits different emotional responses?” Fenske spent four years at MGH and Harvard, the last two as faculty, before returning to Canada to work at the University of Guelph in 2007. In spite of the years of intense research and study, he has never lost sight of his original goal of helping people. In recent years, he has worked on bringing the knowledge he has gained about cognitive-affective neuroscience to the general public. His work on The Winner’s Brain with Dr. Jeff Brown serves as an example. “The book is all about the neuroscience of success,” says Fenske. “What we do with our brain – the different ways in which we stimulate, engage and care for it – can have a significant impact on the way it works, and even alter its physical landscape. We looked at what the latest brain science says about people that excel in key areas related to success, and the various strategies the rest of us can use to fine-tune our brains and become more successful.”
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Do you know of any U of L alumni who should be recognized for their contributions to their professions or their community? Nominations are now being accepted for the 2011 Distinguished Alumnus of the Year and Alumni Honour Society awards. To obtain a nomination form, contact Alumni Relations at 403-317-2825 or e-mail alumni@uleth.ca. The nomination deadline is Feb. 1, 2011. 8
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& wellness
Small changes yield big results BY SUZANNE MCINTOSH Happy New Year! Here’s hoping you had a chance to recharge your batteries and at the same time spend some time with family and friends over the holidays. I am sure there are some of you who have started with some health and wellness resolutions for this new year, so here are some workplace tips on how to turn your resolutions into a habit! • Initiate a healthy-recipe swap within your team or department. Not only will this encourage healthy cooking and eating at home, it’s a great way to persuade those who are less inclined to embrace nutrition. • Hold a weekly lunch meeting (healthy food included) and invite employees to share their personal fitness and diet challenges, goals and successes. • Create a workplace workout room where you can do the ‘Get Fit at Work – Stretch and Strengthen’ program. Outfit an empty office with the program and posters (contact the Wellness
office, SU020E, 403-332-5217, for materials) and utilize one break a week to go through the program as a team. • Feed motivation with cold, hard facts. Distribute information about disease risk and prevention, the benefits of weight loss and how to make lifestyle changes that really work. • Reward achievements. Have a team contest and recognize accomplishments with some sincere kudos. Positive reinforcement can make all the difference. Be inspired by Doug Berry, Housing Services. Doug went through the vascular screening program because he felt he was getting to the age where he might have to pay attention to his body. He first participated in the screening in the fall of 2009 and had his eyes opened. Finding both his weight and total cholesterol level higher than normal, Doug admitted he had been living more of a sedentary lifestyle. As a result, he decided that he would concentrate on losing some weight and focused on making small manageable changes to his life.
He started by using a side plate for meals (portion control) and had an apple or other fruit for a snack. He also started getting outside more and becoming more active. In the fall of 2010, Doug went through the VR screening once more and with even these small changes to his lifestyle, was pleasantly rewarded. He lost a total of 18 pounds, his waist circumference was reduced by three inches, and his total cholesterol levels decreased by more than two points. By utilizing the resources here on campus and incorporating small changes to his eating and exercise habits over a long period of time, Doug accomplished an overall lifestyle change. Look for another VR screening event in February. Upcoming Wellness Events Wednesday, Jan. 26 Lunch and Learn: Terra Sol Body Talk. Noon to 12:55 p.m., Andy’s Place (AH100) Theresa Spencer, CBP, provides information about this amazing form of health care that is safe, non-invasive and can be used to overcome many health
challenges. The main focus of BodyTalk is to restore communication and re-synchronize the functioning of the body/mind thus activating the body’s innate ability to heal itself on all levels. Find out more at www.terrasolbodytalk.com Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2011 Winter Walk Day This year the Alberta Motor Association (AMA) will be presenting challenge awards to a workplace, school and older adult. The AMA is also sponsoring five community awards (based on population size) where communities will be eligible to win $500 for a charity in their community. Let’s team up and get folks on campus involved. Please send your comments, suggestions or feedback to wellness co-ordinator Suzanne McIntosh at suzanne. mcintosh@uleth.ca or wellness@uleth.ca
Two University of Lethbridge faculty members are moving on to positions at other Canadian universities in the spring. Faculty of Health Sciences researcher Dr. David Gregory will leave the U of L to begin a new position as the founding dean of the University of Regina Faculty of Nursing, effective Apr. 1, 2011. In addition to his more than four-year tenure at the U of L, Gregory is the former dean of the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Manitoba. His clinical background is community health nursing and his research interests include suffering/palliative care, Aboriginal health issues and qualitative research methodology. “David has a great opportunity to build a new Faculty of Nursing in Regina, and we wish him the very best in this endeavour,” says Dr. Chris Hosgood, dean of the U of L’s Faculty of Health Sciences. “David will be remembered here particularly for his work with our growing graduate studies program, and for providing help and encouragement to our graduate students.” As well, Dr. Deborah Saucier, professor and Chair, Department of Neuroscience, will be leaving the University after accepting the position of
Medal for Distinguished Research, Scholarship, or Performance
Dean of Science at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT). Saucier has been at the University since 2006, joining the U of L as a Canada Research Chair and associate professor. She then progressed to the position of professor and then Chair of the department in 2009. Her appointment at UOIT begins July 1, 2011. “On behalf of her many colleagues on campus, I would like to congratulate Dr. Saucier on her prospective appointment and wish her the best for her family and her future career in this new role,” says Dr. Chris Nicol, dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science. Nicol says Saucier has been an outstanding colleague since joining the University. “In addition to a prodigious record of achievement as a scholar and teacher, she also has distinguished herself with recent service to the Faculty Association as Chair of the Academic Welfare Committee. She will be greatly missed on our campus.” Saucier spent three years as a faculty member in Psychology at the University of Regina and then in 1999 she accepted a position at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon where she was an associate professor of Psychology.
NOMINATIONS ARE INVITED FOR THE 2011 AWARD The award is open to all full- and part-time members of the academic staff currently employed at the University of Lethbridge.
DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: FEBRUARY 28, 2011 For nomination forms, contact: Office of the President: 403-329-2201, or www.uleth.ca/president-governance/ingrid-speakermedal. Nominations are welcome from any member of the University community, including faculty, alumni, staff, students, Senate and Board of Governors.
DUNFORD HEADLINES DINNER Clint Dunford, a wellknown Lethbridge resident, former MLA and political advocate for southern Alberta, will be recognized for his community contributions at the upcoming University of Lethbridge Faculty of Management Scholarship Dinner. The 24th annual event will take place Friday, Mar. 11 at the Coast Plaza Hotel in Lethbridge. “In the community, in education, in business and in his personal life, Clint has made a lasting impact on the people and organizations he’s been dedicated to serving,”
says Dr. Bob Ellis, dean of the Faculty of Management. “We look forward to celebrating his success with the community.” Proceeds from the evening will be used to establish the Clint Dunford Scholarship, available to undergraduate students in the Faculty of Management. To purchase tickets, or for more information on supporting the fund, contact Steve Craig at 403-329-5181 or steve. craig@uleth.ca Tickets can also be purchased online at www.uleth.ca/conreg_scholarship_dinner
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FOUR HABITS FOR A HEALTHIER YOU! BY DIANE BRITTON It is more difficult to eat a balanced diet when eating out, and much easier to overeat with restaurant mega-sized food portions. The Canadian Community Health Survey shows that Canadian adults are eating less milk products, vegetables and fruit; but have still continued to increase our fat and overall calorie intake. In short, we’re eating more calories and getting less nutrition. Try these four easy tips to improve your eating habits. Home is Healthier Home-cooked meals allow you to control the sodium and fat content of your foods, with no unwanted trans fats. Include whole grains, vegetables, fruit, and calcium and iron food sources to balance your meals. You’ll also benefit by saving money because you’re eating out less! Feast with Family and Friends Studies show that families who eat together have healthier eating habits. If you’re living away from family, make time to enjoy meals more often with roommates and friends. Role Model Do you find yourself making poor food choices around some individuals? If so, then it’s up to you to take the lead. When you make healthier food choices, you’ll discover people around you will begin to follow suit. Try snacking on yogurt, fresh fruit or vegetables and watch the people around you pick up your good eating habits. Turn off the Tube Make your meals a TV-free zone. Research shows that people who eat in front of the television eat more and have more trouble maintaining a healthy weight. So, turn off the TV and turn down the weight gain. For an individual nutrition appointment, call the Health Centre (SU020) at 403329-2484. Initial sessions are $40 per person. Diane Britton is the University of Lethbridge’s on-campus registered dietitian
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events C A L E N D A R
Pronghorns Athletics
Feb. 4 | Art Now: Gordon Ferguson Noon, University Recital Hall (W570)
Jan. 21-22 | Canada West Women’s Hockey | Manitoba vs. Horns 7 p.m. nightly, Nicholas Sheran Arena
Feb. 7 | Art Now: Deb Saucier Noon, University Recital Hall (W570)
Jan. 28-29 | Canada West Men’s Hockey | UBC T-Birds vs. Horns 7 p.m. nightly, Nicholas Sheran Arena
Feb. 7 | Architecture & Design Now: D’Arcy Jones | 6 p.m., C610
Feb. 11-12 | Canada West Women’s Hockey | Regina vs. Horns 7 p.m. nightly, Nicholas Sheran Arena
Feb. 8 | Pizza, Pop and Presentation: Stressed?! | Practical ways to integrate stress management into an already busy schedule | 12:15 p.m., PE020
Feb. 11-12 | Canada West Basketball | Fraser Valley vs. Horns Women’s games, 6 p.m.; Men’s games, 8 p.m. nightly 1st Choice Savings Centre gym
Lectures Jan. 19 | Art Now: Shelley Ouellet Noon, University Recital Hall (W570) Jan. 24 | Pizza, Pop and Presentation: Study Skills | Get the grades you want and the skills you need to be a successful university student 1 p.m., TH204 Jan. 25 | Pizza, Pop and Presentation: Feeling Good and Eating Well Strategies to promote a healthy relationship with food and your body 12:15 p.m., PE020 Jan. 26 | Art Now: Nick Wade Noon, University Recital Hall (W570) Feb. 1 | Pizza, Pop and Presentation: The Road to Happiness | Practical ways to boost your happiness levels | 12:15 p.m., PE020 Feb. 3 | Research in Education Seminar Series/Faculty of Education Lecture Series | Dr. Mike Mahon presents, Lessons Learned from My Experiences in Leadership 3:30 p.m., Andy’s Place (AH100)
Feb. 11 | Art Now: Kristan Horton Noon, University Recital Hall (W570) Feb. 14 | Art Now: Nick Wade | Noon, University Recital Hall (W570) Feb. 14 | Architecture & Design Now: Beth Songer | 6 p.m., C610 Feb. 15 | Pizza, Pop and Presentation: Had a Drink (or two or three?) Tips on responsible alcohol management, for you and your friends 12:15 p.m., TH204
Performances Jan. 18 | Music at Noon: U of L Brass Quintet | Trudi Mason (trumpet); Keith Griffioen (trumpet); Thomas Staples (horn); Gerald Rogers (trombone); Nick Sullivan (bass trombone) | 12:15 p.m., University Recital Hall (W570) Jan. 20-22 | TheatreXtra: Song of the Say-Sayer | Exploring the trauma and tribulations of four extraordinary orphaned siblings 8 p.m. nightly, David Spinks Theatre. Matinee, 2 p.m. on Jan. 22 Jan. 22 | Casino Lights U of L Wind Orchestra fundraiser 8 p.m., Students’ Union Ballrooms
Jan. 22 | Faculty Artists & Friends Series: Classical Winds | Featuring Thomas Staples (horn); Margaret Mezei (clarinet); and Deanna Oye (piano) | 8 p.m. University Recital Hall (W570) Jan. 25 | Music at Noon: Ruth Phillips (soprano) and Deanna Oye (piano) | 12:15 p.m., University Recital Hall (W570) Jan. 27 | Schubertiade A celebration of Franz Schubert’s music presented by music faculty and students | 7:30 p.m., Lethbridge Public Library Theatre Jan. 28 | Original Brass U of L Faculty Brass Quintet: Trudi Mason (trumpet); Keith Griffioen (trumpet); Thomas Staples (horn); Gerald Rogers (trombone); Nick Sullivan (bass trombone) | 8 p.m., Southminster United Church Jan. 29 | Abbondanza A fabulous night of fun and frivolity 6 p.m., CoCo Pazzo Italian Café Feb. 1 | Music at Noon: Guitarist Jason Barron | 12:15 p.m., University Recital Hall Feb. 7 | Happy 50th Birthday, LSO The Lethbridge Symphony, with the Musaeus String Quartet, performs works by Leonard Bernstein, Tchaikovsky, and U of L Professor Emeritus J.P. Christopher Jackson 8 p.m., Southminster United Church Feb. 8 | Music at Noon: Mark DeJong (saxophone) and David Renter (piano) | 12:15 p.m., University Recital Hall (W570) Feb. 11-12 | An Evening of Chamber Opera | Giancarlo Menotti’s comic radio opera, The Old Maid and the Thief, headlines this Opera Workshop performance 8 p.m. nightly, University Recital Hall (W570)
Feb. 15 | Music at Noon: Margaret Mezei (clarinet); Trudi Mason (trumpet); and Nick Sullivan (bass trombone) | 12:15 p.m., University Recital Hall (W570)
Miscellaneous Through Jan. 21 | Parallel Park (Lab Space) | An exploration of scale by curator/artist Emily Luce | Helen Christou Gallery Jan. 18 | Student Speaker Challenge - What is Global Justice and how can it be achieved? | First round match: Robbie Rolfe vs. Thomas Fox 12:15 p.m., SU300A Jan. 19 | Teacher Job Fair Annual Faculty of Education fair inviting recruiters to campus | 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the UHall Atrium Jan. 19-21 | ULSU Meltdown Battle of the Elements; Molson Meltdown Party in the Zoo; Daniel Wesley Concert in the Zoo Register from Jan. 10-18 in the Students’ Union Building (SU180) Jan. 25 | Hollywood & Beyond: Great American Filmmakers Pinocchio | 6:30 p.m., Lethbridge Public Library Theatre Jan. 26 | Student Speaker Challenge - What is Global Justice and how can it be achieved? | First round match: Brittany Kocken vs. Taylor Webb | 12:15 p.m., SU300A Feb. 1 | Student Speaker Challenge - What is Global Justice and how can it be achieved? | First round match: Channing Stenhouse vs. Sara Ortiz Ospina | 12:15 p.m., SU300A Feb. 9 | Student Speaker Challenge - What is Global Justice and how can it be achieved? | First round match: Alex Massé vs. Rory Tarant | 12:15 p.m., SU300A
NSO ACTIVITIES WELCOME NEW GROUP OF STUDENTS TO CAMPUS BY LINDSEY MEREDITH While the majority of students begin their university experience in September, there are some who opt for a January start. This January, over 200 new faces joined the ranks as U of L students and, for many, their introduction to the University began with New Student Orientation (NSO). Greeted by University president, Dr. Mike Mahon, and
Students’ Union president, Taz Kassam, students were quickly made to feel welcome. A group of 14 mentors facilitated a variety of games and icebreaker events, all designed to help the new students meet one another, establish some initial bonds and become comfortable on campus. The mentors also provided a level of entertainment, doubling as models for the second-ever U of L Bookstore Fashion Show. The new students were then shown around campus and
given assistance locating their classrooms. A Booth Fair was scheduled for the UHall Atrium, where students were given the opportunity to ask questions, interact with their faculties and learn about the many services and opportunities available on campus. Following lunch, a series of sessions and question and answer periods were held, helping to ensure students were prepared for the start of the semester. The first few weeks of
any students’ campus life is a very important time and can make a huge difference in their future success. The University of Lethbridge extends a warm welcome to all students joining our campus this year, and the Recruitment and Student Life office thanks the faculty, staff and senior students who made this latest NSO event so successful. Lindsey Meredith is a co-op student working in the Recruitment and Student Life office.
ULSU TO HONOUR EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING BY ABBY GROENENBOOM The University of Lethbridge Students’ Union (ULSU) would like to formally recognize and honour teaching excellence at the University of Lethbridge. The Students’ Union aims to do this by introducing the Teaching Excellence Award, allowing students an avenue for nominating a professor, sessional staff member or lab instructor who has shown outstanding efforts to increase the learning experience of their students. “The Students’ Union wants to recognize those individuals at the University who have had an impact on their students’ academic career,” says Taz Kassam, ULSU President. “We want to encourage all undergraduate students who have had an exceptional instructor in the 2010-2011 academic year to nominate these well deserved instructors for the Teaching Excellence Award.” The award is based solely on teaching excellence and will be presented to three instructors that meet the award criteria. All undergraduate students are eligible to nominate an instructor for the honour. A student who wishes to nominate an instructor will be required to complete a letter of support outlining how the nominee has demonstrated excellence in teaching. The nomination deadline is Feb. 28, 2011. All nominations will be handed to a selection committee consisting of, the ULSU Vice-president Academic, five members of the ULSU General Assembly, and three students-at-large. The selection committee will then conduct additional research on each candidate, and in March the committee will decide which candidates will be receiving the award. The winners will be formally recognized on Apr. 7, 2011 as part of the ULSU Last Lecture event. “This is the first year that the Students’ Union has offered this award to honour outstanding instructors at the University, and we want to give students an opportunity to acknowledge their appreciation for the impact these individuals have on their students,” says Kassam. Students can visit www. ulsu.ca to download a nomination form and drop it off at the Students’ Union Office by 4:30 p.m. on Feb. 28.
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THREE OPERAS FOR ONE PRICE Three perfectly poignant pieces grace the University Recital Hall stage as Opera Workshop presents, An Evening of Chamber Opera, Feb. 11 and 12 at 8 p.m. nightly. A ‘retro’ trip from the 1930s to the 1950s, the operatic samples on the program feature rarely performed works by composers Samuel Barber, Joseph Haydn and Gian Carlo Menotti. The concert begins with Samuel Barber’s, A Hand of Bridge, where four friends have met for their regular bridge night. “The opera is the exact length of a game of bridge,” says Dr. Sandra Stringer, Opera Workshop director. “We are exposed to the characters’ thoughts and their complicated relationships. We’ve
set the opera in the 1950s, which gives it an interesting look – a lot of fun to see.” Haydn’s, The Diva (La Cantarina), is a comedic opera in two acts. “The opera revolves around the music lesson of a vocal student whose affections are sought by two competing gentlemen, one of them being her music teacher,” explains Stringer. Written in the 18th century, Stringer and company have transformed the opera to capture a nostalgic mood with set and costumes inspired by the 1940s. The evening concludes with Menotti’s, The Old Maid and the Thief, an opera originally composed for the radio in 1939. “We’re staging this opera rather than performing it as would be for the radio, a rarity for any audience to experience,” says Stringer. A vagabond, in search of room and board, happens upon
in focus
The Opera Workshop explores a retro trip from the 1930s to 1950s.
the home of an old maid and her housekeeper. Feeling sorry for the old gentleman, the young servant invites him in. Enter the nosy neighbour, who interprets the vagabond’s visit as a scandal. Delightfully comedic and full of hilarious hijinx, The Old Maid
xperience the rich elegance of Bohemian Europe on Jan. 22 at 8 p.m. in the University Recital Hall as the Faculty Artists and Friends series celebrates the sounds of 18th Century Vienna with Classical Winds. The performances come alive as music faculty Deanna Oye (piano), Margaret Mezei (clarinet) and Dr. Thomas
Staples (horn) are joined onstage by special guests Matthew Howatt (bassoon) and Matt Jaffray (oboe), both from Edmonton. Among the chamber offerings on the program are Beethoven’s Sonata for Horn and Piano Op. 17 and Mozart’s Quintet for Piano and Winds K 452, which highlight the dramatic compositions of high classical Viennese tradition.
“This was a rich period for wind music writing in Vienna, largely because there was a concentration of virtuoso wind players who came to the city in the late 18th century – many of them Bohemian,” says Oye. “Among these virtuosi was Giovanni Punto, the most famous horn player of his day, for whom Beethoven wrote the Sonata for Piano and French Horn, Op. 17 in 1800.” The Quintet for Piano and Winds combines the talents of all the evening’s performers. “Much of the Viennese nobility of the day hired wind players in their courts to provide entertainment and dinner music. As a result, wind octets were written in abundance, largely arrangements of popular operatic tunes,” explains Oye. “Mozart takes this octet model and innovates by using only one of each instrument and adding piano.” Mozart famously wrote to his father in 1784 that, “I composed two grand concertos and then a quintet, which called forth the very greatest applause: I myself consider it to be the best work I have ever composed.” In addition to being a professor of music, Oye maintains an active career as a solo and
“We are pleased to participate in this exciting event,” says Tony Rose, CoCo Pazzo coowner. “It is unlike anything else that goes on in this city.” The festivities include a unique menu highlighting the cuisine of various regions of Italy prepared by CoCo’s expert chefs. Music, works of art and humour are all provided by the Faculty of Fine Arts. Guests get to vote in a most unusual way for their favourite
course and the evening ends with the presentation of the Abbondànza Culinary Trophy, which hangs prominently in the restaurant for the rest of the year. “Abbondànza is Italian for abundance, and we have received an abundance of support from the community, for which we are grateful,” says Doug MacArthur, Abbondànza Committee Chairperson. To date, 29 students have
For the past 10 years, Faculty of Fine Arts professors, staff, students and a local restaurant have joined forces for a good cause – fine arts student scholarships. The 10th Anniversary of Abbondànza, an evening of gourmet food, fine arts and fun fills CoCo Pazzo Italian Café on Saturday, Jan. 29.
and the Thief is sure to leave audiences in stitches. To reserve seats for this unique night of operatic entertainment, visit the University Box Office or call 403-329-2616. Tickets are priced at $15 regular admission, $10 for seniors/students.
Classical Winds showcases faculty musicians
Margaret Mezei, left, Deanna Oye and Dr. Tom Staples headline the Classical Winds concert, performing Jan. 22 at the University Recital Hall.
the Legend
collaborative pianist. Recent performances include chamber recitals in southern Germany with Chicago-based violinist, Jasmine Lin, and a series of concerts and master classes in Manitoba in spring 2010. Mezei, a U of L studio instructor and Music Conservatory Coordinator, is an active clarinetist, clinician, examiner and adjudicator. She is principal clarinet for the Lethbridge Symphony Orchestra and principal second clarinet with the Red Deer Symphony Orchestra. A professor of music, Staples maintains an active career performing, teaching and conducting. He is the director of the University of Lethbridge Wind Orchestra, Chamber Band, Brass Choir and coach for the Horn Quartet, Horn Choir and University Student Brass Quintets. He is principal horn in the Lethbridge Symphony Orchestra and a former member of Bridge Brass. Tickets for the Jan. 22 performance of Classical Winds are available at the University Box Office, Monday through Friday, from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m., or by calling 403-329-2616. Tickets are $15 for regular admission and $10 for seniors and students.
received scholarship totaling $22,000. “All the donations go directly to the Abbondànza Endowment fund that will continue to support students far into the future.” Tickets are $125 (include $60 income tax receipt). There are a very few tickets left for the event, and for more information, call Katherine Wasiak at 403329-2227.
Within a rural Russian landscape, Anton Chekhov’s masterpiece, The Seagull, weaves a touching and often comic story of love, ambition and hopefulness. Showing Feb. 15-19 (8 p.m. nightly with a Feb. 19, 2 p.m. matinee) in the David Spinks Theatre, the U of L’s interpretation of the Seagull is directed by Richard Epp. Written in 1895, The Seagull set a new a standard of realism on the stage. “By the time Anton Chekhov turned his attention to crafting The Seagull, he was established as an award-winning author of short stories, and a playwright of brief, farcical entertainments,” says Epp. “It was The Seagull which assured Chekhov’s place as a celebrated Russian playwright and as a most influential figure of 20th century theatre.” The Seagull exposes the complex relationships and conflicts of an eccentric collection of characters visiting a sprawling country estate. Early on, it is apparent that playwright Konstantin loves his mother Irina, but is jealous of her fame as an actress and depressed about his own lack of success. From the moment Konstantin’s play is presented to family and friends, everything begins to go wrong. “In support of The Seagull’s interest in generations of writers and actors, our talented cast and crew comprises students and alumni, faculty and staff, young and old, all of whom share a great respect for the play and a love of theatre,” remarks Epp. “The artistic designers of The Seagull, Roger Schultz (set and costumes), James McDowell (lighting) and Kelly Roberts (sound), are alumni of our degree program in Theatre and Dramatic Arts. As students in 1989, all three worked on my production of Chekhov’s Three Sisters. It’s a pleasure to work with all of them again,” Epp says. Among the talented cast are alumna Dr. Laurin Mann, who returns to campus as Arkadina, and Drama Education associate professor Dr. John Poulsen, who plays the bumbling estate manager, Ilya Shamrayev. Also featured, in a rare performance, is English Professor Emeritus, Dr. Brian Tyson, as the retired court official, Pyotr Sorin.
(Left) Frederick H. Brigden, Orchard, 1912 From the University of Lethbridge Art Collection; Acquired from Morris Art Dealers and Consultants, Toronto, Ontario in 1985.
(Below) Frederick S. Challener, Still Life with Roses From the University of Lethbridge Art Collection; Acquired from Kaspar Gallery in 1984.
When Art Gallery Director Dr. Josie Mills asked me if I wanted to write something for the Lasting Images page of the Legend on the occasion of my retirement, I gladly grasped the opportunity to showcase my favourite works of art in the University’s collection. During my career as registrar for the art collection, so many great works of art have passed through my hands, but two small paintings held my attention over the years – it was love at first sight, and I still would like to take them home.
Why these two? First of all, they are beautifully painted, with not a brushstroke out of place. Also, there may be some nostalgia at play. The flower still life by F.S. Challener (1869-1959) is a wee little painting but packs a lot of attitude. Its dramatic chiaroscuro brings out the flowers to perfection, reminding me of the Dutch 17th century flower still lives of Bosschaert (but painted with the ‘joi de vivre’ of Frans Hals!). The Impressionist landscape by F.H. Brigden (1871-1956), is atmospheric and full of the lush greens and flowering trees of spring. It evokes the rolling hills of Limburg and Bohemia that I know so well. These are my “feel good” paintings. Art and nature are my two passions. I have been very lucky to find both in Lethbridge, and I hope that I’ll be able to indulge in both in the years to come.
Lucie Linhart Thank you, U of L, for a swell time!
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